Prayer for a happy one. A strong prayer for good luck and success in everything. Prayer of gratitude to the Guardian Angel

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Prayer for family happiness is quite natural for everyone who wants to live in love and understanding with their spouse, children, and parents. In the understanding of a believer, a happy family is mutual love, support, respect, and all this is accompanied by the Lord.

Family well-being occupies a special place in the life of an Orthodox person. Even the Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to his disciple Timothy: “a woman will be saved by bearing children.” So, for our prosperous life it is simply necessary that we have a faithful spouse and healthy children and parents nearby. Who can ask the Heavenly Powers for happiness in the family, and how to do it correctly?

One of the Sacraments of the Orthodox Church is marriage. So Jesus Christ sanctified the marriage bond in Canna of Galilee, and turned it into wine at the wedding plain water. He showed the believers that a strong union is pleasing to the Lord, as is its celebration.

  • Both already married and single people can ask the Almighty for happiness and prosperity in married life.
  • Even in pre-revolutionary times, Russian girls had a tradition of asking for a good marriage and strong family on the day of the Intercession Holy Mother of God.
  • On their wedding day, many newlyweds turn to the Lord for the blessing of their union.
  • You can and should ask for wisdom and humility, health and financial well-being every day, turning to God, His saints and the Virgin Mary.

The prayer for happiness in family life to the Almighty is read in these words:

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray to You for my family happiness. Grant us in our family love for each other. Grant to us that our love may strengthen and multiply. Teach me to love my spouse with all my heart, teach me to love him (her) as You and Your Son Jesus Christ loved me. Grant me to understand what I need to remove from my life and what I need to learn so that we can have a happy family. Grant me wisdom in my behavior and in my words so that I never irritate or upset my spouse. Amen"

Prayer for the happiness of Blessed Xenia

When hard times come, the spouses are haunted by failures in their worldly affairs, family well-being is under threat. After all, you must agree that when a person is not going well with his everyday affairs, he can accidentally offend another person, and often under “ hot hand"The other half gets there.

In this case, you should pray to Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg, who will help resolve all everyday troubles and give a little success in business:

“Oh holy all-blessed mother Ksenia! You who lived under the shelter of the Most High, known and strengthened by the Mother of God, endured hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, received the gift of clairvoyance and miracles from God and rested under the canopy of the Almighty.

Now the Holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorifies you. Standing at the place of your burial, before your holy image, as if you were alive and present with us, we pray to you: accept our petitions and bring them to the Throne of the merciful Heavenly Father, as you have boldness towards Him.

Ask those who flow to you for eternal salvation, for our good deeds and undertakings to receive a generous blessing, and for deliverance from all troubles and sorrows. Stand before our All-Merciful Savior with your holy prayers for us, unworthy and sinners.

Help, holy blessed mother Xenia, to illuminate the infants with the light of holy baptism and to seal them with the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit, to educate boys and girls in faith, honesty, fear of God and grant them success in learning; heal the sick and sick, family love and the consent of those who have come down, honor those who are monastics to strive with good deeds and protect them from reproaches, strengthen the shepherds in the strength of the Holy Spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and tranquility, pray for those deprived of communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ in the dying hour.

You are our hope and hope, quick hearing and deliverance, we send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer for happiness in love

There is nothing shameful in turning to the Heavenly Powers for help with requests for personal life and the gift of mutual love. In addition to the Lord God, prayers for personal happiness can be read to the Mother of God and Her miraculous icons:

  • Georgian icon of the Virgin Mary
  • "Fadeless Color"

You can ask the Most Pure Virgin Mary from her images like this:

“Before You, Most Holy Mother of God, I bow and only before You can I open my heart. You know, Mother of God, everything that I, God’s servant (name), want to ask for, for my heart is free, empty, not maybe it is without hot love. I pray and ask, give me a quick way to the only one who can illuminate my whole life with light and open his heart towards mine for the long-awaited and happy merging our destinies and finding one soul for two. Amen".

Excellent helpers in arranging your personal life are:

  • Great Martyrs Paraskeva and Catherine
  • Apostle Andrew the First-Called
  • Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Very strong and effective prayers for mutual love, both for spouses and for unmarried people, are usually read to holy couples:

  • Martyrs Adrian and Natalia
  • Venerable Peter and Fevronia
  • Righteous Joachim and Anna

Address Saints Natalia and Adrian with these prayer words:

“Oh, sacred duo, holy martyrs of Christ Natalia and Adrian, blessed spouses and sufferers. Hear me, God's servant (name), praying to you with pain and tears, send patience to the body and soul of God's servant (name) and God's servant (name of husband), and ask our Almighty, may he have mercy on us and send us his sacred mercy, may we not perish in terrible sins ours. Holy martyrs Natalia and Adrian, I beg you, accept the voice of my request, and deliver us from destruction, famine, betrayal, divorce, invasion, abuse and abuse, from sudden death and from all sorrows, troubles and illnesses. Amen".

About the happiness of a daughter or son

Maternal prayer has incredible power, and helps in the most difficult moments: in illness, lack of money, loneliness and all sorts of other worldly affairs. It is parents who are the patrons of the happiness of their child, they raise him, teach him and pray to the Lord for their well-being.

To make life’s path less bumpy for your daughter or son, you should turn to the Lord God with the following prayer words:

“Lord Jesus Christ, awaken Thy mercy on my children (names), keep them under Thy roof, cover them from all evil lust, drive away from them every enemy and adversary, open the ears and eyes of their hearts, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance.
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my children (names) and enlighten their minds with the light of reason of Your Gospel and guide them on the path of Your commandments and teach them, O Savior, to do Your will, for You are our God.”

Matrona of Moscow is one of the famous saints of our time.

The old woman was glorified among the saints of God. Both during her life and after her death, many people flock to her with prayer requests for help in solving everyday problems. Girls ask for marriage, childless couples beg for a long-awaited child, the unemployed ask for help finding a decent job.

And the prayer to Matrona of Moscow for love truly works miracles.

What to ask Matrona of Moscow

Any person who has once visited the Intercession Monastery and venerated her miraculous relics will never forget the feeling of warmth and joy that visited him during prayer. This state of grace is difficult to convey in words.

Matronushka lived in Russia in the twentieth century. She was blind from birth and spent a lot of time in prayer to the Almighty, whom she loved with all her soul. The Lord granted her mercy - a miracle to heal the sick, help people in their troubles, and strengthen them in faith.

What do the saints pray for:

Holy Matronushka always helps people. This is felt by those who with faith and love pray to her for intercession before the Lord.

Prayer for help

O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who in all your life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope who resort to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who passionately fights, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for others; help us, after departing from this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for help in love

O blessed Mother Matrono, with your soul standing in heaven before the Throne of God, with your body resting on earth, and exuding various miracles by the grace given from above. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, our waiting days, comfort us, desperate ones, heal our fierce ailments, from God we are allowed by our sins, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, in whose image we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour, and through your prayers having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

Infancy and adolescence

In 1881, in one of the villages of the Tula province, a girl was born into a peasant family. She was the fourth child after her older brothers. She was blind from birth, her eyes were tightly closed with her eyelids, and on her chest there shone a bulge - a miraculous cross.

Natalya, the mother of a newborn child, being pregnant, decided to send the baby to a shelter due to the lack of financial ability to feed a large family. But just before giving birth, in a sleepy vision, a huge white-winged bird with closed eyes came to the woman and sat on her chest.

Miracle of the Birth of Saint Matrona

After the birth of the baby, the God-fearing mother realized that the vision was a sign from Heaven and abandoned her sinful intention. She fell in love with her “unfortunate daughter” very much.

Matrona grew up and tried to spend more and more time within the walls of the church; she felt calm and comfortable there, she really loved to attend services. And at home the girl took icons off the wall and played with them, as if talking to saints. She whispered something to them, and then put the icon to her ear, as if listening to the answer to the question.

When the girl was 8 years old, God revealed to her the gift of clairvoyance and miracles. She could heal the sick from serious illnesses, raised the infirm from their beds, and made paralyzed people walk for years. She consoled those who came to her in their sorrows and supported them in their faith. As a token of gratitude, the suffering left her food and gifts, thus Matrona was not a burden, but the main breadwinner in a poor family.

Adult years and moving to Moscow

One day the blessed one was traveling with her friend to holy places and met the righteous John of Kronstadt.

Seeing the girl, he ordered the parishioners to make way for her and said that Matrona is his worthy replacement, “the eighth pillar of Russia”. Thus, he foresaw her special service for the Glory of Christ.

Later, the girl lost her legs, but she accepted the serious illness with humility, realizing that everything is the Will of God. Now Matrona could only sit or lie. But even in this state, she did not stop accepting people and helping them. She carried the Heavy Cross with dignity until the end of her days.

In the 20s of the twentieth century, she was forced to move to the capital. Her brothers became ardent communists and were not happy with their God-fearing sister. Matrona wandered through basements and other people's Moscow apartments, hiding from possible arrest and still receiving people. 40-50 people visited her a day, everyone came to her with sorrows and illnesses. The saint did not refuse help to anyone and, according to their faith, everyone received what they asked for.

In 1952, Matrona was given the date of her repose in Christ, but she, like a mere mortal man, was afraid of death, afraid, but wanted to meet the Heavenly Father. She went to the Lord on May 2 and was buried in the Danilovsky churchyard. In 1998, her incorrupt relics were exhumed and transferred to a shrine on the territory of the Intercession Monastery. In 1999, Matrona of Moscow was canonized and canonized as a Saint of the Russian Orthodox Church.

How to pray to the old woman correctly

Prayer is a sincere conversation with a saint, implying a request for help.

But in order for the prayers to reach the “addressee” and the request to be fulfilled, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations:

  • words must be spoken from the heart, without a drop of pretense;
  • need to concentrate;
  • you need to think about the saint and about the person for whom the prayer is being said - only these thoughts should be in the prayer book’s head;
  • the passionate sound of the petition is pleasing to Matrona, but reading an insensitive dry text can anger her and will not bring any benefit;
  • It is necessary to pronounce words out loud or in a whisper, but not “to yourself”;
  • Before starting prayer work, you should receive a blessing from the parish priest, confess and receive communion, and ask people for forgiveness for the offenses caused.

About Orthodox prayer:

It happens that you have to wait not a month, but years for prayer desires to be fulfilled. But even in this case, we must not lose hope. The Lord, seeing a person’s sincere intentions, will certainly reward the prayer book for his humility and work.

It is important to be a sincere believer with a pure heart. One should say prayers as often as possible, lead a pious life and get rid of sins.

Prayer to Saint Matrona of Moscow

Prayer has always been a powerful weapon, a great defense of man. It acts as a connection with God and helps to conduct an intimate conversation with him. Prayer involves repentance for mistakes made, an outpouring of heartfelt wishes, and a request for help. The effectiveness of prayers in difficult moments of life is confirmed not only by Orthodox believers, but also by representatives of other religions.

Which saint should you pray to and who should you light a candle for success in business? There are many powerful prayers, as well as conspiracies for good luck and luck in all areas of life. They have a significant difference. If prayer is an appeal to God and the saints, then a conspiracy is a series of magical words to attract what you want, often with ritual action. In order for the words of appeal to the Higher Powers to have an effect, their pronunciation must be under certain conditions.

Prayer is only a tool, the power of which is given by the intention of the speaker. For this tool to work, you need to know the features of reading the prayer. Prayer in church has the greatest power, but at home you can also get support if you pray sincerely. You should never perform a prayer that leads to the misfortune of other people; this is a great sin. If a person is full of envy and self-interest, then his prayer will not be heard. He must repent and cleanse himself.

The power of pure intention allows even an unbeliever to achieve success. To attract good luck in business, turn to the face of a saint; it is advisable to use candles, a lamp, or you can look intently at the fire. Prayer is not just a set of words, it is certain vibrations that affect a person’s energy. When pronouncing the words of a prayer or conspiracy, it is important to be extremely concentrated. Frequently pronouncing the same phrases becomes addictive; they cease to resonate in the soul. For prayer to have an effect, you need to constantly pass every word through your heart and mind.

Which saints should you call on in a difficult life situation? In order for everything to go well at work and for all questions related to career development and business, you should contact:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Apostle Paul;
  • Saint Tryphon;
  • Saint Matrona;
  • Ksenia of Petersburg.

In addition, they pray to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for well-being. It is possible to appeal to the Holy Mother of God, John the Merciful, Righteous John of Kronstadt, Tikhon of Zadonsk. The prayer to the icon of the Mother of God “Help of Sinners”, the martyrs Harlampy and Tryphon, the icon “Kazan”, “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” helps in financial matters. They ask the Lord himself for protection in everything, reading the prayer:

“Our Lord Almighty! Glorifying your name in all ages, people have never known their prayers to be refused. Lord Our Almighty, give me strength to overcome misfortunes and grave troubles. Take the bad weather away from my house, from my body and my soul. Hear the requests of Your servant (name) and do not leave them unanswered. For the glory of the Lord, amen."

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most significant saints in Orthodox Church. From childhood I served God. As a young man, he became a reader in christian church, and then was accepted into the clergy. His righteous life was filled with helping all those in need. He spent the fortune he received after the death of his parents on charity.

Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the patron saint of children, travelers, and merchants. A prayer addressed to him can give a person luck, prosperity, support in overcoming all obstacles, achieving heights in business, and earning money in any business. Regular daily prayer on your knees in front of his icon gives good luck in any endeavor, when trying to get a place in large company, helps to protect yourself from mistakes. The intercession of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will support you in the most critical situation. Prayers are offered to Nicholas the Pleasant financial success, well-being, why read this prayer:

“Oh, all-validated, great wonderworker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas!
We pray to you, awaken the hope of all Christians, protector of the faithful, feeder of the hungry, joy of the weeping, doctor of the sick, steward of those floating on the sea, feeder of the poor and orphans, and quick helper and patron of all, may we live a peaceful life here and may we be worthy to see the glory of God’s elect in heaven , and with them unceasingly sing the praises of the one worshiped God in the Trinity forever and ever. Amen".

To enlist the support of the saint in all matters, they say the following prayer:

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, help me the accursed in everything, beg the Lord God, Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: yes always I glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Blessed Matrona

Blind from birth, she had a special gift - spiritual vision. When the girl was 7 years old, Matrona received the gift of prediction and began to heal the sick. She spent all her free time in the temple, but from the age of seventeen she lost the ability to walk for the rest of her life. People lined up to see her for help in healing from illnesses and problems.

Prayer in front of her icon helps solve problems in work and with money. But you should not try to ask for easy money from gambling or lottery, dishonest labor. Using the assistance of a saint in an unwholesome deed will only lead to repentance. It’s time for the Holy Matronushka to sincerely repent of her sins, because her mercy knows no bounds.

In order for everything to work out in life, it is good to turn to her with a prayer for the fulfillment of desires:

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. I tearfully pray to you and resort to your help. Help me fulfill all my bright desires - innermost and cherished. Save me from vain desires that destroy the soul and wound the body. Help me, Matronushka, bless me for a just cause. Help me fulfill my desire. (Briefly state the essence of your desire). Become my intercessor and helper. Pray for me, God's servant (name) of the Lord God and the Mother of God. Thy will be done. Amen".

It’s time to send a letter with your requests to one of the churches. If there is an icon depicting Mother Matronushka, then there is a chance to pray at home by buying a candle in the church. It is also recommended to place an odd number of roses under the image of the Blessed Matrona; she loved these flowers very much. Before starting prayer, let go of all thoughts and tune in to a frank, honest request.

The intercessor will give strength even after saying a short but very powerful prayer:

“Holy, righteous old woman Matrono, pray to God for us!”

After this, they ask out loud that everything goes well in work, personal life, well-being, and promotion.

Venerable Sergei of Radonezh

One of the most famous saints in Rus' is the founder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - Rev. Father Sergius. People turn to him for help in learning, to overcome passions, and for protection from wars. To successfully pass the exam, as well as before competitions, read the following prayer:

“O sacred head, Reverend and God-bearing Father Sergius, by your prayer, and by faith, and by love for God, and by the purity of your heart, you have established your soul on earth in the monastery of the Most Holy Trinity, and have been granted angelic communion and the visitation of the Most Holy Theotokos, and the gift of miraculous grace received, after your departure from the earthly, you came closer to God, and partook of the Heavenly Powers, but also did not retreat from us with the spirit of your love and your honest power, like a vessel of grace full and overflowing, left to us! Having great boldness towards the All-Merciful Master, pray to save His servants, His grace existing in you, believing and flowing to you with love. Ask us from our great God for every gift that is beneficial to everyone, observance of the immaculate faith, strengthening of our cities, peace, and deliverance from famine and destruction, preservation from the invasion of foreigners, consolation for the afflicted, healing for the sick, restoration for the fallen, and for those who are led astray on the path of truth. and return of salvation, strengthening for those who strive, prosperity and blessing for those who do good in good deeds, education for infants, instruction for the young, admonition for the ignorant, intercession for orphans and widows, departing from this temporary life for the eternal, good preparation and guidance, for those who have departed, blessed repose, and all of us who help you through your prayers, on the day of the Last Judgment, the last part will be delivered, and the right hand of the country will be partakers and hear the blessed voice of the Lord Christ: come, blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Amen".

These words will give you emotional balance, calm you down, and instead of worry you will have confidence in your abilities. It is important to understand that prayer alone will not work a miracle. One must actually put in effort in studying, as help comes only to those who work hard to achieve the goal.

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Saint Spyridon is known for his righteous lifestyle, many good deeds, and helping his neighbors. After the death of his wife, he forgave all people their debts and went to wander, performing many miraculous deeds. Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is approached with a request for financial well-being, due to lack of money, when buying an apartment or car. He assists in resolving legal issues.

“O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and our God for a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

This prayer is best said in the evening, every day, until the problem is completely resolved. Imagine the face of a saint, address him with all sincerity.

Holy Blessed Xenia of Petersburg

To find good luck in your personal life, successful marriage, love, you can turn to the Most Holy Theotokos, Saint Catherine, Saint Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, Saint Peter and Fevronia of Murom, as well as Matrona of Moscow. Ksenia Petersburgskaya is famous for her full of prayers, deprivation, suffering of a lonely life after the death of her husband. During her 45-year journey, the saint performed many good deeds, but did not show them off. One of the most powerful prayers of Ksenia of Petersburg for a successful marriage:

“Oh, All-Good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on the fact that I love You with all my soul and with all my heart and that I fulfill Your holy will in everything. Rule Yourself, O my God, over my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and self-love: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is disgusting to You and gives rise to vices, give me the desire to work hard and bless my labors. Since Your law commands people to live in honest marriage, then lead me, Holy Father, to this title sanctified by You, not to please my lust, but to fulfill Your destiny, for You Yourself said: it is not good for a man to be alone and, having created for him a wife as a helper, blessed them to grow, multiply and populate the earth. Hear my humble prayer sent to You from the depths of a girl’s heart; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love and harmony with him we glorify You, the Merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Guardian angel

To gain confidence and calmness in tomorrow, protection from obstacles, especially before a long journey, people resort to prayer to the Guardian Angel.

“Holy Angel of Christ, my benefactor and patron, I pray to you, a sinner. Help an Orthodox Christian who lives according to God’s commandments. I ask you for little; I don’t ask for gold, I don’t ask for surplus, I don’t ask for filthy satiety. But I ask you to help me on my journey through life, I ask you to support me in difficult times, I ask you for honest luck; and everything else will come on its own, if it is the will of the Lord. Therefore, I don’t think about anything more than success in my life’s journey and in all sorts of affairs. Forgive me if I have sinned before you and God, pray for me to the Heavenly Father and send your blessings upon me. Amen".

Powerful Prayer for good luck, which is used daily:

“I call on my guardian angel to touch my destiny, to direct my path towards prosperity and good luck. When my guardian angel hears me, my life will take on a blessed miracle new meaning, and I will find success in today’s business, and in future affairs there will be no obstacles for me, for the hand of my guardian angel guides me. Amen".

Before work and before starting any business, read the following prayer:

“Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed One, our souls.”

These words should precede only good deeds. Praying for a deed with bad intentions will only lead to bitter retribution. It is said before leaving the house.

You cannot expect instant results from prayers, since everyone has their own level spiritual development. If there is no place for the Lord in the heart, then the desire cannot be fulfilled quickly. To enhance the effect of prayers, it is useful to perform godly deeds. They visit the temple, light a candle so that the Lord knows about the zeal of the person praying. It is especially good to express your respect to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It protects from misfortunes, adversity and troubles. They are advised to perform Christian rituals. All these actions strengthen faith, and therefore enhance the influence of prayer.

Prayers, even said according to the rules, with all your heart, will not take all the steps necessary on the physical plane for a person. Prayer serves to strengthen the spirit and self-confidence, but a person must do everything else himself.

Has a bad streak turned your life into gray everyday life? Do you want to start over from scratch, but don't have enough luck? We will share with you prayers that will help you become happier, more successful and richer.

Our whole life is filled with coincidences. This may seem strange to some, but our success is built on little things that we don’t even pay attention to. For example, you are working tirelessly, trying to fulfill your dream - to get a promotion, and an inexperienced colleague who has been working for only a few months is being promoted. And countless such troubles can happen in a day. They accumulate and cause us great inconvenience.

Fortunately, there is salvation - these are prayers for good luck and prosperity, which will help you both in everyday worries and in something large-scale, large, comprehensive. It is known that everyone who seeks and asks always gets what they want.
Powerful prayer for success and good luck

Very often, to achieve complete happiness and joy, people lack simple luck and banal luck. Help you attract success orthodox prayers. Here is an example of one of them:

“Oh, Heavenly Ruler, Lord Almighty, I direct the words of my prayer to You. Please shine a light on my path to a successful life. Reward me with luck, may it become my faithful companion throughout my earthly life. Drive away from me everything bad, evil and insidious. May my days become brighter and kinder. Light my path with incredible luck and earthly prosperity. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
This prayer should be read daily for a month, preferably in the morning. Sincere words addressed to the Lord will contribute to achieving unprecedented luck and unprecedented success.

Effective prayer for prosperity and well-being
Every person wants to increase their material wealth and improve their level of personal well-being. Often, Orthodox believers turn to the Higher Powers for help, reading prayers that help attract prosperity and genuine happiness. Text of the prayer accompanying the replenishment and increase of all material, spiritual and social benefits:
“Give me, O God, your grace, for I glorify Your name and enjoy the life You have given me. May heavenly peace, peace and wealth always move hand in hand with me. Give me your love and strength. Bring peace and grace into my life. Give my life joy, immense happiness, prosperity and prosperity. Take troubles, sorrows and failures away from me. Reward me with all the blessings of the world that will accompany me on the path to a righteous life. May earthly prosperity and well-being in life never leave me in complete abundance. Amen".
Such prayer for achieving prosperity and well-being is one of the strongest and most effective. Prayer words will certainly help increase personal growth and color the usual way of your life. Do not forget that words must come from a pure heart, from the depths of the soul, and contain only good and pure thoughts.

The most powerful prayer for happiness and prosperity in 2018

So that luck and prosperity do not leave you in the coming year, you should read special prayers, which will serve as an impulse to awaken genuine happiness and good luck.

The words of prayer have impressive result, which is capable of completely changing your life in the new 2018, bringing with it joy, prosperity, success, immense wealth and success in all endeavors.
Words of prayer:
“Oh, our Father Lord! Forgive me for all my sinful deeds and grant me Your forgiveness. Give me prosperity, strong physical and mental. Fill my life with material and spiritual wealth. Drive away all evil from me, protect me from devilish temptations. Guide me on the right path, where all my endeavors will be endowed with luck and prosperity. May I glorify and render great honors to the Heavenly King, my Lord. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Forever and ever. Amen".

By reading these prayers regularly throughout the year, you will change the world around you, removing bad luck from it. You have the power to improve your life and the lives of your loved ones. Prayers will help you switch from failure to success and prosperity. It doesn’t matter when you read the prayers - it is important to believe that everything is possible.

When family happiness hangs by a thread, some strong prayers, said in a special way, can restore harmony and understanding.

Being a Small Church, Orthodox family considers prayers and fasting an integral part of his life. But no one is immune from discord and quarrels. Turning to your patron saints in sincere prayer can be an effective help.

How and when to pray

Traditionally, a man is considered the core of the family, a guide and protector, and a woman is considered the protective principle, the keeper of the hearth and comfort. Therefore, prayers for the preservation and well-being of the family will be better received by a woman who lives with her heart.

Ask for reconciliation and resolution difficult situations it is best to be in a calm state and believe that the request will be heard. Priests do not recommend praying when you are unbalanced or angry at loved ones: this may be harmful and will not bring the desired peace.

Prayer to God for family and children

“Lord Almighty, our Father and Shepherd! I humbly and humbly ask for Your help. Save our family from the misfortune and sin of divorce, and save our children (our child) from living in an incomplete family, without a father. Give us the gift of Love and understanding, teach me, the servant of God (name), to love my spouse even more before You and people, teach him to love and respect me, send us family happiness and joy. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen."

Read this prayer with all your heart as many times as you see fit. The best number for repeating prayers and mantras is the number 8, with which many Orthodox signs and traditions are associated.

Prayer to the Virgin Mary for family happiness

“To the Heavenly Lady, Holy Intercessor and Patroness! Cover my family with Your heavenly cover, Soften the heart of my husband and lead our children to peace, love and openness to all that is good; Do not allow anyone from my family to experience separation and difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance. Amen."

Prayer to Saint John the Theologian for softening hearts and reconciliation

“Oh, John, servant of Christ, comforter, intercessor and truth-teller! I beg you, take my family and our children under your protection! Protect us and reconcile our suffering hearts, instill in them joy and love for each other, do not allow the sin of divorce and the severance of family ties to happen. Pray to our Lord, Jesus Christ and His Most Holy Mother the Virgin Mary for mercy and protection! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen"

Prayers to Peter and Fevronia

“Great patrons of families and loved ones, working miracles and guiding on the right path, the blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, guardians and pillars of Murom! I beg you, I come to you for help and consolation, I pray with faith and hope: ask for us, sinners and unworthy, our Lord Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, ask for peace, understanding and love for our family, mitigation of anger and resentment, goodness and purity our deeds, words and thoughts. Do not leave us, weak and sinners, without your help and intercession, enlighten us and lead us to the right path. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever. Amen."

This prayer is considered the most powerful of all offered to Peter and Fevronia:

“Oh, holy wonderworkers, great God-pleasers, patrons of family happiness, Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! Hear graciously our request from us, the unworthy and the orphaned, and through your intercession from our Lord ask us for firmness in faith and good deeds, peace and joy, and the strength of faith, deliver us from doubts, anxieties and sorrows, and allow us to live in purity and love , and enter the Kingdom of Heaven! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Peter and Fevronia are considered intercessors and organizers of family happiness. It is from them that people most often ask for the love and fidelity of a loved one, as well as for happiness in life.

Prayers have long been considered one of the most powerful ways to achieve prosperity, good luck and protection. Our ancestors used prayers and spells to get what they wanted. We wish you strong family happiness, love and fidelity, and do not forget to press the buttons and