Urea fertilizer instructions for use. Fertilizing cucumbers and tomatoes with urea in the garden in spring. Proportions of urea for different types of feeding

For feeding garden and ornamental crops nitrogen fertilizers are needed. With their help, plants begin to grow intensively and acquire large, richly colored leaves. This article is all about the use of urea, which improves the growth of green spaces in the city and rural greenhouses. Practically get to know proper feeding plants with urea, you can watch the video.

The first of the synthesized protein compounds is urea. This scientific name is urea - a fertilizer for feeding garden and ornamental crops, which is used to accelerate growth. Urea belongs to the group of nitrogen fertilizers and is used in agriculture since the 18th century.

The product is produced by synthesis from inorganic substances and is a granular mass consisting of round, milky, sometimes translucent granules. Currently, the industrial production of urea is in the form of tablets.

Urea can be purchased in granule form

In terms of its chemical composition, almost half of urea consists of pure urea, which dissolves without residue in any liquid, including water.

When applied to the soil, granulated urea gradually dissolves in the water that the plants receive when watering. Slowly entering the plants, dissolved urea nourishes the roots for a long time, gradually, throughout the entire period of growing the crop. In the soil, nitrogen changes its chemical composition, from the amide form to the ammonia form, and then to the nitrate form. Slow change chemical composition guarantees prolonged nutrition of plants with substances necessary for growth.

Nitrogen starvation manifests itself in plants in slower growth, yellowing of leaves, inhibition of plant development and complete death. The introduction of urea during the formation of fruit trees And berry bushes unnaturally thin and short branches with small discolored leaves. Nitrogen deficiency is expressed at the beginning of leaf fall in the summer, when most of the leaves on plants turn yellow in more early date than it should be in nature. In spring, weak, underdeveloped buds form on plants lacking nitrogen.

It is allowed to feed fruit trees and shrubs with urea; it is an effective fertilizer for wild strawberries, strawberries, and all vegetable crops, including carrots, etc.

Urea - how to apply fertilizer correctly

When fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers, in particular urea, several types of plant nutrition should be distinguished:

Pre-sowing treatment– urea granules are applied into the furrows during spring plowing. The depth of incorporation of urea into the soil is at least 4 cm.

Fertilizer application

Fertilizing with urea during sowing eventsthe best option is the use of the composition in combination with potash fertilizers. In this case, it is not allowed for the granules to be mixed with the seeds; it is necessary to provide a layer of soil between the granulated fertilizers and the seed.

Fertilizer application during the period of growth– most effective method is foliar feeding of plantings. To do this, urea is dissolved in water, spraying on the green mass is carried out in the early morning hours or at sunset, in calm weather.

Important! Foliar fertilizing with urea is not recommended on days when precipitation occurs.

An aqueous solution of urea does not burn the leaves; it is convenient to spray plants using special pumps. The usual norm for diluting a solution is from 9 to 15 g of urea per 10 liters of water, and it matters which plants are planned to be treated - herbaceous plants spray with a more gentle composition, trees and shrubs with a concentrated one. Adult apple and pear trees need feeding in a ratio of 200 g of dry urea per bucket of water. For cherries, plums and apricots, the urea consumption will be 120 g/bucket.

Important! One tbsp. a spoon holds 10 g of urea; matchboxes - 13 g; faceted glass - 130 g of urea.

Treatment with urea against pests

Spraying with urea is effective in controlling plant pests. Spraying is carried out in the spring, when a constant average daily temperature is +5 C. It is important to carry out the procedure before the buds awaken, then all pests overwintering in the scales and under the bark will be guaranteed to be destroyed.

A urea solution for pest control is prepared in a concentration of 50 to 70 g per 1 liter of water. Spraying with urea helps destroy aphids, weevils, copperheads and a host of other pests.

Treatment of the garden with nitrogen can be carried out both in autumn and spring.

In autumn, during the first stage of leaf fall, it is useful to spray trees with urea solution on which traces have been noticed. infectious diseases: scab, all types of spotting, rust and others. The solution is used to treat trees along the crown and leaf litter. This treatment is very effective remedy from infectious diseases of garden trees, garden next year will not be affected by infections. Simultaneously with the treatment, the urea solution fertilizes the plants.

Pros and cons of feeding plants with urea

The positive properties of urea are:

  • When fertilized with urea, plants easily absorb nitrogen, which has a positive effect on their growth and the expansion of green mass.
  • Treating plants with a fertilizer solution on leaves does not cause burns leaf blade, this foliar feeding is an effective and gentle means, which, along with fertilizing plants, can effectively fight garden pests, as well as pathogenic infections.
  • The urea solution is quickly absorbed by plants sensitive to elevated pH levels in the soil.
  • Excellent results were noted when fertilizing plants with urea in irrigated areas, as well as when applied to crops grown when the beds were filled with water.

It is very important to observe the dosage when applying fertilizers.
  • Guaranteed increase in yield in the garden or garden when feeding plants with urea.
  • Ease and simplicity foliar treatment plants and adding urea to the soil.
  • Availability of fertilizer at price and availability.

The disadvantages of fertilizing with urea are the following aspects:

  • A strong concentration of fertilizer when applied to the soil when sowing seeds can reduce the germination of seeds and delay their germination.
  • Urea requires careful storage.
  • The use of urea in a mixture with phosphorus fertilizers is possible only when mixing absolutely dry substances, increased acidity the effects of mixed fertilizing must be neutralized by adding chalk to the soil.

Advice! Granular urea must be stored in a dry place, otherwise the fertilizer strongly absorbs moisture and turns into lumps.

The size of the harvest depends on each gardener. Timely and competent application of fertilizing can ensure soil fertility and full productivity of garden and garden crops for nutrients received on time.

Spraying the garden with urea: video

Nitrogen fertilizers are needed to feed garden and ornamental crops. With their help, plants begin to grow intensively and acquire large, richly colored leaves. This article is all about the use of urea, which improves the growth of green spaces in the city and rural greenhouses. You can practically get acquainted with the correct feeding of plants with urea by watching the video.

The first of the synthesized protein compounds is urea. This scientific name is urea - a fertilizer for feeding garden and ornamental crops, which is used to accelerate growth. Urea belongs to the group of nitrogen fertilizers and has been used in agriculture since the 18th century.

The product is produced by synthesis from inorganic substances and is a granular mass consisting of round, milky, sometimes translucent granules. Currently, the industrial production of urea is in the form of tablets.

Urea can be purchased in granule form

In terms of its chemical composition, almost half of urea consists of pure nitrogen, which dissolves without residue in any liquid, including water.

When applied to the soil, granulated urea gradually dissolves in the water that the plants receive when watering. Slowly entering the plants, dissolved urea nourishes the roots for a long time, gradually, throughout the entire period of growing the crop. In the soil, nitrogen changes its chemical composition, from the amide form to the ammonia form, and then to the nitrate form. A slow change in the chemical composition guarantees prolonged nutrition of plants with the substances necessary for growth.

Nitrogen starvation manifests itself in plants in slower growth, yellowing of leaves, inhibition of plant development and complete death. The application of urea is indicated during the formation of unnaturally thin and short branches with small discolored leaves in fruit trees and berry bushes. A lack of nitrogen is expressed at the beginning of leaf fall in the summer, when most of the leaves on plants turn yellow earlier than expected in nature. In spring, weak, underdeveloped buds form on plants lacking nitrogen.

It is allowed to feed fruit trees and shrubs with urea; it is an effective fertilizer for strawberries, strawberries, and all vegetable crops, including cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, carrots, etc.

Urea - how to apply fertilizer correctly

When fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers, in particular urea, several types of plant nutrition should be distinguished:

Pre-sowing treatment– urea granules are applied into the furrows during spring plowing. The depth of incorporation of urea into the soil is at least 4 cm.

Fertilizer application

Fertilizing with urea during sowing events– the best option is to use the composition in combination with potash fertilizers. In this case, it is not allowed for the granules to be mixed with the seeds; it is necessary to provide a layer of soil between the granulated fertilizers and the seed.

Fertilizer application during the period of growth– the most effective method is foliar feeding of plantings. To do this, urea is dissolved in water, spraying on the green mass is carried out in the early morning hours or at sunset, in calm weather.

Important! Foliar fertilizing with urea is not recommended on days when precipitation occurs.

An aqueous solution of urea does not burn the leaves; it is convenient to spray plants using special pumps. The usual norm for diluting a solution is from 9 to 15 g of urea per 10 liters of water, and the treatment of which plants is planned matters - herbaceous plants are sprayed with a more gentle composition, trees and shrubs are sprayed with a concentrated one. Adult apple and pear trees need feeding in a ratio of 200 g of dry urea per bucket of water. For cherries, plums and apricots, the urea consumption will be 120 g/bucket.

Important! One tbsp. a spoon holds 10 g of urea; matchboxes - 13 g; faceted glass - 130 g of urea.

Treatment with urea against pests

Spraying with urea is effective in controlling plant pests. Spraying is carried out in the spring, when a constant average daily temperature is +5 C. It is important to carry out the procedure before the buds awaken, then all pests overwintering in the scales and under the bark will be guaranteed to be destroyed.

A urea solution for pest control is prepared in a concentration of 50 to 70 g per 1 liter of water. Spraying with urea helps destroy aphids, weevils, copperheads and a host of other pests.

Treatment of the garden with nitrogen can be carried out both in autumn and spring.

In autumn, during the first stage of leaf fall, it is useful to spray trees with urea solution on which traces of infectious diseases are noticed: scab, all types of spotting, rust and others. The solution is used to treat trees along the crown and leaf litter. This treatment is a very effective remedy for infectious diseases of garden trees; next year the garden will not be affected by infections. Simultaneously with the treatment, the urea solution fertilizes the plants.

Pros and cons of feeding plants with urea

The positive properties of urea are:

  • When fertilized with urea, plants easily absorb nitrogen, which has a positive effect on their growth and the expansion of green mass.
  • Treatment of plants with a solution of fertilizer on the leaves does not cause burns to the leaf blade; this foliar feeding is an effective and gentle means, which, along with fertilizing plants, can effectively fight garden pests, as well as pathogenic infections.
  • The urea solution is quickly absorbed by plants sensitive to elevated pH levels in the soil.
  • Excellent results were noted when fertilizing plants with urea in irrigated areas, as well as when applied to crops grown when the beds were filled with water.

It is very important to observe the dosage when applying fertilizers.
  • Guaranteed increase in yield in the garden or garden when feeding plants with urea.
  • Ease and simplicity of foliar treatment of plants and the introduction of urea into the soil.
  • Availability of fertilizer at price and availability.

The disadvantages of fertilizing with urea are the following aspects:

  • A strong concentration of fertilizer when applied to the soil when sowing seeds can reduce the germination of seeds and delay their germination.
  • Urea requires careful storage.
  • The use of urea in a mixture with phosphorus fertilizers is possible only when mixing absolutely dry substances; increased acidity from the effects of mixed fertilizing must be neutralized by adding chalk to the soil.

Advice! Granular urea must be stored in a dry place, otherwise the fertilizer strongly absorbs moisture and turns into lumps.

The size of the harvest depends on each gardener. Timely and competent application of fertilizing can ensure soil fertility and full return of garden and vegetable crops to the nutrients received on time.

Spraying the garden with urea: video

An old and time-tested fertilizer urea (urea) is used everywhere and is considered universal. In addition, it is part of multicomponent mixtures intended for complex processing fields and personal plots. This tool is one of the most popular and widespread options, and its cost is very affordable.

Composition of urea fertilizer

The chemical composition of this fertilizer has not changed for years. It's still the same Chemical substance 46% nitrogen. From a chemical point of view, it is a carbonic acid amide. It is formed under the influence high pressure from carbon dioxide and ammonia gas. In the finished state, the fertilizer is a water-soluble crystallized substance white sometimes with a yellowish tint. Available in the form of granules, packaged or weighed.

Using urea in the garden

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Like all fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, urea improves plant growth, increases productivity, and increases the protein content of grain crops. The peculiarity of this drug is also that it can be used as a means to combat plant diseases and wintering insect pests. These insects include the following species:

  • apple blossom beetle;
  • slowpoke;
  • weevil.
    Among the diseases effectively eliminated:
  • Scab;
  • Purple spotting;
  • Monilial burn.

Urea in bags

How to dilute urea for irrigation

Since urea is soluble in water, it is convenient to apply it by watering plants. But it is important to maintain concentration. For strawberries, cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers it is 20-30 grams per 10-liter bucket. You will need to apply 1 liter of this solution per plant. The same solution is applied under currant bushes, and gooseberries will require a concentration twice as low.

Instructions for use of urea fertilizer

Urea is widely used in dry form, as well as. When sowing vegetable crops, 3-4 grams of the drug are poured into the garden bed and mixed with the soil. Mature trees, including cherries and plums, are fed with 120-140 grams of fertilizer. For apple trees, the dose is doubled. Urea is sprinkled on the surface of the soil and then the plant is watered.

Spraying with a solution is also widely used. This is done during the active growing season of vegetable crops, but before flowering begins. The concentration of the solution is 50 grams per 10 liters. But the amount of sprayed solution is only 3 liters per hundred square meters.

Application of urea fertilizer in spring

For each fertilizer, the timing of its application is important. Urea can be applied when planting potatoes and other crops, usually in mid-spring. But the treatment of trees and shrubs to protect them from pests is done a little earlier. This needs to be done before the buds open, and you can start immediately after the air temperature rises to +3-5 degrees. The solution must be concentrated (I use 0.5-0.7 kg of the drug per 1 liter of water).

In parallel with urea, you can also use insecticides, for example.

Urea is a nitrogen fertilizer that is very popular among summer residents due to its high efficiency and versatility. If you correctly calculate the volume of carbamide (urea) for irrigation, you can ensure good growth and plant development, as well as good harvest. In addition to its excellent properties, urea is a very cheap and widespread product, which only increases its popularity.

Externally, urea is granules round shape either light white or transparent. This form allows the product not to cake during storage or transportation, and also to maintain friability. Urea contains the most a large number of nitrogen among nitrogenous fertilizers - about 46 percent. Concerning physical properties, then this product is soluble in some alcohols, as well as in water, as a result of which it can be used both in pure form and in the form of a concentrated solution.

You can water the seedlings with this product if some of the following signs are observed:

  • Unnaturally slow development;
  • Weak shoots (in large plants);
  • Pale green foliage color (possibly even yellowish). Lack of nitrogen causes early defoliation;
  • Weak, sometimes not fully developed buds, present in insufficient quantities (hence, low yield).

How to use urea?

Urea for feeding raspberries

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


When using this fertilizer, both in the garden and in the garden, you need to take into account the peculiarity of this product: over a short period of time (several days), urea changes its appearance and is transformed under the influence of bacteria that are in the soil. During this process, ammonium carbonate is released, which decomposes very quickly upon contact with air. Therefore, using urea on the surface is not very effective, but it is still possible.

This fertilizer gives stable and high results when used both in protected soil (in greenhouse or greenhouse conditions) and in ordinary farms. The most important thing is to immediately incorporate the fertilizer into the soil, then its effectiveness will be maximum. This is due to the fact that at depth ammonium carbonate has less contact with air, which means more of it is retained. This in turn increases the penetration of nitrogenous compounds and nutrients into plants.

Regardless of the place of production of urea, all manufacturing companies in the instructions for the product recommend its use on any type of soil, both as a basic fertilizer and as a top dressing for fruit and berry or garden crops. Despite the universal qualities of this fertilizer, the amount of its use depends on the type of crop. As a result, plant growing experts advise taking into account the needs of plants and adding nutritional supplements in the right quantities.

Attention! Acidification of soil with this fertilizer is a long-established fact. If the soil is initially acidic, then limestone (chalk) is used to neutralize such an unfavorable environment. It is applied together with nitrogen-containing fertilizer in the ratio of 500 grams of urea to 400 grams of chalk.

Under what conditions and in what quantities can seedlings be watered with urea?

Urea can be used both for watering seedlings and soil before planting some crops.

During the growing season, the following plants are watered with this fertilizer:

  • Seedlings of tomatoes, cabbage, beets, potatoes, as well as onions and garlic (you need to dilute from 19 to 22 grams of fertilizer per cubic meter);
  • Seedlings of cucumbers and peas (from 6 to 9 grams per cubic meter);
  • Eggplants and zucchini (from 10 to 12 grams per cubic meter. You need to add fertilizer when planting, and then when the fruits develop);
  • Strawberries and strawberries (the product is added to the soil in its natural form before planting the berries. When buds and berry ovaries begin to form, the seedlings are sprayed with a urea solution - 10 grams per 2 liters of water. In order to increase fruiting, in late August - early September the plants are fed carbamide solution - 60 grams per 20 liters);
  • Grain crops (300 grams of fertilizer in natural form per hundred square meters);
  • Urea is often used for foliar feeding, as well as protecting vegetables from pests (plants are watered with a solution of 10-15 grams of product per 10 liters of water).

Before planting vegetables or berries:

The soil on which it is planned to plant berries or vegetable crops, can be fertilized with granular urea in a ratio of 5 to 11 grams per cubic meter. Most often, about 60 percent of the product is added in the fall before the soil is dug, and the remainder in the spring.

In what proportions should urea be diluted to feed fruit trees and berry bushes?

In order to ensure good growth and development of such plants, the soil is watered with a urea solution and this product is very rarely used in granules - unless it is added to the soil before planting the seedling.

As for the urea solution, it is watered over the area in which the roots are located ( trunk circle), as well as the trunk strips of the plant. If you still use granulated urea, then later you will need to increase the watering of the plant.

When diluting the solution, the following proportions should be taken into account:

  • For each mature apple tree, about 200 grams of fertilizer per 10 liters of water. Urea granules can be used in the same volume;
  • For plum trees, chokeberry, cherries - about 120 grams per 10 liters of water.

It should be remembered that excess nitrogen fertilizers can negatively affect the development of seedlings: fast growth green mass of the plant when fruit development is inhibited.

Attention! If you don’t have measuring scales at your dacha, and you don’t know how to measure the required amount of urea, you can take as much as you need using improvised means:

  • a tablespoon contains about 10 grams of fertilizer;
  • in a matchbox - 13 grams;
  • in a glass - 130 grams.

Using this information, you can choose required amount urea for watering seedlings.

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

In a large group of nitrogen fertilizers, the most popular is urea (among gardeners the composition is called urea). It does not contain nitrates, is convenient, and can be quickly absorbed by crops. Spraying with urea helps farmers protect their crops from pests.

Some summer residents are not sure whether urea is a nitrogen fertilizer or is it a complex fertilizer? The percentages of the components that make up urea make it possible to use urea for flowers, berry bushes, vegetables, and fruit trees, because the content of the active element in the fertilizer reaches 46%. White granules of domestic production are perfectly soluble in water.

Once in the soil, urea changes its original formula (H2N-CO-NH2): the composition of the fertilizer becomes ammonia (instead of amide), and then nitrate. Transformations occur slowly, which is convenient for feeding crops. In conditions of nitrogen deficiency, liquid fertilizing with urea is what is needed for plants in the garden.

The price of fertilizer is low. The cost of other nitrogen fertilizers is much higher.

Fertilizer must be stored correctly. It cannot be mixed with other compounds.

Direct contact with granules is harmful to human skin - you must work with gloves.

Operating principle of urea

The first 3 days after the fertilizer enters the soil, the urea composition is transformed. Thanks to enzymes and bacteria, the soil produces ammonium carbonate. Contact with air transforms the substance into ammonia gas.

It is not enough to add fertilizer to the ground; it must be embedded deeper, otherwise part of the composition will be lost, especially on alkaline or neutral soils.

To avoid a decrease in the effect of using urea, the depth of placement of Urea fertilizer granules should be at least 8 cm. It is not recommended to treat plants during the budding period.

Signs of nitrogen deficiency and excess

One of the main functions of nitrogen is to participate in the synthesis of chlorophyll. How can you tell if a plant has enough of a given element? This is judged by the condition of the sheet. Emerald color and gloss indicate a sufficient amount of nitrogen. Signs of fasting are:

  1. slow shoot growth;
  2. yellowing foliage, its premature fall;
  3. weak branching of shoots;
  4. small number of kidneys.

An excess of nitrogen in the soil is noticeable by:

  • inhibited development of cultures in initial stages growth;
  • rapid increase in green mass;
  • large size of leaves, their dark color;
  • delayed fruit ripening.

Excess nitrogen tends to be deposited in fruits (as nitrates). This is dangerous to health and negates all the work of the farmer. To prevent an overdose of fertilizers, the gardener should remember that 10 g of urea is placed in 1 tablespoon, Matchbox– 13 g. A faceted glass contains 130 g of fertilizer.

Pros and cons of feeding plants with urea

In spring, urea shows its best qualities. Granular fertilizer obtained chemically from inorganic compounds, helps:

  1. quickly increase the concentration of nitrogen in plant cells (2 days from the moment of spraying);
  2. slow down flowering processes, reducing the risk of flowers falling off;
  3. increase the amount of proteins.

Urea also:

If the instructions for using urea are not followed, the substance can harm young shoots, therefore, when diluting, the required proportions must be strictly observed.

Before you dilute the fertilizer and start watering the garden, you should remember that the composition reduces the acidity of the soil and is quickly washed away by rain. But even taking into account these disadvantages, it is not possible to replace the fertilizer with another without loss of effectiveness. Spraying with urea encourages plants to increase their mass, acquire rich color, and increase productivity.

If the dosage is calculated incorrectly, the seeds take a long time to germinate. Dilute urea fertilizer for plants in early spring is possible only if the recommended standards are followed. After all, the result of incorrect application of fertilizer will be the release of ammonia gas.

Instructions for the use of urea (carbamide)

Fertilizer is applied to crops during the period of green mass growth. Treating the garden and vegetable garden with urea in the spring is more effective than using fertilizing in the fall. This is due to the gradual “descent” of nitrogen into the deep layers of the soil.

For foliar feeding with urea, prepare a composition of 50 g of product and 10 liters of water. You can feed leafy vegetables with a complex mixture with the addition of a potassium-containing compound.

Instructions for using the “urea” fertilizer for indoor (house) flowers prescribe treating the plantings with a solution of 80 g of urea and a bucket of water.

Dosages for different crops

Vegetable garden

Floral, garden

Root feeding with urea

Urea, processed by soil bacteria and broken down into ammonia and nitrates, is actively absorbed by the roots. The main goals of early spring feeding are:

  1. Activation of plant growth.
  2. Use against diseases.
  3. Increased yield.

Regardless of the brand of fertilizer, it is best used on moist soils. Spring treatment soil with urea before planting involves sprinkling the fertilizer with a thin layer of soil in the grooves and holes. This helps isolate the dose of fertilizing from the planting material.

You can treat the soil in advance, 14-15 days before planting.

Using agricultural products in the fall makes sense only when sandy areas, in damp, cool weather. For winter crops and perennial plants The use of urea fertilizer in the garden at the end of the agricultural season is contraindicated.

Spraying and processing the garden

Most farmers consider it obligatory to treat the area with urea and copper sulfate in the spring. This event perfectly protects against diseases and pests. Copper sulfate (as part of vitriol) is used in the garden due to its antiseptic and fungicidal properties.

The composition is prepared in 3 stages:

  1. Dissolve 700 g of urea in a bucket of water.
  2. Mix 500 g copper sulfate with boiling water.
  3. Pour the vitriol mixture into the urea solution and mix.

Since the solution turns out to be very concentrated and even toxic, the treatment is carried out in early spring, when there are no leaves on the trees. Before spraying, the plants are freed from dry branches and areas of inanimate bark, and the cuts are treated. Treatment of the garden should be plentiful: the trunks, branches and surrounding soil must be thoroughly wetted.

Copper sulfate and urea are necessary for trees to:

  • replenish nitrogen reserves during the growing season;
  • free from harmful insects that have overwintered in the bark;
  • protect from powdery mildew, monilosis, and other fungal diseases by suppressing the development of spores.

Trees should not be treated with urea during rain.

Application rates in horticulture

Vegetables, flowers, berries

Fruit and berry plants

Urea against diseases and pests

Gardeners know that copperheads, weevils and aphids are afraid of the urea solution prepared for spraying. Dosage: 700 g of fertilizer per bucket of water.

A urea solution prepared for trees and shrubs relieves plants from diseases such as scab and purple spot. The composition is made in the same way as for insect control.

Spray crops better in spring until the buds swell, and in the fall, after dropping the leaves. If you do this type of gardening treatment at the end of the season, next year will manage without illness.

Combination with other fertilizers

Urea (carbamide) cannot be mixed with alkaline compounds: after such actions, nitrogen disappears, and using the resulting fertilizer becomes ineffective.

Experienced gardeners know that mixtures of urea with potassium chloride, manure, ammonium and sodium nitrate are stored for a long time. Before fertilizing trees in the spring, urea is often mixed with ammonium sulfate.

Spring treatment of garden crops and trees with urea is necessary in every rural and urban garden plot. Preparing liquid fertilizers is the most rational method. It is enough to dissolve the amount of granules required for a particular type of plant in 2 liters of water, add the rest of the liquid and water. Knowing how to properly use the properties of urea as a fertilizer, the farmer can be confident in a good harvest.