Mironov governor of the Yaroslavl family. Dmitry Mironov, and. O. Governor of the Yaroslavl region: Dishonest officials think that hands will not reach them. They'll get there! I'll check it personally. And who will punish

November 3 marked one hundred days since the new head of one of the most interesting - not only for tourists - regions of Russia took office [photo, audio, video]

Photo: Victor GUSEINOV

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"Hello! We are from Tereshkova"

I called Tereshkova from the Yaroslavl station.

- Valentina Vladimirovna, - I say, - I'm going to see Mironov. Yes, they say he is taciturn.

What do you need - talk or action?

- Well, of course - I want the interview to be businesslike.

I really like Dmitry Mironov. With your serious approach. There are, however, many problems. He inherited a rather complex legacy. So people come, and it’s clear that... well, no way! And this one is serious. You see, he has experience in putting things in order, I think so. Don't worry so much! You will have an interview. And then call me and I’ll add more to you...

When we arrived in Yaroslavl and told the acting. Governor Dmitry Mironov that we were “from Tereshkova” and it was she who “approved” this business trip for us, he smiled...

Valentina Vladimirovna and I spent more than one hour talking. She told a lot about how she grew up here (who doesn’t remember, the world’s first female cosmonaut was from the Yaroslavl region - A.G.), about her mother, how she opened the way to space. She talked about cities and history. A lot is about people.

- Do you call her back?

Yes, and she often calls me, asks how are you, how is your health? Sometimes he gives apples from his garden and honey.

Governor - Dmitry Mironov Governor of the Yaroslavl region

- And how much has she already given to you?

There are already two three-liter jars of honey. Apples - 15 kilograms, exactly. Of course, all this goes to our common table...

- Is this a form of work between State Duma deputy Tereshkova and the head of the region, or what?

Not really. (smiles) Valentina Vladimirovna is just a humane person, that’s all. She is a mother not only for her children and grandchildren, she is a mother for all residents of the region.

“Without flashing lights and escort vehicles”

Actually, we arrived in the Yaroslavl region and asked for a meeting with Dmitry Mironov in order to “disassemble” his first “hundred day”...

At first, Dmitry Yuryevich surprised us by the fact that, unlike the heads of other regions, he drives around Yaroslavl... without a flashing light.

- And you’re always like this, right?- I ask him. - Without special signals and escort vehicles?

Well, of course... There is no such need. It's more convenient for me to ride this way.

And then I realized what was the matter.

- You follow Vladimir Putin(Mironov served as an officer of his security. - A.G.), when he was both president and prime minister, a lot of people watched. They probably learned a lot from his experience... Right?

Certainly. I often go to districts, around cities, visit enterprises, meet in groups... I often try to deviate from the route to see something other than what is shown, where everything is good, smooth and combed. A - see real life. In general, I have gone and will continue to go.

- How do you indicate a new route to your driver, right?

Here we are going... “Nikolai,” I say, “come on, let’s drive a little deeper, along another street.” Nikolay is a local, from Yaroslavl. He knows all the roads, streets and nooks and crannies.

- How can people reach you?

They can write to a page on the website.

- Do you watch it every day?

Trying. Some things I look at, some things my assistant watches. At the end of the working day I always have a real picture. (thinks for a few seconds)

I also have an “Online Reception”. The distances in our region are very large. And it’s more convenient this way - people come, for example, to the district administration, there is special equipment there - they can contact me in the mode video conferencing.

- Interesting...

And then, after such techniques, I give instructions and monitor how they are carried out. Personally.

- Isn’t it possible that officials are deceiving you? Can they deceive?

They can, of course. But we... We check them. We send commissions and working groups that very quickly identify fraud or forgery.

- And then what?

We make personnel decisions.

- And you fired many during this time?

I won't tell you the number. But the standard optimization was carried out on a large scale.

- Those who can’t cope are those...

Well, how... Almost everyone coped. But you can cope in different ways. With varying effectiveness. This is very important - do you understand?.. Work for results. We have absolutely no time to rock up. Need to work…

- What is this new formidable inspection you have got?

Yes, it was I who proposed creating such a universal supervisory body in the new structure of the regional government - an administrative and technical supervision inspection. So far she is only taking the first steps, but look, she will definitely take action to prevent violations that may arise in the work of officials.

-Who will punish?

If necessary, this inspection will also apply sanctions to unscrupulous civil servants. I will supervise the work of the new inspection - as well as the housing and construction supervision authorities - myself. All this is to more clearly control the situation in the city, in the region, and quickly respond to violations - both in construction and in various areas of housing and communal services.

- I see...

“We’ll bring in a deceiver of shareholders, like Polonsky”

We drove on a little more. And then Mironov suddenly suggests:

- Let’s go to the defrauded shareholders... Nikolai, do you know where?

Nikolai silently brakes and turns the car around.

“Are they not going to beat us up, the shareholders?” I ask. “Won’t they beat us up?”

They are not aggressive. We saw that the work was going according to plan. Now it has been strengthened even more.

Nikolai slows down. We get out of the car. Mironov is met (as it turns out, they know each other) by Andrei Smekalov, the leader of the initiative group of shareholders.

Well, how are you doing here? - asks Mironov.

There is progress, Dmitry Yuryevich, but Smekalov still looks warily at how many times he and those whom he raised “to defend their rights” were deceived. - We hope to receive the keys to the apartments this year. People are tired of waiting...

Mironov nods.

- How do you think, - I ask Smekalov, - this time the regional authorities will not deceive you?

I would like to believe, says Andrey.

- And for us this is also important, - adds Mironov, - that there is such an initiative group with a strong civic position.

Mironov is approached by officials who deal with precisely that - both the deceived and the deceivers.

The developer disappeared, they report, and stopped providing documents.

We will look for escaped developers,” Mironov puts the point. - And, of course, investors. We had negotiations with bankers, they committed themselves to completing the construction of 121 apartments. And in 3-4 months, I think they will fulfill their promise.

There are 19 facilities in the region whose commissioning dates have long expired. - And this is from the acting speech. governor at a meeting with law enforcement officials. - The problem had to be brought to the attention of federal structures... To the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. First of all, we are talking about Marian-Stroy LLC. There are now 1,700 citizens in the region whose rights have been violated. Immediately understand the situation. Deadline - a week! No family should be left on the street.

- Yes, it’s a cool conversation you’re having here!- I say to Mironov when the meeting is over. - And what do you do with those who mock people?

The head of Marian-Stroy is now, as they say, actively hiding. Put on the federal wanted list. The other day we, let’s say, took steps to put him on the international wanted list. (There is information that the deceiver of shareholders is hiding in Spain. - A.G.) I think we will bring him here in the near future.

- For what? So that he could look into the eyes of those he deceived?

Yes... And let them look at him. And for law enforcement agencies to do what they are supposed to do.

- I would like to, of course. Usually such people - how? They will plant and plant. And if they bring him... Yes - in your eyes!

There were examples. Polonsky was returned from the islands. They forced me to answer...

“Where is your police uniform?”

- Do you still have your uniform?(Before his appointment to the post of acting governor, Mironov was the deputy head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, and even earlier - the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Anti-Corruption and Economic Security, the very structure that has now taken over the shareholders.) Your form is here, in Yaroslavl, or Moscow?

I don't think I need it here yet. The form is in Moscow.

Mironov does not answer such questions very willingly, but I still keep up...

- Why did I ask? Unfortunately, the Yaroslavl region, it...- I almost said: “It was famous for corruption.” For the past few years, the region has been rocked by corruption scandals - many high-ranking officials were imprisoned for taking bribes. Then - you held such a position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Maybe this played a significant role in the fact that you were sent here. This is my version. How are you dealing with this problem? Headache that doesn't go away?

Well, you can't call it a headache. Yes, there are certain problems... But we are quite capable of solving them. The law must be the same for everyone. If a person violates it, then he will get what he deserves. My principle is this: a thief should be in prison.

Mironov thinks again for a few seconds. He looks at his watch and at the road. Then he continues...

I’ll be honest - there is a certain message from the region’s population. There are a lot of addresses here, and they are very specific - this is the housing and communal services system, and road construction... People have the right to demand real (he speaks with emphasis on this word) measures against those who do not fulfill their obligations.

If something was stolen, someone was underpaid, something was put in your personal pocket, taken abroad, and so on - in these cases, we will not, as we did before, let the situation take its course.

And we will get rid of dishonest officials immediately, without any regret and regardless of merit. Let’s say, we will pay special attention to local civil servants, who (I’m talking about officials) sometimes think that the regional leadership “will not reach their level.” They'll get there!

I have already managed to meet people - both in Yaroslavl and in other cities and districts of the region. Of course, mostly in local government structures, in our organizations, the majority are honest, conscientious people, true professionals. This evokes sympathy and optimism for both me and my team members. And, of course, the confidence that our plans will not remain on paper.

- Dmitry Yurievich,- I ask Mironov, you understand - without an answer to this question, our conversation on this difficult topic cannot be considered complete. - How else will your style of work differ, and is already different, from the style of the previous leadership of the region?

When forming a new government, I invited, first of all, professionals. - shares acting governor. - My team is young, ambitious specialists, focused on results. We are paying special attention now to the system of training young personnel, who must be ready to solve the very difficult tasks facing our government. Take, for example, the annual forum “Future Intellectual Leaders of Russia”, which brings together the most talented schoolchildren; we have a mechanism for Governor’s scholarships. We will continue to develop this direction.

Well, okay... I'm also talking about the uniform... My heroes - Alexey Dyumin, Yunus-Bek Evkurov sometimes still put on a general's uniform... Maybe you will need it too? (By the way, Mironov is a lieutenant general)

Well, maybe. There are national holidays ahead, of course, you will have to dress up. I appreciate the uniform.

It's getting cold in the car...

Mironov to the driver:

Kolya, add more firewood!

Nikolai turns on the stove. Well, it seems like it's getting warmer...

“What, is the kefir out? It's a pity!"

I’ll tell you another secret - when I was just approaching Mironov, the Business Russia congress was meeting in Moscow. Among the delegates was Dmitry Yurievich...

The signal is this,” I stunned the acting governor, “many agricultural producers are complaining that they can’t get their products to chain stores or the market... They say that small farms can’t get there at all.” But in the region the cry has been thrown - “Buy Yaroslavl”. And all this ultimately resulted in the fact that once a month local producers are forced to come to the fair on the central square in the regional center.

“Your information is not entirely accurate,” the acting officer retorted. governor. - Come to us in Yaroslavl, let's go shopping...

- A good option.

This fall we very actively participated in the agricultural exhibition “Golden Autumn” in Moscow at VDNKh. And for the first time since 2007, the Yaroslavl region was represented by a single stand.

Once in Yaroslavl, we reminded Mironov about this conversation. He invited us to stop by the market.

And so the head of the region walks between the shopping arcades and counters, and we take notes behind him...

Hello, is it possible to buy something from Yaroslavl?

Here are dairy products from the city of Rostov, Yaroslavl region...

Did you participate in the exhibition we held in Moscow?

Do you have cottage cheese?

5%, 9%, low fat. Which one do you want?

Mironov pays and moves to the next counter...

Do you have kefir?

No, it's over.

It's a pity.

They sort it out quickly.

Well, that's understandable... Whose cheese is it?

Ours, Yaroslavl - from Uglich. Will you have milk?

Having paid for the groceries and spent a total of 468 rubles, Mironov briefly talked with the customers...

“But we recognize you,” they say to Mironov, “we often see you on TV.”

How do you like our Yaroslavl products?

Delicious. But a little expensive.

We continued the gastronomic theme with Dmitry Yuryevich in the regional administration canteen: we served vermicelli soup, baked pork and tea with lemon.

- What percentage of local and imported products do you sell?

Well, we get about 60% of ours. We hope there will be more to come.

What can be done to make Yaroslavl products more affordable and accessible? Do you need any compensation?

Certainly. Producers who work in our agro-industrial complex should be provided with certain subsidies.

- Isn’t there such a thing yet?

Well, why? Our specialists, when they go to places and are convinced that such help is needed, they definitely provide it... And we also have a number of ideas about how products in markets and chain stores would not be so expensive.

- Especially local ones.

Yes, especially local. It's within our power.

After lunch I ask Mironov a couple more questions - “for a snack”...

- The people of Yaroslavl asked me to find out: how long will you stay with them?

As much as I have to work, I will. And - although it may sound loud - I will make every effort to be useful both for the region and for the people.

- They say you are currently living in a rented apartment. This is also a “local” question.

Yes, for now I’m renting an apartment, temporarily, and looking for permanent housing. Hopefully I'll have it soon...

Yaroslavl - Moscow.


“I’m sure he’ll pull it off. I’m ready to harness myself with him.”

Returning from Yaroslavl, I immediately called Tereshkova and reported on the business trip.

Sash, how do you like our new governor? - asked Valentina Vladimirovna.

- I know many regional heads, I have the feeling that Dmitry Mironov has such a master’s grip.

Professional! And then, you see, he visited the cities of the region, he visited many enterprises. And he doesn’t just come out of curiosity, but says what the problems are and how they see their solution. He is a young man, he still has everything ahead of him. I believe that Dmitry Mironov really came to make our region what it should be...

I think he will pull it off. Ready to harness with him.


About roads and road workers

Roads in Russia are a well-known problem. We, Dmitry Yuryevich, have traveled quite a bit along the Yaroslavl roads, do they suit you?...

No, they don't suit us. Take the route between Yaroslavl and Rybinsk. Some sections are simply impossible to drive through without holding back, let’s say, negative emotions. Or the Yaroslavl ring road within the city. There are no markings, lighting is patchy, and bridges are constantly being repaired. The result is huge traffic jams during peak hours and a high accident rate. What can we say about local roads? In the Yaroslavl region, they have been patching potholes on the roads for many years. This approach needs to be changed radically. We have all the control mechanisms, we have developed new technologies for laying asphalt, and we have purchased equipment. And the result is still the same! This means we need to change people’s attitude towards their work. We will part with those who do not want to work or cannot work. I am sure that in our country there will definitely be someone who is able to build good roads for the residents of Yaroslavl. We will work with them.

About working with youth

Our large enterprises - NPO Saturn, Techuglerod, Yaroslavl plants - diesel and oil refining ... (here you can list them within an hour) - create all the conditions for young people to gain a foothold in the localities. This is vocational training from school, secondary technical education. And also - professional skills competitions - specifically for blue-collar professions. I myself saw how young people with shining eyes compete for prizes. Yes, in regional centers and rural settlements, of course, the outflow of young people is very significant. For young people to gain a foothold, the first thing is what is needed? Decent salary, of course. In the future - housing. Plus an attractive social package, leisure activities...

About business support

In the Yaroslavl region we have about 50 thousand small and medium-sized businesses, they account for almost a quarter of all goods and services produced. For those who register their businesses for the first time, a zero tax rate has been introduced. For other small businesses, the rate has been reduced from 6% to 4%. Well, of course, entrepreneurs welcome such decisions. In addition, we help them obtain microloans at low interest rates - from 5% per annum.

About the development of tourism

Today, the share of tourism in the gross regional product of the region is 2.41%. And this despite the fact that over the past year more than 2.6 million people visited the Yaroslavl region. What does this mean? People come, but do not stay with us for long. But there are over 5 thousand historical and cultural monuments, 250 museums. Many of them are located along the banks of the Volga. But often there is not even a pier to go ashore. And as a result, along with tourists, the region’s income floats into the distance. Next year we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Golden Ring, and it is very important now to develop a network of hotels, restaurants, and cafes to make our tourists as comfortable as possible.

- The tourism department in Yaroslavl was renamed into a department.

Let's just say that the lineup has been reorganized. And they strengthened it, strengthened it. We have established work with major tour operators. We also work closely with the Federal Agency for Tourism and the Ministry of Culture. We will work more comprehensively and systematically. To develop not only historical and cultural tourism, but also children’s, youth, business, and gastronomic tourism.


About finances, jobs and allowances...

Dmitry Yuryevich, I know that regional leaders usually try to visit ministries and departments in Moscow... Where have you already been?

In the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Agriculture, of course. And in many other ministries and departments.

- How much additional money do they give for the development of the region?

We are currently carrying out preliminary work to resolve the issue of additional financing.

I just wish that in our region, and in Russia as a whole, we were not perceived as dependents... I am personally convinced that this is not the case when I visit the Motor and Tire factories, and NPOs." Saturn" or at Radiozavod. These enterprises have been and remain the pride of not only our region, but the entire country. Of course, our industry is experiencing real difficulties. Factory employment has decreased slightly over the past three years. But in general, industrial enterprises today operate with positive financial results.

- And what do you consider most important for yourself?

The main thing - both for me and for my team - is to fulfill the tasks set by the President of Russia in the well-known “May decrees”. Literally a few numbers...

In 2012, 18.6 thousand high-performance jobs were introduced in the region, in 2013 – 7.3 thousand, in 2014 – 3 thousand. And in 2015 there was a reduction of 20.8 thousand places. (The guideline in the May Decree is “plus” 25 million high-performance jobs throughout the country by 2020.). As you can see, we still have to walk and walk...

- And tell us about the bonuses - to teachers, doctors, vulnerable segments of the population.

Of course, this is all thought out and provided for. Low-income families are provided with benefits in full. We have an interesting program to support rural teachers. We give land to the poor at the expense of the regional budget...


“And we will definitely revive the glory of Lokomotiv”

Mironov and I also talked about something very, very sad...

Dmitry Yuryevich, I remember that terrible day when in Yaroslavl they said goodbye to the dead Lokomotiv hockey players...

Five years have passed since the tragedy that occurred in September 2011. 37 players died, the entire team. It was a terrible event for the whole country.

On the ice field there were coffins with the bodies of hockey players. And President Putin visited the inconsolable relatives... (You were doing your job then, I was preparing a report...) That shock, has it passed?

Hockey for Yaroslavl is not just a sport or a spectacle, it is life itself. Some residents of the region and city still cannot go to Lokomotiv’s home matches - that’s how severe the injury was, and it still does not heal and is bleeding.

- The Yaroslavl team, I remember, then gave their word to revive the team.

Yes, and the leadership of the country and the hockey club have done and are doing a lot in order to return Yaroslavl “Lokomotiv” to the top of the hockey Olympus, so that the new team becomes as productive as that legendary squad.

We are building a base, unique for Russia, “Lokomotiv” on Frunze Avenue. We're just passing it...

- Directly ahead, is that her?

The driver slows down at our request.

There is a residential building and a training base here.

- How long did it take to build?

About two years... I think the facility will be commissioned in about a month.

- It's shaped like a hockey stick, right, this base? If you look at it from above.

Well, yes. An Olympic reserve school is being built behind the training arena. Also on the instructions of the president. This is for young people, for very young children who are just starting to play hockey.

You probably know that in Yaroslavl, in Rybinsk there is one of the best hockey schools. A new generation of athletes is growing up who have already tasted victory. The hockey players of the Loko youth team this year won the MHL (Youth Hockey League) championship, the Kharlamov Cup, the World Cup, and became the first ever winners of the MHL Super Cup.

By the way, our Arena-2000 is one of the best in the country.

- Did you check it personally?

But of course - I play hockey at the amateur level - so the president of Lokomotiv, Yuri Nikolaevich Yakovlev, invited me. Workouts twice a week, I try not to miss them.


“The President doesn’t like it when people drag their feet”

- Do you and Vladimir Putin play hockey on the same team?

In different. Once we got on the ice, I was appointed captain of the blue team, and the president was appointed captain of the white team.

- Huh? Was he the one who appointed you as an “enemy”?

Well, he put it that way. The President is No. 11 - the center forward in my team, I am No. 27 - the right-winger.

- For some reason, the white team mostly wins...

Well, you know, it's skill.

- Did Vladimir Vladimirovich use forceful techniques against you?

No. We play this kind of amateur hockey. Although... I'll tell you a secret, some people get it.

- Do you have any lines during the game?

Well, as a rule, if someone delays with a pass or makes an incorrect pass...

- Would you still like to play on the president’s team?

And I’m already on his team.

- No, what about hockey?

It happened that I also played hockey for the president.

- How many goals did you score against Dyumin?

When Alexey Gennadievich stands at the goal, I play on his side.


« I am a third generation military man»

- What did you take with you from Moscow to Yaroslavl?

Family photos. There are pictures of me taking the oath, and there is also a graduation from our military school on Red Square. Mom, dad, brother are there. My grandfather, Timofey Fedorovich, is in uniform. He was a retired colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union. During the Great Patriotic War he commanded a battery. And he received the title of Hero in March 1943 - for the courage shown in the battles for Grayvoron (a city in the Belgorod region).

- And the father?

Dad - also a colonel, his name is Yuri Alexandrovich - served all his life in the Central Sports Club of the Army. My father is a master of sports, engaged in technical sports - motocross. Then he switched to coaching, served in departments of the central apparatus... Now he is retired. Mom, Tatyana Timofeevna, started working in medical institutions, and then was a kindergarten teacher. There is also a brother.

- He's not a military man? What does he do?

Evgeniy is minding his own business. My parents are the only one in the military. Since childhood I dreamed of military service, graduated from a military school, served...


“How do I feel about jokes? With humor"

My female colleagues from the regional office helped me prepare questions for my hero." KP November 3 marked one hundred days since the new head of one of the most interesting - not only for tourists - regions of Russia took office. Viktor GUSEINOV


  • 1968

  • 1990

    Graduated from the Moscow Higher Military Combined Arms Command School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

  • 1990

    From 1990 to 2013, he continuously served in various positions in the KGB of the USSR and state security agencies of the Russian Federation.

  • 2013

    In 2013, he joined the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs as an assistant to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

  • 2014

    In February 2014, he was appointed first deputy head of the Main Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

  • 2014

    From May 12, 2014 to December 2015, Dmitry Mironov headed the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

  • 2015

    In 2015, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

  • 2016

    On July 28, 2016, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed acting governor of the Yaroslavl region.

  • 2017

    Governor of the Yaroslavl region

  • Dmitry Mironov was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree with swords. Lieutenant General of Police.


Governor of the Yaroslavl region:

1. Represents the Yaroslavl region in relations with federal government bodies, government bodies of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and in the implementation of foreign economic relations, while having the right to sign contracts and agreements on behalf of the Yaroslavl region;

2. Determines the main directions of state policy of the Yaroslavl region;

3. Promulgate laws, certifying their promulgation by signing, or reject laws adopted by the Yaroslavl Regional Duma;

Name: Dmitry Yurievich Mironov Date of birth: October 13, 1968 Place of birth: Khabarovsk Position: Governor of the Yaroslavl region


Dmitry Mironov was born in the Far East. His maternal grandfather, Timofey Fedorovich Karmatsky, commanded a battery during the Great Patriotic War. In 1943, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the liberation of the city of Grayvoron in the Belgorod region. Retired Colonel Timofey Karmatsky was also awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Red Star and the Order of the Patriotic War, I and II degrees.

Father, Colonel Yuri Aleksandrovich Mironov, connected his life with the famous CSKA club. He became a master of sports, a coach, and received the rank of colonel. For a long time he worked in senior positions in the Sports Committee of the USSR Ministry of Defense, and from 2003 to 2014 - in the All-Russian Voluntary Society "Sports Russia". Now Yuri Mironov is an adviser to the head of the Federal Autonomous Institution of the Russian Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation CSKA.

Mother, Tatyana Timofeevna, first worked in medical institutions, and then became a kindergarten teacher.

There were two children in the Mironov family, but only Dmitry continued the family military dynasty. Evgeniy, as his brother reported much later, “is minding his own business.” What exactly - he did not specify.


Dmitry Yuryevich dreamed of a military career since childhood. He graduated from the Moscow Combined Arms Command School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. He was awarded the rank of lieutenant in a solemn ceremony on Red Square.

However, Mironov did not join the army. He became one of the officers of the State Security Committee. There was a year left before the collapse of the USSR.

Come out of the shadows

Since 1990, there has been a gap of 13 years in Mironov’s biography. No details or positions, which is not surprising - he started in the KGB, then was enrolled in the FSB, and then moved to the Federal Security Service. It is believed that it was there that he met Vladimir Putin and served in his security (in a conversation with a Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent, Dmitry Yuryevich actually confirmed this). It is only known that at some point he received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, with swords (this award “with swords” is awarded to the military for excellence in military operations).

Mironov “came out of the shadows” in 2013. He went to work at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, receiving the position of assistant to the Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

Work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

In February 2014, Mironov became the first deputy head of the Main Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and received the special rank of police major general. And a few months later he headed the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK).

At this time, the department was rocked by a scandal - the ex-head of the department Denis Sugrobov, his deputy Boris Kolesnikov and 11 other employees of the department were suspected of exceeding official duties, suspended from service and taken under arrest. Subsequently, the court agreed with the opinion of investigators that the officers falsified evidence of criminal activity of a particular person and then demanded bribes from them. The defendants were demoted and sentenced to various terms of imprisonment. Kolesnikov was found guilty posthumously - he fell from the window of the Investigative Committee building.

Mironov had to return the management to working order and restore the reputation of the institution.

On September 1, Mironov became a member of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Combating Illegal Financial Transactions, in which he worked with representatives of the Security Council, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Investigative Committee, the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Tax Service and Customs Services, Rosnarkokontrol, the Ministry of Finance, the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Central Bank .

Traffic police and more

In December 2015, Mironov received the next post, becoming Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs. In this position, he mastered a new area for himself - transport security issues. He demonstrated his ability to quickly get used to any new position by becoming one of the main speakers at the off-site meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of Russia, chaired by Vladimir Putin, which was dedicated to road safety problems and took place on March 14, 2016.

Mironov proposed expanding the functionality of traffic cameras, increasing the cost of compulsory motor insurance for persistent violators, and allowing the use of photographs taken by citizens using smartphones for issuing fines.

At the same time, Mironov became the executive secretary of the Working Group for Monitoring and Analysis of Law Enforcement Practice in the Sphere of Entrepreneurship. He was awarded the rank of Lieutenant General of Police.

As people who knew him told a Kommersant correspondent, Mironov is a very careful and careful person. There are no scandalous stories associated with his name, he did not participate in departmental intrigues and stayed away from the groups that formed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At one time there was even talk that Dmitry Yuryevich would replace Vladimir Kolokoltsev as head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But the president decided otherwise. Mironov went into civilian life.

The Varangians have arrived

The news that Dmitry Mironov will become acting governor of the Yaroslavl region came as a big surprise to both political scientists and the local elite. His colleagues believed that he could handle it; the Yaroslavl residents noted that they got the “Varangian” for the first time in the history of the region. Moreover, he quickly brought the same Varangians along with him, which was met with bewilderment.

Mironov had no experience in politics. They noted his fear of communicating with a large audience and journalists, wondered whether heads would roll, and hoped that since the former presidential security guard had come to them, the region would receive more resources from the federal center.

Uglich garbage connected the governor-silovik and the son of the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika.

An unusual order from above came to all schools and kindergartens in Yaroslavl last school year. They were required to place on the stands next to the portraits of the president and prime minister a photo of the recently appointed acting governor Dmitry Mironov.

The scandal with the “cult of personality” had to be quickly leveled out. The initiative was attributed exclusively to employees of the Department of Education, and its head was approximately punished by deprivation of his position. However, the question of what it was in the first place - fawning or an unsuccessful attempt to “documentarily” consolidate the regime of authoritarian power in the region - remained open.

"Occupation Government"

While walking around the center of Yaroslavl, for a while you get the feeling that you are on the streets of Moscow. The painfully familiar blocked sidewalks where workers from Central Asia are creating “urbanism.”

Total show off. Houses in the city are falling apart, facades are collapsing. What do officials do? They move tiles from place to place, laundering budget money,” the former deputy is indignant. Mayor of Yaroslavl, and now the leader of the local Yabloko, Oleg Vinogradov.

He attributes the borrowing of capital improvement methods to the fact that over the past year, about 200 officials from the Moscow region moved to the region to work:

Mironov appointed Dmitry Stepanenko, his hunting and fishing friend, as head of government. He filled the region with “Varangians”. This is an occupation government.

Stepanenko, like Mironov himself, previously worked in the FSO, but before his appointment to Yaroslavl he managed to briefly serve as the Minister of Agriculture of the Moscow Region. Hence the appearance of non-local personnel in the region, including the former adviser to the governor - the son of Yuri Chaika. Dmitry Mironov himself was born in 1968 in Khabarovsk. He graduated from a military school and served in various positions in state security and defense agencies of the Russian Federation. Then he moved to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and was an assistant to the head of the department. Almost nothing is known about the governor’s personal life. Before his appointment as acting head of the region, he did not have any experience of participating in politics or working in the civil service.

All key positions in power were occupied by non-Yaroslavl residents. And this choice is not clearly commented on. In fact, some elites were simply replaced by others, local journalist Alexey Yakovlev confirmed.

A well-known politician in the region, ex-head of the Yaroslavl municipality Pavel Zarubin, in a conversation with Sobesednik, claims that the war between “locals” and “non-locals” has been going on all year since Mironov’s appointment as acting governor:

In any case, this negatively affects work efficiency. There is a total replacement of all power - from senior leaders to even village chiefs. Yaroslavl has always been famous for its democratic pluralism. It seems that the new head decided that it is easier to change people than mentality.

They are removing everyone who is accustomed to a policy of agreements and compromises, and not to following the command “fall and do push-ups.” In their place are put those who are ready for strict subordination.

With closed visor

Mironov is reproached for avoiding publicity. Having worked in law enforcement agencies almost his entire life, he became accustomed to a different political style. And even the proximity of the single voting day - September 10 - did not encourage him to open up.

The election campaign in Yaroslavl hardly feels intense and competitive. During the two days I spent in the city, I noticed only one election billboard with a photograph of Mironov. And this is a region that has always been famous for political battles! Suffice it to remember that Boris Nemtsov was a deputy of the regional Duma here, and the subsequently convicted Evgeny Urlashov, who refused to join United Russia, was elected mayor of Yaroslavl. On the other hand, as for the Yaroslavl “Yabloko”, it once included Elena Mizulina and Sergei Vakhrukov.

In fact, this is not an election, but a referendum. High or low voter turnout will show the degree of trust in Mironov, says Pavel Zarubin.

Journalist Yakovlev notes that fewer and fewer people dare to openly object to the governor:

Any public discussion ceased. She went to the kitchens. The media is also being purged.

Alexey himself also suffered for criticizing the head of the region. After a series of materials, he was fired from his position as chief editor of the Yaroslavl branch of the Regnum news agency.

Garbage Seagulls and corruption

In winter, for almost a month in the ancient Yaroslavl city of Uglich, no one took out garbage, and the number of spontaneous landfills increased. The “garbage” topic is actively discussed by Yaroslavl politicians: they say that the youngest son of Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, Igor, is showing interest in the business of removing household waste in the region. Charter LLC, associated with it, had already concluded the first cleaning contract with officials - naturally, the company had no competitors. Other agreements are not far off - it is not for nothing that Igor Chaika appears next to Dmitry Mironov during church services. By the way, on the Instagram of the current Yaroslavl Prime Minister, a year ago, photographs were also posted of the then Agrarian Minister of the Moscow Region, Dmitry Stepanenko, with Igor Chaika at a conference in China, where Stepanenko represented the Prosecutor General as a “Russian investor,” with whom he was “developing new sales markets.” for Russian food producers.

Dmitry Mironov and Igor Chaika defiantly appear in public places together

The region expected Mironov to fight corruption, but not a single high-profile criminal case was opened in a year, and all the dark schemes continue to exist. Those officials who are not ready to work are subject to dismissal, says Alexey Yakovlev.

He calls the creation of a single information and settlement center the main scam of the year. This private structure was given the authority to collect payments for housing and communal services from the entire region. The regional department of the FAS spoke out against the creation of such, as journalists put it, a “feeding trough for our own,” but immediately after that its head had to resign.

"Discontent will grow"

While pensioners in Yaroslavl are teetering on the brink of poverty, officials are not. The region turned out to be one of the leaders in terms of salaries for employees of the executive authorities of the Central Federal District after Moscow and the Moscow region. The average salary is 49 thousand 527 rubles per month.

The budget also incurs costs for servicing “foreign” officials - they are paid 35 thousand rubles monthly to pay for rented housing. It is interesting that Dmitry Mironov himself lives in Yaroslavl at the expense of the people’s treasury, although, according to his declaration, he has a spacious apartment in Moscow. However, of course, you don’t drive the governor’s Mercedes-Benz GL 350 from the capital to work every day.

Many hoped that thanks to their proximity to President Mironov, it would be possible to obtain additional funding for the region from Moscow. But the amounts raised cannot be called exorbitant. Propaganda posters report that “more than 8 billion rubles have been raised from the federal budget for the development of our region.” In the capital, more is spent on light bulbs on trees for the holidays.

Over the course of a year, Mironov failed to overcome the chronic underfunding of many important areas, points out Pavel Zarubin. Oleg Vinogradov warns that due to unfulfilled hopes for a new Kremlin appointee, the situation in the future threatens a social explosion.

They expected the person to restore order, but this did not happen. They just plunder the region. Yaroslavl residents are disappointed, and discontent will grow, predicts Alexey Yakovlev.

Among Mironov’s achievements are the repair of the Kotoroslny Bridge and the closure of a garbage dump near Pereslavl. Not a very long list for 12 months of work. True, there are still 5 years ahead, because the candidate has little chance of losing the elections, which have been turned into a formality.