Mikhail Litvinovich Litvak. Mikhail Litvak: YOUR person will find you

The joint book by the famous psychology specialist Mikhail Litvak and personnel selection specialist Victoria Cherdakova is the result of many years of work in the field of human relations.
A look at the same questions by top-class professionals from different fields of activity creates a stereoscopic effect, giving a more complete, voluminous and real idea not only of personnel search, but also of how to connect this process with other processes in the enterprise.

The author of the book proves: genius is manifested not only in the creation of high examples of creativity and scientific discoveries. You can be a brilliant mechanic, cook, businessman, teacher, parent, spouse, leader. That is, a person capable of improving both his life and the entire the world. After all, as you know, genius is 1 percent gift and 99 percent sweat.

Thinking and memory brought man to the pinnacle of evolution. Even ancient thinkers said: I think - that means I exist; I remember - that means I live. In his new book, Mikhail Litvak talks about the important philosophical laws that govern the world and the fate of each of us.

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M. Litvak had already repeatedly expressed the idea of ​​“family as production” in his works. An unusual look at the search and choice of a spouse from the point of view of the same recruiting technology, the fundamentals of psychology and the thoughts of great philosophers is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. And illuminating the issue from different angles allows you to create a stereoscopic effect, giving a more complete, three-dimensional and real picture.
The book is intended for a wide range of readers, both working and not. It will also be useful for those who have already been burned or do not want this when choosing a sexual partner, or for those who want to somehow improve their family relationships.

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A joint book by the famous psychologist M.E. Litvak and specialist in the field of personnel selection V.V. Cherdakova continues personnel issue, begun in the books "How to find Good work and a good employee?" and "Recruiting is a drive!" Here the emphasis is placed on the importance of the compatibility of the characters of managers and key employees, because for success in business and career, it is not so much narrow professional skills that are important, but character.

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In the sixth joint book by the famous psychologist M.E. Litvak and V.B. Cherdakova, a specialist in recruitment and personnel management, the authors develop main idea, expressed by M. Litvak in earlier books: you need to treat your job search as a game and you need to acquire the skill of finding a job, and not “get” a job.

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The next book of the “duet” Mikhail Litvak - Tatyana Soldatova is a good guide for those who want to join the science of controlling natural processes. Moreover, managing it is just as natural, without straining, as development occurs in nature. A well-founded theory, supported by very vivid stories from the experience of its application. These examples have already been tested not only by practice, but also by time. Each topic is ready-made guide to action with full understanding of what you are doing.
Both managers by profession, and everyone who is involved in business and manages their lives, will find useful and interesting information in this book.

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The first edition of this book was published in 1998 and has been reprinted several times without changes to this day. Among my books, it enjoys the greatest success among readers. Its circulation has already exceeded 100 thousand copies, but, nevertheless, it is still selling well. Why then the eighth edition? The fact is that during this time a lot of water has flowed under the bridge. There have been many changes in this world and in my life. Well, you know what happened in the world.
And this is what happened to me...

The book is designed to help you build interpersonal relationships in the family and at work, not give yourself offense, get out of conflicts without losses or with minimal losses, regain friendship and love, get a prestigious job, conclude a lucrative contract, etc.

Designed for psychotherapists, psychologists, and teachers. Can be used as a teaching aid on the psychology of communication.

The author, like Kozma Prutkov, believes that a person’s happiness lies in his own hands. And if he knows how to communicate with himself, he finds mutual language with loved ones, is able to manage a group and quickly get used to a new situation, he is doomed to happiness. The author draws on his wealth of clinical experience and experience psychological counseling, gives simple recommendations how to establish communication.

The book is intended for psychotherapists, psychologists, and teachers. May be of interest to a wide range of readers.

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The book summarizes the author's clinical experience in script reprogramming. It talks about various forms maladaptive personal complexes that determine a person’s fate. Methods of correction and self-correction are given that help patients get rid of neuroses and psychosomatic diseases, and healthy people make their lives happier.

Designed for psychotherapists involved in personality-oriented methods, psychologists-trainers, teachers and a wide range of readers whose activities involve intensive communication or who are dissatisfied with themselves.

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Mikhail Efimovich Litvak is a famous psychologist, internationally registered psychotherapist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, candidate of medical sciences. Vladimir Levi once called Litvak his best colleague in Russia.

A new book by Mikhail Litvak about how to practically change your life for the better. How to understand love and become successful in all its forms. Litvak's books always shock. You will suddenly realize that you were wrong about everything.

All your dogmas and rules are absolutely wrong. Mikhail Efimovich is fluent in the techniques of psychological aikido and very skillfully teaches this art to others. His A new book on a topic that is the cornerstone of all aspects of our lives. His new book is about LOVE...

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The author considers the goal of all his work to be to draw attention to the need for reforms, as a result of which the country’s development will reach a new worthy level corresponding to its natural and human potential.

It is well known that Litvak M.E. is able to reach the very essence of any complicated problem, which, without a doubt, includes the topic of raising children.

The book lays out in detail the topics of raising babies even before they are born and infants, children in kindergarten and schoolchildren, as well as how to educate teachers and grandparents. It also clearly explains that to interfere with personal life a baby is just as discouraged as any other person.
And the most important idea in this book is that you just need to love each other, unconditionally, sincerely and tenderly, for no reason and just like that.

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Do you want to get rich? Tired of struggling at work for a piece of bread? Tired of stuffing your cheeks with stones in a vain attempt to master the art of oratory in order to impress your boss? Do you want to find the staircase leading straight to the Olympus of the oligarchy? Read - and learn! In this book you will find invaluable and paradoxical advice on how to find your ladder to the presidency.

The first edition of this book sold out quite quickly, but readers made some comments, which forced the book to be reworked somewhat, to give more practical recommendations. In addition, many provisions that were previously considered hypothetical have now found reliable confirmation in practice.

Mikhail Litvak is a famous Russian psychologist, psychotherapist, author of 30 books on practical and popular psychology, author of the concept of “psychological aikido.” We have collected for you 20 of his most famous quotes:

1. If a person cannot say anything good about himself, but wants to say something, he begins to say bad things about others.

2. Gnaw the granite of science, and not your neighbor’s throat, if you really want to gnaw something.

3. Depression is given to a person to think about himself.

4. No one leaves anyone, someone just moves forward. The one who lags behind believes that he was abandoned.

5. If you think well of yourself, why do you need someone else to think well of you.

6. Do what you want and don't ask permission. Suddenly they refuse.

7. The ability to love and tolerate loneliness well is an indicator of spiritual maturity. We do our best work when we are alone.

8. An immature person often knows, but does not know how. A mature woman not only knows, but also knows how. Therefore, an immature person criticizes, while a mature person does.

9. I don't know the path to success. But I know the path to failure is the desire to please everyone.

10. There is no male or female logic, there is the ability or inability to think competently.

11. Do you want to know your main enemy? Look in the mirror. Deal with him - the rest will run away.

12. Achieve success - grievances will go away.

13. Communicating with friends is pleasant, but communicating with enemies is useful.

14. There is only one valid reason for breaking a relationship and leaving a job - the impossibility of personal growth in the current conditions.

15. Share only joy with both friends and enemies. The friend will rejoice, the enemy will be upset.

16. Don’t chase happiness, but find the place where it is found. And happiness will find you on its own. I can tell you the place where your happiness is found - it is yourself. And the path to it is the maximum development of all your abilities.

17. Happiness is a “by-product” of properly organized activities.

18. If you want to prove something to someone, it means you live for the sake of the person to whom you want to prove it. If you live for yourself, then there is no need to prove anything to anyone.

19. Dreams are the voices of our abilities. I don't dream of singing in opera. There is no voice, no hearing. And if I dreamed, then, consequently, this dream would be fueled by my abilities. Therefore, I would try to get into the opera. You just need to think about how to make this dream come true. The main thing here is not to rush, then it will work out pretty quickly. It’s good when a person can say the following about himself: “All I do is try to make my dreams come true.”

20. It is better to communicate with a good book than with an empty person.

In our Book Library you can read briefly. In it he talks not only about general principles this technique, but also about how to use aikido in business correspondence, in a situation of work conflict, how to criticize using this method, how to accept criticism, how to respond to unconstructive criticism and much more.


“I want to explain why, I, Litvak Mikhail Efimovich, psychiatrist highest category, psychotherapist of the European Register, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, candidate of medical sciences, author of more than 30 books devoted to the problem of communication and various aspects of psychiatry and psychology, suddenly decided to tackle the problems of raising children,” this is how the famous “engineer of souls” begins his next psychological bestseller.

And, really, why? “The purpose of my articles on education is to attract to the problem those interested in the development of Russia and in carrying out the necessary reforms that would help bring the country to the advanced level that it deserves to occupy in accordance with its natural and human resources. I think it's worth listening to me."

Definitely worth a listen! After all, Litvak knows how to penetrate to the very essence of the most complicated problem. And what about a more complicated problem than raising children - and perhaps their parents? - does not exist in the world.

The author will tell you how to raise educators, how to raise your unborn child, how to raise infants, kindergarteners, teenagers, and even grandparents! He will also give “harmful” advice to children: how to “build” parents so that they do not interfere in your life. And they gave you the opportunity to easily grow and enjoy life.

But the most important thing is that Litvak will teach the main thing: how can we all finally learn to love each other? Sincerely, tenderly, just like that, for no reason...

Hello, Dear Viewers and Subscribers. Today (06/20/2018) Mikhail Efimovich Litvak – anniversary – he turns 80 years old! That’s why I decided to dedicate today’s video to Him! Time codes, as usual, will be posted below, as well as in the description of the video on YouTube.

The video itself is posted below. Well, for those who like to read, the text version of the article is, as usual, directly below the video.
To stay informed latest updates, I recommend that you Subscribe to my Main YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC78TufDQpkKUTgcrG8WqONQ , since I now create all new materials in video format. Also, just recently I opened my second channel entitled " World of Psychology ", where short videos on the most important different topics, illuminated through the prism of psychology, psychotherapy and clinical psychiatry.
Check out my services(prices and rules for online psychological counseling) You can in the article “”.

Time codes:
0:00 Mikhail Efimovich’s anniversary, and why I decided to record this video.
05:50 Text of the note that I wrote back in June 2011 (now I am presenting this text with my comments)
21:25 About the laws and patterns of life, as well as about what, unfortunately, psychologists are NOT taught in universities
31:12 Biographical information of Mikhail Efimovich Litvak
35:40 Full list Books written by Mikhail Efimovich Litvak, which can be purchased in online stores

Hello, Dear Readers. Today (06/20/2018) Mikhail Efimovich Litvak has an anniversary - he turns 80 years old! Therefore, I decided to dedicate today’s article specifically to my, so to speak, former Teacher. Yes, once Mikhail Efimovich really was an unshakable authority and Teacher for me. capital letters. But, as a whole range of true knowledge accumulated in such areas as scientific psychology, psychotherapy and clinical psychiatry, his authority in my eyes was greatly shaken - there was too much outright rubbish, misconceptions and deliberate lies in the Teacher’s speeches. But it is to HIM (and this can NEVER be taken away from him!), and so, it is to HIM that I owe the fact that once upon a time, a long, long time ago, as much as 10 years ago (in December 2008), thanks to his book “Psychological Vampirism “I first became interested in such a science as psychology. And, although later, as I acquired true knowledge, my views with Litvak diverged quite radically, and I filmed whole line sharply negative critical material (the first part of which you can read in the article “”), revealing a number of shortcomings regarding the views and positions of his false teaching, but, nevertheless, for the fact that, thanks to him, I first came to psychology, I give him all my heart souls very, very grateful! That is why on his birthday, there will be NO criticism of my former Teacher even close. On the contrary, today I will read to you that positive and, I would say, somewhat enthusiastic note about Mikhail Efimovich, which I wrote seven whole years ago - back in June 2011. By the way, my readers often asked me about it - they say, “You criticize Litvak, so why is there such a laudatory note in his honor on your website?” Replying to this question, I will say the following: “Yes, when I wrote it for the first time, I really believed that Litvak was a guru, and everything written or said by him was the ultimate truth. But everything flows, everything changes. Later I realized WHAT EXACTLY my former Teacher was wrong and showed it in critical video reviews. Well, I want to bring that old last note today as THANK YOU for what Litvak did for me then. I left the entire essence of that note WITHOUT any changes, only correcting the style in some places (and even then, very, very slightly - as they say, to make it sound more beautiful).” By the way, about a year ago I already recorded a similar video with thanks to Mikhail Efimovich (you can read it in the article “”). There I spoke in detail about how his books and audio seminars helped me. Well, in today’s video I will share with you those emotions and feelings that overwhelmed me during that period of time when I had just recently emerged from my neurotic life scenario. Actually, this will be discussed further. Well, so as not to delay, I will move from words to action (as usual, I will write my brief comments in parentheses and designate them with my initials (Yu.L.):

“Hello, Dear Readers. I dedicate today's article Mikhail Efimovich Litvak . He is a man of world renown. But for me he is a Teacher! (Well, regarding a person with a World Famous name - this, of course, is a little overkill. But since I promised without criticism, I will NOT do it again :); Yu.L.). It was thanks to him and his books that I was able to change my neurotic life for the better. So, I managed to find a way out of my tragic scenario. (No, from the point of view of scenario theory, the outcome of my neurotic life scenario was, of course, NOT tragic, but banal. I will write down more about the scenario outcome (banal (non-winner), tragic (loser, or defeated) and victorious) separate video; Yu.L.). I was able to understand how to live according to my Destiny, realizing all the inclinations and abilities that Life generously endowed me with by nature. (Yes, what is true is true. Nature and genetics rewarded me really generously; Yu.L.). I was able to find myself. I decided on my global (strategic) and smaller local (tactical) goals, and found the roads that lead to their implementation. I figured out for myself what principles I need to proceed from in order to behave correctly and effectively in absolutely any life situations. (Well, regarding Absolutely Anyone, this is, of course, an obvious overkill. But, yes, I will NOT deny - even at that time I understood how to build communication with many people and significantly improved my communication skills; Yu.L.) .

Although all this simply required titanic work on myself, in 2.5 years I independently (only with the help of books and audio seminars by Mikhail Efimovich) found the roots of the neurotic traits of my character, managed to rebuild myself in communication with people, understand, forgive, ask for forgiveness, let go and forget, and if you remember, then with a smile on your face. (Yes, this is absolutely true. Then I really forgave and let go of a lot of people, both from my soul and from my life; Yu.L.). I managed to get out of the scenario with honor The Fawning Tyrant(perhaps the worst scenario) (no, I would NOT say that this is the worst scenario - yes, it certainly had its difficult moments, but in general - nothing truly tragic in my neurotic scenario, on in my opinion, it was NOT after all; Yu.L.), and then Arrogant Creator(no, here I am writing in error - I have NEVER BEEN an Arrogant Creator AT ALL; Yu.L.). Now I am firmly on the path of the Subhuman according to Maslow, who strives at all costs to be a full-fledged Person. (Yes, that’s true, then it was really SO; Y.L.). I had a lot of trial and error. However, without the latter, there really is nowhere. It was after the failures, which I carefully analyzed and analyzed, that significant success followed in working on myself - in self-improvement, personal growth and development.
Yes, the work was done simply enormous, although according to Abraham Maslow and Mikhail Efimovich Litvak, (i.e., a Man) I am not even close yet. But I am moving towards this goal by training my mind, pouring in new information from his books and audio seminars, as well as from the works of classics of both fiction and psychotherapeutic literature.
Books Mikhail Efimovich Litvak - this is the best thing I have ever met from psychological, psychotherapeutic, philosophical and fiction. (Well, since I promised WITHOUT criticism, then, perhaps, I will refrain here too :); Yu.L.). In the shortest possible time, they really allow you to change your life. (It is very, very difficult to change anything in the shortest possible time. But, however, then, at that period of my life, this literature really gave impetus to the beginning of my changes; Yu.L.). I thought for a long time, what is the secret of his success? Why does his work simultaneously include three essential components: efficiency, simplicity and accessibility? Why does the mind work to its fullest and in the right direction, healing and cleansing the soul from the fetid neurotic rot that has been accumulating in the soul for years? - What an interesting thing. I changed Myself, only through his books and seminars. In addition to another Teacher from Network Marketing, to whom I am also very grateful (he taught me in practice how to communicate with people on business and for business) (more on this topic network marketing I will dedicate two separate large videos, in one of which I will definitely tell you about my history of doing this type of “business”; Yu.L.), I didn’t have more Teachers who helped me get out of my neurotic life scenario - I didn’t go to psychologists, didn’t attend various training groups (and thank God, otherwise it’s still unknown where I would have ended up, and whoever it took me to; Yu.L.), did not run around to neurosis clinics and psychotherapists. I avoided black and white magicians, hereditary shamans, midwives, astrologers and fortune tellers of the highest categories!
Yes, I worked a lot on myself, studied, wrote down, kept diaries, wrote a biography and analyzed. (Yes, all these are, of course, very useful things in working on yourself; Yu.L.). I perfectly mastered and successfully applied psychological aikido, targeted modeling of emotions, Horney's introspection, script reprogramming and basic techniques Perls Gestalt Therapy, (well, fortunately, from Gestalt therapy I took, in fact, only one exercise - to live here and now, and with this I firmly tied up with Gestalt; someday I will definitely make several videos on the topic of criticism of this “psychotherapeutic” directions; Yu.L.). But it was Litvak who opened my eyes to these methods, clearly and clearly describing them in the book “From Hell to Heaven.” From his other books and audio seminars, I received the missing love of my father and mother. (No, here, of course, what I wrote was complete nonsense; Yu.L.). I found out at what stage of development of sexuality my delay occurred and how to deal with it. (No, I resolved the issue with love and sex in a completely different way. Litvak HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS. More precisely, at some point his false teaching played with me cruel joke both in terms of sex, and in terms of relationships with the opposite sex, and in terms of love. But, since I promised NO CRITICISM, I will NOT go into details here; Yu.L.). I stopped criticizing people close to me: I got rid of the criticism that I was guilty of every hour, if not every minute. (Yes, this is true. Here, of course, Litvak is absolutely right, believing that one should praise for free, and criticize for Money. And now, accordingly, working as a psychologist, I take money for the criticism that I provide in consultation when analyzing and analyzing the situation from the position of an Adult, explaining to his clients where, what and why they were wrong, and what should have been done in order to achieve the result they desired; Yu.L.). I managed to find in almost every person positive traits his personality, as the 19th century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche advises to do: “correct” his neighbor by praising him; or, grabbing the tip of it good properties, drag him until you pull out his virtue and hide your neighbor in its folds.” (Yes, this is also an absolutely correct approach; Yu.L.). I stopped dividing people into good and bad: I communicated with those who were suitable for me and stopped communicating with those who, accordingly, were not suitable for me. Whether they are good or bad is not for me to judge (100%; Yu.L.).

Of course, like all people, I have my own unresolved problems. But these are problems of a completely different level than they were before, when my soul resembled the Augean stables, and the ninth circle of the fifth zone of Dante’s hell reigned in my brain (there, according to Litvak, traitors to themselves suffer). (Yes, this is true. I betrayed myself (my goals, my dreams, my aspirations, desires, interests and needs) before. And I betrayed it very, very strongly, and, as a result, I suffered a lot and suffered from this - I had to live then, indeed, it was very, very difficult; Yu.L.). Thanks to the adjustment of the script, all the problems from the unconscious moved into my consciousness (yes, awareness of your problems is really the first step to achieving success; Y.L.), and since I no longer want to hide them or forget about them, very soon they will find their natural solution because I work on myself all the time. But two and a half years here is clearly not enough. (Yes, everything was written here absolutely correctly. Some problems, indeed, sometimes require more long work above oneself; Yu.L.). But with what joy I celebrate every little turn of the spiral that brings me closer to a full-fledged Personality. I am moving forward - towards the realization of my global goals, while simultaneously overcoming smaller (local) goals, but no less important in their significance.

And now, Dear Readers, I will reveal to you main secret success Mikhail Efimovich Litvak . In his books he gives us the Laws. (No, Laws in psychology DO NOT exist AT ALL. This is NOT physics and mathematics for you - THERE, indeed, are the clear and strictly defined LAWS of our Universe. - The way it is structured, and the way certain phenomena in it are structured As for psychology, there are only a certain kind of REGULARITIES in it that can work with a certain percentage in certain situations. great amount These very “laws”-regularities that Litvak cites in his books, presenting them as the ultimate truth, very often in fact are NOT even close to this very truth. But I promised NO criticism. So I shut up; Yu.L.). They can be called differently: for an atheist these are the Laws of Nature, for a believer these are the Laws of God. For me, these are the Laws of Life on which the whole world rests. These Laws know no exceptions. Only by competently mastering the Laws can you get rid of neurotic hell, find peace and peace of mind, and finally heal happy life. (What is true is true. - Having mastered the true patterns of our life, we can indeed significantly improve its quality, making it much better and happier; Yu.L.).
Over the course of two and a half years, I had the opportunity to communicate with several people who graduated from psychological and even psychotherapeutic faculties prestigious universities and received their diplomas and certificates there. Their whole problem was precisely that during their training they never learned, or perhaps they were simply not given or explained, these most important Laws of Life! Those. in universities they studied everything except the latter. (Yes, unfortunately, this is really so. In university, unfortunately, they do NOT teach the laws of life. NOWHERE AND IN NO WAY. And it’s a very, very pity. Psychologists really lack real knowledge of psychotherapy. Therefore, it would indeed be very, very cool introduce such a large and voluminous course on certain psychological patterns of our life in universities right while getting a degree in psychology. This would be very useful for my colleagues both in terms of working on themselves and in terms of further work with clients and patients who turn to them for help. Those. Normally, this course (I would call it a course on psychological maturity) should talk, among other things, about certain patterns on which certain phenomena are based, and about certain patterns, knowledge and understanding of which would help to successfully resolve certain life situations and psychological problems that arise in a person). As for my view on the system of psychological education as a whole, I will outline it in separate video; Yu.L.). What was the result of such training, I think you, Dear Readers, have already guessed. At best, universities produced Arrogant Creators, at worst, Subservient Tyrants. I shudder to think how many souls they could ruin by doing psychotherapy. (Well, by the way, Yes - a person who has graduated from the Faculty of Psychology should not be allowed to work psychotherapeutically with a client, in my opinion, until he himself is an adequate and psychologically mature person. Read more about psychologist personality(i.e. about what it should be) I also plan to record a separate video; Yu.L.). After all, a person who came to a psychologist for the first time and, at the same time, ended up with a completely unqualified specialist, will not even contact other psychologists anymore - here such a thing will work flawlessly for the client psychological defense as identification. (Yes, absolutely true. Often a person who has encountered a low-quality and unqualified psychologist will most likely never turn to another such specialist again: “Since this one is such crap, then all the others will most likely be the same. All they are the same. And what did they only learn at the university? They only charge money for their work, but there is no sense! "; Yu.L.).

Materials from Mikhail Efimovich’s books allow you to independently walk the path from Hell to Heaven. No wonder Litvak believes that neuroses are 150% curable. And indeed it is! And let him take decent money for his seminars, but he does it only because he helps, and does not charlatan! (Well, he promised WITHOUT criticism. Therefore, I will refrain from commenting on the cost of his seminars and detailed analysis the effectiveness of his seminars and trainings, although I definitely have something to say on both of these points... But I WILL NOT. At least, certainly NOT in this article and NOT on the anniversary of Mikhail Efimovich; Yu.L.). Soon after treatment, patients (and now clients) no longer need it. It does not act as an inductor, does not trick, does not hypnotize, but forces the brain to work to its fullest and, time after time, to find right decisions to get out of the most difficult life situations. He is a top-class professional, but does not seem to be.

Here's some biographical information about Mikhail Efimovich Litvak which I found on his official website:
Litvak Mikhail Efimovich was born on June 20, 1938 in the city of Rostov-on-Don. He is the founder of the CROSS club (a club for those who have decided to master stressful situations), where you can learn psychologically competent communication and oratory, as well as undergo a course of treatment for psychosomatic diseases and neurotic disorders (now seminars on logic and management psychology have begun to be held there). This club was founded back in 1984.
Mikhail Efimovich is the author and co-author of more than forty books that are devoted to current issues of clinical psychiatry, psychotherapy, and the psychology of management and communication. The total circulation of his books has already exceeded 15 million copies. Bestselling books: “Psychological Aikido”, “If you want to be happy”, “The sperm principle”, “Psychological Vampirism”.
He is a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, as well as a psychotherapist of the World Psychotherapeutic Association and a Member of the European Association of Psychotherapists (EAP) (this title was awarded to Litvak immediately after reading his books!). (Okay, I will remain silent about what an organization like RANS (Russian Academy of Natural Sciences) is. Natural Sciences(NOT to be confused with RAMS - Russian Academy Medical Sciences) and for WHAT there, in this RANS, they give all these pseudoscientific titles. As for the European Association of Psychotherapists, personally, in my eyes, after Litvak’s story that they took him there only after reading his books, in my personal eyes this organization fell sharply. Assign membership only to books, which are also absolutely NOT scientific, but published in mass circulation and designed for the mass reader, i.e. on ordinary and ordinary people who have NO RELATIONSHIP to psychotherapy and, accordingly, cannot evaluate his works from the point of view of the truth of the information presented there - as for me, this is just complete nonsense. However, what can we say just about some Litvak, when the same European Association includes and is considered adequate and normal such an absolutely pseudoscientific direction in psychotherapy as neurolinguistic programming(or NLP). So Litvak and his membership in the EAP are still trifles; Yu.L.).
Mikhail Litvak is the creator of such unique techniques as “Psychological Aikido”, “Script reprogramming”, “Targeted modeling of emotions”, “Intellectual trance”, “Psycho-methotherapy” and others.
He and his students regularly conduct psychological seminars and trainings in more than thirty-two regions of Russia, and in eighteen countries both near and far abroad (Ukraine, Latvia, England, Kazakhstan, Germany, USA, Switzerland, Finland, Bulgaria, Lithuania, and etc.).

And, finally, a list of Books by Mikhail Efimovich that can be purchased in the online store:
1) Neuroses;
2) Sperm principle;
3) Psychological gambits and combinations. Workshop on psychological aikido;
4) How to find out and change your destiny;
5) Psychological vampirism;
6) General psychopathology (co-authored with A.O. Bukhanovsky, Yu.A. Kutyavin);
7) If you want to be happy;
8) Don't whine! Workshop on psychological aikido;
9) Sex in the family and at work;
10) Command or obey? Psychology of management;
11) Psychological Aikido;
12) From Hell to Heaven;
13) The Adventures of the Eternal Prince;
14) How to become a good and sought-after psychologist;
15) Psychologist. Profession or lifestyle;
16) Yes, your command or yes, your subordination. Psychology for management (in Bulgarian);
17) Psychological Aikido (in English);
18) Psihologiskais aikido (in Latvian);
19) Psychological Aikido (in Bulgarian);
20) Bandaging mental wounds or psychotherapy (co-authored with M.O. Mirovich, E.V. Zolotukhina-Abolina);
21) Revelations of a former spermatosaurus, or a textbook of life. Diary of Tatyana Shafranova (co-authored with Tatyana Shafranova);
22) News from the future. Letters to the manager (co-authored with Tatyana Soldatova);
23) How to find a good employee and a good job? (co-authored with Victoria Cherdakova);
24) The Adventures of a Crying Sanguine Man (co-authored with Hilga Plotnik);
25) The Adventures of the Cowardly Lioness, or the Art of Living, which you can learn (co-authored with Galina Chernaya);
26) Further adventures of the Cowardly Lioness (co-authored with Galina Chernaya);
27) Religion and applied philosophy. Apart or together;
28) Logic and life. Tutorial(co-authored with Natalya Epifantseva and Tatyana Shafranova);
29) Man and woman;
30) The Sperm Principle in family relationships;
31) 7 steps to success;
32) 5 methods of raising children;
33) 4 types of love;
34) Workshop on the principle of the Spermatozoon;
35) The Sperm Principle in Business;
36) Psychology Practices;
37) How to sell yourself dearly (co-authored with Victoria Cherdakova);
38) How to manage yourself, business and destiny (co-authored with Tatyana Soldatova);
39) 10 methods for developing thinking and memory;
40) How to raise a genius;
41) How to find a good boss and a good subordinate (co-authored with Victoria Cherdakova);
42) Marriage of convenience? (co-authored with Victoria Cherdakova).

Dear Readers, that’s all I have for today. I wish Mikhail Efimovich Litvak good health and for long years life, but I wish you success and see you again.

Ecology of life. People: Just recently a new book by M.E. Litvak “Man and Woman” was published. And today we decided to talk about relationships

Quite recently released new book by M.E. Litvak “Man and Woman”. And today we decided to talk about relationships. Econet publishes an interview with Mikhail Efimovich Litvak.

1. Mikhail Efimovich, you always say that we are all born to be the first.In terms of self-realization, this is, of course, true, but how can a man and a woman get along when each of them strives to take a leadership position?

Well, everyone is a leader in their own business. And you can complement each other. A man can be a writer, and his woman a translator, or she can be a lawyer, he a builder. Thus, everyone is busy with their own business. On the contrary, it helps the relationship.

2. What is love? How do you understand that this is not just a hobby, falling in love, but that very real feeling?

I use the definition of E. Fromm - “Love is an active interest in the life and development of the object of love.” We often use the word “love”, and by this we mean anything but this feeling. But if you think about this definition, you will understand that the main thing here is not that there is no one to love, but something else, do you know how to love.

And remember, there are no dramas in love, there are sorrows in love. You accepted my love - that’s good, I can develop you, if you didn’t accept it - it’s worse for you. By the way, all trainings are based on love. I love my listeners, I talk about how they can become better.If they take my advice, everything will be fine. If not, then what should I do? I don’t force or hold anyone to anything.

3. You often use the term “addictive love.” Explain the meaning of this concept.

Addictive love is a disease. Drug addiction is a painful addiction to something. For example, alcoholism. The person understands that this is harmful, but he is drawn to it.

It’s the same in relationships. It is very easy to cure this disease. You need to develop yourself and acquire the qualities you need so as not to depend on another person.

4. In your new book there is a chapter “The Art of Choosing a Partner”, please tell us again about the criteria for this choice. When we choose something, we must calculate everything. What needs do we have?

There are five main ones: food instinct, defensive instinct, sense of self-worth and sexual instinct. Your partner must satisfy all these needs of yours..

Let's take a break from love and talk about the cost of the painting. Well, for example, there was such an artist Modigliani, he sold his paintings for half a liter of vodka, and now they are worth millions. Only the cost of the painting was the same then and now. They just didn’t understand it at first.

Regarding connections, I emphasize that this is not cronyism, this is what binds us hand and foot. Well, the future. In general, how much does a person cost? This is determined by the availability of an apartment, a car, the level of material wealth, and connections, the fewer of them, the better. After all, connections are all our prejudices, racial, class, etc. And if they are involved in choosing a partner, in building a family, nothing good will happen.

5. Well, after all, you probably need to listen to your heart when choosing a partner?

If you listen to your heart, you will make a mistake. Emotions never really tell you anything. An emotional person is a stupid person. Well, for example, I got off at the wrong stop, everything around me was unfamiliar, I was confused, but I immediately pulled myself together and got into the next transport, and if I’m emotional, it means I’m not thinking well, which means I won’t be able to calm down and understand what to do next.

6. But we touched on the topic of interethnic relations. What are the pros and cons?

If you have prejudices, they can ruin everything.

7. Mikhail Efimovich, now a modern person can no longer imagine himself without the Internet, here we can find everything: various self-education courses, books, and the contacts we need. And even your soulmate. How do you feel about online dating and is it really true? a good place to start a relationship?

I have a negative attitude towards such acquaintances. Because you won’t recognize a person on the Internet, but he can write anything. You need to meet during collaboration. There you will recognize the person in action.

8. It turns out examples happy relationship who started with online dating, are they just exceptions to the rule?

In my opinion yes. I know more negative examples of online dating.

9.Tell me what factors bring a man and a woman together, and what factors push them away from each other?

Brings a man and a woman together first of all common interests and worldview. In second place are general gastronomic tastes. In third place is sex. On the fourth - the desire to stroke. All these 4 factors are very important. But the most important thing that comes first is common interests. Then two people look in the same direction. And this is very important.

10. Explain the meaning of the term “psychological divorce.”

It's such psychological technique, which was invented by me. The gist of it is that I am internally divorcing my wife. But I don't tell her anything. It was born from practice. One woman, a resident of a small town, was so worried about her husband’s infidelity that she ended up coming to my clinic with a nervous disorder. She didn’t want to get a divorce, thoughts of “what will people think”, shared apartment, etc. Well, I offered her a “psychological divorce.” I told her: “Consider your mistress as your wife and yourself as your mistress. Only he goes to his wife 2 times a week, and to his mistress 5 times. He brings a salary to his wife and gifts to his mistress.” In general, she took my advice and stopped pestering him. And he stopped leaving home. Then I thought that “psychological divorce” is the norm of life.

I must understand that at any moment my wife can tell me:

“I don’t love you anymore and I want to break up with you.” What need to do? Wish her happiness. And thank you for the years of life that she gave. Grieve a little and look for someone else. And let her be happy.Many people dream of eternal marriage. But nothing is eternal. Everything is updated every time.

As Heraclitus said, “It is impossible to step into the same river twice.” I paraphrased - it is impossible to spend the night with the same woman twice. And live with her all my life. Those. every time we change, we are already different. And in fact, every day I live with a different woman, if I think well and see these changes. If I don’t think well, then it seems to me that I’ve been living with the same one all my life, and this is torture.

11. That is, using the “psychological divorce” technique, our claims against our partner disappear, and, accordingly, the relationship becomes stronger without mutual reproaches. But does this technique always work?

Of course always. This is the law of nature. Live for yourself. Basic love is self-love.

The children will grow up, you can separate from your wife or husband, you can quit your job. A there is no escape from yourself. He who does not love himself has no chance of mutual love.. Is it possible to impose something bad on a loved one? A loved one only needs to give himself to his loved one.

12. Is friendship possible between a man and a woman?

What can I say. There is no friendship at all as such. Pushkin also wrote: “Everyone in the world has enemies, but God save us from friends.” There is no friendship. And even more so between a man and a woman. There is cooperation. When there is a common cause.

13. You always say that in order to meet a worthy partner you need to be an individual yourself. Please name three components of personality in your opinion.

These are three factors. Your earnings, health and spiritual development. Read books, think, attend seminars, learn logic, philosophy.

14. If you could give one piece of advice to both men and women, what would it be?

Take care of yourself. And your man will find you. As you grow up, you will be more visible from distant places.

Text and photo: Elena Mityaeva, especially for Econet.ru