Moscow State Pedagogical University named after Ushinsky official. Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky. Other structural divisions

Pedagogical practice is the most important link in the system vocational training primary school teachers.

The theoretical knowledge gained from lectures and methods courses is clearly sufficient for working with children.

The mechanism for conducting teaching practice consists of several stages, and the tasks independent activity students gradually become more complex.

At all stages, communication with children is provided during lessons, in extended day groups, and during extracurricular activities.

The practice is carried out in primary classes of basic secondary schools and in summer health camps.

Pre-diploma practice takes place under the guidance of experienced teachers, masters of their craft.

In addition to their main specialty, young teachers receive additional education in the field of psychology or computer science.

For many years, PC No. 1 named after K.D. Ushinsky has been training specialists capable of solving the problems of modern primary school city ​​of Moscow.

One of the main directions is the production of specialists for educational institutions in the capital.

Experienced methodologists help students prepare for the educational institutions Moscow lessons and various psychological and pedagogical events (conversations, trial lessons, business games, etc.).

Students conduct their first lessons, organize leisure activities for schoolchildren, and conduct career guidance work among high school students.

The college prepares specialists:

1) “Elementary school teacher”

Full-time form of education. With additional training in:

  • Computer science
  • Psychology
  • Corrective pedagogy in primary education

Duration of training:

2) “Social teacher”

Full-time form of education.

With additional training in:

  • Information Technology
  • Psychology

Duration of training:

  • based on 9th grade. – 3 years 10 months,
  • based on 11th grade. – 2 years 10 months.

3) "Educator" preschool institutions» (for employees of educational institutions)

The form of training is part-time. Duration of training: based on 11th grade. – 2 years 10 months. College education is free. Graduates receive a state diploma.

IN Pedagogical College No. 1 named after K.D. Ushinsky, preparatory work is being carried out courses for those wishing to enroll to our educational institution.

On the base 9 classes in the specialties "Teaching in primary school" and "Social pedagogy":

  • Mathematics - 4 hours per week

On the base 11 classes in the specialty "Teaching in primary school":

  • Russian language - 4 hours per week
  • Mathematics - 4 hours per week

On the base 11 classes in the specialty "Social pedagogy":

  • Russian language - 4 hours per week
  • Biology - 4 hours per week

At the end of the classes, final work is carried out in the Russian language, mathematics and biology.

Duration of training in preparatory courses:

  • 1 stream - 6 months (from October to March)
  • 2 stream - 6 months (from November to April)
  • 3 stream - 4 months (from February to May)
  • short-term - 3 weeks (June).

Classes start at 16:00.

The duration of one lesson is 45 minutes.

Payment for training in preparatory courses is carried out through Sberbank no later than the 10th day of each month.

For questions about preparatory courses, please contact:

Pedagogical College No. 1 named after Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky is one of the oldest pedagogical educational institutions city ​​of Moscow. It has a long and glorious history, which began at the beginning of the last century.

The technical school provided a wide range of knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice. After the first year of study, a group of students was sent to villages to help open libraries and organize literacy clubs. Among them was the future writer Boris Laskin.

In 1945, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decided: “To assign the name of Ushinsky K.D. the first pedagogical school in Moscow." For almost 65 years now, our educational institution has been named after Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky with honor and pride.

Areas of study

Secondary specialties vocational education:

¦ Teaching in primary school (full-time, part-time)
¦ Pedagogy additional education in the field of social and pedagogical activities (full-time education)
¦ Preschool education(full-time education; for (employees of preschool educational institutions, part-time, correspondence forms training)

Duration of training:
Based on 9th grade.(full-time department) - 3 years 10 months.
Based on 11 cells.(full-time department) - 2 years 10 months.
Based on 11 cells.(part-time department, correspondence department) - 2 years 10 months.

Admission conditions:

Entrance exams:

Based on 9th grade:
¦ Teaching in primary school

. Mathematics - in GIA format or GIA results

¦ Pedagogy of additional education
in the field of social and pedagogical activities
. Russian language - in GIA format or GIA results
. Literature - testing or GIA results
¦ Preschool education (full-time education)
. Russian language - in GIA format or GIA results
. Biology - testing or GIA results

Based on 11th grade:

¦ Teaching in primary school (correspondence course)
. Russian language - testing. Mathematics - oral

¦ Preschool education(full-time and part-time forms of education for those working in preschool educational institutions)

¦ Russian language - testing

Biology - testing

Full-time and part-time - FREE, part-time - paid

Based on 9th grade:

¦ in the specialty "Teaching in primary school"— Russian language (preparation for the State Examination), mathematics (preparation for the State Examination)
¦ in the specialty “Pedagogy of additional education in the field of social and pedagogical activities” - Russian language (preparation for the State Examination), literature (preparation for testing)
¦ in the specialty “Preschool Education” - Russian language (preparation for the State Examination Test), biology (preparation for testing)

At the end of the training sessions, final work is carried out.

Duration of training in preparatory courses: b months (from October to March), 4 months. (from February to May), 3 weeks. (June)

Cooperation with universities:

College graduates enter related professions in pedagogical universities for a shortened period of study and without Unified State Exam results(MPGU, MGPPU, MGPU, MGPI)

Additional services:
On the basis of the college there is a system of additional professional education (advanced training courses).

Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky

Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky
International name

Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky

Year of foundation

8145 people (2009)

Postgraduate studies

287 people (2009)

Doctoral studies

25 people (2009)

The doctors

72 people (2009)


65 people (2009)


538 people (2009)



In 2008, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University celebrated its 100th anniversary. In the anniversary year, more than 3,000 students were involved in the scientific process, among them more than 350 winners and prize-winners. University students took part in an open competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; in All-Russian competition on " Best Project student self-government" (Rostov-on-Don); at the All-Russian Exhibition of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth “NTTM-2008”.

Organization of the educational process

The structure of the university includes 3 institutes (pedagogy and psychology; philology; problems of chemogenomics), 10 faculties, a faculty of pre-university preparation, a faculty of advanced training, three branches and a representative office. The main areas of training are humanitarian, social and natural Sciences, education and pedagogy, economics and management, culture and art, service sector.

YSPU has a highly qualified teaching staff (70% doctors and candidates of science), providing the highest quality of training in all areas and specialties being implemented. Among them are Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, Honored Workers of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, members of public Russian and foreign Academies of Sciences.

The university has a developed infrastructure and modern material and technical base.

Classes are held in classrooms of three ancient buildings and four modern ones; each is equipped taking into account technical advances recent years. Each academic building has resource centers with modern computers, electronic boards, multimedia projectors, and Internet access. In 2009, new opportunities for university students appeared with the opening of similar centers in dormitories. Each academic building has a snack bar and a cloakroom.

Organization of research work

The training of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel is carried out through doctoral studies, full-time and part-time postgraduate studies, and competition. Postgraduate studies are licensed in forty scientific specialties, doctoral studies in nine specialties. The university has ten dissertation councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations.

student life

YSPU students participate in research activities (Russian and international competitions and conferences, internships abroad) in sports, in social work (the university has a volunteer movement, a student council, public organization"Union of Students", contacts have been established with the Youth Government Yaroslavl region). Almost every faculty has its own KVN team, the YSPU KVN team is famous among different regions Russia. For more than 45 years, there has been a student theater of miniatures at Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, known outside of Yaroslavl. Also, already at the university, students can receive additional specialties at the faculty of additional professional training: for example, tour guide, floristry, massage and others.

Faculties and departments

The scientific and methodological centers operating within the structure of the IPP expand opportunities for deeper study by students and graduate students of specialized disciplines. These are centers for organizing work with youth, social and pedagogical technologies, psychological diagnostics, a research center for regional problems of education, and the psychological service of the university.

International activity

International contacts of the faculty and the institute affect not only the closest neighbors - Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan - but also countries far abroad. The scientific partner is the Higher School named after. Pavel Wlodkowitz in Plock (Republic of Poland), close ties with which allow for international exchanges of teachers and graduate students of the faculty. The International Institute, created on the basis of two educational institutions intercultural communications several times a year conducts advanced training courses for teachers in Russia and Poland. Such cooperation expands the possibilities for modernizing the educational process at the faculty, taking into account best international practices.

Other structural divisions

  • Pre-university training units
  • Educational and methodological management
  • Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
  • Preparatory department
  • International Cooperation Department
  • Student Research Office
  • Control innovative technologies in teaching and research
  • Information Department
    • Department of Educational Information Technologies
    • Information Resources Department
    • Control systems support department
    • Department Maintenance computer technology
  • Administrative and economic service
  • Operations Department
  • Fundamental library
  • Editorial and publishing department
  • Pre-university preparation
  • NUPO "Botanical Garden"
  • Department of educational work
  • Public Relations and Media Department
  • Civil Defense Headquarters
  • Dispensary
  • Trade union committee


Frame Address What is situated Coordinates Photo
I Republican street, 108 Administration, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, selection committee full-time department, K. D. Ushinsky Museum, various university services 57.6225 , 39.876111 57°37′21″ n. w. 39°52′34″ E. d. /  57.6225° N. w. 39.876111° E. d.(G) (O)
II Kotoroslnaya embankment, 46 Faculty of Natural Geography 57.62 , 39.874722 57°37′12″ n. w. 39°52′29″ E. d. /  57.62° N. w. 39.874722° E. d.(G) (O)
III Kotoroslnaya embankment, 44 Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining, Faculty of Social Management 57.62 , 39.876111 57°37′12″ n. w. 39°52′34″ E. d. /  57.62° N. w. 39.876111° E. d.(G) (O)
IV Uglichskaya street, 72 Faculty of Education, Academic Choir of YSPU
V Kotoroslnaya embankment, 66 Faculty of Russian Philology and Culture, Faculty of Foreign Languages 57.6175 , 39.861389 57°37′03″ n. w. 39°51′41″ E. d. /  57.6175° N. w. 39.861389° E. d.(G) (O)
VI Avtozavodskaya street, 87b Faculty of Defectology 57.641389 , 39.812222 57°38′29″ n. w. 39°48′44″ E. d. /  57.641389° s. w. 39.812222° E. d.(G) (O)
VII Kotoroslnaya embankment, 46v Faculty of History, Student Research Bureau, Department of Medical and Biological Fundamentals of Sports, Faculty of Physical Culture 57.62 , 39.873611 57°37′12″ n. w. 39°52′25″ E. d. /  57.62° N. w. 39.873611° E. d.(G) (O)
Sports building Kotoroslnaya embankment, 46a Faculty of Physical Education 57.619444 , 39.873889 57°37′10″ n. w. 39°52′26″ E. d. /  57.619444° s. w. 39.873889° E. d.(G) (O)

University branches

  • Branch in Uglich
  • Branch in