Methods for transferring images from paper to wood. Transferring an image to wood - features of the technology How to glue a computer drawing to wood

Do you have various pieces of wood lying around at home and need to go somewhere with a gift? Here economical option original gift- photo on a tree.

  • actual photography
  • a light, flat piece of wood or plywood
  • simple photo editor
  • Possibility of printing on a laser printer
  • scissors
  • bone knife for envelopes (a piece will do
    hard cardboard)
  • matte gel polish (can be found in the section
    acrylic paints in art stores)
  • matte adhesive for Mod Podge blend (you can
    and glossy - your choice)
  • 2 different brushes (bristles or foam)
  • towel and rag
  • newspaper for workplace protection

STEP #1- Make a mirror image

Open the photo you want to use in an editing program (almost any image viewer/browser will do) and apply the horizontal mirror filter. This is necessary so that the final image is the same as the original one.

Make sure the photo resolution is 300 DPI so it will print in good quality. Pay attention to the size of the photo, it should be large enough to fit on the surface of your pile of wood.

STEP #2— Laser printing

Print your mirrored, precisely metered photo at 300 DPI using a laser printer on fairly thin paper (eg 24 lb or 90 gsm paper).

It is better to print the photo on thin paper because it will be easier in step 8 when you erase paper base.

To insure in case your hand trembles while cutting along the contour, you can make two copies of the photo.

STEP #3- Let's work with scissors

It's simple - carefully cut out the image according to the shape of your piece of wood.

STEP #4— Spreading with glue

Cover the table with newspaper to avoid getting it dirty.

Apply matte glue to the entire surface of the cut out photo using one of the brushes.

Now very carefully place the photo face down on top part pieces of wood.

After this, use a bone knife or stiff cardboard with a straight edge to smooth the photo and expel any air bubbles from underneath your photo.

Remove any remaining glue that squeezed out from under the edges of the photo when you smoothed it out.

STEP #6- Let it dry

It should now take at least 8 hours for your photos to dry.

Therefore, it is convenient to start making this gift in the evening in order to continue the next morning. Or vice versa, get up early in the morning to finish in the evening.

STEP #7- Wet it properly

After the photo has dried for 8 hours or so, it's time to properly wet it.

First, lay down a towel.

Then take a rag and wet it with water.

Squeeze the excess water out of the rag—you don't want to get wet—and place it on top of the photo.

Press the wet rag onto the photo and make sure it is completely wet. Or just let the wet rag sit on the photo for a few minutes if you prefer.

STEP #8— We remove unnecessary things

Firstly, it will take some time.

Now that the photo is wet, use a rag and/or your fingers to wipe away the paper backing and “free” your beautiful photo.

  • To age a photo, use a wet rag to remove any fibers from the paper. The rag's own fibers will also erase some of the photo that appears.
  • For better quality, clean look, use your fingers to erase the fibers of the paper.

Take breaks from erasing the paper to dry so you can see any paper fibers that still need to be erased.

From experience, best condition, in which all the fibers can be seen and erased when the photo is almost dry.

FYI: Depending on the size of your photo, this step may take some time. It took about 30 minutes to remove the paper from our small oval board. In any case, take your time with this so as not to ruin all your work.

With a minimum amount of material and time spent, you can make a memorable gift or retro-style decoration for your interior with your own hands. The tree will give the photo a special inner glow, and you will also get beautiful matte shades in the transferred frame. This is a step-by-step illustrated master class on creating real works of art with your own hands.

You learn:
- Select color images to transfer to wood;
- Work with gel medium (gel medium transfer - transfer gel, gel for transferring images; freely sold on the RuNet);
- Transfer any image to the surface;
- Competently complete the work of transferring the image to the surface.

1. Select suitable source materials.

The wooden base can be of any shape, but its surface must be perfectly smooth so that the image lies flat and without breaks in every sense. It is also preferable to use light wood, since it is this that gives that “inner glow”. A particularly light base is important for portraits so that the skin tone does not change for the worse.

As for the photograph, it must be printed on a laser printer and from the very beginning in a size equal to the size of the wooden base for transfer. Therefore, after printing, it is good to trim off the excess white paper from the frame to make it easier to work with later. The picture should normally be high-contrast (you can process the image in a graphics editor on your PC if this is not the case). But pictures that are slightly out of focus and with very soft shades of color give an excellent retro effect on wood. See examples of suitable shots below - from bottom to top and from right to left: a contrast shot, but out of focus; the photo is out of focus and has soft tones; contrast shot in perfect focus. Wood will enhance color rendering in any case.

Any transfer medium gel can be used, but the best image is produced by a gel with a matte effect (marked “matt” on the package) and the most dense/thick consistency (marked “heavy” on the package).

Also to you will come in handy:
- unnecessary plastic roller,
- (or) a wide wooden stick (purchased at a pharmacy),
- a pair of medium-sized flat brushes for applying the composition (glue brushes),
- soft sponge or dish sponge (new),
- water in a small bowl or low glass,
- paper towels/napkins/handkerchiefs/toilet paper or thin kitchen towels,
- a small amount of oil (any liquid from the kitchen).

2. Right before you begin, wipe your wood base several times with a clean, dry towel to remove any crumbs or dust.

3. Apply a good layer of transfer gel to the surface of the wood: definitely not thin (a lot of wood shouldn’t be visible through the gel), but not very thick (the gel layer shouldn’t look like impenetrable icing on a cake either). Just squeeze the gel out of the tube or spoon the gel out of the container onto the wood, and then spread it in a more or less even layer with a brush (or wooden stick, or a plastic card - whichever is more convenient for you). Don't forget to make sure that the layer on the edges of the wooden base is no thinner than in the middle.

4. While the gel is still wet, place the print side down on the gel. The photo can be cropped to a size slightly smaller (or much smaller) than the wooden base, then you will end up with a thin or wide wooden frame around the image. Using your fingers carefully (so as not to move the photograph even a millimeter, hold it with one hand and gently smooth it in all directions with the other), smooth out the superimposed photograph, slightly pressing it to the surface and removing air between the photograph and the gel on the wood. It is important not to press so hard that the gel begins to squeeze out on the sides!

5. Smooth it with your fingers, take a plastic card (it’s more convenient to use than a stick, since the first edge gives more uniform pressure) and, again holding the photo with one hand, continue to smooth the white surface of the photo with the second edge of the card.

6. After this, set your workpiece aside until the gel dries COMPLETELY overnight. Resist the temptation to hold up the photo and see what happens: you will probably ruin the work. If you work in the summer, you can also put the workpiece in the sun for a couple of hours (but not on the radiator!!) and then check the degree of drying, and this may(!) be enough.

7. After the gel has COMPLETELY dried, take a sponge, dampen its edge a little in water (do not saturate it with water, just wet it) and start applying water directly to the back white surface of the photo on the tree. Do this carefully in several passes (wetting the sponge several times), first blotting the image with a sponge, and then, when there is already a lot of water on the paper, continuing to move in gentle circular movements. That is why - so that the material does not immediately begin to wear off with pellets of water - it is necessary to print the photograph initially on special paper for photographs, and not on ordinary office paper. Make sure you are working with the soft part of the sponge and not the hard scrubbing layer. During this process, when squeezing the sponge into the glass, a whitish liquid will flow, and this is normal. The paper should be completely wet from the center to the edges without gaps.

8. Next, still continuing to wet the sponge from time to time, begin to roll away the wet paper from the image. Make sure to not only work in one central area, but equally around the edges so that the paper doesn't rub off in one area because you may start to remove your transferred image. Don’t be especially afraid of this, rub with light pressure, and the paper will come off quickly, the main thing is not to rub one place with force, as if you were scrubbing a stain; in particular, do not rub those places where the paper is no longer there.

The paper should come off completely this way. If some areas do not want to be rubbed off, use your own moistened fingers, as they are smoother and you can feel the pressure and progress better with them.

Run the sponge over the picture without pressing to remove all the pellets down to the smallest ones, and then without pressing with wet fingers over the same surface to make sure by the texture that there is no more paper left, not even a thin layer.

Wipe the image with a clean, thin towel to remove paper “dust” and any remaining moisture.

At the end of this stage, wet your fingers again and walk again several times, but almost without any pressure, over the image, since the paper hairs probably still remain: while the paper is wet, it is not visible, but when it dries, it will become very noticeable if it remains in the image.

9. Dry the picture on the wood again with a thin towel. Set aside the tree with the image until it is completely dry from moisture.

10. As you can see in the picture below, even if you rubbed very carefully, after drying, some of the paper fibers will still “show up” in the image. You can use water again and then dry the picture again. But here's another one, more efficient technique completion of work.

With one finger, literally take a couple of drops of oil and carefully apply it to the picture in a circular motion. And as you work, you will see how these fibers simply disappear. Once you have achieved the desired result, take a thin towel (paper or fabric) and start wiping the oil from the picture with the tip.

11. If during work a small amount of gel spills over the edges of the image on a wooden base, just carefully remove the frozen lumps of gel with your fingers.

12. By and large, the work is finished. But now you can decorate the frame, for example, using a special ornamental adhesive tape with a pattern - washi-tape (freely sold on the RuNet). Here the frame is presented in the form of an abstraction, repeating and shading the colors of the image. It is also convenient for sealing the side edges of a wooden base. You can also use acrylic paint instead of ribbons. It is also worth painting the back side of the tree with one color.

All photos from the article

Distinctive feature century high technology is the ease with which beauty is replicated and originality is put on stream. But if not everyone is given the gift of becoming an artist and painting great canvases, then creating unique images with the help simple technologies many can do.

Wood is one of the suitable materials, on which a photograph or favorite drawing will look great. In addition to the fact that the quality of the product will remain unchanged for many years, it will be a kind of masterpiece or a piece of goods, depending on how it is disposed of.

The essence of technology

Don't let people like that scare you Clever words, like sublimation printing technology or graverton, because they are one and the same, therefore, less incomprehensible. The technology is based on the principle of sublimation, when a substance is exposed to high temperature“jumps” from a gaseous state directly to a solid state, bypassing the wet stage.

Graverton technology allows you to transfer a design to wood, metal, glass, fabric, and the process itself takes place in a certain order:

  1. The image is printed on sublimation paper;
  2. The front side is applied to the object being processed;
  3. Placed in a heat press for a certain time.

Can be subjected to artistic treatment great amount things - from shoes, dishes, fabrics to corporate symbols, puzzles and all sorts of other unexpected things.

The main disadvantage of graverton technology is the need for special equipment and its high price:

  • sublimation printer(starting from 500 thousand rubles and kopecks);
  • thermal transfer press(from 9 to 30 thousand rubles).

And since you want to transfer a design to wood at home from time to time, it makes sense to purchase expensive equipment only if you take the matter on a grand scale.

We create for ourselves

With a minimum of tools, you can also figure out how to transfer an image onto wood no worse than using high-tech equipment. Perhaps the most important thing is to decide on the topic, because erasing the “nonsense” will be, oh, how difficult it is.

There are several rules that will teach you how to transfer a drawing to wood so that it looks correct:

  1. The working surface should be light and clean;
  2. The direction of the wood fibers should not spoil the drawing, for example, oblique lines can add extra wrinkles to the photograph;
  3. The topic with words/numbers is printed in mirror image (a photo editor will help you rotate the image);

In the variety of materials used for finishing, wood occupies a special place. This material is notable for its unique texture, environmental friendliness and natural origin. The wood itself, especially when varnished or otherwise decorated, is quite beautiful. However, at the same time, it often becomes the basis for placing certain images. Moreover, the latter can be transferred independently. And there are several ways to do this.

Unlike paper and canvas, painting on wood is something new and interesting in our design. Therefore, such paintings will attract attention, and those people who want to create an interior that can surprise can consider this particular option.

In addition, you can decorate the wood that is used directly in the decoration, making the interior that is familiar to many look completely new. In addition, this way you can decorate a variety of wooden crafts, starting from boxes and ending with furniture.

Finally, transferring the image to wooden surface It can be a hobby for children and adults, and for some, a way to earn money. After all, things self made are actively being acquired today.

What needs to be done with the drawing and wood before transferring

  • Transferring an image onto a wood surface, like any other, is in some cases impossible without the mirroring effect. In the case of an image, this is not so important, but it is better to initially make letters and numbers mirrored, so that after transfer they will take on correct view;
  • Any drawing is best transferred to high resolution. During the work process, blurriness may appear, and if the image resolution was initially low, this can greatly deteriorate the quality of the final result;
  • The quality of the transfer directly depends on how clean and smooth the surface is. Any contamination is unacceptable, as are unevenness. In the latter case, you can use sandpaper;
  • The color of the wood can also play a role in transfer. It is best to use options that are as light as possible.

Transfer with sublimation paper

A special type of paper that, when heated, can adhere to a surface, such as wood. Anything can be printed on such paper, and the process of transferring an image with its help is as simple as possible.

Ironing paper

It is often used when it is necessary to transfer images to wood for subsequent tracing with a special soldering iron and thus creating a picture. Some people draw by hand, while others prefer this method. However, the method is also suitable for creating final products, and due to its cheapness and simplicity, it is very accessible and popular.

To transfer, you need to print the desired image on a sheet of paper. The sheet itself is laid on a perfectly cleaned and smooth wood surface. In this case, the paper is moistened with a small amount of acetone, which will make the process of transferring pigment from it to wood when heated better.

Important! When working with acetone, all precautions should be taken. Remember that the material has a strong odor and evaporates rapidly. It is best to work in a ventilated area, and you should protect your respiratory system with a respirator or at least a mask. It is also important to have a fire extinguisher on hand to prevent static electricity.

By stretching the paper soaked in acetone until required sizes, we begin to iron it with a hot iron, and after a while the image will be transferred.

Transfer using decoupage film

Decoupage is becoming a very popular hobby, so many people know how to handle film from it. After printing the desired image on it, also prepare white acrylic paint.

It is necessary to perfectly clean the wood and also give it a smooth surface. Next, we apply pre-slightly diluted paint in two layers. Moreover, the application directions must be perpendicular to each other.

The paint must be allowed to dry. After this has happened, dampened decoupage paper (about 30 seconds soaking in water room temperature) are placed on the surface, removing the base and rubbing with a sponge to ensure a tight fit. After waiting for it to dry, you can treat the surface with varnish.

Transfer using PVA or gel medium

Regardless of the material chosen, the process is approximately the same. However, in the case of gel, the application occurs directly on the board, well, the glue is applied to the photograph. The photo itself can be a simple printout on plain paper. If this is important to the image, it is necessary to have a mirrored version of the photo, as later the picture will take on the correct appearance. The following is the procedure:

  • The wood must be thoroughly cleaned and perfectly sanded to create a smooth surface. Can be used sandpaper with grit 120;
  • Processing photos with glue or wood gel. In the case of the latter, it is necessary to do everything as carefully as possible, without missing the slightest fragment;
  • The sheet must be glued to the lubricated surface, and then passed over it with a roller for a better fit, absence of folds and air bubbles. This stage is extremely important, since it determines how well the drawing will be translated;
  • Leave the product overnight, then, as soon as the gel is completely dry, wet the sheet and remove it with a dishwashing sponge. The image is translated quite reliably, and it is not so easy to erase it. However, it is still better not to try too hard. In this case, in the case of PVA glue, wash paper layer it will be more difficult;
  • After all the paper has been removed, make sure that there are no traces of it left on the surface, as they may interfere with the next step - varnishing. You can use waterproof or clear acrylic varnish.

Drawing technology

The method is based on thermal transfer of toner and is quite often used for making printed circuit boards at home.
We will use this method to apply a pattern to plywood. So let's get started.
First we need to prepare a drawing and paper.


You can download from our website among the crafts you like, or read how to prepare a drawing yourself in the next article.


We will need glossy paper, the main quality of which will be a low toner retention rate. For example, it could be glossy magazine paper, but I personally use backing paper for labels. If you don’t have anything of the above recommended on hand, you can take plain paper, this technology will work just as well.

Printing a drawing

When printing, you must not forget that the image will be translated as a mirror image, so you need to prepare your layout in advance by “reflecting it horizontally.” You can do this programmatically or select the appropriate setting in the printer settings, provided that your printer supports this function.

Also, in the settings, it is worth turning on high-quality printing - this will give a larger amount of toner on the sheet and, as a result, faster transfer of the drawing to plywood.

Transferring a drawing

To transfer the design, place the printed layout with the toner down on the plywood, and slowly smooth the reverse side with an iron. It takes about one minute to transfer an A4 sheet drawing.


You can use a regular iron as a toner transfer stove. If you decide to take an iron that is also used in everyday life, then take care of its safety - use a pad made of paper and fabric to avoid the formation of carbon deposits on its surface.

As for me, I use an iron for upholstering aircraft models; it is quite convenient, since you can set the required temperature on it - 190 degrees. The surface of the iron has long been accustomed to different experiments, so I don't use a gasket.

Alternatively, you can use construction hair dryer and a roller.

Removing paper

After smoothing the layout evenly with an iron, before removing the paper layer, you should wait some time, allowing the transferred toner to cool.

When the paper is removed, you should check the lines of the drawing to see how successfully they have been transferred and, if necessary, complete the missing elements with a pencil.
At this point, the stage of transferring the drawing onto plywood is completed.


This technology also has one drawback: in the pursuit of saving time, the development of a number of important human qualities is missed, such as:
concentration, patience, perseverance, concentration, accuracy, leisurelyness, thoroughness.
For this reason, beginners, children school age, I would recommend trying it first traditional ways drawing a drawing on plywood:
Translation using a carbon copy or making a template.