Methodological development Vacation school Competence: Professional courses “I and the profession” Profession “Electrician. Professional tests - the path to an informed choice of profession Tests for the profession of electrician for schoolchildren


Modern man lives in a complex, constantly changing world, society as a whole is experiencing a transition from the industrial stage of scientific and technological progress to the technological stage of socio-economic development, therefore it is necessary to understand your interests and inclinations as early as possible, deeper and more self-critically, and then determine your abilities .

There are no recipes that would guarantee the choice of a profession in which a person’s physical and spiritual strengths would manifest themselves in the best possible way. And, above all, because choosing a profession is not an instant step, but a process of long-term preparation. It begins long before a person begins to work. You need to try to find out in advance more about the variety of modern professions and the prospects for their development, about the requirements that they place on human qualities. When choosing a profession, each person must clearly determine what he needs to be like to master it. Professional self-determination is a long process that is carried out in several stages, at each of which certain tasks are solved.

The division of labor and its complication lead to the assignment of a certain profession to a person, which requires special knowledge and skills, and special qualifications from the person. Based on the performance of homogeneous labor functions, specific professions are formed, defined by a common name (turner, electrician, driver, doctor, teacher, etc.). Mastery, skill, and literacy in performing the labor functions of a certain profession are called professionalism. When a job is done well, it is often said that it was done professionally. If a person allows defects in his work, then they speak of unprofessional work. Professionalism is the result of training and work experience.

Scientific and technological progress increases the role of skilled labor, which requires special professional training, knowledge, skills and abilities to perform complex work. In other words, this is complex labor, which differs from unskilled, simple labor. One hour of complex labor is equivalent to several hours of simple labor. The employee’s qualifications are confirmed by a document confirming the rank, category, or rank assigned to him. Anyone who wants to earn more must apply skills to obtain higher qualifications. It is easier for a qualified worker to find a good job. After all, everyone wants to send their children to a good teacher, go to a good doctor, have a dress sewn by a good tailor. The word “good” in everyday use includes, first of all, the concept of professionalism, high qualifications of the worker, high quality of the product of labor or services provided.

Compliance with rules, norms, contracts, orders, and instructions from production managers is also called diligence. But performance is impossible without initiative. In fact, having received an order, a person must think about how best to carry it out. It is impossible to provide for all situations that arise in the labor process in rules, orders, and instructions. A modern worker must, under specific conditions, find the optimal solution that allows him to fulfill the instructions given to him efficiently and on time. Initiative and performance are interconnected. A thoughtless performer is a bad worker. On the contrary, initiative is evidence of high professionalism. Along with special training in modern industries, the general culture of the employee and the ability to independently solve creative problems are of great importance. The work culture is manifested in its scientific organization.

We talked about what kind of worker modern production needs: labor activity requires a person’s professionalism, qualifications, general culture, discipline, initiative, etc. Now let’s approach labor activity from the other side: to what extent does it correspond to human nature, how does it contribute ( or prevents) the development of truly human qualities in him.

With the development of industrial production, people were freed from many physical efforts when performing labor operations. However, if in ancient times a craftsman created a finished thing, which was the embodiment of his personal skill, as if representing his personal qualities, an industrial worker, along with the means of labor, is considered only as a factor of production. This disrupts the harmony of labor with the basic biological and psychological features inherent in the development of human life. This result of industrial production is called the dehumanization of production.

This type of labor process causes its participants to feel that they, as individuals, are dominated by machines, which denies their individuality. They develop apathy, a negative attitude towards work as something forced, performed only out of necessity.

Working conditions are of great importance. They include the degree of danger or safety of the object and means of labor, their impact on the health, mood and performance of a person. Humanization of work means the process of humanization. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate factors that threaten human health in a technical environment. Functions that are hazardous to human health and operations involving great effort and monotonous labor are being transferred to robotics in modern enterprises.

Modern technological processes imply the intellectualization of labor, its organization in such a way that the individual is not reduced to a simple performer of individual operations. In other words, we are talking about changing the content of work, which at the present stage of scientific and technological progress can become more diverse, more creative, more interesting.

Work culture is of particular importance. Researchers identify three components in it. Firstly, it is the improvement of the working environment, i.e. the conditions in which the labor process takes place. Secondly, this is a culture of relationships, the creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the work team. Thirdly, the participants in the work activity understand the content of the labor process, its features, as well as the creative embodiment of the engineering concept embedded in it.

Labor activity is the most important field of self-realization in the life of any person. It is here that a person’s abilities are developed and improved, it is in this area that he can establish himself as an individual. The process of humanization of labor expands these possibilities. It is up to each of us to use them.

That is why it is necessary to think about choosing a profession as early as possible, make this choice and successfully master the basics of the chosen profession.

Professional test.

The problem of preparing schoolchildren for life and professional self-determination in modern socio-economic conditions is becoming increasingly urgent. The labor market in our country has revealed serious shortcomings in its solution.

A professional test models the elements of a specific type of professional activity and promotes a conscious, informed choice of professions.

The professional test "Electrical Engineering" in the field of activity "Man-Technology" orients 9th grade students in the specialties "Electrician", "Electrical assembler", "Electrical fitter". The purpose of this professional test is to generate interest in the profession, provide assistance in choosing a life path, and identify abilities for these specialties.

Tasks of a professional test.

  1. Provide basic information about professional activities.
  2. To model the main elements of professional activity in the field of “Human-Technology”.
  3. Using the trial method, identify students’ interests in this type of practical activity.
  4. To formulate the needs for further study and improvement of professional activities.

Professional test includes:

The training stage, which provides for students to receive general information about the professional activities of an electrician.

The purpose of this stage is to prepare students to perform a professional test and obtain information about professional activities in the field of “Human-Technology”.

After completing this stage, students should know:

  • Content and nature of work in this field of activity. Requirements for personal and professional qualities.
  • Safety, sanitation and hygiene rules.
  • Demand for the profession in the labor market in the region, ways to obtain a profession.
  • General theoretical information, tools, materials, equipment and rules for their use.

basis preparatory period is theoretical training combined with practice, which consists of repeating individual techniques.

The practical stage is the basis of the test and consists of:

1. Professional test in the specialty "Electrician".

2. Professional test in the specialty "Electrical installer".

3. Professional test in the specialty "Electrical mechanic".

Professional tests are based on modeling the main elements of professional activity in the field of “Human-Technology”.

Professional tests are aimed at:

Identification of inclinations to perform work related to electrical installations.

Formation of the ability to comprehend issues related to the technological process of installation, repair and maintenance of electrical equipment.

Identification of individual characteristics necessary for people in this field of activity, such as: working memory, observation, caution, discipline.

The effectiveness of completing the task of each part is assessed by the teacher, the results are summed up and an overall assessment of the students’ work is given. The choice of the sequence of tests and the level of difficulty is made by the teacher based on the result of the input control.

The effectiveness of professional tests is evidenced by:

Awareness of the choice of further path to obtaining a profession;

Professional self-determination of students.

The purpose of the professional test "Electrician" is to develop experience in pre-professional activities in the field of electrical engineering and to provide assistance in self-determination.

The program defines the minimum required amount of educational material for each student to become familiar with the profession, indicates the study time and outlines the pedagogical feasibility of the sequence of its study.

The theoretical training program is compiled taking into account the knowledge and skills acquired by students in a comprehensive school in the amount of 8 classes.

Industrial training in initial skills is carried out in the electrical engineering room at MOU MUK. By the end of the training, each student must independently perform all the work provided for in the pre-vocational training program.

The training process involves conducting professional tests according to difficulty levels:

  • Difficulty level 1 test - under the guidance of a teacher.
  • Test level 2 of difficulty - performed by students independently. Consultations with a teacher are possible.
  • Test of 3 levels of difficulty - performed by students independently.

During the entire learning process, a diary of professional self-determination is filled out, in which the student enters ideas about himself, data on samples in the specialty with self-esteem of the students. The diary allows you to highlight the student’s suitability for the profession.

The training ends with an interview in which students express their views on the learning process.

Lesson plan. Professional tests for the specialty "Electrician".

Lesson topic: professional tests in the specialty "Electrician".

The purpose of the lesson: provide students with basic information about professional activities.

1. Tell students about the basic techniques of working as an electrician, electrical and fire safety rules.

2. Show students the basic techniques for stripping and connecting wires using the twisting method.

3. Teach the basics of safe work with hand-held electrical tools.

4. To help students discover the qualities necessary for further successful development of their chosen specialty.

5. To develop respect for work, interest in the chosen profession, the obligation to comply with labor safety rules, independence, accuracy, and careful attitude to materials and equipment.

6. Develop observation and technical thinking.

Material and technical equipment of the lesson:

  • Tools: pliers, round nose pliers, flat screwdriver, utility knife.
  • Materials: APPV installation wires, lamp socket.


1. Posters "Stripping and connecting wires."

2. Instruction cards.

3. Safety posters.

4. Table for determining the results.

Interdisciplinary connections: Physics "Conductors and dielectrics". "Electric current in metals."

During the classes

1. Organizational part of the lesson.

1.1. When entering the classroom, hand out self-observation diaries to students.

1.2. Check student attendance.

1.3. Inspect the appearance of the student, the compliance of the students’ clothing with safe working conditions and aesthetic requirements.

2. Introductory briefing.

2.1. We inform students about the topic of the program.

2.2. We inform students about the topic of the lesson and the purpose of the lesson.
Stripping wires, connecting wires by twisting, forming a ring from the stripped wire, charging a lamp socket.

2.3. We inform you about the purpose of the lesson:
Master the simplest and most basic types of work as an electrician, check the degree of presence of qualities necessary for further successful development of the specialty "Electrician".
Updating basic knowledge.

2.4. Questions to students are asked in the form of a frontal survey.

  • Which metals are the best conductors of electric current?
  • What is a dielectric?
  • Where and for what are dielectrics used?
  • List the requirements for installation tools?
  • Workplace requirements?
  • Safety rules when working with hand tools?

Professional test.

As mentioned above, the professional test takes place in three stages.

Stage 1. At the first stage, I tell students about methods for stripping wires and removing insulation with a “stocking” using hand-held installer tools. I draw the students’ attention to the correct execution of the technological operation and the use of the tool for its intended purpose. Several times I demonstrate the correctness of the operation and show the finished product, which is subsequently used as a reference.

Next, I suggest that students perform the technological operation of stripping wires on their own, using in their work the poster “Stripping and connecting wires” and instruction cards that are located on the students’ desks. While performing a task, I monitor the correctness of the technological operation and indicate errors.

Then I suggest making a ring from the stripped wire using pliers. I demonstrate that the operation was performed correctly. While students are performing the operation, I monitor the correct execution. If the first operation - stripping - was performed correctly, then at the end of the second operation you should get a neat ring suitable for further use. I evaluate the work, then, using the reverse side of the instructional and technological map, I invite students to evaluate the results of their work themselves and give themselves a grade in the self-observation diary.

Stage 2. At the second stage of the professional test, I suggest that students, using the knowledge and skills acquired at the first stage, strip the wires and make the connection using the twisting method. To do this, I show students the finished (reference) product and explain the procedure for performing the work. Students must, after listening to my explanation and having the technological map and the finished product in front of their eyes, complete the task independently. At the end of the work, students compare the resulting product with the reference one and, using the reverse side of the technological map, evaluate their work, thereby checking whether they have the qualities necessary for the successful completion of this task.

During work, I monitor the correctness of the technological operation and compliance with safety regulations.

After assigning grades and summing up preliminary results, we move on to the next stage of professional tests.

Stage 3. At the third stage of the professional test, I suggest that students, using the knowledge and skills acquired at the previous stages, independently strip the wires to the required distance, form a ring and independently “charge” the lamp socket. Before starting work, I show students a ready-made, “charged” lamp socket, which will be the reference product.

Students begin to complete the task. While performing this task, I monitor the correct execution of technological operations, the correct use of tools, and compliance with safe work practices.

At the end of the work, I invite students to compare their product with the standard one and evaluate their work themselves. Students evaluate the product they have produced and at the same time identify the presence of certain qualities necessary for the successful completion of this stage of a professional test, then give themselves grades in self-observation diaries.

4. Summing up the lesson.

4.1. During the summing up, we once again draw the students’ attention to where they apply the knowledge, skills and abilities they acquired in the lesson, and the need for this knowledge and skills in further training in the profession and in everyday life. We explain the main mistakes and ways to avoid them in the future when performing more complex tasks.

A few words about the system of grading the self-observation diary.

The self-observation diary lists the physical and psychological properties necessary to master this profession. At each stage of professional testing, students identify the presence of certain qualities necessary for the successful completion of this stage and evaluate to what extent they are developed and give themselves grades according to a three-point system. If a certain quality, for example, eye, is well developed, then the student puts a mark “B” in a certain column - “High” level of development. If this quality is less developed, it is marked “Med” - “Average” level of development. If this quality is poorly developed, then the student gives a grade “N” - “Low” level of development of this quality.


In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about the convenience of this program. This program allows you to create a lesson on a professional test in such a way as to provide students with educational information gradually, in three stages, which allows children unfamiliar with the subject “Electrical Engineering” and who do not have professional skills to understand the task and complete it correctly. Due to the fact that the task is given in stages, it is easier for the child to understand what the teacher wants to achieve from him and it is easier to complete an unfamiliar task, while maximizing the necessary physical and psychological qualities. At each stage, the student has the opportunity to see the result of his work, compare it with the standard and give himself a grade, after which he logically moves on to the next stage. Having gone through all three stages, the student sees the final result of his work and evaluates it.

In addition, this program is convenient for the teacher, since it is easier for students unfamiliar with the basics of the profession to give information step by step. It is possible to conduct high-quality monitoring and track the level of information absorption at each stage. Monitor the correctness of the task, notice errors in time and suggest ways to correct them. Teach how to correctly perform professional techniques and at the end of the lesson objectively evaluate the result of the efforts made.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF KHABAROVSK REGION Regional state budgetary professional educational institution

“Komsomolsk-on-Amur Marine Mechanical College named after V.V. Orekhova"


Methodological development

Vacation school

Profession "Electrician"

Teacher of special technology: Smishko E.A.

Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 2015

Discussed at a joint meeting of the cycle commission of the professional cycle of electrical engineering professions

Methodological development for conducting vacation school

Competence: Professional courses “I and the profession”

Profession "Electrician"

Developed by:

Smishko Elena Alekseevna – teacher of special disciplines.

Reviewer: Yulia Yuryevna Mamontova – career guidance manager of the KGB POU KSMT

The methodological development is intended for teachers and teaching professionals

Materials for conducting a vacation school in the profession of “Electrician” are being developed.

Address of the KGB POU KSMT: 681005 Komsomolsk-on-Amur

Komsomolskoe highway, 26


One of the modern trends in demand in the educational sphere today is the holding of PR events to increase the prestige of an educational institution and working professions in interaction with organizations, public associations, and the media.

As part of this week, in order to popularize technical subjects and increase the motivation of schoolchildren to choose the profession of “Electrician,” our educational institution organized a specialized shift during the spring holidays.

The specialized vacation school, with the purpose of propaedeutic immersion, introduced students in grades 5-9 to the world of working professions in modern enterprises of the city and region.

The professional tests “Electrician's Workshop” and the “Electric Brain” quiz helped me take my first steps in the profession of “Electrician” and demonstrate its advantages.

Schoolchildren were able to reveal their creative and intellectual abilities by participating in the electrical safety game “Help Anton.”

6 secondary schools took part in the “vacation specialized school” for the profession “Electrician”. All quiz participants received certificates of participation, and the winners received diplomas.


TARGET : Popularization of technical subjects, increasing the motivation of schoolchildren to choose the profession of “Electrician”


    Development of creative abilities of schoolchildren;

    Organization of proper rest, employment of children,

    Help schoolchildrenunderstand yourself, identify your pre-professional preferences, deepen and expand knowledge about yourself, your interests, abilities, opportunities, and realize yourself.



    Personal Computer,

    Interactive equipment.



    Cartoon from the series “Navigatum” profession electrician (Appendix 1)

    Quiz - presentation “Make friends with electricity” (Appendix 2)

    Quiz – presentation “Electromean” (Appendix 3)

    Virtual laboratory "Electrician's workshop" (Appendix 4)

    Computer game on electrical safety “Help Anton” (Appendix 5)




Logistics and technical support



Cartoon from the series “Navigatum” the profession of an electrician.

3 min


Testing basic knowledge of electrical safety

Quiz - presentation “Make friends with electricity”

2 minutes


Updating the importance of electricity in everyday life.


    Electricity in wildlife

    Help the electrician get ready for work.

Quiz – presentation “Electromine”

5 minutes


Familiarization with techniques for installing lamps indoors.

15 minutes


Electrical safety.

15 minutes


Summarizing. Rewarding.

Quiz participant certificates. DiplomasI, IIAndIIIdegrees.

5 minutes



Teacher's work

Student work

Organizing time

Psychological mood. Concentrating schoolchildren's attention through conversation.

Introduction to the profession of “Electrician”

Comments when watching a cartoon from the “Navigator” series, the profession of an electrician, answers to questions from schoolchildren.

Form an initial understanding of the specifics of the profession “Electrician”

Electrical safety at home

Quiz – presentation “Electromine”.

Asks leading questions. Evaluates and comments on answer options.

Answer the quiz questions.

Virtual laboratory "Electrician's workshop"

Installation of lamps.

Asks leading questions. Evaluates and comments on answer options.

Determine the necessary tools and equipment. Determine the sequence of work.

Computer game on electrical safety “Help Anton”

Observes the activities of schoolchildren, adjusts the course of the game.

Determine safe paths in the game.

Determine the risk of electric shock.

Summarizing. Awards

Counts earned points. Reveals quiz leaders.

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5


    Interaction between general education schools and special educational institutions in the vocational guidance of youth: Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. – Yaroslavl: YAGPI im. K. D. Ushinsky, 2004, p. 98;

    Zakharov N.N. “Vocational guidance for schoolchildren: a textbook for students.” – M.: Education, 2008 – 272 pp.;

    Martynova S.S. “Professional guidance for schoolchildren (methodological recommendations)”; Omsk: Omsk ped. Institute, 2006 -196 pp.;

    Professional adaptation of youth”; M.: Publishing house Mosk. Univ., 2009 – 128 pp.

    Vocational guidance of senior schoolchildren in the process of labor training” / Ed. Cand. Ped. Science V.A. Polyakova; M.: Education, 2012 – 160 pp.;

    Professional guidance of youth” / A. D. Sazonov, N. I. Kalugin, A. P. Menshikov and others - M.: Higher School, 2009 - 272 pp.;

Test: pabout the profession13.01.10 “Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment (by industry)”

Total number of questions: 70

Option 1

Title of the section “General professional cycle”

Discipline "Technical drawing"

1. Height of font number 5 mm:

Discipline "Electrical Engineering"

2. An atom consists of:

1) protons and electrons

2) neutrons and electrons

3) protons, electrons and neutrons

4) protons, electrons and neutrinos

3. The process of gaining or losing electrons is called:

1) polarization

2) recombination

3) depolarization

4) ionization

4. The unit of capacity is called:_________________

4) farad (F)

5. In the SI system, the unit of current is:

1) ampere (A)

2) volt (V)

4) pendant (Cl)

6. Resistance is measured in:

1) ohm (Ohm)

2) volts (V)

3) amperes (A)

4) joules (J)

7. The speed of work is characterized by:

1) energy

2) power

4) speed

8. The conductor’s opposition to the directional movement of charges, i.e. electric current is called:

1) conductor capacitance

2) conductivity of the conductor

3) conductor inductance

4) conductor resistance

9. When calculating an electrical circuit according to Kirchhoff’s rules, the number of equations according to 1 Kirchhoff’s rule:

1) 1 less than the number of electrical units

2) 1 more than the number of electrical units

3) equal to the number of electrical units

4) equal to the number of electrical circuits

10. Magnetic induction is measured in:

1) Weber (Wb)

2) Tesla (T)

3) henry (Gn)

4) ampere per meter (A/m)

Discipline "Fundamentals of technical mechanics and plumbing"

11. Markings are applied to aluminum:

1) scriber

3) pencil

4) ballpoint pen

12. The tool for cutting metal is:

3) file

4) hammer

13. The sharpening angle of the chisel for hard metals is equal to:

Discipline "Materials Science"

14. The melting point is determined for materials having the structure:

1) amorphous

2) crystalline

Discipline "Labor safety"

15. Upon entry to work, instruction is provided

1) primary

2) planned

3) introductory


16. Electric current is considered fatal to humans.

17. Periodic testing of safety knowledge for electrical personnel is carried out

1) once every 6 months

2) once a year

3) once every 2 years

4) once every 3 years

18. Additional means of protection against electric shock in electrical installations up to 1000V include

1) Dielectric gloves

2) Dielectric galoshes

3) Voltage indicators

4) Tools with insulating handles

19.The poster in electrical installations “Grounded” is:

1) Prescriptive

3) Index

4) Warning

20.Figure 1 shows:

1) Three-phase ground fault and movement rule in the step voltage range

2) Distribution of electromagnetic fields over the surface of the earth equal to a person’s step

3) Ground fault and movement rule in the step voltage range

4) Breakage of the overhead line wire (short circuit to ground), liberation of a person from the action of electric current and the rule of movement in the zone of action of step voltage

Discipline "Life Safety"

21. Age limit for independent work in electrical installations:

Discipline "Fundamentals of Electronics"

22. Analog electronics- this is electronic equipment that works with:

1) pulse signals

2) continuous signals

3) individual (discrete) values ​​of voltages (currents, frequencies)

4) sound signals

23. A change in voltage on the grid of an electron tube triode of +1 V leads to a drop in the output voltage by:

1) 50 – 100 V

2) 100 – 150 V

3) 150 – 200 V

4) 200 – 250 V

24. Ionized gas is:

1) a good conductor

2) a bad conductor

3) semiconductor

4) dielectric

25. . Thyristor -is a semiconductor device having:

1) two-layer p - p-structure

2) three-layer p - p - p-structure

3) four-layer p - p - p - p-structure

4) five-layer p - p - p - p - p-structure

26. A DC to AC voltage converter of a given frequency is called:

1) inverter

2) protector

3) reverse rectifier

4) generator

27. Instruments that measure parameters and study processes occurring in electrical circuits and devices are called:

1) reference devices

2) exemplary measuring instruments

3) basic or basic measuring instruments

4) electronic measuring instruments.

Discipline "Electrical machines"

28. Armature reaction of a DC machine:

1) the effect of the MMF of the armature winding on the EMF of the field winding

2) the effect of the EMF of the armature winding on the EMF of the field winding

3) the influence of the MMF of the armature winding on the magnetic field of the machine

4) the influence of the magnetic field on the MMF of the armature winding

29. The armature of a DC machine consists of...

1) bed and main poles

2) frame, collector and core with winding

3) shaft, core with winding and collector

4) shaft, commutator and frame

30. The active part of the transformer is...

1) magnetic circuit

2) a magnetic circuit with windings mounted on its rods

3) magnetic circuit, windings, tank

4) input windings

31. Match the concepts with Figure 2.

Rice. 2

Title of the section “Professional cycle”

PM 01. Assembly, installation, adjustment and repair of components and mechanisms of equipment, units, machines, machine tools and other electrical equipment of industrial organizations

MDK.01.01.Fundamentals of plumbing, assembly and electrical installation work

Electrician- specialist in installation, repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and electrical circuits. The profession is suitable for those who are interested physics, mathematics and drawing(cm. choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

An electrician can work on any electrical equipment: generators, electric motors, teleautomation, etc.

His specific responsibilities - installation, maintenance, disassembly, repair - depend on the place of work. For example, a city electrician can install power lines, install lights on poles, repair them, etc. At the factory, he can service the electrical network, as well as machine tools, generators, etc. By checking the electrical diagrams, he finds a breakdown and carries out repairs. At large enterprises, electricians work in teams and in shifts.

The modern world cannot be imagined without electricity. The failure of one electrical substation for half a day can literally paralyze a city. Many Muscovites remember May 25, 2005, when an accident occurred at the Chagino substation and a rolling blackout occurred. “Chagino” is only one of several Moscow substations, so only part of Moscow was de-energized, but this also hit people hard. Computers, televisions, and electric stoves instantly stopped working, elevators stopped working in buildings, and the water supply dried up. And soon a transport collapse was added to this.

Of the 170 operating metro stations, 52 were without power, and dozens of trains were stuck in tunnels. Even after reaching the surface, people could not go anywhere: traffic lights, trolleybuses and trams did not work. Alarmed people tried to call each other, but this was not always possible: some mobile communication base stations were de-energized, and the rest could not cope with the increased number of calls. And landline phones were mostly useless, because most modern Muscovites use modern electronic devices that cannot work without electricity.

That day, Muscovites looked around them with new eyes. On the one hand, they clearly sensed the vulnerability of the urban structure with its centralized infrastructure. On the other hand, they realized that the existence of modern man depends almost completely on electricity. Electricity is the lifeblood of modern civilization.

So an electrician is one of the most important professions of our time, although not everyone realizes this. Qualified electricians are in constant demand in the labor market.

Dangerous profession. Working with high voltage is dangerous, but an electrician is responsible not only for his own life, but also for the safety of the users of the equipment he installs or repairs. However, electric shock is not the only danger that an electrician is exposed to. Electricians often have to work at high altitudes, and this also requires special care.

Electricians have 6 categories indicating the level of qualification, and 5 groups of electrical safety approval. The group number depends on work experience, level of education and existing skills.
Group I is given to personnel who do not work with electricity, but near potentially dangerous devices.

Groups II and III allow handling electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V. Ordinary installers and service technicians should have such access groups, i.e. so-called electrical personnel. A beginner or minor electrician can only count on group II.

Groups IV and V should be held by electrical engineers, site managers, etc.

Electricians are among the working elite, because... their work requires intelligence and a lot of knowledge. And since technology is constantly updated, every electrician regularly undergoes technical retraining.


An electrician can work in production, in a construction organization, in transport enterprises (metro, tram, trolleybus), in the housing and communal services sector, etc. In office centers, large stores, institutes, schools, etc. There are also electricians who service internal electrical networks.


Salary as of November 20, 2019

Russia 19500—75000 ₽

Moscow 30000—65000 ₽

Important qualities

The profession of an electrician requires logical thinking, a technical mindset, good fine motor skills, keen vision, attentiveness, accuracy, and responsibility. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, eyes, and nervous system are considered contraindications.

Knowledge and skills

An electrician must have basic knowledge of physics, mathematics, mechanics, drawing, be able to read diagrams and drawings, and apply formulas. He is also required to know the structure and technical characteristics of the devices he serves, and to master diagnostic and repair techniques. An electrician must know safety precautions and be able to provide first aid in case of electric shock and other injuries.

Training to become an Electrician (Electrician)

The profession of an electrician can be obtained at a vocational school, college, or through courses. To become an electrical engineer, you need to obtain a college degree.