Place of the switch in the electrical circuit. Options for using pass-through switches. Connecting a pass-through switch

If you are a true connoisseur comfortable stay, then you also need crossover and pass-through switches, such as, for example, soft sofa or TV remote control.

At the same time, the parameters of your home do not matter at all: and in small apartment, and in a multi-storey cottage you can successfully use this kind of switches. So, let's take a closer look at those electrical products that can improve the comfort of your home.

In fact, pass-through switches are not switches in the usual sense; rather, they are switches. In terms of external design and internal design, as well as itself, it is no different from ordinary ones.

However, differences are still present. Thus, a single-key pass-through switch has three contacts, unlike a conventional switch, which is equipped with only two contacts. Thus, with the appropriate connection, using pass-through switches, it is possible to turn on/off lighting from two or more points.

If you need to turn off one light fixture or a whole group of such fixtures from more than two places, then you can use a cross switch to solve this problem. With its help, it is possible to control lighting from three or more points at once.

Structurally, the switch has four terminals, which are located on the back side of the device and are intended for connection to it electrical wires. In this case, two electrical lines, switching of which is carried out “in a cross”.

Thus, when you press one key, two contacts are switched, which do not have an electrical connection with each other.

These switches can be used, for example, in long corridors, where there are quite a lot of doors, on multi-storey staircases, in halls with more than two entrances and, finally, in a simple room, so that without getting up you can turn on the lighting from anywhere in the room.

For example, cross switches installed on both sides of the bed so that both husband and wife can turn off the light with their own separate switch.

Pass-through switches, as a rule, are sold in pairs since it makes no sense to buy one switch (unless one of the workers fails).

Installation of a pass-through switch

It should be noted that it is advisable to provide for the installation of such switches during the construction process or during overhaul apartments in order to lay the electrical wiring in advance, because upon completion finishing works Laying the cable will be quite problematic.

In order to install the pass-through switch, it is first necessary to install the mounting box in the required location. First, you should unscrew the screws from it and carefully break out the plugs of the holes for supplying electrical wires.

Then you can proceed directly to the installation. At the beginning of work, you need to make sure that the mounting box moves freely in the niche previously hollowed out for it. Next you will need to prepare a solution from building gypsum(alabaster), mixing it with water until medium thickness is obtained.

Using a narrow spatula, a small amount of this solution is placed in the hollowed out niche and a small amount of the solution is applied to the outer back of the box. After this, the box is carefully inserted into the niche, installing it so that the edge of the box is in the same plane with the surface of the wall.

If necessary, in order to ensure the strongest possible fixation of the box, add alabaster mortar. Now there is some free time until the plaster hardens completely.

During this time, you can clean the ends of the electrical wires, removing 5-7 mm of insulation from them. It should be noted that the total length of free wires should not exceed 10 centimeters. This is due to the fact that an excessively long wire will not allow the switch to be placed in the box, while an excessively short wire will be problematic to work with.

How to fix a pass-through switch in a socket box

Before installing the switch in the installation box, it must be disassembled. In most cases, to do this, it is enough to remove the key (or keys, if the switch is double or triple), carefully prying it off with a flat screwdriver.

Next you need to remove the clamp holding the top cover. After removing the cover, you can connect electrical wires to the switch, for which the stripped ends are inserted into the technological sockets and secured with a locking screw.

After connection and installation of a pass-through switch will be completed, it is necessary to secure it well in the installation box. This is done using special levers provided on the switch, as well as using screws previously unscrewed from the mounting box.

If you plan to wallpaper the walls in the future, then there is no point in replacing the switch keys; it is more advisable to carry out this operation after completing the “wallpapering” work.

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Is it possible to turn on/off full lighting on the stairs from any floor? Easily! For this you need pass-through switches.

You entered a long corridor, turned on the light; walked along it to the exit, turned off the lights... How did this happen?

Current switching is carried out using pass-through switches, so you can control the same luminaire from different places.

The pass-through switch looks similar to a regular one. Moreover, it can work like a regular switch if you connect two wires to it: input and output.

The difference between a pass-through and a simple switch is that a pass-through switch is, in essence, a switch.

It transmits the voltage supplied to the input to one of the outputs; when switched back on, voltage from one of the two inputs is transmitted to one output.

Fig.1. Switch and pass-through switch diagrams

In order to switch luminaires from different points, assemble a circuit using the following devices:

  • Pass-through switch
  • Cross switch
  • Two-key pass-through switch
  • Two-key skew switch

Using one pass-through switch, you can switch the light between two bulbs, or turn one on and off.

What's happened pass-through switch, 3-point connection diagram?

This is not one device, but a circuit of several - we will talk about this later.

First, let's look at how to organize control of one light bulb using two pass-through switches installed at different ends of a long corridor.

Connection diagram for a pass-through switch with 2 places

Consider the diagram in Figure 2.

When the switches are in the position shown, the light is on. If you click any switch, it will go out. But the most important thing is this: if you then flip any switch, the light will come on again. Very simple circuit allows you to solve the problem: how to turn off the lights on the second floor by turning them on on the first; how to turn on the light when entering the bedroom, and turn it off while lying in bed.

Fig. 2 Diagram of turning the light on and off from two points

Three-point light switching diagram

The previous section discussed turning electricity on and off from two points: the circuit is very simple.

Well, what if you need to turn the light on and off from three points?

This problem arises when trying to save light in multi-storey building and do not walk on stairs in the dark. There is nothing complicated about this. But you will need an additional switch, and not a pass-through switch, but a cross switch.

Rice. 3 Cross switch circuit

Using a crossover switch, phase can be transferred from any input to any output, and the circuit between any input-output pair can be interrupted.
Using a cross switch and two pass-through switches, you can assemble a light on/off circuit from those points, for example, on a staircase in a three-story house:

Fig. 4 Light on/off diagram from three points

Figure 4 shows the position of the switches at which the light is on.

By clicking a key on any of those switches, we turn off the light. After this, press a key on any switch and the light will turn on.

What if there are not three floors, but five or six?

You can assemble a circuit so that the light will turn on and off from any floor.

You always need only two pass-through switches: at the beginning and the end of the chain. Cross switches are placed between them. An example diagram for a four-story staircase is shown in Fig. 5.

Rice. 5. Four-point light on/off circuit

Armed with a pencil and paper, you can draw different variants and make sure that pressing any key on any switch leads to a change in the situation: the light that was on goes out, and if the light was turned off, it lights up.

This wonderful circuit can grow by adding more crossover switches.

No matter how many crossover switches there are with four contacts, there should only be two pass-through switches: at the beginning and at the end.

Connection diagram for a two-key pass-through switch

The circuits shown in the previous sections can be characterized as follows: one light bulb and many switches, or rather pass-through and cross switches.

403 Forbidden

These devices are similar to regular switches and have one key.

But it's on sale checkpoints two-gang switches, connection diagram which in Fig. 6,
as well as crossover two-key switches. These devices are used if you need to control two lamps independently of each other.

Fig.6 Switches for turning two light bulbs on and off

It is necessary to distinguish between controlling several light bulbs that light up and go out synchronously, and those that can be turned on independently of each other.

In the first case, use pass-through switch, connection diagram for 1 key, in the second case, two-key ones are needed.

Single-key pass-through switches can switch two, three, four light bulbs connected in parallel; the limitation is imposed by the permissible current that can be switched by the contacts.

Two-key switches are two independent switches in one housing.

They can switch two independent groups of light bulbs. Switch connection diagrams are two independent chains, each of which controls its own lamp or group of lamps.

Pass-through switch connection diagram for 2 keys

Switching of two lamps, in which it is used Schneider pass-through switch, connection diagram shown in Fig.


Rice. 7. On/off circuit for 2 light bulbs from 3 points.

Two-key switches require careful handling. If, when you press a single key, the light either lights up or goes out (depending on the current state), then in a two-key device each key is responsible for switching its own group of lamps.

Transit corridor switch

To enable, disable two point lighting corridor switch. Buy and install them in pairs. After entering the mind, the short circuit is very similar to the normal one, but most of them turn on the key or change the two triangles. By the way, with the help of a switch they can be used instead of the usual one, the prices are about the same.

Switch switch it has three connectors - an input (centered) (sometimes close to the input arrow) and two switches (one key connects to the input terminal to the input jack, and the other to the other).

The photo on the left shows the switching on and off with backlight (bottom view). On the right is the transfer switch.

Consider this Connecting terminals to switches different manufacturers installed differently, has different marks and labels. Before connecting the required continuity, determine where the input terminal is (bottom photo labeled L) and where it turns off (labeled by arrows in the image below).

You can connect two terminals to each terminal.

Switching method is different from usual

Sound for the wire - two entrance holes. The painting is surrounded by black.

The picture on the left shows the pass-through switch from above with the key removed and the right view from below. "L" is the input terminal, arrows indicate output/switched. On a double switch, the front (front) has two keys, the last three clips have one input and two outputs.

On the pass, the front has one key, and the last has three clips - one in and two out.

For comparison, you can see a regular two-button switch. The view from below is almost the same as the entrance.

Verbal description of the circuit for connecting the switch:

  1. The input phase wire is connected to the nearest input contact.
  2. The switching switches of the first switch are connected to the switching contacts of the other.

    The order of the links does not matter. Often, near the switch contacts, draw arrows pointing outward.

  3. From the central contact of the second switch, the wire enters the lamp holder, its central contact.
  4. From the contact side of the lamp holder, the wire runs to the neutral electrical wire.

Below are the link diagrams for various options components: with box and without control.

Special free artboards are now available for the unpackaged version of the assembly

There is also a significantly different approach to multi-person control lamps.

It consists of using a special relay. And instead of a switch, place a button (it can't look anything other than appearance castle). If you press any button, the lamp voltage will be turned on or off.

Created: 20:14:07 Registration date: 06/10/2012 | Updated: 07:49:28

Changing a switch is a fairly common problem that almost everyone has to deal with. You need to know the basic nuances of connecting the switch and operating features.

Key points for choosing a switch

It is best to purchase switches in specialized stores, which have a fairly large assortment in order to choose the best option.

Thus, you will certainly be able to choose good product both in design and functionality. In the store you can usually find high-quality branded switches from the best manufacturers.

When purchasing a switch for electrical wiring general purpose, in which the voltage level is 250 V and the load is 10 A, you need to make sure that it corresponds state standards. The product must bear the quality mark of the country that is the manufacturer.

For example, if the switch was manufactured in Russia, then it must have the Rostest badge on it.

It is necessary to pay attention to what level of current and voltage the switch is designed for. For example, products with metal-ceramic contacts containing silver can operate reliably at currents of up to 4 A.

It is imperative to find out the number of poles and switching circuits. You should also pay attention to the design of the switch mechanism and its housing.

For example, a single-key switch for hidden electrical wiring has distinctive features in a design that provides for connecting wires after fixing the switch itself into a socket on the wall.

The single-key switch can be open-mounted. It is customary to mount it on special wooden supports.

It is attached with a pair of screws. If the switch will be installed in a place where there is a risk of moisture getting inside, then you need to take into account the fact that such switches are splash-proof.

When you select the model that has the optimal characteristics, you need to check how soft the keys will work. To do this, you just need to press a key. Everything should function quite smoothly. There should be no snags or squeaks.

Finally, you need to pay attention to the build quality.

Installing a pass-through switch can be used where traditional lighting control is not very practical or convenient. For example, you can mark long corridors, flights of stairs and other similar places. Typically, they use unique single-key switches, which are equipped with three contacts.

They implement a special connection scheme. During operation of this device the electrical circuit does not break, but switches between a pair of output-type contacts.

Single-key pass-through switch

When choosing a pass-through switch, you need to evaluate the modification of the device. It may differ depending on the specific wiring, which in turn can be open or closed.

When purchasing, it is worth considering the main characteristics of the device, because the contacts are usually designed for different loads and currents.

Differences traditional switch from the entrance

The key difference between these products is the presence of a special mechanism in the pass-through switch. With its help, normal switching between three contacts is ensured. The operation of a pass-through switch is based on switching capability rather than simple interruption electrical circuit.

Connection diagram for pass-through switch

Connection diagram for pass-through switch

From all this follows the main advantage of pass-through switches.

It consists in the fact that you can include lighting from two or more points. Previously it was said that such devices can be installed on flights of stairs or in long corridors. You can, for example, turn on the staircase lighting on the first floor, and turn it off on the second.

Pass-through devices can also be installed in a regular bedroom.

For example, one can be installed near the door, and the other directly next to the bed. Such switches can also be used on personal plots, when the need to illuminate paths at night is urgent.

Installation of a single-key switch

When you need to replace an old switch that has broken down, such work will take very little time. Usually during this process there are no particular difficulties.

But, if we are talking about arranging a new circuit in a private house or apartment, then the work can be very complex.

Installation of a distribution box for a specific lighting group

Before work, it is imperative to check that the power is turned off.

If you need to create a new circuit, conduct new wiring, then you need to decide in advance what kind of circuit it will be, that is, closed or open. Of course, there will be fewer problems with open wiring, because it can be laid along the surface of the building.

A surface mounted switch can be used for this type of wiring.

But if you want to make hidden wiring, you will have to use quite serious equipment for gating walls. In this case, the switch is installed in a box that is mounted into the wall.

If a new circuit is being installed and a junction box will be installed, then six wires need to be installed. Two of them will go to the lamp, a couple will go to the switch, and two more will be power supplies.

After inserting each wire into junction box You need to use an ohmmeter to determine the condition of the wires.

Connection diagram for pass-through switch

You need to find a neutral working conductor that connects directly to the lamp wire. The phase conductor is connected to the wire that goes to the switch. The two wires that remain must be connected to each other.

Installation of surface-mounted switch

The installation process is quite simple, because there is no need to groove the walls or install a mounting box.

The size is the only disadvantage of an external single-key switch.

Category: Switches and sockets

Very often we encounter misunderstandings among Buyers regarding the differences between switches and switches. It is also not entirely clear what kind of pass-through, intermediate and cross switches and “two-way” switches these are.

Let's figure out what the difference is between these devices.

We will try to write in a language accessible to everyone, so we ask you in advance not to find fault with the writing style, terms, etc.


Switch - a device, usually having two contacts, which, when turned on, connects the contacts (turns on the lamp), and when turned off
state, accordingly, disconnects the contacts (turns off the lamp).

Everything here is very obvious and understandable. What the white switch looks like, article number 774401 series Valena (Valena), is shown on the reverse side in the photo on the right.

Manufacturers usually indicate with arrows which contacts are which. The arrows indicate that the “phase” conductor must be connected to the “input” (this is the arrow pointing to the center of the switch) of the switch, and the conductor going to the load (i.e.

Pass-through switch - design feature and difference

light bulb) to the “output” (arrow indicating the direction from the center of the switch). “Why should the switch be connected this way? It will work if you connect it the other way around!” - you ask. That’s right, it will work either way, but there are two nuances:

  • For correctly mounted switches, when turned on, the key occupies the “up” position, and when turned off, the button occupies the “down” position.

    When connecting according to the diagram, if the phase conductor is connected to the “output” of the switch, and the “load” to the input, then the switch key will always be “upside down”. That is, when turned on, the key will occupy the “down” position, but should occupy the “up” position, and vice versa.

  • When connected according to the diagram “phase” -> load (lamp) -> switch -> “zero”, the phase will first pass through the lamp and break at the switch (i.e.

    When the switch is off, the lamp will always be energized). And this is wrong! With the correct connection diagram, the “phase” in the off state is broken at the switch and there will be no voltage on the lamp (i.e., when you change a burnt-out lamp, you will not get an electric shock).

There are also two-pole switches that break not only the phase wire, but also the zero (neutral) conductor, but they, as a rule, are used only in specific cases.


A switch is a device that has three (or more) contacts.

In the “On state” it closes the first and second contacts, and in the “Off state” it closes the first and third contacts. Essentially, the switch is always on - either in one state or the other.

Hence the name “Switch” - switches from one contact to another.

If a switch only has two contacts, it will act like a switch.

In its catalogues, Legrand uses the concept of a "two-way switch" - this is what it is, because the switch switches between two contacts.

In general, a switch can switch between three or more contacts, but in electrical installation mechanisms, if such occurs, it is extremely rare, so no one specifies how many directions the switches switch. Switches are also often called “pass-through switches,” but this concept, in our opinion, is incorrect and should not be used.

One of the most popular uses of a switch is to control lighting from two places.

To control lighting you will need only two switches, and to control lighting from three or more places you cannot do without the use of pass-through (cross) switches.

Switches in our catalog:

Pass-through switch

An intermediate (also known as cross) switch is a device that switches two separate lines crosswise (that is, if before the cross switch the phase was on the right and the zero on the left, then when switching they will switch places).

The appearance of intermediate switches is no different from conventional switches. For clarity, see the diagrams in the pictures.

An intermediate switch is usually used to control lighting from three or more places.

This switch is called “cross” because it seems to cross the lines when switching, and it is called “Intermediate” because in the switching circuit when controlled from three or more places it is located in the gap between the “two-way switches”.

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13mm 14-02-2012 08:22

Here is a two-core wire sticking out of the wall, on which a regular switch is placed.
How can he connect two pass-through switches without changing the wiring or picking at the walls?

Flg 14-02-2012 10:30

So I thought of a diagram.

Well, the circuit, as a circuit, is quite normal for pass-through switches.

Steelyard 14-02-2012 12:08

What do electricians say?

that the diagram shows not SWITCHES, but SWITCHES
A two-key switch would be suitable here, but its diagram looks different (too lazy to draw), and the process of operating a pass-through switch assembled from two two-key switches, kmk, will give you an unforgettable experience.

passerby 14-02-2012 12:08

quote: Originally posted by 13mm:
So I thought of a diagram.
What do electricians say?

The idea is common. BUT! You need to use a switch, not a switch - a regular switch does not have a second terminal, it does not transfer the connection, but simply breaks it. And the switch - yes, either line A or line B. The switch can also be used as a switch if the second terminal is not connected to anything.

euh.vsq 14-02-2012 13:00

A pass-through switch is essentially a switch. The seme is common for pass-through switches.

Pavel_A 14-02-2012 13:13

Will work.

DrLupus 14-02-2012 13:47

I raised this topic. A couple of years ago.
Don't be lazy to look, there was a lot there practical advice, with many pictures.
I don’t want to offend anyone, I just want to enrich you with useful information!

DrLupus 14-02-2012 13:49

Raised in 2008. Was successfully implemented. True, particularly talented individuals still managed to ruin one of the three “branches” of lighting. But there’s nothing you can do about it - the human factor!
I'll tell you if anyone is interested...

13mm 15-02-2012 14:42

Isn't there any crime here?

passerby 15-02-2012 15:04

quote: Originally posted by 13mm:
Oh damn! I didn't express myself correctly!
I have pass-through switches with two triangles on the key!
It's just that my wiring is made for a regular switch. And I want to insert one pass-through switch into a socket in the wall, and from it along the wall, in the corners, under the baseboard, run a three-core wire to the second switch. We will hide the wire during the first repair.
Isn't there any crime here?

If the switches are pass-through, then do it... There is no “crime” here. Just look at the load of the lamps so that the contacts do not burn out (at 220 volts there is no need to worry - there will be a small current there).

Sometimes it is necessary to make pass-through switches. What it is? This is when the light can be turned on in one place and turned off in another. Or vice versa.

Here are examples of real-life situations where you need to turn lights on and off from different places. I encountered some of them in practice, some I observed in different places.

  1. In a hotel, the light can be turned on at the entrance to the room, and turned off with a switch at the head of the room while already lying in bed.
  2. On the balcony, which has two exits (from the kitchen and the room). When you exit through one door, the light on the balcony turns on, and when you exit through another, it turns off.
  3. At the dacha you can place two switches: at the bottom of the stairs to the second floor, and at the top.

There are two main ways to implement such a scheme:

  • using pass-through switches;
  • using special relays.

A pass-through switch is a device with a changeover contact. Outwardly, it looks exactly like a regular one. The diagram on such switches looks like this.

The disadvantage of this scheme is that the position of the switch when the light is off is not very clear. The switch key can be in either an “up” or “down” position. That is, the position of the keys of both switches when the light is off is in antiphase.

The second drawback is that you cannot turn it on/off at three points. For example, in the bedroom I would like to have light on both sides of the bed and near the entrance. Then you need to use a special relay.

In my practice, I used the MR-41 relay manufactured by the Czech company Elko. It is quite expensive, about 1400 rubles. But it solves the problem completely.

The relay is installed in the electrical panel in the same way as a regular one. There are many buttons connected to it (apparently up to 80) without locking. And a lamp is connected to the power contacts of the relay.

Both Legrand and ABB have similar devices, but are much more expensive. When choosing such devices, it is important to ensure that two functions are available.

  • ensuring that the backlight of the switch key is lit (not everyone does this);
  • restoration of the current state after a power failure.

Elko implements both of these functions. Another problematic issue is the search for a switch without latching. I managed to find such switches in the popular Legrand Valena series. However, an attempt to order showed that you can buy such switches right away, without pre-ordering, even in Moscow, in only a few places.

Related materials:

  • How to make pass-through switches?

Comments: 16

    ABB has a 3-point pass-through switch. In my house, I have organized the switching on of the corridor lights at three points without a relay. I don't remember the model.

    “The second drawback is that you can’t turn it on/off at three points”

    Let me disagree, intermediate switches have existed for a long time, that is, they are installed in the gap between the end passages. Almost all manufacturers have them, from cheap WI-KO to expensive Italians. The use of a relay, by the way, greatly simplifies installation, because, in most cases, a two-wire line is sufficient to control lighting. The only BUT is that all switching occurs in the distribution board. Well, somewhere like that)))


    tell me if anyone knows)

    The issue is resolved by purchasing a P2K type key switch or a 2-position toggle switch for a few rubles in a radio parts store.

    P2K is a low-current low-voltage switch; when switching lighting in a house, it burns out after a dozen switchings.

    28 Dec. saw these switches in OBI and Leroy Merlin stores. price from 72 rubles? and 240 rubles. This is in Moscow. On Altufvskoye Highway. and on Borovsky. I don’t know about others. Yes, I heard that there is one in Voronezh.

The work of a pass-through switch is that it can be used to turn off the lights in two different places.

Pass-through switch diagram

This wiring diagram for a pass-through switch differs from connecting a conventional switch only in the design of the switch itself and the number of wires.

The design differs in that it does not have an “Off” position. The pass-through switch directs current to one of the terminals. The lighting is turned off when the pass-through switches are in different positions.

In case of a regular switch only 2 wires are involved in the circuit, but in the pass-through circuit there are 3. One is the supply and phase output for the pass-through switches, and the other 2 are jumpers between two route switches.

Connecting a pass-through switch with your own hands

    The neutral wire runs through the junction box to the lamp.


    Unlike a switch, where the electrical circuit is simply interrupted, when you press the switch key, switching occurs from one contact to another. And instead of interrupting the electrical circuit, the contacts are switched and a new circuit is created (that’s why switches are also called changeover switches). This feature allows the same light source to be manipulated from different points using a switch. A system consisting of several switches (changeover switches) is called a pass-through switch.

    EMAS switch (3 positions)

    Conclusions website

    1. The switch has two contacts and serves to disconnect and connect an electrical circuit.
    2. The switch has three contacts and serves both to connect and disconnect an electrical circuit, and to create a new circuit.

A home is a place of comfort, a family hearth, where you want to arrange everything not only beautifully, but also comfortably. Lighting plays a role in this matter. important role. Placing lamps, as well as their control elements, is not an easy task.

Even a child knows why a switch is needed, but how does it differ from a switch? What happens if you put a switch, rather than a switch, to turn on/off the lights in your apartment?

Even electricians with little experience behind them can confuse these concepts, let alone us, ordinary people. Misunderstanding occurs not only in terms, but also in the principles of operation of the mechanisms. If you have already decided to install this or that device yourself, study the diagram in detail, understand the differences for yourself, then start completing the task.

It’s better, of course, to invite a specialist with experience if you have even the slightest doubt, because wiring in a house or apartment must be done 100% correct.

Switches and switches (there are two types) serve the same purpose - they open or close an electrical circuit at a certain time. That is, to put it simply, they turn the lights on or off. There are devices different types, they differ in execution, and in appearance they can be whatever you want. Basically, at the other end of the electrical circuit there are lamps as an electrical receiver, Appliances.

Breaker Definition

Switch – switching device, operating in electrical networks with a maximum voltage of 1000 Volts. It is a two-position device, has two normally open contacts (one state is active - the contacts are closed, and the other is passive - open).

It is not difficult to guess that when the switch is on, the contacts are connected, that is, the lamp is on. Conversely, in the off state, the contacts are disconnected and the light goes out. Where are which contacts is not difficult to understand, their manufacturer marked with arrows.

An experienced electrician will immediately notice that it does not have an arc extinguishing device, so when short circuit(short circuit) it will not be possible to turn off short circuit currents with a switch. Automatic machines are designed for this, but this is a completely different type of electrical device.

Switches are distinguished by type of design, which is their main determining parameter.

There are these types:

  • external installation - wall mounting
  • internal installation - wall mounting.

They are also classified by the number of keys - single-key, two-key, three-key, and so on. The controls can also have different types of switches: touch, key, push-button, etc.

Switch Definition

A switch is a device that has three or more contacts. The switch switches one or at once several electrical circuits to others or serves to open the circuit. In other words, when it is on, it closes the first and second contacts, and when the switch is off, it closes the first and third.

This is probably why they called it that - it switches contacts from one to another. That is, it is not difficult to understand that the switch almost always remains on. If only two contacts are involved, then it will work on the principle of a switch. Sometimes it is also called a changeover switch.

Switches can be different, for example, by the number of keys:

  • single-key – goes to three contacts
  • two-key – for six contacts and so on.

Thus, the difference between a switch and a switch is obvious - the point is in the number of contacts available on the back side. The switch does only one thing - interrupts the electrical circuit, and with a switch it can be switched from one contact to another, that is, switched.

If you want the light of a lamp, which is located, for example, on a staircase, or at different ends of a long corridor, to be turned on and off in several places, then you cannot do without a switch called a pass-through (crossover) switch. If we're talking about about lighting control from three or more places, you will even need several of them.

Let us highlight these main differences between switches and switches:

  • different number of contacts;
  • the switch turns on and off lighting fixtures located in the same room, and the switch can
  • control the same light source from different places.

We can conclude that the switch is a more functional device that allows you to comfortably arrange and decorate the interior location of all lamps, household appliances. The switch is perfect for large, illuminated rooms.

The specialist whom you invite to resolve the issue, if you cannot decide on your own, will help with the choice and indicate the equipment that will be needed specifically in your case.

Switches: what are they?

One of the most familiar actions for each of us is turning the light on and off. I went into the room, flipped the switch, came out - flipped it. We do this all the time when we are indoors. That is why the question of choosing switches is one of the most important in the process of repairing and furnishing an apartment. When a person begins to select switches, he begins to get lost from the abundance of names: what is a transition switch, how does it differ from a regular switch, why does the switch need a backlight? What is a dimmer?..Details technical descriptions with the presentation of circuit diagrams of an electrical circuit, they generate even more questions and boredom. Therefore, let’s try to understand all this without resorting to the professional knowledge of electricians and definitions from reference books (after all, the main thing for us is to understand the principle and purpose, and let specially trained people deal with the technical side of the issue!).

Variety of switches

Material and properties of the device

The switch is regularly exposed to external influences, so it is necessary that it is made of suitable material. Basically, switches are made of heat-resistant and impact-resistant plastic. If we talk about instrument supports, they can be either metal or plastic. The latter are found in two series: Legrand Etika and Schneider Electric Odace. Plastic calipers, by the way, are no worse than metal ones - they are made of durable polycarbonate plastic. The significant difference between switches with plastic and metal supports is the price: the former are cheaper.

There is also a special category of waterproof switches, which are made from moisture-resistant reliable polymers that protect the mechanism from moisture. Such switches must be considered if the device will be located in a room with high humidity(bathroom, production room) or on the street. That is why in the characteristics of some products the abbreviation “IP44” or “IP54” is given, which indicates the degree of protection of the device from the penetration of dust and water - Ingress Protection Rating. Similar devices are available in the Quteo series from Legrand, Hermes IP54 from IEK (for installation in an apartment); Palmiye from VIKO, Plexo from Legrand (for outdoor installation).

Type of protectionDescription
IP44Objects with a diameter of more than 1 mm cannot enter the structure. The design is protected from splashes of water, which can be directed at the product from any direction.
IP55Dust may enter the housing in small quantities. Complete protection against contact with live parts of equipment. Jets of water, for example, from a hose, do not harm the equipment located in the housing.
IP56Dust may enter the housing in small quantities. Complete protection against contact with live parts of equipment. Flooding equipment with water does not damage the equipment.

Waterproof switches

Speaking about switches, one cannot fail to mention the frames that cover the mechanism of the device and are an important component of its appearance. The material can also be organic (wood, glass); frames are usually made from it. Such frames are beautiful and pleasant to the touch, but the price for them is quite high. Frames made of wood can be found in the Schneider Electric Unica Top, ABB Zenit, Legrand Celiane, Gira System 55 series. There are also frames made of glass (Gira System 55, ABB Zenit, Schneider Electric Unica), metal (Gira Edelstahl, ABB Zenit). There are also quite exotic materials - for example, a frame made of natural slate from ABB.

Appearance and functionality

Some features of the external design of switches (and switches) affect their capabilities, which is important to consider when choosing. Devices can be keyboard, touch, or with a cord. Also, when choosing a device, you need to decide whether you need backlighting in it.

1. Key switches.

Key switches can be single-key, two-key and three-key. The number of keys depends on the number of light sources. For example, two-key and three-key switches are convenient if you have a main and decorative lighting: You can alternately turn on both types of lighting or choose one, while saving energy. Thus, multi-gang switches represent a compact and practical light control device. Single-key and two-key switches are available from almost every manufacturer, while three-key switches can be found in the series Etika from Legrand, Glossa from Schneider Electric, E22 and System 55 from Gira.

2. Light indication

The presence of backlight significantly reduces the search for the switch in the dark. Almost all keypads and some push-button switches have a backlit option. The backlight also performs aesthetic function: For example, Legrand's Celiane series silent switches are equipped with ring lighting.

3. Rope (cord) switches

This type of switch is controlled using a cord or chain located in the housing. Rope switches are often purchased for aesthetic reasons, to comply with a certain style in the interior. Also, switches with a cord can be convenient in practical terms: to use them, there is no need to touch the wall in search of the switch, just pull the cord. But at the same time, such a switch must be treated carefully - a small force until a slight click is enough for the mechanism to move into the desired position. Cord switches are available in the Legrand Valena and Legrand Mosaic series from Legrand, Unica from Schneider Electric.

4. Touch switches

Technology moves inexorably forward, and therefore it is becoming easier to control the light - now it can be done by touch without any effort. Touch switches look modern and are very convenient, but they are also quite expensive.

Celiane Legrand touch switches (colors: titanium, ivory, white)

5. Dimmers

A dimmer is a dimmer that allows you to control the brightness of lighting. A significant advantage of this device is that it saves energy. Dimmers can be of the following types:

  • rotary - brightness depends on the angle of rotation (available in the series Sedna, Unica, Odace, Glossa from Scnheider Electric, System 55 from Gira);
  • rotary-push - in addition to rotating to adjust the brightness, the dimmer can be pressed to turn the light on/off, and the device will remember the last set brightness level (available in the series System 55 from Gira);
  • push-button - brightness adjustment is made by pressing the +/- key (available in the series Valena, Etika and Celiane from Legrand);
  • touch - brightness is controlled through a light touch (available in the series System 55 from Gira).

Switches and Switches - What's the Difference?

They have one function - turn the light on and off. Externally, switches and switches are also not particularly distinguishable. The difference is that a switch has two contacts and a switch has three. Unlike a switch, when pressed, the electrical circuit is interrupted, when the switch key is pressed, switching occurs, switching contacts from one to another. The chain is not interrupted, but a new one is created. It is this feature that allows you to use switches to control the light from different points. For example, you use a switch if you use the key of the same device located there to turn on/off the light in the room. And if you enter a room, turn on the light, go into the corridor and turn off the light from the corridor, in this case you use the switch.

Switches: feedthrough and crossover

Pass-through switches are used only in pairs, allowing you to control the light from two places. As the name suggests, this type of switch should be placed in aisles. Thus, the use of pass-through switches is relevant for controlling the lighting of stairwells: you can turn on the light while at the bottom of the stairs, and then turn it off when you go up. It is convenient to use walk-through switches in long corridors and in walk-through rooms, so as not to have to go back and forth to turn off and on the lights every time.

Cross (or intermediate) switches are used in conjunction with pass-through switches. They are needed to control lighting from three places. You can control the hallway light from both ends using two pass-through switches, but the hallway may also have a door leading to another room (for example, the kitchen), which, when exiting, may also require you to turn the hallway light on/off. Then you will need cross switches, which will allow you to control the lighting from different places.

Thus, when arranging a room, both switches and switches can be equally useful. (Device of both types can be found in each series presented on the site manufacturers.)

Installation of devices: external or hidden

An important factor when choosing switches and switches is the type of wiring in the room. Wiring can be either open (external) or hidden, according to which devices are selected - for open or hidden installation. Open wiring laid on walls, ceilings and other structures openly, and not inside them. This type of wiring is most often found in wooden houses and various industrial premises, apartments usually require switches and switches for hidden installation.

Open wiring and hidden wiring

Switches for outdoor installation are presented in series Plexo from Legrand, Rondo or HIT from Schneider Electric, Hermes IP54 from IEK.

On the question of choice

Our website presents a huge variety of different products, but in order not to get confused in them, we have prepared short review key manufacturers and their series.

Legrand is a leading manufacturer of electrical products, which includes both expensive designer series (Celiane, Galea Life) and popular-budget high-quality ones (Valena, Etika). Products in each series are produced and assembled in Portugal, Hungary and France. The Valena series is the most popular in the Legrand line, primarily due to optimal ratio prices and quality. More affordable price offers the Etika series, the cost of which is lower due to plastic calipers. Celiane and Galea Life, as mentioned above, are designer and prestigious series from a French manufacturer that combine high quality, exquisite design and an appropriate price. It is also in Celiane that you can find touch switches and touch dimmers.

Legrand ValenaLegrand Etika

Odace Series
from Schneider Electric
by Legrand
from ABB

From Legrand another French company is not far behind Schneider Electric , which also offers a considerable selection. Products Schneider Electric produced in France, Portugal and India. Glossa series, falling in the middle price segment, presents affordable switch and socket products that feature a classic, versatile design with smooth lines. The Sedna and Unica series are a little more expensive, but they also have more choice. Yes, in the series Unica an expanded color range of frames for switches is presented. The Odace series, despite the plastic calipers, is the most expensive in the line Schneider Electric thanks to its sophisticated design, it can be compared with Celiane by Legrand.

Schneider Electric Glossa

Schneider Electric Unica

In general, when choosing switches, you should take into account that there are “universal” positions that can be found from all manufacturers (for example, one-/two-key switches, with or without backlight), and there are those that can only be found in certain series. This largely depends on the prestige and design component of the brand. These include the manufacturer GIRA, some series of Legrand, ABB, Schneider Electric. For example, series NIESSEN Zenit from ABB presents goods from rare and natural materials(frames made of slate, glass, wood), switches in this series have strict and futuristic contours.

The most inexpensive manufacturers include the Chinese manufacturer IEK, represented in two series - the Kvarta series for flush mounting and the Hermes series for outdoor installation. A special feature of the Hermes series is that its products are waterproof with IP54. Budget manufacturers also include the Turkish company Lezard, which has three series in its line: Nata and Demet for open mounting and MIRA for hidden. The latest series has the most extensive color palette. Its products include not only switches and sockets, but also dimmers.

Sometimes novice electricians get confused in the terminology, in the diagrams and principles of operation of these two, or rather three, mechanisms (since switches also come in two types), not to mention ordinary buyers who are trying to install it themselves, or buy it for further installation necessary devices. In this article, we will try to shed some light on the difference between a switch and a switch.

So, switches and switches are used for switching electrical circuits for lighting and household appliances, they also look the same in appearance, the only difference is in the number of contacts on the back side. But a switch is designed to break one circuit, and a switch is designed to switch between circuits. A switch is used to control light from one place, switches are used to control light from two or more places, and “pass-through” switches are used to implement control from three or more places. Below we will look at the diagrams of how this works:

1. The switch is one-key - it switches the phase coming to it and going to the lamp.

As we see in the diagram, the switch only needs two contacts, one for the incoming phase, the second for the outgoing phase.

2. Single-key switch - switches the phase with one of two circuits passing between the two switches.

Such a scheme used for example in the corridor By installing one switch at the entrance to the apartment, we can turn on the light, and after walking along the corridor, by installing the switch at the end of the corridor, we can turn off the light. As can be seen from the diagram, one key switch must have three contacts, one for the incoming (or outgoing) phase, the second and third for the two circuits between the switches. It is important to note that switches are always used in pairs, and also that the switch can be installed instead of a switch and it will work like a switch, but the switch will not cope with the functions of the switch.

3. If we want to turn on the same lamp from three or more places, for example on the stairs, so that we can turn on and off the staircase lighting on any floor, then in addition to the usual switches, “pass-through” switches are used.

Ordinary switches are placed in two places, and between them they are placed in series with as many pass-through switches as desired. As can be seen from the diagram, a pass-through single-key switch has four contacts - two on two circuits between the first switch and two on a circuit between the second.

Hope we've made it clear difference between switch and switch. And if we have two groups of light(for example, lamps on one and the other side of the corridor) and we also want to turn them on and off in different places, and also either one or the other, or all together? If you need no more than two on/off points, then it doesn’t matter - firstly, you can install several single-key switches, secondly, most manufacturers have two rocker switches, in this case the number of wires and contacts is doubled. If you need to control the light from three or more places, then having installed a two-key pass-through switch, you will be faced with the problem of purchasing it, because on such a switch it is necessary !eight contacts, not all manufacturers of electronic devices offer such products, but they still exist, usually in modular series, for example ABB Zenit.