What does the LRN medal look like in tanks? The best show for tankers - OSR: how to send a replay? How to upload a replay into OSR: process technology

Often the game World of Tanks brings unexpected victories and disappointing defeats. Many tankers try not only to get a lot of experience and silver for the battle, but also to be awarded a special medal. There are few main rewards in the game, and they are not easy to achieve. But every player strives for this.


Not many tankers follow the game at all. Some people just jump into the game and enjoy it. But there are also those in the community who watch World of Tanks and search the Internet for guides, as well as other videos and articles.

One of these training projects was OSR with Kirill Oreshkin. Episodes have been published for more than four years on the game’s official YouTube channel. OSR are the best replays of the week, selected by a team of specialists. Usually this includes battles that were marked by funny moments, offensive tactics, instructive incidents and simply funny battles.


OSR with Kirill Oreshkin does not just collect the best fights in one collection. Everyone who gets there receives an OSR medal, as well as a certain amount of gold. In addition, the battle of the awarded player will be seen by the entire tank community, which will lead to the popularity of the tanker. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people want to get into OSR.


Before we find out how to send a replay to the OSR (WOT), we will learn about one more project. VBR is the Great Belarusian Random, which is a kind of analogue. Previously, by the way, he was also voiced by Kirill Oreshkin, but over time the collection began to be released in the No comments format.

This includes battles that stood out not just because of their unusual or professional gameplay; they often contain replays from battles that were notable for their unusual jumps, falls, bugs and other funny moments. The stupidity and ignorance of tankers is often ridiculed here.


Many people want to see their fight in the OSR. Not everyone knows how to send a replay, besides, some believe that if a player has done a lot of damage, then he will a priori end up in this show. Actually this is not true. Ordinary bush standing is rarely rewarded. The fight should be dynamic, and also successful and truly swashbuckling.

The wotreplays website was specially created for those wishing to get into the OSR. How to send a replay is written there. This is not difficult to do, but first you need to understand the principle by which battles are selected.

First of all, you need to decide in which category you would send your battle. There are many of them, and they are often associated with major rewards in the game. At the beginning of the collection there are usually several replays that fall into the “Warming up” section. Here you can often find fights with funny incidents, incredible luck or skill.

The “Warrior of the Week” nomination goes to the one who made the maximum number of frags among other nominees. The “Defender” is the one who showed a masterful game, defended his or a neutral base. Moreover, the battle should be such that it seems that the recipient is about to lose.

The “invader” is given to the tanker who captured the enemy base, and either did it very skillfully, or outwitted him, or some funny moment happened. “Sniper” can be obtained for an excellent shot that helped “drag” the battle. “Support” is awarded to the player who was at the very bottom of the list and thanks to whom the allies won.

The “Steel Wall” is awarded to the gamer who, thanks to a masterful game, was able to block a huge amount of damage and lead the team to victory. “Scout” is given to “fireflies” who not only stood in the bushes the entire game and caused a certain amount of damage, but did it by choosing good positions.

If you play in a platoon, then your battle can receive the “Brothers in Arms” OSR award. We'll figure out how to send a replay a little later. In the meantime, you can receive this reward together with a friend, if you were able to win together/three together, and also made the maximum number of frags per platoon.

There is also “Excellence of the Week” - this is a free nomination that can include a player who simply stood out in a non-standard fight, but it is impossible to qualify him for a special nomination.


If you are sure that your game should be included in the OSR, you will learn further how to submit a replay. To do this, you need to go to a website specially created for this - wotreplays.ru. There you need to authorize your WoT account.

Immediately you will see “Add reals”. You need to click on this button and select the video you need in folder. It is also worth adding a title and description, in which you can point out special moments or key battles. In “Replay Management” you only need to select the program you want to be in, as well as the nomination.

In the same way, you can send your battle to VBR.


Many people know how to send a replay to the OSR program, but they are always unhappy that they cannot get there. If you have just submitted your winning battle, you need to understand that the selection process takes place over a month, so if you did not find yourself in one of the next episodes of the show, it makes sense to wait.

Also, according to Kirill Oreshkin, who is directly involved in the selection of replays, only 1% of the videos sent are worthy of being included in this show. Some players believe that if they received the “Master” and dealt the most damage, then they are already obliged to get into the OSR and win gold. But in practice, as you already know, the selection is very careful, so getting into the program is not so easy.

Those who failed to get into the OSR have a chance to end up in another equally famous program - “Didn’t get into the OSR”. This is where those few fights end up that were a little short of Kirill Oreshkin’s show.

You can read in detail about what replays are and how to watch them here:
Help Center Knowledge Base
FAQ on replays (requires forum login)

How to upload a replay to the site?


Problems with replays


We record videos for your special replays and post them on our channel on youtube.com!

How to upload a replay to the site?


Uploading a replay

By checking the “Make available via “secret” link” checkbox, you can post the replay on the site and only those with whom you share the link will be able to see it.

The replay file is located in the game folder, in the "Replays" subfolder.

Editing a replay

Modification of Replays Manager for managing replays

This mod will allow you to manage and view replays directly from the game client: Replays Manager


When will gold be awarded for the competition?

KTTS! This may take from a few days to two weeks from the end of the competition.

How to send a replay for OSR or FBR transmission NO COMMENTS?

On the page of the replay you uploaded there is a button "COMPETITIONS/REPLAY MANAGEMENT". Click and you will see the buttons “FBR NO COMMENTS” and “OSR” if your replay is suitable for the competition. Replays older than two weeks and replays that were not completely recorded are not suitable.

How to submit a replay to the VoTReplace competition?

All replays uploaded to the site participate in competitions on the VoTReplace website. True, at any given moment we hold competitions only for a part of the tanks. But all replays with these tanks are included in the competition. You just need to upload the replay.

Problems with replays

No information about the fight

If you leave before the end of the battle, the replay is not completely recorded. You can view it, but you cannot download information about the results of the battle from it. And it is also impossible to check whether the results of the battle have been falsified. Therefore, information is not downloaded from such replays and they cannot participate in competitions. We don’t write videos for them either!

How to delete a replay?

Go to the replay page and click on the "CONTESTS/REPLAY MANAGEMENT" button. Please note that you cannot delete a replay sent to OSR or FBR NO COMMENTS programs if the replay has already been reviewed by the moderator.

The file is not loading

We are very meticulous about what is uploaded to our site. Therefore, you can only upload replay files and only if they are recorded correctly. Unfortunately, in the game World of Tanks there is a very difficult to detect and rarely reproduced bug, when even a replay recorded to the end turns out to be recorded incorrectly. This can be understood if the file size is significantly larger than 1 megabyte. Such replays cannot be uploaded to us either.

How can I watch a replay of an outdated version?

To view a replay of an outdated version of the game, use the appropriate version of the client:
Client versions for viewing replays (requires forum login)


How do you choose replays for video recording?

We have launched an automatic video selection process. First of all, we select replays of the winners of WoTReplays competitions. And then we focus on the following criteria:

  • Replays uploaded by players of top clans. In this case, the battle is victorious, the “Master” class badge is received, 4 or more opponents are destroyed. Such fights are often useful and interesting to watch. The list of clans may change and be supplemented depending on the situation in the game;
  • Replays from players who have played more than 5000 battles and have statistics wn8=2500 or more. Additional conditions: the battle is victorious and the “Master” class badge is received;
  • Replays from players who have played more than 10,000 battles and have wn8 statistics from 2400 to 2500. Additional conditions: the battle is victorious, the “Master” class badge is received, 4 or more opponents are destroyed;
  • Replays from players who have played more than 10,000 battles and have wn8 statistics from 2300 to 2400. Additional conditions: the battle is victorious, the “Master” class badge is received, 6 or more opponents are destroyed;
  • Replays from players who have played more than 15,000 battles and have wn8 statistics from 2200 to 2300. Additional conditions: the battle is victorious, the “Master” class badge is received, 7 or more opponents are destroyed;
  • Replays that were included in the selection on the site, but selectively;
  • Replays sent by our participants

OSR. How to send a replay - basics of the process

First, let's figure it out - what are we talking about? A World of Tanks replay is not a video as such - it is a very small file, a digitally recorded stream of signals that were exchanged between the player’s computer and the server during the battle. This file is stored on the user's device - in the root directory of the game, in the Replays folder.

The file is written to the folder automatically, but only if this function is enabled in the account settings. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that there can be three options: no recording at all, recording every fight or only the last one. The best option, especially if there is not a lot of free space on the computer, the third appears. Otherwise, you will have to periodically clean out the specified folder.

Preparing for publication

Before asking the question “how to throw a replay into an OSR”, you should carefully review it. It is necessary to evaluate it extremely critically and objectively according to the main parameter - did you really do something out of the ordinary in battle? The competition in the “Best Replays of the Week” program is extremely high, and just a successful shot or maneuver does not guarantee you victory in the competition.

Your battle should be truly iconic, as it will be held up as an example to other players. As practice shows, battles most often appear in the program, where the player demonstrates the following: survives to the end, simultaneously destroying several opponents; makes several successful shots in a row from difficult positions; makes non-standard decisions that radically influence the outcome of the battle or change its course.

If you have really created something similar and consider yourself worthy of being nominated for the role of the best in a particular category, proceed to the next point, namely the process of sending the file to the desired address.

How to upload a replay into OSR: process technology

In order to demonstrate his success on the tank battlefields, the player must take the following steps:

Secondly, select the required service called Wotreplays in the menu and follow the link. This is the information repository for OSR - how to send a replay is written here in sufficient detail.

Thirdly, download the selected file by clicking on the appropriate menu item. One feature should be noted here: the service allows you to simply store your records, without publication. And if you decide to definitely try to become a participant in the program, you should check the appropriate box in the “Send to OSR” item before downloading.

Fourthly, after the download is complete, the portal will offer to describe your file and its successful actions. The description should be sufficiently detailed, indicating the time periods to which special attention must be paid. If this is not recorded, the recording will be rejected by the administrators and the story will not be included in the program.

The best replays: what are they for?

Being included in a popular program has several advantages for players.

  1. Nominees whose recordings are aired are paid in-game currency (gold, from 1000 to 2500 coins) and are awarded a unique medal. Moreover, it is quite simple - to become a participant in the OSR. How? Send a replay and wait for your lucky chance.
  2. This repository of information is truly invaluable. By watching the successful battles of your colleagues, you can learn a lot in terms of gaming.
  3. Also using of this service you can expose a person who shamelessly uses prohibited game modifications: sending a corresponding video indicating violations will interest the administration to pay attention to an obvious crime, and the punishment of an unscrupulous fighter will not be long in coming. In this form it is a very effective tool.

Many players strive, but not every one of them decides to try their hand at becoming an OSR winner. “How to send a replay so that it is accepted?” - this is one of the main questions that often stops fighters from publishing their masterpieces. Don't be afraid. There is nothing complicated or scary about this. But there is an opportunity to receive not only moral satisfaction, but also material confirmation of your exploits.

Good luck to you on the battlefields!

Many of us like to watch the latest episodes of OSR or VBR, but not everyone knows how to send their own replay to OSR WoT. Next, we will understand in detail what and how to do.

What are OSR and FBR

First, let's figure out what these programs are:

  • - Best Replays of the Week - a weekly program with Kirill Oreshkin as the host, where gold is awarded to the most epic and challenging battles sent by players.
  • - The Great Belarusian Random is an analogue of the OSR, where users are rewarded with gold for the battles sent, but the main difference between this program is the battles accepted there - unusual jumps, falls, bugs and other non-standard moments. Recently, it has not been voiced by Oreshkin and is published in the “No comments” format.

Do you consider your successful fight to be a bend worthy of getting hit in wot? Do not rush!

How replays are selected

The Wargaming video department selects many replays sent to wotreplays for lrn and vbr, but 99%, according to Oreshkin himself, do not meet the requirements, or simply do not reach the title of the best.

In order to get into the LRN in world of tanks, you need to decide on the nominations:

  • Warm-up - a short episode with incredible luck, skill or a funny incident.
  • Warrior - awarded for greatest number frags among the replays sent by the time the issue was created. If the number of frags matches, the skill level is taken into account.
  • Defender - awarded for a masterful game built on protecting one's own or neutral base. The capture can be lost repeatedly and from many tanks. Of particular advantage are replays where a successful capture of a base by the enemy could lead to defeat.
  • Invader - awarded for a beautiful, funny or skillfully executed capture of an enemy base. Replays where victory would be impossible without capturing the base receive special benefits.
  • Sniper - awarded for the most beautiful, accurate shot or series of shots. It is especially appreciated if the shot helped you get out of a difficult situation and the team achieve victory.
  • Support - issued for a victorious battle carried out by the player at the bottom of the list (the level of the combat vehicle is the minimum acceptable for this level of battles), and the player’s actions actually brought victory to the team.
  • Steel Wall - awarded to a player who used the advantage of his armor during the battle and thanks to this earned victory. Correct use of the terrain and positioning of the tank under right angle to the enemy. A large number of potential damage received will help to receive an award, but is not required for nomination.
  • Scout - awarded for the miracles of camouflage and detection, thanks to which your team was able to gain an advantage. What counts is choosing good positions, counteracting enemy light, and the ability to survive until the end of the battle.
  • Brothers in Arms - issued to a platoon of players who, with their competent play, led the team to victory. When choosing from several replays, the number of frags per platoon is taken into account, as well as the level of equipment at which the battle took place.
  • Armored Fist - awarded to the team of players that wins the " Team fight"thanks to unusual tactics and/or the skill of individual fighters, being initially in an "uncomfortable" situation.
  • Clan Wars - awarded to participants in battles in the "Clan Wars" mode for interesting and unusual tactics that led their team to victory. The more tanks needed to be used to apply the tactics, the better.
  • Itlichnik or Free nomination - non-standard replays that do not fit into any of the nominations or affect several nominations at once.

In order to get into the FBR wot, it is not necessary to accumulate incredible numbers of damage or frags, it is enough that something unusual happens in battle.

Do you still think that your replay should be sent to Kirill Oreshkin? Then read on.

How to prepare and send a replay to OSR and VBR

If you are still sure that you should submit a replay to the Best Replays of the Week, then you need to follow the instructions:

Destroy more enemy vehicles (at least six) than any other player in a match (If two or more players have destroyed equal amount of enemies, the medal is granted to the player who earned more XP in battle).


Achieve at least 85% hits out of a minimum of 10 shots fired with potential damage of 1,000 HP or more. Non-penetrating hits count. If two or more tankers have equal hit ratios, the award is given to the tanker with the highest number of hits.


Reduce the number of enemy capture points of a friendly base by 70 or more.


Capture the maximum number of points from the enemy base (no less than 80). Granted on successful base capture and winning.

Steel Wall

Receive more potential damage than any player on your team, at least 1,000 HP, and survive. Receive at least 11 hits. If two or more players receive an equal amount of potential damage, granted to the player who received the greatest amount of hits.


Damage more enemy vehicles than any other player on the battlefield (at least six) which are subsequently destroyed by another player (or self-destruct). Granted only on condition that you hit more enemy vehicles than any other player on your team.


Detect more enemy tanks and artillery than anyone else on your team (at least nine). Granted to a member of the winning team.

Patrol Duty

Help your team damage at least six enemy vehicles by spotting them. The player must be the only one spotting the enemy vehicles at the moment when they are damaged.

High Caliber

Cause the highest damage per battle without hitting/ramming a friendly vehicle. Damage must be at least 20% of the total HP of enemy vehicles. Caused damage should be at least 1,000 HP.

Epic Awards

Radley-Walters" Medal

Awarded to players in tier V+ vehicles for destroying eight or nine enemy vehicles in one battle. Sydney Valpy Radley-Walters was a Canadian tank ace of the 27th Armored Regiment. In 1944-45, he destroyed 18 German vehicles with his Firefly.

Pool's Medal

Awarded to players on vehicles in tier V+ vehicles for destroying 10-13 enemy vehicles in one battle. Lafayette G. Pool is widely recognized as the U.S. tank ace of aces, credited with 12 confirmed tank kills and 258 total armored vehicle and artillery kills.

Orlik's Medal

Awarded for destroying three or more enemy tanks or tank destroyers with a light tank. The targets must be at least two tiers higher than the player's tank. Roman Edmund Orlik, a Polish Army sergeant, was a tank ace who knocked out 13 German tanks with his light TKS tankette in Sept, 1939.

Tamada Yoshio's Medal

Destroy at least three enemy artillery with a light tank and survive in one battle. Destroyed enemy vehicles must be at least two tiers higher than the player's tank. Colonel Tamada Yoshio, commander of the 4th Armored Regiment of the Kwantung Army, destroyed numerous armored vehicles, field guns, mortars and trucks during the night battles of Khalkhyn Gol, July 2-3, 1939.

Lehväslaiho's Medal

Awarded to medium tank players who destroy two enemy tanks or tank destroyers. The enemy vehicles must be at least 2 tiers higher. Reino Lehväslaiho was a Finnish tank ace who destroyed seven tanks and tank destroyers.

Oskin's Medal

Awarded to players in medium tanks who destroy three enemy tanks or tank destroyers. The targets must be at least two tiers higher than the player's tank. Alexander Oskin, Hero of the Soviet Union, was a tank commander who destroyed three King Tigers with his T-34 during a recon operation near Oglenduv, August 11, 1944.

Nicols" Medal

Awarded to medium tank players who destroy at least four enemy tanks or tank destroyers. The enemy vehicles must be at least two tiers higher. Alfie Nicols was a British tank gunner who destroyed 14 enemy vehicles during the Battle of El Alamein.

Kolobanov's Medal

Awarded to players who stand alone against five or more enemy tanks or artillery and wins. Colonel Zinoviy Kolobanov was a Soviet tank ace who destroyed 22 German tanks, two guns and two half-tracks with his KV-1 on August 19, 1941.

Halonen's Medal

Awarded for destroying three or more enemy tanks or tank destroyers with a tank destroyer. The targets must be at least two tiers higher than the player's tank destroyer. Erkki Halonen, a tank ace and sergeant in the Finnish Army, destroyed three T-34s, two KV-1s, and two ISU-152 with his StuG III in battles during June and July, 1944.

Fadin's Medal

Awarded for destroying the last enemy vehicle in the battle with the player's last remaining shell. Alexander Fadin, hero of the Soviet Union, was a T-34 tank commander who, with the help of one infantry group, managed to capture Dashukovka village and hold it for five hours with one tank.

Pascucci's Medal

Awarded for destroying three enemy artillery in one battle with a tank or tank destroyer. Second Lieutenant Luigi Arbib Pascucci was an Italian tank commander who fought with the Ariete Tank Division in North Africa. He fought in the Second Battle of El Alamein, where he sacrificed his life in a frontal attack that enabled his company to escape encirclement.

Dumitru's Medal

Awarded for destroying four enemy artillery in one battle with a tank or tank destroyer. Ion S. Dumitru, a Romanian tank ace, fought in World War II for just 25 days. In March 1945, Dumitru contributed to the destruction of six tank destroyers and capture of a 150mm battery.

Burda's Medal

Awarded to players who destroy five or more enemy artillery with a tank or tank destroyer in one battle. Guards Colonel Alexander Burda, a Soviet tank ace and Hero of the Soviet Union, organized an ambush in October 1941 which destroyed an entire enemy column.

Billotte's Medal

Awarded to players who destroy at least two enemy vehicles and survive the battle despite receiving at least five different critical hits and losing 80% or more of their hit points. Destroyed enemy vehicles count after all damage is received. Pierre Billotte was a captain in the French Army who destroyed several Pz.Kpfw tanks and more with his Char B1bis in May 1940.

Bruno's Medal

Awarded to players who destroy three or four enemy vehicles and survive the battle to victory despite receiving five different critical hits and losing 80% of their hit points. Destroyed enemy vehicles count after all damage is received. Pietro Bruno was an Italian tank ace. For exceptional valor in the face of the enemy, he was awarded the Gold Medal of Military Valor (Medaglia d'oro al Valore Militare), the highest Italian award.

Tarczay's Medal

Awarded to players who destroy five enemy vehicles and survive the battle despite receiving five different critical hits and losing 80%+ of their hit points. Destroyed enemy vehicles count after all damage is received. Ervin Tarczay was a Hungarian tank ace who fought with the Hungarian 2nd Armored Division and destroyed at least ten enemy vehicles.

Raseiniai Heroes Medal

Awarded to players who single-handedly destroy at least 14 enemy vehicles. In June 1941, near Raseiniai, Lithuania, roughly 20 KV tanks of the Soviet 3rd Mechanized Corps met the assault of the 6th Panzer, with approximately 100 vehicles. A single KV-2 tank managed to hold the German advance for a full day while being pummeled by antitank weapons, until the KV-2 ran out of ammo and was knocked out.

De Langlade's Medal

Destroy at least four enemy vehicles while they are attempting to capture the base in one battle. Paul Girot de Langlade was a French Army colonel who fought with the 2nd Tank Division under General Leclerc. On September 12, 1944, a combat team under De Langlade's command wiped out Panzerbrigade 112 in the battle of Dompaire, France.


Destroy all enemy light tanks (at least three) in one battle.


Awarded for destroying seven or more enemy tanks and artillery with a tank or tank destroyer, or 10+ vehicles with artillery, in one battle. The targets must be at least tier IV.

Step Awards

Abrams" Medal (IV-I class)

Awarded in one of four classes for the total number of team victories where the player survived the battle: 5 - Class IV / 50 - Class III / 500 - Class II / 5,000 - Class I. General Creighton Abrams commanded U.S. armored forces during WWII and the Vietnam War, earning a reputation as an aggressive and successful commander.

Ekins" Medal (IV-I class)

Awarded in four classes for destroying tier VIII, IX or X enemy tanks and artillery. 3 - Class IV / 30 - Class III / 300 - Class II / 3,000 - Class I. Joe Ekins was a gunner in the Northamptonshire Division of the British Territorial Army. A number of sources confirm him as the individual who brought down German tank ace Michael Wittmann.

Carius" Medal (IV-I class)

Awarded for the destruction of enemy tanks and artillery in four classes. 10 - Class IV / 100 - Class III / 1,000 - Class II / 10,000 - Class I. Otto Carius was a successful tank ace of WWII. He commanded the PzKpfw 38(t), the PzKpfw VI Tiger and the Jagdtiger during his impressive career.

Knispel's Medal (IV-I class)

Awarded for the total amount of damage caused and received in four classes. 10,000 - Class IV / 100,000 - Class III / 1,000,000 - Class II / 10,000,000 - Class I. Kurt Knispel, a German tank ace, participated in battles on both the Western and Eastern Fronts fighting in PzKpfw II, PzKpfw III, PzKpfw IV, PzKpfw VI Tiger, and PzKpfw VI Ausf. B Tiger II.

Popel's Medal (IV-I class)

Awarded for detecting enemy tanks and artillery in all battles, in four classes. 20 - Class IV / 200 - Class III / 2,000 - Class II / 20,000 - Class I. Lieutenant General of Tank Forces, Nikolay Popel, organized a raid against the enemy using captured vehicles during the Battle of Dubno in the summer of 1941.

Leclerc's Medal (IV-I class)

Awarded for the total number of the player's enemy base capture points. An unsuccessful or reduced capture does not count toward this number. 30 - Class IV / 300 - Class III / 3,000 - Class II / 30,000 - Class I. Philippe Leclerc was a General of the Free French Forces and one of the leaders in the liberation of Paris.

Lavrinenko's Medal (IV-I class)

Awarded for reducing the total number of capture points of a friendly base, up to 100 points per battle. 30 - Class IV 300 - Class III 3,000 - Class II 30,000 - Class I. Dmitry Lavrinenko, Guards Lieutenant and tank ace, was recognized as the top Soviet tanker, destroying 52 tanks over the course of two months.

Kay's Medal (IV-I class)

Awarded for achieving the Battle Hero status in four classes. 1 - Class IV / 10 - Class III / 100 - Class II / 1,000 - Class I. Douglas Kay, a British Army sergeant, participated in the Allied landings in Normandy.

Honorary Ranks


Destroy 100 or more of the following vehicles: Jagdpanther, Jagdtiger, Pz.Kpfw V Panther, Panther II, Pz.Kpfw VI Tiger, PzKpfw VI Ausf. B Tiger II, GW Panther, GW Tiger, Jagdpanther II.


Hit an enemy vehicle 10+ times in a row without missing. The results of the next battle using the same vehicle continue to count towards this number, until the sequence is broken by a miss. Every vehicle has its own series. Only the longest series is included.


Remain undetected throughout an entire battle and be the only player to capture the enemy base. Granted even if the vehicle was accidentally hit or damaged.

Brothers in Arms

Each platoon member must destroy at least three enemy vehicles. All platoon members must survive the battle. Each platoon member receives this title.

CRUCIAL Contribution

A platoon must destroy at least 12 enemy vehicles. All platoon members receive the award.


Survive 20 battles in a row using the same vehicle. An unbroken series continues in the next battle on the current vehicle. Every vehicle has its own series. The number displayed indicated the longest streak earned for this award. Battles fought in artillery do not count.


Destroy a higher tier enemy vehicle by ramming it. Granted only once in the course of the battle.


Destroy three or more enemy vehicles in a row with a single shell each. An unbroken series continues in the next battle using the current vehicle. Every vehicle has its own series. Only the longest series counts. Granted on completion of the next record series.

Master Gunner

Score at least five armor-penetrating hits in a row against enemy vehicles. A series unbroken by a miss, non-penetration, or ricochet continues in the next battle using the current vehicle. Every vehicle has its own series. Only the longest series is included.


Survive five or more battles in a row without taking any damage. An unbroken series continues in the next battle on the current vehicle. Every vehicle has its own series. The number displayed indicates the longest streak earned for this award.Battles fought in artillery do not count.

Patton Valley

Destroy 100 Patton tanks, including M46 Patton and M48A1.


Destroy at least two enemy vehicles with one shell.

Senior Technical Engineer

Research all vehicles in all tech trees. When the game receives new vehicles, the award is voided.

Master Tanker

Destroy at least one of every type of enemy vehicle currently available in the game.


Awarded for successfully completing all links of the limited-time “Motherland Unleashed” Op.

Call of the motherland

Awarded for emerging victorious using a Soviet vehicle in the "Answer the Call" limited-time Proving Grounds campaign.

battle hero of the week

Award given only to the featured top tier X tanker who meets the weekly Battle Hero community article requirements.


Awarded for spotting enemy vehicles, allowing allies to cause 1,000 damage in a single, victorious battle. The series is extended for every 1,000 damage caused by allies to enemies spotted by you in one battle. Every vehicle has its own series. The number displayed indicates the longest streak earned.

Fire for effect

Cause more damage to enemy vehicles than the hit points of your vehicle.

Mouse trap

Destroy 10 or more enemy Pz.Kpfw. VIII Maus tanks.


Destroy four or five enemy vehicles in a single battle.


Destroy at least two enemy vehicles that caused damage to your vehicle in the battle.

The Lion of Sinai

Destroy at least 100 enemy Soviet IS-series of vehicles: IS, IS-3, IS-4, IS-6, IS-7, T-10, ISU-152, Object 704, Object 261, Object 268, Object 263.

Technical Engineer, Japan:

Research all Japanese vehicles in the tech tree. When the game receives new vehicles, the award becomes inactive.


Research all French vehicles in the tech tree. .


Research all British vehicles in the tech tree. When the game receives new vehicles, the award becomes inactive.


Research all American vehicles in the tech tree. When the game receives new vehicles, the award becomes inactive.


Research all Chinese vehicles in the tech tree. When the game receives new vehicles, the award becomes inactive.


Research all Soviet vehicles in the tech tree. When the game receives new vehicles, the award becomes inactive.


Research all German vehicles in the tech tree. When the game receives new vehicles, the award becomes inactive.

Tank Expert by Nation

Destroy at least one vehicle of each type from each nation"s tech tree. It"s possible to earn an expert medal for each nation available. In the event that new vehicles are added, the award becomes inactive until the new vehicles have been destroyed.

For Counter-Battery Fire

Play as artillery in a battle and destroy at least three enemy artillery.


Have total damage blocked by your armor exceed the hit points of your vehicle and survive the battle.

Commemorative Tokens


Survive at least 10 ricochets and non-penetrations in a row from enemies.


Survive a ricochet or non-penetrating shot from an enemy. Your vehicle must have less than 10% of its hit points left and you must survive the battle.


Damage enemy vehicles’ modules or injure Crew members at least five times in a battle.

Demolition Expert

Destroy an enemy vehicle by causing its ammunition to explode.


Destroy an enemy vehicle by setting it on fire.

Rock Solid

While driving an Artillery, destroy an enemy vehicle by ramming and survive the battle.

Eye for an Eye

Simultaneously destroy, and be destroyed, by the same enemy.

Hand of God

Survive and win the battle, having received damage from at least four different enemy vehicles.