Living room furniture - photos and design ideas. Three main rules for choosing a wall for the living room Select furniture for the living room

The living room is a multifunctional room that is suitable for relaxing with family or friends, as well as for private time at work or alone with a book. The main thing is to choose the right furniture that can cope with all the given functions.

Determining the purpose of the living room is the first task that needs to be solved when starting renovation. If the room is intended for relaxation, you need to take care of a comfortable sofa and comfortable armchairs. For TV and other equipment you will need a TV stand or wall. A living room/office is incomplete without a functional desk. The more carefully you think through all the details, the better the result will be.

How to determine the purpose of the living room

When starting renovations, discuss the future living room with the whole family.

When starting renovations, discuss the future living room with the whole family. When everyone expresses their wishes, it will be easier to understand what exactly you need. Answer a series of questions:

  • How does your family spend their leisure time?
  • Do you often have guests and noisy meetings?
  • Do you need a TV or home theater in your living room?
  • Will the living room be used as a guest room?
  • Do you need space to store any of your collections?
  • Does someone work from home, do they need space in the living room?

Having thought through all these points in advance, you can arrange the space as comfortably as possible and create a living room in which there is a place for everyone.

Think about your style

You can choose absolutely any style if it suits you

After the functionality of the living room has been determined, proceed to choosing a style. It sets the mood and allows you to create a unique atmosphere that emphasizes the individuality of your home. The style depends entirely on your preferences and desires. In this case, you can use not one, but several design styles - this is an unusual and effective way zone the room.

Classic never goes out of style, and if you want to renovate for years, it is better to choose traditional shapes and designs. Wooden facades or MDF, stylized as wood, will fit perfectly into the decor and give it aristocracy and solidity.

Living room in high-tech style will appeal to fans of modern solutions who value the achievements of civilization.

Modern interior will allow you to be in the trend of the fashion world and indicate the modern views of the apartment owner.

Minimalist design ideal for small rooms: it allows you to place everything you need in a small area, saving maximum space.

You can choose absolutely any style if it is close to you, but try to learn as much as possible about it to create a harmonious and complete picture.

Color scheme for the living room

It is extremely important to choose colors that you like and at the same time have a positive effect on the psyche

From selected color range depends on how cozy the living room will look. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose colors that you like and at the same time have a positive effect on the psyche. For example, red has a stimulating effect, while blue or green, on the contrary, calms.

Stick to a few simple rules, and the result will please you:

  • Use a maximum of two primary colors - they will look more expressive and advantageous.
  • It is better to use neutral colors as auxiliary colors: white, black, beige, gray.
  • Avoid neon and acidic colors - they look impressive, but with prolonged exposure they can begin to irritate.
  • Nature suggests the best color combinations. If you can’t come up with colors for the living room, pay attention to flowers, landscapes, and choose the colors that you like best.

Minimalistic monochromatic interiors look great, diluted with bright accessories: a couple of rich touches will enliven even a white room. If you don’t have any special preferences, use universal beige: it doesn’t irritate or excite, but it looks quite aristocratic and noble.

How to arrange furniture correctly

In a living room intended for relaxation from the benefits of civilization, build the interior around a soft corner

Once you've decided on the style and color, start creating your project. The easiest way is to go from the central element. For example, if the main thing in the interior is the TV, build the environment around it: select comfortable sofas and armchairs, arrange a place for the TV and related small items. In a living room intended for relaxation from the benefits of civilization, build the interior around a soft corner. If the room is spacious, you can make several such centers, dividing the living room into zones.

To buy the optimal number of interior items and immediately arrange them in the right order, take rough measurements with a regular tape measure and sketch out several options on paper. After choosing the final furnishings, mark the places where sockets and switches will be needed: it is necessary to work out the lighting system before purchasing and installing furniture.

Selection of materials

MDF perfectly replaces wood, not inferior to it in terms of reliability and appearance

The living room is intended for both guests and you. This means that before you decorate it, you will need to not change your own tastes, but also to please future guests. Your goal is to achieve a modern style.

In this case, modern standards require compliance with certain aspects. For example, some of them imply a degree of restraint and functionality.

Sometimes we need to change something and combine things that, in our opinion, are not quite suitable. But if you want to achieve modern style and comfort, you will have to work hard.

Before designing the interior for the living room, you need to ask yourself: What goals does the living room serve? There can be a lot of options. For example, some people want to create a luxurious room to comfortably entertain guests.

But if you set out to create a room for personal relaxation, there is a specific difference here compared to the first interior design option.

A taste of modernity

Free space and good lighting are true signs of modern taste. In addition, you will need to successfully select furniture for the living room.

Helpful advice! Do not overload the living room with unnecessary furniture. It is important to focus on big picture interior, and not on one of its components.

The impeccable organization of the interior lies in how beautiful the furniture was chosen for the living room. They are in great demand in terms of quality foreign manufacturers Germany, Belarus and Italy. Living room furniture in a modern style has its own characteristic feature.

Minimalist style

If you pay attention to the photo of living room furniture, you will probably notice all the lightness and comfort of the living room. The fact is that beautiful furniture playing in the living room important role in the formation of the interior.

For a guest room, there is no need to purchase extra bulky furniture and clutter the room with it. The most important thing is to buy a wardrobe and a soft sofa.

Then you can indulge in decor, but in moderation. In terms of colors, you should avoid bright contrasts. It is best to use classic colors - white, black, gray. A wardrobe with a sofa can be large in size, because it is convenient and beautiful for a large room.

But what else is needed besides them? A TV stand, shelves for books and additional upholstered furniture for the living room will come in handy.

Variety of modern choices

In addition to minimalism, there are other interior styles that focus on modern-style living room furniture.

High tech

This style is designed for a large room, and is somewhat similar to the minimalist style. For example, classic colors are also introduced here. But in addition to white, gray or black, a metallic shade is used.

Also, special attention is paid to the wall where a large diagonal TV can be placed. Naturally, for viewing to be enjoyable, you need to sit on something.

This is where a functional sofa that can be connected to a table would come in handy. In general, it’s perfect for the high-tech style modular furniture for the living room. Special attention focuses on practicality and efficiency, which emphasizes this modern style.

Metal elements, decor from chrome and glass parts look great in general interior rooms.


The “modern” style is not as strict as the previous one. This is expressed in rounded shapes and smooth corners. There's more sophistication here. But the furniture must be strong and durable.

For this, only natural materials are used - high quality wood. The furniture itself is chosen in accordance with the proportions of the size of the room.

A special decoration for the living room can be a sofa with beautiful upholstery, patterns and unusual inserts. Table, chairs, furniture wall must be present.

Art Deco

Geometric shapes and smooth shapes add even more aesthetics. There are no strict rules in choosing colors. The furniture is made from expensive materials.

The interior of the living room is decorated with wood and glass (sometimes metal inserts are also used).


This style is somewhat reminiscent of “high-tech”. However, it also has its own advantages. Completely absent here classic version furniture.

Attention is drawn to things made of metal. Metallic-colored furniture along with a glass table is located in the living room. For technical style, only cool colors are chosen.

Photo of modern furniture design in the living room

Any apartment owner wants guests to admire the interior and unusual approaches to design. But how to choose furniture for the living room so that it fully matches the style and tastes of the apartment’s inhabitants? It is with the choice of furniture that the most difficulties arise.

Choosing the right furniture for the living room means choosing exactly those options that will:

  • look organic in the interior and create comfort;
  • functional;
  • every inhabitant of the apartment will like it.

Each of these requirements is equally important. A stylish living room that is “not to your liking” may present the owner in a good light to the guests, but it will be difficult to stay in it for a long time. If the furniture matches the style, but the living room is uncomfortable to be in, it will not become a place for the family to relax. Finally, you cannot choose a furniture set based on beauty alone, because functionality is no less important.

But how to take into account all these requirements, how to choose the right furniture for the living room and not make a mistake with the choice?

Interior planning is an interesting but difficult job, especially for people who do not have a design education. If you don’t know a decorator or have the funds to pay for a designer’s services, you’ll have to somehow cope with the task yourself. And first you need to decide what exactly should be in the living room, what functions it should perform,

A simple technique will help you decide on the purpose of the room. You need to take a piece of paper and sketch out a diagram of the room: indicate on the improvised plan the location and number of windows, doors, if any, and other elements such as niches, bay windows and other features.

The next step is to decide what the living room is for, determine its main and additional functions. This will directly determine what furniture you choose for the living room. For example, a living room is needed for family relaxation, to watch TV with your family in the evenings, or to simply relax in silence, sitting down with a book in a cozy armchair. Some love fun companies and friendly parties, then the set of furniture will be different, taking into account the given purpose of the room. Additionally, in the family living room you can arrange dining area(if the kitchen area does not allow placing there dinner table). And if relatives often come to visit, then it’s worth taking this into account by planning several “landing sites” in advance.

The purpose of the room will be determined by its zoning. First of all, you need to determine the main place in the living room. For example, this could be a home theater or a large plasma panel. It is to this area that all attention will be directed. Opposite the TV you will need to place a large sofa and armchairs, a coffee table.

The remaining areas (dining, working, relaxing, etc.) should not be overloaded. The furniture in them should not attract undue attention.

Important! Each zone should have its own furniture, corresponding to its purpose and functions, but at the same time combined with the furniture set of the main zone.

What kind of furniture do you need for your living room?

Having decided on zoning, you should start thinking about how to choose furniture for the living room. Here, first of all, you need to focus on the function of space.

Previously, the living room was intended only for receiving guests, so the best furniture was always chosen for it, shelves with books, expensive decorative items, etc. were placed. and supported indoors perfect cleanliness. If you need a living room in the same style, then you need to first choose upholstered furniture(chairs, sofa), coffee table, bookshelf or a showcase for decorative items, collections, etc.

  • closet;
  • armchairs;
  • sofa;
  • Coffee table.

But in addition to this, the set includes a dining table with several chairs. Polish, Czech and Russian manufacturers do not include a dining table and chairs in the furniture set.

But in the modern world, a living room can perform several functions at once, so each zone needs its own set. The only requirement is that all furniture must match in color and style.

Choosing a living room furniture style

Before choosing furniture for the living room, you need to consider the desired style solution. First of all, the appearance of the furniture should match the overall decor of the room. You can choose based on personal ideas about comfort and coziness and, of course, fashion trends.

However, a combination of several styles is also appropriate, especially if you plan to zone the room.

For those who prefer modern technology, practicality and the absence of unnecessary details, high-tech is ideal. There shouldn't be much in the interior wooden elements, but glass and plastic are welcome in every possible way. Furniture should not be bulky. It must comply with the latest trends and be multifunctional. You can complement the interior with ultra-modern technology.

If someone prefers natural motifs and smooth lines, then ideal solution will become a modern style. And if the cozy living room is presented in soothing colors, with high chairs and a soft carpet, you can choose a classic style.

Lovers of a cozy atmosphere can also find a lot for themselves possible options. For example, Provence, which involves the use natural materials, calm tones and “antique” furniture.

Another interesting style is rustic. It combines 2 radically opposite qualities of nature - its beauty and roughness. Rustic style furniture is made from natural wood, and not perfect, but with all the nicks and knots, without paint or varnish.

Living room furniture color

An important point is what color of furniture to choose for the living room. And here, too, no special rules. Traditionally, upholstered furniture is purchased in non-marking colors: dark brown, brown and black, but you can often find very cozy beige, sand and white armchairs and sofas. But it is worth remembering that the spectrum does not end with these colors.

Important! For the living room, you can choose furniture of almost any color, but only if the furniture in the chosen color scheme suits the style and matches the purpose of the room.

Many styles are quite strict about the use of color. For example, charming and light Provence does not like dark tones; preference is pastel shades and light gray color. Acid shades would be completely inappropriate here. IN Scandinavian style white and blue predominate.

Minimalism requires bright and pure colors, but be sure to follow moderation, otherwise it will be impossible to stay in the room.

Art Deco will appeal to those who love bright colors, but the fact is that they quickly get boring. Bright colors are pleasing to the eye, but it is impossible to relax in such an environment - that is, the living room will not fulfill its main function. Therefore, if the living room is planned for hosting parties, then bright colors will be appropriate.

Interiors with a combination of black and white look impressive, but before choosing furniture for the living room, you need to think twice. Black and white interior looks stylish in photographs, but in reality turns out to be not very practical, especially with white furniture. Any dirt, even small ones, will be clearly visible on a white background, and as a result, the living room will require serious cleaning. Black furniture, although more practical, is not the best choice for a small living room. It is known that dark color creates a depressing atmosphere and visually reduces the space.

Overall, deciding how to choose the color of your living room furniture is not that difficult. If the room is intended for relaxation, the furniture should be designed in soothing colors: light green, soft blue, dark blue. In the living room for friendly gatherings, it is better to place furniture in “energetic” bright colors(red, orange, yellow).

In most cases, the set for furnishing a living room is always the same: a sofa, a TV, a coffee table or a wall. But if space allows, then a shelving unit with a home library, a minibar and even a dining area are added to the standard set.

Living room in a modern style with a standard set of furniture

If in square room For medium and large sizes, arranging furniture in the living room is not a problem, but non-standard rooms require a certain approach and knowledge of design tricks.

Options for arranging furniture in the living room

Symmetrical arrangement of upholstered furniture, centered around the fireplace and coffee table, face to face

U-shaped living room layout with the center of the room as a seating area and walkways along the edges

Deciding on how to arrange furniture in the living room always starts with drawing up a clear plan. It is not necessary to perform it in a special computer program.

Scheme nice option traditional layout of the soft living area - a sofa opposite the TV and two armchairs on the sides

After all, not everyone has the skills to work with such design tools. Although it is impossible not to note the possibilities and advantages of 3D modeling - a more realistic representation of the final result.

Layout of a corner sofa, armchair and ottoman to create beautiful composition in the room

You can make a sketch on plain checkered paper. In the process it is noted:

  • height, length and width of the room on the selected scale;
  • location of windows, doorways, niches, etc.;
  • location of sockets, radiators.

Diagonal layout of the living room - an option for studio apartments or combined rooms

Dividing the living room into zones with several focal points is suitable for large rectangular rooms

There are a number of universal tips on how to arrange furniture in the living room that will help you avoid mistakes.

  1. All items are selected according to the dimensions of the room: for small living rooms - compact, for spacious ones - large.
  2. How bigger room, the more items you can afford. For small rooms, give preference to multifunctionality.
  3. If, in addition to the recreation area, it is planned to place a dining or sleeping area, then all areas should be delimited as much as possible. It is better to place the dining table by the window; a less lit part of the room is suitable for sleeping and relaxing.
  4. Sources of natural light such as window openings must not be covered or obstructed. Daylight should enter freely.
  5. Avoid the massive walls that were common in the last century. Even in a large living room, they look bulky and difficult to combine with other interior items.
  6. The width of the passages is at least 60 cm.
  7. If the setting involves the presence of not only a sofa, but also armchairs, then the distance between the items of the soft set should be such that vacationers can hear each other during a conversation and at the same time maintain a comfortable distance.
  8. The most optimal location coffee table from the sofa - at a distance of 40-50 cm.

Where to put the sofa?

The interior of any living room would not be complete without a sofa. You should not place this item close to the window. It is also not recommended to place it with its back facing the entrance. It's psychologically uncomfortable.

When choosing an option for arranging furniture, you need to focus on the product model, which is selected according to the parameters of the room, because the shape and layout are much more difficult to change.

Where to put the TV?

The TV in the living room interior plays the role of a connecting link around which other elements are located.

The TV is still one of the main elements of the living room. Its location should be as comfortable as possible, namely:

  • be at eye level of the person sitting, i.e. height from the floor about 1.1-1.3 meters;
  • be at a distance of at least 1.8 meters, but no more than 3 meters from the person sitting.

The TV should be installed taking into account the regulatory data that ensures its comfortable use

An unsuccessful solution is to place the TV near the window. The sun's rays will interfere with viewing. It is better to choose a darkened part of the room.

A cabinet can be used as a stand, modern wall, special table. In a small living room hanging option will save square meters.

Arrangement options

When planning the interior, adhere to one of 3 options for arranging furniture.

Some element of the furnishings is taken as the center of the room. This could be a TV, a fireplace, a wall stand for a home theater, etc. Furniture items are placed at the same distance from the selected starting point.

This method is the most common and successful in classic interiors. It is desirable that everything be in the same style, and that the symmetrically arranged elements have the same size and color.

The arrangement is acceptable for the premises correct form(square or rectangular without much difference in width and length).

The method of symmetrical arrangement of furniture in the living room is the most commonly used placement option

In modern styles this option is most common. In a non-standard living room, it helps to hide imperfections, highlight a certain part advantageously, and visually make the room more spacious. In this case, there are no clear rules and requirements for how to arrange furniture in the room. The furnishings themselves can be different sizes, eclectic. The main thing is the harmony of the final result.

Asymmetrical furniture arrangement is good because it is suitable for placement in a small or spacious living room, regardless of its shape

A circular arrangement involves choosing, as in the first option, a center (usually a coffee table or a chandelier). In this case, the interior items will be located in a circle at the same distance from each other, creating the correct round shape. The previous options for arranging furniture, in contrast, are easier to implement. Circular requires both space and correct geometric shapes, because leaving free corners is in itself a violation of the rules of rational organization of a small space.

The circular arrangement method involves placing furniture around a designated central element in a spacious living room.

The choice of one or another method of furnishing depends not only on personal preferences, but also on the features of the layout.

Narrow living room

The elongated rectangular profile of the room encourages the creation of zones dividing the total area

The main mistake is the placement of furnishings along a long wall. This makes the passage even narrower. The most suitable way to arrange furniture in a narrow-shaped living room is asymmetrical.

Zoning in a long narrow room into a dining area and an area for relaxing and receiving guests

The basic principles that should be followed are as follows.

  1. Compactness. For example, you can use several small sofa couches instead of cluttering up the free space with one large one. This will make the room look visually more spacious.
  2. Less furniture and more functionality. Storage systems built into the sofa allow you to combine several functions at once and free up a significant part of the space.
  3. Round shapes. The usual square pieces of furniture “eat up” the space. Round tables and sofas will fit most successfully into the interior without loss of functionality.
  4. Use of mirrors. If you put narrow wardrobe with mirrored doors along a long wall, you can achieve visual lengthening.
  5. Consider the location of the windows. If the window is on the long side, then a built-in wardrobe installed to the adjacent wall will somewhat even out the proportions.

Design of a long rectangular living room in beige and lilac tones

Arranging furniture in a rectangular living room is an easier task compared to the previous layout. But it is still recommended to follow certain rules to create a harmonious environment.

One of the most good ideas in this situation there is clear zoning. Using a certain arrangement, you can divide the room into two functional zones s: for example, for the dining and relaxation areas. The visual division into two small squares compensates for the disproportionality. Using this technique, you create two central points at the same time in a circular arrangement.

In contrast to the too narrow living room, in rectangular room It is possible, and sometimes even necessary, to place objects perpendicularly. It could be corner sofa, for example, or desk elongated shape.

As with most non-standard rooms, asymmetrical furniture is the most successful solution.

Design solution for a rectangular living room

Custom living rooms

Idea for decorating a living room in the shape of a trapezoid

Recently, more and more often in new buildings you can find polygonal rooms and living rooms in the form of a trapezoid. On the one hand, such a layout looks creative and unusual, but on the other hand, it causes difficulties when deciding how to arrange furniture in a room of such an unusual shape.

The main difficulty with non-standard breading arises when searching for furnishing elements. You need to be prepared for the fact that some items will have to be made to order.

Room design irregular shape becomes the process of selecting details and decorative elements in order to make the room cozy and comfortable

In modern styles, it is quite possible to beat such a drawback, turning the drawback into an original feature of the living room. There may be several ideas for successful furniture arrangement.

  1. An irregular, sloping corner can be made the central place and the main accent in the room, and furniture can be placed around it.
  2. If the main interior elements are unusual design, then this will only emphasize the main idea. Repeating the shape of the room in the shape of the furniture will allow you to establish balance in perception.
  3. With the help of an irregularly shaped cabinet, for example, you can achieve not only an increase in the effect of asymmetry, but also the opposite - smoothing out irregular corners. For example, a built-in wardrobe made according to individual order, will have a trapezoidal space inside, which is not so significant for the performance of its functions. But it will be possible to cover the beveled corner and make the room as a whole more comfortable and pleasant to perceive. This idea cannot be implemented only in the case of a certain location of the window: the source of natural light cannot be blocked.

Video: 3 types of furniture arrangement: symmetrical, asymmetrical and circular

From this article you will learn:

    How to choose the right furniture for the living room

    How to choose furniture to match the interior style of the living room

    What rules to follow when choosing furniture for the living room

    What furniture to choose for a small and large living room

    How to choose the right furniture for the living room-bedroom

    What features to consider when choosing upholstered furniture for the living room

    How to create decorative elements for living room furniture with your own hands

The living room is the center of the entire home. It is here that the whole family settles down to rest, where guests are received or receptions are held. Therefore, the decor of this room is of great importance. Furniture for the living room should be of high quality, functionality, comfort and match the style of the entire interior. In this article we will figure out how to choose it correctly and arrange it correctly.

To properly arrange furniture in the living room, you need a design project

If you want to create the perfect space with... a certain style furniture, then you should contact specialists in this field who will create a competent design project for your living room. If you have sufficient experience in decorating a room yourself, then we arrange the furniture in the living room on our own.

In this case, you need to be confident in your capabilities and abilities so as not to end up with a tastelessly cluttered room that is not suitable for living. To simplify the search for a suitable option, you can turn to the Internet, where there are many different drawings and projects that are in some way universal.

Design highlights:

    General style of the living room. Each room has its own, so you need to choose furniture based on the design of the entire room - then the selected interior items will fit perfectly into the space. At the same time, the design of the room is often determined by the age level of the owners: young people prefer a more modern look or minimalism, and mature individuals usually choose a classic style of furniture for the living room, interspersed with modern details.

    Purpose of the living room. This is precisely why the project is needed, so that we can initial stage present the expected result of the entire repair. It is necessary to clearly understand what furniture is needed for and what kind of furniture it is. Indeed, in our time, the choice of furnishings is simply huge: it can be functional or sophisticated, designer or elegant, practical or chic.

    Furniture arrangement. At the design stage, it is necessary to decide where exactly each piece of furniture will stand. This will help highlight different areas of the room and determine the size of the furniture.

A furniture design project is a visual embodiment of the desired interior design. Thanks to it, you can carefully consider the size, shape and color of furnishings, and all the materials from which it should be made.

Types of furniture for the living room

Currently exists great amount furniture options that can be installed in the living room.

The most popular options:

    Hanging or mounted– such furniture will not take up much space and will visually create the effect of lightness. Usually it is quite narrow in size, and by forming an interesting furniture composition from it, you can decorate the interior of the living room very functionally and beautifully.

    Radial– this type is distinguished by smooth lines of facades and the absence of sharp corners. This design allows you to effectively place furniture in the interior, covering a niche or any corner.

    Glass furniture– is very modern version. Thanks to the material used, such an airy coffee table, console or pencil case can transform any room.

    Designer– is individual and adds zest to the entire interior of the room. Living room furniture designed by a designer is usually installed in a room that is itself unique in its design. Such exclusive items can be lacquered furniture, patinated products, ivory furniture and other varieties that attract attention with their effectiveness and beauty.

    Cushioned furniture. Is enough standard sample room interior design. It allows guests to sit in greater comfort, while creating coziness in any room.

    Corpus. IN Soviet time A standard bulky wall was installed in each living room. Modern case kits have gradually replaced it. They usually consist of practical, convenient modules that fit perfectly together. In a modern interior, a chest of drawers, a shelf or a side table will definitely find their place in the living room. Furniture with sliding doors has become very popular - it allows you to use space very practically.

How to choose furniture for the living room

Choosing furniture for a living room is not an easy task. Of course, you can contact World Wide Web, where furniture for the living room, its photos and prices are usually widely represented. But you can choose the appropriate options yourself, based on some key points.


  1. Functions of the living room.

You should clearly decide which zones in the room are needed. Before choosing furniture for the living room, formulate a concept for zoning the space. This is especially important for small and medium-sized rooms. The number of functional zones will depend on your needs and preferences - it is important to carefully consider their specifics and the choice of a special environment for them. Plan functional areas in advance, then it will be much easier to select suitable furniture.

  1. Correct color.

When choosing a color scheme, you should rely solely on your own taste. Basic rule: than smaller room, the lighter the shades, and the larger the room, the more dark tones you can use.

  1. Style.

Furniture in its appearance must correspond design composition living room. When planning the style of your future interior, you decide in advance what furniture to look for in the store. Its body, façade, fittings, upholstery and much more must correspond to the overall style.

Each style has its own approach to choosing furniture. A collection of items in the Art Nouveau style will not fit into modern minimalism, and the Baroque style will not be combined with Provence.

  1. Dimensions and shape of the living room.

The choice of furniture directly depends on the size of the room for receiving guests. In a spacious living room, you can afford to install a massive classic wall, a table, a chest of drawers, a sofa with armchairs, and at the same time maintain the overall perception of space and the lightness of the room. If a similar set of furniture is installed in a small room, it will turn into a furniture warehouse.

  1. What kind of furniture is needed?

Furniture for a living room should be distinguished not only by beauty, but also by functionality. You shouldn’t buy a massive classic table and a display cabinet for a small living room. This furniture will only take up space, and in this case there is very little benefit from it. It is better to buy a modular wardrobe or chest of drawers. A lot of things can be stored in it, and these items will take up much less space.

When purchasing furniture, think about its purpose. Remember that any modern interior style involves installing only the necessary furnishings.

They should fit organically with each other and should be placed wisely. Cabinets, shelves, chests of drawers, tables and sofas must match each other in color and texture. They need to be arranged in such a way that some pieces of furniture attract maximum attention, while others do not catch the eye.

  1. Wall or rack.

Any living room needs a storage system. The wall is a static storage system, and the rack is a mobile structure.

  1. Place for TV.

Furniture to match the interior style of the living room


The classic style is unshakable. A living room decorated in this style will not lose its relevance even after time. The classic living room is based on the use of natural materials and, above all, wood. Preference is given to natural shades of wood, but they do not have to be light. Dark tones also look expensive and sophisticated.


Modern style presupposes a free attitude to the canons of organizing space. In such a living room you can install furniture from the most unusual materials:

  • plastic;

The color scheme can also be varied. This living room is suitable for brave and determined people who follow fashion trends.

By the way, with the rapid development of science and technology, “modern” styles are quickly going out of fashion. Therefore, when creating a certain stylish interior in the living room, do not overdo it. Otherwise, pretty quickly you will have to make repairs and change the furniture in the living room again.


Provençal style is a variation of country style, a lighter, lighter and airier version. This is probably due to the fact that Provence is a southeastern region of France, which is located on the sea coast. Impressive landscapes of lavender fields, the beauty of waves caressing the beaches and an abundance of sun became the leitmotifs provencal style. Here time stands still. Sitting in the living room, designed in Provence style, you will feel the perfect relaxation.


The main guidelines of retro style are sophistication and sophistication, passion and recklessness. And although this is a rather specific style, there is something for everyone here. Stylish forties or exuberant seventies, delightful fifties or original sixties: every decade is an entire era that has its own uniqueness and appeal.


Eclecticism is most suitable for fast-paced and creative people, in continuous motion. It is characterized by mixing, combining, mixing everything with everything. The main thing is to observe moderation, otherwise stylish eclecticism will easily turn into tacky bad taste. Ideally, it is advisable to combine no more than four styles in the interior.

    cushioned furniture;

    storage furniture;

  • accents, accessories, details.

Basic recommendations on how to choose furniture for the living room

1. If you want to create a cozy and comfortable interior, then it should be placed in the living room the following items furniture:

    A sofa complemented by armchairs and chairs in the same style. This universal set of upholstered furniture is found in every living room, and its choice is limited only by the size of the room and color preferences.

    A system of modules consisting of shelves and walls.

    Console or bedside table for TV or home theater.

    Coffee table.

2. When choosing furniture for the living room, you can consider installing a sofa and a small furniture set. The wall, made in a modern style, is equipped with small floor drawers and several shelves for small items and decor.

3. If the room has sufficient area, you can place a corner sofa and several armchairs in it. It is preferable to choose pieces of furniture small sizes so as not to clutter the room. Models with curved backs are also considered outdated.

Modern industry offers a wide range of armchairs that can complement a sofa or act as its substitute.

The classic style of decorating a living room involves the use of traditional armchairs on a plinth in the interior.

Modern style in the living room can be reflected in pieces of furniture made in a non-standard solution. Chairs with legs made of plastic or covered with jacquard or flock of an unusual shade are suitable here. Current trend became the placement in living rooms of such innovations as frameless bean bags.

4. If necessary, you can install a computer desk in the living room. In this case, it is advisable to equip it with a sufficient number of practical shelves.

5. If the size of the living room does not allow you to install a spacious dining table, you should think about purchasing a coffee table. Such a piece of furniture, located in the recreation area, will not only allow you to comfortably drink tea and cookies, but will also serve as a storage place for various small items, of which there are always a lot in this room.

A coffee table is simply irreplaceable if you need to put something on urgently or put it down for a short time.

It can be decorated with a compact vase of flowers, which will add liveliness to the interior.

If there are several seating areas in the living room, it is advisable to purchase a coffee table on wheels so that you can easily change its location.

A transforming coffee table will be an excellent replacement for a full-fledged dining table.

6. You should take a closer look at functional furniture, which is distinguished by its practicality and convenience. So, for small-sized apartments, furniture transformers will be the most preferable option.

Similar furniture is presented in a wide range:

    all kinds of stands for equipment;

    tables that serve as a tray;

    bookshelf with seat;

    a sofa with a bookshelf below (“floating” sofa);

    a backlit bookshelf that acts as a floor lamp;

    multifunctional soft modules;

    sofa bed;

    transformable rack;

    ironing board with mirror;


7. Interior design in Provence, Baroque or Rococo style is quite labor-intensive, so you can’t do it without the help of designers. These styles are so luxurious that any mistake in design can ruin all your efforts.

8. If the room's windows face north or west, then it is best to purchase living room furniture in light colors and decorate the room itself in light colors. This a win-win for most rooms.

9. If the windows face the sunny side, then you can opt for dark furniture or dark wallpaper for the walls. You should not resort to interior design only in dark colors, because the living room requires constant presence in the room. The atmosphere in this room should be light.

10. Stylish designer pillows, which can be different in shade, but attract the attention of visitors, can be additional attributes for interior decoration.

Upholstered furniture for the living room


There are two types of sofas:

    with a sleeping place;

    without a sleeping place.

The need to place a sleeping place in the living room leaves a significant imprint on the entire interior of the room. For example, to unfold a sofa for the night, you will need to provide in advance a place where it will be pulled apart.

If there is no need for sleeping place in the living room, then there are many more design options for this room. For example, instead of using one large sofa, you can install two small sofas in the sitting area.

In the large spacious living room you can install a beautiful corner sofa. It will give a unique style to your room and help zone the room, separating the rest area from the rest of the space. Unfortunately, this option is not suitable for small apartments.

A sofa with legs looks visually lighter. But this model has its drawbacks: you will have to pay more attention to cleaning under the sofa, where all the dust in the apartment will tend to.


Using armchairs in the interior will help add style to your living room. At the same time, armchairs can be not only an addition to the sofa, but also an independent piece of furniture.

Armchairs in classic style are distinguished by their sophistication and grace of lines.

Modern soft bean bags are more suitable for relaxing in a group of young people. In addition, such furniture for the living room is inexpensive, but very convenient to use.

Swing chairs, which are an attribute, have gained great popularity modern interior. This chair can be successfully placed both in the living room and in the children's room.

For ethnic interiors and country style design, chairs upholstered in bright fabric with a pattern are more suitable.


Currently, such comfortable and beautiful chairs that they can easily compete with previously popular chairs.

For any interior, you can choose a beautiful and elegant product, made in exactly the style that interests you: from minimalism to luxurious baroque.

Upholstered furniture for the living room: photo

Furniture for a small living room

In many ways, the design of a living room depends on the size of the room. In a small space, small pieces of furniture will look much more advantageous, while a large modular wardrobe or oversized sofa will not make the right impression. A compact setting will not visually clutter the space and put pressure on the visitor. On the contrary, large pieces of furniture are overwhelming with their dimensions, and the room seems even smaller.

A good trick would be to place a round coffee table instead of its rectangular and square counterparts, which, with their clear edges, divide the space into distinct parts.

Another secret: choose only furniture for the room (sofas, armchairs, cabinets) that has legs. This will create the effect of lightness and airiness, which is very valuable in a small living room space.

A well-thought-out storage system is of great importance for every room. If the living room is quite small in size, then it is worth considering the option of placing a wardrobe, rack or shelf in it, which will take on the function of storing all the necessary items of clothing and other valuables.

Very practical and economical option Placing things in the living room is the use of different shelves. For small living rooms, vertical and horizontal shelves located along the entire wall are most suitable.

They will allow you to visually increase the room in length or width. Low ceilings They will not put so much pressure on the visitor if high vertical shelves are placed in the interior. In turn, long shelves located horizontally will help visually expand a narrow room. Beautiful bright shelves can act as a unique decorative element.

Furniture for a small living room: photo

How to choose furniture for a large living room

The large living room allows you to place any set of furniture in it. It is only important to install it so that it looks advantageous in the entire interior. How is this achieved?

You can use the following tips:

    Combined furniture looks great in a spacious room.

    You can use modular sofas installed in the middle of the room in a certain combination.

    Also, the center can be a glass coffee table of an unusual shape. In this case, the furniture set, sofa and accessories should be placed along the walls.

    The color scheme is determined by the style of the room. It is customary to use two primary colors in combination with bright accents in furniture accessories, for example, handles in a contrasting color, a low console with backlight or a monochrome shade.

    You can use a play on contrast - for example, combine a black modular hanging system with bright light green facades.

    Looks organic in spacious living rooms designer furniture. For example, a coffee-colored sofa with rounded armrests will fit perfectly into the interior if the walls or niches are made in a harmonizing color.

How to choose furniture for the living room-bedroom

IN small apartments Often you have to combine a bedroom and a living room. Therefore, it can be quite difficult to place all functional areas in one space. And at the same time, it is important to give coziness and comfort to the room.

Choose something beautiful design solution for a living room-bedroom is quite difficult, especially difficult to choose suitable furniture. Let's try to simplify this process.

Each living room-bedroom usually has a soft area with a TV, a place to sleep, a storage system (wardrobe, shelf, rack) and a work area (desk). Taking into account a number of the following design features of such a room, you can create a very pleasant room united by a single style:

    You should zone the room with furniture into a bedroom and a living room, defining the boundaries of each zone, but maintaining a single style solution.

    When choosing a design style for a small living room, it is advisable to abandon luxurious and pompous trends that involve bulky pieces of furniture. In this case, such trends as minimalism, modernism, modern classic, loft or constructivism.

    The chosen interior style will also determine when choosing pieces of furniture for the living room. The priority here will be the compactness and ergonomics of products, their ability to transform.

    The design of the living room-bedroom will be more harmonious if you use textiles in a single style solution.

Zoning of premises using partitions has become widespread. They greatly facilitate the process of dividing a room into a sleeping area and a guest area. At the same time, attention should be paid to carefully developing the design of the partition so that it fits perfectly into the space.

If there is only one window in the living room-bedroom, then you need to think about lighting the entire space. The most acceptable option would be to place a low partition that will not block any part of the room from daylight. Then it will play the role of a headboard near the bed, and on the side of the living room area there can be shelves or a cabinet for storing various small items.

A good option is to use staircase partitions, which allow you to retain full natural light. This can look like a cabinet or an open shelving unit, tall on one side and decreasing in height towards the other end. This ergonomic item is very convenient for rooms where all sides are equal.

Due to the fact that many people live in small apartments, multifunctional headsets have gained wide popularity. They help to improve the efficiency of space use, while their elegant appearance will be pleasing to the eye.

A great option ergonomic design is a wall with a wardrobe-bed. Such pieces of furniture can be made from different materials and completely different style. Moreover, just one piece of furniture can contain several functional areas at once: a storage system, workplace, a niche for a TV and shelves for various small items. The bed itself rises either along a vertical or horizontal axis.

Exist modern varieties transformable furniture for the living room, for example, a sofa bed. It no longer needs to be laid out and covered every day, and sleeping on it is much more comfortable than on its Soviet counterparts. The photo below shows a type of bedroom-living room set. The sofa bed can be complemented by a small shelving unit or folding table like a classic bureau.

At the same time, a set for a living room-bedroom can include completely different pieces of furniture. This simplifies the process of finding suitable furnishings and gives unity to the entire style of the room.

Ultra-modern interiors are distinguished by the use of special technological systems, in which the bed can be raised to the ceiling during the day using automatic lift, and at night lower it down by just pressing a button.

We decorate furniture for the living room with our own hands

You can make any designer pillow with your own hands. You just need to know how to cross-stitch and use woolen threads and mesh canvas. Designer items made using carpet technology look much more interesting.

For such a work of art you will need a mesh canvas, small pieces of wool threads (7-8 cm) of different colors, ready-made diagram pattern and a special hook that can be used to make a knot in one movement. All this is sold in special stores for needlewomen.

The drawing technique itself is quite simple. :

  • take the thread, fold it in half and thread it through one of the holes;
  • then lower the thread down, going around the thread of the canvas cage, pull it out of the bottom hole;
  • Thread the two remaining ends of the thread into the resulting loop.

In this way the entire drawing is applied. You can use standard cross stitch patterns. Then each cell of the circuit will be one thread and the node it receives. The knots themselves are made with a special or regular crochet hook. A pillow made using this technique will add a unique flavor to the interior of your living room.

Where to buy modern furniture for the living room

If you want to update the interior of your living room and are wondering where to find a good modern furniture, then purchase products from leading Russian manufacturers at low prices you can in our online store “Formula Furniture”. A wide range and convenient service are at your service.

What is the "Furniture Formula"? Reliability. Quality. Beauty. Versatility. Low prices. Guarantee. Fast delivery. Lifting and assembly. Their sum is equal to a successful purchase.

This is the formula for making furniture accessible to everyone. With "Formula Furniture" you can furnish an apartment according to affordable price, but without loss of quality, quickly and with good service.

Our goal is to enable people to buy good furniture at minimal prices, so that in any situation everyone can afford to buy a new sofa, hallway, kitchen and everything they want, everything they need to create comfort in their apartment. To do this, you don’t need to collect money first; you can simply buy now, and, if necessary, arrange an installment plan without overpayments. And we succeed.

We created a big, durable " balloon from scraps of happiness” of our customers. On this “ball” we bring this opportunity to new places, to new cities, to new areas so that all people can take advantage of our offer.

Now we have already opened 28 showrooms in 15 cities of the Perm region, and there will be even more of them, because people like our furniture and the way we sell it.

How to choose the right furniture for the living room? How to choose furniture to match the interior style of the living room? What rules should you follow when choosing furniture for your living room? What furniture to choose for a small and large living room? How to choose the right furniture for the living room-bedroom? What features to consider when choosing upholstered furniture for the living room? How to create decorative elements for living room furniture with your own hands?