Materials for building a summer house. How and what is the cheapest way to build a house: comparing materials and technologies. Shell rock is a wonderful local material

So, you have finally decided to build your own home. And, of course, the first question that arose before you was “What is cheaper to build a house from?” Budget is quite often an obstacle to good things. warm home where you can live comfortably all year round. But should it be this way? Maybe it's a matter of incorrect calculations and illiterate selection of materials? But there is also no desire to save on your housing. The house should be reliable, strong, warm and cozy. How to achieve this? What is cheaper and better to build a house from?

The Teplo Doma company is engaged in the construction of all types of houses. Do we know which house is better and which is worse, which house is more expensive and which is cheaper? An objective assessment of the construction of houses from various materials has been prepared especially for you. The analysis will determine which material is cheaper to build a house from.

You can contact a specialist from our company and discuss all the nuances in person, or you can first familiarize yourself with the information provided.

Let's get started.

Note! The cost calculations given in this article are based on the example of a house of 180 sq.m. with the interior of Savoyardi 250. The foundation of the building is pile-grillage, the roof is metal profiles or metal tiles. Standard kit engineering work– electricity, plumbing, septic tank, sewerage, heating, air conditioning and so on. The design and estimate are free. Prices for work and materials in 2017 were used in the calculations. In your specific case, the cost of construction may vary significantly, both up and down.

We DO NOT build houses from timber cheaply

You've probably heard about construction wooden houses at a low price. A house made of timber seems like an elegant structure. Yes, him appearance deserves special attention. But is it effective to build a wooden house? Why is wood used as a material for building walls? So that the house can “breathe”. Right? But timber is not the best material in terms of resistance to heat transfer. Yes, this indicator is the most important if year-round living is planned in the housing. How to create comfortable living conditions inside such a building? According to GOST, the thickness of the walls should be approximately 55 cm.

Half meter wooden walls- this is, at least, an expensive pleasure. Moreover, such thick walls of wood are not built anywhere. It turns out that a wooden house needs to be insulated, as well as do exterior and interior decoration. A this in turn will prevent the house from “breathing”.

The Teplo Doma company does not take this option seriously, so we do not build turnkey log houses cheaply. But you can do this yourself. However, all of the above should be taken into account. It will be cold in an uninsulated house, and building 55 cm walls is expensive.

Brick house

Now this is another matter. We are used to seeing brick houses everywhere. This is an affordable and not very expensive material. However, it is also impossible to say that we are building the cheapest brick house.

Firstly, I would immediately like to note that the thickness of the walls in such a house should be at least one and a half solid bricks. But this, of course, is not enough to create a comfortable temperature in the house in winter, or even in summer. Such thin brick walls have strong thermal conductivity. Therefore, they need to be supplemented with 100 mm of insulation. Of course, the thickness depends on what material will be chosen as insulation ( mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam and so on). If you do not want to use insulation, be prepared to build brick walls 52 cm thick. This way you can meet the requirements of GOST R 54851-2011 and not freeze in the winter.

Please note that a wall 52 cm thick will “eat up” a large area either in the house or on the site. In addition, the high cost of a foundation for heavy brick walls will prevent you from building a house cheaply on a turnkey basis. It is also worth considering that brick walls are far from perfectly smooth, so finishing them will also cost a lot of money and effort. Plus, to build a brick house you will need quite a lot of cement mortar. Well, let's not forget about the two-layer lathing of the facade. All this will ultimately significantly increase the final cost.

In fact, it turns out that building a house from brick is the most expensive, not the cheapest. For example, let’s take a building with a total area of ​​180 square meters. m. Its average turnkey cost with finishing and engineering in Moscow and the region will be approximately 7,125,000 rubles. This is 57,000 rubles per 1 sq.m.

House made of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks

Build a house from aerated concrete blocks- a good choice. This is an excellent material that is very easy to work with. Walls made of autoclaved aerated concrete are considered warm. However, they still need to be insulated. The thing is that at high humidity this material loses its heat transfer properties. 5 cm of insulation is enough to achieve positive results.

The walls, as in the case of brick, of such a house should be quite thick - 49 cm. But the cost of the foundation will be slightly reduced due to the fact that the foam blocks have less weight. It’s difficult to say that building foam blocks at home is cheap. But it will be cheaper than brick.

Average the cost of a house made of aerated concrete will be 6,558,000 rubles. By the way, this is almost 500,000 rubles cheaper than building a brick house.

House made of ceramic block ST300

Building a house from porous ceramic block ST300 is a good choice. This material does not require insulation, which reduces the final cost of housing. However, when performing work with ceramic block ST300 should strictly follow the instructions. Otherwise, technology disruption may become a serious problem in the future.

Here are just a few nuances you need to know about:

  • Ceramic blocks are cut using special equipment.
  • To fasten the sheathing, liquid nails should be used together with dowel nails.
  • The blocks are placed on warm glue using a grid.
  • To lay internal communications, you will need to plaster the walls with a layer of 30 mm.

It should be noted that all these nuances, and more precisely the time, the effort and money spent on the technology of working with a ceramic block will be included in the price of the house.

The nice thing is that we have finally reached a material that does not require large wall thicknesses. 34 cm is enough to make it comfortable inside the house. And this takes into account the fact that no insulation is used outside. Small wall thickness saves money usable space.

But perhaps the most important advantage of warm ceramics is a relatively inexpensive foundation. At least this work will cost the owners significantly less than in the case of construction brick house or foam block buildings.

Average the cost of a ceramic house is 6,298,000 rubles(we are talking about a building with an area of ​​180 sq.m.). Such housing is in the middle of the conventional table of the cost of houses made of various materials.

Houses made of reinforced concrete panels with stone wool insulation and BENPAN+ ventilation façade

Building such a house will not only be cheaper than all those listed before, but also easier. Thanks to the special BENPAN+ technology, as well as the properties of reinforced concrete panels, some stages of work are eliminated. For example, there is no need to plaster interior walls. During construction, all communications are laid within the thickness of the walls. The outer surface does not need to be separately prepared for cladding.

Savings on everything: interior work, exterior work, laying utilities.

Of course, you can choose the option “we build cheap houses from blocks,” but if you want to save a little more without losing quality, then you should opt for reinforced concrete panels and BENPAN+ technology.

The cost of building such a house with an area of ​​180 square meters. m. is 6,235,000 rubles.

You can discuss the conditions for building houses using the BENPAN+ technology right now in an online chat.

Frame houses

Well, finally we have come to the last option that we would like to offer you - this is construction frame house. If you were looking for the cheapest accommodation, you have found it. Which house is the cheapest to build? Exactly this one.

Frame houses are in no way inferior to housing made from any other material. And in most cases, on the contrary, they have advantages. Perhaps the most important of which is the price.

I would like to immediately note that cost of a frame house with an area of ​​180 sq. m. is 5,268,000 rubles. This is almost 2,000,000 cheaper than a house made of solid brick.

Cost reduction is achieved at all stages of construction, excluding the roof and interior finishing.

The walls in such houses are built from wooden beams, which are covered with OSB on both sides. Polystyrene foam insulation is placed inside. The outside walls are finished with siding and the inside with plasterboard. In a frame house you will be both warm and comfortable. But the main thing is that you will be able to move in and live in it within 90 days.

Final table comparing prices of houses made of different materials

Is it cheaper to build or buy?

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is cheaper to build a house or buy a ready-made one. In fact, one can speculate on this topic. Price finished house may vary depending on the situation on the construction market, as well as the investor’s desire to quickly sell the building. All the nuances of building a house are discussed in advance, so the final price will not change. You cannot influence a house that has already been built; if you wish, you can only redo something, and this is an additional cost. Should they be included in total cost? Or you will decide something from the category “Nothing, and so in principle it’s good.” At the project development stage, you can influence the development of events. As a result, at the exit you will see what you wanted. No additional expenses. I would like to say that ready house will cost more, but this is not entirely true. At the design stage, you can make changes that you did not initially plan. Changes will increase the price and you will overpay. You'll want to move quickly, so force the construction crew to deliver the house early. This will also significantly increase the final cost. There are a lot of factors influencing the price of a finished house and a house under construction. It is possible to consider the situation in a vacuum, but there is no point in doing so.

What is cheaper to build or buy? There is simply no answer to this question.

Which house is cheaper? Frame. Which house is better? The one in which you will be happy.

We build houses in Moscow and the region

The Teplo Doma company is engaged in the construction of houses from various materials. We can easily choose the option that suits you. If you decide to order the construction of a house from us, then the project, estimate and other documents and drawings can be obtained free of charge. We are a serious company that knows everything about building houses. Our craftsmen are experienced specialists who know their work well.

Who doesn't dream of their own cozy home outside the city? Many people move from desires to actions and begin planning construction. What prevents others from doing this? First of all, the high cost of building a house is frightening. After all, you want to build a permanent building that will last without problems long years, and will still be left to the grandchildren.

Capital construction is also required by the climate in our country. And if you also take into account the cost of the land plot and the installation of all communications, then you simply give up. But there is a way out!

You can build a house cheaply. At the same time, it will look very presentable and modern. In reality, it is enough to spend no more than half a million rubles to get a spacious turnkey house.

You just need to consider what factors influence the cost of construction:

  1. House layout. You can save up to 20 percent on the project.
  2. Choosing a house design and materials. The right choice of materials will reduce costs by up to 40 percent.
  3. House construction work. Some work can be easily done independently. This will also allow you to save a lot on the services of specialists.

Choosing modern materials allows you to reduce construction costs, because they are easier to work with. Many manipulations can be done with your own hands. In addition, they have high quality characteristics.

The time to build a house can also be reduced by using the latest developments in the field of building materials. As a result, construction will take up to 3 months.

Material for house walls - what to build a residential building from?

There are a number of building materials that meet the requirements for building quality and can satisfy almost any customer needs.

The most commonly used materials for the construction of private houses are the following:

  • Profiled and sawn timber;
  • Rounded log;
  • Gas silicate blocks;
  • Brick.

First of all, you need to decide how the house will be used:

  1. Seasonal operation. Such buildings are designed for living in them during the summer season. A frame house made of thin timber or rounded logs with a small diameter is sufficient.
  2. Permanent residence. These houses must be heated in winter; the walls can withstand temperatures down to -30 degrees. The walls must be made of logs or stone.

Basic building materials and their costs

A house made of wood is preferred by people for whom the environmental component is important. Wood, as a natural material, allows you to relax and promotes good rest. It supports comfortable atmosphere in the house at any time of the year.

1. Choosing a stone house is more practical. The main reasons for this choice are as follows:

  • Low operating costs;
  • Small heat loss;
  • Long service life.

2. You can choose a combined house when two types of materials are used. It combines the practicality of stone and the comfort of wood. As a rule, the first floor is built of stone, and the second is made of wood.

3. Costs of constructing a wooden house can be reduced by choosing a lighter foundation. In addition, there is the possibility of log house do not carry out interior finishing, which will also reduce costs. This is despite the fact that this material is quite expensive.

The cost of constructing wooden houses depends on the choice of wall material, the planned use, the size of the building and varies from 300,000 to 1,000,000 rubles.

4. The cost of houses made of warm ceramics is very high. These are complex buildings with large wall thicknesses - up to 50 centimeters. This material has very high quality characteristics, but it is possible to build a house from warm ceramics only in the warm season.

5. A monolithic house with permanent formwork will cost less. Construction time is short, a heavy foundation is not needed, wall materials are inexpensive, but have good thermal conductivity.

6. Monolithic walls made of expanded polystyrene are durable and reliable, resistant to destruction. But they require expensive interior and exterior finishing. It is possible to build a monolithic a private house middle price category.

7. A house made of gas silicate blocks has good frost resistance, vapor permeability, and lasts a long time. The cost of the material is low, but the work is expensive. It requires the construction of a complex foundation. In addition, work can only be carried out in warm weather.

How to choose wall material: brick house?

It should be noted that the cost of building a brick house is compared to wooden buildings. In addition, there is no point in building such a house for temporary residence. This is due to the fact that it needs to be constantly heated.

The costs of building a brick house increase due to the fact that a capital foundation is required. Should do right choice design of a brick cottage so that it looks appropriate and aesthetically pleasing.

The brick house has a number of attractive features.

  1. Durability and strength of the building. This is a great option for country house, in which permanent residence is planned.
  2. High fire resistance. In this case, it is necessary to create reliable communications and utility networks, as well as to operate them correctly.
  3. Extensive selection of architectural solutions. It is possible to build a house in any style, from avant-garde to classic Gothic.
  4. Many options for both interior and exterior decoration. By the way, exterior finishing may not be done at all.

Foam block walls: pros and cons

According to consumer reviews, there are much more positive characteristics of houses made of foam blocks.

The advantages of this material include the following:

  • The blocks are quite light, Weight Limit– up to 25 kilograms. The construction will be easy, which allows you to avoid making an expensive foundation.
  • Easy installation. You can make it yourself very quickly.
  • Environmental friendliness. Impurities in foam blocks are contained in minimal quantities. Thermal insulation rates are high.

The disadvantages of foam blocks include:

  • Unattractive appearance. The house doesn't look very nice, but you can choose different types of finishes to elevate it.
  • The blocks are fragile, may be damaged during transportation.
  • During the period of shrinkage of the house, cracks may appear in the walls. It depends on the quality of production.
  • The service life of a foam block house reaches 80 years at competent operation. This may seem like a short time to some.

Everyone makes their own choice of material. In order to make a choice, you can ask friends who have houses made of the materials of interest. It is possible to read reviews on construction forums.

Are expanded clay concrete walls used in private construction?

Expanded clay is a durable material that holds heat better than its analogues. For example, cinder concrete walls will need to be made thicker.

Its positive aspects also include:

  1. Frost resistance.
  2. Low water absorption.
  3. Durability.
  4. No shrinkage.

Expanded clay concrete is expensive, the weight of the blocks is large. But they are also actively used in private construction. As a rule, external walls are built from them, but sometimes expanded clay concrete blocks are also used for internal partitions, creating floors, floor screeds.

Wooden walls and a cheaper alternative

A few words should be said separately about wooden house construction. Wood is relatively inexpensive; it is only important to choose the right type of wood from which the house will be built. For a long time, preference was given to coniferous species - pine, larch, spruce. Pine and spruce are the most commonly used materials in house construction.

The main advantages of wooden houses are:

  • Low cost.
  • Environmental friendliness of the material.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Light weight.
  • Lets air through (“breathes”).

The main reason why people refuse to use this material is high fire hazard. You can secure your wooden house if you correctly install all electrical appliances and comply with all operating requirements. It should be noted that to restore brick house After a fire, the cost is equivalent to the construction of a wooden house.

Also repulsive is the fact that wood susceptible to destruction for various reasons: shrinkage of the house, rotting, the appearance of fungi, mold, exposure to negative natural factors. But this can and must be fought. There are a lot of products that are used to protect wooden surfaces.

The cost of building a wooden house is definitely higher than a building made from cheaper foam block or expanded clay concrete. But the positive features are obvious. Only for the environmentally friendly and natural wood a person can feel like a part of nature. A wooden house is a cozy refuge for the whole family.

Foam walls: advantages and disadvantages

Walls can be erected from foam blocks, which are also called polystyrene foam. They have cavities inside. A house built from this material is considered a thermal house. Expanded polystyrene has its own characteristics.

The advantages include:

  1. Moisture resistance. They can withstand even prolonged exposure to moisture.
  2. Excellent noise insulation characteristics.
  3. The double layer of blocks provides excellent thermal insulation.
  4. Good air permeability.
  5. Light weight of the blocks, which ensures simplicity and ease of installation and processing.

But this material also has negative sides:

  1. Foam walls are afraid of high temperatures.
  2. It is necessary to create special fire safety conditions. In case of fire, the material releases very harmful substances that cause irreparable harm to human health.
  3. The blocks are not environmentally friendly.
  4. The material is easily damaged. Additional wall finishing is required.

The cost of blocks is quite high. But if we compare the construction of brick walls and polystyrene foam walls, the second option is more profitable. For the reason that brick walls need to be insulated and finished at least from the inside.

This material is used for the construction of houses up to 5 floors high.

Frame wall construction

Frame construction is actively used in the private sector for the construction of country houses. The basis of the house is a frame, which is sheathed on both sides various materials. The walls are multi-layered.

This type of construction allows you to build modern houses quickly and efficiently.

Their advantages include the following facts:

  • The wall structures allow you to install all the necessary communications inside.
  • The technology does not require time to shrink the house and dry the walls.
  • Finishing materials for frame walls Any can be used.
  • The design is light, the foundation can be created more economically.
  • You can live in a frame house all year round.
  • Much less wood is used for construction than for the construction of a house made of timber.
  • Convenient finishing. The walls come out perfectly smooth with correct angles.
  • Frame houses do not require constant heating. They can survive the winter well, maintaining their positive qualities.

Finishing a frame house

A frame house makes it possible to use the most different materials for cladding.

The main options that are used most often are:

  1. Brick. It can be used in different ways: to create a plain surface or to make a pattern of bricks various colors. Brick cladding allows you to protect and strengthen the structure, improve sound insulation and reduce heat loss.
  2. Decorative stone or ceramics. They give the building a serious, respectable appearance; the house will look like a family estate that was built in past times. This type of finish goes well with wood and plastered surfaces.
  3. Decor wooden clapboard or block house. You can create a view log house. It is easy to install the lining; it has different textures, which allows you to create original wall surfaces. It also does not put a lot of stress on the walls.
  4. Decorative plaster. It can be applied over a layer of insulation.
  5. Siding finishing. Popularity of this facing material has increased greatly in recent years. Its service life is long, and a huge selection of textures allows you to create an original exterior of the facade.
  6. Thermal panels. They allow you to solve two problems at once: insulate the walls and decorate the facade. Their installation is simple; they are mounted on pre-prepared profiles.

Wooden houses

The materials that can be used to build a wooden house are the following:

  • Rounded log;
  • Chopped log;
  • Beam.

These materials are, of course, natural and safe. But they are not suitable for cheap construction. Primarily because the construction process will take a long time. After all, a log frame made of wood shrinks. This will require additional investments to eliminate the consequences - cracks, holes.

Do not forget that any wood requires antiseptic treatment of the walls. This allows you to keep them in their original condition for a long time, protecting them from the negative effects of the environment, rotting and the appearance of beetles.

Laminated timber: beautiful, but expensive

Glued laminated timber is of high quality and visual appeal. But its cost is very high. Even the fact that a structure made of timber does not shrink and will not require additional investments in finishing does not guarantee that significant savings can be made on this.

Rounded log: a house in the traditions of Russian architecture

Construction from this material requires virtually no manual work. The house is assembled like a construction set. The log has a convenient shape; all cups and landing channels are created in production. The logs are connected as tightly as possible. There is no need to finish the walls.

Not only houses, but also bathhouses are built from cylinders.

The advantages of this material include the following:

  1. Reducing construction costs and reducing construction time.
  2. Noble appearance.
  3. Achieving tightness of all connections thanks to the technological precision of the log arrangement.
  4. The building looks attractive and aesthetically pleasing.

Dmitry Balandin

The most important and first question before starting work on the construction of a home is: what is the best material to build a house for permanent residence from? The choice depends on many factors and making it is quite problematic without proper preparation. The material of the walls affects not only the microclimate in the room, but also the design features of the remaining elements of the house. To build a house for permanent residence you will need the highest quality modern materials, A country house gives some relief when constructing with your own hands.

Review of materials

Before building new walls, we will need to compare materials according to the following indicators:

  • strength;
  • thermal conductivity;
  • moisture resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • sound insulation;
  • durability;
  • price;
  • density (mass);
  • accessibility and transportation distance.
To build a house, materials must be durable, with good thermal conductivity, moisture resistance, frost resistance, and sound insulation.

The choice is made based on all these characteristics together, but the most important is strength, since the load-bearing capacity of the walls depends on it. For external enclosing structures, compliance with thermal technical requirements and frost resistance must be checked.

If the material is not warm enough, the temperature humidity conditions premises will be disrupted, which will lead to inconvenience for residents. If frost resistance is insufficient, destruction may occur when the outside air temperature changes from negative to positive, and vice versa.

You can make a country or city house with your own hands from the following materials:

  • ceramic brick;
  • sand-lime brick;
  • ceramic blocks;
  • wood (profiled timber, rounded logs, laminated wood);
  • on a frame with insulation and cladding (the frame can be metal or wood);
  • lightweight concrete.

The cheapest option would be to use frame technology or some types of lightweight concrete. These materials allow you to save not only on the construction of external and interior walls, but also on the foundation elements.

To make a choice for a private home, all materials can be divided into several groups:

  • brick and stone;
  • lightweight concrete;
  • tree;
  • frame houses.

If the material is not warm enough, the temperature and humidity conditions will be disrupted. Living in such a house will be uncomfortable

The most impressive buildings will be those whose walls are made of massive materials such as brick or concrete. These new homes are able to withstand the elements and look quite attractive. But when using them, you need to prepare for serious costs.
The most profitable option to build with your own hands is a wooden (not laminated wood) or frame object. Next, it is worth considering in detail the main modern materials that are suitable for the walls of a building intended for permanent residence.

This material was widely used in the past for apartment buildings. It is important to note that it has more disadvantages than advantages, but choosing sand-lime brick allows you to make the walls of a private house cheaper.
The advantages include:

  • low cost of production and finished products;
  • high accuracy of geometric dimensions;
  • attractive appearance of the masonry;
  • the ability to use any types of masonry mortars;
  • high strength (the choice is relevant for both low-rise and high-rise construction);
  • high frost resistance (more than 50 cycles) allows you to safely use the material for making external walls with your own hands.

Sand-lime brick is not resistant to moisture, has low thermal conductivity, but it has a low cost

There are disadvantages and they are significant, so if possible, it is better to choose another material:

  1. The mass is greater than that of ceramic bricks, which creates additional load on the foundation and increases its cost.
  2. Instability to moisture. In rainy weather, you can see how the silicate walls darken. This means that they have absorbed water. This is an undesirable quality for external fences; the humidity regime in the premises is disturbed. Also because of this, it is not allowed to be used for laying plinths and basements.
  3. Thermal insulation characteristics are very low (high thermal conductivity). Greater wall thickness or additional thermal insulation is required.
  4. Instability to high temperatures. This material for building a house is not suitable for stoves, fireplaces and chimneys.


The selection here is represented by the following products:

  • solid brick;
  • hollow brick;
  • porous stone.

If we talk about thermal insulation, the last option will be the most effective, and the first one will be the least desirable. On the contrary, the strength of solid brick is greater.

The price range for this category is very large. Depending on the manufacturer, you can find the material cheaper or more expensive. It is important to consider transportation costs, as they can be significant.

Ceramics are the best option for building a house that will last forever. With the availability of high-quality materials and adherence to technology, we can ensure long term operation without problems.

When using facing brick as an outer layer, you can leave the walls without additional finishing. They will withstand negative influences and maintain an attractive appearance.

A new type of material is ceramic stone. Its thermal insulation characteristics are two times better than those of hollow bricks, which makes it possible to reduce the thickness of enclosing structures and reduce the load on the foundation. At the same time, the strength of the material is comparable to its closest relatives. Another advantage is that the enlarged dimensions allow faster laying and reduce the labor intensity of the process.

Ceramic brick is very reliable. They are resistant to negative natural influences and keep the appearance of the house attractive for many years.

If you answer the question of what to use to build a strong and reliable house with your own hands, then the answer will be porous ceramic stone. Other materials may be cheaper, but here you can save money during operation, on masonry mortar and insulation. New walls made from such products have an attractive appearance. The following options can be used as finishing:

  • plaster;
  • siding;
  • lining;
  • block house.

Lightweight concrete

This group includes a large number of different types. The following are the most popular ones when you need to build a country house or residential house with your own hands:

  1. Foam concrete. It is easy to process, has good thermal insulation and low weight. The disadvantages are high water absorption and low strength. Choosing such products allows you to save on foundations and walls.
  2. Aerated concrete. Similar to the previous wall material. Resistance to moisture is even less than that of foam concrete. Characterized by greater accuracy of geometric dimensions.
  3. Expanded clay concrete. It is cheaper than all other types of lightweight concrete. It is easier to install fastening devices in it (the material does not crumble or crumble). Disadvantages: large mass, low thermal protection.
  4. Arbolit. The most desirable of this group is the material for DIY walls. It protects well from the cold and has no large mass. Disadvantages: low fire resistance, destruction of wood under the influence of moisture and rodents.

To understand which of the listed materials is best to choose for walls, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the area (wall thickness), the number of storeys of the house and the characteristics of the soil.

There are several options for the material from which you can build a wooden house with your own hands:

  • beam;
  • log;
  • glued wood.

In terms of technology, it is easier to work with timber. There is no need to cut out recesses to maintain the stability of the elements, as is the case with a log.

Wooden house allows you to minimize the load on foundations and save on them. This occurs due to the following characteristics:

  1. Low wood density. One cubic meter weighs on average for coniferous species 520 kg, while brick has a density of 1800 kg/m3. This allows the use of lighter foundations, for example, it is especially advantageous in terms of cost and labor intensity to use screw piles.
  2. Good thermal conductivity. You can again compare a wooden house with ceramic bricks. To ensure normal thermal protection, the thickness of a brick wall should be on average 770 mm (for the climate middle zone). Wood walls can be 300 mm thick, which further reduces the load on the foundation, increases the speed of work and reduces their cost.

A wooden house reduces the load on the foundation due to the low density and good thermal conductivity of wood

If you answer the question of what is the best (and more profitable) to build a house from, then the answer will be wood, but it is important for it to provide reliable protection from various negative factors. The wall material must be processed antiseptic compounds and if possible fire retardant.

Clapboard, block house or siding are used as the finishing layer of the wall. The latter reduces costs, but the house loses its ability to “breathe” due to the unnatural finish. You can leave the building without cladding, but in this case, in addition to antiseptic treatment, you need to cover it with varnish or protective paints.

The answer to the question of what type of wood is best to use when working with your own hands will be this: you need first or second grade softwood material.

Glued beams are not sustainable for most private buildings. They are designed for increased loads and large spans, and therefore have a very high cost. It is impractical and unprofitable to use them without special need for walls.

Frame houses

Walls using this technology have the following advantages:

  • ease of making with your own hands;
  • high thermal conductivity;
  • low cost;
  • light weight;
  • the possibility of using inexpensive lightweight foundations as a base;
  • fast construction speed.

The house can be made of a wooden or metal frame. The first option is more common. A profile is used as parts for the metal frame. Main elements: upper and bottom harness, racks, insulation. Thermal insulation is laid between the racks, the thickness is calculated depending on the climatic region. External cladding can be made from siding or various panels, the interior from plasterboard.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of what material to use to build a wall. It all depends on the financial capabilities and requirements of the customer. We can only give recommendations from the point of view of thermal engineering, cost and strength.

Who doesn't dream big today? country house? But before you decide to make your dream come true and start building a home, you should think carefully about the purposes for which the future construction is planned. If you need a summer house for a seasonal stay, that’s one thing, but building a house for permanent residence is a completely different format of construction. And the most exciting question: what to build a house from inexpensively and with high quality. Let's try to figure it out in our article.

The first thing you need to decide on when deciding to build own home for permanent residence is a building material, the choice of which depends on a huge number of related factors:

  • strength and durability;
  • microclimate inside residential premises;
  • thermal conductivity and sound insulation;
  • frost resistance;
  • thermal insulation and moisture resistance.

What materials does the modern market offer for suburban construction, and what is the best material to use to build a house for permanent residence?

Of course, you need to choose material for individual construction taking into account all the above parameters, but The main criterion is considered to be strength, since it is this that forms the structure of the building and affects the load-bearing function of the walls.

When choosing what to build a house from for permanent residence, all materials can be divided into four main groups:

Construction of a house for permanent residence made of brick

Buildings made of brick are the most massive structures. They perfectly resist the effects of all kinds of natural factors and, at the same time, have an attractive appearance. However, in order to build own house, from the most popular material at first glance - brick, you will have to incur quite a few financial costs.

The main advantages of a brick house are the high strength of the material. And in terms of its load-bearing capacity characteristics, a wall erected from this type of building materials is almost as good as concrete. Such characteristics are ideal for both low-rise suburban construction and the construction of multi-storey buildings. In addition, a house made of brick will not burn, rot or shrink.

Only, in terms of energy efficiency, walls made of ceramic or sand-lime bricks lag significantly behind other building materials. In order to ensure sufficient energy efficiency for a private home, a brick wall must have minimum thickness 120 cm. It becomes clear that no one will build a “bunker” with such walls for permanent year-round living, so today brick is increasingly used as a facing material.

Another important disadvantage of building a house made of bricks is the high cost of the material, so it is important to correctly calculate your financial capabilities, otherwise construction may take a very long time.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that the main The advantages of brick as a building material are:

  • the possibility of long-term operation of the built house;
  • high frost resistance;
  • precise geometry of products;
  • good combination with any type of masonry mortar;
  • high strength;
  • aesthetic appearance.

However, brick has many disadvantages:

  1. Low moisture resistance some types of material. For example, sand-lime brick strongly absorbs water; this can be clearly seen when it takes on a dark tint during rain. This quality greatly affects the humidity indoors. In this regard, sand-lime brick is not used for laying basements and basements; sand-lime brick should not be used when building a house in regions with high humidity air.
  2. High thermal conductivity. To achieve positive characteristics, it is necessary to resort to additional costs for thermal insulation of walls or thickening them.
  3. High product weight. The brick has a large mass, which makes the structure heavier and creates an even greater load on the foundation. To solve this problem, it is necessary to build a stronger and more solid foundation, and this further increases construction costs.
  4. High price material.

So it turns out that the brick has significant disadvantages, so before making it the main material in the construction of a private house, you should think carefully.

brick houses

Construction of a house from concrete blocks

Today, among building materials, brick is significantly reducing its position, giving way to modern building blocks.

Affordable price is main reason, which determines the selection of blocks. At the same time, building a house for permanent residence from blocks is not only cheaper, but also much faster, since such large-sized material in quantity can replace from 4 to 14 ordinary bricks.

Today the building materials market offers these types of blocks:

  • gas blocks;
  • foam blocks;
  • cinder blocks;
  • expanded clay concrete blocks;
  • wood concrete;
  • shell rock blocks.

Let's take a closer look at each type.

Gas and foam blocks

Gas and foam blocks have the same specifications and are excellent for the construction of low-rise buildings. Their only difference is the internal structure of the material.

Gas blocks are made from a homogeneous mixture of sand, cement and lime with the addition of a special powder - a gas-forming agent, in order to achieve small through channels inside the block.

Foam blocks, on the contrary, they have closed pores inside the material. This structure is achieved during production by adding to concrete mortar special substances - foaming agents. It is worth noting that such production makes it possible to increase the quality of foam blocks, creating additional energy-saving capabilities for the material and significantly reducing its weight. Also, unlike a gas block, whose open channels conduct moisture well, foam blocks do not need additional protection from moisture.

They produce blocks of various formats and thicknesses, which allows the developer to choose the optimal material for individual construction without extra costs for additional insulation. Good geometric data allows you to build houses with a complex structure.

Also, foam blocks and gas blocks do not need complex finishing, this can be done using putty or decorative plaster.

In addition to all the listed advantages, a significant argument in choosing this particular material for construction will be its low cost. Average price on the construction market 1 m 3 is about 3 thousand rubles.

Among the disadvantages of foam and gas blocks are: the following characteristics of these materials:

  • fragility;
  • high water permeability (for gas blocks);
  • mandatory external and internal decoration of the house;
  • Availability chemical elements in the composition.

houses made of gas blocks and foam blocks from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.

Cinder blocks and expanded clay concrete blocks

Cinder blocks are also inexpensive building materials, however, due to the too high thermal conductivity of the constructed walls, they require additional insulation. In addition, cinder blocks have a lot of weight. It is these disadvantages that can explain the fact that consumers give greater preference to expanded clay concrete blocks.

As positive characteristics of cinder block developers highlight:

  • fire resistance;
  • low cost;
  • high thermal insulation;
  • resistance to fungus and mold;
  • long service life of the built house.

The most basic disadvantages of cinder block are:

  • fragility of the material;
  • low moisture resistance;
  • low sound insulation;
  • the need for interior and exterior decoration of the house.

Expanded clay concrete block products, at the same cost, are less thermally conductive, more durable and environmentally friendly material.

Expanded clay blocks are a material consisting of expanded clay gravel (the result of special firing of clay) and cement mortar. Such raw materials have high strength indicators and are designed for the construction of individual houses up to 3 floors. Moreover, the construction process does not take much time. In addition, expanded clay concrete is quite warm and environmentally friendly building material, as it does not contain synthetic additives.

Good vapor permeability creates an optimal balance of humidity in the living room.

Prices for expanded clay blocks quite acceptable, 1m 3 will cost approximately 3 thousand rubles.

And also, on our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects houses made of expanded clay blocks from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.


The constituent components of wood concrete blocks are wood chips and cement mortar with special additives. This composition allows you to get a warm and light block.

Due to its density, wood concrete allows the construction of small buildings, while due to its elasticity, it is able to withstand, among other things, floor slabs.

This material breathes well, is very environmentally friendly, and has excellent heat and sound insulation.

The disadvantages of wood concrete include:

  1. High moisture absorption rate. A house made of wood concrete blocks requires additional protection from moisture, which means that you will have to spend money on insulating and specialized moisture-repellent finishing materials.
  2. The uneven surface of the block leads to some difficulties during the construction of walls, and also causes high consumption of concrete mortar.

Also, a significant disadvantage of wood concrete is often considered a large amount poor quality material in the construction market. Due to the fact that the production of blocks does not require specialized equipment, they are often produced using handicraft methods, using uncertified chemical additives and violations of production technology. All this causes a deterioration in the quality of the finished raw materials, so you need to buy wood concrete only from trusted sellers and manufacturers.

Prices for purchasing wood concrete start from 4 thousand rubles per 1 m 3.

You can also check out the most popular projects on our website. wood concrete houses from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.

Shell rock blocks

This type of material is the most expensive among blocks and will cost at least 5 thousand rubles per 1 m 3. At the same time, the technique of obtaining raw materials from a marine sedimentary massif additionally imparts fragility to the shell rock.

Advantages of shell rock blocks:

  • sound absorption;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • durability;
  • good vapor permeability;
  • environmental friendliness.

In addition, shell rock has a number of exceptional properties determined by its nature. Thus, during its formation, the material is impregnated with sea salt and absorbs a large amount of iodine. The presence of these substances in the composition of raw materials gives the house made from it healing properties. Also, thanks to iodine, shell rock walls protect very well from radiation.

The disadvantages of shell rock are:
  1. The need for strengthening in the case of building a house of more than two floors using special armored belts.
  2. Lack of standardized block shapes (it is practically impossible to find two shell rock blocks of the same shape).
  3. The need for additional protection of the structure from moisture.
  4. Due to its fragility, the material requires care during transportation, as well as unloading or unloading.

Construction of wooden houses for permanent residence

As for wood, there are two options for building materials:

  1. log;
  2. beam;

A house for permanent residence made of wood puts minimal load on the foundation, which allows you to save money already at the very first stage of construction.

An important point when choosing building materials is also considered to be that it is possible to build wooden houses regardless of the time of year and in any weather.

House made of timber

Modern timber will allow you to build a neat individual home in any style. He has good geometric parameters, rectangular or square section and smooth, very even sides. Houses made of timber have minimal shrinkage, the manufacture of a log house does not require the use of special construction equipment, and the aesthetic properties of the material allow you to do without external and interior decoration, and thereby save on finishing work.

The timber has a large number of advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • aesthetics;
  • efficiency of construction;
  • high level sound insulation and good thermal conductivity;
  • strength and reliability of the structure;
  • Possibility of installation at any time of the year;
  • does not require the construction of a bulky, expensive foundation;
  • does not require decorative finishing;
  • positive, healing properties from wood.

However, timber also has disadvantages:

  1. The need for additional material processing. Main common disadvantage wood products is its susceptibility to moisture and insects. In addition, over time it has the ability to crack and rot, thereby losing its original aesthetic appearance, so the wood must be constantly treated with special substances.
  2. High fire hazard of the material. Any wood is highly flammable, and because of this requires additional protection by treating it with fire-retardant compounds.
  3. Requires additional costs for heat and waterproofing.
  4. Long-term shrinkage. Despite the slight shrinkage, a private house will sag within six months. In this case, during the shrinkage process, cracks may appear in the walls.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects houses made of double timber, laminated timber and profiled timber from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.

Log house

The classics of wooden houses are log buildings. In addition to the traditional Russian hut, modern construction technologies allow you to build a log house of any configuration, from a small Finnish house to a cozy cottage in the Art Nouveau style.

Modern construction logs are 100% natural and environmentally friendly, which provides excellent natural ventilation premises.

As in the case of timber, no costs are required for a massive foundation.

Strength, reliability and beautiful appearance are also the main characteristics of a log house.

The quick heating of a house made of wood is also an advantage, because it significantly saves heating costs.

The availability and lightness of the material allow you to build a comfortable wooden house in the shortest possible time.

To the disadvantages of logs, like anyone wooden material, include:

  • susceptibility to rotting;
  • strong and long-term shrinkage;
  • fire hazard of the material;
  • additional costs for insulation and waterproofing of the structure.

Today the construction market offers two types of logs, chopped or rounded.

Rounded log– a product of industrial processing of lumber. It has a lower price, does not require additional finishing and looks quite attractive.

Chopped logs They are more expensive due to their manual processing, but are more durable.

Beautiful house made of rounded logs

When deciding which specific construction technology to choose, you should pay attention to two aspects:

  1. When building a house from timber and industrially processed logs, there is absolutely no need to cut out recesses (bowls) for greater stability of the structure.
  2. If you choose to build a house from logs manual cutting, then you have to pay for the very expensive work of a professional cutter (a specialist who will cut bowls - special recesses for connecting logs into a log house).

Building a house from a log can hardly be called completely affordable. So, cost of 1 m3 of rounded logs ranges from 7 to 10 thousand rubles, and chopped is much higher.

Also, on our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects houses made of hand-cut logs and rounded logs from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.

Construction of a frame house for permanent residence

Building a new home is always a big expense. Few people can afford to build without paying attention to estimates. Most often you have to save money to fit into the budget. However, the savings should be reasonable, because the owner and his family will live in the new place. The building should be warm, dry, comfortable, and pleasant to look at. How to achieve this without overpayments? First of all, save on a team of workers. If the developer has the necessary skills, then everything or almost everything can be done yourself. You can also choose inexpensive materials, available technologies, standard project. How to build a house with your own hands cheaper? What is worth saving on, and where is it better not to risk it?

Savings start with choosing a project. The more difficult architectural forms, the more expensive construction costs. It is irrational to try to reduce costs at the expense of workers, technical supervision or quality of materials by initially choosing an expensive project.

It is better to clearly determine the necessary living space, without depriving the family, but also without allowing yourself extra square meters, choose a simple roof shape. This will allow you to create a cozy home that fully meets the needs of the family, but without architectural “excesses” - a multi-pitched roof, bay windows, columns, arches.

It makes sense to consider options for building a one- or two-story structure with a residential attic.

A residential attic is much more profitable than a separate floor. The construction of the floor will require more materials - for walls, insulation, finishing

If you choose lightweight building materials and suitable technologies for the construction of walls, you can save on the foundation. A less powerful structure will be needed, plus the formwork can be made from substandard boards or used fiberboard boards.

The only thing you don't want to cut costs on is cement. You need to buy it of high quality, otherwise the strength of the structure will be in question. The depth of the trench under the foundation must also correspond to the calculated weight of the building in order to avoid severe settlement, which can lead to cracks in the walls.

What is most often used during construction:

  • brick;
  • beam;
  • gas block

When constructing houses and cottages, frame technology is increasingly being used. This is a promising method that allows you to build quickly and at minimal cost.

To find out what will cost the least for construction, you will have to calculate estimates for each of the options, because... the cost of the material itself is not always an indicator of benefit. For example, choosing multi-purpose resources can help reduce costs. The cost of a two-in-one hydro- and vapor barrier will ultimately be cheaper than purchasing two different types of insulation.

When making calculations, one should proceed from the fact that the finished building must be comfortable for living and comply with heat conservation and safety standards.

The advantages of a frame structure are lower time and labor costs for the construction of a building. The design is lightweight, does not create an increased load on the foundation and does not require its reinforcement

A dwelling using this technology can be built within a period of several weeks to several months, depending on whether the owner builds it himself or hires a team. Finished buildings are durable and resistant to deformation. The estimated service life is approximately 75 years.

Load-bearing structures are convenient for subsequent cladding finishing materials, because all elements are unified. This significantly expands: siding can be mounted on the walls, cassette panels, block house. Sheathing increases the strength of the entire structure without significantly increasing its weight.

Video about the design

There are two main technologies, each of which has its own characteristics.

Frame-panel. How to build a house cheaper? Collected with my own hands. Of course, this will require skills and equipment. Thanks to this species construction is possible, although it will require investing a lot of time and extra money for the purchase of insulation and other things. The frame is made of wood and covered with sandwich panels. Each part has to be installed separately, which affects the timing and complexity of construction.

Frame-panel. This option is expensive, but reliable and requires much less labor. The structure is assembled from ready-made panels, which are manufactured at the factory to special order. The panels are supplied already insulated and completely ready for assembly. If we compare the prices of panel boards and panel buildings, then the first ones are more expensive. However, the final cost may turn out to be the same if workers are invited to assemble frame-panel housing, because you have to pay for all types of work separately - assembly, cladding, thermal insulation, finishing.

The assembled wooden frame already looks like a finished house. It only requires cladding and finishing. Steam and waterproofing materials are installed into the walls of the structure at the factory, which helps to increase the service life of the building

Undeniable advantages of the technology:

  • Economical. Light weight is an obvious opportunity to save on the foundation, and short terms - on paying workers. It is believed that houses built according to frame technology, are the cheapest, but the efficiency largely depends on the area of ​​construction, the selected components, finishing, etc. Calculations by experienced engineers show that this is beneficial if the length of the building does not exceed 20 m and the number of storeys is 3. Often the design decides everything.
  • High energy saving ratio. The structures warm up quickly and efficiently. The walls are made of materials with low thermal conductivity, so the structure retains heat well. The wall thickness can be 15-20 cm. Additional benefits include reduced heating costs compared to a conventional building of the same area.
  • No shrinkage. The walls of the structure are strong, resistant to deformation, highly rigid, and the house itself does not shrink. This also has a positive effect on construction time: finishing work can begin immediately after the completion of the main work. The cladding does not require additional processing, which reduces finishing costs.

Disadvantages or things to consider:

  • To assemble such a structure you need special knowledge and tools. The qualifications of the builders are of fundamental importance, so not every developer can do it himself, and the team will have to be carefully selected.
  • Wooden frames require additional treatment with compounds for biological and fire protection.

When choosing a project Special attention need to pay attention to ventilation. Artificial materials They insulate perfectly, but from the point of view of environmental safety they leave much to be desired. If the home is small, then theoretically you can get by with natural ventilation, but ideally, a normal air exchange system should be calculated and installed for it.

During installation frame structures“wet” technologies are not used. This feature is a big plus, because... allows you to work at any time of the year

Tightness is one of the main advantages of a frame house, because serves as a guarantee of good thermal insulation. But it also has a downside - a violation of air exchange. To prevent human waste products, dust and other factors from worsening the microclimate in the building or reducing the amount of oxygen in the air, it is necessary to design a high-quality ventilation system

What to make it from:

  • Tree. Despite all kinds of processing, wood is exposed to moisture and microorganisms. On average, such a frame lasts up to 60 years and is inferior to metal analogues in strength, lightness, and resistance to destructive environmental factors.
  • Metal. A lightweight thermal profile is used for manufacturing. Its advantages are excellent fire resistance, light weight, and corrosion resistance. Metal parts not susceptible to attacks by fungi and mold. All this can increase the service life of structures to 100 years.

What would be cheaper to build from? When drawing up estimates, a wooden frame will have a clear advantage. However, if you “look into the future” and take into account the higher performance properties of the thermal profile, then its service life fully pays for the costs.

The foundation can be chosen tile, columnar or strip depending on the type of soil. You can save on an easy-to-install roof - gable or mansard. The choice is up to the developer.

Material on the construction of a veranda at a frame-type dacha may also be useful:

1 sq. m metal frame weighs 30-50 kg, with casing - about 200 kg. The low specific gravity of the finished house allows it to be built on unstable soils. The profile is also used in the reconstruction of buildings with heavily worn load-bearing structures

Option #2 – brick construction

Brick is one of the most popular. Houses made from it can hardly be called cheap. The walls have to be made thick, plus they require additional insulation, which leads to an even greater increase in the cost of structures. The weight of the finished structure is large, so the foundation needs to be truly strong. It is done to the entire depth of soil freezing.

It's difficult to save money on it. The disadvantages include long, labor-intensive construction. However, the durability of the structures, their fire safety and practicality largely pay for the costs.

If you look at the prices for the construction of a high-quality building on the websites of specialized companies, you get the impression that the cost is low. However, even the price of turnkey construction does not include fine finishing: installation flooring, interior doors, plumbing fixtures, etc.

If you do all this yourself, then only the costs of purchasing materials should be added to the cost. If you need to hire workers, then also pay for their labor. Construction is profitable only if the owner of the site initially selected the project correctly and can carry out most of the work independently.

Video: about bricks for buildings

Option #3 – aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete block is a worthy competitor to traditional brick. Building a box is significantly more profitable than erecting it. Wall thickness can be reduced by 1/3 without loss thermal insulation properties. The material itself is noticeably lighter, which allows for savings at the expense of the foundation. An additional “bonus” for the home owner is good sound insulation.

A dwelling made of aerated concrete blocks “breathes”; air exchange in it is not impaired, because through pores. However, for the same reason, blocks are not considered the most the best option from a waterproofing point of view. If construction is carried out in violation of technology, the finished structure may also be blown out. You need to pay attention to the finishing.

As for the construction time, an aerated concrete structure can be erected 2-3 times faster than a brick one; it practically does not shrink. Special adhesives are used to connect the blocks. In this case, it is undesirable to use ordinary cement mortar, because... it produces thick seams, which can cause the formation of “cold bridges”.

One of the disadvantages of aerated concrete blocks is their relatively low frost resistance, so you will have to take care of high-quality finishing. The materials you can use are plaster, siding, stone

Option #4 – economical timber buildings

For the developer, timber is more profitable than anything else. If we compare timber and brick walls in terms of heat-saving properties, it turns out that a structure made of spruce 220 mm thick and a brick 600 mm thick will be equally warm. Usually for construction they take 200 mm timber, use 100 mm thick insulation and apply a layer of plaster from 20 mm.

Advantages of timber:

  • efficiency;
  • fast construction (built in a few weeks);
  • simple technology;
  • environmental Safety;
  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • comfortable microclimate;
  • ease of construction.

If you are choosing what is cheaper to build a house from, then timber is a win-win option. This is profitable, and the technology is simple, and almost any site owner can master it if he already has construction skills.

When building houses from timber, you need to carefully design heating and energy supply systems. The buildings are considered a fire hazard. Wood is also afraid of moisture, so it requires protection from dampness and fungus.

Compare prices per square meter

How and what is the cheapest way to build can be seen in the estimate figures. If the calculations are based on average indicators (soil freezing depth - 1.5 m, groundwater - 2.5 m, sandy loam soil), then we can determine the cost of construction of 1 square meter. Depending on the components, the numbers will be as follows:

  • frame structure – 875 rubles;
  • brick – 2330 rubles;
  • aerated concrete – 2000 rubles;
  • timber - 1900 rubles.

Review of popular materials - video

Obviously, a frame house will cost the developer the least. When finally deciding on a choice, you need to take into account all the features of the project, the soil, and the site itself. The calculations do not include payment for the services of the construction team. Hired labor is an additional (and considerable!) expense item.