Financial assistance for a wedding under labor law. Who is entitled to such compensation? Mat size assistance with marriage

Due to various life reasons, each person can find himself in an unfavorable financial situation. There are several options for getting out of difficult circumstances. One of the most accessible is a request for financial assistance from the employer.

True, it should be noted that in financial matters, the management of enterprises meets their subordinates halfway only when their requests have a serious justification or, more simply put, good reasons.

It is important to remember that providing financial assistance is not the responsibility of the employer, but solely a manifestation of his good will. Quite often, employers set a certain limit on the provision of financial assistance and in terms of the amount issued Money and in terms of its frequency.


How to write an application for financial assistance

There is no one-size-fits-all standard form for writing this statement, so each person can write it in free form. True to large enterprises who independently develop their own forms of documents, most often have their own unified form for providing financial assistance. The main thing when filling out an application is to honestly state the problem, choose the right wording and provide the employer with an evidence base. This means that by writing to yourself financial assistance, it is advisable to attach certificates and other documents confirming its necessity to the corresponding application.

As a rule, employers react positively to such a request if it is caused by an upcoming marriage, the birth of a child, a serious illness, the loss of a loved one, an accident, etc. An important role is played by how productively and responsibly the employee works ( disciplinary action, reprimands and other previously shown negative reactions from management will be a minus when making a decision).

In any case, the final decision on this issue falls on the head of the enterprise, who, based on his life experience and the financial capabilities of the company, will assess the degree of importance of the situation, as well as options for solving it in other ways.

Instructions for writing an application

In order for an application for financial assistance to be considered by the employer, it must be completed properly.

  • In the upper right part of the document you need to indicate in the genitive case the position of the manager (director, CEO etc.), full name of the company (with its designation legal status), as well as the last name, first name, and patronymic of the manager (the first and middle names can be given as initials).
  • Then the same is indicated from the applicant.
  • Then in the middle of the document the word “Statement” is written and a dot is placed.

The main part of the application for financial assistance

The second part of the statement includes its actual text.
This describes the request, which should begin with the wording: “I ask you to provide me with financial assistance”. Then you need to clearly indicate the reason why such a need arose, but this must be done succinctly and clearly - in one or two sentences (for example, in connection with the upcoming wedding on September 14, 2016). And after this, you need to enter the amount that you would like to receive in the form of financial assistance (in numbers and in words).

After writing the text of the application, the document must be certified with a signature (with a transcript), as well as the date of its completion.

After writing the application

After the application is completed, it must be given either to the secretary of the organization, or to the human resources department, or to the accounting department, along with all the papers confirming the request for financial support. The responsible persons will submit it for consideration to the director of the company, and if the decision is positive, he will put his resolution and signature on the petition. If the employer decides to pay out the amount in full, then on the application he will write something like: “give out in full,” but if it is decided to help partially, then in his resolution he will clearly indicate the amount that the applicant will receive.

Then the document goes to the personnel department, where an order for the issuance of financial assistance is written, which is also then signed by the head of the organization, and finally, the applicant, after all these stages, can receive the amount authorized for issue at the cash desk.

It is important to note one point: material assistance to an employee of an organization from management is a gratuitous act, that is, it does not imply any further compensation or compensation or deduction from the employee’s salary.

Also, it is not subject to accounting when calculating personal income tax (but only if its size falls within the framework permitted by the law of the Russian Federation - on given year this is 4000 rubles, everything above this amount is already taken into account for tax purposes).

Application for financial assistance in connection with the death of a relative

The grief that comes to a family not only has an emotional impact on all relatives, but also, as a rule, makes a significant hole in the budget. The employer, caring for the staff, can help the bereaved employee a little in financially. In this case, the funds are paid from the organization’s profit fund; these expenses have tax benefits.

To do this, the organization’s local regulations must stipulate this possibility and its regulations. For this purpose it can be created special provision or the relevant information must be contained in the employment contract or collective agreement. Usually, not only the employee who has lost a loved one has the right to such a payment, but also, conversely, his relatives if the employee himself has died.

The first document required for the accrual of this type of financial assistance is the employee’s request, drawn up in the form of an application. In addition to the request for one-time financial support, the text must indicate:

  • Full name of the manager (general director);
  • all employee data (position and full name);
  • degree of relationship with the deceased (close relatives in connection with whose death financial assistance is provided are brothers and sisters, children or parents of the employee);
  • you can indicate the amount that the employer is asking for (it cannot be more than two months’ salary);
  • a list of documents confirming relationship and death attached to the application;
  • date, painting with transcript.

ATTENTION! It does not matter whether the amount of assistance is indicated in the application; in any case, the manager enters it into the Order, on the basis of which it will be calculated.

Sample application for financial assistance in connection with the death of a relative

to CEO
LLC "Zarathustra"
Nikipelov Roman Olegovich
from the purchasing department manager
Rostovsky Anatoly Petrovich


I ask you to provide me with financial assistance in connection with the death of a close relative - Rostovsky’s brother Mikhail Petrovich.

I am attaching to the application:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • death certificate of Rostovsky M.P.

06.20.2017 /Rostovsky/ A.P. Rostovsky

Application for financial assistance for vacation

Financial assistance paid in connection with vacation can be called differently in local regulations: vacation pay, allowance, vacation bonus, “health benefits,” etc. Its essence in tax terms depends on how exactly the employer formalizes this one-time payment - as social or labor.

Most often, such a payment is considered simply as financial assistance, the amount of which is fixed for all employees, and it does not matter how qualified they are and how well they worked during the pre-vacation period.

But it is also possible to “link” the amount of vacation assistance and its very fact to the results of performing the labor function. In this case, the procedure for calculating the size should be clearly stated in special local acts. As a rule, this is a percentage of the salary that is paid in the absence of disciplinary complaints.

If all employees are required to receive vacation payments, each of them does not have to write a statement, but this practice is usually accepted in companies for confirmation in the accounting department. It is also worth writing a statement if it is not about next vacation according to the schedule, but about rest at unaccounted times. This paper must be submitted in advance because the payment must be made before the vacation begins.

The application form is quite free, but it must contain the following mandatory components:

  • Full name of the director;
  • employee personal data;
  • start and end dates of the vacation period;
  • basis for providing assistance (collective agreement, employment contract, regulations on vacation pay, etc.);
  • The usual completion of the application is a date and signature.

Sample application for financial assistance for vacation

to CEO
Galakton-Service LLC
Leontovich Konstantin Artemyevich
from the chief accountant
Sergeeva Elena Stanislavovna


In connection with my upcoming vacation from August 6 to August 19, 2016, I ask you to provide me with financial assistance, which is paid on the basis of a collective agreement.

08/01/2016 /Sergeeva/ E.S. Sergeeva

Application for financial assistance in connection with treatment, surgery

An employer who values ​​his employees, of his own free will or at their request, can help them financially if they need funds for treatment or surgery.

The law of the Russian Federation does not limit the amount of compensation for funds spent on treatment; the only limit is related to the amount not subject to taxes and contributions to social funds - the amount of such assistance should not exceed 4,000 rubles. per year for 1 person. In any case, the decision to authorize the payment, as well as the amount, is made by the employer.

Since this assistance is of an individual nature, it is not included in the employee compensation system. It is paid from the profit fund or unused funds for expenses.

An employee application is required to provide this assistance. In it, in addition to the usual details - “header”, title of the document, requests for financial assistance - you need to indicate the event due to which the employee urgently needs funds or compensation for expenses. There is no need to go into detail, describing the diagnosis and expenses; this information is provided in the documents attached to the application.

The decision to assign payment or refuse remains with the manager. If the decision is positive, an order is issued and funds are credited.

Sample application for financial assistance in connection with treatment or surgery

to CEO
Fizkultprivet LLC
Samodelkin Alexander Rostislavovich
from the chess section teacher
Ferzenko Leonid Alekseevich


In connection with the injury received as a result of a road traffic accident, I ask you to provide me with financial assistance for the expensive treatment ahead of me, including surgery.

I am attaching the following documents to the application:

  • certificate from the traffic police about the accident;
  • a copy of the sick leave certificate;
  • a prescription issued by the attending physician;
  • cash receipts for purchased medications;
  • contract for paid surgical intervention;
  • extract from the medical record.

06.25.2017 /Ferzenko/ L.A. Ferzenko

Application for financial assistance due to a difficult life situation

The employer has the right to provide financial support to employees in any ups and downs of life, although it is not obliged to do so. His good will should be reflected in the local documentation of the organization: the law allows you to determine the parameters of such assistance independently, the main thing is not to contradict the Labor and Tax Code RF. What employers and employees should remember in connection with financial support:

  • payment of assistance cannot be permanent, this payment is one-time and individual in nature;
  • exceeding the amount of 4000 rubles. per year leads to mandatory deduction of interest from it to social funds;
  • the amount to be paid is determined solely by the employer and cannot be disputed.

The employer should be notified of life difficulties that require financial support to overcome in writing. The application is submitted to the head of the organization. It must explain the reason for the request for help, supporting it with documentary evidence. The employer can offer help to the employee himself, but it is still better to write a statement.

The amount is calculated depending on the expenses incurred to overcome difficulties (these, of course, need to be confirmed).

A difficult life situation is one in which, as a result of poverty, the life of an employee or his family may be disrupted. The law includes the following circumstances:

  • the appearance of a dependent relative over 65 years of age or the employee reaching this age;
  • difficulties in finding a job for an able-bodied family member (assigning him the status of unemployed);
  • the presence of small (minor) children or one child in the family;
  • disability of one of the family members.

Some employers do not allow difficulties to be described in the application, limiting the applicant to the vague wording “due to difficult financial situation.”

Sample application for financial assistance due to a difficult life situation

to CEO
LLC "Kolovrat"
Evstigneev Anton Leonidovich
from the caretaker Liliya Nikolaevna Rusinskaya


I ask you to provide my family with the financial assistance necessary to prepare my three children for the start of the school year.

I am attaching to the application:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificate of a mother of many children;
  • cash receipts for stationery and school uniforms.

08/18/2016 /Rusinskaya/ L.N. Rusinskaya

Application for financial assistance in connection with the birth of a child

One of the happiest, but also financially costly events in an employee’s family is the birth of a long-awaited offspring. A caring employer has the right to share the joy and, to some extent, the costs of his employee.

The reasons for financial support, which may well include the birth of a baby, are listed in the relevant local regulatory act of the organization, for example, a collective agreement. Even if such a document has not been adopted by the company, the law does not prevent an employee from asking for financial assistance from his superiors, or the employer from satisfying this request, or, indeed, from refusing.

You need to contact the employer by writing and submitting an application in his name, where you need to indicate the reason for providing assistance and justify it with documents. The application form will be standard, accepted for this company. The main thing to remember when submitting this document is the need to attach a copy of the child’s birth certificate to it, this will become documentary evidence of this fact for accounting and management.

IMPORTANT! We are not talking about a benefit paid at the birth of a child without fail. In addition to this legally defined payment, the employer may award the lucky father or mother an amount in excess social guarantees.

The amount is determined by the employer, but the employee can indicate a certain figure in the application. The employee will receive it based on the order signed by the manager.

Organizing a new unit of society requires considerable financial investments. Financial assistance in connection with marriage can be provided by the employer at the request of the employee. Funds are provided only on the basis of the conditions specified in the regulatory documents of the institution, or at the request of the manager. The amount of compensation allocated may be affected by the position and length of service of the employee. The situation is regulated by local acts of the institution.

The law does not provide for financial assistance in connection with. The decision is made at the request of the employee based on the internal documentation of the institution.

The amount allocated varies depending on the circumstances. Failure to comply with the terms of local acts and agreements will cause a lot of problems with the fiscal authorities.

Despite the absence of direct instructions in the regulatory framework encouraging management to compensate employee expenses, several articles can be identified that indirectly regulate the situation:

It is worth highlighting the military personnel separately. According to the Ministry of Defense decree number 61, persons serving in the armed forces can receive assistance equivalent to two salaries once every 12 months. Funds are allocated at the end of the year or upon application.

The grounds for approval of the request are as follows:

The decree does not apply to civil servants. They fall under general norms. If the local acts of the enterprise do not contain instructions on the provision of financial assistance, then only the manager, at his own discretion, has the right to allocate funds.

Amount of financial assistance

The amount of money allocated upon marriage is regulated by local acts of the enterprise, employment contract or leader. The employee can personally indicate the amount of the desired compensation, but the request will not have much impact. Examples from life will help you understand the situation:

Option for determining the amount of assistance Description Example
The employer himself decided to help the employee The decision was made by management. The payment amount is arbitrary. The employee has the right to indicate the desired amount in the application, but the last word will be with the manager. Sales Manager construction company registered the relationship in the registry office. The institution’s charter does not stipulate financial assistance, but the employee wrote a statement anyway. The employer decided to allocate a certain amount as a set of expenses.
The amount of financial assistance is indicated in the company’s internal documentation The moment is enshrined in the documents of the institution. The allocated amount is fixed. The secretary of the housing department director got married and applied for financial assistance. The internal documentation of the institution states the amount of 23 thousand rubles allocated as compensation for wedding expenses. The funds were issued by accounting employees on payday.
The amount of compensation varies depending on the circumstances specified in local acts and agreements The difference in the amount allocated for the occasion of a wedding is regulated by the internal documentation of the enterprise. The amount of differentiated financial assistance is influenced by length of service, position and other nuances. Two employees of the company almost simultaneously submitted applications to the registry office to register their relationship. One of them, who worked for 10 years, was allocated 20 thousand rubles, and the second, with 2 years of experience, was paid 15 thousand rubles. The decision of management was justified by the conditions prescribed in local acts.

Employees submitting applications to the registry office need to find out about the availability of conditions for the allocation of financial assistance in the internal documents of the institution. If there is no voiced point, you will have to talk with the employer.

Financial assistance at work during marriage is provided not only in cash, but also in kind. It all depends on the content of local acts. In some organizations, employees are given manufactured products as incentives, for example, furniture, Appliances or clothes.

Algorithm for getting help

Financial assistance is provided upon the employee’s application. The moment is relevant for all situations. A generally accepted algorithm of actions compiled by specialists for such a case will help you understand the intricacies of the process:

The application will be considered for no more than 1 month. This is regulated by Federal Law No. 59. Compensation for expenses of an employee who recently got married is provided in cash or non-cash form. You can receive money on the day your salary is paid.

In the case of full-time students, the algorithm of actions and receipt of funds is actually similar. Higher educational establishments A scholarship fund is being created specifically. For special situations, for example, the birth of a child, illness, death of a relative or marriage, financial assistance is also provided.

Rules for writing an application

Management's decision often depends on a properly drafted application. The writing form is arbitrary. Exceptions are cases when the organization has forms approved by management for such cases. Approximate contents of the document:

  • Full name of the manager and employee submitting the application;
  • description of the situation;
  • please provide financial assistance;
  • list of attached evidence.

At the end there is the date of compilation and the signature of the employee. The contents of the document may vary depending on the institution and the content of regulatory documents. It will help to familiarize yourself with an example of an application for financial assistance in connection with marriage.

Contents of the order issued by management

If the request of the employee who wrote the application for financial assistance is approved, a special decree is issued. The document can be prepared on special form or plain paper. Authorized persons are responsible for writing. The order contains the following information:

  • order number;
  • Name;
  • date of writing;
  • document text.

At the end, the manager’s full name and signature are placed. .

Features of taxation of financial assistance

According to Article 207 Tax Code, the profits of individuals are subject to taxation. The list of exceptions is given in Article 217. of this legal act. Financial assistance falls under both articles. Personal income tax is collected only when an amount exceeding 4 thousand rubles is allocated.

The tax is calculated based on the difference that arises. For example, an employee who registered the relationship in the registry office was transferred 20 thousand rubles. as financial aid. The tax is calculated from the amount exceeding 4 thousand, that is, from 16 thousand. As a result, the personal income tax will be 2080 rubles.

The amount must be transferred to the employee's account minus taxes. If in the order we're talking about about 7 thousand, then this is exactly how much the employee should receive. Personal income tax is deducted and paid separately. In case of violation of the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the manager will face administrative or criminal liability. Financial assistance to an employee may be provided upon marriage based on the evidence presented and the application. The process is regulated by internal documentation of the enterprise or personally by management. If the request is approved, a decree is issued to issue compensation for expenses. The employee will be able to receive funds on the day of payroll.

Institutions and organizations provide financial assistance to employees, former employees, as well as members of their families for various reasons. At the same time, it is important to document such payments, as well as their taxation. We will talk about the features of these payments in the article.

According to Art. 144 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wage systems (including tariff wage systems) for employees of state and municipal institutions are established:

In federal government institutions- collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

In state institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

IN municipal institutions- collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of local governments.

The Government of the Russian Federation can establish basic salaries (basic official salaries), base rates wages by professional qualification groups. At the same time, remuneration systems are established taking into account, in particular, exemplary provisions on remuneration of employees of institutions by type economic activity, approved by federal government agencies and institutions - the main managers of funds federal budget(clause "e" clause 2 of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 583).

From the above rules it follows that if there is financial opportunity, the institution has the right to prescribe in a local regulatory act the payment of financial assistance for one reason or another and issue it to employees. However, remember that material assistance is a social service provided to employees to support them and improve their standard of living (GOST R 52495-2005 " Social service population. Terms and definitions", approved by Order of Rostekhregulirovaniya dated December 30, 2005 N 532-st). At the same time, material assistance can be provided in the form of cash, food, sanitation and hygiene products, child care products, clothing, shoes and other basic items needs, fuel, as well as special Vehicle, technical means rehabilitation of disabled people and people in need of care. As practice shows, most often material assistance is provided in the form of cash.

Main aspects of payment of financial assistance

Financial assistance is provided when employees encounter special circumstances. It is a non-production payment, does not depend on the performance of the institution and is not related to the individual results of employees. Accordingly, it is not stimulating or compensatory in nature and is not considered an element of remuneration. Its main goal is to create the necessary material conditions to solve the problems that the employee has encountered. In addition, financial assistance cannot be regular and is paid at the request of the employee, most often in connection with:

With treatment;

With the death of an employee's family member;

With the death of the employee himself;

With damage caused by any emergency;

With marriage;

With the birth of a child.

Let us clarify that the amount of financial assistance is established by the management of the institution and is determined depending on each specific situation and financial capabilities of the institution. In this case, the procedure for providing financial assistance must be regulated by a local act of the institution, a collective or labor agreement.

In addition, many institutions, when providing annual leave to employees, pay financial assistance, which they are guaranteed along with other payments. Such a payment, in its essence, will be a one-time payment, and it must be provided for in the local regulatory act of the institution. In this case, the specified payment is an element of remuneration, since it is related to the employee’s performance of a labor function. That is, committed when granting annual leave lump sum payment cannot be recognized as financial assistance, and therefore is taken into account in labor costs when calculating income tax. A similar opinion is presented in letters of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 09/03/2012 N 03-03-06/1/461 and the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated 06/26/2012 N ED-4-3/10421@, as well as in the Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Far East of Russia dated 03/05/2012 N F03 -379/2012.

If financial assistance is an element of remuneration and is provided to an employee for annual leave, then the basis for its payment is:

Employee's application for leave;

An order from the head of the institution to grant the employee leave and pay financial assistance in the prescribed amount.

Application of regional coefficients

In accordance with Art. 315-317 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for persons working in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, the use of regional coefficients and percentage increases in wages, the amount of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation, is provided. Let us note that similar norms exist in Art. 10 and 11 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 19, 1993 N 4520-1 “On state guarantees and compensation for persons working and living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas.” However, the acts provided for by the above norms have not been issued, and therefore previously issued legal acts of federal bodies are applied state power Russian Federation or government authorities former USSR, which do not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Part 1 of Article 423 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Accordingly, one should be guided by the Explanation approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 49.

According to clause 1 of the Explanation, percentage allowances for persons working in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in southern regions Eastern Siberia, Far East, and coefficients (regional, for work in high mountainous areas, for work in desert and waterless areas) established for wages for persons working in areas with unfavorable natural and climatic conditions, are calculated on actual earnings, including remuneration for length of service, paid monthly , quarterly or one-time.

In addition, according to paragraph 19 of the Instruction on the procedure for providing social guarantees and compensation to persons working in the regions of the Far North and in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, in accordance with current regulations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the RSFSR dated November 22, 1990 N 2, The salary for which bonuses are calculated does not include payments based on wage coefficients, average earnings, one-time remuneration for length of service, remuneration based on the results of work for the year, financial assistance, as well as payments that are of a one-time incentive nature and are not conditional. wage system.

Since material assistance cannot be recognized as actual earnings, it is not possible to assign a regional coefficient to it.

Financial assistance and alimony obligations

The list of types of wages and other income from which alimony for minor children is withheld is approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 1996 N 841. According to paragraphs. "l" clause 2 of this List, alimony is withheld from amounts of financial assistance, except for one-time financial assistance paid from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, extra-budgetary funds, at the expense of foreign states, Russian, foreign and interstate organizations, other sources in connection with a natural disaster or other emergency circumstances, a terrorist act, the death of a family member, as well as in the form of humanitarian assistance and for assistance in identifying, preventing, suppressing and solving terrorist acts and other crimes. That is, alimony should be withheld from amounts of financial assistance.

Financial assistance and average earnings

Let us recall that average earnings is calculated to pay vacation pay, compensation for unused vacation, as well as to calculate temporary disability benefits, maternity benefits, and monthly child care benefits. In this case, the average earnings for paying vacation pay and compensation for unused vacation are calculated in accordance with Art. 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Procedure No. 922, and for calculating benefits - in accordance with Federal Law No. 255-FZ and Regulation No. 375.

So, according to Art. 14 of Federal Law N 255-FZ, clause 2 of Regulation N 375, benefits for temporary disability, maternity benefits, monthly child care benefits are calculated based on the average earnings of the insured person, calculated for the two calendar years preceding the year of the onset of temporary disability, maternity leave, child care leave, including during work (service, other activities) with another policyholder (other policyholders). At the same time, the average earnings, on the basis of which these types of benefits are calculated, include all types of payments and other remuneration in favor of the insured person, for which insurance premiums in the FSS in accordance with Federal Law N 212-FZ.

Let us clarify that by virtue of clause 3, part 1, art. 9 of Federal Law No. 212-FZ are not subject to insurance premiums for the amounts of one-time financial assistance provided by insurance premium payers:

To individuals in connection with a natural disaster or other emergency in order to compensate for material damage caused to them or harm to their health, as well as individuals victims of terrorist attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation;

An employee in connection with the death of a member (members) of his family;

To employees (parents, adoptive parents, guardians) at the birth (adoption) of a child, paid during the first year after birth (adoption), but not more than 50,000 rubles. for each child.

Financial assistance paid not on the grounds mentioned above is subject to insurance contributions if it exceeds 4,000 rubles. per employee per billing period(clause 11, part 1, article 9 of Federal Law No. 212-FZ).

That is, the amounts of financial assistance listed in clause 3, part 1, art. 9 of Federal Law N 212-FZ, as well as those not exceeding 4,000 rubles, are not taken into account when calculating average earnings for the purpose of calculating temporary disability benefits, maternity benefits, and monthly child care benefits. Other financial assistance in an amount exceeding RUB 4,000. per employee per calendar year, is included in the employee’s average earnings for calculating benefits.

When calculating average earnings for vacation pay and compensation for unused vacation, all types of payments provided for by the remuneration system used in the institution are taken into account, regardless of their source (Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and clause 2 of Order No. 922). By virtue of clause 3 of Order No. 922, when calculating average earnings in this case, social payments and other payments not related to wages are not taken into account, in particular, financial assistance, payment for the cost of food, travel, training, utilities, recreation.


The procedure for paying financial assistance must be enshrined in a local regulatory act: a collective agreement, Regulations on remuneration, Regulations on payment of financial assistance (a sample is given below), or others.

Regulations on the payment of financial assistance to employees of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Novorossiysk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation provides for the payment of financial assistance to employees of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Novorossiysk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Institution).

1.2. Financial assistance can be provided one time or several times during the calendar year.

2.1. In order to social protection employees of the Institution and non-working pensioners of the Institution, they can be provided with financial assistance from funds coming from the federal budget (if there are savings in the wage fund), as well as from funds coming from extra-budgetary sources (from income-generating activities aimed by the Institution to pay labor of workers).

2.2. An employee is considered to be an employee hired under an employment contract.

2.3. Financial assistance for partial reimbursement of costs in connection with expensive treatment of an employee is:

- for the purchase of expensive medicines and other medicinal drugs and equipment - up to 20,000 rubles;

- for treatment, prosthetics and dental implantation, harvesting and replanting of a dental bone block - up to 150,000 rubles;

- for inpatient treatment, including sanatorium-resort treatment - up to 50,000 rubles;

- to conduct surgical operations for vital indications - up to 50,000 rubles.

In exceptional cases, by decision of the director, an employee may be provided with financial assistance in large amounts.

In this area, financial assistance is provided upon provision of relevant documents from the medical institution.

2.4. If an employee suffers material damage as a result of emergency circumstances (burglary, apartment flooding, etc.), assistance is paid in the amount of up to 50,000 rubles.

Fact natural disaster, theft and the amount of damage must be confirmed by relevant documents.

2.5. Financial assistance in connection with death:

- employee (working or dismissed) - up to 30,000 rubles;

- close relatives (Article 2 of the RF IC) - from 10,000 rubles. up to 30,000 rub.

2.6. Financial assistance to women on maternity leave aged 1.5 to 2 years - in the amount of 20,000 rubles. at one time. Financial assistance is provided subject to the employee’s application before the child turns two years old.

2.7. Financial assistance to an employee upon dismissal due to retirement, including illness and disability:

- with work experience in the Institution from 1 to 5 years - in the amount of the official salary;

- with work experience in the Institution from 5 to 10 years - in the amount of two official salaries;

- with more than 10 years of experience in the Institution - in the amount of four official salaries.

2.8. Financial assistance in connection with the birth of a child - in the amount of 50,000 rubles.

2.9. Financial assistance in connection with marriage - in the amount of 10,000 rubles.

2.10. Financial assistance to an employee in connection with an anniversary (40, 45, 50, 55, 60 years, then by decision of the director) - in the amount of 10,000 rubles.

2.11. Financial assistance for specific social needs:

- in case of difficult financial situation of the employee - from 10,000 rubles. up to 30,000 rubles;

- for urgent needs (once per calendar year) - up to 10,000 rubles;

- on social needs in addition to the amount of annual basic paid leave - up to 30,000 rubles;

- for preparing schoolchildren for first grade - 5,000 rubles.

2.12. An employee has the right to receive financial assistance on all the grounds provided above, no more than once a year for each of them.

3. Procedure for obtaining financial assistance

3.1. To receive financial assistance, a personal application from the employee (his close relative) or a pensioner is drawn up in the name of the director, indicating the reasons for paying financial assistance and attaching documents confirming the right to receive it.

3.2. When paying financial assistance in connection with the death of close relatives, the employee himself (working or dismissed) must submit a copy of the death certificate to the accounting department.

In such cases, financial assistance is issued:

- employee (in case of death of close relatives);

- close relatives of the employee (in the event of the death of the employee himself - working or dismissed) upon presentation of copies of documents confirming family ties (birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc.).

3.3. Payment of financial assistance is formalized by the accounting department with an expense order and issued from the cash desk or transferred to the current account specified in the submitted application.

3.4. Amounts of financial assistance are not taken into account as expenses recognized when calculating income tax.

As we have already indicated, the employee must submit an application in any form addressed to the employer, attaching copies of the relevant supporting documents.

Let us present the main reasons for the allocation of financial assistance in the table and indicate what documents they must be confirmed with.

Reasons for paying financial assistance

Supporting documents

In connection with emergency situations (theft, fire, flooded apartment, etc.)

Documents confirming the fact of an emergency situation, issued by the relevant organization

For surgery, expensive treatment, prosthetics, expensive medications

Agreement for treatment, surgery;

Doctor's certificate;

Documents confirming actual payment (payment documents, invoices, invoices, receipts, etc. Required documents, issued in the name of the applicant, and receipts for the purchase of medicines);

Personalized recipes.

If necessary, you can also request certificates from relevant institutions, organizations, documents (referral, epicrisis, etc.) indicating the medical institution, confirming the need for paid expensive medical care for vital indications

Due to the difficult financial situation, which is justified, in particular, by the following:

Lives alone;

Has a disability;

One (one) is raising children and has no income other than a salary;

The large family;

The husband (wife) is temporarily unemployed; and so on.

Certificate of disability;

Single mother certificate;

Copies of the child's birth certificate; and so on.

On the occasion of the death of close relatives (mother, father, wife, husband, children)

Copy of birth certificate (for children)

To organize an employee's funeral

If there are relatives:

A copy of the death certificate;

A copy of the marriage certificate (for husband, wife);

Copy of birth certificate (for children). If there are no close relatives:

A copy of the death certificate;

Receipts and checks confirming funeral expenses;

Trade union petition for the allocation of funds indicating who is trusted to receive the money

In connection with the wedding

Copy of marriage certificate

In connection with the birth of a child

Copy of the child's birth certificate

When considering an application submitted by an employee, the employer puts its resolution on the payment or non-payment of financial assistance. If the manager approves the payment of financial assistance, an order is issued, which must contain the required details: Full name. the person receiving financial assistance, its amount and source of payment, as well as the basis. Let us remind you that there is no unified form for such an order, so it is issued in a free form approved by the institution.

Here is a sample order for the payment of financial assistance in connection with expensive treatment.

FSBI "Novorossiysk Research Institute"

Traumatology and Orthopedics" Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation



Order for payment of financial assistance

Due to the long-term illness of the surgeon B.P. Kostrov. and his treatment in an inpatient medical institution, as well as on the basis of the Regulations on the payment of financial assistance, approved on 01/09/2013,

I order:

1. Pay Boris Petrovich Kostrov one-time financial assistance in connection with long-term treatment in the amount of 20,000 rubles. until January 18, 2013 inclusive, at the expense of income received from current activities.

2. Appoint the chief accountant Ivanov E.N. as responsible for the calculation and payment of financial assistance.

Reason: personal statement of Boris Petrovich Kostrov dated January 14, 2013.

Appendix (copies of documents):

1. Agreement for the provision of paid medical services.

2. Cash receipts for the purchase of medicines.

3. A prescription issued by the attending physician.

4. An extract from the medical record with the diagnosis and prescriptions of the attending physician.

Director Sinyakov /Sinyakov V.A./

The following have been familiarized with the order:

Kostrov /Kostrov B.P./

Ivanova /Ivanova E.N./

Marriage is undoubtedly one of the most important events in the life of every person. On this moment Citizens who are officially employed are provided with additional leave in connection with their wedding. These rights are reinforced in federal laws on labor and local legal acts. And the employer does not have the right to refuse in this case, regardless of when he received the application, even one day before the specified deadline. The length of time a person works in this company also does not matter.

Days for a wedding in the Labor Code

A wedding is a wonderful event! However, preparing for a wedding takes a long time. And participants solemn ceremony It’s worth worrying about additional days off in advance.

Labor legislation provides for the provision of leave without pay for up to five calendar days in cases described in regulations. According to the law, such cases include marriage registration. And if you are registered according to the requirements Labor Code Russian Federation, then you have the right to take advantage of this opportunity for extraordinary leave by submitting an application to management.

In addition to the above, in our time collective agreements are often encountered at enterprises. Such contracts often provide for three days of paid leave, which can be used in connection with the wedding. You can inquire about the existence of a collective agreement in the HR department.

Nowadays, when applying for a job, it is often not an employment contract, but a civil law contract. The effect of labor legislation does not apply to such an agreement and, accordingly, does not imply social package. And, according to legal norms, there is no right to additional days off in a civil contract. The possibility of granting extraordinary leave and its payment are determined by management. Although often in such cases the employee hears a firm “No”.

Financial assistance in connection with marriage

Monetary assistance to an employee who decides to get married is paid on the basis of a corresponding application and a copy of the marriage certificate. This procedure must be specified in the collective agreement or in the Regulations on remuneration, and often does not exceed 5 thousand rubles.

Financial assistance can also be paid to union members. In this case, the chairman of the trade union organization is provided with a similar statement. There is a deadline for filing such an application - three months from the wedding date.

Do not forget that paying financial assistance is not an obligation, but a right of the management of your enterprise. Whether to pay or not to pay, as well as the amount of such assistance, is a decision made only by the first person of the company. Some employers include this payment in social guarantees.

Every employee needs knowledge of all aspects of labor legislation, then he can easily get the additional vacation pay he is entitled to for his wedding. Thus, a modern person will be aware of his rights and social guarantees.

Answers to questions about wedding leave

People often ask why managers are not always happy to provide time off for a wedding. Wedding ceremonies most often occur in July, August and September. It is during this period that the workload on the personnel department of the enterprise increases. This is due to the provision of extraordinary leave to employees who are getting married.

Children's wedding leave

A wedding is a symbolic and significant event in the life of any person. According to labor legislation, the possibility of receiving extraordinary leave for employees whose children are about to get married can be found in Art. 128. Such leave is not paid.

The first point can be attributed to parents “by family circumstances..." This rule of law is advisory and not mandatory. Additional leave An employee receives without salary for the wedding of children upon application and in agreement with his superiors.

Vacation for the wedding of close relatives

There are often situations when an employee of an enterprise wants to go on vacation because the wedding of a daughter, nephew, sister or other close relative is planned. The company management has the right not to satisfy such applications submitted in connection with the marriage of close relatives. Such leave, as stated above, can be attributed to the first paragraph of Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The provision of such days off and their number are determined solely by the first person of your enterprise.

The only exceptions are those cases when the collective agreement or other regulations of the enterprise stipulate that extraordinary leave is granted on the occasion of the wedding of a close relative of the employee on certain days only upon written application. This leave does not include continued pay. In this option, the manager is obliged to release the subordinate to the solemn wedding.

A wedding is a bright and memorable event, and the worries and troubles are pleasant. But it takes time to work out all the little details, and in order for the wedding to be a great success, all customs to be observed, and the event to remain in the memory of all guests, it is worth familiarizing yourself in advance with all the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in 2016 for working citizens.