Brands of building mixtures

With the advent of dry food on the market building mixtures the work production process has risen to a qualitatively new level. The use of these materials is a sign modern approach for construction, repair and finishing. Working with ready-made compounds allows you to minimize the human factor, increase the manufacturability of operations, reduce the time of operations and the complexity of their implementation.

Unlike traditional mortars based on cement, gypsum, lime, prepared on site, the ingredients of dry construction mixtures are dosed and mixed in a factory, on special equipment, in proportions regulated by standards and technical specifications. In addition to the main components, binder and filler, ready-made compositions contain various additives that increase the plasticity of solutions, change the speed of setting and strength gain, enhance frost resistance, waterproofing and other properties.

Main types of materials

The purpose and specialization of dry construction mixtures are determined by GOST 31189-2015 and are determined by the types of main components and combination of additives. Based on their composition, materials can be divided into several groups: based on cement, gypsum, lime, magnesium and polymer mixtures. There are also combinations of mixtures with various binders (most often cement-lime, polymer-cement and other combinations are used).

Cement-based building compositions

Requirements for the composition and quality of mixtures are regulated by GOST 31358-2007, GOST 33083-2014, GOST R 56387-2015, GOST 31356-2007, GOST 31357-2013. Materials of this type can be successfully used both indoors and outdoors. outdoors. They have a longer period of setting and strength gain, which on the one hand is a disadvantage, but on the other hand an advantage: you can mix a large volume of solution at a time without fear of it hardening and spoiling until it is completely used up. Cement mixtures are best suited for preparation in a concrete mixer and mechanized application over large areas.

However, when applying cement mortar layer by layer (repairing walls, plastering), the period of time before laying the next layer can be up to 6-8 hours, which significantly increases the overall time frame for completing the work. Cement mortars are much heavier than lime and gypsum mortars, as a result of which, when laying them on vertical surfaces, it is necessary to limit the thickness of the layer and take a more careful approach to the preparation of rough walls.

Materials based on gypsum binder

Dry gypsum mixtures are used exclusively for interior work. At the same time, the materials are not used in rooms with wet processes (bathtubs, showers, toilets) without additional protection devices. Compared to cement mortars, gypsum mortars have lower strength. Requirements for dry gypsum mixtures are determined by GOST 31376-2008, GOST 31377-2008, GOST 31386-2008, GOST 31387-2008.

Among the advantages of gypsum-based materials, the following is noted. The solution sets quickly: a new layer of plaster can be laid 30 minutes after applying the previous one. A 50 mm thick layer of gypsum repair composition is firmly held on the vertical surface of the wall, does not slip or crack when drying. Due to this, it is possible to minimize the total duration of work and their cost.

Lime compounds

As a rule, dry mixtures, along with lime, also contain cement, so lime compositions can be classified as types of cement-based materials. Solutions can be used both inside a building and for finishing facades.

Lime-based compositions have high adhesion to concrete and brick bases. Mortar sets much faster than cement, and accordingly, the speed of work is also higher. These materials have excellent antiseptic properties and prevent the growth of fungus and mold. They have low thermal conductivity, as a result of which they can be used as “warm” plaster. At the same time, the material allows steam to pass through well and does not emit harmful substances and has a lower cost compared to other types of building mixtures.

The disadvantages of lime mixtures are low strength and significant hygroscopicity.

Specialization of building mixtures

The use of dry mixtures in modern construction very diverse. They are used for priming, plaster, putty various surfaces, roughing and finishing, fixing decorative elements, repair of reinforced concrete and masonry, heat, sound, waterproofing and other operations. As a rule, each material manufacturer classifies them according to its own system. IN general case, depending on specialization, the following types of dry construction mixtures can be distinguished.

Leveling mixtures (plaster, putty)

Dry building mixtures for plaster and putty can be made from cement, gypsum and lime. Materials are used to level the surface of the walls. As a rule, plaster mixtures are used to fill defects in large volumes of work. Plasters use larger aggregates than putties. Their main types:

  • weather-resistant plasters for external use;
  • for interior work;
  • decorative;
  • restoration;
  • special (sound-, heat-insulating, moisture-resistant, chemical substances and others).

Putties are used in the final stage of finishing: preparing walls for painting or wallpapering. The most widely used are gypsum putties for indoor use and waterproof cement putties for outdoor use. The division of dry building mixtures into plasters and putties is conditional. Some manufacturers may call all materials only plasters (starting, finishing) or only putties.

Repair mixtures

Dry mixtures for geometry restoration concrete structures (monolithic coverings, floors, flights of stairs, window, door slopes and others) are produced on the basis of cement. After gaining strength, repair compounds can withstand loads of up to 50 MPa (depending on the brand).

Mounting mixtures

A group of dry building mixtures intended for laying piece elements (bricks, blocks and others). The material is used for the construction of walls, pilasters, stoves, fireplaces and other structures. As a rule, the compositions have a strength grade of M100-M300. There are colored varieties of mixtures for facing bricks, heat-insulating for installation of wall blocks from cellular concrete, frost-resistant and fire-resistant.

Adhesive mixtures

Materials are used to fix various elements to horizontal and vertical surfaces. Common varieties - tile adhesives(for ceramic, expanded clay concrete and other types of tiles), compositions for installing insulation (mineral, synthetic), for fixing artificial and natural stone, mosaics, drywall and more. Features of adhesive mixtures are the shortest period of setting and strength gain, the possibility of contact with water, high load-bearing capacity. When fixing elements on a vertical surface, they should not slide or move away.

Self-leveling floors and self-leveling screeds

A separate type of dry mixtures designed for leveling horizontal surfaces. The compositions allow you to smooth out differences in the subfloor in the shortest possible time with minimal labor costs and prepare the surface for finishing laminate, linoleum, carpet and other materials. Mixtures of increased strength and wear resistance for industrial floors are available. Distinctive feature compositions - minimal and uniform shrinkage during the drying process, ease of use, durability.

General building mixtures

These are traditional mixtures for cooking cement-sand mortars. Can be used for various types masonry, plastering, screeding, concreting, for interior and exterior work. The main differences are a guarantee of the quality of the solution of the declared brand, strict dosing of components, convenience and ease of use.

Trademarks of dry construction mixtures presented on the Russian market and the Russian Union of Manufacturers

The domestic market offers a wide range of dry construction mixtures of Russian and foreign production. The following materials are distributed:

  • Ceresit Henkel;
  • Knauf;
  • Mapei;
  • Ivsil;
  • bolars;
  • Bergauf;
  • Weber-Vetonit;
  • Glims;
  • Prospectors;
  • Founds;
  • Volma;
  • Rusean and a number of other brands.

In Russia, there is an association of manufacturers of dry building mixtures, whose activities contribute to the development of the industry, improving product quality, and ensuring dialogue between the consumer and the manufacturer of the product. The Union takes part in the processes of industry standardization of materials, pursues a policy of popularizing dry mixes in the construction market, carries out explanatory work and provides consultations. The official website of the union contains up-to-date information and last news market of dry construction mixtures.

One of the Henkel factories

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Currently, the Russian market is literally oversaturated with manufacturers of dry construction mixtures. Let’s figure out what segments this market can be divided into and which brands are leading in it.

Manufacturers of dry gypsum-based building mixtures

A large share - almost a third of the Russian market - is occupied by the manufacturer of gypsum mixtures Knauf. Putties, plasters, mixtures for self-leveling floors, tile adhesives, masonry and grout mixtures, levelers - growth rate of sales of dry Knauf mixtures surprise. Every year Knauf factories increase sales by 35%. Knauf has been known in Russia since 1993, and has about 250 enterprises around the world.


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Building mixtures M150, M200, M300 significantly simplify and speed up the entire work process, both for specialists and for people who decide to make repairs on our own. These building materials are so convenient to use that there is no need to experiment with the selection of components; it’s easier to take ready mixture and after reading the instructions on the package, add water and start working with the ready-made solution.

How to choose which mixture to buy

Whether it’s renovation of an apartment or large-scale construction of an industrial complex, when choosing necessary materials their purpose must be taken into account - each type of construction, repair or finishing work corresponds to a certain type of construction dry mixtures.

For leveling and plastering walls, sealing cracks and eliminating chips in concrete, brickwork in residential and production premises, in office and commercial buildings, the universal mixture M150 is most suitable , which is also convenient to use when renovating old premises and when preparing floors, walls, ceilings for final finishing in new buildings.

For unstable moving soils, in active seismic zones, the M200 dry mixture is simply irreplaceable. Its use will ensure the reliability and strength of the masonry load-bearing walls, partitions made of brick, foam concrete, cinder blocks. Material M200 is also used when laying concrete blocks for foundations, for interconnection window openings and lintels, walls and window sills, other individual building elements, requiring increased strength.

Sand concrete M300 allows you to quickly correct uneven floors, walls and ceilings, prepare all flat surfaces for further painting, whitewashing and wallpapering. In a short time, with a minimum of costs, by choosing sand concrete, you can seal seams and cracks and eliminate frequent defects in foundations in monolithic structures.

It is from the M300 solution that the primary leveling of floors in industrial and private premises, garages is carried out, and entrances to the house are equipped. Without fear that the structures will not crumble after a few years, various reinforcing and decorative elements are produced from this material.

Sale of dry mixes M150, M200, M300

The brands of dry compounds M150, M200, M300 combine ease of use, favorable price and quality. By contacting our company, you can profitably buy high-quality building materials from manufacturers reasonable prices from warehouses in Moscow and near Moscow. Wholesale and regular customers Our company provides preferential discounts. Delivery within Moscow and outside the Moscow region, as well as pickup from the warehouse, is possible.

The sale of building mixtures wholesale and retail is carried out from warehouses in Moscow and near Moscow in any quantities. Our company’s specialists will provide consulting services and help you make right choice brand and type of mixture. Buying high-quality dry mixes M150, M200, M300 from our company means insuring yourself against counterfeit building materials. Contact our company and you will be satisfied not only with the quality of service, but also with the high quality of building materials!

Dry building mixtures M150

Composition and properties of the M150 mixture

For the M150 mixture, an original composition is provided, which includes washed river sand, high quality Portland cement, and mineral plasticizers can be added depending on the type of construction work. The M150 building material, easy to apply to the surface, has good strength and easily adheres to the surface being treated. The high environmental friendliness of M-150 brand materials is combined with resistance to frost and moisture.

Features of the use of M150 mixtures

Strength, ductility and economical cost in consumption allowed the M150 brand to be used for the preparation of mortars for laying concrete blocks and bricks, for priming and puttying of ceilings and walls. When performing not difficult repair work When sealing seams, cracks, and crevices, it is convenient to use M150 brand mixtures, since this building material is sold ready for use.

To start construction work, you just need to add water and mix everything until smooth, observing the ratio of proportions of water and dry powder indicated on the packaging. The resulting solution retains its properties for up to two hours; the ambient temperature should be 5 degrees above zero.

Dry building mixtures M200

Composition and properties of the M200 mixture

To improve its properties, the M200 grade is supplemented with certified high-quality binders - Portland cement, mineral plasticizer and dry construction sand.
Of the many positive characteristics M200 has not only high strength, high adhesion to mineral substrates, vapor permeability, but also frost resistance, which makes it possible to use the M200 material for external and internal works.

Features of the use of M200 mixtures

Dry mixture M200, installation and masonry, used for bricklaying, concreting, sealing and repair concrete walls, installation of flights of stairs and floor slabs, floor screeds. M200 is also used when working in places of high load - ground floors, foundations, wall concrete blocks. Mixtures of the M150 and M200 brands contain a suspended amount of cement, which gives the right to confidently characterize the dry compositions M150 and M200 as high-quality building materials. Like M150, the mixture under the M200 brand is easy to prepare and use.

Mix M300 (sand concrete)

Composition and properties of sand concrete grade M300

Sand concrete grade M300, consists of construction river sand– large and small, Portland cement, special mineral additives and plasticizers. Quick-hardening Portland cement of high-strength grades is used as the main binder component; plasticizers are necessary to increase plasticity; special additives prevent delamination of the finished solution.

Sand concrete is characterized, first of all, by environmental safety, convenient use in all types of construction work, high strength, frost resistance, water resistance, and resistance to shrinkage. Sand concrete is not subject to corrosion, has high adhesion (strong adhesion to the surface), provides thermal and noise insulation of rooms, and is resistant to temperature changes.

Features of the use of sand concrete grade M300

Due to its composition, M300 sand concrete has undoubted advantages over other self-leveling materials. cement mixtures. Being very durable and ductile building material, sand concrete is used for facade and interior work, for pouring foundations and concrete forms, concrete screeds When constructing concrete walls, cracks and seams are sealed with a mortar mixture.

Each package of sand concrete M300 indicates the conditions, methods and rules of preparation mortar mixture. The amount of added water affects the strength and durability of the mixtures: excess water leads to the formation of cracks, lack of water leads to poor surface quality and reduced strength. With materials based on sand concrete M300, the minimum strength is achieved after two days, the final strength gain at temperatures above 10 degrees occurs after 28 days.

Sand concrete should be stored in dry, ventilated areas. The properties of sand concrete under the M300 brand are preserved during storage, transportation, and warehousing thanks to special packaging. Transportation and storage are convenient and safe, since the composition of sand concrete is non-toxic. Low price sand concrete M300 allows you to perform construction works any volumes at the lowest cost.

Perel production line

Dry building mixtures brand " Perel» are produced on a new production line, which is located in Shchelkovo (Moscow region). All products are manufactured using modern European equipment using quality And environmentally friendly raw materials, and all necessary chemical components purchased from leading European manufacturers.

A well-coordinated team of professional plant technologists" Perel" created unique own developments, thanks to which the plant’s products are not inferior in quality to foreign analogues, and in certain indicators significantly exceed them. The use of the highest quality components made it possible to obtain 14 color shades And 12 shades intended for filling seams. All colors are extremely stable and last for a very long period of time.

Thanks to large volumes and minimal costs manual labor managed to bring the cost of the entire produced range of construction dry mixtures to minimum levels. Product prices " Perel" is lower than that of competitors, and the quality of the materials produced is much higher.

The marketing strategy is aimed at popularizing its products, so the plant periodically holds seminars and takes part in various exhibitions.

The production of dry construction mixtures occurs in several stages

Brand mixtures " Perel", are produced on a new production line located in the city of Shchelkovo (Moscow region). All products are manufactured using modern European equipment using the best original developments. The team of technologists is constantly working to improve the formulation of products, choosing the most suitable for its production quality materials and production methods.

First stage - sand fractionation

Sand components undergo dispersion screening and separation into fractions. If the sand does not meet the requirements of the standard, it undergoes a beneficiation process in which all fractions larger than 5 mm are removed from it. The sifted sand is thoroughly washed to remove all dust and silty impurities. Afterwards, the sand, divided into fractions and washed, enters the drying machine. high power where all moisture evaporates.

Second phase - reception of raw materials

The composition of dry mixtures includes additives that allow modification of their composition. Careful analysis during acceptance of all materials allows us to guarantee the quality of the original product. For this, raw materials must be dry and non-hygroscopic. They must be well distributed in the mixture and be chemically resistant to all components. Additives must be quickly soluble and quickly dispersible. Careful acceptance control ensures the quality of Perel materials

Third stage - dosing

Correct, precise dosage is the key to the success of the entire production line. Despite the fact that the high-tech Perel line is equipped with high-precision weighing sensors, all ingredients are first weighed one by one on scales with an analytical function. Calculation in progress required quantity additives for the entire production process at the rate per one working stage.

Fourth stage - mixing

After careful formation, the dosed composition is loaded into a hopper, which is equipped with a screw conveyor and a dispenser. When programming the composition, a clear recipe is set. The process is automated and does not allow changing established standards. You can be sure that all components are mixed in strict accordance with standards, without extraneous influences and the possibility of penetration of by-products.

Fifth stage - laboratory control

Each batch produced is carefully controlled in the production technical laboratory. Here all indicators of the mixture are checked: quality, strength of the surface effect, mutual abrasive effect of the mixture particles; on the dispersion of particles resulting from the "additive" effect of the corresponding additive; on amorphization of quartz particles to different depths, depending on plastic deformation. After the laboratory’s conclusion, the products move to the next stage.

Sixth stage - packaging

The products are packaged in high quality paper bags, which ensure the mixture has a long shelf life. The weight of each bag is checked for precise scales shipping block, so the issue of underweight is completely eliminated.

Seventh stage - loading

The loading stage is fully automated. Bags of mixtures are formed into pallets, which are transported from the production site directly to the vehicle using a forklift.