Marina is written in different languages ​​of the world. Characteristics and interpretation of the name Marina. Name Marina in different languages


The name Marina is of Latin (ancient Roman) origin. Happened according to the main version from Latin word"marinus", which translates as "sea". It is not in demand in the West, but is popular in countries with Russian-speaking populations. And what is no less important, it is revered by Orthodox people.

The female name Marina is incredibly popular in our country. But the most interesting thing is not this, but the fact that this name has very strong energy and can endow the bearer with a whole list of good characteristics. And it also has good compatibility...

Conversational options: Marinka, Marishka, Masha, Marinushka

Modern English analogues: Maren, Marine, Marine

Meaning and interpretation of the name

According to the main version, the meaning of the name Marina promises its bearers such character traits as charm, mystery, love of freedom and independence, willfulness and emotionality. And his energy promises such traits as selfishness, vanity, prudence. For the most part, Marinas are girls with developed intelligence, excellent imagination and good imagination, sociable and sociable, but often too secretive.

A girl with this name can grow up to be a careerist, not created for higher feelings and family relationships. But if Marinas get married or create relationships, then they remain devoted to their boyfriends until last day until the relationship breaks down.

Advantages and positive features: Marinas never follow other people’s lead and have their own opinion on everything, which they do not give up even in stalemate situations. These girls are principled and at the same time kind, cheerful and optimistic, generous and smart.

Marina has a bad attitude towards people with extraordinary, unusual behavior and behavior that stands out from the crowd. She may avoid communicating with those who have too high self-esteem and hate selfish people.

The name Margarita is considered to be a related name to Marina. These names are patronized by one Saint, but at the same time, one is popular among Orthodox people, and the other among Catholics.

Character of the name Marina

The nature of the name Marina is such that most bearers of this name form are given a whole bunch of good characteristics, the main part of which is aimed at increasing their reputation in society. So, thanks to him, the character of a girl named in this way implies a cheerful disposition, determination, organizational gift, and the presence of such qualities as optimism and positivity. But at the same time, character can be endowed with a bunch of shortcomings, some of which have already been mentioned above - gullibility, unprincipledness, idealism, inability to recognize bad and good people, and inability to choose friends. However, all this is only a superficial description, and not one hundred percent accurate, because much in this case depends on additional factors...

So, among the additional factors influencing the character of the owner of the name form Marina, there are such as upbringing, zodiac sign, year according to the Chinese calendar, and even the time of year of birth...

Early childhood

Marina is a name familiar to every Russian-speaking person, without exception, and this is already a 100% fact. But the same fact is that the meaning of this name can bestow a baby named so with a whole bunch of important and required characteristics. So, in early childhood, a girl for whom her parents decided to choose the name Marina may exhibit such qualities as restlessness, activity, energy, disobedience, self-indulgence, noisiness, disorganization, talkativeness, eloquence, sociability and friendliness.

The energy of this name is capable of bestowing the named Marina with a bunch of other characteristics, but the main part of them manifests itself not in childhood, but in the later stages of growing up. However, the childhood of someone named in this way also cannot be ignored. Usually this is an overly active, spoiled, restless minx, always on the move and inventing things for herself that make everyone around her happy. The nature is overflowing with optimism and humor, and it is precisely because of this that the one who is protected by the significance of the name form Marina is always surrounded by attention.

Marina is surrounded by friends and like-minded people, attention and care, but at the same time, even being sometimes alone, she never suffers from it, because she is filled with emotions, fun, and the ability to be optimistic even when alone and in the most difficult situations...


For a teenage girl named Marina, her teenage period will be tortuous - she will not avoid disappointments, troubles, troubles, but also successes. Her life is painted with white and black stripes, this is a fact, but there is another fact - it says that meaning can really bestow upon her good characteristics at this stage of life. Among the huge list of characteristics in mind are: activity, mobility, efficiency, unprincipledness, lack of conflict, eloquence, sociability, friendliness, good nature, cheerfulness, optimism, and a cheerful disposition.

This girl has all the data to become a leader among her peers and classmates, but she does not have the data to become an exemplary student - teachers will most likely complain about this often. And the reason is one thing - this girl does not have such important qualities like perseverance and attentiveness. Significance endows the bearer of the name Marina with a good memory, excellent logical thinking and a complex mindset, but does not endow her with diligence, concentration and attentiveness - Marina can often abandon things halfway, and one should not expect diligence and commitment from her. And there is another big drawback - the meaning of the name Marina does not give her such important property as recognizing good and bad, that is, she doesn’t understand people well and usually makes a lot of mistakes in her life.

Adult woman

The adult Marina, over whom the meaning of this name form protects, is already a different person - maturity can give rise to commitment, diligence and a bunch of leadership inclinations in her. She is capable of becoming a leader and an excellent leader. What is especially striking is her determination - while she herself is not so interested in the goal itself as in the method of achieving it.

Friendliness, goodwill, willingness to help the weak and protect the innocent, the desire to be the first in everything without exception - these are her main advantages, but there are also disadvantages. Firstly, she may show selfishness, which does not always play into her hands, secondly, she is calculating and cunning, which may not please everyone, and thirdly, Marina is a person who has a poor understanding of people. In addition, the patronage of such a factor as the meaning of the name Marina can sometimes also bestow idealistic views - this mainly leads to the fact that she tries to see only the good in all people, without seeing pronounced shortcomings.

The interaction of Marin’s character with the seasons

Summer - here the owner of the name Marina is born under the influence of the meaning of Summer - a sensitive, kind and affectionate, sociable and positive girl who easily gains the respect and love of the people around her. Open, always strives for communication, even in choice professional activity. She is a seductress who lights men's hearts with love and tests their strength. And he will only love an obvious knight, strong and assertive.

Winter is a careerist girl, one who has such character qualities as exactingness, prudence, prudence, efficiency and attentiveness. She will easily sacrifice love and her own principles for the sake of profit and self-interest. She is sensitive to the choice of her chosen one, but the one she chooses will be incredibly lucky - she is passionate and fiery.

Spring - a spring girl by origin is romantic and mysterious, which is associated with a seasonal mood, she has an excellent character. A dreamer, she tries to idealize everything in her own eyes, and therefore often gets disappointed and withdraws into herself. She needs a spiritually close person, someone who can understand and predict her mood.

Autumn - a sensible and mentally balanced person is born here. In adult life will be successful and prudent, and will come out of any trouble dry. He knows the value of his qualities, and therefore is waiting for a prince who is bright emotionally and pure in heart. The chosen one will be lucky with her - an ideal wife, an excellent mother, a reliable keeper of the hearth, and has an excellent character.

The fate of the name Marina

The fate of the name, no matter what the name is about we're talking about, is always the most unpredictable and theoretical parameter. And yet, researchers, even modern ones, also pay due attention to it. It was thanks to this that several interesting points were clarified...

So, one of these moments says that Marina’s fate involves loneliness, at least until adulthood. But the reason is not the shortcomings of the girl herself and not the name variation Marina, but the fact that the girl named so is too serious about creating a couple and searching for a partner as such. She is too demanding of potential partners, and for a long time cannot find someone who will meet all her requirements - this is her fate.

On the other hand, fate is too illusory and imprecise a factor, and can ultimately lead to a completely different result. But one thing is known for sure - fate presupposes the eventual becoming of the girl named by the name form Marina as a good, faithful, caring wife. She may not become an ideal mother, but she will definitely be an excellent homemaker...

Love and marriage

Marina is a woman with a very strong and pragmatic character, but her heart also wants female happiness and strong family. From her husband she expects tenderness, care, love, as well as material stability and a feeling of endless celebration. With such requests, she can get burned more than once, so she is unlikely to achieve anything good from her first marriage. Only on the second attempt will she be able to create a strong enough family. Her second husband will be a fairly balanced and calm man who pays maximum attention to the family. By the way, do not forget that Marina gives great value material support for the family.

It’s interesting that sometimes the unjustified expectations placed on her husband can push her into the arms of another man, but Marina will never forgive her husband’s betrayal. It is important for her that her husband does not stop looking after him beautifully throughout the entire family life, showered her with compliments, but rudeness or humiliation on his part could become a reason for breaking off the relationship.

Marina's stubbornness and independence do not allow her to build friendly relations with her mother-in-law, so she will choose a self-sufficient man, not a mother's son. Marina does not like to spend a lot of time on family routine, but at the same time, her house is clean and orderly, and all household members are always fed. Marina is also always happy to receive guests.

Marina as Mother

Marina's life should be like a holiday, she always has a storm of emotions and they are constantly changing. She is not used to being a home hen and even with the birth of children, she is unlikely to become a housewife. However, it is impossible to call her a bad mother. Her children are always fed, well-groomed and dressed for the weather, but whether they have enough maternal attention is a question.

Of course, Marina simply adores her babies, but she lacks consistency in the process of raising them. For example, on one day she can punish them for simple pranks, and on another day she will ignore the children’s misdeeds. This can lead to the fact that children do not know how best to approach their mother and may move away from her.

Marina tries to turn the children’s lives into a holiday. She gives them the maximum amount of impressions, takes them on trips, takes them to the circus, amusement park, dancing, theater and zoo. Educational process she studies quite superficially, from time to time, looking through diaries and visiting parent meetings. She believes that this way children grow up to be more independent and responsible people.

Compatibility with male names

The most best compatibility at the name Marina with such names as Boris, Gleb, Gordey, Egor and Makar.

You can create a happy and long-lasting marriage with Prokhor, Semyon, Solomon, Rem, Moses, Modest, Arkhip and Mark, Maxim and David.

And with Yaroslav, Anton, Vilen, Demyan, Maximilian and Plato, you shouldn’t even try to build a family, because nothing good will come out of it one hundred percent.

The female name Marina is very popular. It sounds beautiful and promises many positive qualities. We’ll talk about what the name Marina means, what destiny and character it can bestow on a girl, and many other aspects.

What is the history and origin of the name Marina

The origin of the name Marina is ancient Roman (“sea”). Astrologers believe that the girl, named Marina, is wayward and emotional, charming and mysterious, independent. But the meaning of the name Marina is interpreted even differently: the character will contain selfishness, vanity and prudence.

The patroness of Marin is the Venerable Marina (Margarita). She was the daughter of a priest, she was beheaded for her religion in the 15th century, and before that she suffered many long torments.

The male name “Marin” arose first and personally, but over time it was forgotten, and the female “Marina”, which came from it, still exists today. This name is popular in many countries: Poland, Czech Republic, England, Italy.

Often Marina is a careerist and not the best option to build family relationships.

The character and fate of Marina

Marina is often arrogant, and she is also beautiful and often overestimates herself. She is able to subjugate her emotions, so we can say that her fate is in her hands.

Due to high self-esteem, relationships with mother-in-law are not easy. In an effort to surprise guests, Marina will work wonders in the kitchen. But you can’t call her an ideal mother. She is overly impulsive: she either tries to immediately fill in the gaps in upbringing, or leaves the children to their own devices for a long time.

The name can reward its bearer with many good qualities, most of which are aimed at increasing reputation in society. Marina has a cheerful disposition, organizational skills, purposeful. But at the same time there are a lot of negative characteristics. We'll talk about them below.

Character is also formed depending on the time of year, upbringing, zodiac sign and other factors.

Dependence of Marina’s character and fate on the time of year

Summer Marina. This time of year rewards the girl with sensitivity, affection, and kindness. She is sociable and positive, she easily manages to win the love and respect of others. She is open and extremely sociable, and she also chooses a profession that requires communication. She will easily seduce men's hearts and will definitely test their strength. Only the strong and assertive will win her heart.

In winter, Marinas are born who are demanding, calculating, judicious and businesslike. They are overly self-interested. For the sake of selfishness and profit, they will sacrifice love and principles.

Spring Marina is romantic and mysterious. She is a dreamer and tries to idealize those around her, so she is often disappointed and withdraws into herself. The ideal man for her would be a man close in spirit, able to predict and understand her mood.

Marina, born in autumn, is distinguished by her prudence and balance. She is prudent and successful, able to get away with any situation. She knows her worth, so she won’t marry the first person she gets. She needs a person who is emotional and pure in soul. Autumn Marina is a good wife, mother, and will reliably keep the hearth and hearth.

What to expect from a child named Marina

Marina is a very cheerful and active child, emotional and open. Already at this age she is endowed with self-confidence, which not every child has. She cannot stand prohibitions. Little Marina is adored by adults; she easily finds mutual language with peers and soon tries to take a leadership position in joint games.

At the same time, the parents’ relationship with Marina is not easy even at this age. She is too active, spoiled, restless, and despotic. She tries to subjugate her relatives and is difficult to educate. Closer to school it becomes restless. Marina easily grasps and remembers everything, but stubbornness and the desire to do everything her own way get in the way, and this leads to difficulties and conflicts at school. She is relaxed and smart, with a cheerful disposition and self-esteem. He speaks the truth to everyone's face; he will not tolerate lies and betrayal. Marina will not let anyone down. You can expect fights and all sorts of intrigues from her. At times she is lively, then she takes on the role of an organizer, but in her meaning of the name Marinaiz, due to her changeable mood, her interest quickly passes and all her ideas fail.

The name gives her an unstable character, which makes her look for new acquaintances and travel. It will not be easy for parents because of Marina’s excessive sociability, since she will often have to be persuaded to spend time with the family.

Important! Marina is a girl with an unfeminine character. Parents need to make efforts to raise Marina and instill in her more feminine traits, such as tenderness, softness, sentimentality and romanticism.

The girl loves perfect cleanliness in the house. Handles things carefully. She is affectionate with pets, but will not sit near them for a long time. Marina is more interested in spending time with her peers, most often with boys. And here parents need to instill in time a love for women’s activities: cleaning, cooking, playing with girls, otherwise Marina may grow up to be a tomboy.

Teenage Marina

Marina's teenage years are often tortuous. There will be troubles, troubles and disappointments along her path, but at the same time success will also accompany her. But the meaning of the name can give her during this period and good qualities that will help her overcome her black streaks.

Marina can become a leader among her classmates, but due to her lack of such qualities as perseverance and attentiveness, diligence and concentration, she will not be able to achieve success in her studies, therefore, most likely, parents will often receive complaints from teachers. In addition to everything, she does not have a sense of commitment and diligence, which prevents her from completing what she has done.

And Marina does not know how to distinguish good from bad at all, she does not know how to see this in people and, more often than not, she makes a lot of mistakes throughout her life. In addition, the patronage of the name in the future can also endow Marina with idealistic views, since she tries to see only the good in all people.

Adult Marina

In mature Marina, diligence and commitment can arise. If this happens, she can become a good leader. She has a sense of purpose that will lead to achieving her goal. She is friendly and friendly, ready to help the weak. She strives to be first in everything, but this desire can be considered not only as a positive, but also as a negative in character. This way she may show selfishness, which will not always play into her hands; not everyone will like her prudence and cunning.

Marina in relationships with men, marriage

The fate of this name is the most unpredictable, but thanks to research we can talk about the following interesting factors. One of them is that Marina’s fate involves loneliness. The problem is not with the girl herself, but with the fact that she is too serious about choosing a partner; Marina is demanding of them, so for a long time she cannot choose a partner for herself. But still, fate suggests that, even in adulthood, Marina can become an ideal keeper of the hearth, but not an ideal mother.

Marina has a developed sense of self-esteem, therefore, when faced with the betrayal of her loved one, she will not accept it even if the divorce threatens her with ruin. In the presence strangers she is capable of arranging a scene of jealousy for her beloved.

It is best if next to Marina there is a flexible and calm person who can provide her with the necessary standard of living. Marina must constantly feel the attention of her beloved, he must take this factor into account.


Sex means a lot to Marina: satisfying love passion, a way of self-expression and getting rid of complexes. She chooses men who are beautiful, strong and charming.

Passion flares up in her instantly. The man she likes can... special effort get her on the first evening.

But to achieve satisfaction, Marina does not have to feel love for her partner. We can say that passion accompanies this woman all her life.

Sexual activity also depends on the time of year. So for those born in winter and spring, sex is one of the most significant parts life. Such a woman is active in sex and gets excited quickly. When choosing a man for marriage, first of all she will pay attention to temperament. A man who is not active enough is not a potential partner for her.

It is difficult for Autumn Marina to achieve complete sexual satisfaction. In sex, she loves variety, so she has love games, fantasies, and originality.

Year-old Marina's relationship with her partner is somewhat superficial. For this reason, she often feels lonely, even when achieving physical satisfaction.


Having matured, Marina will learn to control her emotions, but superficiality and passion will never leave her. Deciding on a career choice will not be easy. A girl can study for several years, and then give up everything and start from scratch. It is better for them to choose a job where they have to give orders. Marina may become interested in art; here it is best to focus on sculpture. Marina can make a good artist. In any case, others will be fooled.


Marinas believe that they have the health of a horse, so they don’t have to spare themselves. They sleep little, eat poorly, and work a lot. They need to know about their weak spots: vegetative nervous system, genitals, respiratory tract.

Marina is beautiful name You will learn from our article what this name means and how it affects a person’s destiny.

Marina, an accurate description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a girl, girl, woman with that name? From the site

Origin and meaning of the name Marina

Name Marina. How the origin of the name influenced its meaning

It is assumed that the name Marina came to us from antiquity and is derived from the rare male name Marin.

Marin, in turn, comes from the Latin word “marinus” - sea.

The name Marina, the origin and meaning of this ancient name greatly influences the life of a girl. The sound of this name is associated in our minds with the image of a soft wave, sea ​​foam. The patron saint of Marin is the Venerable Marina (Margarita) - the daughter of a priest who suffered for her religion - her adherence to the Christian faith. In the 15th century, she was beheaded after prolonged torture. The name Marina is popular in many countries. Such as England, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic. In England this name sounds like Mary, in Poland tenderly Maruna.

What kind of character can the girl Marina have?

The character of young Marina is spontaneous and open. Characteristics of the name Marina:

  • pride
  • impetuosity
  • openness
  • honesty
  • hard work
  • creative talent

She also has difficult traits. Such as

  • slight arrogance
  • touchiness
  • excitability
  • impatience
  • impulsiveness
  • ambition
  • idealism

Due to emotional instability, Marina is inclined to commit spontaneous, impetuous actions. It may suddenly boil over, pouring out indignation at a loved one. Marishka grows up as a wayward girl, alien to empty gossip and intrigues. Despite her inherent egoism and selfishness in friendship, she is honest and open.

School success is subject to her unstable character and mood. If the subject is interesting and will inspire her. Marina can become an excellent student. Otherwise, he approaches his studies calmly and evenly.

What fate awaits Marina?

Characteristics of the name Marina, character traits and fate of a girl named Marina

Marina shines in any, even the most sophisticated society. She, like a bright planet, strives to outshine her rivals, to be at the center of events, and to have numerous fans constantly circling in her orbit. As a result, Marina cannot boast of an abundance of friends. Many men fall under her charm, but all her hobbies are not long-lasting. And to fill the gap, she builds friendly, short-term, easy relationships with men.

Marina is a born wife and she makes incredible efforts to arrange personal life, creating a family nest.

She prefers family comfort to a professional career. But the relationship with her husband quickly tires the wayward Marina. Relationships for her lose their novelty and bright colors. She is irritated by family problems. And this family hearth, which she so dreamed of building, becomes a burden to her. Fickle Marina is looking for a new relationship. Trying to find a partner with high intelligence, wealthy, capable of enticing her into a stormy relationship. But even here she will not calm down. She needs constant, minute-by-minute adoration from the outside. loving person. Marina is arrogant and will not tolerate the presence of another woman next to her man. Even in the face of her mother-in-law, Marina will see a source of danger and threat.

Marina adores children, but is reluctant to raise them.

The Name Marina contains the masculine qualities of a leader. She is ambitious, hard-working, and ready to load both herself and her employees with large volumes of work. In order to achieve her goal, she is ready to work for days on end, she is exhausted. He is not afraid to develop new large-scale projects. A broad outlook, great organizational skills, and the makings of a leader allow her to climb the career ladder step by step.

Marina is a creative, purposeful, intellectual person. She is always open to new things and strives to live life to the fullest. Not afraid to experiment. In the future, she may become a talented actress, journalist, or fashion designer.

In her personal life, the horoscope promises her early marriage. which is often unsuccessful. In her companion, Marina sees a reliable shoulder, healing and support. She chooses men herself. This must be an accomplished, financially secure man with good appearance. But if the spouse does not live up to expectations, he suddenly cools off, steps aside, and switches to another candidate.

In later life she is a wonderful housewife. Her house is in order, her children and husband are well-groomed.

What will the child named Marina be like?

If a girl is named Marina, then what kind of character will a child named Marina have?

At birth, household members call the little child Marisha, Marochka, Musya, Ina. The name Marina, the meaning of the name for a girl makes her character decisive. From early childhood, everyone adored little Marishka for her cheerfulness, openness, and emotionality. She easily finds common contact with children and herself becomes the initiator of joint games. In games he tries to take the role of a leader.

The girl loves events, emotions, and strives to make her life bright. Marina's unstable emotional character makes her strive for new acquaintances, travel, and create a festive mood for loved ones. She is distinguished by spontaneity and suddenness in her actions. She is inclined to participate in light adventures, which will often become a reason for concern for parents in childhood.

Since childhood, Marina has been decisive, courageous, and straightforward. With proper upbringing, parents can instill in her more feminine traits - tenderness, softness, romanticism and slight sentimentality.

As a child, the girl loves to help her mother and take care of the household. Marina loves perfect cleanliness and order in the house, and is careful in handling things. He treats pets well, but without much passion. Prefers to play with peers. He often chooses boys as his playmates. If her parents do not instill in her a love for feminine activities - playing with girls, cooking, household chores - she may grow up to be a tomboy.

The name Marina gives a woman freedom, willfulness, and the charm of the sea elements. The origin of the name from the Latin Marius allows it to be translated as sea.

Marina's main patron is Marina of Antioch. She lived in the 3rd century, was born and raised by pagan parents, who married her off at the age of 15. Despite this, she wholeheartedly accepted Christianity and did not renounce her faith even under torture. In the end, Marina was executed, like all her followers. Another patron of these women can be Marina of Syria, who lived in a cave in prayer for more than half a century.

According to the church month, girls with this name can celebrate name days several times a year, on March 3, July 18, orthodox calendar contains information about the following days of the angel - March 13 and July 30.

The meaning of the name Marina is determined zodiac horoscope and talismans. This name can be used for girls born under the sign of Pisces; it will bring good luck. The Moon and Venus patronize women, imparting femininity and mystery; the color is sea green, ideal for Marin.

The best time of year is winter, and important events usually take place on Thursdays. The totem plant - lily, gives trust, purity and at the same time power and greatness. According to legend, this flower grew from Eve’s tears, which fell to earth when she left paradise. Marina's favorite animals are seahorse and trout.

The seahorse is a symbol of movement, determination, and loyalty to ideals. And trout bestows wisdom and activity. The best jewelry for Marina is with mother-of-pearl and black opal. Mother of pearl helps maintain peace and tranquility, heals the nervous system, and is responsible for good mood, gives energy for life. Black opal protects against fears and sharpens intuition.

This very rare stone has high energy. For the full release of power, it must be donated or inherited by the owner. It is worth remembering that black opal does not tolerate deceit and hypocrisy; it will leave such a mistress.

The full name is Marina, and affectionately the girls can be called Marinka, Marishka, Marinochka, Marisha, Rina, Rinulya, Marochka.

Meaning of the name

Women named Marina have a bright temperament. They are always relaxed and self-confident, courage - main feature their character. Marishkas love attention and try to achieve it. At the same time, these women prefer to decide everything on their own, and often for them loneliness is the only sure way out in order to preserve their pride.


Marin's character is characterized by impulsiveness; they are easily excitable, impatient, and sociable. The secret of the name lies in the fact that it contains a certain mystery. At first glance, the character is dual; the owners of this name commit actions that are difficult to predict and explain. This is due to emotional and mental instability.

Pride, impetuosity, touchiness, readiness to explode at any moment often interfere with living and communicating peacefully; love can turn into hatred in a matter of minutes. He speaks straightforwardly what he thinks to his face, and does not tolerate gossip and talk behind his back. At the same time, her opinion often differs from the opinion of the majority. He prefers not to interfere in other people's affairs.

Marinochka makes her first impression as an open and sincere person, which means for those around her that it is easy to communicate with her. This is a mistake; in fact, her secrecy prevents her from being frank.

There is a certain amount of arrogance in her; Marina has a very high opinion of herself. Despite her outward evenness and friendliness, she is rarely spiritually close to anyone.

This woman tends to withdraw into herself, especially when things don’t go the way she wants. There will be many dark streaks in her life, but mental suffering allows her to live. She simply cannot live without it, otherwise life seems dull, and Marishka creates problems for herself. Melancholic by nature, she is often overtaken by depressive states.

Marochka knows how to manipulate people well, and often her friends are just a tool in in capable hands to achieve goals. Benefit for herself comes first, so she has few close friends. He copes poorly with difficulties and often gives in to them. He can offend a person, but, despite his touchiness, he quickly cools down and forgets about the bad things.

It seems that her life is ruled by emotions, but this is not entirely true. She knows how to deal with them, thinks through her actions in advance, thinks sensibly before taking a step, weighs everything carefully. Holds fate in his hands. He never misses out on personal happiness, strictly monitors his actions and does not give in to momentary impulses. Weakness is not about Marina!


It is difficult to predict what fate awaits the owner of this sea ​​name. No one can completely understand Marinochka, not even herself. This woman can live a long, quiet life or a bright, memorable one, filled with inspired actions. A strong character allows you to remain a mystery to other people.

The characteristics of the name in terms of fate are such that Marishka won’t sit within four walls for a day, she needs communication. Since childhood, he has preferred male society, where he can show a lively mind and high intelligence. In her youth, a girl learns to control her emotions, but she will always be characterized by a change in interests. It is quite possible that after a few years of study she will understand that the subject is not hers and will begin to master a new specialty.

For Rinochka it is important to show your creativity, this is the meaning of her life. Fate is influenced by when the girl was born. Success in their careers awaits winter women who have insight and determination, but in their personal lives they are able to show character and create scenes.

Born in spring, Mariska is a mysterious girl who adores the world of dreams and illusions. Which often leads to depression and disappointment. Summer women are open and sociable, they easily find their calling. For men, such a woman is simply a goddess. Marina, born in the fall, is serious and calm. He copes easily with all difficulties, values ​​and knows himself. She meets her ideal man, with whom she creates a great family.


Since childhood, Marishka has been surrounded by male attention, she early comprehends the secrets of the male essence, intuition helps her in this. Possessing a special charm and natural magnetism, she will never be alone; fans surround this woman all the time. At first, Marina is not very keen on marriage; she comes to this over time.

Marochka chooses charismatic and wealthy men who are able to surround her with love and care. She makes high demands on her partner, but she herself is ready to do everything possible for him. A sharp negative reaction is caused by disrespect for oneself, rudeness, this can lead to a break in relationships.

Marina's husband should understand that she will never give up active life. This is not the person who will devote himself entirely to the household and children. Monotony and everyday routine are another reason that can destroy a family. Although this woman creates with inspiration in the kitchen, amazing her household and guests with her culinary delights.

She loves children, but is lazy in raising them. He can actively participate in their lives and pay maximum attention to them, but sometimes he completely lets everything take its course and leaves the children simply unattended. How strong the family will be is also influenced by the name of the potential partner.

Marishka can have an ideal relationship with Makar, Trofim, Boris, Gordey, Dmitry, Egor, Nikolai. A good pair will be with Anatoly, Mark, Semyon, Konstantin, Pavel, Victor, Vitaly, Sergey, Evgeny, Eldar, Klim. But it’s not worth taking risks and connecting your life with Vladislav, Savely, Yaroslav, Arthur, Oleg in order to avoid disappointment.


Main strong quality owners of the name Marina - determination. She always confidently moves towards her goal, achieving what she wants. It is very difficult to lead her astray, which allows her to reach great heights in her career. Marinochka will make an excellent leader who works according to a strictly planned plan and achieves results. She is not afraid to take on responsibility and handles it well.

Success awaits Marishka in creative professions. She can try herself in cinema or theater, where she will definitely receive recognition. The field of art is not the only thing that attracts her. Marina will make a good engineer or doctor, journalist or scientist. The desire to be visible and constantly develop will help in your career. In addition, this woman quickly acquires the necessary acquaintances.

The main motivators in work are financial independence and fame.. But as for starting her own business, Marina is not recommended to do this. The fact is that this is an impulsive person, and in business several other qualities are needed - toughness, cynicism, flair, which Marinochka lacks. However, she easily organizes the work process and knows how to lead.

It is common for almost every person to experience an increased interest in everything that concerns his own person. That is why we are interested in horoscopes, turn to psychics and hypnotists, calculate our destiny by date of birth or tell fortunes about the name of our chosen one. One of the most powerful forces influencing character, life and destiny is our name. The name Marina is no exception.

What does it mean and where does it come from?

The origin and meaning of the name Marina is rooted in the history of the Roman Empire. Marina is the female form of the ancient and rare name Marin, which comes from the Latin word marinus - sea.
But it is also the second name of the ancient Roman goddess Venus. Venus Marina - this is how they addressed the patroness of the Romans and the goddess of love in a respectful manner. The ancient Greek version of the name of the goddess is Aphrodite Pelagia.

Did you know?Venezuelans are considered the most inventive people when it comes to names. Thus, thanks to the film industry, many« superheroes» - Batman and Superman. Moreover, there are even people in the country named Hitler. Following this reversal, the government released a document containing a list of recommended names.

During the times of Rus', the name was not common, and began to appear only in the 17th century. Then they called commoner girls. However, to end of the 19th century Century, the situation changed - more and more girls began to be called Marina.

The peak of popularity fell in the 50s of the last century and continued until the end of the century. Nowadays, modern children are often called this way.

Day Angel

In Orthodoxy there were several saints whose names were Marina, in their honor today they celebrate name day and angel day - March 13 and July 30 (old church calendar February 28 and July 18, respectively).

  1. Spring name days are celebrated in honor of Marina Beriyskaya, who, upon reaching adulthood, left her father’s house and decided to become a recluse. The saint spent her entire life in a small cave, eating food once every 40 days. The only times when the recluse broke her solitude were on a trip to Jerusalem to the Holy Sepulcher and to the region of Isauria.
  2. IN summer time The name day of Marina of Antioch, the holy virgin and great martyr, is celebrated. At the age of 12, the girl voluntarily accepted Christian faith, although her father was a priest, as a result he disowned her. At the age of 15, the girl received a marriage proposal, but she refused because she did not want to change her faith. Then they began to brutally torture her: they drove nails into her hands, flogged her with rods and tortured her with fire. On the third day, a radiance appeared above the girl’s head and the people, seeing this, began to glorify God. The angry king ordered the execution of the girl and everyone who believed in Christ. The Great Martyr is also called Margaret.

Short and diminutive address

To gently address a girl named Marina, you can use the following diminutive options:

  • Marisha, Marishka;
  • Marinka;
  • Marinushka.
The following variations are sometimes heard, although they may also apply to other female names:
  • Marie;
  • Marusya, Marisya;
  • Marunya, Marusha;
  • Masha;
  • Rina;

Did you know? During times Soviet Union It was popular to invent names in honor of great discoveries or achievements of party leaders. For example, Kukutsapol - corn is the queen of the fields, Dazdraperma - long live the first of May, Uryurvkos - hurray, Yura in space and others.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

This name has Latin roots and is very popular in the Christian world, so it is difficult to say which nationality Marina belongs to.

However, in other languages, a young lady with this name can be called differently:

  1. French - Marine, Marinette, Marianne.
  2. Norwegian - Maren.
  3. Hebrew - Miriam.
  4. Italian - Marina, Marinella, Marinuccia.
  5. Spanish - Marina, Mar.
  6. Dutch - Marina, Marein, Martier, Rina, Rineke.

Character Traits, Temperament and Behavior

The positive traits of a woman with this name include courage, creative talent, attractiveness, directness and honesty. Marina knows her worth and can subjugate other people.

The girl may not be distinguished by her model appearance and beauty, but she constantly attracts male attention.
But there is also negative side: young ladies are characterized by mental and emotional instability, they can explode at any moment, and their strong love V a short time can develop into burning hatred.

The young lady's passion is similar to the flame of a match: it ignites with lightning speed a new interest, forgetting about the old ones, but just as quickly becomes disillusioned with it. The girl is distinguished by stubbornness, willfulness and excessive idealism.

Perhaps the best synonym for this name is “impulsiveness.” This young lady herself may not know what she will do in the next second.

Important!Girls named Marina can easily succumb to melancholy, feelings of emptiness and detachment, revel in the suffering of love and may be prone to depression.

IN difficult situations can withdraw into itself, protect itself from the whole world. However, she is able to subordinate the mind to emotions, so she performs many actions deliberately and carefully.

Study, professions and career

Diligent students are definitely not about them: at school, girls often start fights, even with boys, and become cocky. People with this name have high intelligence, however, along with impulsiveness, they can make wrong decisions and make mistakes.

They are able to study one profession for several years, and then give up everything at one moment and change the vector of interests by 180°. Such frivolity often becomes an insurmountable obstacle to career success.

Choosing a profession often turns into real torture for a girl, because she is interested in everything at once, but she does not know what to delve into more thoroughly.

With age, Marina understands that her main priority is motherhood and family, therefore she is not active in career matters, but at home she turns into the most tender and loving wife and mother.
A woman shows interest in education and medicine, so she often chooses the profession of a doctor, teacher, or hairdresser. However, due to great imagination and ingenuity, he can also choose creative professions: acting, journalism, music, drawing.

If Marina gets a job, it should be with a free schedule and wide scope for creativity.

If unfulfilled, the girl may develop an inferiority complex.

Health and hobbies

The girl’s main weak points are the nervous system, teeth and digestive organs.

Due to nervous overstrain, Marin may develop eating disorders, so it is important to instill in the child a culture of eating from an early age, wean him off stress eating, and teach him to cope with nervous overload in a different way, because these ladies are prone to excess weight.
You also need to carefully monitor your dental health, especially during the period.

In adolescence, a girl, like many teenagers, is characterized by rudeness and irritability. However, it is impossible to respond to a young girl with the same feelings - in the future this can become a great trauma for the psyche.

Friendship, love relationships and family

Marina is sociable and hates boredom and monotony. Therefore, it is difficult to keep her at home; she loves to spend time in the company of friends. However, her environment is mostly male - Marina considers women her rivals, which is why she has few friends.

It’s easy for a girl to attract the attention of any man, but she often fails to build a long-lasting relationship with him: she gets tired of the monotony, monotony of actions, routine.

The girl's chosen one should be handsome, strong, charming, she will appreciate if the intellectual abilities of her companion are higher than her own.
From young man the girl is waiting for financial support, large quantity attention, compliments, gifts, care.

Only a strong, calm and patient chosen one can cope with the difficult, stubborn and hot-tempered character of a girl. However, if he lives up to her expectations in marriage, Marina is capable of becoming the best wife.

Relationships with children can be difficult due to the mother's impulsiveness: maternal care and attention can quickly give way to indifference. Therefore, children often do not know how to approach their mother. When it comes to household chores, Marina is a thrifty person.

Compatibility with male names

The most suitable chosen ones for Marina may be men whose names are:

  • Sergey;
  • Vladimir.

So as not to darken family relationships, a girl should avoid contact with young men whose names are Anatoly, Nikolay, Stanislav, Boris.

Did you know? The longest name in the world belongs to an Indian named Brahmatra - so it takes about 10 minutes to read it. It consists of place names, surnames famous people And geographical names and has 1478 letters.

The meaning of the letters in the name and numerology

The spelling of the name Marina is as follows:

  • M - associated with curiosity, interest in everything unknown, endless charm;
  • A - symbolizes leadership, new beginnings, achievements, the desire for excellence;
  • R - a person with this letter in the name can get to the bottom of things, has great patience, but is not devoid of self-esteem;
  • And - symbolizes directness, honesty, critical thinking and at the same time spirituality and harmony;
  • N - for a person with this letter in his name, skepticism is typical; he will scrupulously monitor his surroundings, health, and appearance. Will show diligence in work;
  • A - the interpretation is given above.

Interestingly, for all names consisting of full form of 6 letters, characterized by the ability to shock and surprise others with its originality.

The girls' number becomes five. She symbolizes endless energy, movement, progress. The number is also associated with freedom, restlessness, a good ability to experience change and find a way out of the most difficult situations.

Name Astrology

The description of the name Marina will be incomplete without astrological data.

  1. The girl is ruled by the planet Venus.
  2. Aries is considered the lucky sign of the zodiac. If you call an Aries girl Marina, she will be able to demonstrate her natural talents and abilities to the maximum and will achieve considerable success.
  3. Happy season: winter.
  4. Happy day of the week: Thursday.
  5. Suitable colors: red, yellow, steel.
  6. Lucky shades are black and dark blue.
  7. Stone: black opal, mother of pearl.
  8. Name flower: lily.
  9. Animals: seahorse (symbolizes movement towards a goal), trout (symbolizes wisdom, energy).
  10. Tree: horse chestnut.

To protect against the evil eye and balance state of mind you can buy a small figurine of a lily, a skate, or find a couple of chestnuts and always carry it with you in your purse. To others excellent option There will be jewelry made of opal and mother-of-pearl.

Name in history: famous and successful people

History has been generous to women named Marina. So, among young ladies with that name there were often actresses, writers, and artists.

  • Marina Vladi- wife of Vladimir Vysotsky, theater and television actress. This talented woman was also involved in sculpture; several books were published from her pen. Has Russian origin.

  • Marina Tsvetaeva- Russian poetess, the most brilliant writer Silver Age Russian poetry.

  • Marina Abramovich- Serbian performance artist. The artist’s performances and creative experiments often shock and even shock the public, because Abramovich explores very complex and controversial issues of death, fears, and human pain.

  • Marina Ladynina- a real star of Soviet cinema with a bright and at the same time tragic story of love and career. The most famous films: “Kuban Cossacks”, “Pig Farm and the Shepherd”.

  • Marina Mogilevskaya- modern Russian theater and film actress, was also a TV presenter on non-Ukrainian channels. Viewers know her from the films “Kamenskaya” and “Turetsky’s March”.

Choosing a name for a child is certainly one of the most important points, because just one word is endowed with great power, which can influence character and destiny.

However, when thinking about what to name your baby, be guided not only by the characteristics of a particular name, but also by your intuition and heart - they will tell you exactly what to name the girl.