Munchkin what additions can be mixed. We expand the standard “Munchkin. Brief description of the game

The board game “Munchkin” is a card-based role-playing game in the fantasy genre. Classic Munchkin loved by many board game fans, and the additions will dilute the games with new emotions. Having understood all the rules and nuances, everyone will be ready to go into the dungeon, kill monsters, take possession of treasures and have fun in small company. The game is intended for participants from 12 years old, but the game can last from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the experience and perseverance of the players.

Difficulty level: average

Number of players: 2-8

Develops skills: attentiveness, communication skills, cunning

What's included?

The contents of the Munchkin game are not so diverse and include the following components:

  • Door cards – 95 pcs.;
  • Treasure cards – 73 pcs.;
  • cube;
  • brochure with the rules of the game.

Who will like it?

The card game “Munchkin” has gathered a considerable audience of fans of this board game. For those who have never played it, it will definitely be a revelation.

  • The game is ideal for fans of card and role-playing entertainment.
  • will become an original gift a gamer who doesn’t know how to surprise his friends when they meet.
  • Strategy fans will like it.
  • For those looking for a fun tabletop for parties and events.

So many different cards!

Indeed, a player who sees so many cards with different names at once may get confused. However, they are all connected to each other by certain groups. “Classes”, “races”, “monsters”, “clothes” and other “treasures” are hidden here. Information about all cards in order can be found below. Munchkin is a confusing and ambiguous game, but gradually everyone will be able to understand the actions of the cards and begin to use them wisely.

Level counter

The easiest way to keep track of your levels is to get a piece of paper or a notepad and keep notes by hand. Owners of smartphones and other gadgets with operating systems IOS and Android will appreciate a specially designed free application that provides a level counter. To do this, in the search column you need to enter “Munchkin level counter”, which translated from English means “Munchkin. Level Counter”, after which players will be able to enjoy simple accounting of data for all participants.


In the Munchkin game, items are those cards that are introduced into the game by placing them on the table in front of you. This card is also found more often in treasure decks, which have a gold value in the bottom corner.

Depending on which character the participant comes across, he can wear a certain number of clothes. These include smut, shoes, armor and weapons that take up or two hands. A participant in the game can also use additional items, for example, spiked knees. It does not say what part of the munchkin's body they occupy.

You cannot exchange, play from your hand, sell, or steal items during a battle or washout. Those that cannot help at the moment or that cannot be worn are placed on the table in a special way - horizontally.

During the game, a player can only own one large item, unless he is a Dwarf. The rules of the game prohibit you from discarding it to play for a friend. The first big item must be sold, lost due to lewdness or a curse, exchanged with a rival, or discarded to activate the properties of races and classes.

Sea lion

While players won't encounter the term "Silver" in the original version of Munchkin, they will definitely encounter it in the Munchkin Apocalypse release, in which players must survive the End of the World. Sivuchati – new dangers. Some game events force the sea lions to be plucked, which speeds up the end of the world. Steller sea lions include the cards “Shoot Sparrow”, “You won’t believe it - I found it!” and “Reel in your fishing rods.”

Monster Cards

In Munchkin, monsters play a key role, because only by winning battles with them can you move from one level to another (with the exception of the coveted “Get a Level” card). The player will definitely encounter monsters in the game in the deck of doors. If a participant pulls out a monster during the door opening phase, then he immediately enters into battle with it. A monster obtained in another way (during distribution, for example) goes directly into the participant’s hand. In this situation, the player can fight the enemy in the trouble phase or plant a monster for the opponent’s fight in tandem with the “Stray Beast”.

Strengthening monsters

Although the name contains the word “strengthening,” cards in the Munchkin game can also reduce the capabilities of monsters. They change the number of treasures that the character who wins the battle will take. Each participant decides for himself how many amplifiers to use in a given battle.

Amplifiers that are played on one monster add up. In a battle where a character fights several monsters at once, the owner of the amplifier indicates which specific monster his card is aimed at.

Exception: if in the game “Munchkin” the monster is played “ Ugly couple", the amplifiers that influence it act on both the monster and the "other half".


These are the same as the Anded group of monsters. These include the Star Vampire or the Star Munchkin. Undead can be played from hand in a battle where there is another Undead, without using the “Stray Beast” card. If you have a card that turns a monster into an undead, you can play it together with any monster.

How to play a treasure card?

It's no secret that in Munchkin treasures are divided into two types: permanent and temporary influence. If a participant is not in the battle stage with a monster, he has the right to use an arbitrary treasure card at the time of his turn.

How to use treasures?

Most treasures are clothes, then the more clothes a character can wear (for this, of course, you should carefully read the information on the card to see whether a particular class and race can wear a certain item), the more likely it is that the Munchkin player "will be able to defeat a stronger monster.

Not long ago, most people didn't know any board games other than Monopoly. Now, among both seasoned board gamers and ordinary fans of playing in a group, there are practically no those who would not play Munchkin. It is all the more surprising that it was conceived as a parody of fantasy role-playing games - that is, a product “for our own people” who are able to appreciate humor and references. Let's try to trace the path of the series, which turns fifteen this year.

munchkinism(sometimes munchkinism or munchkinia) - the use of in-game rules or resources in a role-playing or computer game in a manner not intended by the creators of the game for the sake of obtaining obvious benefit. The name comes from the book “The Wizard of Oz” - munchkins were originally called munchkins.

"Munchkin" appeared at the turn of the millennium - in 2001. Experienced game designer Steve Jackson set out to create a fun and casual parody of fantasy role-playing games, which he knew a lot about: it was he who once created the popular GURPS system. Jackson was helped by cartoonist John Kovalik, who produced comics, again on the theme of role-playing games. The idea paid off - for fifteen years Munchkin has remained one of the most popular board games in the world.

The essence of the game is simple: several players with a random initial set of weapons, items and characteristics descend into the dungeons. They look into the rooms, fight with the local inhabitants and, if they win, take the treasures that they were guarding. The inhabitants of dungeons are different - from small harmless plants to huge monsters. If he wins, the munchkin gets new level. If he fails to win (most often due to rivals who throw up various dirty tricks), he is subjected to obscenity.

However, munchkins do not always act against each other - in battle you can help your neighbor... if he shares the treasures he has obtained, for example. The lucky one who reaches level 10 first will receive the laurels of the coolest munchkin.

A game of Munchkin with special tablets (Manuel Pombeiro / Boardgamegeek)

But monsters and treasures are nonsense. The main thing in “Munchkin” is the ability to set up your opponents by playing a suitable card at the wrong moment, trick them into clothes, build cunning combinations and all together bring down the presumptuous player of the 9th level, who grabbed treasures and already considers himself a winner, taking out a weak monster against himself .

Over the years of its existence, “Munchkin” has been translated into many languages, more than a dozen thematic variants have been released (“Star”, “Pirate”, “Vampire” and others) and additions to almost each of them. In this article we will look at the most popular, classic version of “Munchkin” and all the additions to it.

Munchkin. Classic set

Number of cards: 168 (95 doors, 73 treasures)
Races: halfling, elf, dwarf
Classes: warrior, wizard, cleric, thief
The most powerful monster: plutonium dragon, level 20
The most expensive clothes: popumorph potion, 1300 gold

The heroes of the classic set are familiar creatures from fantasy: elves, dwarves, halflings. Each has unique abilities: elves make excellent helpers, dwarves can handle any burden, and halflings know how to trade. Well, let's put on the boots of the mighty kicker, knee pads of divorce, mithril armor and a helmet of courage, pick up a chainsaw of bloody dismemberment - and forward to the dungeons! The most harmless thing that can be found here is burnt grass, a crippled goblin, a leprechaun and other little things. At first, this will do, but we are munchkins, damn it! Give us a hippogriff, pale brothers or a whole horde of orcs! And then you can take a swing at the plutonium dragon...

Steepness is steep, but you shouldn’t forget about the consequences. Burnt grass can't do anything to you. Lice will force you to take off your armor and everything you wear below the waist. But the pale brothers will not have mercy and will reduce the defeated munchkin to the first level. Even worse is King Tut, who will take away all the items and cards from your hand. In this, he is perhaps more dangerous than the plutonium dragon that kills the munchkin. The next turn he will be resurrected with a new set of cards, and the king will kindly leave the poor guy alive, and he will have to earn a living from scratch.

What can the valiant munchkins oppose to such monsters? Short, wide armor will help a dwarf, an elf can shoot from a bow with ribbons, a halfling will climb onto a combat ladder... This and much more strengthens the heroes, and if they unite against the enemy, then hold on, monster! Or call other munchkins for help - they are not averse to ruining the lives of their competitors. And if the monster doesn’t give in and the only way out is to escape, go through your pockets. Suddenly there was a popumorph potion lying around that would turn the enemy into a parrot. Of course, you won’t gain a level (also a feat for me!), but you can clean up the monster’s treasures.

Glory is not only gained in battles. The clerics know this and trust in divine intervention. If a level 9 cleric wanders into the dungeon during an intervention, he is rewarded for his prayers and emerges victorious. If higher powers have already intervened in the game, and the cleric lacks a level, you can
call again. The main thing is to hide a dowsing pin in the folds of the cassock, which allows you to comb through the discard pile...

original name: Unnatural Ax
Number of cards
New race: orc
The most powerful monsters: Jabberwocky and Judge Fredd, level 17
The most expensive clothes: blessed hammer of St. Eeeeeeeehhhha! (1200 gold)

“What would a fantasy game be without orcs?” - Steve Jackson probably thought when releasing the first addition - “Wild Axe”. New monsters, new clothes, new curses - and new race! Orcs are not above losing a level to get rid of curses. They also consider it an honor to crush, tear and pierce an enemy who is already many times weaker - for this the orc receives an additional level.

There are more monsters in the dungeons. We will have to fight with a fungus growing before our eyes, a cockroach with a Chukovsky book at the ready, a giant skunk, a teddy bear, Santa Claus, a psycho-squirrel and other fabulous and not so fabulous creatures. This pandemonium is crowned by the Jabberwock, taken out of Lewis Carroll's book, and the stern judge Fredd, who will do anything to arrest you and confiscate your property.

Dungeon curses are becoming more insidious. You walk into one of the rooms, for example, and your weapon loses its power and does not come off your hand. Now go with a useless siege machine that only takes up your hands.

And in another room you will suddenly feel a surge of generosity and give everyone your clothes. Or you will become a necrophobe - the undead (living dead) will start to scare you so much that you will run away from them, even if it is a small crawling hand. Another curse has also appeared that affects all munchkins and causes them to lose level.

Shouldn't we go to the underground shop? New weapons appeared there: a roller for dwarves, a rear-view helmet that protects from thieves, a cute shoulder dragon that is preferred by lady owners, a false beard and that same wild ax that only a real warrior is allowed to possess.

original name: Clerical Errors
Number of cards: 112 (66 doors, 46 treasures)
New race: dwarf
New class: bard
The most powerful monster: Callie, level 20
The most expensive clothes: Another ring (1000 gold)

In the new addition, elves, orcs and others are joined by gnomes (not to be confused with dwarves!) - little men in big caps. They know how to summon illusions of monsters to help in battle. Dwarves are also very nimble and can quickly escape from danger. And at the Munchkin labor exchange they offer to learn a new profession and become a bard. With their singing, bards can charm one of the munchkins and enlist his help for free. In addition, bards are quite lucky, so when mining treasures, they often find something especially valuable.

The name “Clerical Errors” is due to the curse of the same name. It raises the last killed monster, and it attacks the first munchkin it comes across. But the “Posthumous Mischief” curse is much more dangerous: the munchkin is exposed to the obscenity of the last killed monster immediately and without the right to escape. So it won’t take long to die... And while wandering through the dungeons, you have to beware of hungry backpacks, tourist traps and dwarven ale.

What about the monsters? The most harmless thing you can find here is - gold fish in aquarium. Further - more seriously. The Gothians do not like half-breeds and super-munchkins, Medusa (who is a Gorgon) turns unlucky munchkins and their clothes into stone, weapons stick to the gum golem, and the most powerful monster - Callie - has two pairs of hands. Well, it would be a shame not to mention the absolutely ordinary rabbit from the film “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”.

While searching the dungeons, you can stumble upon the dungeon casino, where even the monsters do not hesitate to play. We discard the clothes worth 500 gold and roll the dice. If you're lucky, we'll take up to three treasures with us. And if not, we part with something else, or even lose the level. Gambling is an unreliable business.

A two-handed sword appeared in the merchant's shop - that is, with two hands capable of carrying weapons. And also the Cap of Greatness, which reflects curses on rivals, and Another Ring. The same thing, with runes, from That Same Saga! With its help, you can cancel the effect of the curse or, having lost a level, escape from the battle, like Frodo from the Nazgul.

original name: The Need for Stead
Number of cards: 112 (78 doors, 34 treasures)
New card types: mounts, mount amplifiers
The most powerful monster: Katrina, level 20
The most powerful horse: riding dragon, bonus +5
The most expensive clothes: riding dragon (1000 gold)

An ancient proverb says: “There is no knight without a horse.” What's worse about munchkins? In the next addition, Steve Jackson gifted the heroes with horses. But there is only one horse among them. But you can ride a pack turtle, a riding tiger, a single-seat eagle, a tame wolf, an overgrown racing jerboa and even a riding dragon! All of them help the munchkins defeat the enemy, and if the battle doesn’t go well, some can be used to fly away from the battle. The horses also come with equipment - for example, attached wings or the harness of a burning exhalation. However, if you don’t need a horse, you can fight with it. Why, for example, is a riding dragon not a monster?

There are a lot of people in the dungeons, don’t you think? These are mercenaries! They can be asked to follow you and help you. Let's say you have a useless combat stepladder lying around. Give it to the halfling mercenary and he will help in the battle. And if you can’t cope with some giant ninja, you can sneak away unnoticed, leaving your assistant to be torn to pieces! By the way, do you see that thug who wanders around the dungeons with nothing to do? His name is Big Petro. You can take him with you as a mercenary, or you can simply sit on his neck - and he will become your steed. Convenient, right?

Dwarves and halflings need to keep an eye out: someone has spilled grape jelly throughout the dungeons. It sticks to beards and hairy legs, you can’t wash it off. You'll have to get rid of the stained clothes or bring a horse to lick off the tasty treat. If you are a wizard and meet a holophilin, instead of fighting you can conjure feathers on him, and he will give the treasure as a sign of gratitude. And the Munchkin Sphinx is more lenient towards those who tell him stupid jokes. Hey, whoever didn’t close the doors and let it in... oh, it’s Hurricane Katrina! If you're not powerful enough, run before your clothes blow away!

After defeating the monsters, carefully search the rooms: there may be something useful lying around in them. For example, a hand-held helmet. You can put another weapon in her hand, such as a burning rod or a chemical club. Instead of treasure, did you find a bag of potatoes? It will make excellent potatoes - at least the monsters will be taken aback by surprise! A potion of gab will teach your pet to speak, and he will begin to give advice in battle.

And if you haven’t gotten a pet yet, look for a pack of temptations. For a bowl of this miracle food, any horse will come running to you, forgetting about its previous owners! And here you can beat the fascists. Any game becomes better if you can beat fascists in it.

original name: De-Ranged
Number of cards: 112 (60 doors, 52 treasures)
New class: pathfinder
The most powerful monster: Anubis, level 20
New horses: flying carpet and trotter spider
The most expensive clothes: three-handed sword (900 gold)

Are you missing new classes or races? The fifth expansion introduces a ranger who can tame any monster - even a plutonium dragon! It’s also convenient to hire trackers for help - they gain additional strength.

Pathfinders introduces several new mercenaries, mounts, and boosters for them. Skates can be used not only as a mount, but also as shoes - they are very small. The add-on made it possible to double the monster's bonuses by making it two-headed. By defeating the two-headed monster, the munchkin will receive twice as many treasures, but not levels. But you won’t have to escape from him twice - there are two heads, but one monster.

While wandering through the dungeons, beware of magic lamps! The genies in them are stupid - sometimes they will crack you on the forehead, sometimes on the leg... And be careful with suspicious bags: if you put your hand in, the bag will get attached, and you will have to walk around with it the whole game. And without one hand, it’s much harder in dungeons.

Are you a cool wizard or ranger? Be careful not to become a hostage to the class: in one of the rooms they have cast such a spell that if you enter it, you will forever remain who you are now. You won't be able to change class until you cancel the curse with a wishing ring, obscenity, or another curse. And some of the new curses make the victim... jealous. Nothing happens to her, but treasures fall on her rivals. And the unfortunate munchkin gets only a pebble, which can only be thrown at the monster.

By the way, about monsters. The Brothers Grimm have come to the dungeons! They collect stories about monsters and don't mind helping them fight the munchkins. The brothers themselves are weak, but with each monster sent to their aid, their strength grows. And if they manage to win, they will be happy to write a story about a cowardly munchkin, whose prototype will read it and lose a level in shame. The hand of fate is also curious, having defeated it, the munchkin will receive a third hand and will be able to hold another weapon.

Do you like fish? How about fighting with it? Advice from an experienced munchkin: with fish, it is better to attack the enemy on horseback - then it hits harder than most things in the game! Keep an eye on your opponent: if he is wearing junk, you can rip it off with a curse and pick it up if you have time. You can fight with a skewer of sheep shish kebab, or you can feed the enemy and, while he is having lunch (leaving the munchkin for dessert), run away. An indiscriminate ax of goodness can be launched into someone else's battle, helping other munchkins, but if they lose, you will also have to dodge the ax.

And the most unique weapon among the new products is a magnificent three-handed sword! How to hold it is the owner's difficulty. You can defeat the hand of fate, or you can look for the maniacal multi-handed medallion. Real munchkins find something different. Others, for the sake of treasure, even put a second combat helmet on their leg if there are no suitable shoes. Unaesthetic? But it's fun!

original name: Demented Dungeons
Number of cards: 36 (20 dungeons, 16 portals)
New card types: portals, dungeons

Have you ever wondered what kind of dungeons munchkins go through? Addendum #6 reveals this mystery. Although there are no new races, monsters or treasures, the game is transformed with new types of maps - dungeons and portals.

Dungeon cards differ from regular door and treasure cards in size and design on the back. At the beginning of the game, munchkins enter one of the dungeons. Each of them has unique properties. So, in the Elven Evolution dungeon, all players become elves until they leave. In the Reworked Curses Dungeon, any curse affects everyone. And in the dungeon, working in vain to win the game at level 10 is not enough - you need to level up to level 11. True, if a level 10 munchkin leaves this dungeon, he will win.

Heroes move using portals. They can either move the munchkin to a new dungeon or open the next one without closing the previous one. Then players are affected by the effects of several dungeons at once.

In the expansion box #6 you will also find the Epic Munchkin rules. According to these rules, the game is played until someone reaches level 20, and starting from level 10, the baby munchkin becomes an epic munchkin. Now he knocks down not one door, but two at once. If there are two monsters behind the doors, you need to fight both at the same time, and if there is a curse, first suffer from it, and then deal with the inhabitants of the room.

These troubles are compensated by superpowers. A thief can steal without rolling a die, a dwarf can hold an unlimited number of cards in his hand, an orc can eat level 1 monsters, and a wizard can escape curses. By the way, if you play with the "Crazy Dungeons" according to the usual rules, a dungeon of unexpected epicness will allow you to experience the beauty of the epic superpowers of races and classes, regardless of the player's level!

original name: Cheat With Both Hands
Number of carts t: 112 (70 doors, 42 treasures)
The most powerful monsters: potatoes, game seller and TV ghost, level 10
The most expensive clothes: portable hole (1000 gold)

Expansion #7 was originally a set of cards called More Good Cards. It was convenient to mix it with others so that useful cards were more often found in the deck. Jackson also had the Munchkin Blender add-on. It made it possible to mix different versions of Munchkin - “Star”, “Vampire” and others. In principle, no one forbids them to interfere without Blender, but with it the game became more balanced.

Blender includes Three in One, Ultra Munchkin, Super Duper Munchkin and Chimera cards, allowing you to have three or more classes or races at the same time; “Two-handed cheat” and “Rapid cheat”, which allow you to use two or all items against the rules; several monsters and amplifiers for them. So, from a harmless emoji with a power of 1, you can turn it into an incredible outstanding ultra-rare stunning amazing amazing exploding triple cheese emoji with a power of 66.

When More Good Cards ran out of print, the publishers decided not to print it again, but to combine it with Munchkin Blender, because many of the cards were the same. So we got a full-fledged addition called “Two-handed cheat”. Even experienced munchkins will appreciate the effects of the cards. We transfer curses to our neighbors, we have all races and classes at the same time, we wear two shoes, we play until level 11, we arrange a lot, throwing several monsters into battle, and, of course, we blow the minds of the master!

original name: Half Horse Will Travel
Number of cards: 112 (77 doors, 35 treasures)
New card types: race and class boosters
New races: centaur, lizard
The most powerful monster: armored pony, level 20
The most expensive clothes: equipment set (1400 gold)

The original name of the Half Horse Will Travel expansion is a reference to the 1950s Western series Have Gun, Will Travel. But Westerns have nothing to do with it, this is all a new race - the centaur (Half Horse - half horse). A centaur has four legs, so he can wear two pairs of shoes. And the centaur, as a rule, is chosen as the leader of the herd, and then any number of horses can fight for him.

Other newcomers, the lizards, are cool-headed. All potions, syrups, tinctures and other one-time items that they use to help monsters give a double bonus - after all, lizards do not feel sorry for other munchkins. And if the lizard comes across a larger monster, it can throw off its tail and sneak away.

In addition to new races, race and class boosters have appeared. Now you can admire the elder elves, elite warriors and legendary wizards. An elder of a race fighting alone is so tough that their level bonus is doubled, so they don't like to call for help. Elite class representatives receive a combat bonus equal to the number of treasures the monster is guarding. And legendary heroes can clear holes twice if they haven’t encountered a monster.

And now about the monsters. Do you think an armored pony is a cute and harmless creature? And this is the most terrible monster in the game! Not only is its level as high as possible, but it also has an additional bonus against all opponents. And if she meets a centaur on her way, this bonus will also double. And why doesn't she like them so much?

It turns out that in dungeons you can not only change the gender, but also... lose it. This is strange and inconvenient (clothes for men or women are no longer required), but there are also advantages: the gender change curse does not affect a neuter creature. It is much more dangerous to become an amateur or a munchkin with a degenerate race: class or racial abilities will not help the poor fellow. And beware of pianos suspended from the ceiling! They can cause sudden problems.

There are more difficulties in the dungeons. But don't forget about new treasures. Doesn't the wish ring help? Take the mackerel! Let fish hang from it on a rope, but it will not only save you from a curse, but will also send something nasty to your opponent. Morning star and night dark work better at the appropriate time of day. The re-cheat die allows you to change the result of someone else's roll. Crab horseshoes are the dream of any centaur; they give +6 to strength, although they occupy both pairs of legs.

But the strongest bonus comes from a set of equipment. This unique outfit is put on the entire munchkin, so much so that you can’t put anything else on, but it gives +12 to strength. There is also a minus - any curse or obscenity that deprives part of the equipment removes all this gear. Therefore, carry a change of clothes with you!

* * *

Of course, that’s not all: in addition to add-ons, many boosters have been released - sets of 15 cards on different themes. With their help, you can “invite” fairies, Santa Clauses, Easter bunnies, dragons, Halloween characters and many other creatures into your dungeons. You can read about all the diversity of “Munchkin” and about gaming innovations on the official website of the game:

The game "Munchkin" is a localization of the board card game Munchkin. In Russian, the game, no matter how hard you try, takes on a new sound, but remains as gambling, dynamic and malicious. Role-playing mockery, according to simple, but sometimes deliberately vague rules, exposes noble elves, wise magicians, brave warriors and hairy halflings to ridicule.

Clerics fight with undead, thieves cut off their rivals in the midst of battle, giant Calmadzillas and vile Facesuckers seek to poison or take away the heroic lives of your munchkins, but in a relaxed manner, without long speeches and numerous rolls of dice common in D&D, GURPS and other equal lofts. .

About the game

So, board game"Munchkin" is a role-playing game in form, a parody in content. Players' munchkins walk through the dungeon, drag out the monstrous inhabitants there and either repent of it or receive new levels and treasures for victory. The outcome of each such adventure (battle, in short) depends on who went into battle with what. For the player, this is the level and bonuses/penalties from items, class, race and curses. For a monster, this is a level plus booster cards and one-time items. Where did the monster get his clothes? Envious rivals can also take part in your battle: they can help the monster and weaken you. Therefore, although “Munchkin” can be played with two people, recruit more people for the match: you will have more curses, amplifiers and potions on hand, which can so easily change the balance of power in battle in any direction, and vigilant envious people will not allow any of you to go out in sole leaders of the race to the 10th victory level.

When created, the Munchkin board game was aimed at a youth audience familiar with role-playing games. However, you can play the game "Munchkin" at any age, except for the very tender ones, at which some of Steve Jackson's jokes may seem too salty. And so a fantasy adventure with masculine/feminine heroes, incredible situations, indescribably creepy unspeakable monsters and huge treasures will appeal to anyone with a broad outlook and a healthy sense of humor.

How to play

At the beginning of the game, players start as ordinary people of their gender (yes, there is even a gender difference in the game!) of the first level. On your turn, you knock down the door, that is, turn over the top card of the deck of doors, and fulfill the conditions written on the card. If this is a monster card, then you are out of luck and will have to engage in battle with it. When the player's power is greater than or equal to the monster's power, then the player wins and can take as many treasure cards as indicated on the monster card. During the battle, other players can help a friend and engage in battle with him, or interfere and in every possible way strengthen the emerging enemy. If a player wins a battle, he gains one level. During the game, players will take on different classes and professions, change their gender, put on different clothes, drink suspicious potions, and fight a wide variety of monsters!

How to expand the deck?

The main feature of the Munchkin board game is its diversity. You can come across a wide variety of Munchkin settings, and they can all, and even need to be mixed with each other! Learn new ones martial arts, try on a pirate headband, go on a space journey - your parties will become more diverse and interesting, you will meet unexpected monsters on your way, but, of course, you will find something to strike back with!

Who won?

Everything is very simple, the winner is the munchkin who was the first to reach, by hook or by crook, the tenth level.

What is in all these boxes and why do we need them?

Munchkin is a card board game developed by Steve Jackson based on classic rules role system D&D (Dungeons and Dragons). In short: you have a character, the character has a race, class and level, the power of your character depends on its level and the bonus that the equipped items give (weapons, armor, mounts, mercenaries). The plot of the game is outrageously simple - you, in the company of your friends, go down into the dungeon (and sometimes go out to sea, or even step on board spaceship!) and look for adventures on your butt, simultaneously taking out everything that moves, collecting all sorts of rubbish and exposing your comrades-in-arms! The goal of the game is to be the first to reach level 10 (of course, if you don’t play according to the Epic rules, there’s already 20!)

So, well, now everyone seems to know what Munchkin is, let’s get to the additions!

Munchkin 2: Wild Ax

This add-on contains a new race “Orc”, the very interesting mechanics of which will appeal to many Munchkinites! Orcs are immune to curses! Well... or almost immune, if an orc begins to be affected by some nasty thing, he can get rid of the annoying effect by just dropping one item! In addition, if an Orc alone defeats a monster, surpassing it by more than 10 points, he receives an additional level!

The addition makes the game more dynamic and varied by introducing cards such as “Giant Skunk” or “Santa”.

Munchkin 3: Clerical Errors

In fact, this is the most useless addition! Moreover, the translation is simply disgusting! Well, who thought of translating Vorpal Blade as “Vorpal Blade”? Many fans of the Warhammer universe will find hundreds of options for more interesting translations! But let's move on to the innovations:

The new class “Bard” will allow players not only to ask for help in battle, but to force it! Somewhat similar to the Frenchman's Accent from Pirate Munchkin, only to force, unlike the Frenchman's, you have to discard 3 cards from your hand! In addition, each time the Bard defeats a monster, he takes one more treasure.

In addition, a new race appears in the game - the Dwarf! The Gnome is very similar to the Halfling, he also has a -1 penalty to wash and most monsters perceive the Gnome as a Halfling - that's minutes! However, unlike their furry-legged counterparts, gnomes are more hostile; during battle, a gnome can pull a monster from his hand and place it next to him, while receiving a bonus in the amount of the monster’s level! This monster can be pumped up like a regular one, attaching a bunch of effects to it, but at the end of the battle it goes into the discard pile - after all, it’s just an illusion!)

Munchkin 4: Craving for a Horse

One of the most interesting additions! Our favorite characters now have pet mounts at their disposal: ride the Huge Chicken mount, or the slow Ancient Turtle! Or maybe you prefer Wolf or Tiger! And even a huge evil Dragon can become your comrade-in-arms!

Pets are “Big Items,” although at the same time they also make it possible to wear one more big item... why this was done, I still don’t understand... but that’s not the point... Pets can be pumped up (with the exception of the Dragon, he’s already too cool!), you can lure them away, and if you’re lucky, you can even ride several at once (How? Don’t even ask, Munchkin broke all the laws of physics a long time ago!).

Mercenaries - remember, in the basic Munchkin there was such a card, the mercenary allowed us to carry one more big item! Now mercenaries have received classes, for example, if you are a magician and take on a warrior mercenary, then he allows you to take one item with the restriction “only for a warrior”! Interesting feature, Truth?

Munchkin 5: Sluts

A new addition in which another class becomes available to us (let me remind you that two races were previously introduced - Dwarf and Orc, and one class - Bard) - this is the Ranger.

The Ranger has a +2 bonus when entering combat as an assistant. The Ranger also knows how to tame monsters and make them his transport. You can tame only one monster from the current battle, for this you need to discard your current horse, and as many cards from your hand as treasures you receive for defeating the tamed monster - this becomes the bonus of the new horse.

Munchkin 6: Crazy Dungeons

This is the smallest addition in terms of the number of cards, but this does not deprive it of its interest!

In Crazy Dungeons, a new third Decor deck is introduced into the game. It consists of double cards (i.e. cards that are twice as wide as regular cards). The so-called Portal cards interfere with the door deck; after drawing such a card, the player takes one card from the Environment deck and places it on the table, the effect of this card affects all players, it can be either positive or negative! Remember that several Environment cards can be active in the game at once, thereby making life difficult or easier for the Munchkins!

Munchkin 7: Two-handed cheat

This is an addon for boosting amplifiers and mixing versions! It sounds kind of crazy... In fact, everything is very simple - this box includes two original add-ons: “Munchkin Blender” and “Munchkin 7: More Good Cards”!

"Munchkin Blender" - this addition is designed to blend several more smoothly different sets Munchkin, such as Pirate, Basic and Super! Yes, it also allows you to mix Munchkins with different mechanics, and this is its biggest bonus!

"Munchkin 7: More Good Cards" , we get the opportunity to strengthen the amplifiers themselves! Yes, yes, you heard right, now all one-time items that give bonuses can also be strengthened!

This year (2013), Hobby World is preparing to localize another add-on - “ Munchkin 8 – Half Horse, Will Travel"! I won’t think about translating the name, I’d rather tell you what’s so interesting in this add-on: two new races – the Centaur (who can wear two pairs of boots) and the Lizard Guy. It will also appear new class– Enchanter, capable of improving things. I can tell you more about this addition after its release!

So, we've sorted out the additions, now let's move on to the various variations!

Pirate Munchkin – dungeons, dungeons, and sea ​​spaces no one has canceled yet! It's time to explore them! In Pirate Munchkin we have to play the role of brave sailors, defeat Greenbeard and the evil Lawyer, upgrade our own Butyring or Frigate!

In Pirate Munchkin, 3 classes become available to us: Pirate, Navy and Merchant. Everyone has their own goodies and everyone is good in their own way!

Also, instead of races, accents appear; in fact, they act in the same way as races, but when mixing them, it is better to separate them and make 3 parameters in the game: class, race and accent. Accents present in the game: British, Spanish, French and Dutch.

And also, in the Pirate Munchkin there are immediately mountable pets (which in the base are introduced only in the 4th addition), and ships!

Super Munchkin - tired of being a pirate and space marine? Do you want super powers? Munchkin comes to the rescue, try yourself in the role of Batman or Spider-Man! Try on the Green Lantern costume and defend the planet as Superman!

In Super Munchkin, we are presented with the opportunity to strengthen the abilities of our character through mutations, give him new scope for evolution and assemble a crazy combination of Wolverine, Torch and Hulk. This is a joke on the DC and Marvel universes. It is here that the “Strength” parameter appears for the first time!

Star Munchkin – We ran through the dungeons, we saved all the seas from evil, now it’s time to fly into space and recapture our native Earth from the evil aliens!

In Star Munchkin, we have 4 classes available to us: merchant, holohunter, psycho and gadget maker/

The Holohunter has the right to take one additional door card for helping another player kill the monster.

A merchant can exchange one of his items for the items on top of the discard pile, provided the cost of these items is the same.

The Gadgetman can get rid of traps by discarding two cards from his hand.

And Psycho receives a “+2” bonus if he fights alone, without the help of other players, and can also spy on the cards of another player or the top card in any of the decks.

There are three races in this set: Cyborg - cannot be level 1, if a cyborg is killed, he can lose two levels or fall to level 2 and save his life.

Cat - cats can open another door if they didn’t meet a monster in the first one.

Mutant - can discard two cards of the same type and draw new map of the same type, and he can also carry two Shoes or two Firebrands, or a 3rd weapon in his hand.

In fact, there is nothing extra natural in this set, everything is the same, just called differently...
Munchkin Zombie gives us the opportunity to step into the shoes of a dead man hunting for the brains of the living!

In this variation of the munchkin we will have neither class nor race! Instead, we have the “Mojo” parameter, in fact, this is almost the same as the race, there are only three of them: Atomic, Infectious and Voodoo Zombie.

In addition to Mojo, we (as in Super Munchkin) have a “Strength” parameter; its power should not exceed the player’s level, and at the same time the player can have several “Strengths” at the same time.

Types of “Forces”: Powerful, Rotting, Fast, Steady, Secretive, Smart. They don’t give you many bonuses, but they make life a lot easier!

Munchkin-FU is a variation of Munchkin on the theme of Eastern Martial Arts. Here race was replaced by fighting techniques, such as, for example, “Kung Fu Feather”. The classes available to us are also of the eastern type: Samurai, Ninja, Yakuza and Monk.

In Munchkin Fu, as in other munchkins, they also introduced a type of monster (Undead in Classic, Shark in Pirate...) - “Hong Kong Monster”, like all the others, it makes it possible to throw monsters into battle without using the “Stray” card creature".
Munchkin Cthulhu

Have all the princesses been released from the dungeons? Are the depths of the sea no longer teeming with evil monsters? And even the orbit of our planet is freed from the oppression of aliens? Then it's time to meet face to face with the evil creatures of Howard Lovecraft's fantasies!

In Munchkin Cthulhu, 4 classes become available to us: Detective, Monster Boy, Cultist and Professor.

There are no races here at all, as well as any similar substitutes for them. Of course, there are cards like “Hero of the Movie Format” that give some bonuses... but this is just a nice bonus, and there aren’t that many of them...

This set will be a more than welcome addition to any deck!
Well, we have reached the apogee of munchkinism - Munchkin Apocalypse!

Are the battles with unprecedented monsters, creatures of the deep sea, an unknown alien threat and the minions of Cthulhu over? But your adventures are not over yet, because the Apocalypse has arrived and the Four Horses of the Apocalypse are already in a hurry to bring terror to the entire planet!

What's new here? Warriors, Cultists and Monks have been replaced by four new classes: Militiaman (can cancel played disasters by discarding 2 cards from his hand), Scientist (can change a card from his hand to a new one from the opposite deck), Blogger ( losing a level, he takes one treasure card, and if the seal opens, he takes one door card) and Shkolota (cannot die, so any death is replaced by a loss of level)! That's all, they fit perfectly in combination with any version of the munchkin and diversify the game in a very picturesque way.

In the deck of doors, in addition to classes, we now have a couple more interesting maps: “Undead” - gives +5 to the monster and makes it Undead, now there are more of them and the “Crowd of Zombies” ability will trigger more often; the “Arkharovtsy” monsters, if obscene, will force you to give all your disposable clothes to your neighbor; the obscenity of “Rodents of Unusual Sizes” will give everyone except the loser a treasure, and “Investor” will prohibit the player from buying levels for clothes until he dies! Yes, and “Great Cthulhu” himself will finally come out against us, having a very interesting obscenity - every munchkin not caught by Cthulhu gets a level!

Thus, interactions between players have become closer and, sometimes, it is worth helping someone defeat a monster, otherwise everyone will have to answer for failure!

The treasure deck has also undergone changes - here we now have cards with the Item Booster modification, which are designed to upgrade your weapons. And also a lot of clothes, like “Parrot” from Pirate Munchkin and “Medals” from Basic, which do not have a specific place to hang them on! Such, for example, are “War Paint” with a bonus of +1 and +1 to wash, and “Polypes” - bonus +3 (for shkolota +4).

A third deck has been introduced into the game - “Sivuchati”. It consists of 12 cards describing the variations of the 7 seals (according to Steve Jackson) broken by the Lamb from the sealed book. These "Sivuchati" affect all players throughout the game, and by opening the 7th game will be over!

Thus, Munchkin Apocalypse turned out to be more hardcore and forces players to communicate more closely, and sometimes even create cooperatives to fight big monsters!