Malyushin Ivan Dmitrievich what is happening to him. Curious facts from the life of former presidential manager Vladimir Kozhin. Charity for billions

He was even officially considered one of the richest Kremlin officials. For example, in 2010, his declared income alone amounted to 14 million rubles. However, the official's income was not limited only to the official salary. Being in the civil service did not prevent him from directly or indirectly owning a number of Russian companies who were or are engaged in the rental of real estate, hotel business, production software. After leaving his position, he returned to the business he was familiar with, which, strictly speaking, he never left.

“With such happiness - and in freedom”

But for example, the Malyushin family rents out the Levteeva mansion in St. Petersburg on Krestovsky Island, a building built in 1906, which is a regional monument. Rents out only 1.5 million rubles per month. A bit expensive, of course, for ordinary citizens. However, historical value comes at a price.

Mansion with an area of ​​850 sq. m., belongs Elena Malyushina, wife of an official. One might be surprised where the family of a former hardware worker got such luxurious real estate. But for those who are familiar with the business qualities of this civil servant, there is no mystery here. An official, even if he has the rank of unofficial "Kozhin's wallet" didn't stop studying entrepreneurial activity, having, however, transferred the companies to members of his family.

For example, the same Elena Malyushina - CEO Baltprod company, which rents out real estate. She also owns shares in Northside, Zavod Baltekoplast and Sladkoezhka.

In turn, Baltprod had 18% in the Soft Terminal company. Another 18% of this company belonged to InversionesGudimarSL, owned by Gennady Petrov. In 2008, Soft Terminal won a $1 million tender to provide services to Kazakhtelecom, a state-owned company in Kazakhstan. Which indicates that Malyushin and Petrov have a common business.

They also had shares in the Ligovsky 67 company, and Nikita Malyushin had a share in the Balt Line company, in which Petrova’s InversionesGudimarSL also owned part of the shares. According to The Moscow Post, the Alikvet company, led by Petrov’s son, rented land plot in the Republic of Karelia, and then transferred the rights to it to the company "TRTS-1", 50% of which belongs to Nikita Malyushin.

Gennady Petrov

All this proves the close connection between Malyushin and Petrov. And if it was so close, then can there be any doubt that companies affiliated with Petrov could receive support from government official Ivan Malyushin?

Distribution undercover

Ivan Malyushin is a well-known philanthropist. But for some reason, many of his partners in this type of activity regularly received government contracts.

For example, Ivan Malyushin, together with Asey Borisova is a co-founder of the artist Shemyakin Foundation. The foundation undertakes the restoration of the Iverskaya monastery, which takes place under the patronage of Vladimir Kozhin. And subsequently, the company “Credo”, led by Asya Borisova, receives 5 government contracts in the amount of 2 billion rubles.

The company "Credo" still constantly wins contracts from government agencies, therefore she is considered affiliated with Vladimir Kozhin, and, therefore, with Ivan Malyushin. One of the last tenders in which she participated was the construction Judicial Quarter In Petersburg.

In the West, a situation in which an official can influence the results of tenders in favor of certain commercial structures is unthinkable. In our country, it is the order of the day and is a source of income for officials of various stripes and levels.

Maybe criminalize conflicts of interest? Because only the fear of going to prison can stop Russian officials. Or even he won't stop them?

The family of Ivan Malyushin lives happily ever after. And a luxurious mansion is not rented out for the sake of money. And Ivan Malyushin himself, after leaving his position in 2015, is probably successfully engaged in business. The connections remain, so incomes are growing.

By the way, the Malyushins are not the only bureaucratic family that received a historical mansion while the head of the family was in government service. As the agency recently reported "Ruspres", the son of ex-Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov owned a historical monument - the so-called “house on a cliff”, which previously belonged to the defense department.