Raspberry jam - the most delicious recipes for a healthy sweet preparation. Raspberry jam with gelatin for the winter

Raspberry jam useful in winter not only for treating colds, but also as a dessert for tea, and also as a filling for homemade. Many people do not know what the difference is between raspberry jam and jam. Raspberry jam, unlike jam, has a thicker and gelatinous consistency. You can make jam with or without seeds. Most of us make jam from fresh raspberries, but at the same time, few people know that frozen berries from last year’s season can be used to make it.

Why bother cooking it at home when you can buy it in any supermarket. Industrial jams on store shelves beckon with a beautiful jar and label, but don’t rush to buy them. In the production of such jams it is used a large number of dyes, stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavors and other “chemicals”, and often their concentrate is used instead of fresh raspberries.

At the same time, the benefits of raspberry jam or homemade jam from fresh or even frozen strawberries are quite obvious. And if you decide to please your whole family with this delicious dessert home production, then you are most likely already looking for step-by-step recipes with photos, raspberry jam which will make cooking easy and simple.

To make raspberry jam, any raspberries will be useful. Don't be afraid to put unripe raspberries in it. These berries contain a large amount of natural gelling agents, which make the jam thicker. You can also use industrial pectin, gelatin, and starch as a thickener.

Raspberry jam. Step-by-step recipes with photos

Raspberry jam - recipe


  • - 1 kg.,
  • Sugar – 1 kg.

Sort the raspberries and add half the sugar. Leave the juice to simmer for 4-5 hours. After this, strain the raspberries through a colander into a bowl with wide edges in which you will cook the raspberries. Add the remaining sugar to the juice. Bring raspberry syrup to a boil. Stir it wooden spoon and collect the foam that appears.

Boil for about 10 minutes. After this, add the squeezed raspberries. Boil for another 20 minutes. Pour hot raspberry jam into sterile jars. Roll up the steamed lids. Turn the jam jars over and cover for 1 hour. After that, turn them back over. After a day you can see that delicious raspberry jam started to gel.

For filling pies, pies, buns and other homemade baked goods, it is best to prepare seedless raspberry jam.

Seedless raspberry jam - recipe


  • Ripe raspberries – 1.5 kg.,
  • Water – 2 glasses,
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.

Before, how to make raspberry jam, sort out the ripe raspberries and wash them carefully with water. Place them in an enamel pan, cover with water and place on low heat. Boil until the berries are completely softened. Cooking time is 15-20 minutes. Let the raspberry puree cool. Line a colander with gauze. Place boiled raspberries on it in small portions and squeeze the juice into a clean saucepan. Add sugar to the resulting raspberry juice.

Place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil. It is necessary to cook raspberry jam for about one hour, stirring it from time to time with a wooden spoon and skimming off the foam. To check if your jam is ready, scoop a little of it into a spoon and drop it onto a cold plate. Ideally, the drop should not spread.

If the jam turns out liquid, boil it for another 10 minutes. Pour the jam while it's hot. Jars and lids must be sterilized before use. If you use nylon lids, steam them. Turn the jam jars over and wrap them up.

Raspberry jam with ginger turns out incredibly tasty and spicy thanks to the addition of grated ginger and cinnamon sticks.

Raspberry jam with ginger - recipe


  • Raspberries - 2 kg.,
  • Water – 500 ml.,
  • Ginger root – 1 pc.,
  • Cinnamon sticks – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 2 kg.

Rub the washed and sorted raspberries through a fine sieve. Try to do this carefully to squeeze out all the raspberry juice from the pulp. Pour the juice into a saucepan. Peel the ginger root and grate it on a fine grater. Add the grated ginger to the pan with the juice. Add sugar and add cinnamon sticks. Place on low heat. Boil the jam for 10 minutes. Remove the cinnamon sticks. Pour it into sterile jars.

Raspberry mint jam - recipe


  • Raspberries – 1.5 kg.,
  • Water – 1 glass,
  • Sugar – 2 kg.,
  • Lemon juice- half a glass,
  • Mint sprigs – 2-3 pcs.

Everyone who tried it liked raspberry jam with mint. Light notes of menthol give it a special piquancy and sophistication. Pour washed raspberries with water and boil for 10 minutes. Add mint sprigs to it and simmer for another 10 minutes. After this, the mint must be removed and the raspberries cooled. Rub the cooled raspberry puree through a sieve, spreading it in small portions. Add sugar and lemon juice to the resulting raspberry juice.

Stir and place on low heat. Boil the jam for about 20 minutes, then pour into sterile jars and roll up metal lids, turn over and wrap. It is best to take the finished raspberry jam into a cold room.

To make the raspberry thick, pectin is added to it. Pectin is a natural polysaccharide obtained industrially from dried vegetables and fruits. Here is an example of one such recipe, the jam for which is prepared using Zhelfix.

Thick raspberry jam with pectin - recipe


  • Raspberries – 1 kg.,
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.,
  • Zhelfix package

Wash the raspberries and tear off the stems, if any. Pass it through a juicer. Add sugar. Stir until it is completely dissolved. Next, place the raspberries and sugar on the stove and bring to a boil. After this, add a bag of Zhelfix. Boil for another 5 minutes, pour into jars and seal with metal lids. Turn the jars over and cover them with a blanket.

Starch can also be used as a thickener for jam.

Raspberry jam with starch - recipe


  • Raspberries – 2 kg.,
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.,
  • Starch – 2 tablespoons

Sort the raspberries and wash them. Place in a saucepan or deep bowl. Mash it with makogon. Add sugar and stir with a spoon until it is completely dissolved. Dilute the starch with a little water and add it to the raspberry puree. Stirring constantly, cook the jam for about 20 minutes. Skim off the foam and pour into jars that have previously been sterilized.

Raspberry-apple jam - recipe


  • Raspberries – 1 kg.,
  • Sugar – 2 kg.,
  • Apples – 500 gr.

Wash the raspberries and apples. Cover the raspberries with sugar. Give her time to let the juice flow. Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into small pieces. Using a blender, puree the apples. As soon as the juice appears, place the pan over low heat.

Skim off the foam and boil for 15-20 minutes. Add applesauce. After this, boil the jam for another half hour, stirring constantly so that it does not burn. Sterilize the jars over steam or in the oven, as you prefer, and pour raspberry and apple jam into them.

Raspberry jam with lemon - recipe


  • Raspberries – 2 kg.,
  • Sugar – 2 kg.,
  • Lemon – 1 pc.

Place the sorted raspberries into the bowl in which you will make the jam. Wash the lemon, remove the zest and squeeze out the juice. Add juice and zest to raspberries. Add sugar and stir. When the sugar has dissolved, the pan can be placed on the stove. Cook the jam for at least 20 minutes.

Let's see how to cook raspberry jam in a slow cooker.

Raspberry jam in a slow cooker - recipe


  • Raspberries – 1 kg,
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg.

Carefully sort the raspberries, removing all spoiled berries, leaves, petioles and branches. Rinse it with water. Add sugar and stir. After the sugar has melted, place it in the multicooker bowl. Select the “Stew” mode and set the timer for 60 minutes. During the cooking process, to prevent the jam from burning, you need to stir it 2-3 times.

The finished product, although with seeds, is thick and very tasty. If you want to prepare it for the winter, then pour the jam into sterile jars and roll up the same sterile (steamed) lids. Jars of jam must be turned over and covered with something warm.

Raspberry jam without cooking - recipe


  • Raspberries – 1 kg.,
  • Sugar – 2 kg.,
  • Vodka or cognac – half a glass.

Raspberry jam prepared according to this recipe retains the maximum amount of vitamins, since it is prepared without heat treatment. Sort the raspberries, wash them, and then puree them with macogon. Rub the raspberry puree through a sieve to remove the seeds.

Pour sugar into the resulting mass, add vodka and stir until the sugar dissolves. Pour boiling water over jars and lids. Pour jam up to the hangers of the jars and seal tightly with lids. Jars of jam are stored in a dry and cool place. Since the jam uses vodka or cognac, it can only be consumed by adults. For children, make without the alcohol-containing component, but to prevent it from molding, boil the jam for 5-10 minutes.

Now you know how to cook raspberry jam, recipes as you can see, they are very diverse, and every housewife has the opportunity to choose the one she likes.

Fruits and berries make up a significant part of our diet not only in summer, but also in early spring, rainy autumn and snowy winter. These are absolutely necessary products for humans; they are not only beautiful and tasty, but also healthy. In addition, they contain a large amount of organic acids, which is very necessary for nutrition.

Since used food products, generally contain little acid. I offer a recipe for making raspberry jam using the cold method. I'm sure many will agree with me that there are times when you don't want to do conservation at all. But what could be tastier than homemade jam in winter with a cup of hot tea. This recipe is the easiest to prepare and also the most healthy than the hot method. Since it will retain all the beneficial vitamins for your health.

When choosing raspberries, pay attention to their appearance. The berries should be dry, evenly colored, and not crushed. Unripe berries reveal themselves as brown and greenish areas. For jam, choose slightly unripe berries, as they contain the most pectin. Due to this substance, the jam gains thickness.

Raspberries are very delicate, so they spoil quickly. Therefore, when you store raspberries, place the berries on a flat object, cover the top with gauze and send them to a cool place. In this state, raspberries can be stored for no more than two to three days.

Healthiest jam? Of course it is raspberry jam: it, firstly, increases immunity and appetite, improves digestion and mood, has an antiviral as well as bactericidal effect, is very useful during mental disorders and depression, and improves complexion. People with low blood pressure are not recommended to indulge in raspberries.

The jam preparation time will be 50 minutes. Number of servings: 10 pieces.

Ingredients for raspberry jam:

  • Fresh raspberries – 500 grams.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kilogram.

Raspberry jam - recipe

For raspberry jam we need raspberries and sugar.

Pour raspberries into a sieve. Sort through, then rinse gently under cool water. Leave for ten minutes to drain off excess water.

When the water drains from the raspberries, it is advisable to pour the berries into a deep bowl.

Using a blender, puree the raspberries.

Then we get rid of the seeds we don’t need. Using a spoon, grind the raspberry puree through a fine sieve using a rotating motion.

The result is a liquid, homogeneous consistency in the form of medium-thick juice.

Gradually add sugar to the resulting juice, stirring constantly.

Continue stirring until all the sugar has dissolved in the raspberry juice.

Sterilize jars with lids with steam for 20 minutes.

Fruits and berries


Raspberry jam– one of the obligatory and traditional winter preserves, which will help you more than once in the winter in the fight against colds. Of course, most often all kinds of raspberry jams are used as desserts. The preparation turns out berry-like, tender and very aromatic. This jam can very successfully replace various factory-made sweets and at the same time bring much more benefits. We will make today's jam from fresh raspberries using granulated sugar. also in step by step photo In the recipe, we will tell you in detail how you can get rid of small seeds in raspberries and make the jam absolutely smooth.

Raspberries are very healthy berry. In addition to the fact that it contains a large number of vitamins important for the immune system, raspberries also provide the body with various organic acids. Not only jams and jams are prepared from these berries, but also various healthy infusions. Raspberries are delicious on their own unique features very often used in cosmetology. In the future, ready-made raspberry jam can be used to create homemade pastries or other desserts, such as cakes. It would be very tasty to serve this jam simply with black tea. Although the calorie content of the finished raspberry product will not be too high, you should not overuse sweet jam to avoid problems with your figure. Let's start preparing delicious raspberry jam for the winter at home.



    First of all, we go in search of raspberries. We don’t have many options: either own dacha with raspberry bushes, or the nearest market. We select only the ripest and freshest berries, but the shape does not matter at all. Therefore, for jam, you can choose small and not very beautiful raspberries, but for other preparations, leave the largest and most attractive berries.

    At this stage, we need to grind the raspberries to a smooth puree. Of course, you can follow the lead of laziness and chop the berries using food processor, but it would be much smarter to mash the raspberries with a regular potato masher. This will ensure that you retain more of the raspberries themselves and the beneficial microelements in them as well.

    Place the raspberry puree into a fairly deep bowl with high sides and place it on the stove. Turn on low heat and bring the berry mass to a boil, while constantly stirring it with a wooden spatula as shown in the photo. Over the next 15 minutes after boiling, cook the base for raspberry jam.

    Next, take a large saucepan, place a fine sieve on top of it and pass the contents of the basin through it after the specified time has elapsed. Grind the raspberry mass so that most of the seeds remain in the sieve, but at the same time all the pectin important for the jam is in the pan. Straining can be repeated if you want a perfectly smooth, seedless jam..

    Upon completion of all manipulations, the resulting raspberry mass must be weighed and an equal amount of granulated sugar added to it.

    Thoroughly mix the raspberry mixture with sugar and bring it to a boil again. Cook the jam over low heat, stirring the ingredients periodically with the same wooden spatula. To make it easier to remove the foam that will certainly appear during the cooking of the berries, simply turn the basin in different directions and then the white mass will accumulate in its center.

    Over the next 25 minutes, prepare the jam to the desired degree of thickness, but it is very important not to let the mass overcook, otherwise the raspberries will change their color from bright ruby ​​to unsightly brown.

    We wash small glass jars with soda, pour boiling water over them and sterilize for a couple of 10-15 minutes. We fill the prepared jars with still hot jam to the very neck, roll up the tin lids using a special key or simply screw them on, and put the jars in the pantry. Delicious and healthy raspberry jam, prepared at home simple recipe seedless, ready for the winter.

    Bon appetit!

Raspberry jam is very tasty and aromatic, but it contains one not very pleasant moment - the seeds. It is because of them that many refuse raspberry preparations. And absolutely in vain, because as an alternative to jam, you can prepare syrup by separating the seeds from the juice. This raspberry jam without seeds it turns out no less tasty and just as healthy. In winter, I use this jam to make compote and also as a topping for desserts.


  • 1 kg raspberries;
  • 0.350 kg sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.


We carefully sort the berries, removing spoiled and crushed ones. We also remove the stalks and leaves (if found).

Place the prepared berries in a wide saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring all the time. Then cover the pan with a lid and keep the berries on low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring 3-4 times. During this time, the berries will release a lot of juice, lose their shape, and become soft. Set them aside for 20-30 minutes to cool.

The next task is removing the seeds. The fastest way to do this is to place the raspberries in a holey colander and grind them. Then we pass the remaining mass through a fine mesh colander. If you do not grind it very carefully, approximately 550 g of juice remains from 1 kg of berries.

Add 350 g of sugar to this amount of raspberry juice. We put citric acid, mix.

Place the juice and sugar on the fire. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then reduce heat to low and simmer the syrup for 10 minutes.

While the syrup is boiling, sterilize the jars and lids, wipe them dry and pour hot syrup to the very top.

We close the jars with lids, turn them upside down and leave them like that until they cool down. Cooled jars can be stored not only in a cool room; nothing will happen to the raspberry syrup, even if you just keep it in the kitchen, in an ordinary temperature conditions. The main thing is not to leave it in a place where straight lines will fall. Sun rays so that the syrup does not lose its beautiful ruby ​​color.

From this syrup in winter you can make very delicious compote or tea.

Tips and tricks:

If you have your own raspberries, homemade ones, and you know that they have not been processed in any way and have not touched the ground, you don’t have to wash them. Store-bought raspberries, even though they are a very delicate berry, should be washed. The berries, placed in a colander, can be washed in the shower or immersed in a bucket of water.

Once again I want to dwell on the moment of separating the seeds. If you grind the raspberries directly through a fine mesh colander, the process will take much longer. There are 2 solutions here. You can grind it not very carefully, leaving a little pulp in the cake (acceptable if you have a lot of raspberries and don’t mind them). You can make compote from the cake. Or you can grind it very carefully, then only the seeds remain in the waste (but this takes a lot of time). Choose for yourself what to do in this case.

Raspberry jam with gelatin turns out so tasty, beautiful and aromatic that it’s simply impossible to tear yourself away from it.

Of course, you will need a little more time to prepare such a dessert than regular jam, but the result is worth it!

Homemade raspberry jam with the addition of gelatin tastes softer and more delicate.

We offer you several recipes for raspberry jam with gelatin to prepare it for the winter.

Cooking raspberry jam with gelatin


  • raspberries – 1 kg
  • sugar – 1.5 kg
  • citric acid – 1 g
  • water – 300 ml
  • gelatin – 3 g

Making raspberry jam with gelatin:

1. Dissolve gelatin in warm water and leave for 15 minutes.

2. At this time, sort out the raspberries and place them in a saucepan.

3. Pour in sugar, pour in water and place the dishes on low heat.

4. Bring the raspberries to a boil and cook for exactly 15 minutes.

Order an energy saver and forget about the previous huge expenses for electricity

5. At the very end, pour in the swollen gelatin and add citric acid, mix well.

6. Warm the jam for a couple more minutes, and then pour the finished jam into clean jars and roll up.

Recipe for raspberry jam with syrup


  • raspberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.4 kg
  • water - 500 ml
  • citric acid on the tip of a teaspoon
  • gelatin - 3 g

How to make raspberry jam for the winter with gelatin:

1. Sort the raspberries, carefully wash the berries and tear off the green tails, if any.

To remove beetle larvae, soak for a few minutes in salt water and then rinse.

2. Transfer to an enamel cooking container.

3. Boil syrup from water and sugar, pour it over the berries and bring to a boil over low heat.

4. Cook for 10-15 minutes, without stirring, just shaking slightly and skimming off the foam.

5. 2-3 minutes before readiness, add citric acid and dissolved in a small amount boiled water gelatin.

6. Place the hot raspberry jam into dry, sterilized jars, wait until a film forms on the surface, and then screw on the lids.

Store homemade preparations in a cool, dark place.

Already read: 1158 times

What's good about raspberry jam? Because it will not contain raspberry seeds and other unpleasant ingredients. How to make raspberry jam for the winter read and watch further.

Raspberry jam is the most the best remedy during winter colds and flu. And raspberry preparations are very tasty. I suggest making jam, not jam, from raspberries.

P The principle of making jam is similar to jam, but there is a significant difference. So, for example, we will rub the berries through a sieve. The jam will be thick, without unnecessary impurities and unpleasant ingredients.

Rest assured, nothing will crunch on your teeth! Let's start cooking.

Raspberry jam recipe step by step


  • 3 kg raspberries
  • 1.5 kg sugar

Cooking method:

1. Carefully sort the raspberries, remove all leaves and stalks.

2. Wash raspberries as needed. If the raspberries are dirty or dusty, wash them, but if it has recently rained and the raspberries are clean, then you shouldn’t.

3. Mash the berries into a puree using a masher, a wooden pestle or a blender.

4. Place the bowl with raspberry puree on the stove. Bring the puree to a boil over medium heat, stirring with a special large spoon.

5. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and cook the mixture for about 15 minutes.

6. Place the hot raspberry mass in parts into a sieve and rub into a clean pan.

7. The mashed raspberry puree can be strained or rubbed again through a clean sieve. Shake raspberry seeds and other debris into a separate bowl.

8. Now the raspberry mass needs to be weighed. Of this amount of raspberries, after boiling and pureeing, approximately 1.5 kg of net weight should remain.

9. Use the same amount of sugar for the resulting amount of puree, in a 1:1 ratio.

10. Mix the raspberry mixture with sugar and place over medium heat.

11. Cook the jam for about 25 minutes after boiling, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam.

12. Wash and sterilize jars.

13. Cooled raspberry jam until room temperature Place in jars and seal with lids.

Store jam in a cool, dry place.

The jam turns out thick and can be used for sandwiches and baked goods.
Bon appetit!

See the video recipe for more details.

Video recipe "Raspberry jam"

Have fun cooking and be healthy!

Always yours Alena Tereshina.