How are raspberries grown in the Krasnodar region? Preparing the site for autumn planting of raspberries. Raspberry care: feeding

They are very attractive to the gardener not only because they are able to bear fruit, but also due to their decorative functions. Planted against a background of a wall or grass, groups with multi-colored fruits will create quite beautiful appearance berry-leaf compositions. But, we must take into account that this plan cannot be correctly implemented without reasonable and correct landing, which will be discussed in this article.

Autumn terms

In theory, all berry bushes should be planted in autumn period, since it is after such planting that they take root better and develop faster after wintering. It is impossible to say exactly when to plant raspberries in the fall, since everything varies depending on.

Did you know? Russia ranks first in the world in raspberry cultivation. In 2012, about 210 thousand tons of raspberries were grown in the country.

Bushes must be planted after they have matured., and, for example, more early species this occurs by mid-September, and the later ones complete this process in October. All works on autumn planting Raspberry planting must be completed no later than 20 days before the first frost, otherwise the shoots simply will not take root.

How to choose quality planting material

It is not recommended to purchase seedlings of great thickness; it would be preferable to choose stems of medium thickness or, if you have not found any, even thin ones will do. There is no need to purchase huge raspberry bushes with a large number of shoots; it will be enough to buy several small specimens.
The seedlings should not be longer than 30-40 centimeters, since they still need to be trimmed before planting. It is worth purchasing seedlings that already have berries on the stems, which will allow you to evaluate the organoleptic properties of the fruits and make sure of their future ability to bear fruit.

Important! Worth paying Special attention on root system, which should be well branched, fibrous and contain no more than three or four surface stems.

Selecting a location

The best place for planting raspberries there will be a flat area, perhaps with a slight slope, good. It is not recommended to plant bushes in swampy and damp places. Due to the fact that raspberries produce quite a lot of shoots, good decision It will be planted along the hedge. Raspberries are a sun-loving plant, so you need to choose a well-lit area for it with minimal shading during the day.

Preparatory work

Let's figure out how to properly plant raspberries in the fall. Before the landing process it is necessary to carry out preparatory activities concerning both the seedlings themselves and the soil where planting will take place.

Site preparation

Since raspberry fields are usually planted for up to 10-15 years, the soil must be properly cultivated. The area for planting must be completely plowed in advance (1-2 months in advance), adding a mixture of the following fertilizers per square meter: either rotted - 10-12 kg, - 30-40 g, - 50-60 g.

Preparation of seedlings

Before planting, seedlings must be stripped of all leaves, leaving only the stem, trimmed to a length of 20-30 cm and dipped bottom into a thick mixture of clay and mullein, preferably with the addition of “Heteroauxin”.

Planting methods

There are two methods of planting raspberry bushes: pit and trench. The choice of method depends on where you plan to plant raspberries on your site. Important to consider solar lighting. Many gardeners believe that planting should be done from north to south, which will promote better access. sun rays to plants in the morning and towards noon.

Did you know? Raspberry leaves can serve as a worthy substitute for tea. To do this, they are crushed by hand so that they turn black and release juice, after which they are dried in the oven.


It is believed that this method is better suited for autumn planting. remontant raspberries. For it, it is necessary to prepare holes in advance with a diameter of 0.5 m and a depth of up to 0.4 m. The distance between rows should be at least 1.5 m, and between bushes at least 0.8-1 m.
It is recommended to put fertilizer or top fertile soil layer, previously loosened, at the bottom of each hole. This is followed by careful planting, followed by compaction and abundant watering.


For this method, trenches are dug in advance with a depth of 0.4-0.5 m and a width of 0.5-0.6 m. The gap between each furrow should be at least 1.5 meters. It is recommended to place seedlings in a trench at a distance of at least 0.4 m from each other. Fertilizers are applied to the trench already at the stage of its preparation; the top fertile layer of soil can also be used for this.

It was drizzling outside, so we decided not to go to the farm through the slush, but to talk here, in the office. I was interested in how the man sitting in front of me learned to grow raspberries masterfully. And how did he come to this particular berry culture. In our area, farmers grow vegetables and herbs, but I haven’t heard of raspberries. And Vladimir Tabolin has such success...

The path to my current occupation was long. After graduating from the Kuban Agricultural Institute, Vladimir returned to his native collective farm “Russia”, where he worked as an agronomist for five years. It was here that his role as a specialist clearly manifested itself. The yield of grain crops increased every year. Tabolin's intelligence and efforts were clearly in demand in his native household. Things were going well until the disastrous nineties struck. “Dawn” went out, scattering into small farms. The agronomist became unclaimed. Vladimir Anatolyevich began to try himself in different companies, but it was not in his nature to work for someone else’s uncle. I decided to open my own business. Using his own savings and loan money, he bought the base of the former Agricultural Chemistry and calibration equipment for confectionery sunflower seeds. He sorted and packaged the seeds, selling them to companies that roasted the seeds. Things went well, a circle of acquaintances in the “fried” business emerged. But firms began to consolidate, their appetites grew, and prices for raw materials fell lower and lower. So it became unprofitable to engage in sunflower. Representatives of companies began to bypass the purchase of seeds directly from producers. In 2010, having calculated everything and realized the unprofitability of doing calibration, Tabolin decided to sell his company.

Raspberry berries lured me into a new business. With the money raised from the sale of his business, Tabolin decided to invest every penny in Agriculture. I reasoned this way: an agricultural specialist must work on the land, produce any product, but not be an intermediary in the purchase and sale. And he began to grow raspberries, beloved by everyone for their taste and beneficial properties. Other than that, there was little he knew about this berry before. Tobolin plunged into printed sources and went online. It turned out that raspberries can heal from any diseases, the berries of which even after heat treatment don't lose theirs beneficial properties! Why, there is no such person who, when he had a cold as a child, was not given tea with raspberry jam. By the way, a good friend advised me to grow this berry. Well, the price never falls, you won’t be left at a loss! If, of course, you approach the matter with all seriousness. Tabolin invested all the money he had into planting a plantation. It was laid on an area of ​​20 hectares using Western technology. I chose the Polish variety “Polyana”, which is high-yielding. The stem of the berry is stable and does not require a trellis. The berries are dense. Strong, with good keeping quality. Cooled to 0-2 degrees, they are stored for two weeks. In addition, this variety is intended for combine harvesting.

An American entrepreneur purchased the only berry harvester in the country. And his plantation turned out to be one of the largest in Russia. And he got down to business.

For four years, Vladimir Anatolyevich has gained good experience in growing raspberries. The plantation of this moisture-loving crop is equipped with a device for drip irrigation. Raspberries tolerate frost well, but they don’t like the Kuban heat. I had to verify this during last year’s merciless heat, which negatively affected both the yield and the size of the berries. The heat crushed about a third of the grown crop and firmly tied it to the stalk. You can't remove it with a combine. I had to bring in the harvest manual labor, and still many berries remained in the field. The visiting Polish experts suggested that the losses were caused by abnormally hot weather. They gave advice - to cover the plantation with a sun protection net. But this required money, and raspberries, unfortunately, were not included in the support program, so you have to find funds yourself. Entrepreneur Tabolin took global experience in selling products by purchasing necessary equipment. The berries are now sorted into first and second grades right in the field and packed in plastic containers capacity 250 grams. After picking, the packaged berries are sharply cooled within two hours after picking and only then sent to trading network. The owner has no problems with sales.

Today is the first year since Tabolin began selling raspberry seedlings. He doesn’t complain about life. And if an emergency situation arises, he simply looks for a way out of it. And always remembers folk saying: “You will be full from the earth.” Fairly said.

Any self-respecting owner of a homestead or summer cottage dreams of pleasing himself and his family with sweet and aromatic raspberries, boasting to his neighbors of a large harvest and large berries.

But how to achieve such a result? Where to start if you only have a great desire, but lack experience and knowledge?

I will not delve into the intricacies and overload the average person’s brain with complex terms and descriptions of labor-intensive agricultural techniques; I will try to be concise and precise, and give advice verified by personal experience.

A small clarification: we will talk about growing raspberries in the south of Russia and Ukraine. The main difference from other regions is the early hot spring.

The first thing you need to learn is that raspberry bushes should be planted in the fall and best in early November. This is primarily due to the change climatic conditions. Practice shows that even the most resistant varieties of berries after spring planting they don’t have time to settle down. As a rule, they do not survive until summer and no watering or fertilizer will help you with this.

After the end of winter, the sum of average daily positive temperatures increases rapidly; by the end of April we reach +25 + 30C. At the same time, the intensity ultraviolet radiation is such that the frequency of watering is in no way capable of preventing the plant from drying out.

Next, you should remember that raspberries grow best in a place where it is always humid and there is no excess sunlight. This leads to the conclusion that raspberries feel good in shaded places (in the shade of a house, between outbuildings, in the backyard in the shade of trees).

Raspberries reproduce well by root shoots; they have dormant buds that germinate well in favorable conditions. If you obtained the stems along with the root part, then after planting the stem must be cut to ground level. It is necessary to close it to a depth of 5-10 cm. It makes no sense to leave long branches: it is still impossible to get a harvest from them, as well as growth for the next year.

Planted bushes must be sprinkled with organic matter. During the growth process, water deeply at least once a week. You will get the harvest in the second year.

During the period of growth of fruiting stems, raspberries form a mass of young shoots. At the end of May they must be completely cut off. After a month, repeat the procedure, but some of the most powerful shoots must be left. Their number should correspond to the number of fruiting stems. In the fall, after harvesting, you completely cut off the fruit-bearing stems, and the young shoots will give you a harvest next year.

That's all the simple wisdom. Do everything on time, don’t give up, believe in the power of nature - you will get excellent results and a lot of fun.

How to plant raspberries correctly?


– Raspberries are planted in holes or grooves 25-30 cm deep without tilting. The rhizomes are covered in such a way that the rhizome buds are at soil level or covered with 3-5 cm of soil. If planted smaller, the plant will suffer from drought and frost.

Don’t get carried away with planting too deeply - the survival rate and development of the seedling will decrease.

On arid soils, like ours in Kuban, raspberries are placed in deep furrows that are not completely covered with soil. In winter, snow accumulates in them, and in spring moisture is retained.

– How to plant raspberries correctly?

A. Zavyalova.

Turn on the light

Raspberry is a light-loving plant. With its deficiency, the shoots become elongated, the berries ripen much more slowly and become smaller. Plants are less prepared for winter and may simply die from the cold.

Raspberries cannot tolerate even short droughts. This is explained by the superficial location of the root system and the delicate structure of the fruit.

Besides, tender bush does not tolerate cold winter winds. Therefore, it is better to plant it in a protected place. Acidic soils lime. To do this, add lime or wood ash in the fall.

The main thing is the roots

The optimal time for planting raspberries is autumn (September - October) or early spring. Plants with a closed root system in pots or containers can be planted throughout the season. The main thing is that when purchasing, pay attention that the seedling is strong, with a developed root system. The bush must be free of damage and stains. Such seedlings take root better and bear fruit well. If you bought a plant with an open root system, then immerse it in water or a solution of a root formation stimulator for several hours.

We dig up the soil, select weeds and apply fertilizer. To process one square meter We prepare the following mixture: mix a bucket of rotted manure or humus with 200 g of superphosphate and a small amount of wood ash. You can apply a smaller amount of fertilizer, but directly into the planting hole.

For planting, prepare holes 30 x 30 cm. Fill them halfway with rotted manure, humus, peat, wood ash. You can add a handful of complex mineral fertilizer directly into the hole.

We pour a mound of earth on top, spread the roots of the plant on it and carefully bury it.

The distance between raspberry seedlings should not be less than a meter(maximum 1.8 m). After planting, do not forget to water each raspberry bush generously, at least 1 bucket (10 liters) for each plant.

In an area where raspberries grow for a long time, the soil is depleted, weeds, pathogens and pests accumulate. Therefore, it is absolutely forbidden to plant new bushes in the old place. The best predecessors for raspberries can be onions, carrots, beets, radishes, lettuce and dill.


Raspberries are a slightly winter-hardy crop. Often plants can no longer withstand frosts of -30o C. For our region, choose zoned varieties.


Escape lives for two years

The main feature of raspberries, unlike others berry bushes the fact that its shoots are not older than 2 years. On next year overwintered stems do not grow. Branches of varying lengths develop from axillary buds. The most productive branches are at a height of 60 - 150 cm.

Every year the plant, along with berries and branches, absorbs a large number of nutrients, as a result the soil is depleted, and the berries become smaller or disappear completely. Therefore, in order to get a bountiful harvest, fertilizers must be applied annually. The soil under the bush needs to be loosened, but this must be done carefully, trying not to damage the roots. In the first year, the plants do not need additional fertilizers; those added during planting are quite sufficient. But watering is very useful, especially in dry summers. Raspberries simply need moisture during the flowering period and when the berries ripen. Mulch the soil under and around the bushes with straw, grass clippings, tree bark or special material. This will help retain soil moisture and control weeds.

Secateurs in hand

After harvesting, we cut out all two-year-old stems at the very surface of the soil, leaving no stumps. Root shoots not intended for reproduction are also removed. In the spring we inspect the tops of the shoots. If they were not damaged by frost, then we shorten them slightly. Damaged shoots should be shortened to a healthy bud.

For the winter, raspberries should be bent down. Don't wait until the leaves fall completely. Bend plants while they are still flexible and easy to handle.


Raspberries grow very quickly and occupy new areas. Take this feature into account. To be on the safe side, you can even fence off the bush (dig it into the ground) with a special plastic tape.