Maksyuta Nikolai Kirillovich Federation Council. Maksyuta Nikolai Kirillovich. Consolation prize for Nikolai Maksyuta

Born on May 26, 1947 in the village of Zakharovka, Kirovograd region, Ukrainian SSR, into a peasant family. Father - Maksyuta Kirill Denisovich (born 1906) - had six classes of education and was considered a literate person in the village. Then he was a foreman of a tractor brigade on a collective farm, went through the entire Great Patriotic War, and participated in the war with Japan. Mother - Maksyuta Ksenia Ivanovna (born 1910). His wife, Lidiya Andreevna Maksyuta (born 1944), works at the Volgograd Shipyard as a museum director. Daughter - Mikheeva Elena Nikolaevna (born 1968) - teacher. Son - Masyuta Kirill Nikolaevich (born 1973) - programmer. The son-in-law is a mechanic, the daughter-in-law, Svetlana, is raising a child. Nikolai Kirillovich has two granddaughters - Anya and Nastya.

Nikolai Kirillovich's parents were distinguished by great hard work and peasant wisdom. From early childhood they tried to instill in their children, and there were four of them, a love of work and the ability to stand firmly on their own two feet. They considered the main task of their lives to be to educate their children. The father wanted his youngest son Nikolai to follow in his footsteps and become a grain grower, but Nikolai Kirillovich chose the path he had dreamed of since childhood: to build ships.

After graduating from school in 1965, Nikolai Maksyuta entered the first year of the Nikolaev Order of the Red Banner of Labor Shipbuilding Institute. Makarova. From the first days of his studies, he realized that he was not mistaken in his choice and greedily gained knowledge of shipbuilding. This helped him successfully graduate from college and receive a diploma in ship power plant mechanics.

In 1971, on assignment from the university, he came to Volgograd to work at a shipbuilding plant. Here Nikolai Kirillovich with great desire began to comprehend in practice the craft of a shipbuilder. Assistant foreman, foreman, senior foreman, deputy head of assembly and welding, assembly and delivery shops, production manager, director, CEO Volgograd Shipyard - this was the production path of N.K. Maksyuta.

No matter what area he worked in, and no matter what position he was in, he was constantly learning. Special literature, magazine and newspaper articles were his constant assistants, and the experience of his senior comrades also helped.

N.K. Maksyuta tried to base his work on the analysis of economic and economic activity site, workshop, department or entire plant. A sense of high responsibility for the assigned work, a sensitive attitude towards people, organizational skills- the main qualities of Nikolai Kirillovich.

In 1986, for success in production, research, and state socio-cultural activities N.K. Maksyuta was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

The talent of the production manager was most fully revealed in those years when N.K. Maksyuta headed the Volgograd Shipyard for 10 years. It was a difficult period at the beginning of perestroika. Difficult times required experience and great knowledge: how to properly implement economic reforms in order to preserve the many thousands of staff of a unique shipbuilding plant and find new ways to solve production problems in a market economy.

Under his leadership, up to twenty different vessels were built annually - modern fishing vessels, river-sea tankers for transporting oil, dry cargo ships, and other projects were implemented. During the reform of production N.K. Maksyuta mobilized the company’s staff to produce competitive products, which allowed the company to enter the world market with its products.

Special attention he devoted his attention to fulfilling orders from the Ministry of Defense: with his personal participation, a technology for strengthening tank armor was developed. For this unique work in 1996 N.K. Maksyuta was awarded the diploma of a full academician of the Russian Academy of Quality Problems.

An equally important task for N.K. Maksyuta, the general director of a multi-thousand enterprise, was also the solution to the social problems of the team. During his leadership, 530 apartments were built for plant workers, a stadium was reconstructed, two kindergartens were built, subsidiary farms were equipped, and psychological relief rooms were equipped in the workshops of the main and auxiliary productions.

The team of the enterprise, led by N.K. Maksyuta, provided constant assistance to rural workers in the Volgograd region. The plant became the leading enterprise in the region for the production of Fregat irrigation machines, cultivators, haymowers, feed dispensers and other agricultural equipment. Using patronage, shipbuilders built more than a hundred residential buildings in the village.

In 1997 N.K. Maksyuta was awarded the honorary title "Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation", he was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Government of Russia, and was awarded the "300th Anniversary" medal Russian fleet".

In October 1995 N.K. Maksyuta won the elections to the City Duma, which was later renamed the City Council of People's Deputies. Members of the Council elected Nikolai Kirillovich as chairman. With his inherent sense of responsibility, Nikolai Kirillovich began to delve into the problems of the economy of a city with a million people. He spent a lot of time asking questions local government. Under his leadership, the city charter was developed and adopted, and budget policy began to be implemented more carefully. On the initiative of N.K. Maksyuta city board of directors has been created and is successfully operating industrial enterprises, which contributed to stopping the decline in volumes industrial production, reducing the unemployment rate in Volgograd.

In the city, with the help of the City Council, free travel on public transport was introduced for schoolchildren. Students primary classes from low-income families receive free breakfasts at schools.

Nikolai Kirillovich Maksyuta ran on an alternative basis in the elections of the Head of Administration of the Volgograd Region as a candidate from the People's Patriotic Union of Russia. On December 29, 1996, by a majority vote he was elected Head of the Administration of the Volgograd Region. From the first days of work in this position, he has been persistently engaged in economic issues, economic problems and social infrastructure districts of the region.

Forms a team of like-minded people who are ready to defend the interests of peasants, help bring the Volgograd village out of a painful crisis, and raise the destroyed economy of the region.

In an environment of acute financial deficit, finds ways to solve complex issues related to timely payment of pensions and wages employees budgetary sphere. Nikolai Kirillovich cares about the quality of competitive products of Volgograd enterprises, solves difficult problems of bringing industrial enterprises out of the economic crisis, issues of market relations and support for small and medium-sized businesses.

Carrying out the difficult duties of the Head of the regional administration, N.K. Maksyuta actively participates in the work of the Federation Council. He is a member of the Budget Committee, tax policy, currency and customs regulation, banking activities of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Nikolai Kirillovich considers work to be the main meaning of life. In his activities, he is guided by the principle of honest, open service to people and the business that was entrusted to him. N.K. Maksyuta dreams of making the lives of residents of the Volgograd region prosperous and calm.

He loves to wander through the forest at any time of the year, enjoys hunting and fishing, has his own car, and loves to read historical and adventure literature. Nikolai Kirillovich likes to communicate with friends and like-minded people. In disputes with opponents, he always strives to convince them of the correctness of his point of view, resorting to compelling arguments and analysis of phenomena.

Lives and works in Volgograd.

Former head of the administration of the Volgograd region.
Born on May 26, 1947 in the village of Zakharovka, Kirovograd region, Ukrainian SSR, into a peasant family. His wife, Maksyuta Lidiya Andreevna, works at the Volgograd Shipyard as a museum director. He has two children - a son and a daughter, as well as two granddaughters.
Successfully graduated from the Nikolaev Order of the Red Banner of Labor Shipbuilding Institute named after. Makarov and received a diploma in mechanics of ship power plants.
In 1971, on assignment from the university, he came to Volgograd to work at a shipbuilding plant. Assistant foreman, foreman, senior foreman, deputy head of the assembly and welding, assembly and delivery shops, production manager, director, general director of the Volgograd Shipbuilding Plant - this was the production path of N.K. Maksyuta.
In 1986, for success in production, research, and state socio-cultural activities, Nikolai Kirillovich was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.
The talent of the production manager was most fully revealed in those years when N.K. Maksyuta led the Volgograd shipbuilding plant for 10 years.
In 1997 N.K. Maksyuta was awarded the honorary title "Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation", he was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Government of Russia, and was awarded the medal "300th Anniversary of the Russian Fleet".
In October 1995 N.K. Maksyuta won the elections to the City Duma, which was later renamed the City Council of People's Deputies. Members of the Council elected Nikolai Kirillovich as chairman. Under his leadership, the city charter was developed and adopted, and budget policy began to be implemented more carefully. On the initiative of N.K. In Maksyuta, a city council of directors of industrial enterprises has been created and is successfully operating.
Nikolai Kirillovich Maksyuta ran on an alternative basis in the elections of the Head of Administration of the Volgograd Region as a candidate from the People's Patriotic Union of Russia. On December 29, 1996, by a majority vote he was elected Head of the Administration of the Volgograd Region.
In 2001, he was awarded the academic title of Honorary Professor of the Volgograd State Agricultural Academy. In 2002 he was awarded the Order of Honor.
In 2005-2006 he was a member of the presidium State Council RF. In January 2007, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree. On January 12, 2010, the powers of Nikolai Maksyuta as head of the administration of the Volgograd region ended.

From the interview:
- Nikolai Kirillovich, if you look at the socio-economic situation of the Volgograd region in comparison with other subjects of the Southern Federal District, what undoubted advantages does the region have?
- The advantages of the Volgograd region today are 30 percent of the industrial output of the South federal district, significant raw material resources, entry into the top ten regions of Russia for the production of grain crops. There is a powerful transport hub here, through which many international and domestic transport corridors emerging in Russia pass. The region is developing economically in all directions; production volumes are increasing not only large enterprises, but also small and medium businesses. The region has adopted and is already implementing a strategy for socio-economic development until 2025.
A major reform is underway budget system. First important steps have already been done: the practice of three-year budget planning has been introduced and a new methodology for interbudgetary relations has been legislatively approved. The next stage of modernization will be the transition to planning regional finances using the results-oriented budgeting method.
- 2006-2007 was a time of investing in people. Can we talk about qualitative changes in social policy areas?
- Last year, approximately two thousand more children were born in the Volgograd region than in the previous year. This figure suggests that the family has begun to feel more confident: incomes are growing and they are stable. Last year, we in the region adopted a progressive norm - our minimum wage exceeds the federal and regional minimum living wages. Now it is already over 5 thousand rubles, which is an impetus for the growth of the average salary level in general and bringing it out of the shadows, and, therefore, replenishing the budget.

In 1965 he entered the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute, from which he graduated with honors with a degree in mechanical engineer.

In 1971, after graduating from the institute, he was assigned to the Volgograd Shipyard, where he worked until 1995. He started working as an assistant foreman, was a deputy manager, a workshop manager, and a production manager. In the mid-80s. became director of the plant.

In October 1995, he was elected as a deputy of the Volgograd City Duma (later - the Council of People's Deputies). At the first meeting he was elected Chairman of the Duma.

On December 29, 1996, he won the gubernatorial elections in the Volgograd region. Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the second convocation. Was a member of the Committee on Budget, Tax Policy, Financial, Customs and currency regulation, banking activities.

On December 24, 2000, in the gubernatorial elections, Nikolai Maksyuta was elected governor of the Volgograd region for a second term. Resigned as a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

N.K. Maksyuta was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1986), the medal "300th Anniversary of the Russian Fleet", is an academician of the Academy of Quality Problems of the Russian Federation (1996), awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Russian Federation (1997), and has the title "Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation" (1997).

In 2001, he was awarded the academic title of Honorary Professor of the Volgograd State Agricultural Academy.

In 2002 he was awarded the Order of Honor.

In 2002, N. Maksyuta was awarded the rank of colonel of the All-Great Don Army.

For preparations for the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad, thanks to the active position of the governor, in 2003 the Volgograd region was awarded the Highest public award of the Russian Federation “Order of Peter the Great”.

At the end of 2003, N. Maksyuta became a laureate of the “Person of the Year” award in the “Governor’s Style” nomination.

In 2004, N. Maksyuta headed the working commission to prepare for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. In July, he was included in the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory", the chairman of which is the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. The new composition of the organizing committee includes only four heads of subjects Russian Federation- Volgograd region, Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Moscow.

In December 2004, Nikolai Kirillovich Maksyuta was elected head of the administration of the Volgograd region for a third term.

In 2005-2006, member of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation.

On October 8, 2007 he was awarded the Order of Francisco de Miranda. It is awarded to citizens of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and other countries for their contribution to the development of the country or other outstanding achievements.

Married, has two children and three granddaughters. Wife - Maksyuta Lidiya Andreevna, daughter - Elena Mikheeva, son - Kirill Maksyuta, granddaughters - Anna, Anastasia and Polina.


1971 - Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute named after. adm. S.O. Makarova

Academic degrees:

Honorary Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
- Doctor of Economics and Management

Academic titles:

Honorary Professor of the Volgograd State Agricultural Academy
- Academician of the Academy of Quality Problems
- full member of the Academy of Problems of Diplomatic Sciences and international relations
- full member of the International Academy of Management
- full member Russian Academy business and entrepreneurship

State awards:

1986 - Order of the Badge of Honor 1997 - honorary title “Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation” 2002. - Order of Honor 2007 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree

Position before election (appointment):

head of the administration of the Volgograd region.

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