Sorceress makeup. Witch Halloween Makeup Ideas. Insidious fairytale witch

All Saints' Day is what this holiday was originally called. It is celebrated noisily and on a large scale, without a tense atmosphere and gloomy messages, despite the root cause of its appearance. People believed that the dead - departed relatives, friends and even pets - were in another, ghostly world. You can only see the deceased during the night of October 31 - at this magical time, souls descend into the world of the living to see loved ones.

Along with the good spirits, evil, lost souls also descended. To scare away such uninvited guests, it is customary to dress up as a variety of monsters, as well as apply appropriate makeup. So ghosts do not recognize an enemy in a person and will not touch him, and if you try hard with the image, they will become completely frightened.

At first, only classic costumes and masks of monsters were relevant - witches, werewolves, vampires, etc., but modern culture Halloween celebrations allow any costumes; their theme does not even have to correspond to any creepy or scary image. This is happily used by children, fully expressing their imagination, and by representatives of the fair sex, who on this special night have the opportunity to transform into anyone they want.

What makeup is best for Halloween?

Of course, you first need to decide on a costume. Makeup or make-up is just an addition if the decision on a full-fledged image has already been made. Even if there is no time/desire for a costume, makeup must be done in the same style, harmonious and festive, so as not to look stupid or inappropriate.

When planning to do makeup for a Halloween themed party, it is better to know the theme of the event. For example, it would be strange to appear as a zombie or a lycanthrope wolf at a vampire-themed party. Complex demands are rarely made at such meetings—after all, Halloween has long since lost its appeal. sacred meaning and now is just a reason to get together with friends and have fun.

If there is neither a costume nor preferred themes for the makeup base, it is recommended to let go of your imagination and quickly come up with an image from scratch, based only on the clues of your intuition and sense of style. Here are some tips that can guide a newbie in celebrating All Hallows' Day:

  1. Dark colors are optional! If the holiday has a dark theme, this does not mean that bright colors should be excluded. On the contrary, colorful elements are very common in standard costume party themes. You can wear bright makeup to depict a pumpkin, a cute witch, a cat or a fairy. There is no need to be afraid to look positive.
  2. Glowing elements. Fluorescent face and body paint will help you stand out from the crowd and create a believable image. This can be bought in gift shops, make-up shops or on the Internet. Face and body paints are completely safe and are designed for ten hours of continuous wear.
  3. Stickers or drawings, glitter. Depending on the image, extraneous decorative elements will also be appropriate. The main thing is not to overdo it, make sure that you can breathe comfortably with makeup and that your skin does not sweat.
  4. Patterns. Standard Halloween makeup can be decorated with patterns typical for the holiday - cobwebs, spiders, cute skulls or black cats in hats. You can make a drawing in front of a mirror yourself, but it is better to ask someone else to make the result as satisfying as possible.

Buy special products for makeup. Regular paints you can make a small contour drawing, but no more - applying makeup to the skin using drawing supplies is dangerous, since some of them can be toxic and are not intended for this at all. Even if the consequences do not occur during the party, they may well appear later, the next day, in the form of a rash or redness of the skin.

Stylish looks for Halloween

There are beginners in every business, and the celebration of All Saints' Day is no exception. Experienced hunters of sweets and positive emotions have long decided which costumes suit them best, but if you are not one of them, there is no need to despair. Even with minimal experience you can create an excellent image for yourself.

Cute/creepy cat

Every girl at least once in her life associated herself with this graceful, elegant and wise animal. We can say that every woman has a cat hidden inside her - why not let it out on this special holiday?

  1. The basis of a cat's image is its eyes. It's wise to put all your effort into getting your eye makeup right. You can line your eyes with winged lines, use more mascara, bold eyeliner and shadows - feel free to apply everything that you wouldn’t dare to do in everyday life. For a complete and unique look, use false eyelashes and contact lenses with narrow pupils.
  2. Use ink to draw a mustache, a nose, even an imitation of fur if you are confident in your abilities.
  3. On the contrary, it is better to hide the lips, make them pale or leave a very weak outline. This will give the image something unusual, expand top part face and narrow the lower one - just like a real cat.

Princess Pumpkin

Halloween has a popular symbol - Jack Pumpkin, the king of the holiday, a monster who steals naughty children. You can wear makeup like its female version and get maximum admiring glances at any party without making much effort.

  1. You don't have to paint your whole face pumpkin orange. The best solution There will be, oddly enough, a tan. It is easy to apply to the face using cosmetics, and the next morning it is just as easy to wash off. If there are special small glitters for the face, use them too.
  2. Pumpkins always have glowing eyes, which means you need to imitate this effect. The brightest result can be achieved if you use light mascara - white, yellow, with glitter. Ideally, the model will have dark color eye, as the end result will resemble ominous reflections inside the pumpkin head.
  3. It is important to shape your lips dark colors- brown, black, gray. You can get by with simple lipstick or pencil, or you can draw a creepy or cute grimace, similar to a crooked pumpkin mouth.


A classic option for a girl, which, however, can hardly be called banal. Although this look is often seen at themed parties, it is very difficult to find two identical witches, because each girl wears makeup to reflect her individuality. You should not copy a ready-made image, build on your own merits and advantages.

  1. Don't be afraid to emphasize the sexiness of your makeup. The image of a witch implies playfulness, not devoid of taste and dignity. Remember the most advantageous features of your face and emphasize them with cosmetics.
  2. Accentuate your eyes, eyebrows, lips, even if you are not used to bright makeup. Faded witches are quickly lost against the background of their rivals, so there is no need to be modest. You can add some absurdity and exaggerated unnaturalness to the image - whiten your facial skin, add blush.
  3. Feel free to draw cute marks on your cheeks from lips, spiders, skulls - all this will not harm the image at all, if you follow moderation. Do not overdo it with details; they should be properly set off by pale skin.

You don’t need any long and tedious preparations to celebrate All Saints’ Day in full readiness for fun and the opportunity to show off your image; a standard set of cosmetics that every girl has, imagination and a little free time will suffice. Celebrate the frightening holiday with brightness and style!

Here are more Halloween makeup looks:

The holiday of evil spirits Helloween is approaching, and this means a lot of noisy and interesting parties that require an unforgettable image! All the girls rush to choose an original outfit and makeup. Halloween is a great time to try yourself in a completely different role than in life. A modest and quiet girl can become a sexy vampire, a bloody honey sister, a corpse bride or a mysterious witch. If you have settled on the image of a charming witch, you need bright and unforgettable makeup. Witch makeup will allow your imagination to run wild.

  • Refer to Disney cartoons or fairy tales about witches so that you can decide which image you will try on.
  • Witch makeup is primarily dark shades on the eyes, purple or deathly pale lips.
  • But you don’t have to stick to the classics; experiment and add your own twist to your makeup!
  • The main thing in witch makeup is the emphasis on the eyes. Your look should be enchanting, wildly alluring.

Which image to choose?!

Many people immediately think of an old woman with an ugly face, a long hooked nose and feisty eyes, but this option is not suitable for modern beauties. Better remember the fatal beauties - witches who were burned at the stake by the Inquisition.

Witch from a fairy tale

A classic of the genre, an evil witch with an ugly nose.

  1. If you are proficient with technology papier mache, then make a nose out of paper and silicone, and if you don’t have such talent, then don’t be upset.
  2. Everything can be corrected by focusing on the eyes and giving a greenish tone to the skin.
  3. For makeup, use green eyeshadow, you will need the entire palette, from light green until marsh color.
  4. If you are a girl who has no complexes, you can stick a small wart on your nose or chin.

Witch from the forest

Dryads, forest witches, are a perfect example of forest creatures.

  1. Such witches had pale skin, so stock up on powder.
  2. The eyes should be a marsh color with a slight yellowish tint; for greater brightness, sprinkle the eyelids with dark glitter and line them with thick eyeliner.
  3. Finish your eye makeup with charcoal black mascara. And to make the image piquant, draw a leaf in the corner of the eye.
  4. For lips you will need green or dark brown pomade.

Gothic witch

The most mysterious demonic image.

  1. Black tones predominate in makeup.
  2. The face must be made white; for this it is better to use theatrical makeup.
  3. Line your eyes with a pencil and apply black eye shadow, and also highlight your eyelashes with dark mascara.
  4. Lip makeup can be done with black or red lipstick.

Modern witch

This makeup is suitable for girls who want to modernize the look of a witch. To create it, you will need a wine or scarlet shade of lipstick, a pale skin tone and a smoky eyes style on the eyes with black eyeliner and mascara on the eyelashes.

The Snow Queen

This witch is famous for her poor bluish skin tone, evil disposition and cold heart. This look is more suitable for girls with fair skin.

  1. When applying makeup, highlight your cheekbones with gray eyeshadow.
  2. You can apply graphic arrows or silver shadows with sparkles to your eyes.
  3. It is better to make your lips nondescript by covering them with light foundation, and if you find lipstick blue color, then this will make the image unique.

All types of makeup that have been described look better on brunettes and redheads. Owners of black and red hair will play up witch makeup as best as possible. But what about fair-haired girls?!

Blonde witches

There is a solution for you using .

  1. Can be applied to eyes dark blue, purple shadows.
  2. Eyeliner is also applied to match the shadows.
  3. It is better to use false eyelashes with incredible volume and length.
  4. It is better to choose a pale beige lipstick or even whiten your lips with foundation.
  5. You can apply some glitter on your face.
  6. Make your eyebrows wider, choose a brown pencil for this.

Also, there is a great solution for blonde witches - remember the image of the witch from the movie Dark Shadows, played superbly by Eva Green!

Video: how to do witch makeup?!

Halloween makeup for girls is in high demand among their loving mothers. Bright makeup, although not as terrifying as that of adult women, is increasingly being worn on the faces of very young people. What children's Halloween makeup for girls will be fashionable this fall and how to choose the right look for your little princess? First things first.

Best Halloween Look

In order for your child to shine at any event dedicated to the feast of All Saints, you first need to decide on the right look.

  • Character. The outcome of the event depends on the choice of the right character. Ask your child which character she likes, accept her opinion, try to listen to the girl.

  • Costume. Its “recognizability” depends on how correctly and accurately the costume is made.

To create an outfit, it is better to stock up on: old unnecessary clothes, gloves, knee socks, a hat or scarf, bandages, ropes, wire, false nails, cardboard, wigs, etc.

  • Hairstyle. Pay attention to your hair. It can be done as follows: combed and secured with varnish, the strands are dyed, decorated with shiny varnish, skull hairpins and a hoop with horns.

Makeup options for girls for Halloween

Makeup for girls for Halloween will help complete the look. Without this final touch, the entire costume will lose its zest and become ordinary. Pay attention to the quality of the makeup cosmetics used. Your princess's delicate skin should not experience discomfort. Here's Halloween makeup for girls (brief description):

  • Makeup “Zombie Girl”. The secret is the gray paint on the face. Bruises and bruises are marked in red, yellow and purple flowers. The lips must be black; if you wish, you can add scars.

  • Makeup "Witch". Photos of witch makeup are found everywhere in many variations of execution. A feisty and nasty witch requires green makeup. The entire skin of the child's face and neck is painted over completely. Warts and wrinkles are drawn with eyeliner. The decorative web is drawn with the same pencil. A bright lipstick or lip gloss will help complete the look.

  • . The most common and popular make-up photos are cat photos. The cute cat image is especially good for girls aged 9 to 10 years. The face is powdered, cheekbones are drawn with blush. Using shadows and a pencil, draw the cat's eyes, eyebrows and nose. You can also use makeup for the nose. With its help, a mustache and muzzle are drawn. Red lipstick is perfect for depicting a cat's tongue.

  • Make-up "Clownness". We already know what clowns are like from dozens of horror films. Therefore, such a clown makeup is perfect for Halloween. With the help of different makeup bright colors recreate the appearance of a clown on your face and depict an ominous smile.

It’s up to you to decide what your daughter’s face makeup will be like for Halloween. We offer step-by-step instructions for applying the most common types of Halloween makeup for girls.

Draculaura makeup (“Monster High”) for Halloween

The bright and colorful appearance of the cartoon vampire is incredibly popular among modern children. We invite you to help your child get used to such a favorite role. To reproduce the makeup of a good-natured monster, you will need:

  • children's makeup in different colors;
  • sponge or sponge;
  • makeup on water based for children's body art;
  • glitter for children in a pencil;
  • dark lipstick in brown shades.

Step-by-step application instructions:

  1. Wash and moisturize your baby's face with baby cream.
  2. Apply baby body art makeup in a soft pink color to your brush. If pink color missing, mix white and red paints to the desired shade. Using light strokes, spread the paint over the entire surface of the face, avoiding the area of ​​the upper eyelids and lips.
  3. Use a sponge to go over the entire surface of the face to smooth out the paint layer and remove any unevenness. After this, carefully walk over the surface of the upper eyelid, avoiding contact with the eyes.
  4. Draw shadows with a bright pink shade of paint, not reaching the eyebrow by 1 cm. Also paint the lower eyelid, starting from the beginning of eyelash growth, with pink.
  5. Apply glitter to the area between the eyebrow and pink makeup. For this purpose, use special pencils for drawings on the face.
  6. Draw eyebrows with brown paints. You can also use regular brown eyeliner.
  7. Line your eyes. The black arrows should be thin at the inner corner and widen much more towards the outer corner. Fold the lower eyelid too.
  8. Using black makeup or a pencil, draw eyelashes from the natural growth line and highlight them well.
  9. Apply dark brown or purple lipstick to your lips. Apply white face painting to a thin brush and draw fangs on the surface of the lower lip.
  10. Using a thin brush with pink makeup, draw a heart on the left cheekbone.

To complete the look, wear a Draculaura wig. Voila, Halloween makeup for girls is ready.

Makeup for Frankie doll (“Monster High”) for Halloween

Another makeup option for an All Saints Day party for a growing fashionista. In general, doing Halloween makeup for 12-year-old girls with your own hands is not so easy. This option will save you from the problem of finding a decent image. You will need:

  • baby cream;
  • gray-green face painting;
  • black eyeliner;
  • pink and purple shadows;
  • false eyelashes;
  • mascara;
  • lip gloss;
  • black eyeliner;
  • black and white wig.

Step by step, children's Halloween makeup for girls is applied according to the following scheme:

  1. Wash your face, apply baby cream and let it absorb.
  2. Using a wide brush, spread gray-green face painting onto the surface of the face in even strokes. Paint the entire surface, including the eyelids, neck and ears.
  3. Use black eyeliner to draw thin eyebrows.
  4. Apply pink shadows with a creamy texture (you can use the same face painting) on ​​the upper eyelid, slightly bringing the outer corner higher towards the eyebrow.
  5. Using a thin brush, apply the same pink shade to the lower eyelid, connecting the outer corners.
  6. Distribute the purple shadows over the pink ones onto the surface of the entire eyelid. Repeat the purple line on the bottom one.
  7. Using black eyeliner, draw neat arrows, bringing the outer tip right through.
  8. Time for false eyelashes. Gently apply special glue to artificial eyelashes and attach them to the growth line of natural eyelashes. Tint your lower eyelashes with mascara.
  9. Girly makeup in Frankie's style includes super-bright lips. Use red lipstick or lip gloss, carefully filling in any imperfections.
  10. Using a pencil, apply scars on the surface of the face and neck, repeat everything with black eyeliner.

Frankie's look will be completed with a black and white wig in the style of the good little monster from Monster High.

Makeup for girls for Halloween “Vampire”

Suitable for girls 10-11 years old and older. Impressive and easy to implement, makeup is sure to please everyone who wants to shine on Halloween. Its peculiarity is that it is quite possible for a child to apply it independently. To apply this type of makeup, face painting is not required. You will need:

  • light foundation;
  • light powder;
  • black, light, red and yellow shadows;
  • red lip pencil;
  • bronzer;
  • burgundy and red lipstick;
  • set of makeup brushes.

Here's how to do DIY makeup for Halloween for a girl:

  1. Cover your face with the lightest possible tone using a wide brush.
  2. Apply very light powder over the cream. Blend well.
  3. Use black shadow to fill in your eyebrows. They should become wider and more expressive.
  4. Using your finger, distribute light shadows around the eyes, smearing them thoroughly.
  5. Apply light yellow eyeshadow to the upper eyelids.
  6. There is a red tint of eyeshadow around the eyes.
  7. Apply bright red eyeshadow to the lower eyelid.
  8. Draw the lower eyelid with a red pencil.
  9. Apply a bronze tone to your cheekbones, highlighting the thinness of your face.
  10. Cover your lips with burgundy lipstick.
  11. Use red lipstick or gloss to apply bloody marks around the lips.

If you decide to completely transform your child, you can purchase red lenses and a vampire jaw. But even without these accessories, the vampire’s makeup will be quite realistic.

Halloween makeup for girls is a great way to show your creativity and have fun with your child. Young princesses will certainly appreciate your efforts. Be fully prepared before the holiday.

Video: Halloween makeup for girls “Vampire”

The image of a witch is loved by many girls. It fits well into the holiday concept and allows you to realize bold ideas. You can choose the image of an ancient old woman with a hooked nose, or you can become a fatal, mysterious beauty that can turn anyone’s head. Before applying makeup and choosing suitable accessories, you should decide what kind of witch you want to become, and then move on to realizing your idea.

Below you will find ideas for inspiration and creating a witch makeup for Halloween, as well as useful tips, photos and videos.

What you need for DIY Halloween witch makeup at home

If you want to create a spectacular witch makeup for Halloween and at the same time support the theme of Russian folklore, then take a closer look at image of Baba Yaga. Do not forget that she is a lady of respectable age, so main principle in this makeup - "aging" of the skin. Theatrical makeup will cope with this task, but if it is not possible to purchase it, you can do everything using ordinary cosmetics.

To create the image of Baba Yaga for Halloween you will need:

  • foundation;
  • powder;
  • shades of brown, gray, red, white.

Making a Baba Yaga costume for Halloween is easy: her appearance is not neat. Take a long old skirt or dress that can be torn or stained. Put a scarf on your head, from under which the strands will stick out. You can color them with white chalk to create a gray effect.

Step-by-step execution of Baba Yaga's Halloween makeup

Don’t be afraid to embody this image because “aging” your skin seems like a complicated process. This is easy to do, following the scheme described below:

  • Apply a tone that is several shades lighter than your natural skin color. Then powder your skin;
  • take a thin brush and use brown-gray shadows to draw wrinkles near the nasolabial folds. Using the same colors, draw “bags” under the eyes;
  • Wrinkle your forehead and move your eyebrows: draw the resulting folds with shadows;
  • Draw a downward arrow with brown shadows - this will “lower” the eyes. Draw the outline of the lips in the same way - their corners should be lowered;
  • line your eyes with red shadows - this will create the effect of “tired” eyes;
  • Take a wider brush and apply brown shadows to the wings of the nose from the nostrils to create the effect of a hooked nose. Apply shadows in the shape of a triangle to the chin, blend to make the chin visually sharper;
  • Apply white eyeshadow to your eyebrows and eyelashes, and foundation to your lips.

If you want to make complex makeup, you can build a false nose from theatrical wax or papier-mâché. Also, for the image of Baba Yaga for Halloween, you can make warts from PVA glue and flour with the addition of cocoa so that they look more natural.

Video: step-by-step makeup to create the look of Baba Yaga for Halloween.

The image is fatalwitches for Halloween - step-by-step instructions

A witch does not have to be old and scary; she can also be a fatal beauty, captivating at first sight. Below is step-by-step instruction on implementing the fatal witch's makeup for Halloween:

  1. The skin of such a witch should be perfect and very pale. Apply foundation to your face, then a light shade. Use concealers to mask all skin imperfections and secure the result with loose powder.
  2. Apply dark blush to your temples, upper forehead and cheekbones.
  3. For eye makeup, use bright shadows and liquid eyeliner. You can use glitter and rhinestones.
  4. Using liquid eyeliner, you can draw a spider web near the outer corner of the eye.
  5. To embody this look, be sure to use false eyelashes that need to be glued to the upper eyelid.
  6. Apply lipstick in bright red or plum or burgundy shades to your lips. You can draw a fly above the lip to add more attractiveness to the image.

Video: makeup and hair steps to create a fatal witch look for Halloween.

In addition to makeup, you can complement the image of the fatal witch with a pointed black hat, a dress with a corset or a long robe. Use your imagination and you can charm all your guests.

Maleficent Halloween Makeup

Nowadays, Halloween makeup is becoming increasingly popular not only with witches from fairy tales, but also from films. For example, many are trying to create the image of Maleficent. Distinctive features this heroine is:

  • long black and purple robe with a high collar;
  • headdress with curved horns;
  • very pale face with pronounced cheekbones;
  • bright eye and lip makeup.

Video: step by step makeup Maleficent witches for Halloween.

Photo gallery of ideas and images of a witch for Halloween

Below you can explore the photos various options Halloween Witch Makeup:

You can see more complex witch makeup below. But with due diligence, it is not so difficult to accomplish!

Video: bright and “terribly beautiful” witch makeup for Halloween from Elena Krygina.

The image of a witch for Halloween can be both beautiful and seductive, and fun. In this case, simple witch makeup is not enough; wigs, silicone extensions, and bright colors will be used:

There are many ideas for creating the image of a witch - you just have to choose: do you want to be an ancient old woman or an attractive woman? Think carefully about the concept so that your costume and makeup complement each other, creating the perfect image.

Video: phased implementation witch makeup for Halloween.

In contact with

IN Western countries Halloween is one of the most popular and favorite holidays. In Russia it began to be celebrated relatively recently, but every year it gains more and more fans. Of course, the main attribute of the holiday is the creation of “scary” images or fabulous ones if you don’t want to scare others. Halloween makeup has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other holiday makeup.

In this article you will find general tips on applying makeup for Halloween, instructions for creating popular looks, photographs, pictures, videos.

On this holiday, everyone tries to stand out from the crowd and make their makeup as natural as possible. The easiest way is to contact makeup artists and makeup artists who can help you create your look using professional products.

But how to make makeup and a high-quality look for Halloween with your own hands? It is possible to realize any idea at home! You only need to consider the subtleties of Halloween makeup:

  • Tip #1: The use of dark, gloomy shades is encouraged this holiday.. Therefore, feel free to take black pencils, eyeliners, shadows and create a gothic makeup. But try not to overdo it so that your face does not frighten others too much and does not seem too aggressive.
  • Tip #2: To achieve many popular looks, you need to have snow-white skin.. This result can be achieved using a very light shade of foundation, powder or special white paint, which is used for clown makeup. But be careful: don’t turn your face into a white mask. Otherwise, you won't be able to create cool makeup for Halloween. This kind of makeup suits few people and looks funny. Try to get as close to the lightest possible skin tone as possible.
  • Tip #3: To create face makeup for Halloween, you can use face painting or paints, which make-up artists use. Using them, you can create spectacular face art, just don’t forget to do an allergy test first.
  • Tip #4: Don't Ignore Accessories– they will be able to complement your image so that it looks more natural and expressive. Therefore, feel free to use colored hairsprays, wigs, extensions and holiday-appropriate jewelry.
  • Tip #5: Choose your suit carefully. No amount of skillfully done makeup can create the desired effect if your outfit is not thought out to the end. At Halloween, makeup and costume should form a single ensemble.

By the way! Not only adults can show off their appearance on October 31, because children can also afford interesting makeup.

Read more about children's Halloween makeup at!

These are the basic rules for creating an image for the most “terrible” holiday. By following these simple recommendations, you will be able to realize any of your ideas just as well as a professional make-up artist. Even the simplest Halloween makeup at home must be done diligently, otherwise the image will turn out to be of poor quality and uninteresting. Below are the features of the most popular Halloween looks.

The most beautiful vs terrible images

Many people love Halloween precisely because on this day you can experiment with your appearance as much as you like. Makeup, clothes, hairstyle - choose any look to suit your taste and color. Plus, there are numerous Halloween makeup ideas. Some people prefer beautiful and romantic images, while others want to shock others with their “terrible appearance.” Let's figure out which images are beautiful and which are terrifying.

Top scary makeup for Halloween:

  • Bloody Mary (read more).

Beautiful and romantic makeup for Halloween (especially important for girls):

  • Mermaid makeup (read on!).
  • Angel makeup (read on!).
  • (in fairness, it must be said that a witch can be made both beautiful and terrifying).
  • Makeup of the corpse bride (read on!).

You can also do some cool makeup for Halloween. The image of a kind character will add fun and spontaneity to the holiday. For example, the image of a superheroine, a mad hatter, a clown, a princess.

Makeup "Corpse Bride" (based on the famous cartoon)

There are many options for embodying the image of a bride on Halloween. But the most favorite is the image of Emily from the cartoon of the same name.

To create makeup in the “corpse bride” style and the image as a whole, you need to create the following attributes:

  • Creates pale skin with a bluish tint.
  • Giving the eyes a round shape.
  • Artificial wound on the cheek.
  • Bruises made with purple eye shadow.
  • Very thinly drawn eyebrows.
  • A wedding dress (preferably an old-fashioned style) and veil, which should be stained and torn.

To create the “corpse bride” look, not only the right makeup is important, but also the outfit!

  • Wig turquoise color(this item is optional, your hair color will look even more original).

Photos of successful Halloween makeup:

Video: how to do “corpse bride” makeup for Halloween (step-by-step instructions).

Nurse Halloween Makeup

This is one of the most popular holiday looks because the costume is so easy to make. It is enough to wear a short, tight-fitting medical gown (or a regular one), a nurse’s cap and some medical accessories.

To look like a nurse for Halloween, you can use both scary “terrifying” makeup and beautiful evening makeup!

Some girls prefer the image of an attractive nurse rather than a terrifying one. There are no subtleties of creating a nurse’s makeup for Halloween - this is a regular evening makeup, only brighter.

And in order to do spectacular makeup for a zombie nurse, you will have to try:

  1. Shadows are selected in dark, cool shades.
  2. The eyes are lined with red pencil, which gives them an inflamed appearance.
  3. Using fake blood, blood stains are created.
  4. Fake wounds and scars are applied to the face.
  5. The skin should be a natural shade or slightly lighter.

Video: step-by-step zombie nurse makeup for Halloween.

Cheshire Cat Halloween Makeup

Often girls choose the image of a cat or another representative of this family. This is not surprising: after all, cats are graceful creatures. But no less popular on Halloween is the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. The most difficult thing in creating the image of the Cheshire Cat is his smile.

To create the Cheshire Cat makeup for Halloween, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Using a black pencil, draw an outline almost from ear to ear.
  2. Use white paint (intended for application to the skin) to paint over the lips.
  3. Using a thin brush, use black paint to outline the outlines of the teeth - after all, the Cheshire Cat is famous for almost always smiling.
  4. There is no need to use blush in this makeup.
  5. You can complement your look with bright colored lenses (for example, turquoise).

Video: how to make Cheshire Cat makeup for Halloween at home.

Mermaid Halloween Makeup

Girls like to try on the image of a mermaid, because these creatures have always fascinated with their beauty. To create a spectacular costume (namely, a fish tail), you will have to turn to seamstresses or costume designers for help. But you can do the appropriate mermaid makeup for Halloween yourself if you take into account all the important nuances.

Features of Mermaid Halloween Makeup:

  1. The skin should be pale with a greenish tint.
  2. The color palette for the shadows should be shades of sea water (blue-green).
  3. Drawing scales on the face in the same range. To create them, you can use a grid to make them even.

And now you can look at the photos and get inspired by wonderful images for creating mermaid makeup for Halloween:

This Halloween makeup is perfect for any girl! You can experiment with flowers, embellishments and other decorative details.

Video: creating mermaid makeup for Halloween at home.

Fairy makeup for Halloween

Despite the fact that most people try to choose scary costumes, not all girls want their appearance to scare others away. Therefore, the fairy fairy is a frequent guest of Halloween parties.

Create beautiful make-up The following tips will help fairies on Halloween:

  1. Facial skin should be perfectly smooth. There is no preferred shade because these magical creatures They can be both light-skinned and dark-skinned.
  2. The color scheme will depend on what color your hair is. For blondes, metallic and delicate ones are suitable, pastel shades– soft green, soft blue. For those with dark hair, bright, rich colors are suitable. Lilac, blue, and emerald shades will look ideal on red-haired girls and brown-haired women.
  3. You can give your eyes an oblong shape.
  4. False eyelashes or mascara in bright rainbow colors will also look good with this look.
  5. Draw patterns on your face with eyeliner or face painting (soft smooth lines, flowers, leaves).
  6. You should take lipstick in berry shades.
  7. A light flowing dress and small multi-colored wings will complement the makeup.

If you don’t want to create an overly complex fairy look for Halloween, you can do light makeup at home to highlight your assets. But don't forget about the details (glitter, flowers, bright colors)!

Doing fairy makeup for Halloween with your own hands is not difficult for girls, you just need to try a little and show your imagination.

And now you can look at the pictures and enjoy the wonderful images and fairy makeup for Halloween:

Makeup “Angel” for Halloween (+ step by step instructions)

An angel is a beautiful and sweet creature, so it is not surprising that many girls choose this particular image for their “coming out” on October 31st. It’s not at all difficult to do angel makeup for Halloween; to create a gentle, romantic and bright image, you need to follow the tips and instructions.

What color scheme you need will depend on what kind of angel you decide to become for the holiday. It could be a heavenly creature radiating light and kindness. Or maybe it will be an image fallen angel– vicious and attractive.

Halloween angel makeup for girls is performed according to the following rules:

  • Regardless of the option you choose, your skin should be perfect.
  • If you choose the classic image of an angel, the color scheme should be in pastel, nude shades. The use of black is not allowed; even mascara is better to use colored mascara.
  • Halloween is a carnival of sorts, so you can add bright, rainbow shades to your angel makeup.
  • If the image of a fallen angel is chosen, then the color scheme should be richer and more aggressive. Can be used a large number of black in combination with golden, silver and purple shades.
  • Wings, the color of which depends on the character of the chosen character, will ideally complement the image.

A step-by-step guide to creating your own Halloween angel makeup at home:

  1. Apply makeup base to your face. On top of it, use a foundation that matches your skin color.
  2. Use concealers to disguise imperfections. Fix the result with loose powder (best with shimmering particles). It can also be applied to the neck and décolleté area.
  3. Using a white pencil, draw a wing at the outer corners of the eye towards the temple. Paint it white.
  4. On the upper eyelid, apply shadows in cool shades - silver, blue, pearl.
  5. Paint over the drawn wing with white shadows with a satin effect. Using a thin brush, carefully apply some glitter along the very edges.
  6. Apply the darker shade to the inner corner of the eye and blend it out.
  7. Use a white pencil to fill in the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, then highlight the lower eyelash line with a darker shade.
  8. Apply blue mascara or use bunches of false eyelashes that are glued to the outer corner of the eye.
  9. Apply soft pink blush to your cheeks.
  10. Cover your lips with pink or clear gloss.

You can complement your angel's Halloween makeup at home with rhinestones and sparkles. For a suit, you should choose a light, flowing dress in delicate shades and be sure to have wings behind your back to make your image even more expressive.

Video: unusual and very beautiful angel makeup for Halloween.

Photo and video gallery of Halloween makeup looks and ideas

There are many ideas for a Halloween party. You just need a little imagination to make your ideas come true. It is better to practice applying makeup in advance to ensure your look is perfect. The YouTube videos and photographs that you will see below will help you create the perfect Halloween makeup.

Makeup “Sugar Skull”

Video: how to apply sugar skull makeup for Halloween.

Bloody Mary

A terrifying and at the same time interesting and beautiful image. Don't skimp on the fake blood because you're going to have some pretty bloody Halloween makeup!

Video: how to do Bloody Mary makeup.

Wednesday Addams

This girl is such a mischief! At the same time, Wednesday is a memorable and vibrant character. And why? Because she is one of the toughest TV girls of all time, standing out for her minimalist style.


The fairy-tale cartoon gave the world another wonderful image- girl Coraline.

But what’s interesting is that, inspired by the “land of nightmares,” you can do makeup for this girl’s mother.

Video: doing Halloween makeup in the style of Coraline in the land of nightmares.

Image from the movie "Saw"

"Saw" is a sensational film with many fans around the world. Therefore, many guys and girls love to embody this image for Halloween.

Video: saw makeup for Halloween at home.


Clowns can be both cute and kind, and evil and scary (just look at the image of Pennywise!). To make a clown makeup for Halloween you will need a lot of bright cosmetics, but the result is worth it.

Photos of interesting clown makeup:

Video: step by step execution Halloween clown makeup.

Creepy Demon

Another very scary Halloween makeup that both girls and guys can do. The main rule is the scarier the better! And then “demonic” photos await you:

Video: how to do demon makeup for Halloween at home.

Jeff the killer

Video: How to do Jeff the Killer makeup for Halloween.

Fairy tale werewolf

Halloween makeup “werewolf” looks very interesting, especially for a girl. And the following photographs prove this: