M p Shchetinin training system. About admission to Shchetinin’s school. Especially for interested parents. So the setup is done, everyone is ready, what next?

The school of academician Mikhail Petrovich Shchetinin is a general education and experimental school, created in its current form in 1994 in the village of Tekos Krasnodar region. It was created probably because he is an academician, and a respected one at that. In fact, the teaching methodology involves the use of principles Vedic culture, which Vladimir Megre, already mentioned on our website, actively talks about in his books and lectures. Few people have not already heard about the Ringing Cedars of Russia movement - so this is all from there, or in any case, on the same topic.

The official authorities do not yet favor the Anastasians much, although they are already legislative acts they are trying to promote it to the Duma. Tservov just calls them sectarians. Well, and the like. And Mikhail Shchetinin is known not only throughout Russia, he is famous on a global scale. Shchetinin uses innovative methods in pedagogy that promote early creative development child. What is the main task of a person? - CREATE, of course, not go to work. We are all born to create. This is what Shchetinin strives to emphasize in his work. His students are ordinary children, but against the backdrop of ordinary secondary schools they are child prodigies. At 14 they graduate high school, and by the age of twenty, many have two or three higher educations .

The experience of Academician Shchetinan and his discoveries in pedagogy are studied in different countries. Repeatedly received “Person of the Year” in the field of education. UNESCO recognized the education system he developed best in the world and entered the name M.P. Stubble to the list greatest people of the past second millennium.

The main goal of Mikhail Shchetinin’s school is the spiritual revival of Russia, service to the Fatherland, service to people.

We need a different school

When choosing a private school, think about whether this is the school you are looking for for your child. Yes, it is located far away and there is only one, it is not a network of schools. There are a lot of things that are special there. The school complex is amazing; the buildings sparkle cheerfully in the southern sun with multi-colored mosaics, humpbacked bridges all around and fabulous paths in the courtyard that lead to spreading trees. Children sing half-forgotten songs about the Motherland, duty and honor. After our schools, which are fixated on the final result - the stupid Unified State Exam - everything here is stunning in its novelty and difference.

The first thing they try to instill in Shchetinin’s school is not knowledge of mathematics, but an understanding of what Rod and Love are. There are few textbooks here; the methodology involves “live” transmission of information.

Shchetinin’s children are calm, somehow especially friendly, hospitable and organized. In their gait and manners one can discern the precision of their movements, almost dancelike fluidity. Dancing is one of the main disciplines, everyone sings too.
In theory, all children are born talented. But at Shchetinin’s school this is also confirmed by practice. Children did not immediately become like this. We just found ourselves in the right environment.

Here, respectful attitude towards each other, regardless of age and merit, is an axiom. At school they teach you to think and express your thoughts without fear of condemnation. Being educated also means being able to work, draw, dance and have self-defense skills. Children are taught to remember the honor of their ancestors, and to realize that they are not just boys and girls, but continuers of the glorious family of their ancestors. That’s why everyone is great. Anastasia says in Maigret’s books that all people are Gods. They are raised to be gods, but not to be arrogant creatures. grades are also rare here, of course there are, but the goal is not grades, but knowledge.

Features of the teaching methodology at Shchetinin’s school:

  • Multi-age groups of students
  • No class system
  • The absence is clear installed system conducting lessons
  • Lack of separate classrooms. Lessons are held in any convenient room on or outside the school premises
  • Lack of certified teachers. Students independently study scientific material
  • Lack of a point grading system

The school was founded in 1994. Students come to it from all over Russia, and not only Russia. First of all, these are readers and followers of Vladimir Megre. When the Unified State Exam began to be introduced in Russia in the early 2000s, schools stubbornly resisted the new exam system. The conflict was serious; articles began in the press and appearances on television. Opponents declared the school a totalitarian sect, just like the Anastasians. There was a fire in 2003, when somehow 5 buildings caught fire at once at night. The firefighters arrived very late, but the fire was still extinguished through the efforts of students and teachers.

Shchetinin’s school was not destroyed even in a fire

Local residents of those places clearly perceive the proximity to Shchetinin’s school very positively. This is particularly evidenced by the fact that after the fire, local Cossacks (Gelendzhik region) took over the school as their guards, patrolling around the territory was carried out around the clock. The authorities continued the pressure and in 2004 the school was removed from state provision. The school survived in such conditions on self-sufficiency while maintaining free basis education.

Students began to participate in construction work according to orders, school workshops accepted orders for sewing and making clothes. And don’t forget - they’re all dancing and singing there - they’re going on tour. Of course, there were also private donations. And where would we be without them - now in all of them, even the most free schools there is such a practice.

Putin found out about Shchetinin’s school, and in 2011, on his instructions, the school was inspected by the Russian Ministry of Finance. The result was positive and since 2011 the school is again in the state. provision, while at the expense of the state an additional building was built for teachers to live in.

Apart from this building, all other buildings in the school were built by the hands of the students themselves, including interior decoration, painting on the walls and much more - absolutely everything was done with love, by children's hands.

There is such a school on planet Earth. There are no religious or ethnic qualifications for admission, but there are many applicants and there are not enough places for everyone.

Shchetinin Mikhail Petrovich is known for his loud statements about how the future generation should be raised correctly. According to him, it is more important not to prepare a child for life, but to give him the opportunity to live this time to the fullest without any significant restrictions

Shchetinin believed that children should choose for themselves what activities they want to engage in. Freedom in making this kind of decisions gives the child the right to feel his independence and determine further paths of development. Students should not study the subject superficially, but go deeper into the basics and apply knowledge in practice.

Despite the criticism to which his teaching was subjected, Mikhail Petrovich was awarded many awards, including very prestigious ones for a teacher. Since 1976, he has been awarded numerous certificates and medals. He received the Excellence in Public Education badge twice in 1978 and 1981. It is worth noting that the Lenin Komsomol Prize, which Shchetinin received for his work in the field of pedagogy, was at that time awarded for outstanding achievements and a great contribution to the development of science and culture.

The biography of Mikhail Petrovich Shchetinin is almost entirely based on his teaching activities. At the very beginning of its vocational training he already had a penchant for teaching. The emergence of the idea of ​​the correctness of the education system occurred gradually, accumulating experience and knowledge from practical activities.

Shchetinin is from Dagestan, born in the small village of Novy Biryuzyak. His father was a hereditary Terek Cossack, so from an early age Mikhail Petrovich knew what education was and how to behave correctly. Therefore, in 1962, without hesitation, he went to serve in the army.

Shchetinin began his studies at a music school, but was unable to graduate due to a sudden illness in his hands. Nevertheless, Mikhail Petrovich still wanted to connect his destiny with music, so he subsequently began teaching at a music school, while still managing to study at a pedagogical institute in the correspondence department. It is believed that it was then that ideas about experiments related to learning began to emerge.

First experiments new system education began when Mikhail Petrovich Shchetinin became the director of a music school in the city of Kizlyar. Then he created the first of its kind arts lyceum, while coordinating his actions with a regular educational institution. At that time, one could talk about the first successful experience, when lagging students began to improve their learning performance.

After the experiment came to an end, Shchetinin was appointed director of an educational institution in the village of Yasnye Zori. By that time, he had completed his studies at a music pedagogical school and received a teaching diploma. Mikhail Petrovich himself often preferred musical instrument accordion.

Based on his practical observations, Mikhail Petrovich Shchetinin determined that initially a person should be educated on four foundations: science, culture, creativity and physical education. The innovation of his idea was that, while otherwise busy, students would be allocated time for small, intensive lessons in various areas. Thus, a unique atmosphere of immersion in learning was created.

Soon Shchetinin was awarded the title of Research Fellow of the Academy pedagogical sciences(APN), and people in Moscow will learn about the school. The media, having found out about the strange, in their opinion, approaches to learning used within the walls educational institution, were hit with a barrage of criticism and spoke about her not in the best way. This gave impetus to the decision to close the central school complex.

After the incident, Shchetinin is sent to Ukraine, where he must head the scientific department on the basics of promoting his experiment in a boarding school. Basically, this opportunity was given to him so that the authorities could verify the failure of the idea and its uselessness. Despite this, Mikhail Petrovich continues to implement the immersion method in the learning process. Soon more and more people learn about this experiment, and soon the news spreads throughout the country. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Education did not find positive aspects in this experiment, and a decision was made to close the school.

In connection with the events that took place, Shchetinin is not allowed to engage in teaching activities. He decides to go to Moscow, where he gets a position as a senior employee at the APN Research Institute. The years spent on this work gave Mikhail Petrovich the opportunity to summarize the results of his experiment, which were subsequently published in the format of the book “Embrace the Immense.”

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Inspired by new ideas for educating youth, several members of the Central Committee help Shchetinin get the position of director of a school located in Krasnodar region. After his arrival, the institution was immediately reorganized, and new methods began to be introduced. Over time, parents who do not support the director’s views insist on returning to classic version training, after which the institution is divided into two parts.

Shchetinin's school helped him become general director Center for Comprehensive Youth Education. Supporters of his theory begin to appear next to Mikhail Petrovich, a team of like-minded people is organized, connections with higher educational institutions emerge, and the system of immersion education is honed. In 1991, Shchetinin was awarded the title of academician.

However, despite great development and promoting the ideas of the Center, certain contradictions arise periodically. In this regard, Shchetinin, his colleagues and a couple of students had to move to a small village located near the city of Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Territory. On the site of a collapsed abandoned building for soldiers, a boarding Russian ancestral school was created.

By the beginning of the 21st century, it gained wide popularity and began to position itself as an educational institution of our time. This school was recognized not only by ordinary citizens, but also by the world famous organization UNESCO. In our time, this lyceum is still headed by Shchetinin.

Basic principles of the teaching system of Mikhail Petrovich Shchetinin

Since the basic principles and methods of Shchetinin are aimed at creating an ideal student, his system can be classified as philosophical. The creation of an integral person who is passionate about sports, has creative abilities, and is also an intelligent person - the main objective, which teachers strive for within the Shchetinin system.

What are the main ideas of pedagogy using this method:


From birth, a person has every opportunity to successfully develop in any field of activity. When properly taught and properly composed curriculum You can give your child maximum resources, both physical and mental, to realize self-development.


It should not be limited or in any way infringe on the rights of the child. It is better if upbringing takes place with the highest possible level of freedom. This is necessary so that the individual can successfully self-realize in the future.

Natural data

All the inclinations of the student, given to him by nature, should be taken into account. If these characteristics are channeled in the right direction, you can get excellent results not only in learning, but also in the development of the individual as a whole. Self-development, based on natural data, allows you to give the child the opportunity to be himself and at the same time develop along his own path.


Each person is unique, and everyone's learning abilities are different; this should definitely be taken into account when teaching. It is necessary to clearly understand that some people learn the material faster, while others need to spend more time on it. Individual approach to students allows you to stimulate their ability to learn.

If children themselves contribute to the creation of a learning system, they will be able to control personal self-development. Shchetinin's school allows children to study in an atmosphere of complete cooperation and mutual understanding. Its main features are as follows:


The formation of spiritual principles in a child is laid not through the method of instructions, but through the created way of life. Those. a person is brought up in an atmosphere of morality and mutual respect. The initially created environment contributes to the development of the best personal qualities for integral self-development.


A person does not get tired of gaining knowledge, but, on the contrary, strives to learn something new every day, because he sees by example how does this have a positive effect on general development. Alternating classes using the full immersion technique allows you to involve the child in the educational process as much as possible.


To achieve the best results you need to early years to teach the child to strive for beauty. Harmony of soul and body allows children to feel confident and not get tired while learning. If you see the beauty even in the ugliest, then you can overcome almost any problem, since they will no longer have power over a person.

Hard work

If you love only certain types of activities, then you may feel uncomfortable doing the work you don’t like. While love for any work makes it possible to choose among a wide range of activities. This tactic allows you to feel comfortable in any situation.

Physical training

Physical activity plays a big role in the development of a full-fledged, comprehensively developed personality. If you regularly engage in wrestling for the purpose of self-defense, then you can be sure that the child will be able to stand up for himself and defend his honor in the future. In addition, physical education classes help you relax and take a little break from your main studies.

Shchetinin's school gives its students the opportunity to receive a comprehensive education, when a common worldview is closely intertwined with the fundamental basis of knowledge. Thanks to a seamless educational space, students:

- think productively and think a lot about everything in which they are interested;

- have teaching skills that allow them to easily convey their knowledge to others;

- easy to find mutual language with people around them and are able to properly organize their time in order to be the most productive;

- behave openly with other people, are always ready to help in difficult situation;

- have inclinations with creative activity, capable of almost any new endeavor;

— understand what responsibility is and comply with all moral and spiritual rules of behavior.

The main features of Shchetinin’s school

The opening of a unique school was the final result of all the experiments conducted by Shchetinin. The main essence of his teachings was that an educational institution should not only help children learn; it is better if it stimulates self-development, raising a harmonious and comprehensively developed personality.

When Shchetinin Mikhail Petrovich created the Russian ancestral school, first of all he wanted to make it a kind of base for preparing children for real life so that they act here and now. The main essence of this school is the perception of man as a particle of the Universe; everyone should have an understanding and acceptance of a single whole in existing existence. In other words, starting with his own self-development, a person contributes to the common cause.

The school is very sensitive to the study of history. Russian state, making it clear to children that the basis of a nation is based on the knowledge of ancestors. That is why the school is called Russian. Careful preservation of history helps to recreate the image of a proud Slav and better understand the country's past.

The ancestral school was named because a person takes his spiritual origin from the memory of his ancestors. Turning to the family, he begins to cultivate a sense of respect for the older generation. One of the school's goals is to help children strengthen their bonds with their parents with love and devotion. A child should be proud of his origin and treat his own surname given at birth with honor.

It is important to understand that Shchetinin’s school is based mainly on the activities of children. Teachers play only a consulting and guiding role here. We can say that students are left to their own devices in the sense that they are free to determine their own level of learning. However, they understand that if a person wants to successfully self-realize, then he must make every effort to achieve this. For these purposes, the school provides various rooms for choreography, sports, cooking, milk production, creativity and many others.

Training sessions can be conducted in any room convenient for these purposes and even on fresh air. Children study school subjects independently, turning to teachers for advice and clarification. Some of the main academic activities are history, Russian language and literature. On average, a lesson lasts about 30 minutes; this time is considered the most preferable in order to perfectly master the material without getting tired. There is no homework, which allows teachers to determine the inclinations and desires of children, helping them develop in different directions.


Shchetinin's school received mostly positive reviews, but there were detractors who consider this The educational center a totalitarian sect, and its students are called its adherents. It is worth understanding that such a school is something new and therefore should be treated with understanding. The popularity of the lyceum has now grown so much that the competition for those wishing to study here is very large - 13 people per place.

Innovative teacher, honored teacher of the Russian Federation, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, founder of the experimental lyceum in the village. Tekos of the Krasnodar Territory, author of a unique training system using the “immersion method”.

Innovative methodology of M.P. Shchetinin is built on the creation of a comprehensive educational space, which includes in the sphere of pedagogical action many life processes that are important for the formation of a creative personality; an atmosphere of free learning and implementation of acquired knowledge. The “Lyceum-Boarding School for the Complex Personality Formation of Children and Adolescents”, led by him, is an ideological continuation of the “school-workshop” of A.S. Makarenko. In the center of everything pedagogical process– spiritual and moral development. The task of a new type of school is to educate a harmonious, independent personality, possessing all necessary knowledge, skills, abilities and active social position. Within the framework of the Lyceum M.P. Shchetinin combines several types of programs that consistently reveal the creative potential of students: educational, artistic, musical, choreographic, sports and labor. Subject disciplines are taught by the “immersion” method - concentrated study of each individual subject for a certain period of time. Over the course of a year, students take up to four “immersions” in each subject, mastering knowledge in an increasingly complex pattern: from indicative to creative. “Subject” lessons alternate with “figurative” (music, painting) and “motor” (choreography, sports, labor). Successful students become teacher assistants and help in conducting classes. Mutual learning and collective creative activity are one of the distinctive features new model of education. An individual approach to the student makes it possible to abandon the class-lesson system in favor of multi-age groups, where everyone learns at their own individual pace, without coercion or grades. Students are encouraged to independently conduct scientific research that reveals interdisciplinary connections and forms a holistic perception of the world.

Amonashvili Shalva Alexandrovich

Born on March 8, 1931 in Georgia. After graduating from the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Tbilisi University, he worked in the field of pedagogy. Author's system Sh.A. Amonashvili’s “School of Life” is taken as the basis for the educational process in many schools in Russia and abroad.

Shalva Aleksandrovich Amonashvili is one of the famous galaxy of innovative teachers who, during the reign of authoritarian pedagogy, proclaimed a personal approach to learning. Continuing the ideas of Sukhomlinsky, Vernadsky, Makarenko Amonashvili calls on seeing in every child the embodiment of the creator’s highest plan. In contrast to the “pushing” approach to teaching, humane pedagogy does not strive to inculcate a limited amount of knowledge, but to jointly search for a solution within the framework of co-creation between the Student and the Teacher. The absence of templates and ready-made “recipes” inspires the teacher to constant, creative search. The incentive for the student is the subtle assessment of the teacher, aimed at encouraging his activity and initiative. The task of the teacher, according to Amonashvili, is to create a special environment around the child, filled with respect for his personality, full acceptance of the child, providing support for development, maturation, and independent thinking. Therefore, in his opinion, the main goal of school education reforms should not be the form of organization of the educational process, but the personality of the teacher himself. Peru Sh.A. Amonashvili owns the books: “Pedagogical Symphony”, “Hello, children”, “To school from 6 years old”, “How are you living, children?”, “Education. Grade. Mark”, “School of Life”, “Confession of a Father to His Son”, “Unity of Purpose”, “Personal and Humane Basis of the Pedagogical Process”, “Creation of Man”, etc. The Amonashvili Publishing House is implementing a project to create 100 volumes of the “Anthology of Humane Pedagogy”.

School, translated from Latin as a ladder, is the spiritual ascent of a person. We build a building and call it a school only because there is no other word. In fact, the School is in the Teacher. And Teacher translated from Sanskrit means “bearer of light.” *** The best teachers are your students. You can learn a lot from them if you accept them as your teachers. *** Times are changing, and they are calling for new generations of children. Time calls children. There was a time that called for accelerated children. Now is the time calling the children of Light. *** ... Education should mean nourishing the spiritual axis, nourishing souls. That is, in school, through the nutrition of the axis, the ascent occurs, the formation of that most important thing in a person, which constitutes the entire essence of his personality - soul and spirituality.

40)State policy in the field of education.

In law Russian Federation“On Education” education is understood as a purposeful process of upbringing and training in the interests of an individual, society, and state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state. Achievement of a certain educational qualification is certified by a corresponding document.

Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the right of every citizen to education. The right to education is one of the fundamental and inalienable constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Fundamentals public policy in the field of education in the Russian Federation are:

    The Russian Federation declares the field of education to be a priority.

    Education in the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international law.

    The state guarantees citizens universal access and free pre-school, primary general, basic general, secondary (full) general education and primary vocational education, as well as on a competitive basis, free secondary vocational, higher vocational and postgraduate vocational education in state and municipal educational institutions within the limits of federal state educational standards, federal state requirements and educational standards and requirements established by law, if education this level a citizen receives for the first time, in the manner prescribed by the laws of the Russian Federation.

    General education is compulsory.

    Citizens of the Russian Federation are guaranteed the opportunity to receive education regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, living place, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public organizations (associations), age, health status, social, property and official position, having a criminal record.

    • Restrictions on the rights of citizens to vocational education based on gender, age, health status, and criminal record can only be established by law.

    Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive basic general education at native language, as well as the choice of language of instruction within the capabilities provided by the education system.

    • Study Questions state languages republics within the Russian Federation are regulated by the legislation of these republics.

    The state creates conditions for citizens with disabilities, that is, those with deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development, to receive education, correct developmental disorders and social adaptation on the basis of special pedagogical approaches.

    The Russian Federation sets federal state educational standards and supports various forms of education and self-education.

    • In the Russian Federation, federal state educational standards, representing a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of the main educational programs primary general, basic general, secondary (full) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education by educational institutions that have state accreditation.

    The implementation of a unified state policy in the field of education in the Russian Federation is ensured by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    The organizational basis of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education is the Federal target program development of education (the current Program was adopted for the period 2006-2010).

    In state and municipal educational institutions, bodies exercising management in the field of education, the creation and operation of organizational structures political parties, socio-political and religious movements and organizations (associations) are not allowed.

State policy in the field of education is based on the following principles:

    the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, human life and health, and the free development of the individual. Fostering citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the surrounding nature, Motherland, family;

    unity of the federal cultural and educational space. Protection and development by the education system national cultures, regional cultural traditions and characteristics in a multinational state;

    accessibility of education, adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of development and training of students and pupils;

    the secular nature of education in state and municipal educational institutions;

    freedom and pluralism in education;

    democratic, state-public nature of education management. Autonomy of educational institutions.

Mikhail Petrovich Shchetinin (1944, the village of Novy Biryuzyak, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) - Soviet and Russian teacher, member Russian Academy education, founder and director of experimental secondary school boarding type.

In 1973 he graduated in absentia from Saratov pedagogical institute majoring in music and singing (accordion class).

He worked as the director of a music school in Kizlyar.

After the Kizlyar school, around 1974 he became the director of a school in the village of Yasnye Zori, Belgorod region, where he also engaged in pedagogical experiments, developing the then fashionable pedagogical idea of ​​​​creating a school complex in which increased attention was paid to music, singing and choreography.

After Clear Dawns, Mikhail Petrovich finds himself in the village of Zybkovo, Kirovograd Region, where until 1986 he was the scientific director of the experiment, holding the position of senior employee at the Research Institute of Teaching Tools and Methods of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR. The essence of the experiment was to create a school agro-industrial complex, combining study in the first half of the day with work for schoolchildren in the afternoon. In addition, M.P. Shchetinin introduced unexpected pedagogical innovations: reducing lesson time, eliminating grades, homework, and more. A commission of the USSR Ministry of Education, held in 1986, came to the conclusion that the experiment did not give a positive result and the experiment was closed.

Since 1991 he has been an academician of the Russian Academy of Education.

In 1994, he created an experimental boarding school in the village of Tekos, Krasnodar Territory.

Books (1)

Embrace the immensity: Notes from a teacher

How to help a child find himself and his place in the world of people? How to teach children to work and live creatively?

What living and learning conditions at school can most contribute to the formation of a harmonious personality of students, the development of their capabilities and abilities.

Above these and others the most important problems the author reflects on his childhood. For a wide range of readers.

Reader comments

Igor T./ 03/11/2016 Guys, hello everyone! Please pay attention to the “names” of some authors, in particular: “squirrels, guests and other living creatures.” There is a very clear psychological characteristic of such people. More precisely, puppets! Just ignore it. These are empty ringers! He who sees, let him see! He who hears, let him hear. Hello everyone!

Alexander/ 01/22/2016 I met Shchetinin at the APN (Moscow) in 1985. rvv.45 is right - nothing smarter than the classical school has been invented, but only in order to educate undereducated, undereducated, uncreative cogs - slaves of the system. Shchetinin created a school of joy, creativity and personal self-development, and these are not needed in a technocratic consumer society, where the golden calf dominates. Society has not yet grown up to this, Mikhail Petrovich is a teacher of the 22nd century. Thank God for once introducing me to him!!!

Yakov/ 02/11/2015 Hurray!!! Life is entering a new phase and it will be wonderful... M.P. Low bow to Shchetinin... I consider all those who worked with him very lucky... and they must carry this light further into the centuries no matter what, for the sake of our children

Alina B/ 04/10/2014 It is enough to remember the great wisdom: “The higher the ideal, the more dogs bark at it,” so that everything becomes clear. Mikhail Petrovich - all the best to you and good health!

guest/ 12/27/2012 Guys and girls!!! The most best years in my life this is the time at school with our beloved Mikhail Pertrovich!!! In no case is this not a sect, but M.P. not a sectarian))) it’s very funny and it’s not reasonable to call such a great person a sectarian)) but he simply loves everyone as the fruit of our land!!! It’s just a pity that he is not mortal, and cannot open the eyes of everyone who wants it!!

Marina Talvik/ 12/31/2011 Hello! Do you need teachers or just workers? Take me to work with you! Please. I can do a lot. And I also have a 13 year old son

Lazarenko V.A./ 11/28/2011 There are a lot of superficial exclamations that have not been lived through one’s own skin.
Every business is characterized by fruits.
I personally know Shchetinin. My contacts

squirrel/ 08/16/2011 rvv.45! I respect you.
It’s so funny to read naive stories about what people haven’t seen and don’t know! just give you another “miracle”! How much can you support such people! IMHO! I was there, I know and I saw it! this man is a banal sectarian - a freak who earns money from the wealthy parents of his students!!!
Luckily, I opened my eyes and left this school, which is what I wish for you too.

Kuprina Galina/ 05/26/2011 I love everything related to Shchetinin M.P. Help with advice or deed in the Novosibirsk region on the Family Estate, to organize Shchetinin’s school for our children. I’ve been dreaming about this since 1996.

Tanya/ 12/10/2010 Hello. My name is Tanya, I’m 13 years old and I really want to go to Shchetinin’s school. I’m from another city and don’t know the phone number. Please, if anyone knows it, write to this address [email protected]

Alina/ 08/24/2010 Good afternoon to you. My name is Alina and I’m 16 years old. I dream of going to M.P. Shchetinin’s school.
But I don’t know how to do this, and where to turn. I looked through a lot of articles but didn't find anything...
Please help, or maybe there are similar schools in Ukraine...
please help.
My parents do not share my dreams and views about the family estate...And there I will find understanding..
If anyone knows how to help me, write [email protected] or contact id55444979.
Thanks in advance everyone..

Oleg/ 05/31/2010 I also wonder why this book has not become a reference book for teachers who at least respect themselves? I’ll say even more briefly about the author: why is He still not the Minister of Education? Finally: Where and how do our Rulers look?

Vlada/ 05/24/2010 I studied at Shchetinin’s school, I answer questions. write: [email protected]