Any technology project. Creative project using "tractor" technology. Examples of creative projects for girls

How to do a creative project using technology

"Miniatures made of cardboard"

Completed by Ekaterina Fedorova, 6th grade student

Head: Stepanova L.I., technology teacher

    Definition of need…………………………………..………. 3

2. Brief statement of the problem.………………………………………… 3

4. Research, problem analysis…………………………………… 4

5. Initial ideas…………………………………………….. 4

6. List of criteria that the product must meet……. 5

7. Development of the best ideas………………………………………………………...... 6

8. Technological map……………………………………...……… 7

9. Product evaluation……………………………………………………………………........ 9

10. Design assessment……………………………..……………......... 9

What is good? This is a piece of happiness
This is a breath of fresh air, a breath of wind.
Give it and it will return,
Someone's heart will just beat faster.
Do not buy this word and do not sell it,
You can give it as a gift or just give it away...
Free of charge, without demanding money back,
It's all very simple and very clear.
Today I want to give good things to everyone,
How do you feel, people, in your heart - Has it become warm?
Let everyone feel it, smile,
And it will immediately return to you with a smile!

Definition of need

At our school there are children with disabilities in special education classes, I wanted to get to know them better, communicate and do something nice. During technology class we decided to make a gift for the children. You can buy it, but it is expensive and unoriginal. Therefore, we will make a gift with our own hands. It is interesting to see the result of your work, surprise your parents and please your children. The work won't be difficult, we think we can handle it. Moreover, as the New Year is approaching, in the area for children the administration and the Creativity Centers are holding festive events where we can make our contribution!

The goal of the project: to make miniatures from scrap materials.

Tasks: choose original models of miniature household utensils.

Make products.

Design and make products and donate them to children with disabilities. Prepare a multimedia presentation “Do Good”

Research, problem analysis.

Initial ideas

For many years now I have been creating miniature toys from various materials: plasticine, paper, polymer clay. What attracts me to my work is that unique jewelry projects are created, and why shouldn’t I please other children with them who are not able to do such work? There are many projects on the Internet for creating miniatures, but the cost of the projects is very high - for example, a house with a set of furniture and household items costs 20,000 rubles! We'll make it out of... cardboard!

But initially there were other gift options:

1 Embroidery

2 soft toy

3 pillow

Based on the preliminary application from the Administration of the village of Taksimo, we need to make about 200 gifts. And for such a quantity, the technique of making miniatures is most suitable, and we are moving to the Microworld workshop.

Conclusion: We have made a choice - to make miniature gifts made of cardboard for children with disabilities.

Questionnaire (47 students 5-7 grades surveyed)

Do good

1, Do you think there is a particle of goodness in every heart?

a) yes - 95%

b) no-5%

2,What is her part in your heart?

a)1/2 -51%

b)1/3- 13%

c)1/4 -31%

d)1/5 -5%

d) or ____________

3. Do you think it is possible to do good with your own hands?

a) yes -100%

b) no

4.Can a homemade gift be considered a GOOD gift?

a) yes -100%

b) no

5. Do you think it’s nice to receive gifts of kindness?

a) yes 100%

b) no

6. Gifts of KIND are help in trouble; when in an orphanage they tell a child that your mother has come for you; heart and hands; Most of the answers are that this is a do-it-yourself gift and gifts for disabled children.

In general, the survey questions were simple, but the answers to them lead to serious reflection. There are a lot of people around us who need our help and we are able to help them.

The results of the survey showed that modern society needs not only highly educated, active, enterprising and enterprising young people, but also kind and sympathetic people who can selflessly come to the rescue and lend “their shoulder” in difficult times.

Scroll criteria that the product must meet:

    Title: “Do Good”

    Purpose: a gift for children with disabilities.

    Material: cardboard.

    Manufacturing method – the manufacturing method is familiar to us.

    Appearance – beautiful, attractive

    Eco-friendly - gifts are made from environmentally friendly material.

7 Other criteria - gifts must be beautiful and bright.

Developing the best idea

In the process of implementing the project, we decided to make gifts for the guys in a “retro” style - objects with peeling paint, worn, which “served” their owners for several decades....

Technological operations


Place the template on the cardboard and trace it with a pencil.

Cut with scissors.

Glue with glue, aligning the side cuts.

Lubricate the bottom with glue so that a little glue goes inside the workpiece, place it on the cardboard according to size and press firmly. It is best to use thick PVA glue or Moment-gel.

After complete drying, cut the cardboard around the bottom circumference.

Coat a thick thread with glue and glue it along the upper cut, let the glue dry and cover the product with primer paint several times.

After the primer has dried, paint the product.

Bend the parts for the arms and glue them symmetrically

Give the buckets a chipped effect with black paint.

The jugs are made of cardboard in the same way.

Technological map "Making a chest of drawers"

Technological operations


According to the size of two glued matchboxes, we cut out the side and top parts from thick cardboard.

We glue the boxes together and cover them with blanks.

On the drawers we glue three rows of cardboard, which are cut to size.

Wait for the glue to dry completely.

Prime with several layers of dark acrylic paint.

After the primer has dried, carefully rub the edges of the product with a candle.

Economic justification.

My project was made practically from leftover craft materials - cardboard, empty matchboxes, and acrylic paints were used for the primer, which were left over after painting the paintings by numbers. It’s safe to say that all the materials we used are free!

Design assessment

The problem statement is clearly written. The products are made with high quality. Time was used quite rationally, we managed to complete the project on time. Overall we are pleased with the quality of design, manufacturing and appearance of the finished product. We really liked the work, if we started doing this work again, we would probably do everything the same way without changing anything.

Human life is accompanied by constant solving of problems, which can be very simple or extremely complex. To solve them, you need to decide on a solution to a particular problem. For example, how to create, sew, build or design?

During this process, as a rule, several decisions inevitably arise in a person’s head; he collects the information he needs and consults with people who already have experience. As a result, the best idea is selected, and then the creative process moves on to thinking about the implementation of specific operations. All this finally gives us the opportunity to begin a specific task. Thus, a person conceives, and then plans and implements creative projects.

Mandatory part of the educational process

One of the main requirements for students in a modern school is that they carry out activities to demonstrate their skills and abilities acquired in technology lessons. A similar process is recorded in the new federal standards.

Through the implementation of creative projects using technology, children are able to express their individuality. This also allows students to demonstrate in practice the theoretical knowledge acquired in class.

A wide variety of topics in creative technology projects develop in children the following:

Creative skills;
- aesthetic taste;
- logical thinking.

Definition of the concept

What is a creative educational project in technology? This is nothing more than an independently developed and then manufactured product. This subject must go from an idea to its implementation with the help of the teacher's advisory participation.

Such a student’s project is his creative final work. Its quality will directly depend on the knowledge and skills acquired in technology lessons.

The production of a specific product within the framework of this event is impossible without a lot of previous work. It consists of thinking through ideas, making sketches, drawings, drawings, as well as developing the technological process.

Choosing a creative technology project is an individual matter. It is not at all necessary that the adopted option be particularly complex and carried out independently. Part of the creative project may already be ready or completed by the teacher, parents or friends when the student begins to implement it.

You can bring your plans to life together with your classmates. In this case, the project, as a rule, is distributed in parts among its participants, and each of them bears individual responsibility for completing their task.

The goal of a creative technology project is to create a new, competitive, environmentally friendly and efficient product that meets human needs. Such a product can be not only various products, but also services.

If we take the literal translation of the word “project,” it means nothing more than “thrown forward.” This form of work is widely used in modern schools. Thanks to it, a teacher can instill in his students the correct social position. In addition, any ideas for a creative project using technology help children acquire planning skills, develop individuality, and unleash their creative abilities.

Advantages of the technology method

In Russia, this idea arose back in 1925. However, in those days it never gained much popularity. Project technology began to be considered one of the ways to form a harmoniously developed personality only after the adoption of new state educational standards. At the same time, the use of this methodology for schools and colleges has become mandatory.

What are the positive aspects of project technology? They are expressed in the following:

Schoolchildren are given the opportunity to solve problems at the level of their acquired knowledge;
- creative technology projects for boys are the first experience of socialization and the opportunity for an unbiased assessment of their skills not only by the teacher, but also by their peers;
- this method allows the teacher to introduce a systematic approach to activities at each stage of work, as well as to develop the creative abilities of children as widely as possible;
- all creative technology projects for girls that are created during labor training classes can be used in everyday life;
- the methodology involves the joint work of schoolchildren in groups, which allows them to form a team and build interpersonal relationships.

Completion of work contributes to obtaining a new result within a specific period of time. For what purposes can a creative technology project be used? An example of such work is cross stitch, which is done by hand, and is an excellent gift option for mom to celebrate International Women's Day.

Project classification

Depending on the nature of the resulting products, creative works are divided into innovative as well as supporting options. For example, the cross stitch mentioned above. This creative project can be classified as a supporting type. What is considered innovative solutions? An example of a creative project using this type of technology is the production of unusual furniture for a summer house.
However, this list cannot be called completely exhausted. In service labor classes, projects of completely different directions are often implemented. Among such works there are social, scientific and technical, educational, etc. Thus, an example of a creative project using educational technology is the manufacture of lace products. It can be classified as this type due to the fact that this work contributes to the acquisition of crocheting skills.

Creative technology projects may have different deadlines. In this regard, they are classified as follows:

- medium-term;
- short-term.

Implementation steps

All work on the execution of a creative project is divided into three stages. Search comes first, followed by technological, and the final process is analytical. Moreover, each of them includes certain steps (actions).

So, during the search stage, the following occurs:

1. The problem is identified.
2. The topic of the project is selected and the need for manufacturing the product is justified. For a creative technology project, it is necessary to determine the corresponding requirements that will be presented to the final product.
3. Thinking through several product options and choosing the best one.

1. Product design planning.
2. Development of the manufacturing sequence.
3. Selection and purchase of necessary tools and materials.
4. Organization of the workplace.
5. Direct production of the product in compliance with work safety rules.

The final stage of a creative project is the analytical stage. During this process the following is done:

1. The finished product is tested.
2. The work performed is analyzed (which parts turned out well and which did not).
3. The defense of a creative project on technology is being prepared.

At the first, exploratory stage, the student must think about what exactly he would like to do with his own hands. Next, he must realistically assess the capabilities available to him. At the technological stage, the product itself is designed. During this stage, any literature that describes a product of interest to the student can be used, which will allow not only to implement, but also to improve the idea. The final version of the design is made in a graphical representation. It comes in the form of a sketch, graphic drawing or drawing, which displays all the data necessary for the work.

At the next stage, planning of manufacturing technologies for the planned product takes place. In this case, route and technological maps must be developed.
The final, analytical stage involves testing and monitoring of the resulting product. The material costs that went into producing the product are determined. At the same stage, an assessment of the entire event is given.

The very last step is to protect the project. The design of a creative project using technology is the presentation of an explanatory note, as well as a demonstration of the finished product.

Report structure

How should a creative technology project be formatted? The example of writing an explanatory note given below is relevant when creating any product. In this case, the following sections must be present in the structure of the report after its name:

1. The relevance of the problem posed.
2. Tasks and goals of the work.
3. Action planning.
4. Approximate completion time.
5. Expected result.
6. Cost estimate (material costs).

The need to create projects

Numerous statistical studies confirm the fact that the degree to which a student learns to set goals and objectives for himself will determine his success in life. After all, it was thanks to the project way of thinking that many politicians and entrepreneurs were able to realize themselves.

In a modern school there are all opportunities for the successful development of children. They are also there to develop their design thinking. It was for this purpose that research and design activities were introduced into the Federal State Educational Standard.

Training option

What is a creative technology project? An example of such an activity is creating a stool from wood. Before receiving a direct image of the product, project participants need to study theoretical issues. They relate to the elements of this product and options for fastening parts. Attention is also paid to the safety of work.

Creative technology projects for boys may seem quite simple at first glance. However, in reality everything is much more complicated. After all, if you are making a stool, you will need to choose the optimal height of the legs and the dimensions of the base of the product. It's not enough to get a beautiful thing. The stool, among other things, must also be stable.

This project may contain elements of research conducted, the material for which was reports and abstracts on this topic. For example, you can analyze the dependence of material consumption on changes in the shape and appearance of the stool. Be that as it may, the basis of creative work of this type must certainly be the independent activity of schoolchildren.

Soft toy

There are a wide variety of creative technology projects for girls. And when choosing them, you should keep in mind that not all schoolgirls like to sew, but they simply adore soft toys. And here the teacher can offer the girls the idea of ​​​​creating a stuffed doll. The purpose of this work is to make a soft toy. The starting materials for the work should be threads and pieces of fabric, cardboard for the pattern and filler, as well as a needle. The implementation of such a project is carried out through group work. One of the girls will receive the task of cutting out the future doll. The contours of the parts can be made independently or ready-made ones can be selected.

The second needlewoman will have to connect all the prepared elements. The third participant in the project may be tasked with filling the finished parts. A creative project using the “Doll” technology at its last stage involves connecting all the parts. All girls should take part in this work.


This creative technology project is offered to schoolchildren to create an original gift for mom on March 8th. At the same time, children must understand that in order to do something nice for a loved one, money is not at all necessary.

The creative project “Postcard” involves the use of scrapbooking techniques. At the first stage, schoolchildren examine ready-made postcards and become familiar with the technique of making them. Next comes goal setting. It consists of creating a bright and unusual postcard. Materials are selected to solve the problem. Their list includes colored cardboard and figured hole punches, satin ribbons and halves of pearls. At the next stage, an action plan should be outlined and the sequence of work should be analyzed. At the same time, responsibilities must be distributed among all project participants. A creative project like this is an example of using ordinary materials to create an original result.

Teacher's work

A teacher who uses project technology in his activities fully complies with the requirements for this profession as part of the implementation of new education standards.

It is in the joint activities of the teacher and his students that a trusting relationship is formed, and the prerequisites for the multifaceted development of the child’s personality arise. By making joint attempts to find an answer to a given task, children develop communication skills. Schoolchildren who have experience working on creative projects find it easier to study not only in specialized secondary schools, but also in higher education institutions.

Project work


"Cutting board

with painting."

Work completed:


Valentina Mikhailovna


Stage 1

Search and research

    Discussion of the idea

    Awareness of the problem, social significance (for home, school, playground, etc.)

    Searching for information on your problem (library, magazines, museums, Internet)

    Independent work on the selection of drawings and sketches to create an object.

    Assessing your knowledge and skills to implement your idea

    Assessment of time, materials, their cost, product appearance, environmental friendliness, manufacturing techniques.

Stage 2

Design and technology

    Drawing up sketches of the main parts of the product

    Manufacturing sequence development

    Selection of materials, tools, devices

    Making a sketch of the product

    Manufacture of the product according to the technological map in compliance with the work culture.

Stage 3


    Analysis and evaluation of the product (advantages, disadvantages, self-assessment of the result)

    Project protection

    Project documentation

Criteria for evaluating project implementation

    Reasoning for the choice of topic, justification of the need, practical orientation of the project and the significance of the work performed.

    The volume and completeness of development, implementation of accepted design stages, independence, completeness, preparedness for the perception of the project by other people, material embodiment.

    Reasonedness of the proposed solutions, approaches, conclusions.

    Level of creativity, originality of the topic.

    The quality of the explanatory note.

    Product quality, compliance with standards, originality.

An example of a creative project

Project topic: Cutting board with painting.

Executor: Grishkova Valentina Mikhailova

Project goals: Perform technological operations accurately and accurately; assimilate acquired knowledge; evaluate the work done.

Sections of the explanatory note:

    Justification of the topic of the selected project.

    Scheme of organization of manufacturing of the designed product.

    Studying the history of the development of folk arts, folk craftsmen, and their works.

    Design analysis.

    List of technical documentation attached to the product.

    Characteristics of the materials used.

    Calculation part.

    The grafical part.

    Technological part.

    Economic part.

    Safety precautions.

    Ecological part.

    Results of the work.


1. Justification of the topic of the selected project.

Who wouldn’t want to decorate their kitchen with an elegant cutting board that will immediately make it look unique and cozy.

To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to go shopping, looking for something that matches the interior of the kitchen. It is much more pleasant to spend these hours making objects that ennoble everyday life. I will give this board to my mother. I put my soul into this work and I hope you will like my gift.

2. Scheme of organization of manufacturing of the designed product.

3. Study of the history of decorative and applied arts.

4. Sketches of alternative models.

5. Design analysis.

Having examined all possible sketches of boards, I decided to create my own composition consisting of a bird and flowers. This is labor-intensive work that requires accuracy and precision. And since I made sketches of individual elements of painting in fine arts lessons, I considered it possible to complete this work.

6. List of technical documentation.

    Basic elements of painting.

    Sketches of alternative models.

    Copies of famous masters.

7. Characteristics of the materials used.

    Blank board made of plywood 8 mm thick.

    Paints – gouache (12 colors).

    Brushes (columns) No. 1; No. 2; No. 4; No. 5.

    PVA glue.

    Varnish “Yacht”.

8. Calculation part.

The size of my board is 22cm x 18cm.

9. Graphic part.

To paint the board according to the intended design, I needed to master the principles of drawing construction. I completed a number of exercises on paper.

I worked on the color and background of the murals. I decided to use bright, sonorous, local tones.

10. Technological part.

Before starting work, the board is impregnated with PVA glue diluted with water. Then the background is applied and the drawing is applied to the board according to the planned sketch. After this, the resin is applied. Errors are being corrected. The product is varnished and dried.

11. Economic part.

Type of material

price, rub.

Varnish “Yacht”

Total: 200 rub. (Excluding labor costs)

12. Safety precautions.

The product was manufactured in compliance with the necessary requirements and rules of safe operation, in a clear sequence of technological operations, with the correct use of materials.

13. Ecological part.

All materials used are made from environmentally friendly raw materials and do not contain toxic substances.

14. Results of the work.

I checked the quality of my work. It turned out well, clean, neat, the colors harmoniously combined with each other. Overall, it turned out to be an artistic piece that will serve as a gift for my mother.

15. Literature.

    Konovalov A.E. Gorodets painting. Bitter. 1988.

    L.Ya. Suprun. Gorodets painting. Ed. “Culture and Traditions.” Tver, 2006.

    H.I. Makhmutova. Wood painting. – M.: Education, 1987.

Project planning and brief analysis

This project was completed in accordance with the planned time to work on it - 14 hours.

1 week (2 hours). Setting goals and objectives. Selection of literature, selection of materials, tools.

Week 2 (2 hours). Research and development of ideas. Collection of information (library, Internet). Assessing your capabilities, knowledge, abilities, skills.

Week 3 (2 hours). Search for alternative options. Making sketches and drawings.

Week 4 (2 hours). Development of manufacturing sequence. Composing a drawing.

Week 5 (2 hours) and week 6 (2 hours). Practical activities on painting a cutting board in compliance with labor discipline, work culture, and safety precautions.

Week 7 (2 hours). Analysis and evaluation of the product.

As a result of this project, I became acquainted with the history of arts and crafts and folk art in Russia, studied color science, drawing, the laws of composition, drew sketches on my own, developed and evaluated my project.

The project was completed in full with a creative approach. The quality of the product meets the requirements for kitchen utensils. The explanatory note presents the reasoning behind the choice of topic, justification of the need and practical orientation.


As a result of project activities, the ability to solve creative problems develops. Independence, hard work, enterprise, culture of behavior, and patriotism are fostered. Aesthetic feelings and artistic initiative develop. An aesthetic attitude towards work is formed.

Project-based learning develops the social aspect of the individual by including it in various activities in real, social and industrial relations, helps to adapt in competitive conditions, and instills vital knowledge and skills in the field of housekeeping and family economics.

When I see the end result in front of me - a thing that we can use in everyday life, made with our own hands, self-esteem increases, and this educates morally.


    Sergeev I.S. How to organize student project activities. – M.: Arkti, 2007.

    Technology. Grades 5-11: Project activities of students. Auto-stat. L.N. Morozova, N.G. Kravchenko, O.V. Pavlova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

    The decoupage technique has recently become increasingly popular. It is a varnished appliqué made from napkins. You can decorate absolutely any surface with decoupage - from furniture to a banal cutting board. We place our drawing on the surface of the board and carefully cover it with glue diluted with water in a 50/50 ratio.

Creative project


Project selection and justification

The main thing about this project is that the product can be made independently. The knowledge gained in the process of studying wood processing technology turned out to be sufficient to produce the “Tractor” product.

Making a product helps to consolidate previously studied material using the following technologies: “Marking wood blanks”, “Sawing wood”, “Drilling holes”, “Burning”, “Sanding products”, “Polishing”, “Varnishing products”.

The equipment of the training workshops allows me to complete this project, this work is not dangerous.

To manufacture the Tractor product, the following factors must be taken into account:

Economic Used

Construction costs equipment


Interior TRACTOR materials

Control Technology Time

fabrication testing

Design requirements

When designing an object, one should take into account its reliability, durability, versatility, ease and simplicity of assembly, maximum weight and dimensions, design requirements (organicity and integrity of the external form, proportionality, harmonious line).

Material selection

Of the possible materials, wood turned out to be the most acceptable, since its cost is relatively low, it is easy to process, and lends itself well to artistic decoration. Wood is widely used in the national economy; furniture, paper, sports equipment and toys are made from it.

Wood has relatively high strength, is well processed with cutting tools, wooden parts are easily glued together, connected with nails and screws. Wood products have a beautiful appearance and that's why I used wood.

Product manufacturing technology

For manufacturing we use the following basic operations: marking the pattern, sawing, drilling, finishing the product, joining parts, varnishing.

The greatest difficulties are caused by the work associated with assembly and finishing, since there are many different options, and you need to choose the most optimal one.

Various product finishing options

Cleaning Burning Varnishing

METHODS Application





Inlay drilling

Stripping, staining and varnishing are all my jobs. That's why we choose these finishing methods.

After I cut out all the details of the product, I began preparing them. I previously cleaned the external and internal contours of the parts from burrs, irregularities and other possible errors. Then I started painting. Coloring in finishing products cannot be done independently; it is only used to highlight sanded wood with aniline paints, mordants, stains, and then the painted items are covered with finishing layers - varnishes. This color gives the wood the desired color, emphasizes the natural structure of the fibers (texture), and imitates the color of valuable species.

Various options for connecting product parts

Connection TYPES OF CONNECTION Connection

On nails on spikes

Connection Connection

with glue and screws

The parts of the product are assembled using glue and nails, making the connection strong and externally neat.

Selecting Tools

To make the product, I used the following tools: a pencil, a hacksaw, a drill with a set of drills for drilling holes, files, a set of needle files, a ruler, a student’s square, a compass,


Work sequence





Making a tractor

Select a workpiece 80 X 80 X 130 mm

Mark the workpiece according to the template

Template, pencil

File according to the markings

Hacksaw, saw,

wooden vice

Saw off the side surface of the workpiece 2 at an angle of 45 0

Hacksaw, workbench, miter box

Perform planing

Workbench, plane

Mark the centers of the holes and drill them (Ø 3.2 mm)

Ruler, pencil, vice, drill, drill,

Blunt the ribs

Workbench, file

Clean the ends and polish the product


Chamfer 5 X 45 O


Paint the item with watercolor paint

Coat the product with varnish. Check the quality of the product.

Wheel making

Select workpiece

80 X 80 X 150 mm

Mark the workpiece and plan the edges of the octagon

Ruler, pencil, thicknesser, plane, workbench

Place the workpiece in the trident of the machine and grind Ø 70 mm and Ø 44 mm

Lathe, calipers,

Notch the ends

Lathe, ruler, hacksaw


Sanding paper

Remove the part, saw off the ends and clean them

Fine-tooth hacksaw, file

Product assembly


holes in wheels Ø 3 mm


Install axles

on wheels

Welding electrode

Bucket installation

Tin can, solder, soldering iron

Economic costs

To make the product you will need:




1 m 3 - 3200 rub.

1 tube – 18 rub.

0.25 tube

1 bottle – 35 rub.

0.33 bottles,

1 bottle – 45 rub.

0.33 bottles,

60 rub.

Manufacturing the “Tractor” product does not require large economic costs (only 60 rubles), as well as time, it will take approximately 4-5 hours.

Used Books

1) Textbook “Technology.5,6 grades,” Simonenko V.D., 2000, Moscow;

2) Ryzhenko V.I. Woodworking, 2004, Moscow;

3) Ryzhenko V.I., Yurov V.I. Carpentry and turning works, 2004, Moscow

Slide 1

Creative project using the “Bouquet of Joy” technology Completed by: Anufrieva Svetlana Baykova Victoria, 10th grade student Supervisor: Domikova V.A. technology teacher in the village of Verkhnyaya Trinity, 2011

Slide 2

Project components 1.Identification of need. Problem formulation (Rationale for choosing a topic). 2.The history of the origin of ribbon embroidery. 3. A set of initial ideas. 4. Development of one or more best ideas for the interior. - The product is in the form of a sketch or picture. -Place of manufacture. Production time. -Selection of tools and devices. 5. Manufacturing of the product - Drawing up criteria for the future product. -Technological map of product manufacturing. In the process of creating a product, exercises are performed that teach certain skills and abilities. -Analysis of ideas and selection of the best options -Economic justification. -Ecological justification. -Product advertising. 6. Conclusion. -Self-assessment of the product, whether it meets the criteria. -Assessment of your activities during design. 7. Bibliography.

Slide 3

1.Identification of need (justification for choosing a topic) We love interesting handmade products. Handmade is always beautiful and valuable. At the end of 10th grade, we wanted to complete our product and prepare a report. We decided to do embroidery with satin ribbons as a gift for the class. Embroidery with satin ribbons is unusual, original and beautiful. We are attracted to embroidery with satin ribbons by its simplicity and availability of materials. Embroidery is a very interesting and exciting activity and is possible not only on canvas but also on fabric.

Slide 4

2. History. If you tie a ribbon around the simplest box, it will become a GIFT! If you tie ribbons to any car, everyone will immediately understand that it is going to the HOLIDAY! And how a ribbon woven into her hairstyle decorates a girl or a woman... The ancestor of silk stripes was a rope made from plant fibers: having first turned into braid, it waited for the invention of the loom and became an exquisite ribbon. The ribbon is a symbol of holiday, celebration!

Slide 5

3. A set of initial ideas. After working through all the options, we decided to make product number 6.

Slide 6

4. Development of one or more best ideas for the interior. A product in the form of a sketch or picture. -Place of manufacture. Production time. Service labor workshop of M.I. Kalinin Secondary School The product was designed from September to May 2011

Slide 7

-Selection of materials, tools and devices. Materials and tools for making a painting. 1.Synthetic fabric. 2. Colored ribbons 3. Thread 4. Needles 5. Scissors. 6.Glue. 7.Wire 8.Safety pins 9.Beads 10.Iron 11.Iron 12.Frame

Slide 8

5. Manufacturing of the product Drawing up criteria for the future product. Interior products - paintings, photo frames, pillows, boxes and bags for cosmetics - must correspond to the overall design and form a single whole. The color of the ribbons should be chosen so that the combination is harmonious. Products must be well ironed and decorated

Slide 9

Technological map for manufacturing the product Selected the fabric Measured the required size 60*30 Cut strips of brown and beige satin ribbon for the basket Placed in the center and glued

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We made roses from red, pink, white, yellow satin ribbon. We arranged the roses in a chaotic order and sewed them. We made leaves for the roses from green satin ribbon and sewed them on. We prepared beaded butterflies in advance, placed them on the panel and sewed them on. The finished product was ironed. The panel was inserted into a frame. To work looked complete, roses with leaves were glued to the frame

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-Economic justification. Item Color/material Length/quantity Price 1 piece Total Green fabric 1 m Available Threads Black 1 piece 10 rub. 10 rub. Red 1 piece 10 rub. 10 rub. White 1 piece 10 rub. 10 rub. Yellow 1 piece 10 rub. 10 rub. Pink 1 piece 10 rub. 10 rub. Set of needles Metal 10pcs 2rub. 20 rub. Wooden frame 1 piece 170 rub. 170 rub. Beads White 1p. 20 rub. 20 rub. Black 1p. 20 rub. 20 rub. Blue 1p. 20 rub. 20 rub. Yellow 1p. 20 rub. 20 rub. Red 1p. 20 rub. 20 rub. Ribbons 0.5 cm White 10m 10rub. 100 rub. Red 10m 10rub. 100 rub. Yellow 10m 10rub. 100 rub. Pink 10m 10rub. 100 rub. Green 4m 10rub. 40 rub. Total 780 rub.

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-Ecological justification. When carrying out a project, it is necessary to take into account that the product is environmentally friendly and does not cause harm to the health of yourself and others. Conclusions and conclusions: The implementation of the project contributes to the development and improvement of one’s capabilities in the field of cutting and sewing, as well as project activities; mastering technological skills; development of artistic taste and creative attitude to the work performed. The painting project we had planned has been completed. In general, it turned out what we had in mind at the beginning of the work. We consider the goals set at the beginning of the project to be achieved.

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7. Bibliography 1. Donatella Ciotti “Embroidery with silk ribbons” M. “AST-PRESS” 2003, translation from Italian. 2. Joan Gordon “Ribbon Embroidery” encyclopedia ART-SPRING 2008 Translation from English. 3. Helen Dafter “Fantasies from Silk Ribbons” CONTENT 2007 translation from English. 4. The art of ribbon embroidery. Chernova A.G. – Ed. 7 – e. - Rostov N/D: Phoenix, 2006. Information resources =1&from_pos=24&ed=1&text=embroidery%20ribbons%20on%20clothes&rpt=image