Shallots - what is it? Shallots: growing from seeds. Shallots on green feathers and turnips. Growing, care, storage and reproduction. Winter and spring planting of shallots

Shallots are a type of onion main feature which is the ability to create daughter bulbs from the main one. Shallots are not known to everyone by their European name. In common parlance it is called kushchevka or family.

Shallots are propagated by dividing the bulb, which is why they called it the bush or family

Growing and care

Among the well-known variety of shallots, there are many varieties:

  • Chapaevsky;
  • kunak;
  • sprint;
  • Kharkov kushchevka;
  • star;
  • off-season;
  • delicacy;
  • aristarch.

The shallot variety is grown from seeds or bulbs. The varieties of cultivation of the shallot variety differ in the planting period and the characteristics of the growth of the final product. Preparing a plot of land for the shallot variety begins in the fall, and in the spring it is planted in the soil.

Delicacy shallots have an elongated shape.

The prepared planting material is kept in water before the onions are transferred to open ground. Bulbs up to four centimeters in size meet the requirements for planting and effectively growing the product. Pressing into the soil is done to such a depth that the necks stick out from the soil.

The distance between planted bulbs is maintained at least ten centimeters, and between the beds - twenty centimeters.

Growing shallots from seeds consists of several stages:

  1. The seeds are placed in beds, each three centimeters deep.
  2. Before placing in the soil, the seeds are kept in a damp gauze bag for two days.
  3. Upon completion of planting, the soil is fertilized with peat or compost.

If you choose between these two methods of planting shallot varieties, then the bulbous one is the most productive. Vegetative method planting is productive, the seeds do not always sprout. The land for planting is selected based on the condition of the soil and its location. Choose a site that is illuminated and has a loose soil structure. Good predecessors to the shallot variety are peas, legumes and carrots.

According to the rules of crop rotation, planting the shallot variety in the same place is permissible with an interval of four years.

Shallots are quite capricious, and it is not always possible to grow them from seeds.

Organization of landing

Planting shallots is done mainly in an elevated area so that during periods of heavy rainfall the soil does not flood. Planting shallots does not complete the care of the plant. After this event, the area should be weeded in a timely manner, fertilized with organic fertilizers and watered with a moderate amount of warm water.

Watering continues until there is a month left before harvesting. Moderate watering prevents flooding land plot, but only moisturizes it. Errors in the organization of fertilizing or watering increase the threat of crop loss. Descriptions of caring for the variety do not distinguish it from other species.

The selected area should have an average level of acidity and soil fertility, since planting varieties or seeds are accepted only in such an area.

The acidity level of the soil can be regulated by special fertilizing, as well as the state of fertility. To obtain large bulbs, it is important to regularly thin out the rows of planted seedlings, weeding out weak or undeveloped seedlings.

A description of how to properly grow seeds or sets indicates that preparation for planting begins in advance. You can grow seeds and plant them in the ground for the winter. This planting is carried out in the fall, when the ground is not yet frozen. Descriptions of planting for winter or spring differ in the effectiveness of the event. Sewing does not always take root if planted in the fall.

Shallots can also be planted in pots on greens.

Before planting the seedlings on a plot of land, the soil is loosened and fertilized, and the seedlings or seeds are prepared for planting. Due to the high risk of freezing of the plant, it is best to plant seeds for the winter.

After planting, the site is cared for: it is fertilized and insulated with organic means. Upon arrival, the soil is covered with snow. Spring is the best time to plant seedlings. This reduces the time spent on growing and caring for the plant.

Shallots include many types, including white ones. yellow and red onions. In order to effectively plant seedlings in the spring or at other times of the year, it is important to choose the right one for your climate zone varieties.

Plant species differ from each other in their maintenance conditions. fertility and predisposition to the soil. Planting is carried out in mid-spring in previously prepared soil.

The optimal time for planting seedlings or seeds is the period of time when the soil has already warmed up. The main thing is to choose optimal time to avoid spring frosts. In this case, keep a film that you can use to insulate planting material.

Shallots are very thermophilic, even light spring frosts can destroy them.

Characteristics of the species

Varieties of this species are grown for their bulbs or leaves. The beneficial substances contained in the leaves of this species are superior to all other varieties. This species is classified as an early ripening variety.

The number of arrows that can form on the bulb reaches a dozen, each one meter long. This variety is rarely used for arrows, since this event is not effective. Planting in the fall makes it possible to harvest greens in April, and ready-made bulbs in June.

Apart from external and individual differences, shallots are not endowed with much difference. Varieties of this type of onion are in wide demand among consumers and are often grown by summer residents or large farmers.

This plant, no matter what type it belongs to, is in great demand among consumers due to its beneficial properties. Onions contain a complex of vitamins and minerals that, when consumed in food, fresh help a person resist various diseases. Heat-treated onions add a richer taste to dishes. Now it’s hard to imagine cooking without using this vegetable.

Despite the fact that the plant is grown in autumn and spring, its demand is growing in winter period time because it is at this time that we are so susceptible to viruses and infections.

Known. that the top three layers of the plant contain the greatest amount useful substances, and the vegetable itself has highest level vitamin C than all other vegetables or fruits.

The popularity of growing onions among summer residents is high. This crop is not a demanding plant to care for, although it does require some consistent and timely care.

If you choose the right site, prepare it according to the required standards and plant suitable variety plants, then you will get a rich harvest of the plant.

Shallots are popular in many countries and are grown in different climatic conditions. It includes many varieties and differs pleasant taste and benefits superior to other types.

Shallots are a perennial herbaceous plant. IN Eastern Europe and in the Urals it became popular several years ago. Onions are valued for their tender, fragrant, delicious greens and fast ripening times. The growing season on average does not exceed 65 days from the date of planting. The shelf life of the crop is 10-12 months. In Russia, this vegetable is called family onion, kushchevka or magpie. Since it produces several bulbs on one rhizome.

Shallots - distinctive features

The main difference between shallots and onions is the method of formation of shoots. So on one heel of the magpie, up to 20 bulbs are formed. The mass of each of them does not exceed 50 g, and the diameter is 3 cm. Root system the vegetable grows up to 0.5 m in 2 years. Green feathers are ready for consumption within 30 days after planting. The leaves are thin, tubular in shape, grow up to 45 cm. Picked greens have pleasant aroma And delicate taste, stays fresh for quite a long time. During the flowering period it produces up to 5 arrows.

Shallots differ from other varieties in that they do not cause tears when cooked. The plant contains:

  • minerals;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • essential oil;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • flavonoids;
  • ascorbic acid.

Essential oil retains its properties even after heat treatment. A large amount of flavonoids prevents cancer, normalizes arterial pressure and lowers cholesterol levels.

He gained particular popularity in Western Europe. Europeans do not like the strong aroma of onions and try not to use them in their dishes. However, it is impossible to completely eliminate the vegetable from their diet, so they chose kushevka. France is the largest producer of shallots. The country exports 6-8 tons of vegetables per year.

Varieties and ripening periods

Different types of shallots differ from each other in the color of their scales and the number of bulbs in the nest. The shape of the vegetable can be: flat, round and elongated.

Ripening periodVariety nameMain characteristics
Early ripening"Belozerets 94"The vegetable ripens 75 days after planting. The bulbs are round in shape, weighing 27 g. Has a pungent taste
"Emerald"High-yielding variety with white scales. The weight of one onion is 22 g. It has a semi-sharp taste.
"Cascade"The vegetable crop is covered with pink scales. 5 bulbs ripen in one nest, weighing 35 g. The taste is sharp
Mid-season"Albik"The growing season is 62 days. The bulbs are transversely elliptical in shape, weighing 30 g. Up to 8 pieces ripen in one bush
"Earring"The growing season is 58 days. The bulbs are round in shape. In a nest it grows up to 10 pieces, the weight of one is up to 40 g
"Chapaevsky"A universal variety with a growing season of 66 days. Weight of one bulb is 40 g. The variety is resistant to downy mildew.
Mid-late"Strong"The growing season does not exceed 95 days. It has a semi-sharp taste. Oval bulbs, weighing 50 g
"Siberian Amber"The growing season is 55-60 days. 6-8 bulbs ripen in one nest. One weight is 28-30 g
"Ural purple"The variety is covered with reddish-purple scales. Has a semi-sharp taste. Bulb weight up to 58 g. Resistant to rot and shoots. Suitable for growing onions

Shallots are a frost-resistant plant. Best temperature for growing it +20 degrees. However, already at +4, magpie seeds can begin to germinate. In winter, the bulbs do not rot and in the spring they can come to life and produce green shoots again.

Planting material must be of high quality

Preparation of planting material

Shallots are increasingly seen on personal plots. It is planted in two ways - seeds or bulbs. Whatever option is chosen, preparatory measures are carried out first.

Preparing seeds for planting:

  • 2 days before planting, the seeds are wrapped in a bandage or gauze and placed in a container with water. Cover with a lid and place in a warm room.
  • Every 7 hours they must be washed and the container filled with fresh water.
  • An hour before planting, the seeds are taken out of the container and allowed to dry.
  • They are sown (in the second half of April) on previously prepared beds and watered abundantly.

Preparing bulbs for planting in open ground:

  • Planting material is carefully selected. The bulbs must be more than 3 cm in size and weigh 10 g.
  • A week before planting, they are kept at an air temperature of +40 degrees for 9 hours.
  • On the day of planting, the bulbs are soaked in warm water (temperature +30 degrees).
  • To disinfect and protect against fungal diseases, they are placed for 6 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate (2 g per 2 liters of water).

Planting and growing - how to get a good harvest

To obtain a high yield, a number of requirements must be met:

  1. 1. Soil. Fertile loamy or sandy loam soil is suitable for planting shallots.
  2. 2. Lighting. Centipede is a light-loving vegetable. Therefore, the best place for a garden bed is an open, sunny space. Short daylight hours promote vegetative growth - the size of feathers increases and the formation of feathers slows down. Long - promotes the development of the nest and bulbs.
  3. 3. Landing. They begin to plant shallots in open ground. in early spring. In pre-dug and fertilized soil, the bush is planted in rows. The distance between them is 20-30 cm. The bulbs are sunk into the soil to a depth of 5 cm. Then the beds are sprinkled with ash to protect the vegetable from the onion fly.
  4. 4. Watering. Shallots are a moisture-loving plant. During the period of active growth of greenery (May - June) it requires daily and abundant watering. During the formation of the nest (late June - July), the amount of water is reduced.

You should not plant vegetables in the same bed every year, as they tend to degenerate. Gardeners recommend planting shallots in the place where carrots, beans, and peas grew.

Education large quantity bulbs in the nest results in a small harvest. To get larger heads, the bush must be thinned out. Part of the earth is carefully removed around the nest. Then a few outer bulbs are torn off to give the remaining ones more space and nutrients for further growth.

Fertilizer – when and what to feed?

Shallots do not require special care. Its cultivation is no different from onion. The magpie only needs abundant watering in dry weather during the formation of green leaves (late April - May).

The vegetable is responsive to weed removal. Loosening the top layer of soil will help destroy onion fly eggs.

In summer, it is necessary to fertilize twice a day. The first feeding occurs during the appearance of the first shoots, and the second should occur at the moment of formation of the bulbs.

  • As organic fertilizer You can use diluted mullein or chicken manure. A wood ash stimulates the formation of bulbs.
  • For the first time, you can use ammonium nitrate and superphosphate (10:10 g per 1 sq. m) as a mineral fertilizer. For the second feeding - potassium chloride and superphosphate (10:15 g per 1 sq. m).

To grow large bulbs, stop watering and fertilizing in mid-summer. If you do not adhere to this rule, the bush will continue to produce greens, and the bulbs will not ripen.

Early-ripening varieties in early July, mid-ripening and mid-late varieties drop their leaves in early August. This is the first signal for harvest. Delay may result in reduced shelf life of the bulbs.

Dug up shoots cannot be dried under straight sun rays. It is better to place them under a canopy. The harvest is stored at a temperature of +20 degrees, relative humidity 70%.

The planting of shallots increases every year. Due to its dietary and taste qualities, it is displacing onions from the markets different countries. To obtain a high yield, no serious knowledge is required and great experience. It is easy to plant and grow. And a variety of varieties can satisfy any gardener’s needs.

Shallot(Allium ascalonicum) belongs to the species Onion (Allium sulfur), which also includes the groups Onion and Multi-tiered Onion. According to its characteristics, shallots are very similar to ordinary onions, but they have some differences with them.

Shallots are nesting, or multi-bud, onions. When planted, several daughter bulbs with a diameter of up to 3-4 cm and a weight of no more than 50 g each are formed from one mother shallot bulb. Depending on the variety, shallot bulbs can be oval, round, or rounded-flat. They are attached to the heel (bottom) of the mother bulb, so they often have irregular shape and pointed at the point of attachment. A shallot usually produces from 6 to 12 bulbs in a nest. In some varieties of folk selection, their number reaches 25 or even 40 pieces, which is why shallots are sometimes called “magpies”. U different varieties shallot coloring of dry scales can be light yellow, white, brown, pink and purple. The succulent scales of shallots are mostly white, greenish or pale purple in color. One mother bulb forms a whole bunch of juicy and fragrant dark green leaves, but they are lower in height than onions, about 30 cm. They are narrower, subulate, with a slight waxy coating. Depending on the purpose, shallots are grown for greens or to produce turnips. Both methods have their advantages.

In the top photos: This is what the beds with shallots (top photo) and onions look like when planted at the same time.

Growing shallots for green feathers.

Shallots are often grown to produce green feathers. Shallot leaves practically do not bolt, and during the growing process they do not become coarse over time and retain their taste and nutritional properties. With a small consumption of shallot planting material, a green yield is obtained that is several times higher than the yield of onions. Shallots are the most cost-effective onion for producing greens.

Shallot leaves are cut at a height of 20-25 cm, usually a month after planting. This early ripening is another advantage of shallots over onions. Shallots win over onions in their cold resistance and frost resistance, which allows them to be planted in late April - early May or before winter in mid-October. Therefore, you can get the vitamin products of its leaves much earlier.

For greens, shallots are grown not only in open ground, but also in containers, on the balcony, in greenhouses, on the windowsill of an apartment. Since shallots have a very deep dormant period, they are planted in the apartment no earlier than the end of February, then after a month you can cut the first greens. Sometimes practiced reuse the same bulbs for forcing greens. After cutting the first crop, the bulbs are taken out of the ground, cut below the middle and planted again in the same container, adding fresh soil. Replanted bulbs produce a second crop of green leaves.

Growing shallots for turnips has its advantages. In addition to the earlier harvest, shallots usually ripen 2-2.5 months after planting, and onions only after 3-3.5 months; shallot bulbs are better preserved in winter time, up to 7 months even in a city apartment. They are denser, and their small size sometimes it is preferable to use. We talked about the dietary and medicinal benefits of shallot bulbs previously.

As for the yield of shallots, this cannot be said with certainty. Under the same growing conditions as onions, its yield is lower. However, on fertile soil, for example when grown in compost beds, shallots demonstrate very high yields and are ahead of onions: from 1 sq. m you can get up to 5 kg of greenery or up to 4 kg of bulbs, and this is a 300% increase in relation to the planted material.

In the photo: shallots and onions during harvest.

Affects productivity and ways to store bulbs. At warm way storage (temperature above + 18 ° C) shallots form larger bulbs and more green mass. In this case, the regrowth of leaves and the ripening of the bulbs occurs later than with the cold storage method (0- +5 °C). In addition, when stored cold, shallots shoot more often. This is undoubtedly a big disadvantage for obtaining a harvest, but it makes it possible to obtain such rare shallot seeds.

Growing shallots is not burdensome and is similar to the agricultural technology of onions. Shallots prefer a sunny location, moderately moist, loose and very fertile soil with a pH of 6.0-6.5. When growing, crop rotation is observed; shallots are planted in their old place no earlier than after 3 years. The best place for planting shallots there will be beds freed from peas, beans and beans. It is good to plant shallots next to carrots. These vegetables are mutually beneficial to each other. The smell of each of them repels the pest of the neighboring plant: carrot or onion fly. They practice spring and winter (autumn) planting of shallots.

When planting in spring Shallots are planted in late April - early May. The soil for shallots is prepared in the fall: they dig it up and add humus or compost (5 kg per sq. m), mineral fertilizers (70 g superphosphate and potassium sulfate) or ash. In the fall, beds for planting are formed. In early spring, the beds are loosened and 25 g of nitrogen fertilizers are applied per 1 sq.m.

Before planting, the bulbs are kept in a solution of potassium permanganate for 15-30 minutes or another fungicide. To prevent onions from shooting and to produce an earlier harvest, they are covered with lutrasil. When greenery appears, the cover is removed, otherwise the onion leaves will grow deformed. If the shallots were stored cold, before planting, their bulbs are kept at a temperature of about +40 ° C for a week.

The best one for planting is a shallot bulb with a diameter of 3 cm and weighing 30 g. Such bulbs form more daughter bulbs and branch better. More small bulbs less productive. They are often used for late green crops or winter sowing. From bulbs with a diameter of more than 3 cm, multiple small bulbs are formed, which is also not advisable.

When planting 1 sq. m place 30 bulbs optimal size. They are placed in rows in the garden bed at a distance of 10 cm from each other and a distance between rows of 30 cm. The shallots are planted in moist soil, and the furrows are shed if necessary. The bulbs are buried 10 cm, or 3 cm are left between the surface of the soil and the bulb. If you plant shallots shallowly, the bulbs that form in the nest will protrude to the surface of the soil. Too deep planting delays the development and reduces the yield of onions. After planting, the bed with onions is mulched with peat or humus. Sometimes to receive early greens The bulbs are cut to the shoulders. In this case, the yield of greens and turnips is reduced.

During winter planting Shallots are planted in mid-October so that they take root but do not begin to grow. Such plants overwinter better. After planting the onions, the beds are mulched with peat. Although shallots are highly cold-resistant and frost-resistant, in winter they can withstand temperatures down to – 20 °C and after freezing retain their vitality, their winter planting is more suitable for the southern regions of the country. IN middle lane shallots lose up to 50% of planted bulbs. Small bulbs are more winter-hardy, but their yield is lower than that of large bulbs. At the same time, overwintered bulbs form more leaves than bulbs planted in the spring. Shallots planted before winter appear immediately after the snow melts and produce the earliest greenery.

Care care for shallots involves weeding, loosening the soil, and watering. Watering is especially important at the beginning of the onion growing season. A month before harvesting, watering is stopped.

If the soil is infertile, after the leaves grow, the shallots are fed with nitrogen fertilizers: slurry or urea, and at the beginning of the formation of the bulbs - potash fertilizers or ash.

To make the shallot turnip larger, at the beginning of July some of the small bulbs are removed from the nest, leaving 5 or 6 bulbs in it. To do this, the soil from the bulbs is carefully raked, small bulbs are torn off along with the feather. They are used as food or frozen.

Diseases and pests. In damp and cold weather, shallots can be affected by downy mildew and neck rot. In this case, the affected plants are removed, the remaining ones are treated with antifungal drugs. After processing, the greens are not eaten. Dusting the bed with ash helps against onion flies. When worms appear in the leaves, the beds are spilled with a solution of table salt (1 glass per 10 liters of water).

Cleaning Shallot bulbs are harvested at the end of July, when they reach physiological maturity. This can be recognized by the breaking of the feathers of the onion and the appearance of dry scales. If you delay harvesting, the shallot nest will disintegrate into individual bulbs, which will begin to sprout again. The dug out shallot nests are divided into bulbs and dried in the cool sun or in the attic, barn, or under a canopy. The roots and leaves of the dried bulbs are cut off and then stored.

Store shallots in a cool dry place. It is good to use small mesh bags for storage. Since shallots are well preserved in apartment conditions, they are often braided and hung in the kitchen: beautiful and convenient. Periodically, the bulbs are inspected and rotting ones are removed. In countries where shallots have been cultivated for a long time, it is customary to freeze them. Fresh shallots are cleaned, cut, lightly moistened and placed in containers. Such onions are stored in freezer refrigerator. Do the same with shallots. Frozen shallots retain their properties and have no loss during storage.

Propagation of shallots.

Shallots are propagated mainly vegetatively (by bulbs). They are saved for planting after harvesting and drying the onions. With vegetative propagation, onion ripening occurs earlier than with seed propagation, and the yield of such onions is higher. However, with long-term cultivation, more than 3-5 years, shallots lose their varietal qualities, accumulate diseases and reduce productivity. In this case, they resort to seed propagation of onions or purchase new planting material in specialized stores. You can also buy shallot seeds there.

It can be quite difficult to obtain shallot seeds yourself; shallots are characterized by weak bolting and flowering. Its seeds do not have time to ripen, and the ripened ones have low growth vigor and germinate poorly. More often, seed propagation of shallots is carried out by specialists.

For this purpose, the best bulbs are selected and stored for at least 4 months at a temperature of +4 oC - +12 oC. After such vernalization, onion flowering occurs. Since shallots successfully cross-pollinate with onions, they are grown in isolation to obtain seeds.

In the first year, a bulb is formed from the seeds, reminiscent of the structure of garlic and consisting of five small bulbs. After drying, it breaks down into small bulbs, which are planted on next year. In the second year of growing shallots, the bulbs form a larger nest with more bulbs. After this, shallots are propagated vegetatively for 3-5 years.

Unlike shallots, family (nest) onions shoot well, form seeds and reproduce by them. This is the main difference between nesting onions and shallots.

Almost no salad vegetable stew, meat and fish dishes are not complete without aromatic spicy onions, which sets a special tone for the dishes.

Many summer residents and gardeners plant shallots on their plots, growing and caring for which does not take much time and effort. Let's find out how this onion plant is grown from seeds in seedlings over one summer to obtain healthy, selected bulbs.

Shallot family, growing from seeds

Greens and shallots are not only tasty, but also extremely healthy due to the content of vitamins and minerals that help strengthen the immune system, lower cholesterol and get rid of pathogens.

  • Shallots, which can be grown in one or two years with sets or seeds, have excellent preservation.
  • The weight of one family reaches 500 grams.

When planting shallots with seeds through seedlings, full-fledged bulbs are obtained in one season.

  • Depending on the variety, shallot bulbs are red, purple, golden, white and brown.
  • This onion is grown both for turnips and for greens: the feather remains tender and juicy for a long time.

Shallot bulbs, which come in many early-season, mid-season and late-ripening varieties, have a pungent, sweetish or semi-sharp flavor.

  • Most onion varieties do not cause tears when cut.
  • The short growing season does not allow downy mildew and neck rot to affect the bulbs.

Onion leaves lie down quickly, which has a good effect on the ripening of the onions.

Growing shallots from seeds with seedlings allows you to get a strong, healthy turnip that does not rot and avoid bolting.

Shallots: the best varieties

Shallots, the cultivation and care of which are simple in terms of obtaining seedlings and onions, have several varieties of different ripening periods.

Early ripening varieties


Get shallots of the “Delicacy” variety by growing from seeds in one summer: this is one of the fastest ripening onions! A real find for French and other cuisines, characterized by a special sweetish taste.

The color of the quickly ripening bulbs is pinkish-brown, the harvest is well stored.


The variety is ready for cutting into plumes 20-25 days after planting the seedlings obtained by growing shallots from seeds. One family produces up to 10 onions weighing about 30 grams.

The scales of the bulbs are golden in color, the juicy pulp has a spicy taste.


When obtaining Family shallots by growing them from seeds, families of two to four bulbs weighing up to 25 grams are formed.

The scales are purple in color, and the flesh is white. The variety has strong immunity to any diseases.


Banana shallots, which can be grown by sowing through seedlings and from sets, have the sweetest taste among onion plants. It is not afraid of frost and ripens quickly.

The variety produces long, large, quickly ripening onions and juicy, aromatic greens.

Medium ripening varieties


A high-yielding variety that forms families of five to ten round bulbs weighing 20-40 grams. The color of the bulbs is golden.

Planting shallots with seeds gives a well-stored harvest that is not afraid of rot.

Russian Violet

Onion with a sweet or semi-sharp taste. One plant forms a family of 7-15 bulbs of a round or round-flat shape.

The scales of the onion are brownish-purple, the inside of the onion is white-pink, juicy. The weight of one head is 25-40 grams.


Shallot Knyazhich, when grown from seeds, bears fruit in elliptical onions weighing 25 grams (8 pieces per family), ripening 70 days after fouling with leaves. The greens are ready for cutting within three weeks after planting.

The onion peel is colored brownish-red; the inside of the onion is pale purple. The harvest is stored for 9-10 months.

Late ripening varieties

Siberian amber

Growing shallots from seeds of seedlings of the “Siberian Amber” variety produces up to 7 onions with a semi-sharp taste in one family, weighing about 30 grams.

The variety is easily cultivated in any part of Russia and forms flat bulbs with bronze-colored scales.


Absolutely unpretentious variety shallots, which can be grown from nigella seeds in any corner of the country. It forms families of three to four bulbs weighing up to 60 grams.

The scales of the onions turn red, but the flesh remains white and is only tinged with purple. The juicy onions have a semi-sharp spicy flavor.

Of course, these are not all varieties of shallots, which can be grown from seeds through seedlings or direct sowing, but the cultivation of the species is the same. Let's learn how to grow shallots from nigella on your own.

How to grow shallots in seedlings to get onion heads in mid-August? To begin with, we buy high-quality, not old seeds that are no more than a year old, and proceed to the next plan of action.

Preparing seeds for sowing

To obtain shallot seedlings by growing them at home, we prepare the achenes for sowing. We put them in a gauze bag and fill them with warm water for 1.5 days, changing it every 8 hours.

In a warm place, scatter the seeds on a damp cloth, cover with a similar cloth and wait a couple of days. This preparation will shorten the time it takes for sprouts to appear by a week.

Sow the seeds

To obtain Delicacy shallots from seeds, as well as onions of other varieties, in early April we sow them in boxes with fertile substrate.

We make grooves to a depth of 1 cm and place the seeds every 5 cm. Sprouts will appear after 10 - 15 days.

We regularly water the seedlings, loosen the soil between the rows, and feed them twice with ammonium nitrate (10 grams per 10 liters of water). All this time we keep the boxes with seedlings on light, but not sunny windowsills.

Shallots: planting and caring for the garden

Having found out how to grow shallots from nigella, we will learn how to plant seedlings in the ground and provide them with proper care.

Onion seedlings are ready for planting in the beds by the end of May - on the 20th. A couple of weeks before planting the seedlings, we dig up the ridges with half a shovel, adding 1 square meter humus (4 kg), ammonium nitrate (20 grams), potassium salt (20 grams) and ash (15 grams).

We plant the plants in furrows with row spacing of 20 cm every 10 cm, so that there is room for the formation of seedlings. We choose a cloudy day for landing.

We water the seedlings, sprinkle them with a two-centimeter layer of peat or humus and shade them for three days for better survival.

Caring for shallots in the garden

Before growing shallots, it is important to find out what kind of care they require after planting in the beds. Shallot care consists of the following procedures:

Water the shallots

Throughout June, we regularly water the beds so that the onions gain green mass and produce good bulbs. A month before harvesting, we stop watering, otherwise the feathers will not fall and the onions will begin to rot.

We weed, loosen and thin the onions

To prevent weeds from clogging the onion, we weed and loosen the soil from time to time.

To obtain a harvest of larger bulbs, we thin out the families: we remove small bulbs from them, leaving no more than 5 large bulbs. We use the rejected plants for food.

Feeding shallots

For good growth and the formation of strong, large bulbs, onions require fertilizing. 14 days after planting, fertilize the bed with mullein (1 part cow pats to 10 parts water).

On June 20, we apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers by dissolving potassium salt and superphosphate - 30 grams each - in a ten-liter bucket of water. Occasionally we spray ash over the ridges: it will repel onion flies and serve as additional fertilizer.

At the end of July, when the leaves fall, we harvest: shallots ripen faster than other onions.

Now you can grow shallots yourself, growing and caring for them does not cause much trouble. Buy fresh seeds from famous manufacturers, and by growing seedlings and providing the seedlings with proper care, get a harvest of excellent family onions!

To grow a decent harvest of shallots, you need to choose a suitable variety that can grow in the conditions of your region, as well as properly prepare planting material and follow the conditions of agricultural technology.

Shallots (or Ashkelon onions) are a type of onion, which is distinguished by smaller bulbs (20-50 g), as well as good early maturity and keeping quality.

This type of onion is also called family onion, or kushevka. The thing is that the bulbs form entire nests underground.

The bulbs and tender green feathers of shallots can be eaten all year round. And in some countries, a special rejuvenating tea is even prepared from its husk. How to grow such a popular onion yourself? Let's start by choosing the right varieties.

Shallots: varietal diversity

The range of planting material for family onions is quite diverse. Shallot varieties are especially popular Pomegranate, Fun, Lyra, Olvia, Surprise.

Shallots - cultivation and care

The technology for growing shallots is practically no different from the agricultural technology of its onion “brother”, but it also has its own characteristics. This culture is quite capricious, varieties of “northern” selection may not have enough daylight hours, bolting is often difficult, and flowering is difficult to achieve. Therefore, all growing recommendations must be followed very carefully.

Soil and planting site

Shallots need fertile soil with a neutral reaction. On acidic, heavy, damp soils the plant will not feel well. It also does not like waterlogged soil. Sparse soil in the fall (before digging) should be fertilized with rotted manure or compost at the rate of 3-4 kg per 1 sq.m. The bed reserved for planting shallots should be well lit.

Planting shallots

To obtain bulbs shallot planting material (small bulbs with a diameter of 2-4 cm), can be planted in early spring: in March-April. The holes should be made 5-6 cm deep and the bulbs should be placed according to a 20x10 cm pattern. When planting, they should not be pressed or screwed into the ground: their tops should be slightly visible from the holes.

To receive a feather Larger bulbs should be planted. This is done in the fall (October) so that the plants have time to take root before the onset of frost. Bulbs that have managed to sprout roots tolerate winter well even in northern regions and begin to grow green mass in early spring.

Shallot care

Caring for shallots involves periodic watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds. Typically, during the growing season during hot and dry periods, it is enough to water the onions 3-4 times. After this, the soil must be loosened so that a crust does not form on its surface.

Feeding shallots

In one season, family onions are fed 2 times. First feeding carried out in the spring, after the plants grow 3 leaves. For these purposes, you can use an infusion of weeds, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, urea or urea (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), to which ½ spoon of potassium fertilizer is added.

Second feeding necessary when the plants have 5 leaves. Since onions especially need phosphorus and potassium at this time, potassium monophosphate (1 tsp per 10 liters of water) is suitable as a fertilizer. If the weather is too wet, fertilizer can simply be scattered between the rows and incorporated into the soil.

Onion harvesting and storage

Shallots are harvested in dry sunny weather, when 50-70% of their green mass has fallen. The bulbs should be dug up along with the leaves, and then dried well in the sun for 2 weeks.

To send the bulbs for storage, you need to cut off the dry leaves, leaving only a thin neck 3-5 cm high. By this time, the onion should be ripe and dry. It should be stored in small wooden boxes or cardboard boxes in a dry room at a temperature of 0-3°C or at room temperature. With more high temperatures The quality of the shallots decreases and their taste deteriorates. There is no need to divide the nests into separate bulbs.

Shallots from seeds

It is quite difficult to reproduce onions from seeds - this requires serious preparatory work. But if you have good selection skills, it’s still worth a try.

Preparing the bed

Shallots are sown in the spring, but the soil is prepared in advance - in the fall. To do this, the land is cleared of weeds, dug up and fertilized with organic and mineral fertilizers. Humus or compost is suitable, which is added at the rate of 5 kg per 1 sq.m., as well as superphosphate - 70 g per 1 sq.m. After fertilizing, you need to form beds and leave them until spring. Before sowing, the soil needs to be loosened a little.

Seed preparation

In order for heirloom onion seeds to germinate better, they should be germinated: wrapped in gauze or a cloth, placed in a container of water and kept for 2 days at a temperature of 22-25°C. Every 6-8 hours, the seed must be washed under running water, and then placed again in a container with clean water. Before planting, the onion seeds need to be air-dried a little.

Sowing shallots

Shallot seeds are sown in late April - early May in beds prepared in the fall and covered with soil. The seeds are sown in furrows about 3 cm deep. It is advisable to cover them on top with a layer of peat or rotted compost. At first, the beds with shallots should be watered frequently.


In 20-25 days it will be possible to harvest the first harvest of greenery. In the first year, the seeds produce a medium-sized bulb, which, after drying, breaks up into 5-6 small ones. The next year, these bulbs are planted again in the garden to obtain larger nests of shallots. These bulbs will be suitable for such propagation for 5 years. After this, the planting material must be updated.

Selection in dacha conditions

One of the main problems that gardeners face when growing shallots is that many of their varieties degenerate due to various diseases. For example, for several years in a row onions gave excellent harvest, after which it began to “refuse” to grow. What to do? You can try to improve (or at least simply maintain) the varietal qualities of a certain variety.

Onion selection is based on its biological features. You can try to breed your own variety from seeds, but this is very difficult. But there is another option. From each shallot bulb planted, several new ones are obtained, combined into a nest. If you take a good look at the bulbs from the same nest, you will notice how different they are in shape, size and color intensity. Most often, changes in offspring occur under the influence external factors environments and are not inherited. But there can also be mutations. Therefore, when selecting material for propagation, you need to carry out 2 inspections of the planting material:

Stage 1– arrange bulbs from different nests in a row, inspect them, and then remove nests with diseased, damaged or malformed specimens.

Stage 2– select the best nests from the remaining ones and select one medium uterine bulb from them for future offspring (sometimes all the bulbs from the nest may be suitable for propagation).

note that good growth and the development of the onion largely depend on the mass of the selected onion. Try to select planting material of the same size.

Until spring, the selected bulbs should be stored in boxes in a dry room with good ventilation. In this case, the planting material must be periodically checked and rotten bulbs removed.

In early spring, the selected bulbs must be sorted out again and planted in the ground as soon as possible. The “family” is not afraid of returning spring frosts. This is how a simple summer resident can become a breeder and develop his own shallot variety.

Shallot diseases

The most dangerous disease onions - neck rot (gray rot). If you store the bulbs in a damp room, there is a high probability that the crop will become infected with neck rot. The disease can appear even when onions are ripening in open ground. But if you store onions in a dry room, the affected bulbs will dry out, preventing the disease from spreading to the rest of the crop. In humid air infected specimens will become soft and watery.

Prevention of gray rot involves following agricultural practices that allow for timely ripening of the bulbs.

  • It is advisable to plant shallots in their original place no earlier than after 3-4 years.
  • Early planting should be done in moderately moist soils.
  • The area allocated for planting onions should be well ventilated.
  • It is worth observing the measure when fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers.
  • Watering should be stopped 3-4 weeks before harvesting.

Shallots are a very valuable vegetable, because they are not only healthy, but also give bountiful harvest bulbs and greens. Therefore, be sure to plant it on your site - you won’t go wrong!