The best litter for kittens. Rating of the best cat litters. Advantages and disadvantages of clumping litters

If a cat appears in the apartment, a toilet is equipped for it. More and more owners prefer ready-made mixtures for tray toilets. However, they are all different and the question becomes, “what is the best cat litter”? They are divided into types, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Types of mixtures

Cat litter is made in the form of balls, which can be small, medium and large. They all remind natural environment which the cat prefers. The granules are made from different materials, which absorb liquids and even odors well. Some fillers need to be changed completely, while from others only used balls or lumps are selected.

Bedding is divided into two main types - absorbent and clumping. They eliminate fluids in different ways. Kinds cat litters There are also differences in the materials used for the production of granules:

  • mineral based;
  • corn;
  • from sawdust of trees;
  • clay-based;
  • in the form of silica gel balls.

All fillers are collected differently. Clumping - into piles, absorbent - simply crumbles and does not need daily replacement.

Advantages and disadvantages of mixtures

Fillers for cat litter should be selected based on the age category of the animals, their number in the apartment, pet hair and sensitivity. If the skin is very delicate, then it is better to buy a finely granulated bedding, otherwise the animals may get injured. For cats with long hair, medium or large balls are more suitable.

Clumping mixture

Clumping filler absorbs moisture well, but at the same time rolls into small piles. The cat owner will have to change them once a day. Instead of used lumps, new ones are poured. However, sometimes the litter can leak cat urine into the bottom of the tray. To avoid this, pour only 8-10 cm of mixture into the tray.

The advantages of the filler include:

  • economical to use;
  • good masking of the smell of cat urine;
  • convenient cleaning;
  • safety (due to natural materials);
  • cats themselves prefer it;
  • Can be used even for small kittens.

The disadvantages include high cost and the need for daily replacement. It is also not recommended to use it if there are two or more cats in the house. The clumping litter does not have time to dry, and if there is no mesh in the tray, it will also spread throughout the room on the pets’ paws.


Absorbent bedding has a different operating principle. After the cat uses the tray, the structure of the filler does not change, but odors and moisture are retained well. However, you need to change the mixture in the toilet completely. The litter is good for owners of several cats at once. The advantages of the mixture include:

  • does not require replacement every day;
  • perfectly neutralizes the odors of cat urine;
  • has low cost;
  • There are separate types of toilet mixtures for kittens;
  • one part is enough for a third of a month.

The disadvantages include bad smell the mixture itself. If even only half of the litter is used, the cat may refuse to go into the litter box.


The best cat litter is mineral litter. Its balls are made of clay. On average, a kilogram of mixture costs only 100 rubles. Mineral ones are best suited for cats that are just beginning to be toilet trained. The advantages include:

  • perfectly absorbs cat urine;
  • affordable price;
  • formation of easily removed lumps.

There are a few more disadvantages - the filler does not absorb odors well and sticks to the paws. When dry, it scatters dust, so it is not suitable for cats that like to dig holes. The mixture should not be flushed down the toilet or used on kittens.

Clay granules

Clay mixtures can be clumping or absorbent. Top brands are made from bentonite clays that swell with moisture. The mixture has different sizes balls, large ones can even injure a cat, while small ones can be used for kittens. The cost per kilogram is approximately 50 rubles. The filler is sold in bags of 3, 5, 10 kg. The advantages include:

  • natural natural materials;
  • use for small kittens;
  • looks like earth, so cats like it;
  • large range of varieties.

The disadvantages include dust, which can be spread when the toilet is filled or when the cat urinates. If there is no mesh on the tray, the filler will partially spread throughout the apartment.


For cats, the best litter is a clumping wood mixture. It is made from sawdust, which is compressed into granules. Most often they are taken for adding coniferous trees. The cat easily gets used to this filler. A kilogram of the mixture costs approximately 100 rubles. The advantages include:

  • the filler is the most environmentally friendly of all types;
  • cats really like it;
  • has a pleasant pine smell;
  • used for kittens;
  • The mixture can be thrown into the toilet.

The only drawback of the filler is that microparticles of sawdust sometimes get dragged around the house on the cat’s paws.

Silica gel

Silica gel mixture is one of latest news. The filler is made of polysilicic acid in the form of cloudy white granules with inclusions. The cost of 3.8 liters is approximately 190 rubles. The advantages of the mixture include:

  • rare replacement (a couple of times a month);
  • the mixture remains dry;
  • does not generate dust and is not carried around the house by a cat;
  • quickly absorbs liquid;
  • bacteria do not multiply in the mixture;
  • harmless to cats (if they don’t eat it);
  • does not release the smell of urine and excrement.

The disadvantages include a rather high price and a crunchy sound. It often alarms and irritates cats. If it enters the stomach, the mixture becomes life-threatening for pets.

Corn mixture

Corn mixture is made from cobs. Their finely porous core is used. The mixture is very similar to wood, but its cost is much more expensive and such bedding is quite rare. The price per kilo of the mixture is approximately 160 rubles. The advantages include:

  • the mixture is made from natural materials;
  • economical to use;
  • quickly eliminates odors;
  • perfectly absorbs moisture.

The disadvantages include the lightness of the granules, as a result of which the mixture often ends up scattered around the tray. The filler has unpleasant aroma, which cats often don't like.

Which mixture should I choose for a kitten?

Since cats sometimes begin to eat all litter sprinkles, such mixtures are not recommended at all for pets under 4 months of age, especially silica gel or mineral ones. They can lead to the death of animals.

For babies over 4 months old, fillers with small balls are best. In this case, the tray should be deep and have a mesh so that the baby does not get his paws wet. You can put two in the toilet different types, on the bottom - wood, on top - mineral. If there is a mesh on top, then the kittens will not be able to reach the bedding to chew on it.

Principles for choosing fillers

The use of filler has its own characteristics that you need to pay attention to when choosing. For the best moisture absorption, clumping mixtures come first. The leader is silica gel filler, followed by wood and corn varieties.

When it comes to absorbing cat urine and neutralizing odor, chemical mixtures are in first place; natural ones are somewhat worse. Some mixtures, for example corn, also have an unpleasant odor.

If you choose according to the criterion of flushing into the toilet, wood ones are in the lead. They are followed by corn. Mineral minerals should not be flushed down the toilet at all. However, wood and corn can only be thrown away in small batches.

It is very difficult to choose a mixture for cats based on the criterion of flavorings. Some pets are attracted to the smell of lavender, others - pine needles and vice versa. Sometimes hypoallergenicity plays an important role. In this case, litter made from natural materials is preferable for the cat.:

If you choose based on cost-effectiveness of use, then mixtures of mineral components are in the lead, and then those of wood. The most expensive are corn and silica gel fillers. When choosing, it is not the cost of packaging that should be taken into account, but the frequency of replacement of mixtures.

When determining which best filler for cat litter, you need to focus on the age category of pets, their number in the house, and sensitivity to odors. If desired, you can use two mixtures at once. However, the most optimal options are fillers made from natural ingredients.

A cat is guided by natural instincts, and even going to the litter box is no exception. Pet owners should take advantage of this, because knowing what the pet prefers, you can choose the best cat litter that the pet will like and at the same time suit the rest of the family.

The litter plays a significant role in the comfortable coexistence of humans and cats. For an animal, this is an opportunity to “dig”, and, therefore, good way litter box training. People like features such as odor absorption and dry pet paws. But which cat litter serves its purpose better, because there are many offers on the market and each company claims that its product is the best. Let's understand this issue with practical analysis.

First of all, animals like convenience. If it’s pleasant to dig into the composition and put your paws on it, then your pet will like going to the litter tray. The absorbent component of the product is also important, this also applies to odors. The cat will not like a dusty, overly scented mixture. The worst thing is if the animal experiences an allergic reaction due to the filler.

Best cat litter for humans

First of all, this is a product that holds odors well. It should also not be dusty and easy to clean. The economic component also plays an important role. Of course, there is no point in urging everyone to buy only cheap cat litter. People also have priorities on this issue, but still the consumption of the product and its price must fit within a reasonable framework.

As you can see, the preferences of the cat and the owner largely coincide. The only thing that the animal is not interested in is the price of cat litter, and the aroma, pleasant to the human nose, can repel the pet.

These are all the nuances regarding cat litter, but to understand what will suit you and your cat, you need to get acquainted with various types product. Let's start with this.

The best cat litters

  • absorbent;
  • clumping.

Absorbent cat litter

The peculiarity of the product can be understood from the name; it absorbs moisture. The structure of the filler, however, does not change. In addition, the cat mixes the mixture with its paws. Therefore, the tray with absorbent filler is changed completely. This is expensive, so absorbent products are purchased by families with only one or two cats.

Advantages and disadvantages of absorbent filler

The advantages of the product include the following:

  • costs little;
  • removes odor well;
  • suitable for multiple cats;
  • There are absorbent litters for kittens.

There are also disadvantages. Of them:

  • soaked granules begin to smell like urine;
  • cats may avoid the litter box even if it is only partially dirty.

Clumping cat litter

When liquid comes into contact with a product in this category, it begins to absorb it. In this case, lumps form. The economy is obvious. You can remove old lumps every day and add a little new filler.

To use the product's capabilities to the maximum, the cat litter must be poured out in a thick layer - 10 cm. This best opportunity organize a toilet for a large number of cats.

Advantages and disadvantages of clumping litter

The advantages here are:

  • economical;
  • removes odor;
  • ease of cleaning.

Among other things, clumping cat litter is the best in terms of toxicity. Raw material The product is always natural, so it is often taken for kittens. There are no particular disadvantages.

Types of cat litters

Cat litter is divided into several main types:

  • clay;
  • woody;
  • silica gel;
  • based on grain, corn, cellulose.

Bentonite cat litter

Cats love clay-based products because they are a reminder of their natural roots - a natural imitation. outdoor toilet. Bentonite is the best ingredient for clay cat litter. Essentially, bentonite is a type of clay that can absorb liquid. The clay mixture can be absorbent and clumping.

  • recommended for kittens;
  • naturalness of the product;
  • varied assortment;
  • favor from cats.
  • the mixture may be dusty;
  • the litter sticks to the cats paws.

Wood cat litter

Wood pellets also come in two types. They are made from sawdust, mainly from coniferous species tree. This is the best cat litter for kittens, as it is the cleanest from an environmental point of view. In addition, it gives off a nice pine aroma.

The principle of action is simple: the granules absorb urine and gradually disintegrate into sawdust. This is a minus of the mixture; sawdust easily gets stuck in the pet’s fur, and he spreads it around the house. But this is the only negative, there are many more advantages. Among other things, this cat litter can be flushed down the toilet. Plus, it's very competitively priced.

Silica gel cat litter

This is the most expensive representative of the product line. In appearance, gel cat litter is granules that absorb moisture and odor. Silica gel costs a lot, but it has a big advantage - it is economical. You will have to change the tray filled with gel substance no more than once a month.

Since it is based on polysilicic acid, it cannot be called environmentally friendly. In addition, it must be stored in a special sealed container to avoid contact with air.

Silica gel cat litter is the choice of owners of adult animals; for kittens it is better to use a wood base.

  • Suitable for families with many cats;
  • good absorbency;
  • ease of replacement;
  • efficiency.

Cons: chemical component. Kittens who love to try everything will get a chemical burn if the granule gets into their mouth, and some pets simply do not like silicone filler because it is unnatural.

Grain, cellulose, corn cat litter

These are less common types of filler. There is a line of products for cats, but more often they are used when keeping rodents. Granules have many advantages:

  • reasonable price;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • smell nice and natural;
  • good absorbency;
  • can be disposed of in the sewer.

But the product may not be suitable for every cat.

Japanese cat litter

Japanese litters are slowly but surely beginning to win the attention of cat lovers. This is not surprising, because the Japanese offer:

  • wide range of products;
  • economical to use;
  • environmental friendliness of goods.

The used product can be flushed down the toilet without risk to communications.

Rating of cat litters

  1. Katty is hygienic.

Manufacturer – Russia. Type – clay. This is the most natural look cat litter.

  1. Cat's Best Eco Plus.

Manufacturer – Germany. It’s not for nothing that the product was included in the rating of cat litter, because it great choice for owners who value ecology and ease of cleaning.

  1. SuperCat Standard.

These are Ukrainian-made products. A very popular mixture, as it has a number of advantages: it smells good, is easy to clean, and environmentally friendly.

  1. Golden cat "Ecoline".

Another native of Russia. This is an eco-friendly and cheap corn-based cat litter.

  1. Fresh Step Triple protection.

Manufacturer USA. The clay mixture has been recognized for its environmental performance and is most often purchased for kittens.

  1. No. 1 Crystals Antibacterial.

This Russian silica gel-based product is recognized as the most economical filler.

How to change cat litter?

The frequency of changes depends on the type of cat litter. For example, wood pellets need to be changed frequently - every 2-3 days. Plus, the entire tray will have to be replaced.

If clumping litter is used, then stuck together lumps can be replaced, as they arise, with a fresh portion of granules. Complete replacement no tray required here.

Gel-based fillers are changed the least often - once every 3-4 weeks.

Is it possible to flush cat litter down the toilet?

Here, too, everything depends on the material. For example, wood pellets quickly soak in water and crumble into individual sawdust. Thanks to this property of the product, you can safely flush this type of cat litter down the toilet. If there are too many used granules, it is better to divide the rinsing operation into several stages for reliability.

The mineral filler clumps, and quickly. Therefore, you can dispose of bentonite cat litter through the sewer in very small portions.

A separate topic for discussion is silica gel. In fact, opponents of flushing silica gel filler down the toilet focus on its harm to the environment. But in reality, it is a chemically inert substance, but it can cause harm to the sewer system. If you wash away a lot of granules at once, they can clog the pipe, even if not on yours, but on the floor below. Therefore, it is better to put gel waste in a bucket. In any case, you won't have to do this often.

Having learned to understand the features of certain litters for cats, you can choose a product that will suit your pet and appeal to the whole family.

Don't forget to clean the litter box on time.

Cats usually prefertray with filler

The natural cleanliness of cats makes keeping them at home much easier than keeping dogs: there is no need to walk cats, as they easily get used to doing their natural needs in a designated place. The pet industry has taken this feature of cats into account and today offers a huge selection of products that make life easier for cats and their owners.

If earlier we used boxes with scraps of newspapers or sand from a nearby construction site, now cat owners have the opportunity to choose both a tray and filler, taking into account all their requirements. We are considering the option with a tray without filler, as its only advantage is its low cost. Otherwise, it, firstly, does not take into account the cat’s natural need to bury its “deeds”, and secondly, it requires the owner to clean the litter box after each time the cat goes to the toilet. Otherwise, especially clean individuals may refuse to use the litter box and will demonstrate their love of cleanliness in a way that is unlikely to please their owners.

Which litter is better from a cat's point of view?

It is convenient to step on it with your paw pads;

It is convenient to dig into it;

When you dig for cat litter, it doesn’t generate dust;

It has a natural smell;

It does not cause allergies in the form of cracks on the paw pads;

Nothing bad will happen if you try to swallow it;

Which litter is better from the point of view of a cat owner?

It should hold the smell perfectly;

Cat litter should not be spread throughout the apartment on the cat’s paws;

It should not become dusty when you pour it into the tray;

It should be convenient to clean;

It should not cause poisoning or obstruction if the cat suddenly decides to swallow it;

It must be economical because the filler is " consumables", and you have to buy it constantly.

Basically, the cat's and the owner's ideas about the ideal litter coincide. The only thing is that the cat, naturally, does not care about the price of the litter. But a person does not always remember that the smell of a flavored litter that is pleasant to him is not always pleasant to a cat with its sensitive sense of smell.

In order to determine which litter is best for your cat, let’s first find out what different fillers differ from each other.

According to the principle of action, all fillers are divided into two types:absorbent And clumping.

They appeared on the Russian market relatively recently, but have already gained considerable popularity. Their peculiarity is that, unlike other fillers, it can be disposed of directly into the toilet without fear of clogging the sewer. It absorbs moisture well and also reliably retains the smell inside itself.

If we sum it up and try choose the perfect filler, which the cat would like and satisfy all the requirements of its owner, then we can say that it is most suitable for this role clumping clay filler, For example, Russian litter "Pi-Pi-Bent"

It is most similar to what a cat is used to wearing to go to the toilet in nature

It is easy to clean without completely changing it every three days, just removing lumps and solid waste

When used correctly, it is very economical and lasts a long time

When used correctly, it perfectly neutralizes odor

When used correctly, it does not leave whitish marks on the floor.

It doesn't rub off on your cat's paws and fur as much as wood filler.

He's not sad.

Under correct use We understand the use of filler in full accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. The manufacturer requires you to pour a layer of filler of at least 8 cm, which means you need to pour no less. Usually, all complaints about the quality of the filler arise in cases where the owner decides to save money and pours a thinner layer into the tray. An insufficient amount of filler in the tray causes liquid to accumulate at the bottom without forming lumps, soggy clay sticks to the cat’s paws, which then leaves white marks on the floor, and an unpleasant odor emanates from the tray itself.

When choosing one for your cat, you should not lose sight of its uninterrupted supply. Because no matter how good the litter is, the cat will not be able to appreciate its merits if you cannot buy it.
The site will help you purchase the selected filler.

More than half of humanity loves gentle, cute, playful, graceful, independent cats, and those who have the opportunity are sure to keep them at home. Cats (if they are not spoiled) are quite unpretentious, very clean and know how to give their owner a lot of unforgettable moments. Very good quality The advantage of these animals is that they do not need to be walked outside. They go to the toilet at home.

It’s great if the owner taught his pet to use the toilet. If not, the question arises of purchasing his own personal toilet for the fluffy. The simplest solution is a plastic tray. This seemingly ordinary household item exists in several variations. The first is a tray with a grid. It is also called “dry paws” because a cat’s paws always remain dry. During the process, the animal’s urine passes through the grate directly into the tray. This type of toilet is very economical, as it does not require constant purchase of filler. But it also has disadvantages. One of the most significant is that the contents of the tray must be removed periodically, otherwise the smell will spread throughout the apartment. And a cat may refuse to go to the dirty potty.

If the option with a lattice is not suitable, you need to buy a pot and filler. Cats have a genetic characteristic of digging a hole for their toilet, and after the process they must bury it. It will do the same with the filler, so the pot is preferably deep and with a side around the edge. You will also need a scoop to replace the filler. It is better to take it with medium cells, since everything necessary falls into the large ones, and everything unnecessary gets stuck in the small ones, thereby preventing sifting.

What litter to buy for cat litter?

There is no point in choosing the cheapest one, because, as a rule, you will have to change it much more often than an expensive one. As a result, there is a lot of hassle, but zero savings. But even the most expensive one does not guarantee an easy life. The manufacturer can increase the price for a well-promoted brand that the cat cares little about. If she doesn’t like this litter, even if it’s gold, the pet will choose a corner in the house and relieve herself there.

So how to choose cat litter? Experienced cat owners advise trying several and settling on the one that the cat likes and suits its owner.

There are synthetic and natural fillers by type. Synthetic ones include silicone and silica gel. They have a lot of advantages. The main thing is that they last a long time. In a house with only one cat, a 3-kilogram bag of silicone litter is enough for a month. In addition, these fillers absorb the odors of the cat's needs, do not have dust and do not create dirt, that is, they do not stick to the paws. Some sellers of cat products claim that the best litter for cat litter is synthetic. However, this product has two big drawbacks. The first is the high price. The second is a danger to the health of both the cat and all family members. There is very little chance that litter, especially for a cat, is made from environmentally friendly materials. Then its price would be such that it would only suit royal cats. The most well-known brands of synthetic fillers are “Kotix”, “Fresh Step”, “Etiquette”, “Trixie”, “Siliket”.

Natural granular fillers are more affordable. They are made from clay and sawdust. Clay cat litter is available with different fractions of granules. Large granules are less likely to clump, but are better suited for long-haired cat breeds. Small ones clump well, but they create a lot of dust. In general, when a cat digs a hole in such litter, debris scatters meters around. Another disadvantage of this product is its stickiness to the animal’s paws. It's small and spreads throughout the entire apartment. But he has more advantages. This litter is not very expensive; it costs approximately 10 kg per month per cat. It absorbs urine well and neutralizes odors. The most well-known brands of clay fillers are the domestic “Bars and Murka”, and the foreign “Prestige” and “Vitacraft Compact”.

For cat litter, if it is not scented, it does not neutralize odors well. Another inconvenience is the quick soaking of the tyras, which will have to be changed several times a day.

Wet tyrsa clings to the paws and easily spreads around the house, which is also not very convenient. But this filler is environmentally friendly and quite cheap. The most popular brands are “Lesok” (has a pleasant smell of pine needles), “Clean Paws” and “Superket”.

Feedback from cat lovers can help you choose cat litter. These people are on personal experience made sure which product is better. Many of them advise taking a combined filler consisting of pressed sawdust and silicone granules. This mixture lasts longer than pure sawdust, and the smell is also absorbed well. And the price is not bad. However, you can’t completely rely on the opinions of others, because everyone’s cat is different.

Many modern families have pets, including many cats. And the issue of going to the toilet can be resolved differently for them. For example, residents of rural areas let their pets go outside; There are cats that are toilet trained. Some people, in the old fashioned way, fill the tray with sand, old newspapers, etc. However, in city apartments, we most often resort to using various fillers, the types and properties of which will be discussed in this article.

Main types of cat litter


Wood filler is environmentally friendly and inexpensive

The most common and affordable type of filler. It is made from compressed sawdust granules.

Helpful tip: If you use wood filler and find yourself with a lot of sawdust, you can find a large box and put a litter tray in it - this way, even the most active archaeological cat will not be able to make a mess!

It is better to choose such a litter that is marked “suitable for kittens” - in order to avoid the presence of sharp splinters in it, which could injure the cat.


This type of litter can be dangerous for kittens.

Second most popular among Russian consumers. It is made from bentonite clay, formed from volcanic ash.

Popular brands: “Murka”, Catsan, Even Clean, Pi-Pi-Bent.

Silica gel

A relatively young type of filler. It consists of transparent synthetic crystals that have the ability to absorb moisture well.

Popular brands: Fresh Step, Fresh&Easy, Catsan, CRYSTALS No. 1.

Manufacturers rating

Name Type of filler Manufacturer Price Description
"Clean Paws"WoodyLLC "Kovcheg SPb"150–500 rubles
(depending on volume)
  • Granules light color, medium in size, have a pleasant pine scent.
  • It blocks unpleasant odors well.
  • Often inside the package you can find a toy - a mouse or a ball.
CatsanclumpingMars LLC700–800 rubles for 5 liters
  • Small granules gray, from bentonite clay.
  • Very reliable in terms of odor absorption, economical.
  • Does not need frequent replacement, so it saves your time.
Fresh StepSilica gelClorox Company800–2300 rubles
(depending on volume)
  • Crystals range in color from white to light blue.
  • They perfectly absorb moisture and odors, preventing their evaporation into the air.
  • Very economical: if you have one cat, one package lasts on average for a month.