The best acaricides and insectoacaricides for plants. Insectoacaricidal preparations for veterinary use

Skosyrskikh L.N. 1, Stolbova O.A. 2

1 ORCID:0000-0001-6208-6565, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor, 2 ORCID:0000-0002-4545-815Х, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor, Researcher,

State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals, Tyumen

All-Russian Research Institute of Veterinary Entomology and Arachnology - branch of the Tyumen Scientific Center SB RAS, Tyumen



As a result of the studies, it was found thatThere is a wide range of products on the Russian market medicines– 143 items used for the treatment and prevention of arachnoenthomosis in domestic animals. Per share domestic producers there are 81 insectoacaricidal preparations or56,6% . Liquid dosage forms are the most widely represented - 99 items or 69.2% of the total number of drugs offered. The demand for insectoacaricidal drugs is formed mainly due to the recommendations of veterinarians (73%).

Keywords: medicines, insectoacaricides, mites, insects, animals.

Skosyrskikh L.N. 1, Stolbova O.A. 2

1 ORCID:0000-0001-6208-6565, PhD in Veterinary Medicine and Science, Associate professor, 2 ORCID: 0000-0002-4545-815H, PhD in Veterinary Medicine and Science, Associate professor, Researcher,

State agricultural university of Northern Zauralie, Tyumen

All-Russian scientific research institute of veterinary entomology and arachnology, Tyumen



The purpose of this work is the research of the modern Russian market the insektoakaritsidnykh of drugs of veterinary appointment and consumer preferences. As a result of the ongoing researches it is established that the large range of medicinal preparations – 143 names applied to treatment and prophylaxis of arakhnoentomoz of pets is presented at the Russian market. 81 insektokaritsidny drugs or 56.6% fall to the share of domestic manufacturers. Liquid dosage forms – 99 names or 69.2% of total number of the drugs offered are most widely presented. Demand for insecticide drugs is formed, mainly, at the expense of references of veterinarians (73%).

Keywords: medicines, insectoacaricides, mites, insects, animals.

IN modern conditions Pets are human companions in everyday life and in all areas of their activities. In many cases, domestic carnivores are members of the family of a modern city dweller, and therefore their health is a constant concern of the person (the owner). Among domestic carnivores, diseases are recorded that are characteristic not only of these animal species, but also common to other animals and humans, , , , .

The purpose of this work is to study the modern Russian market of insectoacaricidal drugs for veterinary use and consumer preferences.

Materials and research methods

The work was carried out at the Department of Non-Contagious Diseases of Agricultural Animals of the Institute of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals (Tyumen) in the period 2015-2016. The assortment and nomenclature of insectoacaricides was studied using the example of the Vetlek Internet pharmacy, located at Moscow, st. Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya, 28; LLC "VETLEK" The pharmacy has a license to carry out pharmaceutical activities. Type of work (services) performed (rendered) as part of the licensed type of activity: Wholesale trade of medicines for veterinary use and their storage; Retail medicinal products for veterinary use and their storage. Customer service is provided through the website and the existing order desk. Taking into account consumer preferences when purchasing drugs for the treatment and prevention of arachnoenthomosis was carried out by surveying visitors veterinary pharmacies Tyumen.

Research results

When analyzing the wholesale-retail segment of the insectoacaricidal drugs market, it was found that the range medicines is represented by 143 items: of which 56.6% are domestic production and 43.3% are imported.

The leaders in the supply of insectoacaricides for veterinary use are: Russian Federation - 81 drugs, Germany - 19 drugs, the Netherlands - 16, France - 16 (Figure 1).

Among domestic manufacturers, we can note the largest organizations, which are CJSC NPF Ecoprom, LLC NPO Agrovetsashchita, LLC NPO API-SAN, LLC VEDA. "Pharmbiomedservice", LLC NVP "Astrapharm".

Rice. 1 – Countries producing insectoacaricides presented on the Russian market

In terms of the number of insectoacaricides produced, the leading position is occupied by the company Agrovetzashchita LLC, which has existed on the domestic drug market for 23 years. The smallest number of products produced belongs to Russian companies LLC NPC Fox and Co. and CJSC Agrobioprom, which have also existed on the Russian market for more than 20 years (Figure 2).

The range of dosage forms of insectoacaricidal drugs presented in the Vetlek pharmacy is very wide: solutions for external (Amit Forte, Binakar, Ivermek ON, Sanofly) and parenteral use (Aversect, Meradoc), emulsion concentrates (Alpha VET, Deltsid, Diazinon S, Butox, BayMight), suspensions (Butox), liniments (Demos), ointments (Aversetinovaya), gels (Ivermec gel, Amidel-gel Neo), powders (Agita 100WG, BaicidalWP25) and granules (Quick Byte) for the preparation of suspensions, powders (Clandestine) , oral tablets (NexgarD Spectra) and chewable (Bravecto), aerosols (ParaStop, Dermatol, Bolfo), collars (Bars, Bolfo, Kiltix, Inspector, etc.)

Rice. 2 – Manufacturers and number of produced names of insecticide preparations

According to research data, the most widely represented are liquid dosage forms of insectoacaricidal preparations (69.2%), the least - soft (3.5%) (Figure 3).

Rice. 3 – Dosage forms of insectoacaricidal drugs

To assess and analyze the demand for insectoacaricidal drugs, a survey of owners of small pets was conducted. In the survey, respondents were asked to answer the following questions:

  1. What insectoacaricidal drugs and in what dosage form do you use for the treatment and prevention of arachnoenthomosis?
  2. Why did you choose this drug? Answer options: A. On the recommendation of a doctor; B. By cost; B. For ease of use; G. Other.

According to the survey, it was found that the most popular means among cat owners was the “Inspector” collar (22%), which serves as a active substance contains fipronil and aversectin ointment (active ingredient - aversectin C), also respondents named “Amit Forte” - a solution for external use based on fipronil (Figure 4).

Rice. 4 – Assessment of demand for insectoacaricidal drugs among cat owners in Tyumen

Among dog owners, the most popular are chewable tablets "Bravecto" (40%) and drops on the withers "Frontline" (30%), drops "Bars" and "Inspectortotal S" are less popular (Figure 5).

Rice. 5 – Assessment of demand for insectoacaricidal drugs among dog owners in Tyumen

During the survey, it was found that respondents, when making a choice in favor of any drug, follow the recommendations of the veterinarian 73%. Also, when choosing a drug, pet owners are guided by its cost and ease of use.

Rice. 6 – Factors influencing the choice of insectoacaricidal drugs

For the prevention and treatment of arachnoenthomosis in cats, owners more often use domestic drugs, while among owners, domestic and imported drugs are in equal demand (Figure 7).

Rice. 7 – Share of domestic and imported insectoacaricidal drugs according to survey results

Among dosage forms, according to a survey of pet owners, the most popular are spoton solutions (drops on the withers), tablets and collars. The main advantage of drops on the withers is simplicity and ease of use, as well as safety; they can be applied to places that pets cannot reach and cannot will be able to lick it off; for tablets - their speed of action (the tablet is effective within 4 hours after use) and duration of action - it is recommended to repeat the treatment after 3-4 weeks against ticks and after 2-3 months against insects. Insectoacaricidal collars for dogs and cats are also popular; their main advantage is their relatively low price, but the disadvantage is the need for the animal to constantly wear a collar.

Conclusion. Thus, the Russian market offers a wide range of drugs - 143 items used for the treatment and prevention of arachnoenthomosis in domestic animals. Domestic manufacturers account for 81 insectoacaricidal drugs, or 56.6%. Liquid dosage forms are the most widely represented - 99 items or 69.2% of the total number of drugs offered. The demand for insectoacaricidal drugs is formed mainly due to the recommendations of veterinarians (73%).

List of literature / References

List of references in English /Referencesin English

  1. Glazunov Ju.V. Rasprostranenie arahnozov sredi skota mjasnogo napravlenija v Tjumenskoj oblasti /Ju.V.Glazunov, V.A.Kurtekov, L.A.Glazunova //Question normativno-pravovogo regulirovanija v veterinarii .2015. – No. 2. – P. 36-39.
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  6. Stolbova O.A. Insekticidnajaj effektivnost’ preparatov pri ktenocefalidoze u sobak v uslovijah goroda Tjumeni /O.A.Stolbova, D.S.Kruglov //Uchenye zapiski Kazanskoj gosudarstvennoj akademii veterinarnoj medicinyim N.Je.Baumana. 2017. – T. 231. – P.136-139.
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Insectoacaricidal agents

(veterinary preparations for dogs and cats, as well as other domestic and farm animals)

aversectin ointment 0.05% ADV - aversectin C on an ointment basis has an insectoacaricidal effect for dogs, cats and fur-bearing animals, externally Packaging: 15 g, 20 g Manufacturer: "Pharmbiomed", Russian Federation

advantage 100 for dogs ADV - 10% imidacloprid insecticide, for dogs weighing from 4 to 10 kg Packaging: 4 pipettes Manufacturer: Bayer, Germany

advantage 250 for dogs adv - 10% imidacloprid insecticide, for dogs weighing from 10 to 25 kg Packaging: 4 pipettes Manufacturer: Bayer, Germany

advantage 40 for cats ADV - 10% imidacloprid insecticide, for cats weighing less than 4 kg Packaging: 4 pipettes Manufacturer: Bayer, Germany

advantage 400 for dogs ADV - 10% imidacloprid insecticide, for dogs weighing over 25 kg Packaging: 4 pipettes Manufacturer: Bayer, Germany

advantage 80 for cats ADV - 10% imidacloprid insecticide, for cats weighing over 4 kg Packaging: 4 pipettes Manufacturer: Bayer, Germany

acaromectin spray ADV - 0.005% solution of ivermectin for the treatment of demodicosis, sarcoptic mange, etc. Packaging: 25 ml Manufacturer: NPO "NARVAK", Russia

amit ADV - amitraz, prednisolone and auxiliary components with acaricidal, bacteriostatic, fungiostatic, anti-inflammatory effects. For external use in the treatment of demodicosis, sarcoptic mange, and otodectosis. Packaging: 15 ml, 4 pip. 1 ml each Manufacturer: Russia

amitrazine oil liniment ADV - amitraz 0.25% solution of amitrazine is an oily liquid yellow color with a characteristic odor. It has an acaricidal, anti-inflammatory and softening effect in the skin epidermis. Used for medicinal purposes for otodectosis (ear mites), notoedrosis and demodicosis in cats and dogs. After shaking the drug, a cotton-gauze swab is moistened with it and placed in the previously mechanically cleaned ears 1 time per day after 3 days until the clinical signs of the lesion disappear. For this, 3-6 treatments are enough. For demodicosis, the drug should be rubbed into the affected areas and additionally treat the area around the lesions for at least 1 cm (6-8 treatments). The drug is non-toxic and does not have a local irritant effect. Contraindicated in pregnant women and individually highly sensitive animals Packaging: 10 ml, 15 ml, 20 ml Store in a dry place, protected from light. room temperature within 2 years. Manufacturer: "Polisan", Russian Federation

anandin plus ear drops treatment and prevention of otodectosis in dogs and cats Packaging: 5 ml Manufacturer: "Mediter", Russian Federation

baymek 1% ADV - ivermectin 1% to combat nematodes and arachnoenthomosis in animals Packaging: 100 ml Manufacturer: Bayer, Germany

beafar ADV - diazinon insectacaricidal drops for large dogs Packaging: 5 pipettes Manufacturer: "Beaphar", Holland

beafar ADV - diazinon insectacaricidal drops for small dogs Packaging: 5 pipettes Manufacturer: "Beaphar", Holland
beafar collar 35 cm, 65 cm ADV - dimpilate protection against fleas and ticks for 5 months Manufacturer: "Beaphar", Holland

bio collar for dogs, cats Beaphar Manufacturer: "Beaphar", Holland

bolfo aerosol ADV - propoxur destruction of lice, fleas, lice and ixodid ticks in dogs and cats Packaging: 250 ml Manufacturer: Bayer, Germany

Bolfo collar 35 cm ADV - propoxur protection against fleas up to 4 months, ixodid ticks up to 10 weeks Packaging: 1 pc. Manufacturer: Bayer, Germany

Bolfo collar 66 cm ADV - propoxur protection against fleas up to 5 months, ixodid ticks up to 10 weeks Packaging: 1 pc. Manufacturer: Bayer, Germany

bolfo powder ADV - propoxur destruction of lice, fleas, lice and ixodid ticks in dogs and cats Packaging: 100 g Manufacturer: Bayer, Germany

bolfo insecticidal shampoo Packaging: tube. 100 ml ADV - propoxur flea destruction, lice and lice in dogs and cats Manufacturer: Bayer, Germany

vedinol plus ointment ADV - Phoxim treatment of sarcoptic mange and demodicosis in cats and dogs Packaging: 25 g Manufacturer: "Veda", Russian Federation

Whiskas excelpet Aerosol for killing fleas in cats After combing the cat against the grain, treat from tail to head, holding the aerosol at a distance of 15 cm from the animal’s body. After treatment, the cat is combed and excess drug is removed, avoiding getting it into the eyes. Keep the cat until the drug dries completely (at least 30 minutes). If necessary, the treatment is repeated after 3-4 days. Kittens under 2 weeks of age and nursing cats should not be treated. The drug is flammable. The treatment is carried out in a ventilated area. Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C

griseofulvin(Griseofulvinum) Synonym: gricin. White crystalline powder with a bitter taste, poorly soluble in water. One of the main means of treating patients with dermatomycosis. It has a fungicidal effect on trichophytons, microsporums, epidermatophytons. Ineffective against candidiasis, also does not act on actinomycetes, molds and bacteria. Use internally and topically. It is used orally in the form of tablets (0.125 g each) and in the form of a suspension (100 ml each, 1 ml contains 0.1 g of grieofulvin). With this route of administration, the maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is achieved after 4-7 hours and it selectively accumulates in the stratum corneum of the epidermis and the root zone of the hair, thus protecting the newly formed keratin from damage by dermatophytes. Griseofulvin is prescribed for trichophytosis in dogs, cats, fur-bearing animals and rabbits 2 times a day along with food for 3-5 weeks at a dose of 25-40 mg of the drug per 1 kg of animal weight. For topical use, use 2.5% liniment (30 g in jars). It is applied to the affected areas for 2 weeks until clinical signs disappear. If diarrhea or urticaria occurs, the drug is discontinued. Griseofulvin is contraindicated in patients with kidney and liver diseases. Packaging: except as specified, in powder, packaged in double plastic bags of 2, 3 and 4 kg. Store according to list B.

decor - 1 ADV - amitraza, permethrin and auxiliary components For external use in the treatment of demodicosis, carnivorous sarcoptic mange. Packaging: 20 ml Manufacturer: "Vetzverotsentr", Russian Federation

decor - 2 ear drops ADV - Amitraza, permethrin, auxiliary components Effective for otodectosis in cats, dogs, fur-bearing animals and other carnivores, once. Before using the drug, the auricle is treated with a damp swab soaked in vegetable oil until the external auditory canal is completely cleansed of mite waste products. Then, using a cotton swab with “Decor” applied to it, wipe the inner surface of the auricle. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after 8-10 days. The drug is flammable. Packaging: 3 ml, 5 ml syringe tube Store away from heating devices, out of reach of strangers at a temperature of 10-25 ° C for 3 years. Manufacturer: "Vetzverocenter", Russian Federation

dekta Highly effective drug for the treatment of otitis, ear scabies and demodicosis of domestic animals. Before instillation into the ear, the external auditory canal is cleaned of crusts with a cotton swab, then 3-5 drops of the drug are applied to each ear. For ear scabies, the treatment is repeated 2-3 times after 6-7 days; for otitis media, drops are used once a day for 5 days; in cases of demodicosis, the drug is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas and adjacent areas once a day after 2-3 days until the clinical signs of the disease disappear.

demos It is a liniment containing sulfur, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic components, bee products that have a bactericidal and acaricidal effect. Used to treat ear scabies in cats, dogs, rabbits and fur-bearing animals. It is injected with a pipette into the ear, 1.5-3 ml. When demodicosis in dogs, the affected areas of the body are cleaned with a cotton-gauze swab from crusts and scabs, then the affected areas and border areas of healthy skin are treated with demosom. Treatments are repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 2-3 days until the clinical signs of the disease disappear. Packaging: bottles of 10 and 20 ml. Store in dry dark place within 2 years.

defendog permethrin aerosol for the treatment of entomosis in dogs, externally, 50 ml/10 kg body weight Packaging: 250 ml Manufacturer: Virbac, France

dis collar for cats insectoacaricidal collar for cats, valid for 5 months Manufacturer: "DDD", Russian Federation

dis collar for dogs, protection against fleas and ticks for 5 months Manufacturer: "DDD", Russian Federation

dispur insectoacaricidal drops for dogs and cats Packaging: 15 ml Manufacturer: "DDD", Russian Federation

kiltix collar 48 cm, 66 cm protection against fleas and ticks for dogs, valid for 7 months after putting it on Packaging: 1 pc. Manufacturer: Bayer, Germany

otibiovin OTIBIOVIN us. vet. Composition - 1 ml: Triamcinolonacetonid 0.500 mg Acidum salicylicum 5.000 mg, Gentamycinsulphat 2.000 mg Bromid karbethopendecinia 0.125 mg Ethanol 0.485 mg Aqua destillata ad 1.000 mg. It is a broad-based antibiotic and antifungal drug. Exposure affects a wide range of pathogenic gram-negative and some gram-positive bacteria. It is advisable to supplement with a semisynthetic corticoid from the group of glucocorticoids - triamcinolone, which has a nonspecific anti-inflammatory effect and a calming effect on tissue. Indications: acute bacterial and yeast ear infections and superficial dermatitis, especially otitis externa et media, as well as the prevention and treatment of infections during surgical interventions, in minor surgery - treatment of wounds, fistulas and abscess cavities. Application: externally to a sore spot. Method of administration and dosage: the drug is dripped into the ear canal, at the beginning of therapy 3-4 times a day, after 3 days - 2-3 times a day, always 4-5 drops, after which a light massage near the ear is recommended, which promotes better penetration of the drug into the tissue. In case of advanced, crusty conditions, it is recommended to pre-wet the tissue and remove the crusts with tweezers. The duration of treatment is, as a rule, 5 - 7 days, but not more than 12 days (3 days after the disappearance of signs of the disease). Not intended for productive animals. Storage: at a temperature of 15 - 25 degrees Celsius, afraid of light. Shelf life: 2 years. The drug must be used within 12 days after first opening. Note: As a result of storage, slight cloudiness or even sediment may form, which will disperse after shaking. This cloudiness does not affect the effectiveness of the drug. Packaging: 20 ml, 15 ml. Manufacturer: Biovete, JSC Ivanovice na Hana, Czech Republic.

away ADV - 0.2% phoxim and 3% alpha pinene Ear drops with acaricidal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects. Packaging: 10 ml Manufacturer: "VEDA" Russia

otodepin ADV - 3% oil solution of silbiol for the treatment of otitis, ear ulcers, otodectosis Packaging: 10 ml Manufacturer: "VEDA" Russia

otonazole Emulsion with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal effect for the treatment of otitis media and externally for skin lesions Packaging: 10 ml, 100 ml Manufacturer: KRKA Slovenia

otoferonol For the prevention of ear diseases. Packaging: 5 ml Manufacturer: Bionix Russia

otoferonol gold ear drops General provisions: an acaricidal preparation in the form of ear drops, containing as active ingredients the synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin (0.01), cycloferon (0.04%), propolis (0.05%) and auxiliary components. It is a transparent liquid that foams when shaken and has a blue opalescence. Pharmacological properties: Otoferonol gold has acaricidal, antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects, activates regeneration processes in tissues. Directions for use: For the treatment of carnivores with ear scabies. Before treatment, carefully clean the ears from surface crusts and scabs with a swab moistened with the drug, and then instill 3-5 drops of the drug into each ear. In order to more completely treat the entire surface of the ear and auditory tract, the auricle is folded in half lengthwise and its base is lightly massaged. Treatment is carried out twice with a 5-7 day interval. If necessary, repeat treatment. Drops are always administered into both ears, even in cases of otodectosis affecting only one ear. Contraindications: The drug is not toxic to animals, in recommended doses it does not have a skin-resorptive or sensitizing effect, and may cause irritation of the mucous membranes. Storage conditions: in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children and animals, separate from products. Packaging: 5 ml Manufacturer: Bionix Russia

otoferonol plus ear drops General provisions: an acaricidal preparation in the form of ear drops, containing as active ingredients the synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin (0.005%), cycloferon (0.04%) and auxiliary components. It is a transparent liquid that foams when shaken and has a blue opalescence. Pharmacological properties: has acaricidal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects. Directions for use: for the treatment of carnivores with ear scabies. Before treatment, carefully clean the ears from surface crusts and scabs with a swab moistened with the drug, and then instill 3-5 drops of the drug into each ear. In order to more completely treat the entire surface of the ear and auditory tract, the auricle is folded in half lengthwise and its base is lightly massaged. Treatment is carried out twice with a 5-7 day interval. If necessary, repeat treatment. Drops are always administered into both ears, even in cases where only one ear is affected. Contraindications: the drug is not toxic to animals, in recommended doses it does not have a skin-resorptive or sensitizing effect, and may cause irritation of the mucous membranes. Storage conditions: in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children and animals, separate from products. Packaging: 5 ml. Manufacturer: Bionics Russia

preventef dog collar for dogs, protection against fleas and ticks for 5 months Manufacturer: Virbac, France

preventef cat collar for cats, protection against fleas and ticks for 5 months Manufacturer: Virbac, France

precipitated sulfur(Sulfur praecipitatum). A tiny amorphous yellow powder, odorless and tasteless, insoluble in water. Used externally in the form of ointments (5, 10, 20%), liniments and powders for treatment skin diseases, trichophytosis and scabies. It can be administered orally as an expectorant and for dogs as a laxative. Oral doses: horses and cows up to 250 g, sheep up to 100, pigs up to 25, dogs up to 15, chickens up to 1 g Produced in powder Stored in well-sealed jars normal conditions

purified sulfur(Sulfur depuratum) Fine powder of lemon-yellow color, insoluble in water, slightly soluble in ether. A sterile 1-2% solution of purified sulfur in peach oil (sulfozine) is sometimes used for pyrogenic therapy. Administer intramuscularly, starting from 0.5-2 ml. It is also used externally in the form of 5, 10, 20% ointments and powders for the treatment of skin diseases (scabies, psoriasis, etc.). Included in Wilkinson's ointment Produced in powder Stored in well-closed jars in a dry place

Serco drops for dogs ADV - diazinon drops for withers Packaging: 5 pipettes Manufacturer: OPH "Milet"

Serco drops for cats ADV - diazinon for fleas Packaging: 5 pipettes Manufacturer: OPH "Milet"

Serco drops for medium-sized dogs ADV - diazinon for fleas Packaging: 5 pipettes Manufacturer: OPH "Milet"

serco cat collar ADV - amitrac protection against fleas and lice for 5 months Manufacturer: OPH "Milet"

Serco flea collar for dogs ADV - amitrac protection against fleas and lice for 5 months Manufacturer: OPH "Milet"

tactician Designed to control scabies mites and lice, including varieties resistant to organophosphates and organochlorides

talc for killing fleas on cats Apply only to dry wool, preferably outside. After brushing the cat against the grain, talc is applied as close to the skin as possible, holding the animal for at least 30 minutes. If necessary, treatment is repeated after 3-4 days. For a one-time treatment, 5-10 g of talc is enough. Do not treat nursing cats or kittens under 12 weeks of age. It is unacceptable to get talc into the respiratory tract and eyes. Bedding and upholstered furniture are treated with a special aerosol. Store in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C

tiguwon 10 for treating cats: 1 tube for treating an adult cat weighing about 2 kg. Pregnant animals are not treated

Tiguvon 20 for dogs weighing 3-10 kg. Should not be used in puppy dogs or dogs weighing less than 3 kg.

Tiguvon 20G for dogs weighing over 10 kg: 1 tube for dogs weighing 10-25 kg, 2 tubes - 25-50 kg, 3 tubes - for dogs weighing over 50 kg

celandine collar house for cats

celandine collar dog house means for killing insects and for protection against their attacks Manufacturer: "Ekoprom", Russian Federation

celandine collar box for cats means for killing insects and for protection against their attacks Manufacturer: "Ekoprom", Russian Federation

celandine collar box for dogs means for killing insects and for protection against their attacks Manufacturer: "Ekoprom", Russian Federation

celandine super collar for cats means for killing insects and for protection against their attacks Manufacturer: "Ekoprom", Russian Federation

celandine collar super for dogs means for killing insects and for protection against their attacks Manufacturer: "Ekoprom", Russian Federation

celandine flea powder for cats

celandine flea powder for dogs insect killer Packaging: 300 ml Manufacturer: "Ekoprom", Russian Federation

celandine puron against fleas for cats insectoacaricidal drops

celandine puron against fleas for dogs insectoacaricidal drops Packaging: 15 ml Manufacturer: "Ekoprom", Russian Federation

celandine spray for cats insectoacaricidal spray

celandine spray for dogs insectoacaricidal spray Packaging: 125 ml Manufacturer: "Ekoprom", Russian Federation

celandine ultra ear drops for cats ADV - permethrin drops with anti-tick effect Packaging: 15 ml Manufacturer: "Ekoprom", Russian Federation

celandine ultra ear drops for dogs ADV - permethrin drops with anti-tick effect Packaging: 15 ml Manufacturer: "Ekoprom, RF

celandine flea shampoo for cats insectoacaricidal shampoo Packaging: 150 ml Manufacturer: "Ekoprom", Russian Federation

celandine flea shampoo for dogs insectoacaricidal shampoo Packaging: 150 ml Manufacturer: "Ekoprom", Russian Federation

insecticidal shampoo for dogs. Used to combat fleas. Dogs weighing up to 14 kg use about 20 ml, from 15 to 30 kg - 45 ml of the drug. Protects eyes and ears. Treat bedding and carpets. Do not use on female dogs and puppies under 12 weeks of age. Store at temperatures up to 25 ° C, avoiding freezing and direct sunlight

entomozan An effective product for killing fleas, lice, ixodid, scabies, ear and demodectic mites. Harmless to people, dogs, cats, birds and hamsters. It is a pyrethroid concentrate. Before use, the contents of one ampoule are diluted in a glass of warm water. If the animal is large, use 2-3 ampoules (400-600 ml of water), soak the fur with it using a sponge, swab or brush and allow the animal to dry. At the same time, spray the litter and other places where the animal lies. If the animal is affected by scabies, ear mites and demodectic mites, the treatment is repeated with a fresh solution in a ratio of 1:100 ml every 3-4 days until the symptoms disappear. The solution should not come into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes and respiratory tract.

Astrakhan region Due to the peculiarities of the climate, it is inhabited by many species of insects that can cause considerable harm. First of all, our smaller brothers suffer, of course, due to their physiological characteristics and living conditions. Reliable protection from insects and ticks is an essential component to ensure the health of pets and their owners. It is important not to forget about this with the onset of spring, summer and autumn.

What diseases are caused by insects?

Diseases caused by insects and mites are invasive, i.e. there is a danger of spread to other animals, and sometimes to humans.
Blood-sucking insects, ticks, and flea bites cause anxiety and stress, interfering with the normal eating, walking, and rest of pets.
When bitten, they produce biologically active substances, releasing waste products, they cause irritation, inflammatory, allergic reaction, toxicosis. For example, when bitten by ticks, the skin is injured and its integrity is compromised. Focal inflammation can be accompanied by hair loss; the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the bite wound can cause an inflammatory process. With heavy infestation, anemia, exhaustion, and decreased immunity may develop. In addition to the above danger, many insects and ticks are carriers of many dangerous diseases and the Astrakhan region, again, is no exception. Surely many people know that mosquitoes are the intermediate host of dirofilaria, which in turn cause such a dangerous disease as dirofilariasis, ticks carry diseases such as piroplasmosis, babesiosis, Q fever, tularemia, etc., but of course we should not forget the most common diseases which unfortunately we have to deal with are demodicosis (scabies), otodectosis (ear mites), sarcoptic mange (itch mites), etc.

Main characteristics of modern insectoacaricidal preparations.

What forms of insectoacaricidal preparations exist?

The release forms of modern drugs make them easy to use. Collars, sprays, and drops are very popular. Usually one pipette tube is intended for each animal. For cats and dogs of various weights, certain packaging is produced. The drugs must be labeled, this eliminates errors when using them.

1. Acaromectin

2. Amit

Indications: Psoroptosis, notoedrosis, sarcoptic mange, otodectosis and demodicosis in dogs and cats.

Doses and method of administration: When dogs and cats are affected by sarcoptoidosis (psorptosis, sarcoptosis, notoedrosis) and dogs by demodicosis, the drug is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas, previously cleared of scabs and crusts, at the rate of 0.5 ml/kg of animal weight (depending on the degree of damage), evenly distributing from from the periphery to the center, covering healthy border skin up to 1 cm. To prevent the animal from licking the drug, put on a muzzle or close the jaws with a loop of braid, which are removed 15 - 20 minutes after applying the drug. Treatment is carried out 2 - 5 times with an interval of 5 days until the animal’s clinical recovery, which is confirmed by two negative results of acarological studies. Animals with large areas of skin lesions are treated in two doses with an interval of one day, applying the drug first to one half of the affected surface of the body, and then to the other. For otodectosis (ear scabies) of dogs and cats, the external auditory canal is cleaned from scabs and crusts with a swab moistened with the drug and then 3-6 drops of the drug are instilled into each ear (depending on the size of the animal). In order to more completely treat the entire surface of the ear and ear canal, the auricle is folded in half lengthwise and its base is lightly massaged. Treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 3 - 5 days. In advanced cases of otodectosis, complicated by otitis, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated. The drug is administered into both ears, even in cases of otodectosis affecting only one ear.

3. Amit forte

Indications: Prescribed to dogs and cats for sarcoptic mange, notoedrosis, otodectosis, cheyletiosis and demodicosis.

Doses and method of administration: When dogs and cats are affected by sarcoptic mange, cheyletiosis, notoedrosis and demodicosis, the drug is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin, previously cleared of scabs and crusts, evenly distributed from the periphery to the center, including borderline healthy skin up to 1 cm. To prevent licking of the drug, the animals are put on a muzzle or close the jaws using a loop of braid, which is removed 15-20 minutes after applying the product. Treatment should be carried out 2 – 5 times with an interval of 10 days until the animal’s clinical recovery, which is confirmed by two negative results of acarological studies. Animals with large areas of skin lesions are treated in two doses with an interval of one day, applying the drug first to one half of the affected surface of the body, then to the other. In case of otodectosis (ear scabies), before using the drug, the external auditory canal is cleaned of crusts and scabs using a cotton swab moistened with the drug. Then Amit Forte is instilled into each ear, 3-4 drops and the auricle is folded in half, lightly massaging at the base to distribute the drug evenly. Treatment is carried out 2 times a day with an interval of 7 - 10 days. In advanced cases of otodectosis, complicated by otitis, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated. The drug is administered into both ears, even in cases of otodectosis affecting only one ear..

4. Butox

Mode of application: Butox 50 is used only for external processing animals and premises. Immediately before use, prepare an aqueous working emulsion of the drug. Animals are treated by spraying or bathing.

You can get more detailed information about the use and dosages of Butox in the pet stores of Rondo LLC, Astrakhan

5. Neostomozan

Mode of application: The working emulsion is prepared immediately before use. At the same time, the volume of aqueous emulsion required for processing and the amount of medicine required for its preparation are determined.

You can get more detailed information about the use and dosages of Butox in the pet stores of Rondo LLC.

6. Diazinon –C

Indications: Used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for the treatment of sheep, cattle, pigs, deer, horses and fur-bearing animals for arachno-entomosis, as well as for disinsection and decontamination of livestock buildings.

7. Advantix

8. Advocate drops for dogs and cats

Indications: Advocate is prescribed to dogs and cats for the treatment and prevention of demodicosis, otodecosis, sarcoptic mange, entomosis, intestinal nematodes (toxocariasis, toxascariasis, uncinariasis, hookworm disease), as well as for the prevention of dirofilariasis.

Doses and method of administration: The drug is used by animals by drip (“spot-on”) application to dry, intact skin. Before use, remove the protective cap from the pipette and, positioning it vertically, pierce the protective membrane of the pipette nose (putting the cap on the back side), then remove the cap again. The drug, by spreading the fur, is applied to the animal in places inaccessible for licking, directly on the skin between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck.

Animal weight

Pipette markings

Application dose (normal pipette volume), ml

Dose of active substance, mg/kg



For dogs

From 4 to 10 kg

For medium dogs

From 10 to 25 kg

For large dogs

From 10 to 25 kg

For very large dogs

For cats

Less than 4 kg

For medium cats

From 4 to 8 kg

For large cats

From 8 or more kg

For very large cats

Use the appropriate combination of pipettes

9. Beaphar flea drops for cats

Indications: Drops against fleas and ticks for cats from 6 months of age. The active ingredient is diazinon. 2nd step of 4-step flea protection. Cannot be used together with other insecticides.

Mode of application: Part the animal's fur between the shoulder blades and drip the product onto the skin. Cats weighing 2.5 – 5 kg: – 1 pipette; over 5 kg: – 2 pipettes.

10. Beaphar collar for cats

Indications: Prevention and treatment of cat entomosis (lice, fleas, lice). Prevention of damage to cats by ixodid and scabies mites.

11. Beaphar flea drops for dogs

Indications: The drops are effective means fight against fleas and ticks.

Doses and method of administration: Medium and large dogs: weighing from 19 kg and not younger than 6 months: - with a body weight of 19-35 kg: 1 pipette; -for body weight 36-70kg: 2 pipettes. Small dogs: weighing from 5 kg and not younger than 6 months: - with a body weight of 5-10 kg: 1 pipette; -for body weight 11-20kg: 2 pipettes.

12. Beaphar dog collar

Indications: Prevention and treatment of entomoses in dogs (lice, fleas, lice). Prevention of damage to dogs by ixodid and scabies mites.

13. GreenFort drops and collars for dogs

Mode of application: BioDrops: - safe for humans and animals; - have no restrictions on the physiological state; - effective for up to 3 months (3 pipettes for 1 month). BioCollar GreenFort for dogs of medium breeds 65 cm. Protection against insects and ticks for up to 3 months.

GreenFort preparations are suitable for:
-for puppies from 4 weeks of age;
-for sick and weakened animals;
-for pregnant and lactating females;
-for animals prone to allergies.
Mode of application:
-open the package immediately before use; -unfold and loosely fasten the collar on the animal’s neck, cut off the excess collar;

14. Ivermec and ivermec gel

Indications: Prescribed for cattle, sheep, goats, deer and camels - for nematodes: dictyocaulosis, trichostrongylatosis, strongyloidiasis, ascariasis, bunostomiasis, thelaziosis; for hypodermatosis, estrosis, psoroptosis, sarcoptic mange, siphunculatosis, mallophagosis, as well as to combat carrion and blowflies. For horses - for strongylatosis, parascariasis, oxyurosis, sarcoptic mange and gastrophylosis. For pigs - for ascariasis, esophagostomosis, trichuriasis, strongyloidiasis, stephanurosis, metastrongylosis and other nematodes; with sarcoptic mange and lice. For dogs and cats - for toxocariasis and toxascariasis, hookworm and uncinariasis, sarcoptic mange and otodectosis, demodicosis and flea infestation.

Doses and method of administration:Injection solution: Administered intramuscularly to animals in compliance with the rules of asepsis: pigs in the area of ​​the inner surface of the thigh or neck, other species of animals - in the area of ​​the croup or neck in doses: large and small cattle, horses, deer - 1 ml of ivermek per 50 kg of animal weight (200 mcg active substance per 1 kg of weight) once. In severe cases of sarcoptic disease, treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 8–10 days. For pigs - 1 ml of ivermec per 33 kg of animal weight (300 mcg of active substance per 1 kg of weight) once. In severe cases of sarcoptic mange and hematopinosis, treatment is carried out twice. If the volume of the injected solution is more than 10 ml, it should be administered to the animal in several places. The drug is used against nematodes by animals before being kept in stalls and in the spring before being put out to pasture, against gadfly larvae - immediately after the end of the gadfly's summer, against causative agents of arachno-entomosis - according to indications. Each batch of the drug (when used by agricultural animals) is first tested on a small group (7-10 heads) of animals. If there are no complications, treatment of the entire livestock begins within 3 days. Ivermek is administered to dogs and cats at the rate of 0.2 ml of the drug per 10 kg of animal weight (200 mcg of active substance per 1 kg of weight). To ensure accurate dosing of the drug to small animals, it can be diluted with sterile distilled water in the required number of times.

Ivermec-gel: used to treat dogs and cats with notoedrosis, sarcoptic mange, demodicosis and otodectosis.

Doses and method of administration: When dogs and cats are affected by demodicosis, dogs - by sarcoptic mange, cats - by notohedrosis, the drug is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas, previously cleared of scabs and crusts, at the rate of 0.2-0.3 ml per 1 kg of animal weight, lightly rubbing from the periphery to the center with capturing 1-2 cm of borderline healthy skin. To prevent licking of the drug, the animals are put on a muzzle (or the jaws are closed with a loop of braid), which is removed 15-20 minutes after applying the drug. Treatment is carried out 2-4 times with an interval of 5-7 days until the animal’s clinical recovery, which is confirmed by two negative results of acarological studies. Animals with large affected areas are treated in two doses with an interval of one day, applying the drug to the affected areas of first one and then the other half of the body. For acarosis complicated by a bacterial infection, the use of immunomodulatory and antibacterial drugs is recommended. In case of otodectosis (ear scabies) of carnivores, the external auditory canal is cleaned with a swab moistened with the preparation from scabs and crusts and then 0.5-2.0 ml of Ivermec-gel is injected into each ear (depending on the weight of the animal). In order to more completely treat the entire surface of the ear and ear canal, the auricle is folded in half lengthwise and its base is lightly massaged. Treatment is carried out 1-2 times with an interval of 5-7 days. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated. The drug must be administered into both ears, even in cases of otodectosis affecting only one ear. In advanced cases of the disease, complicated by otitis, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

15. Frontline Combo drops on the withers for dogs

Indications: Used to combat fleas, lice, lice and ticks (ixodidae, cheylitella) by topical (Spot On) application to the skin. Before treatment, break off the tip of the pipette, spread the animal’s fur in the back area (between the shoulder blades) and, pressing the pipette, apply the drug to the skin at one or several points. The protective effect of the drug against ixodid ticks lasts for at least 1 month, against adult insects for up to 3 months, and from the preimaginal phases of insect development for up to 8 months.

Doses and method of administration: If the animal is severely infested with lice, fleas, or lice eaters, it is recommended to treat once a month. If the animal is washed more than 2 times a month, it is recommended to reduce the interval between treatments to 3 weeks.

16.Frontline SPOT-ON drops on the withers for dogs

Doses and method of administration: The drug Frontline Spot It is used to treat otodectosis (ear scabies). For this purpose, 4-6 drops are instilled into each ear (the drops must be injected into both ears). To distribute the drug evenly, fold the auricle in half and lightly massage its base; apply the remainder to the skin between the shoulder blades (one-time treatment).

17. Frontline Combo drops on the withers for cats

Indications: Prescribed to cats to combat fleas, lice, lice and ticks (ixodid, cheylitella).

Doses and method of administration: Frontline Combo is used externally by topical (Spot On) application to the skin. Before treatment, break off the tip of the pipette, spread the animal’s fur in the back area (between the shoulder blades) and, pressing the pipette, apply the drug to the skin at one or several points. The protective effect of the drug against ixodid ticks in cats lasts up to 3 weeks, against the imago and preimaginal phases of insect development for up to 6 weeks. If the animal is severely affected by lice, fleas, or lice eaters, it is recommended to treat once a month. If the animal is washed more than 2 times a month, it is recommended to reduce the interval between treatments to 3 weeks. It is not recommended to wash animals within 48 hours after treatment with Frontline Combo, or to use other insecticidal and acaricidal agents.

18. Hartz drops and drops Hartz UltraGuard Flea for dogs and cats

Mode of application: Can be used for puppies and kittens starting from 3 months. Waterproof formula. The effectiveness of protection does not decrease after repeated washing of the animal with soap or shampoo or frequent bathing in water bodies. You can choose a 3-month course of protection for animals of any weight. Apply the contents of the tube - pipette - to the skin in the back of the animal's head. Avoid contact of the drug with eyes and clothing. Repeated treatments of animals are carried out no more than once a month. The effectiveness of protection is not reduced by moisture.

19. Rolf Club flea and tick drops for dogs and cats

P rendering: The drug is prescribed to adult dogs, cats and puppies no younger than 2 months of age for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for entomosis, sarcoptic mange and ixodid tick infestation. The drug is used by animals by drip application to dry, intact skin.

Doses and method of administration: Having parted the fur, the drug is applied to the animal’s skin in places that are not accessible for licking - in the neck, at the base of the skull or between the shoulder blades in one or two places. Make sure that the drug does not remain inside the pipette. For therapeutic purposes in dogs with sarcoptic mange, the drug is used 2-4 times with an interval of 7-10 days; in order to prevent possible invasion - once a month. Treatment is recommended to be carried out comprehensively using etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic drugs. For otodectosis (ear scabies) in Pre-cleaned ears are instilled with 1-3 drops of the drug. After 3-5 days, the procedure is repeated until the clinical signs disappear.

20. Rolf Club collars for dogs and cats

P providing : Prevention and treatment of entomoses in dogs and cats (lice, fleas, lice). Prevention of damage to dogs by ixodid and scabies mites.

21. Bars insectoacaricidal drops for dogs and cats

Indications: Bars insectoacaricidal drops are used for dogs and cats for entomosis, sarcoptic mange, notoedrosis and ixodid tick infestation.

Doses and method of administration: For entomosis, sarcoptic mange in dogs, the drug, spreading the hair, is applied to the skin at several points in the back between the shoulder blades or in the neck, at the base of the skull in doses: for dogs weighing from 2 to 10, 10-20 and over 20 kg, respectively, 1.4; 2.8 and 4.2-5.6 ml per head. Repeated treatments are carried out according to indications, but not more than once a month. To destroy ixodid ticks on the body of an animal, the drug in the amount of 1 drop is applied to the tick and the place of its attachment to the skin. If within 20-30 minutes the tick does not fall off spontaneously, then it is carefully pulled out of the body with tweezers and destroyed.

22. Bars Forte insectoacaricidal drops for dogs, cats, puppies and kittens

Indications: Prescribed to dogs, cats, puppies from 8 weeks of age and kittens for the treatment and prevention of entomoses (fleas, lice, hairworms), cheyletiosis, notoedrosis, and damage by ixodid ticks.

Doses and method of administration:

Animal weight

Quantity of drug in pipette, ml

Dose of the drug per 1 animal, ml

Number of pipettes, for processing, ml

Adult dogs

From 2 to 10 kg

From 10 to 20 kg

From 20 to 30 kg

From 20 to 40 kg

More than 40 kg

for every 10 kg add 1 pipette


From 1 to 5 kg

Adult cats

Less than 1 kg

0.3 (10 drops)

from 1 to 3 kg

0.6 (20 drops)

From 3 to 8 kg


Less than 1 kg

More than 1 kg

Before use, break off (or cut off) the tip of the pipette and then, spreading the animal’s fur, apply it to the skin at several points that are inaccessible for licking (at the base of the skull, between the shoulder blades and along the back and tail). The duration of the protective effect is: against ticks - 4 weeks, against fleas - 3 months. Washing the animal with shampoo does not reduce the effectiveness of the medicine. The repeated procedure should be carried out no more than once a month. To destroy ixodid ticks on the body of an animal, the drug in the amount of 1 drop is applied to the tick and the place of its attachment to the skin. If within 20 - 30 minutes the tick does not fall off spontaneously, then it is carefully pulled out of the body with tweezers and destroyed.

23. Bars SPOT-ON for dogs and cats

Indications: Bars spot-on is prescribed to adult dogs and cats, puppies and kittens over 2 months of age for the treatment and prevention of intestinal nematodes, cestodiases, entomoses, otodectosis, sarcoptic mange, notoedrosis and demodicosis.

Doses and method of administration: The drug is used by animals by drip (“spot-on”) application to dry, intact skin. Before use, break off the tip of the dropper pipette and, spreading the fur, apply the drug to the animal’s skin along the spine, in places inaccessible for licking, in the neck area at the base of the skull. When treating large animals, the contents of the pipettes are applied to the skin in 3-4 places. Depending on the weight of the animal, the drug Bars spot-on is used in various packaging in doses. To treat otodectosis (ear scabies), the drug is applied to the skin once. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 7-10 days. During the treatment process, it is recommended to clean the ear canal of exudate and scabs, and in case of complications with otitis media, prescribe antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs. For therapeutic purposes in cases of sarcoptic mange and demodicosis in dogs, the drug is used at intervals of 10-14 days until double negative results of acarological examination are obtained; in order to prevent possible invasion - 1 time per month. Treatment is recommended to be carried out comprehensively using etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic drugs in accordance with the instructions for their use. For deworming of animals with nematodes and cestodes of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug is used for therapeutic purposes once, for prophylactic purposes - once a quarter.

24. BlochNet drops on the withers for dogs

Doses and method of administration: Drops are applied to the skin of the animal, for dogs 1 ml per 10 kg in places inaccessible for licking. An animal treated with BlochNet drops will not be attacked by ticks for 1 - 1.5 months, fleas and lice eaters for up to 2 months, and mosquitoes will not bother you for 5-7 days.

25. BlochNo drops on the withers for cats

Indications: Protection from attacks by blood-sucking insects. Prevention and treatment of cat entomosis (lice, fleas, lice). Prevention of damage to cats by ixodid and scabies mites. Treatment of otodectosis (ear scabies).

26. Delix drops and collars for dogs

Doses and method of administration:"Delix drops" Drops are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The drug is effective for 1 month after applying the drug directly to the animal’s skin. It is not recommended to wash the animal with shampoo and soap 2 days before and after treatment. Each dropper pipette is designed for a single treatment of a dog weighing up to 15 kg, a cat weighing up to 8 kg. Carry out the treatment once a month.

27. Celandine drops against fleas and ticks for dogs and cats

Indications: Modern, highly efficient safe drug for the control of fleas, lice, ixodid and scabies mites in dogs and cats.

Mode of application: The drug is prescribed to adult dogs and cats at least 2 months of age for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for entomosis, sarcoptic mange, notoedrosis and ixodid tick infestation. The drug is used by animals by drip application to dry, intact skin. Holding the pipette vertically, break off the top end of the pipette. Having parted the fur, the drug is applied to the animal’s skin in places that are inaccessible for licking - in the neck area at the base of the skull or between the shoulder blades in one or two places. Make sure that the drug does not remain inside the pipette. For therapeutic purposes for sarcoptic mange and notoedrosis, the drug is used 2-4 times with an interval of 7-10 days; in order to prevent possible invasion - once a month

Treatment is recommended to be carried out comprehensively using etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic drugs. For otodectosis (ear scabies), 1-3 drops of the drug are instilled into previously cleaned ears. After 3-5 days, the procedure is repeated until the clinical signs disappear.

28. Celandine drops against fleas and ticks for puppies and kittens

Indications: A modern, highly effective, safe drug to combat fleas, lice, ixodid and scabies mites. Allowed for use by puppies and kittens from 2 months of age. Protection against fleas for up to 2 months.

Doses and method of administration: The drug is used by animals by drip application to dry, intact skin. Having parted the fur, the drug is applied to the animal’s skin in places that are not accessible for licking - in the neck area at the base of the skull or between the shoulder blades. One pipette is designed for 4 kg of animal weight.

29. Celandine flea and tick collar for dogs, puppies and kittens

Method of application: Open the package, unfold the collar and put it on the animal, adjusting the size so that there is a gap of 1-1.5 cm between the neck and the collar, then secure the tape in the back Mke, and cut off the excess. In case of severe flea infestation, before using the collar, it is advisable to wash the dog using insectoacaricidal shampoo. In order to prevent re-infestation with fleas, replace the litter or treat it with insecticides.

What are acaricides

According to the mechanism of action on ticks, they are divided into the following types:

  • contact – the death of an individual is provoked by contact with any part of the body;
  • fumigants - act as toxic vapors that penetrate the respiratory system;
  • systemic - they get inside the plant, causing the death of the pests that eat it;
  • intestinal - enter the body with food, poison the digestive system.

Classification of acaricidal agents

All drugs can be divided into 3 large groups:


Universal products used at home and in agriculture from various pests. These include:

Drugs with a narrow focus, acting exclusively on arachnids. The compositions of the products differ significantly from each other; many have the ability to destroy tick eggs. Among the drugs:

Substances that destroy ticks and pathogenic fungi. A common option is sulfur in the form of granules and powder. The disadvantage of the drugs is that they are toxic to many insects.

Attention. Long-term use of one type of acaricidal agent leads to the development of resistance to its effects. It is recommended to change medications several times per season.

Features of the use of acaricidal agents

The most convenient form of acaricidal preparations for ixodid ticks are sprays and aerosols. They process clothing and camping equipment before going into the forest. For animals that are also targets for predatory arthropods, drops and collars containing a repellent are recommended.


Taiga Antiklesch

Spray for protection against those carrying deadly diseases. The substance is applied to clothes, curtains, mosquito nets. It is recommended to carry out the treatment outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. One application is enough for 2 weeks or until washing. To spray clothes, 25 ml of the drug is enough. Do not use on people, the composition (neonol, alphacypermethrin) is toxic.

Dust mites - how to deal with them

  • dermatitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic rhinitis.

Attention. To get rid of dust mites, a systematic approach is required: wet cleaning, reducing wool carpets to a minimum, soft toys, feather-based bedding, the use of acaricides during washing.


Features of use

Before treatment with Allergoff, it is recommended to remove bed linen and mattress covers. Products are washed with the addition of a special acaricidal agent from the same series. The product is non-toxic and has no contraindications for use. One 400 ml package is enough to treat 20 m2. Validity up to 6 months.



Search safe means acaricidal action led to the creation of a modern drug that is safe for humans. Milbiol – acaricide plant origin, it is obtained from the oil of Melia indica seeds. Its action covers 20 types of pests and inhibits the growth of fungi and bacteria. The preparation in the form of a spray is recommended for treating bedding that cannot be washed. The active substance disrupts the nutritional capacity of arachnids, stopping their growth and reproduction.

Attention. The use of Milbiol according to the instructions is safe for people and warm-blooded animals.


Akarosan-spray – fast and effective destruction of dust mites, on upholstered furniture and other surfaces. The active substance is benzyl benzoate. The drug is not dangerous for humans; it eliminates allergens for a long time.

In this application we will talk about practical features the use of a number of new veterinary drugs, in particular immunomodulatory, antiviral, probiotics, vaccines, insecticidal and acaricidal and other drugs, as well as new mineral and vitamin supplements and shampoos.

The main active ingredient of amitan belongs to the group of formamidines and, being an inhibitor of monoamine oxidase, effectively acts on mites resistant to arsenides, chlorine and organophosphorus insectoacaricides.
The drug has both superficial and systemic effects, i.e. destroys ticks and insects both on the surface of the scalp and inside it.
Amitan is used 4-5 times with an interval of 7-10 days. An aqueous suspension is first prepared at the rate of dilution of 2 ml of amitan per 500 ml of water. The amitane suspension is quickly destroyed and does not pollute the environment.
The drug is non-toxic. When used in recommended doses, it is well tolerated by animals, without causing any allergic or irritating effects.
Manufacturer. VETZVEROCENTR, Moscow

INSECTICAL-ACARICIDUM SPRAY “BARS” (Sрrey insecti-acaricidum “Bars”)

INSECTO-ACARICIDAL DROPS “BARS” (Guttae insecti-acaricidae “Bars”)

(Guttae auriculares "Bars")

Composition and release form. The drug contains diazinon and components with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. By appearance the drug is a light green liquid with a weak specific odor. The drug is produced packaged in 5 and 10 ml bottles in glass bottles and in 15 ml polyethylene bottles, packed in cardboard boxes.
Pharmachologic effect. The drug is active against sarcoptic mites - the causative agents of otodecticosis in cats and dogs. The active components included in the drug have acaricidal, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug is a moderately toxic compound for warm-blooded animals; in recommended doses it does not have a local irritant, skin-resorptive or sensitizing effect.
Indications. Prescribed for the treatment of ear scabies in dogs and cats.
Doses and method of administration. Before treatment, the auricles and ear canal are cleaned of scabs and dirt with a swab moistened with the drug, then 3-5 drops of the drug are instilled with a pipette shallowly into each ear for cats and small dogs - 3, for medium dogs - 4 and for large dogs - 5 drops. In order to more completely treat the entire surface of the auricle and ear canal, the auricle is folded lengthwise and its base is lightly massaged. The treatment is carried out twice with 5 - 7 -
daily interval. If necessary, treatment is repeated. Drops must be administered into both ears, even in cases of otodectosis affecting only one.
Side effects. Not observed.
Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the drug.
Special instructions. After handling the drug, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. If the drug gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it should be immediately washed off with a stream of water or removed with a swab, and then washed with water. If signs of poisoning appear (dizziness, nausea, muscle twitching), you should contact medical worker. It is prohibited to use bottles of the drug for household purposes.
Storage conditions. In a place protected from light, inaccessible to children and animals, at a temperature of 0 to 25 °C. Separate from food and fodder, away from heating appliances. Shelf life - 2 years from the date of manufacture.
Manufacturer. AGROVETZASCHITA, Moscow

The acaricidal drug Decor (the drug was developed at the research and production veterinary and fur farming center "Vetzverocenter") contains as the main active ingredient a synthetic pyrethroid produced by leading foreign companies. The composition of the drug also includes organic solvents, therapeutic additives, surfactants and propellant, in accordance with the form of the drug produced.
All forms of the drug Decor have a superficial (contact) and systemic effect, i.e. destroy ticks and insects not only on the surface of the skin and hair of animals, but also inside it. Each form is intended for
combating a specific disease.
Decor-1 is effective against pathogens of demodicosis and pruritic scabies in dogs.
Decor-2 is designed to combat otodectosis (ear scabies) in dogs, cats and other carnivores. When used correctly (according to the instructions), a single treatment of the external auditory canal is sufficient to completely destroy Otodectes cynotis mites at all stages of development.
All forms of the drug Decor, when used at recommended consumption rates, do not have an irritating or allergenic effect.


Manufactured by Virbac Sante Animale, France
Defendog is an insectoacaricidal drug containing 2 g of permethrin as an active ingredient, as well as auxiliary components: luviset 2 g, propylene glycol methyl ether 80 ml, purified water up to 100 ml.
The drug is a transparent solution of light yellow color with a weak specific odor and is flammable.
Store the drug in the manufacturer's packaging in a dry place, inaccessible to children and animals, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 5 to 25 °C. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of manufacture, subject to storage conditions.
Biological properties. Permethrin, which is part of Defendog, is an insectoacaricide of contact action, active against ticks, lice, fleas and lice. The auxiliary components included in the drug contribute to the formation of a film on the surface of the coat and skin, which allows you to prolong the effect of the drug.
Permethrin belongs to the group of low-toxic
warm-blooded animal preparations, in recommended doses does not have a locally irritating or sensitizing effect. Toxic to fish and bees.
Application procedure. Defendog is used for entomosis (lice, fleas, lice) and to combat ixodid ticks in dogs. The drug is used externally, applying it to the dog’s fur until the animal’s fur and skin become wet. This requires about 5 sprays (about 5 ml of the drug) per 1 kg of animal weight. After this, you should let the animal dry and do not wipe it. The drug is applied against insects every 2 months, against ticks - every month.
Animals are processed at outdoors at a temperature not lower than 10°C or in well-ventilated areas at open windows(windows).
In order to prevent fleas from breeding and reinfestation, the animals' bedding is replaced or treated on the reverse side with Defendog (1 ml per 10 cm2) and then (before subsequent use) washed with detergent.
Defendog should not be used in puppies under three months of age, lactating bitches, or sick infectious diseases and convalescent animals, as well as cats.
Precautionary measures. While processing the animal, it is prohibited to eat, drink or smoke. After handling the drug, you should wash your hands. If the drug gets on the skin or mucous membranes, wash it off with a stream of water or carefully remove it with a swab and then wash it off with water or a slightly alkaline solution.
If the drug enters the body through the mouth, give the victim several glasses of warm water and induce vomiting by irritating the root of the tongue. After vomiting, give 0.5 glasses of water with two teaspoons (tablets) of activated carbon or other adsorbent to drink, and then give a saline laxative.
It is prohibited to use empty bottles of the drug for household purposes.

PREVENTIK, acaricidal collar

Produced by Seva Sante Animale
Preventic (Preventic) is an acaricidal collar containing 9% of the active substance - amitraz, as well as auxiliary components: diethylhexyl adipate 28%, calcium stearate 2.5%, calcium carbonate 10%, zhenitron OB 0.186%, epoxy soybean oil 4%, oil " penny royal" 4%, eucalyptus oil 1%, denatonium benzoate 0.097%, dye 0.14%, polyvinyl chloride up to 41.1%.
The collar is a flexible polymer tape beige colour, equipped with a buckle, 50 cm long (for small and medium dog breeds) and 65 cm (for large dog breeds) and weighing 21 g and 27.5 g, respectively.

Biological properties. Amitraz, which is part of Preventik, is a contact acaricide, active against ixodid and demodectic ticks. The acaricidal component of the drug is constantly released for 4 months, providing protection to the animal from ixodid ticks. Amitraz belongs to the group of compounds with low toxicity for warm-blooded animals; in the recommended formulation it does not have a local irritant or sensitizing effect.
Application. Preventic is used to combat ixodid ticks in dogs. The collar is secured around the animal's neck; for growing animals, a length should be left to loosen as the animal grows. The effect of the drug is prolonged, it is active against ixodid ticks for
period up to 4 months.
Preventik can be used as additional remedy for the prevention of demodicosis in dogs.

Preventic should not be used in puppies under eight weeks of age, in animals with infectious diseases or in convalescent animals, or in combination with other acaricidal drugs.
If signs of skin irritation appear, the collar must be removed.
Precautionary measures. Do not open the package of Preventik before direct use. Leftover collars and used collars should be disposed of in a waste container. After strengthening Preventik, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap.


Produced by Seva Sante Animal, France
Preventef (Preventef) is an insectoacaricidal collar containing 15% of the active substance - dimpilate (incorporated diazinon), as well as auxiliary components: esters of essential fatty acids 5%, diethylhexyl phthalate 16%, epoxy soybean oil 16%, calcium stearate 2.2%, colloidal silicone dioxide 2.2%, dye 0.138%, polyvinyl chloride up to 43.5%.
The collar is a flexible polymer tape, painted in two colors: beige and brown; equipped with a buckle. For cats, the collar length is 36 cm and weight is 12.5 g, for dogs it is 58 cm and 20.0 g, respectively.
Store the collar in the manufacturer's packaging in a dry place, inaccessible to children and animals, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 5 to 25 ° C.
Shelf life, subject to storage conditions, is 2 years from the date of manufacture.
Biological properties. Dimpilate, which is part of the drug, is a contact-acting insecticide and is active against ixodid ticks, lice, fleas and lice. Dimpilate belongs to the group of drugs with low toxicity for warm-blooded animals; in the recommended form it does not have a local irritant or sensitizing effect. The essential fatty acids contained in the collar improve the condition of the animals' skin and coat.
Application. Preventef is used for entomosis (lice, fleas, lice), to combat ixodid ticks in dogs and cats. The collar is secured around the animal's neck; for growing animals, a length should be left to loosen as the animal grows. The effect of the drug is prolonged; to combat insects, the collar should be changed every 5 months, to combat ticks - every 4 months.
The collar is not exposed to water and moisture, but it is recommended to remove it before bathing the animal.
Preventef should not be used in puppies and kittens under eight weeks of age, in animals suffering from infectious diseases or in convalescent animals, or in combination with other acaricidal drugs. If signs of skin irritation appear, the collar must be removed.
Precautionary measures. Do not open the Preventef package before immediate use. Leftover collars and used collars should be disposed of in a waste container. After strengthening Preventef, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap.