The best modern frying pan. How to choose the right non-stick frying pan? Rating of the best frying pan manufacturers

A frying pan is one of the indispensable acquisitions in every home. And really, what is a kitchen without a frying pan? And fry cutlets, and sauté onions, and, at worst, make scrambled eggs - for all these needs you simply need a frying pan. Yes, not just any, but a good one.

And today let's talk about how to choose the right frying pan.

Everyone has probably encountered a problem too large selection in the hardware departments of supermarkets. And if there is little experience in this matter, then the buyer will be seriously puzzled: which frying pan to choose - coated or uncoated? Lighter or heavier? With a removable handle or will it do just fine?..

Cast iron: reliable, durable - cast iron frying pans

As everyone well knows, frying pans differ primarily in the material from which they are made. Each of us remembers from our grandmother’s kitchen with burnt edges, which produces excellent pancakes. Just a classic of Soviet cooking!

Experts believe that a cast iron frying pan is ideal for preparing foods that require long-term heat treatment. Cast iron conducts heat very well, so it gets very hot. At the same time, burning of products to the surface is extremely rare.

This is due to the fact that cast iron is a rather porous metal, so during cooking, a non-stick coating of natural origin - a fat film - forms on the inner surface of the cast iron frying pan.

Another good thing about a cast iron frying pan is that it is completely resistant to acids. Can be safely added to food lemon juice or vinegar essence - nothing bad will happen to the frying pan.

But ultra-modern detergents and cleaning products are contraindicated for such a frying pan, since they remove fat without a trace and destroy the natural protection of the frying pan.

If you ask your grandmother, she will tell you that . As a rule, it is wiped after use, or the heated one is rinsed with plain water, then wiped dry.

What other precautions do you need to know to ensure that a cast iron frying pan serves faithfully for many, many years?

The first and most important thing is not to store cooked food in it. Second, do not leave any remaining water in the pan.

The only downsides to cast iron frying pans are, perhaps, weight and... fragility. Yes, strange as it may seem, cast iron often breaks when dropped.

If you opted for a brand new cast iron frying pan in the store, then remember: you can’t fry anything in it on the first day without special preparation.

The dishes must first be washed well, dried, generously greased with oil on the internal surfaces and heated in this form over a fire or in the oven for about an hour.

Now, after the formation of that very protective fat film, you can cook food in a cast iron frying pan!

Steel Aged - Stainless Steel Pans

A frying pan made of stainless steel is an option for lovers of tasty and healthy food. Why? The answer is simple: stainless steel is smelted in such a way that it does not interact with any other materials at all. Consequently, the taste of products cooked in such a frying pan does not spoil, and various oxides do not enter the human body.

The only thing bad that can happen to it is the colored stains that appear on careless housewives if they forget empty dishes on the fire.

The lightest - aluminum pans

It is known that aluminum is the lightest metal known to us. In this regard, a logical question arises: is it correct to use it for making frying pans?

On the one hand, such products are extremely light (even a guilty husband will not face the risk of going to hospital if he gets hit on the head by his missus), conducts heat well and is very inexpensive. On the other hand, everyone knows that frying food in such a frying pan is like flour. The food will certainly burn and be thrown away. You cannot use such a frying pan when baking in the oven: the food will stick, and you won’t be able to wash the dishes afterwards.

The disadvantages of aluminum frying pans also include the low acid and alkali resistance of this metal.

You can only turn and stir food during cooking in such a frying pan with a wooden spatula, otherwise the surface will be scratched. You cannot overheat aluminum - in this case, the dishes will become deformed.

When choosing an aluminum frying pan, carefully look at the thickness of the bottom: it should be at least 5 mm, especially if you plan to use the pan for frying meat. Also pay attention to this factor if you take aluminum cookware with Teflon coating. Any curvature of the bottom of the pan can lead to damage.

There is an option to buy not a stamped, but a cast aluminum frying pan. Such a product will be more reliable in operation due to thicker walls and bottom.

But in general, there are no long-livers among aluminum frying pans. Only if you use them once a week and only a short time. For example, to cook scrambled eggs on Saturday morning.

Guest from America - Teflon frying pans

This continent gave us not only coffee and tobacco, but also Teflon.

In the 1930s, American specialists from a large chemical enterprise developed a new type of polymer based on ethylene.

The new material turned out to be thermo-, acid- and alkali-resistant. And it received a market name - “Teflon”, since its chemical name - polytetrafluoroethylene - is too bulky and completely inconvenient for mere mortals.

And just a few years later, the new polymer had its finest hour - it began to be used in the production of kitchen utensils. In particular, Teflon-coated frying pans are so beloved by housewives that the price of such products sometimes skyrockets.

Modern aluminum or steel frying pans are often coated with Teflon.

The advantage of Teflon is that it allows you to fry any food well without sticking.

True, some manufacturers also claim that such miracle frying pans can be used to cook “without fat, water and salt,” but this, of course, is nothing more than an advertising gimmick.

If vegetables rich in moisture can still be fried in a Teflon frying pan like a grill, then it will be much more difficult to cook fish and meat without adding oil.

Therefore, when buying a frying pan, you need to think about whether it is suitable for your type of stove.

As we already wrote above, if there is a gas stove in the kitchen, then the housewife can safely use any type of frying pan.

If – normal electric stove, then you can buy everything except aluminum ones made using stamping. But you need to use frying pans in proportion to the diameter of the electric “pancakes”.

If the kitchen has glass ceramics, then only pans with a flat bottom are suitable. Do not use stamped aluminum cookware.

If you are using induction hob, then the ideal option for you would be aluminum or stainless steel frying pans with a steel bottom.

Purpose and reason

Agree, in the kitchen you can’t get by with just one frying pan. Every housewife – and even more so the chef! – there is a clear division of which frying pan is intended for what.

Sometimes there are standard round frying pans - for all types of cooking. They are good for frying vegetables, preparing side dishes, frying cutlets and meat.

For fish, many people buy special oval-shaped dishes.

For baking pancakes, there are pancake pans - these are round frying pans with low walls and a non-stick coating.

There are also grill pans on sale, which come in both round and square shapes. They have a very ribbed bottom, and the juice released by the food accumulates in the gutters, as a result of which the dish turns out juicier than when cooked under normal conditions.


The modern world knows many manufacturers of frying pans and many non-stick coatings.

Therefore, before buying kitchen utensils, you need to know exactly for what purpose you need a frying pan and on what stove it will be used.

The same Teflon - it can be applied directly to the multilayer bottom of a steel base, or it can be part of a non-stick ceramic coating, which is safer from the point of view of the environment and human health.

A product in a supermarket may even indicate such know-how as “granite coating”, but we do not recommend buying such copies - the likelihood that you will not come across a fake is too small.

It is important to look at the brand of the product: large concerns use it in production advanced technology, which significantly improves the properties of the cookware and directly affects its price.

If you can’t buy an expensive branded frying pan, then pay attention to middle-segment manufacturers, in particular domestic goods. So, in hardware departments and stores you can find good frying pan with non-stick coating price category from 500 to 1500 rubles, while European brands will cost 3-5 times more. But resist the temptation to buy dishes for 100 rubles on the “lying” market. Such a frying pan will not last long for you, and besides, it may turn out to be unsafe.

Happy shopping!

It is difficult to imagine a modern kitchen without a variety of pans in it. When preparing dishes, you need high-quality utensils. The health of all family members depends on this. The housewife should know how to choose a frying pan. The versatility of use makes this thing irreplaceable.

Cookware characteristics

Housewives are responsible when purchasing a frying pan. It needs to be beautiful and last a long time in the kitchen. The main characteristics of the device include:

  • Size. The heating speed depends on the diameter of the pan. The smaller the pan, the sooner it will warm up.
  • Pen. It can be screwed, removable or monolithic. For preparing food in the oven, the removable handle will be considered the best option. The screwed handle may fall off over time. One-piece is more durable, but not comfortable.
  • Coating. Chefs prefer Teflon and ceramics. Food cooks faster on them.
  • Thickness. Heavy cookware with a thick bottom ensures even heating of the surface. The pan is stable and cools slowly.
  • Weight. It is not necessary to choose lightweight products with a thin bottom and walls. They are inexpensive, but quickly become unusable. The bottom of the pan becomes deformed and the food cooks unevenly.

Types of frying pans

But you don’t need to have every pan in your arsenal. You can buy those that will be needed in the kitchen. They are divided into several types.

It is produced by:

  • Round shape.
  • Small diameter.
  • With small sides.
  • With a flat bottom.
  • Non-stick coating.

Material of manufacture

It is one of the main factors when choosing cookware. Manufacturers offer a wide range of frying pans. Each metal has its own advantages and disadvantages.

When first used, a cast iron frying pan is heated:

  • Wash with detergent.
  • They wipe it off.
  • The surface is lubricated with oil.
  • Place in the oven at 150C upside down for 60 minutes.
  • Let it cool.

The cookware will last after annealing. long years. Vegetables, meat or fish cook quickly in cast iron cookware. This is good for everyone who loves healthy eating.

Types of coatings

Products are produced in a wide range. To make your dishes a joy, you need to pay attention to the coating.

  • Teflon. Popular among housewives. Do not use iron spatulas when cooking food. Can be washed with a soft sponge without using abrasives. detergents. If the coating is damaged, the frying pan must be replaced.



  1. Mix only with silicone or wooden spatulas.
  2. When heated above 20 thousand C, carcinogens are released.
  3. Short service life, from three to four years.
  • It is better to buy a frying pan in trusted stores. Preferably from a well-known company that provides a product guarantee. The cost of products cannot be small. Low price should alert the buyer. It's better to refuse the purchase. If you need a frying pan, how to choose quality frying pan and what it will be called, many housewives think.


  1. Environmental friendliness.
  2. Long service life.
  3. Little oil is required.
  4. Not afraid sharp objects.


  • Titanium. Products with this coating resemble cast iron. They are high quality, but expensive. Can be used not only for frying and stewing, but also baking in the oven. Titanium pans heat up quickly and evenly. They are not afraid of hard and sharp objects, do not deform, do not rust. The cookware is light and durable. Almost no oil is required during cooking. But they are expensive and are not suitable for induction cooking.

To know how to choose a frying pan good quality, durable and reliable, you can follow the advice of experts.

How to choose a frying pan:

Good quality products are produced by: Tefal, Moneta, Woll, Lumenflon, AMT, TVS, Bergner, Casta, Pensofal, Risoli, Fissler, Frybest, Patlon and Vari.

You need to know which frying pan to choose, and with careful use it will last for many years.

Rating of the best manufacturers

Almost all kitchen utensil manufacturers offer a wide range of non-stick frying pans.

The best non-stick frying pans, ranking of the most famous brands:

  1. Tefal. This famous manufacturer from France was one of the first to use non-stick coating. Products are constantly being improved. The cost of products varies from one to five thousand rubles.
  2. Biol. Ukrainian brand. It has been producing frying pans since 1999. It is famous for its high-quality models made of cast iron and aluminum. A distinctive feature of the products are wooden or silicone handles with a removable mechanism. Frying pans can be purchased with a lid included. Costs an average of 1.5 thousand rubles. All models have a three-layer bottom, thanks to which heating is carried out evenly.
  3. Neva-metal dishes. Russian manufacturer producing the best non-stick frying pans in the country. The average cost is from 1200 to 1700 rubles.
  4. Swiss Diamond. Manufacturer from Switzerland. Releases products top level. The manufacturer's frying pans are high-quality and durable. It has been improving manufacturing technologies and has been using non-stick diamond coating since 2010. Products cost from 7 to 25 thousand rubles.

To avoid buying a fake frying pan from a famous brand, it is better to purchase cookware in a specialized store or branded products department.

The non-stick coating allows you to reduce the amount of oil when cooking and also prevent it from burning. You can purchase cookware coated with diamond, ceramic or titanium.

Attention, TODAY only!

In order to surprise and delight your loved ones with delicious and delicious dishes, few quality products and skills. Great importance have kitchen equipment and utensils for cooking. Pots, stewpans, cauldrons and, of course, frying pans. Probably every housewife has her own favorite, best frying pan. And most likely not even alone. Indeed, in terms of their characteristics and purpose, they are very diverse. And if such a kitchen helper has not yet been found, then it’s time to make your choice.

The Basics of Choosing a Pan

When considering a wide range of frying pans, you should take into account several basic parameters that are inherent in each device.

  1. Bottom. It shouldn't be thin. Optimal thickness is about 5-6 mm. It is better if the diameter of the bottom of the frying pan matches the diameter of the burner on which the cooking process will presumably take place. If the bottom is embossed, then the convexities should be as voluminous as possible. Compliance with these parameters will allow you to waste less heat and heat the food being cooked evenly.
  2. Pen. Should not be too thin and light or thick and heavy. When purchasing, it is advisable to try the frying pan and hold it. The handle should fit comfortably in the palm and have a fairly smooth surface. Particular attention should be paid to attaching the handle to the pan, even if it is removable. There should be no feeling of looseness when moving.
  3. Weight. The frying pan should be of medium weight, regardless of its type. But the total volume and dimensions are determined based on the purpose.

Choosing a frying pan according to its intended purpose

When deciding which frying pan is best to choose, you need to think about its main purpose. Namely, it will be universal frying pan or a frying pan for a specific dish.

  1. For stewing and simmering would be better suited frying pan with thick walls and a thick bottom. It warms up slowly and evenly and also cools down slowly. Food is prepared at optimum temperature conditions necessary for gentle heat treatment of products.
  2. For frying, a frying pan with thin walls and a fairly thin bottom is best. The required temperature is reached quickly and the food is fried as efficiently as possible.

It is best to fry most foods, from meat to vegetables, in a ceramic frying pan. And pancakes, pancakes and other flour products are on Teflon.

Selecting a frying pan by coating type

When considering different frying pans, you need to take into account that each has a special type of surface coating. Choosing the right surface is important, as the best pans can only come with a quality coating.

  1. Ceramic.

A safe coating that is particularly durable both during cooking and during care. Withstands high temperatures and ensures uniform heating of the surface.

2. Teflon.

Has excellent non-stick properties. But at the same time it requires careful care, since if damaged it becomes toxic.

3. Titanium.

Ecologically safe covering. Wear-resistant and very durable. The cost of such a frying pan is an order of magnitude higher than average, but it fully pays for itself in the long term of use.

4. Enameled.

Proven over the years and familiar to many. Such dishes are affordable, but the coating itself is fragile and easily deformed.

The most popular coatings today are ceramic and Teflon.

Ceramic coating

Manufacturers of ceramic frying pans

When choosing such a frying pan, you must find out who the manufacturer is. After all, the quality of the product depends on it.

The main thing you should pay attention to is that ceramic dishes cannot be cheap. A manufacturer (brand) offering “high-quality” ceramics for pennies should immediately arouse suspicion.

Popular manufacturers respect their customers and offer only high quality cookware.

The main leaders can be identified:

  1. Italian manufacturer TVS. Users respond positively, especially the affordable prices.
  2. Belgian company BEKA. It produces frying pans with a chrome-plated ceramic coating. It also combines affordable prices with decent quality.
  3. Patlon takes its toll place of honor among buyers' preferences. There is every reason for this, since the pans are made of high-quality aluminum and coated with the safest possible ceramics.

Also widely known are such brands as Kukmara, Rondell, Pensofal.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-stick pans

There is an opinion that cookware is unsafe and it is undesirable to cook in Teflon pans. In fact, such beliefs are deceptive.

Manufacturers that respect themselves and their customers use only high-tech developments and thus offer the best non-stick frying pans.

The main thing to remember and always take into account is that non-stick Teflon frying pans can only be used at temperatures not exceeding 200 degrees. At temperatures exceeding the permissible maximum, Teflon begins to emit fumes that can actually be harmful to health. Hence the statements about the harmfulness of this type of coating. But if you use the cookware with precautions, it will serve for a long time without causing absolutely any harm.

As for ceramic frying pans, for Teflon there are rules of use. And they are no different. The same soft sponges and gentle cleaning products. The same silicone or wooden cooking utensils. Frying pans with damaged Teflon coating should not be used.

Manufacturers of non-stick (Teflon) frying pans

The leader among manufacturers of such frying pans is, of course, the French Tefal.

The quality, proven over decades, is only improving these days. Buyers trust the brand and speak only positively about it.

Also well-known companies producing high-quality non-stick cookware are the already mentioned TVS and the equally well-known Kulinar, Burletti, Epicure, Ballarini. Users highlight various positive traits for each of the brands. This is also the special compacted bottom of Ballarini. And almost all of the above manufacturers have a high-quality solid surface. One of the main advantages of cookware from each brand is the coating to which food does not stick.

Choosing a frying pan based on appearance and purpose

The entire wide range of dishes can be divided into categories. Pans differ in appearance and for its intended purpose.

There are universal frying pans of various sizes and volumes. But progress, as we know, does not stand still. And in the world kitchen utensils including. Manufacturers produce frying pans not only from various materials, but also for certain types of heat treatment and even for certain dishes.

Knowing the main types, it is much easier to decide which frying pan is best to choose.

Based on the material used, the following types can be distinguished:

  • Cast iron.
  • Steel.
  • Titanium.
  • Aluminum.
  • Ceramic.
  • Teflon.

You can highlight one more interesting group frying pans Let's look at it in more detail.

The best frying pans - pancake, grill, WOK

How to bake delicious pancakes without burning your fingers and without worrying about the notorious first pancake lump? There is no secret. You just need to use a special pan - a pancake pan. This frying pan has a thick and completely flat bottom and very low sides. In combination with a long handle it turns out perfect option for easy preparation of pancakes, as well as pancakes and omelettes.

How to cook a crispy, ribbed steak? Easily. The best grill pan will help with this. It has a specific ribbed bottom, thanks to which the products are not soaked through with oil and are perfectly fried, covered with a crispy crust. Most often, grill pans have a rectangular shape and a noticeable weight.

Do you want real exotic cuisine? It is not necessary to fly to Asian countries. You can prepare dishes with a twist at She has specific form- flat narrow bottom and flared edges. A mandatory part of the design is two handles. The wok is perfect for any stove and hob.


Having considered a large number of of various materials, types, shapes of frying pans, you can make some rating of the most popular parameters, and also figure out which frying pan is the best.

The most popular bases for frying pans: cast iron, titanium, stainless steel, aluminum.

The most popular coatings are ceramic and Teflon.

The most popular types: pancake house, grill, WOK.

Most common uses: frying and stewing.

The most necessary additions: handle and lid.

The most important matches: the diameter of the bottom of the frying pan and the burner, the type and material of the cookware and the type of stove.

Based on the main nuances noted, you can safely choose the necessary frying pan. And best of all, not one, but at least three, because with the help of one you are unlikely to be able to fully reveal your culinary talents.

Rating of the best manufacturers

The most popular manufacturers of ceramic and Teflon frying pans that have won the trust of customers were discussed above.

But we can also highlight other brands that are the standard of high-quality and decent tableware, including those that produce the best frying pans. These include:

  • Tefal.
  • Rondell.
  • Kukmara.
  • Ballirini.
  • Swiss Diamond.
  • Neva-Metal Utensils.
  • Biol.

Which frying pan should you not buy?

Apart from all the advantages and basic features and functions that the best frying pans have, there are also some unpleasant aspects that are best avoided.

When choosing a frying pan, you need to carefully examine its internal and outside. There should be no chips, abrasions or scratches on their surface. If a drawing is applied, it should be painted evenly and not rub off when touched. If the bottom of the frying pan is embossed, the pattern should be uniform, without clearly standing out or sinking fragments.

Additional elements, such as the lid and handle, must also be of good quality, without cracks or inconsistencies in the seams. The dishes should not have an unpleasant odor.

Often low-quality goods are sold at promotions with tempting discounts. But dishes with defects will not last long and are likely to cause damage to health.

Having decided to buy a frying pan and thinking, for example, which ceramic frying pans are better or what is better to choose - a grill or a WOK, you need to weigh all the arguments. Well, if opportunity allows, then you can replenish your rows of dishes with several frying pan recruits at once. The main thing is to choose dishes carefully and carefully.

There is no person in the world who does not have a frying pan, or even several, in their kitchen. The wealth of choice of kitchen devices is even more frightening than their absence. In order not to get confused and buy the first frying pan you come across, read the article about frying pans and everything connected with them. The rating of the most popular frying pans is also presented: best models with current prices for 2018.

Types of frying pans according to their purpose

They differ in their intended purpose into several types:

  1. Classical. It is used for frying, stewing, sautéing. The material used varies, as does the size and height of the walls. U classic frying pan There is always one or a pair of handles, sometimes they are removable.
  2. Frying pan It is made of high-quality steel, it must have a wide and thick bottom, thanks to which the heat is distributed evenly and allows you to get a beautiful crust. Two heat-resistant handles on the sides allow you to easily place the roasting pan in the oven when baking various dishes.
  3. Grill. Such devices are characterized by a ribbed bottom, which leaves an appetizing mark on cutlets and meat. When frying on a grill pan, use a minimum of oil. The grill pans are quite weighty, with a convenient lid. These pans are convenient to take on picnics, for a campfire or barbecue.
  4. Saucepan. This is a kind of mixture of a frying pan and a saucepan in which you can cook anything - both scrambled eggs and dessert. The thick bottom and walls evenly distribute heat inside the dish, and the lid perfectly retains the necessary moisture in the dish.
  5. Wok pan came to us from China. The traditional shape for this is round, with high walls, a flat bottom of small diameter sharply widens upward, and small handles in the form of ears are located at the edges. The device is crowned with a convex dome-shaped lid. This frying pan is perfect for sauces, marinades, desserts, because the pan instantly heats up and for a long time maintains temperature.
  6. Pancake house The frying pan is found in almost every kitchen due to the Russian mentality. It is always round in shape, with low sides and a flat bottom. It is better to use it exclusively for its intended purpose, since it is not recommended to wash the pancake frying pan, only to clean it carefully.

Types of frying pans by material of manufacture

Depending on the material used to make the frying pan, there are:

  • devices from cast iron Heats up evenly and retains heat for a long time. The disadvantages include their considerable mass;
  • frying pans from aluminum lightweight and heat up quickly, but without any coating, aluminum frying pans are not the most convenient and safe product to cook;
  • dishes from of stainless steel heats up quickly, retains heat for a long time, does not affect the taste and smell of food.

Types of non-stick coatings

  1. Enameled the coating has been used for many years and is very successful.

Advantages: during cooking, food does not oxidize or burn. The pan retains its temperature for a long time and can be heated to high temperatures. You can store cooked food in it. The price of such dishes is affordable for the average person.

Cons: The dishes are sensitive to falls from a height and to the use of abrasive cleaning agents. This coating lasts an average of 3 years.

  1. Teflon(polytetrafluoroethylene) coating is mainly applied to a base made of steel or aluminum.

Pros: Outstanding non-stick effect, light weight, easy to clean, requires little oil.

Cons: service life is no more than 4 years, it is afraid of metal objects, when heated to more than 200 degrees, the Teflon coating begins to release carcinogenic substances. Pans with damaged Teflon coating should not be used as they release toxic compounds.

  1. Ceramic the coating is made from a nanocomposite polymer with sand particles in its composition.

Pros: you can heat up to 450 degrees without fear of harmful emissions. Consumes minimal oil. These pans are lightweight, heat up evenly and quickly, and retain heat for a long time. This coating is not afraid of spatulas, knives and forks.

Cons: Not suitable for induction cooking. Do not wash in dishwasher. Operation up to 4 years.

  1. Granite the coating is made from fine granite chips.

Pros: strength, durability and environmental friendliness - the three pillars of such a frying pan. Can be washed in the dishwasher on a gentle cycle without any problems. Dishes with such a coating are lightweight, heat up quickly and evenly, require a minimum of oil, and are easy to clean.

Cons: do not use metal utensils during the cooking process and avoid sudden temperature changes. Service life with careful handling is more than 5 years.

  1. Titanium the coating is the best and most expensive, the service life is on average 25 years.

Pros: this cookware is environmentally friendly and durable, suitable for frying and baking, does not require fat or oil, is light in weight and use, heats up quickly and evenly, you can use metal objects.

Disadvantages: quite high price.

Nuances when choosing a frying pan

  1. The thickness of the sides of high-quality dishes is 4 mm or more.
  2. The noticeable weight of the cookware indicates its quality and uniformity of heating.
  3. The height of the sides is 3 cm and above, the height of the pancake side is 1 cm.
  4. It is better to choose a bottom from 3 mm, embossed from the inside.
  5. The diameter of the frying pan is measured at the top. For a small family, the optimal size is 26 cm.
  6. The handle of the utensil must be made of heat-resistant material. If you plan to use the frying pan in the oven, you need to choose dishes with removable handles.
  7. Any frying pan is suitable for a gas stove; electric will require a perfectly flat and thick bottom; glass-ceramic stoves require that the bottom of the cookware be at least 3 mm; Induction cookers are only “friendly” with special, marked cookware.

TOP 10 best non-stick frying pans

Enameled models
1 RONDELL NOBLE RED RDI-7065,990 rubles
2 Rondell Terrakotte RDA-5253,290 rubles
Teflon coated models
1 TEFAL EXTRA2,099 rubles
2 Rondell Flamme RDS-7102,789 rubles
Models with ceramic coating
1 Tefal Meteor ceramic3,290 rubles
2 KUKMARA TRADITION C266A1,289 rubles
Models with granite coating
1 TVS GRAN GOURMET1,750 rubles
2 NADOBA MINERALICA 7284162,599 rubles
Models with titanium coating
1 Tefal Expertise4,590 rubles
2 POLARIS Energy Line 34533,499 rubles

Enamel coated frying pans

  1. RONDELL NOBLE RED RDI-706– the best frying pan on the market. Impeccable performance, durability and comfort - it is for these qualities that users choose the Rondell brand. Cookware made of strong and durable cast iron with an enamel coating. The thick bottom is suitable for an induction hob. The diameter of the cookware is 28 cm. The set includes an additional steel handle.


  • durability and stability;
  • big size;
  • additional handle;
  • Suitable for induction hob.


  • not noticed.


  1. Rondell Terrakotte RDA-525- another representative of the German diaspora in a number of frying pans with an enamel coating. The main material is aluminum, the walls and bottom are 3 mm thick. The dishes are made from environmentally friendly, clean products, heats up evenly and does not deform over time. The outside of the product is also non-stick and easy to care for. The handle is riveted to the side of the pan.


  • you can use metal utensils;
  • excellent quality of material and workmanship;
  • a light weight.


  • no lid;
  • not suitable for induction hobs;
  • Wash by hand only.

Rondell Terrakotte RDA-525

Teflon coated models

  1. TEFAL EXTRA– the most popular brand in Russia. Cookware from this brand can be easily recognized by a special indicator in the center of the bottom, which changes color when the temperature becomes optimal for cooking. The diameter of this frying pan is 28 cm. The aluminum body with Powerglide Teflon coating will not allow food to burn. Users indicate that they have been using this model for more than 5 years.


  • big size;
  • heating indication;
  • Can be washed in the dishwasher.


  • no lid;
  • The handle gets hot.

  1. Rondell Flamme RDS-710 – The bottom of the pan consists of three layers: an aluminum layer is fused into a stainless steel shell. Original design The bottom allows you to distribute heat evenly, and then retains it for a long time. Ceramic particles are added to the Teflon coating to increase the wear resistance of the product.


  • wall thickness – 6 mm;
  • Can be washed in the dishwasher;
  • use of metal utensils;
  • The handle, coated with silicone, does not heat up.


  • no cover.

Rondell Flamme RDS-710

Ceramic coated frying pans

  1. Tefal Meteor ceramic case made of steel with ceramic coating. The bottom of the dish is 5 mm; it will not deform during use. The classic Termo Spot heating indicator will let you know when the pan is heated to the optimal temperature. The dense structure coating allows you to get an appetizing crust for fried food.


  • 3 mm thickness of sides;
  • It is possible to cook on an induction cooker.


  • Only manual cleaning with soft agents;
  • no cover.

Tefal Meteor ceramic

  1. KUKMARA TRADITION C266A- worthy representative domestic manufacturer. Cookware made of cast aluminum coated with Greblon Non-Stick C2+ ceramics does not form dangerous compounds or carcinogens during the cooking process. The handle is removable, it is possible to cook in the oven. The circumference of the pan is 260 mm, the walls are 60 mm. You can cook food with a minimum of oil.


  • environmentally friendly product;
  • The set includes two removable handles;
  • glass lid;
  • wear-resistant coating.


  • not detected.


Granite coated models

  1. TVS GRAN GOURMET– cast aluminum frying pan with HARD STONE granite coating, reinforced with reinforced mineral particles. Italian quality workmanship and design are eye-catching.


  • the bottom and walls are 6 mm, which prevents deformation and allows the dishes to distribute heat and retain it for a long time;
  • possibility of using metal utensils;
  • environmentally friendly materials;
  • durability and reliability.


  • not identified.


  1. NADOBA MINERALICA The Czech manufacturer has equipped this frying pan with a five-layer Pfluon coating. The model consists exclusively of safe materials.


  • five-layer bottom;
  • the bakelite handle does not slip and does not heat up;
  • Can be used on an induction hob;
  • Available in three colors;
  • Consistently good results;
  • strong and durable coating.


  • no cover.


Titanium coated models

  1. Tefal Expertise– universal frying pan with heat indicator. The aluminum body with Titanium Excellence coating is suitable for any stove, including induction. The bottom of the pan is 4.5 mm. The circumference is 28 cm, which will allow you to cook food for a large company.


  • bakelite handle coating;
  • large diameter;
  • Dishwasher safe;
  • heating indicator.


  • no cover included.

  1. POLARIS Energy Line 3453 – aluminum frying pan with titanium coating. The diameter of the dish is 28 cm. The thickness of the sides is 2.5 mm, the bottom is 5 mm.


  • heat-resistant glass cover;
  • Exhaust valve;
  • suitable for any type of stove except induction;
  • Can be cleaned in a dishwasher;
  • thick bottom.


  • not detected.

POLARIS Energy Line 3453

So, now you know which frying pan is right for you. Make the right choice, operate and care for it according to all the rules, and you will not be disappointed.

Takes ~5 minutes to read

Which frying pan is better to buy? This device has long been indispensable in the kitchen. With its help you can fry, stew, simmer, caramelize and do many more things. On modern coatings, food is cooked with virtually no fat, and all food is healthy and nutritious. And a modern frying pan can become a real decoration of the kitchen and delight not only the hand, stomach, but also the eye.

Types of frying pans

What are the best frying pans? Humanity has come up with many varieties: large and small, narrowly focused and suitable for everyone. But, if you want to make the right choice, you should familiarize yourself with the basic criteria of a particular cookware.


Most universal option, suitable for preparing almost all dishes. Classic products are made from all kinds of materials, they can be varied in size and side height, but the main ones features- rounded shape and elongated handle. The most popular diameter is 24-28 cm.


The main feature is the ribbed bottom, which leaves its mark on the cooked products. Meat or fish turns out juicy, as the juice released accumulates in the grooves. The classic device is a heavy, weighty body and a convenient lid with a weighting agent.

Such dishes are used to cook with a minimum amount of fat, and some products do not touch the metal at all and do not absorb oil. This way the food retains its natural taste. And if your grill has a non-stick coating, then you can do without oil altogether. For frying meat according to the rules healthy eating this pan is the best.

Outdoor dishes are especially popular. They provide comfortable cooking and are easy to clean afterwards. Separately, you can purchase a special grille that is fixed at the top.


Particularly popular with professional chefs in restaurants. Most often they are made of high-quality steel, and the bottom can be one, two or three layers. This way the heat is distributed in the best possible way, the food is cooked evenly and does not burn. The Dutch oven is great for baking and baking foods.

Handles fix spot welding. In addition to being particularly durable, they will not heat up even under the most intense fire. The handles are usually small, so it is very convenient to store dishes both in the oven and in the kitchen cabinet, as well as placing them in the refrigerator.


This type of tableware has become fashionable only recently, but in China it has been used since ancient times. Distinctive features are rounded and high sides, a small flat (less often convex) bottom of small diameter. Handles are most often found in the form of small ears. The set includes a dome-shaped convex lid and a grill on which cooked food is placed to drain liquid or fat.

The Wok is very convenient for preparing sauces and marinades, as well as bulk semi-finished products. These pans have high speed heat and hold for a long time constant temperature. Another feature is that the bottom, due to its narrow diameter, always has a higher temperature than on the walls. Therefore, the spectacular tossing and moving of food from wall to wall by professional chefs is required primarily to avoid burning, and only then for the sake of show.


This is a symbiosis of a pot and a frying pan in which you can cook almost all dishes: from scrambled eggs to desserts, from soups to sauces. The saucepan has thick walls and a bottom, so the food is heated evenly. And the tight-fitting lid retains the necessary liquid until the very end of cooking.

Saute pans are produced for most ovens and stoves. The most expensive ones come with thermometers and fluid level control. If the bottom is additionally grooved, then the food will not burn in any way.


This is a round dish with small sides and a flat thick bottom (at least 2 mm thick). The lower the side, the easier the pancakes will slide off when cooking. Most often they have an ergonomic and comfortable handle, since it is with its help that all manipulations are performed. In a pancake bowl small size You can reheat dishes or cook simple ones.


What are frying pans made of?

Today, the range of materials is quite large, ranging from time-tested cast iron to modern alloys. But most often, substances with high thermal conductivity that can maintain temperature are used. What are the best pans? Reviews indicate that each variety has its pros and cons.

Cast iron

This frying pan heats up very quickly and is one of the best for long-term cooking or simmering. the best materials. It successfully replaces the cauldron. Cast iron has increased resistance to burning. It also forms a natural non-stick coating as a result of oil absorbed into the pores of the metal. This is the most versatile and durable product that can even be baked in the oven.

Special care or any tools for cast iron cookware No. The disadvantage of the surface is that if not properly cared for, the dishes will begin to rust over time. To prevent this from happening, it must be dried or additionally calcined after use. Cast iron is also quite heavy and can crack.



Titanium is a chemically inert substance that does not react. This is one of the most expensive coatings. Very few people can afford a completely titanium frying pan, and there is no point in it. The lining itself is completely harmless. There simply cannot be toxic emissions in it.

Titanium surfaces are resistant to mechanical stress, and you can cook food with virtually no oil. The service life is at least 25 years, and a rather expensive product pays for itself in any case. You can't cook on induction cookers Oh.



Food cooks quickly in it, and heat is distributed evenly due to the high conductivity of the metal. But such a frying pan also cools down quickly. And the dishes last a very long time, so almost every apartment has some kind of copper product that was inherited. Today they are not produced by all manufacturers, since copper has similar properties to stainless steel and aluminum, but is much more expensive.

The inside of copper products is coated with tin, nickel or stainless steel to prevent oxidation. If you notice an unusual taste in the food, this means that the copper has begun to oxidize and it’s time to restore the protective layer (which is done easily and quickly).

The disadvantage of copper products is that the vitamins in it are destroyed much faster, especially vitamin C. But acid-free products (for example, eggs) are whipped perfectly. Care - non-abrasive pastes, cannot be washed in the dishwasher.


Universal stainless steel

They do not have any non-stick coating, but the taste and color of the food is fully preserved. Suitable for both simmering and frying. Today, even a grill can be made of stainless steel.

This is another good and inexpensive cookware that is not afraid of rust and mechanical damage. Stainless steel very easy to clean, but when overheated, unsightly stains can form on the stove. It is very good to simmer a dish in such a frying pan, since aluminum retains heat for a long time. Food does not burn on it, the only thing is that before starting cooking it should be warmed up well and oil should be poured in.



These are budget products, lightweight and heat up quickly. Food will burn on them more often than usual, and the oil will smoke due to the high heating temperature. If the pan is heavy enough, then it is made of cast aluminum and its performance is better than stamped ones. Minimum thickness bottom - 5 mm.

To avoid damaging the surface, use special silicone or wooden spatulas. Such pans should be cleaned very carefully with abrasives and acidic agents.


A Teflon-coated frying pan (polytetrafluoroethylene) is a fashionable kitchen accessory loved by many housewives. They are not afraid of high temperatures, alkalis or acids. The coating is most often applied to steel or aluminum. The result is a wonderful non-stick surface, much better than cast iron. The Teflon polymer coating is very similar in properties to titanium, only it is afraid of mechanical stress. Often, to enhance the non-stick effect, there is a special pattern on the bottom that reduces contact of the product with the bottom.

The service life of such pans is up to 5 years. When working, use only silicone or wooden spatulas to prevent the surface from being scratched. Otherwise, Teflon becomes harmful and such a frying pan should be ruthlessly disposed of. You cannot heat pans above 200 (other manufacturers) - 260 (original French Tefal) °C.


New lately. Ceramic composites (a combination of sand particles) in such pans are different from those we are used to clay products. Most often they coat cast iron or aluminum. The latter remain light weight, but become very durable. This coating is much stronger than Teflon, but is resistant to falls.

The pans heat up quickly (up to 450 degrees) and cool down slowly when turned off. The dishes can be washed and cleaned with all means and any spoons and spatulas can be used. The surface never absorbs odors, it is chemically neutral and does not react with food.

On induction furnaces Such pans cannot be placed. They can also be painted in the brightest and most acidic colors. And eco-ceramic products are becoming the main accent in the kitchen.


Marble or granite frying pan

Granite coating - reliable and durable pans that heat evenly and allow you to cook on the smallest flame. Frying food on such dishes will be several times faster. Surprisingly, granite products weigh very little and are quite convenient to use.

Marble is a newfangled Teflon coating, only interspersed with similar crumbs. Buying such dishes in Moscow will cost at least 2,000 rubles. These are the best frying pans with a non-stick coating: lighter than cast iron, resistant to mechanical damage and cooling slower than Teflon or ceramics. And such a frying pan looks unusually stylish in a similar marble kitchen.


How not to make mistakes when buying

  1. Pay attention to the thickness of the walls. The heavy weight of the cookware is not always a determining criterion (for example, in aluminum cookware), but thick walls ensure uniform heating. The wall thickness is not less than 4 mm. Of two frying pans of the same material, the one with the thicker bottom and walls is better.
  2. The bottom should be perfectly smooth, without flaws, irregularities or bulges. The cellular one will last less than the usual thickened one. The thicker the surface, the more stable the pan will be on the stove. And it will heat up more evenly. The most best thickness- from 6 mm.
  3. It is good when there is an external coating - enamel or varnish. These are the most universal products suitable for everyone hobs.
  4. Buy products from trusted manufacturers, especially those with newfangled coatings. Expensive products are often counterfeited by unknown manufacturers, as the temptation for easy money is great.
  5. The more layers of coating, the longer the frying pan will last. Dishes made of 8 layers (for example, marble) will last at least a quarter of a century.
  6. The worst way to attach the handle to the body is with bolts. Sooner or later they will become loose and fail. But cast ones are much more functional and safer.

We select under the stove

  • Which frying pan is better to choose? If you are going to buy your first universal frying pan, measure the diameter of the top circle. 24 cm is ideal for one person, 28 cm for two or three.
  • Copper and aluminum pans are not recommended for glass cooktops as they leave marks.
  • If you plan to use the cookware in the oven, you need removable or pure metal handles.
  • There are special markings for induction cookers.
  • Stamped aluminum products are only suitable for gas stoves; they will be deformed on electric stoves.
  • The enamel coating can be used on all surfaces: induction, electric stove or gas.

Manufacturers rating

Which frying pan should I buy? Reviews and reviews on the Internet will give you ratings of brands that will not let you down, and your dishes made from high-quality raw materials will last a long time.

  • Tefal.

It was this French company that invented non-stick coating. Today is the best non-stick frying pan sold in almost every country in the world. Moreover, the warranty on Teflon is at least 24 months. Their distinguishing feature is the red Termo Spot indicator, which tells you when it is time to place food on the surface.

There are a lot of lines and series in Tefal's assortment. There is a collection made from Jamie Oliver cast aluminum, with Meteor Ceramic mineral particles, or Expertise (with a reinforced titanium coating), suitable for any hob.

  • Neva-Metal.

A manufacturer from St. Petersburg, which combines the best European standards and affordable prices in its products. The machined bottoms of Neva-Metal cookware ideally distribute heat, and the service life ranges from 2000 to 4000 operating cycles. There is also a large range of products with removable handles for use in the oven.

The most interesting series: Ferra Induction, light “Pearls” with polymer coating, “Titanium” and “Cast” (3 layers of non-stick coating). The company even took care of morning pancakes and pancakes for kids - the “Fun” series allows you to bake dough products with the faces of your favorite cartoon characters.

  • Kukmara.

A company from Kazan, which has the most complete selection of aluminum frying pans: cast, with a thickened (up to 6 mm) or machined bottom. There are also plenty of types of coatings - non-stick, ceramic, marble.

The most interesting is the Palette series, which looks stylish on kitchen surfaces of the same color. And Greblon Decor enameled products are not afraid of abrasives, oils or detergents.