The best level 7 tank destroyer. Game tactics with top-end configuration

At the dawn of the popularity of multiplayer shooters, those who liked to sit in the corners with a gun were considered absolute evil. To earn the honor and respect of experienced players, you had to show that you are not a fool. The only thing considered worse than “camping” was the theft of other people’s things from under the owner’s nose while he was fighting off attacking opponents. But times, as well as the dynamics of games, have changed, and with the advent of full-fledged sniper classes, contempt for “campers” has not disappeared, but has decreased significantly.

Rich American militarists like to ride out in their personal tanks. U Schwarzenegger there is just one - so maybe it’s time for him to get a real legend like the M18?

Having considered in the previous material best tanks all weight categories, editors "High Explosive Messenger", took on a similar top “camper” for all World of Tanks- anti-tank self-propelled guns. Of all types of equipment, tank destroyers are the most multifunctional due to the colossal difference in model range every nation.

The French became famous as "cardboard boxes" with reloading drums and good guns. Councils at the highest levels cause real panic due to non-stop ricochets and their self-sufficiency. The Germans have in their ranks both the most powerful self-propelled guns and the most unusual ones. And they also have the most “gnomes”, capable of overcoming even “heavies” in competent hands.

Hot stuff

In the archives of the High Explosive Messenger there are interesting publications explaining the differences between tank destroyers and anti-tank self-propelled guns, as well as the reason why our first hero does not belong to either of them.

Driving such a beauty around the city is a pleasure. The problem of traffic jams disappears by itself.

Sturmgeschütz III, she's the same StuG III, is another confirmation that the complexity of a design does not guarantee its quality. Even before the start of the Great Patriotic War, Wehrmacht officer Erich von Manstein set out to transfer a sedentary and vulnerable artillery installation to the mobile platform.

Calling his concept an “assault weapon for infantry support,” he could not even imagine that he not only laid the foundation for an entire class of equipment, but also created the most popular and sought-after armored vehicle of the Third Reich. Over the entire production period from 1935 to 1945, 10,000 units of every conceivable modification were produced, and it all started with a letter from Manstein general Beku in 1935. Within a year the company Daimler-Benz began designing the StuG III based on PzKpfw III. They managed to make, perhaps, the best example in the entire history - not only of their own, but also of the Reich armored industry.

StuG III, this “Occam’s razor” of Hitler’s megalomaniac elite, combined simplicity of design, low cost of production, incredible efficiency and mobility, which was not available to many at that time. Its final cost turned out to be even lower than that of the base - PzKpfw III. The soldiers were saddened by only a few nuances, but by 1943 they were corrected.

The final version of StuG III, called Auf. G, received an MG-43 machine gun for protection in close combat, a 75-mm Stuk 40/L48 cannon, which can easily penetrate T-34 and with a little more effort - terrifying KV-1, as well as enhanced armor and protection for the rollers. The latter, however, was often removed to reduce weight.

The Stug was so effective that both the Wehrmacht and the SS formed separate divisions exclusively from them. Some tank aces during the war shot at several dozen enemy vehicles, and it did not matter who was in front of them - a heavy KV-1 or a dug-in Sushka.

The virtual incarnation of the “stug” is no less popular than the real one. Could be called the best and fashionable T49, but his wings were very quickly “clipped”, negating all the benefits of the rotating tower. StuG III, even after a breakthrough of patches, continues to delight with miracles in battle.

However, getting into a head-on collision or PT rush is still not recommended. They will kill you faster than you can shout “Achtung!”

Yes, farming in it is not as sweet as in French S35, and his damage is not the greatest. However, its averageness in everything only works to our advantage. Not only is the “gnome” also nimble, with a generally good gun.

It is easier to spin than a PT with rotating turrets, but a trained crew and personal experience eliminate this disadvantage. StuG III is one of the few self-propelled guns (although it is correct to call it an assault gun), on which an intelligent tanker can spin even KV-5. Even at higher levels, not every machine is capable of such a feat, and the American M18 Hellcat is one of them.

Immortal Witch

Players lovingly nicknamed the M18 Hellcat “the witch,” although more often it is called the “Cat.” She ruled the battlefield long before the appearance of “borscht”, objects and other “waffles”. Similar to a briquette of ice cream, it caused such horror that the caterpillars shook even at the highest levels, one “mouse” proudly hid in the bushes.

The reason for this is as simple as a toothpick. The penetration of its gun was no less than 243 mm, and this was at the sixth level. Its speed of 72 km/h, rotating turret and excellent camouflage turned the battle into a mousetrap for less agile tanks. The disadvantages - poor maneuverability and slow rotation of the turret - were not scary for experienced PT drivers.

Alas, the reign of the “witch” did not last long. An average penetration of 243 mm will surprise few people now. And she is not the only one with high speed. However, the Hellcat's claws are still sharp. Like StuG III, the "witch" has stood the test of time.

Appearances are deceptive. The huge Maus, in fact, is a punching bag, and this modest one gives death and horror to people...

In reality, things were more interesting. The main participants in World War II radically differed not only in their doctrines of warfare, but also in their concepts of the purpose of anti-tank self-propelled guns.

If the Germans and Soviets were team players who needed support from infantry and other equipment, then in the US understanding the most important factor was mobility, because the rest avoided direct clashes of armored units. So it turned out that their favorite principle of “divide and conquer” resulted in the specific tactics of tank destroyer platoons that attacked tank units like schools of sharks. If the Americans did not have such a difference, the M18 would not have appeared in principle.

Many people often forget about this, and then become indignant: “Yeah, I bought gold, and it’s cool?!”

Unlike most tank destroyers (according to the American classification), the “witch” was originally created on a special chassis, and not on the basis of another tank. The development of test samples, and subsequently serial production, from 1943 to 1944 was carried out by the division Buick companies General Motors.

The United States did not expect to use the M18 for decades, so after the fall of the fascist regime in Italy and the Nazi regime in northwestern Europe, the Hellcat was removed from service and sold to friendly countries, where it remained in service until 2007. Yes, yes, Venezuela, South Korea and Yugoslavia (until the USA destroyed it) gladly used the services of the “witch”.

Sports car with a machine gun

The title of best tank killer at level seven unexpectedly went to a German premium E-25. It belongs to the famous E-series - a line of innovative projects that includes the popular heavyweight E-100. This “dwarf” doesn’t look scary at all, but although he doesn’t have a powerful weapon or thick armor, his speed, maneuverability, fantastic stealth and rate of fire make him a unique team member.

On the right is E-25, below is the “witch” and SU-122-44. Next to them is a “cockroach” - he is a “cockroach”.

Not everyone is easy or medium tank can boast similar mobility. Getting into a maneuvering E-25 is as difficult as spinning a bachata. But this “cockroach with a machine gun,” as it is affectionately called, cannot be considered a full-fledged tank destroyer. Poor damage and low penetration make him useless as a positional sniper or base defender. But for an unexpected “landing on a harp”, an evil “light” or boarding artillery in the deep rear, it is more suitable than any of its “classmates”.

Speed ​​sometimes matters a lot. The one who first captures this bridgehead will be able to do obscene things with almost impunity, so occupying this stone is much more important than chasing the enemy light.

The Wehrmacht leadership wanted to replace with this machine a whole galaxy of good, but obsolete models, including the famous Hetzer. If the StuG III is considered the most popular self-propelled gun German army, then the E-25 is its most worthy successor.

Of the numerous E-series, only the E-100 and E-25 reached the iron prototype stage. Work on a 25-ton analogue of the Hetzer has been carried out since 1943 by the 6th Department of the Weapons Testing Directorate, headed by General Kniemkamp. Firms fought to the death for the opportunity to participate in the design of a new type of self-propelled guns, but few received permission.

An ambush carried out by a couple of platoons of these short guys is guaranteed to pacify the enemy column in a matter of seconds. Even thick armor won't help.

The company was the first to join Adler, which took upon itself the creation of the concept and control over the development, right up to the prototype. Later they connected to her Porsche, Argus, Krupp And Skoda.

The engineers decided that the unique self-propelled gun was a unique weapon, and instead of the proven 7.5 cm KwK 43, they proposed installing the more powerful 7.5 cm KwK 44. It was its development that was carried out by Krupp and Skoda, and the latter was subsequently going to mount its own autoloader on the E-25, increasing the rate of fire to forty rounds per minute. Fortunately for the Reich’s opponents, the Germans did not have time to bring the project to mass production.

* * *

Awkward German tank destroyer of the first level Panzerjager I destroyed hundreds, even thousands of lives. No one expected that the Nazis would put artillery on movable carriages and start firing high-explosive fragmentation at the fortifications.

Erich von Manstein went down in history only because he wanted to save the lives of his men by creating a mobile artillery platform. This is how the legendary StuG III appeared. M18 Hellcat, Maus, Object 268, Batignolles-Chatillon 25t and many others have gone down in history forever, like their creators. Next time the High Explosive Messenger will tell you about best tank destroyers from 8th to 10th levels. Stay with us!

IN game World of Tanks a new patch has been released under number 0.9.17, which contains one new feature - this Swedish tank with the long name of the seventh level tank destroyer Ikv 90 Typ B. This is a completely new fighting machine, which has not yet been tested in battle, however, certain conclusions can already be drawn about it. The conclusions will be only initial, since changes to its tactical and technical characteristics may be made in the official release of this model.

First, it’s worth looking at the characteristics of the new tank:
survivability - strength is equal 800 , and the hull reservation is 12/15/12;
mobility - in which the weight of the car is 13.5/16, the engine power readings are 310, the maximum speed and reverse gear are indicated 65 /20 , and the chassis turning speed is 31,29 ;
invisibility of the tank - when stationary the indicators are equal 22,1 /4,96 , and in mobile – 13.2/2.98;
observation - review is 340 , and the communication range is 525.

It's obvious that new model does not have any outstanding indicators at all, one might say that they are even rather weak here, but in principle this is the norm for tank destroyers. But what’s really upsetting is the viewing range, which does not at all correspond to the seventh level.
There are two sides to the survivability of the new tank - this is a frank minus and a major plus. The downside is that the armor of the Ikv 90 Typ B tank is particularly flimsy, so that even the most insignificant enemy will be able to penetrate it with one shot. Sending to the hangar here is 99% guaranteed, since complete damage will be caused by both landmines and other artillery.
But there is also a big advantage here, which lies in the small size of this tank and its squat nature, due to which it is quite invisible to the enemy, and besides, it will not be so easy to hit it, again due to its small dimensions.
It’s worth saying a few words about one more on the positive side Ikv 90 Typ B vehicles have quite good mobility characteristics. Also new tank has a high maximum speed and excellent dynamics, although the mobility of the chassis is very mediocre. With such a chassis, it is better for the tank not to collide with faster opponents.

Now it’s worth talking about the weapon, or more precisely, about its characteristics:
gun caliber – 90 mm;
rate of fire – 8.11 rounds per minute;
armor penetration – 210 /250 /45 mm;
Damage dealt (on average) – 240 /240 /320 units;
spread (per 100 m) – 0,36 ;
bringing down the gun - 2,3 sec;
weight - 1030 kg;
shells – armor-piercing, cumulative(strengthen the effect of the explosion through concentration in given point) And high-explosive fragmentation;
damage dealt – 180 300 ;
armor penetration with basic shells – 158 263 ;
recharge - 7,1 ;
speed of horizontal guidance of the gun – 20,86 ;
elevation angles – -10 /12 ;

Judging by the characteristics of the gun, the new Swedish tank Ikv 90 Typ B confidently occupies an average position. The rate of fire and alpha strike are quite good here when compared with similar models of the same class. Without the rammer and perks, up to 2030 units of damage are dealt to the enemy. The armor-piercing ability of the tank's shells is very good, it is capable of successfully attacking even a level 9 enemy, however, here the Swedish new product will have to target the enemy's weak points, since the Ikv 90 Typ B is at the bottom of the list. Also, such a tank is not gold-dependent, but in order to be more confident in combat, it is best to have at least 10 cumulative shells in stock.
The accuracy characteristics again do not exceed average values, although it cannot be called bad, since the dispersion of the tank is small, and this is with weak stabilization and moderate aiming. Here it is necessary to emphasize a very important factor: the Swedish tank Ikv 90 Typ B has a very high performance vertical and horizontal aiming angles (UVN and UGN): the gun is capable of lowering down by 10 degrees, and moving vertically by 40 degrees in total (that is, 20 degrees in one direction and the same in the other). Such characteristics have a very good effect on combat.

Equipment, crew skills and equipment for Ikv 90 Typ B

Now we can move on to a detailed examination of the equipment of the Ikv 90 Typ B tank. It is worth noting here that the installed modules can significantly improve the quality of this vehicle, although this will not fully compensate for all the shortcomings. Here, first of all, it is necessary to focus on increasing accuracy and damage indicators inflicted on the enemy:

Rammer – here the quality of damage dealt per minute will be increased;
Reinforced aiming drives – since the Ikv 90 Typ B tank has poor accuracy, this module will solve this problem;
Stereo tube - if this module solves the problem of poor visibility, it will not be very strong, but there are no other options here.
So, all three of these modules will help improve the characteristics of the new tank, with which the disadvantages will be at least slightly eliminated and the advantages will be further emphasized. By the way, the “Reinforced aiming drives” module can be replaced with the “Camouflage Network”, which goes well with the “Stereo Tube”. "Camouflage Net" will maximize the tank's survivability and passive play.

The crew of this combat vehicle also needs training, and what is needed for each of the tankers:

When equipping the tank itself, you should start from your personal reserves of silver coins, but according to the standard (with a minimum amount of silver) you need to take the following:

Small repair kit – capable of repairing one damage;
Small first aid kit - heals one wounded crew member;
Manual fire extinguisher - extinguishes fire in a combat vehicle, but requires manual activation.

If silver is enough for higher-level equipment, then it is worth purchasing the following modules (premium class):

Tactics for playing Ikv 90 Typ B

Regarding game tactics, it is worth carefully re-reading all the characteristics of this combat vehicle so that it is clear that the Ikv 90 Typ B must fight at a certain distance: occupying advantageous position, the tank will be able to successfully fire at the enemy, while remaining practically invisible.
Such conditions make it possible to quite successfully use the existing ability to inflict damage on the enemy, and besides, it will a good decision combined with the aforementioned Stereo Tube, which will allow the vehicle to fire first.
Since the accuracy of this tank leaves much to be desired, occupying the most distant positions is also a bad idea. It is best to stick to the middle line, taking advantage of convenient cover and terrain, given that there are excellent UGN and UVN.
The speed of the tank is very high, which will allow you to quickly take your positions or climb onto a hill. This same characteristic helps him quickly retreat from dangerous place. It’s also worth remembering that staying in one spot can be very disastrous for both the tank and the crew members, so the speed data of the Ikv 90 Typ B only emphasizes the reasons to move around the terrain during battle.
To summarize the above, we can say that this Swedish tank will be very combat-ready in the hands of a skilled and experienced player. However, even at the same time one should not forget about one’s own caution, since the weak armor of the vehicle is very vulnerable to landmines and other projectiles.

Advantages and disadvantages of Ikv 90 Typ B

Now it’s worth taking a closer look at all the advantages and disadvantages of the Ikv 90 Typ B tank. If we summarize all of the above, then this model, in terms of its characteristics, is in a moderate balance, where there are really significant advantages, but there are also some unpleasant disadvantages. But more about everything.
Positive traits Ikv 90 Type B:
the tank is very mobile, its dynamics are at high level;
the tank is very small, making it easy for him to hide in cover and move quickly on the ground;
Good alpha strike and DPM (Damage Per Minute – damage dealt per minute);
decent armor penetration performance;
Very good characteristics of vertical/horizontal aiming angles.

Flaws Ikv 90 Type B models:
the tank has very weak armor, which means that you will have to do a good job of dodging the enemy;
the safety margin could also be greater, but this is again compensated by speed;

24-12-2016, 15:57

Hello everyone and welcome to the site! Friends, now we will talk to your attention about a very famous car, one of the best representatives of its class at the seventh level, we're talking about about the German tank destroyer and this Jagdpanther guide.

In terms of the totality of its parameters, this device is really not inferior to its classmates, Jagdpanther World of Tanks very comfortable to use, suitable for both beginners and experienced tankers, but let’s begin a detailed examination of it.

TTX Jagdpanther

To begin with, it’s worth saying that we have at our disposal a typically small safety margin for this class of equipment and a very modest basic visibility of 350 meters, this will not surprise anyone, everything is as usual.

If we analyze Jagdpanther characteristics survivability, everything is pretty good. Nominally our armor is low, and even the fact that the VLD is located at a good angle gives about 140 millimeters in normalized terms. This figure will protect us from equipment at lower levels, sometimes it will save us from classmates, but in general it’s not difficult to break through a panther.

You need to be especially careful with the sides, here Jagdpanther WoT it is poorly protected, they penetrate everything, so it becomes sideways to the enemy, you cannot turn the hull too much, and even more so try to tank on the side.

However, our feline representative has very good stealth; with a well-trained crew, it is not easy to detect a panther and this must be used.

In terms of mobility, this device is good, but with some reservations. The fact is that Tank destroyer Jagdpanther World of Tanks got at its disposal an excellent maximum speed, but the specific power of the engine is a little lacking, as well as maneuverability. That is, we can go fast, but we accelerate slowly and it’s not difficult to spin us.


Now let's take a look at the main part of the anti-tank self-propelled gun - the cannon and in this case the weapons are really worthy of all praise, see for yourself.

Jagdpanther gun has an excellent alpha strike for the seventh level and a good rate of fire, thanks to which we have the opportunity to inflict as much as 2300 average damage per minute without a rammer and everything else.

It’s also a shame to complain about the penetration parameters; a regular armor-piercing projectile is more than enough to fight against level 7 and 8 vehicles and only for battles at the bottom of the list Jagdpanther WoT tank should carry about 10-15 sub-calibers with her, for especially tough opponents.

The strength of the German Panther is its accuracy. Spread at 100 meters, taking into account firepower excellent, aiming speed is beyond praise, only the stabilization is weak, but this is a common thing for self-propelled guns.

In addition, at Jagdpanther World of Tanks the barrel goes down 8 degrees, this is good news, and the total horizontal aiming angle of 22 (11 in each direction) degrees can be called comfortable.

Advantages and disadvantages

From analysis general characteristics and the parameters of the gun, a clear predominance is clearly visible strengths machines over weak ones, but for ease of perception and your success on the battlefield, let's highlight the advantages and disadvantages Jagdpanther WoT separately.
Good mobility;
High stealth factor;
Powerful alphastrike;
Good damage per minute;
Excellent penetration by armor-piercing projectiles;
Impressive accuracy;
Comfortable UVN and UGN.
Small margin of safety;
Poor review;
Weak armor;
There is a slight drawback in dynamics and agility.

Equipment for Jagdpanther

Before we set off on this wonderful creation of German tank builders, let's make it even stronger and try to almost completely get rid of the existing shortcomings. To do this on Jagdpanther equipment should be set like this:
1. – will give us even more firepower, making sending enemies into the hangar much more enjoyable and faster.
2. – it is this module that will allow you to completely get rid of the lack of viewing range and will give you the opportunity to take the first shot in 90% of cases.
3. – thanks to this option it will be even more difficult to detect us, and besides, it goes well with the “pipes”.

The only truly worthy alternative to the third point may be, which gives a 5 percent boost the most important characteristics tank, but think carefully before giving preference to this module.

Crew training

You should not go into battle without a trained crew, and although this will happen to everyone at first, you need to chart a course for further achievements. Of course, the choice of skills should be approached with due seriousness and for Tank destroyer Jagdpanther It’s best to learn perks in this order:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for Jagdpanther

To protect yourself in battle, it is very important to constantly buy additional equipment, and if your reserves of silver or gold are small, you can stop at , , . But we still recommend carrying Jagdpanther equipment from , , , to difficult situation This set will more than once save you from being sent to the hangar. In addition, you can replace the fire extinguisher with one, it won’t make things worse.

Tactics for playing Jagdpanther

To be honest, playing on this self-propelled gun is a real pleasure, it is mobile, has excellent weapons, practically does not require getting used to, and at the next level you will find an equally worthwhile device.

Regarding what kind of Jagdpanther tactics The most acceptable method for conducting combat is precisely firing at a distance. Find an advantageous position somewhere in the bushes on the second line and calmly implement your DPM on allied light, accuracy, penetration and alpha will help you with this.

Of course, you can’t stand in one place for the entire battle, take advantage of your advantage in mobility, Tank destroyer Jagdpanther WoT must periodically move, look for a more relevant position, or retreat when things are bad.

To avoid getting into a hopeless situation when enemies surround you and keep you on guard, keep an eye on the mini-map and everything happening around you. Jagdpanther tank really strong, we are able to very effectively push through directions with our rear fire, or help hold back the enemy on one of the flanks, but anything can happen and you need to be on your guard.

And if you do happen to engage in close combat, try to wiggle your body left and right between shots, slightly turn your body, increasing the amount of armor, but do not let the enemy get on board. Jagdpanther World of Tanks you can twist it to prevent this from happening, it’s better to have a couple of allies nearby.

Every fan of the tank destroyer class should ride this vehicle; it really deserves your attention and can bring a lot of positive emotions.

Hello dear tanker, today we will look at the best Self-Propelled Artillery Mounts

As everyone knows, artillery is a rather dangerous class in the game and in the right hands can inflict huge losses on the enemy’s team. The list was compiled by comparing the main characteristics for self-propelled guns, necessary for competent support of allies and causing considerable damage to the enemy team - this is the ability of self-propelled guns to survive (camouflage, dynamics) and to support the team with fire (damage, splash, shooting accuracy and rate of fire). So let's get started with the review...

Level II - T57. Good armor and a good rate of fire make it easy to destroy small and nimble light vehicles. And coupled with its small dimensions, the self-propelled gun has excellent camouflage performance.

Among the advantages:
● large ammunition capacity for 40 shots;
high speed, you can take cover and roll after each shot, as well as excellent maneuverability (not so easy to spin);
● the heaviest tank of the second level, which, combined with good dynamics, allows you to successfully ram the enemy;
good review at 320 meters;
● excellent frontal armor, excellent accuracy.

Among the disadvantages:
● low alpha damage;
● open control room, crew members are easily disabled, although, given our LVL, they would rather destroy us than injure the crew.

M7 Priest. Level III we have the M7, which has a significantly increased DPM and projectile range compared to the previous self-propelled gun. It also has good armor, which is unusual for artillery. A noteworthy fact is that most players shoot at the NLD, and the NLD of this vehicle has armor, taking into account the slope, in the region of 120-130 mm.

Among the advantages:
● good dynamics, allowing you to quickly change positions;
● a lethal weapon with good accuracy and rate of fire;
● surprisingly good NLD armor;
● good horizontal aiming angles (from -12 to +26);
● ammunition consisting of 69 shells, which we will not be able to spend until the end of the battle even if we start firing left and right until the end of the battle;

Among the disadvantages:
● thanks to the open cabin we are very vulnerable to high-explosive shells;
● not the best penetration by land mines, but at levels 3-5 there are not many “fat” tanks, so there are no special problems.

Sturmpanzer II. German Tier IV self-propelled guns famous for its comfort of play and excellent visibility. It is also important to note the low profile of the vehicle, which increases its camouflage and makes it difficult for enemies to hit it, however, it also has disadvantages, including a small number of shells in the ammunition load, which is compensated by the good accuracy of the gun, thanks to which literally every shell is properly aimed will reach his goal.

Among the advantages:
● an excellent weapon with excellent accuracy, rate of fire and high power;
● the best penetration at the level among self-propelled guns, which makes it easier for us to destroy enemy heavy forces;
good indicator camouflage due to low profile;
● good dynamics;

Among the disadvantages:
● small UGN;
● low range of the gun (the projectile flies approximately 500 meters).

Level V - Grille. Second in power, but not in versatility level 5 car. It has excellent damage, good dynamics and is in demand in medium companies. It can destroy an enemy tank up to level 6 without any problems, but the main disadvantage for us is the small aiming angles, which are not conducive to fighting light tanks.

Among the advantages:
● a gun that with one hit sends any tank up to level 4-5 into the hangar and inflicts enormous damage on level 6 tanks; if you manage to hit it with direct fire with a cumulative projectile, then this shot, as expected, is often critical for a level 6 tank;
● the projectile’s flight path is hinged, therefore most of the hits will be on the roof of the tank, where it has the thinnest armor;
● excellent radio station (an important module for artillery);

Among the disadvantages:
● poor aiming angles do not allow you to effectively hit nimble enemies at close ranges;
● fairly long recharge time.

FV304. Imba Level VI, sand bender and just good self-propelled gun. If it is not able to inflict enough damage on the enemy tank, then psychological attack will perform with “Hurray!” By critiquing modules every 10 seconds and causing 60-100 damage to monsters such as the 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger, you will certainly destroy it. Morally.

Among the advantages:
● speed, it’s just worth noting that he is faster than most LTs in the game;
● a rapid-fire cannon with a good projectile trajectory, even behind cover the enemy cannot escape from a hail of shells flying at him;
● small dimensions provide an excellent advantage for camouflage;
● large ammunition capacity;
● excellent horizontal aiming angles.

Among the disadvantages:
● low projectile range.

G.W. Panther - level VII. Having a Panther base, this vehicle has excellent dynamics, an anti-aircraft gun with huge aiming angles and a good rate of fire. When playing on this self-propelled gun, you should remember that our shells do not fly along a hinged trajectory, therefore we will not be able to freely throw shells over cover. However, a flat flight of the projectile will give it a faster arrival to the enemy tank.

Among the advantages:
● excellent dynamics, which at our level allows us to quickly escape at signs of danger or ambush an enemy ST encroaching on our base;
● good rate of fire of the gun, which is very useful against the fast French;
● the presence of a turret, thanks to which we can aim at the adversary’s tank without severe scatter;
● with proper skill it can bring a lot of trouble to the enemy team.

Among the minuses
● low damage and scattering of fragments, which will not allow you to easily hit heavy tanks of the “Slipper” type.

VIII level - M40/M43. A very vigorous self-propelled gun, distinguished by a fairly powerful weapon, good dynamics thanks to the Sherman base and small dimensions. The car is also unique for its huge UGN. In close combat he doesn’t feel so bad compared to his classmates.

Among the advantages:
● a good camouflage coefficient is available to us due to its relatively small dimensions and the absence of a muzzle brake;
● good dynamics inherited from the M4 tank base;
● a powerful weapon capable of sending almost any level 7 tank and most French cardboard tanks up to level 9 into the hangar with one shot;
● aiming angles of 18 degrees in each direction will provide us with “pursuit” of the target without jerking, and will also ensure a comfortable game.

Among the disadvantages:
● an open cabin will not save you against an enemy landmine;
● slightly slower rate of fire and greater dispersion when moving the body than its classmates.

M53/M55. American Tier IX self-propelled guns, which has excellent aiming angles due to the presence of a turret, a fairly accurate weapon and good dynamics.

Among the advantages:
● excellent dynamics will allow you to quickly leave the position upon the arrival of an enemy ST or LT, or prevent us from being overwhelmed if we are caught by surprise;
● tower, thanks to it we have 29gr. horizontal aiming angles;
● a good weapon with fairly good damage, accuracy and rate of fire parameters.

Among the disadvantages:
● poor visibility of 350 meters;
● shed-sized, thanks to which we have almost no camouflage.

G.W. E 100 - X level. It has an excellent weapon, screens, and good armor, but it pays for it with poor dynamics. Although, thanks to poor turning, we have a slight dispersion in movement, which is an additional coin in the piggy bank of this car.

Among the advantages:
● thick screens and good armor can save you even from a nearby enemy self-propelled gun exploding shell;
● a balanced weapon with a hinged projectile flight path will allow us to throw our projectile behind cover;
● smooth chassis, when turning which our sight is slightly misaligned;
● huge ammunition;
● the most a large number of HP among all artillery.

Among the disadvantages:
● huge dimensions, due to which it is very easy for us to be exposed;
● poor mobility (which has its own advantages described above).

This concludes our review and, based on the results, I would like to note that all of the above is the opinion of the author, Your opinion and the opinion of other players may differ significantly from this review. Thank you all for your attention and successful battles!