Speech therapy gymnastics for children 5-6 years old. Exercises to develop fine motor skills. “Large album on speech development”

When a child of 2-3 years old still does not speak, parents panic. It seems to them that if the neighbor's children speak very well, then theirs, however, this is not so. Speech therapists say that every child is individual. You can practice at home. In this article you can familiarize yourself with exercises, tips and tricks that will help interest your child. You will learn why speech therapy classes for children are needed. 2-3 years is the age of interest in everything and curiosity. Therefore, you will not have any problems.

Speech therapy classes at home

Each child is individual. One starts talking early, the other starts talking late. Of course, all parents worry when their 2-year-old toddler doesn’t want to speak at all, but only points his finger. To prevent such incidents from happening, it is necessary to regularly conduct speech therapy sessions with children.

First of all, your child needs regular communication. In order for him to be interested in spending time with adults, he needs to interest the baby. Then 2-3 years will be useful - the age when a child should be able to speak at least some words. If this does not happen, then pay maximum attention to the exercises.

Most often based on imitation. Kids try to copy those around them. These are actions, words, gestures, facial expressions, etc. A 2-3 year old child is restless and does not know how to concentrate, so it is best to work with him when he wants it. First of all, parents need to achieve emotional contact with the child. When this happens, you can safely engage with your baby, play or just communicate.

Warm-up: finger games

Few people believe that they are developing speech. However, this has been scientifically proven. Therefore, try to pay attention. Here are some examples:

  1. Fold big and index fingers. Let the rest be raised and spread out. Show the children this cockerel, saying: “Our Petya the Cockerel, the golden comb, went to the market and bought one boot.”
  2. Close your thumb and index fingers and tap them on the table. At this time, say: “The chicken came and found a grain, did not eat it herself, but took it to the children.”
  3. Close the thumb with the two middle fingers, and simply bend the little finger and index finger slightly, saying: “The mouse is gnawing on the dryers, the cat has come, the mouse has crawled into a hole.”
  4. Bend your phalanges in different directions, saying: “Our fingers are very friendly, everyone needs them. We need to count the brothers, there are five of them on one hand. There are no less of them on the second, they are all good, because my fingers.”

Finger gymnastics is a warm-up that every child needs to get him interested in a further lesson. After all, speech therapy classes for children require perseverance. 2-3 years is the age of fidgets. Therefore, we first interest the baby, and then we begin the exercise.

Articulation gymnastics

Before conducting speech therapy classes for children 2-3 years old at home, it is necessary to develop the muscles of the tongue. This is why it is needed. It is advisable to spend it together with the baby in front of the mirror:

  • Let the child imagine that the tongue is a brush. His mouth should be slightly open. The tongue should be drawn across the palate towards the throat and back to the teeth.
  • Exercise “Tongue on a swing”. At the same time, open your mouth wide. At this time, the tongue lies under the lower teeth. Then lift its tip under the upper teeth. This exercise must be done at least four times.
  • "Delicious jam." You need to lick your upper lips first with your tongue, then move on to the lower lips. Do the exercise 5 times.
  • Brush your teeth with your tongue. Open your mouth wide. Run the tongue first over the lower teeth, then over the upper teeth. Do this exercise 4-5 times.

This is how speech therapy classes for children (2-3 years old) are held at home. However, the child will have fun and interest only when you engage with the baby in the game, and not force him.

Onomatopoeia: who sounds? What's knocking?

When you have successfully passed the finger and articulatory gymnastics, you can begin to study sounds or syllables. To do this, you need to imitate the sounds of animals or objects with your child. Say the following phrases to your baby:

  1. “Our frog is the head of the swamp, sits on the sand and says: “Kva-kva.”
  2. “The cockerel was afraid to fall into the river and kept shouting: “Ku-ka-re-ku.”
  3. “My bell rings ding-ding all day long.”
  4. “The bunny gnaws the carrot appetizingly and creates a little noise: “Chrum-crunch.”
  5. “The rain says: “Drip, drip.” You need to take an umbrella with you.”
  6. “The horse runs merrily and clatters its hooves. This is not a boot, but the sound of a knocking “clack-clack-clack.”
  7. “The pig says: “Oink-oink, I’ll give you some candy.”
  8. “The clock gives us a sign of time and it sounds “tick-tock”.”
  9. “A steam locomotive travels around the world and repeats: “Too-too, I’m going.”
  10. “Anechka got lost in the forest and called her friends: “Ay-ay.”

Speech therapy classes for children (2-3 years old) the houses are very useful and exciting. In a playful way, you and your baby can achieve great success.


Such activities help children not only master speech, but also replenish lexicon. Speech therapy rhythms develop a child’s motor skills, speech, thinking, memory, and attention. Exercises are given to children from two years old. When your child speaks poorly, let him repeat only what he remembers. If he does not speak at all, then the adult sings, and at this time the child’s hearing develops and his speech reserve is replenished.

Speech therapy classes for children 2-3 years old are interesting and exciting. When you start singing and doing the exercise, the child will become interested, and he will involuntarily begin to repeat after you. There are several exciting games:

  • "For a walk". You need to read aloud a verse to which the baby repeats certain movements:

Our legs(reaches palms to feet)

walking along the path(slaps his hands on his knees).

Over the bumps, over the bumps(moves in slow steps)

all the flowers step over(raises his legs high).

  • Game "Weather". The child sits on a high chair and listens to slow music. When you say: “It’s raining,” he pats his knees with his palms in rhythm. Hearing the words: “Lightning has appeared,” the baby rings the bell. When you said: “Thunder is thundering,” the child stomps his feet loudly. When the word “silence” is said, the baby becomes silent and sits motionless for a minute.
  • Do exercises, saying: “First, we raise our handles “one-two-three”, then we lower our handles. We'll stomp our feet, clap our hands, jump, run, and we'll finish our exercises. And we will begin to walk quietly again.”

These are interesting speech therapy classes for children 2-3 years old. Exercises should be carried out only with musical accompaniment. Then the child will really like such activities, and he will please you with his successes.

Games for hearing development

These activities are necessary for the child to develop hearing. Children must identify sounds. This could be the sound of rain, thunder, a dog barking or a cat purring, etc. Speech therapy classes with non-speaking children 2-3 years old should be carried out as usual. Remember, this is not a pathology, but most likely laziness, which needs to be overcome with the help of exciting exercises.

Let your baby listen to 2 sounds, for example, a baby crying and a vacuum cleaner running. Let the little one determine who or what is making the sound. When tasks are already easy for him, you can complicate the exercise. Let your baby listen to 3 different sounds, and then 4. If he is in no hurry to speak, then help him and do not scold the baby.

Poems for speech development

Speech therapist classes for children 2-3 years old can be carried out by parents at home. If you practice with your baby every day, then he will start talking faster than you expect.

Poems are an integral part of speech development. It is important that there is a simple rhyme, then it will be more interesting for the child to practice:

  1. “There was a small fight in the river. Something was not shared between the two cancers.”
  2. “Our dear turtle always hides in her shell out of fear.”
  3. “Topotushki, topotushki, a bunny is jumping at the edge of the forest. He was tired and sat down and ate a carrot.”

Poems for children 2-3 years old are offered very small so that the child can easily remember them. When you see that the baby begins to recite small rhymes in full, then you can complicate the task.

Pure talk

They are also necessary for the development of the baby’s speech. Pure sayings, like poems, should be short and easy to remember:

  • "Oh-oh-oh - our cat isn't so bad."
  • “Uh-uh-uh - our rooster crowed.”
  • "Ah-ah-ah - we are standing on our feet."
  • “Sha-sha-sha - mom’s noodles turned out delicious.”
  • “Shu-shu-shu - I’ll ask daddy.”
  • “Shi-shi-shi - how the reeds rustled.”

You can come up with such pure sayings yourself. It all depends on which letters the baby cannot pronounce.

Nowadays, it is very common to find non-speaking children aged 2-3 years. This does not mean that the child has speech problems. Speech therapists say that there is no need to worry until the age of three. However, speech therapy classes for children still wouldn’t hurt. 2-3 years is an inquisitive age, so kids will be happy to exercise if they are interested.

The first few lessons should last no more than 3 minutes. Then you can gradually increase the time. It is important that the baby likes it. If you see that your child is tired and doesn’t want to study, don’t force him. Postpone the exercises until your baby is in the mood for exercise.

It's better to exercise a little every day. Then the baby develops skills, habits and memory. Don't scold him for incorrect movements and pronunciation. Remember, your baby is just learning. Don't discourage him from studying. After all, if you scold and punish, then nothing good will come of it.


In the article we got acquainted with several types of games. They are excellent for speech development. From this we can conclude that the exercises are not difficult. Therefore, speech therapist classes with children 2-3 years old can be carried out by the mother at home. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of experts.

Thanks to the above games, you will well replenish your child’s vocabulary, help you think logically, imagine and fantasize. Children's memory improves, they become more diligent and begin to speak faster: first some sounds, then syllables. Many kids, with the help of such games, immediately spoke not in words, but in sentences. So don’t worry about your baby’s speech. Daily activities will help you and your baby achieve great success.

Speech therapy classes are very important for the development of a child. After all correct speech speaks about the culture of raising a child, which is very important in modern world.

The exercises described below will help your baby speak correctly, eliminate speech defects, and teach him to write and read correctly.

A common problem in children is the confusion of sounds and their unclear pronunciation. To do this, you need to work with him and do articulation speech therapy exercises.

You should not think that the child will grow up and learn to speak correctly on his own. Many will not be able to cope without your help.

There are also physiological characteristics that will not allow them to do this. These include:

  • heredity;
  • absence or decreased hearing;
  • parental lisp;
  • imitation;
  • short bridle;
  • weak tongue muscles;
  • improper jaw development.

All these factors do not allow the child to form the correct sounds, so do not be lazy and pay attention to your child.

How to properly conduct speech therapy exercises

There are several important points:

  • conduct classes when the child is fed and calm;
  • motivate your child to take speech therapy exercises, explaining how important this is for his future;
  • allocate a place in the room specifically for studying;
  • purchase large mirror so that the child can control himself;
  • You shouldn’t do everything for the child, you can only suggest;
  • take breaks;
  • praise and give confidence.

The duration of speech therapy sessions should be no more than 30 minutes. The exercises should be repeated up to three times a week.

Speech therapy articulation exercise “Fence”

The child should smile widely, showing his teeth.

Let him hold this position for the maximum amount of time.

Speech therapy exercises “Little Chick”

The child should open his mouth as wide as possible, making a smile. You don't need to move your tongue, just stay in this position for a minute.

Exercise “Naughty Tongue”

It is necessary to open your mouth slightly and stick out your tongue, placing it on your lower lip. Next, say “Five-five-five”, slapping your tongue with your lips.

Speech therapy articulation lesson “Tube”

Exercise “Sweet jam”

Open your mouth and begin to slowly lick your upper and lower lips. Do this several times in a circle.

Lesson “Clean teeth”

You need to put your tongue on your teeth inside and make circular movements, starting from the upper jaw.

The lower jaw should remain motionless.

Speech therapy classes “Tick-tock”

Make a smile so that your teeth are half visible.

Stick out your tongue and start touching the corners of your mouth. When the child does these exercises, tell the child tick-tock, tick-tock.

Exercise "Snake"

Let the child open his mouth and stick out his tongue. The main thing here is to do this in such a way that the tongue does not touch the teeth and lips.

You need to move your tongue back and forth several times.

Articulation lesson “Nuts”

It is necessary that the child’s mouth is closed, and he rests his tongue first on the right cheek, then on the left.

Exercise "Goal"

Very suitable for those who love sports and football.

The idea is to place your tongue on your lower lip and blow out the cotton ball while making an “F” sound.

You can build a gate from markers or cubes. The main thing is not to puff out your cheeks.

Lesson "Angry Kitty"

The child should open his mouth and place his tongue in such a position that it rests on the lower teeth.

You should try to lift your tongue up, arching the back of your tongue. This is how cats arch their back.

Speech therapy classes with tongue twisters

If you want your baby to learn to speak competently and clearly, use repetition of tongue twisters for this.

With their help you can:

  • increase vocabulary;
  • improve diction;
  • develop speech hearing.

In addition, your child will stop eating endings, learn to catch intonation and understand what he is saying. And most importantly, he will be able to listen.

Tongue twisters for clear letters "L":

  • Polkan pushed the stick with his paw, Polkan pushed the stick with his paw;
  • there are pinning needles at the Christmas tree, pinning needles at the Christmas tree;
  • The woodpecker was chiseling an oak tree, but didn’t finish it;
  • Klava put the onion on the shelf and called Nikolka over;
  • the cat rolled the ball of thread into the corner;
  • The cat lapped up the milk, and Vitya dipped the bun in the milk.

Speech therapy classes and tongue twisters for clear letters "R":

  • There are fish in the hole;
  • Peter Petrou baked pies;
  • Kondrat's jacket is a bit short;
  • In the meadow under the hill lies a cheese with a red crust; forty-forty ate the cheese in a short time;
  • The road to the city is uphill, from the city - down the mountain;
  • Three trumpeters blow their trumpets.

Speech therapy exercises for letter clarity "Z, W, S, F":

  • 16 mice walked and 6 found pennies;
  • Buba the bunny has a toothache;
  • Sasha was given porridge, and Klasha was given yogurt;
  • Zoya's bunny's name is arrogant;
  • The snake was stung by a wasp, the hedgehog feels terribly sorry for him;
  • Stas walked down the street to Sasha’s place to play checkers;
  • Checkers on the table, cones on the pine tree;
  • Zoya was carrying a kid, a goat and a goat on a cart;
  • You can't run through a puddle on skis;
  • One day it rained twice;
  • 6 little mice rustle in the reeds.

Do speech therapy exercises with your children and when they grow up, they will thank you very much!

Their future life, future profession and communication with people around them depends on you.

The science of speech defects, studying ways to eliminate them, as well as special exercises for language – speech therapy. Not only children, but also adults turn to this science in order to pronounce sounds correctly and beautifully and to be successful in any business where they need to convince, inspire, and share information with other people. To correct speech defects, regular speech therapy exercises are used for children and adults.

Some parents face speech problems in their children

In our article you will find useful tips and for yourself to acquire the skills of correct articulation, as well as a lot of valuable techniques for correcting the pronunciation of sounds by your children.

In order to achieve high results in business and have the ability to persuade, it is necessary not only to speak impeccably, but also to express your thoughts clearly and legibly. Not everyone can immediately master this science, so there are various practices to improve skills.

Speech therapy exercises for adults

Speech is unclear in adults, too, so ask your friends if you have any pronunciation problems. You can simply record a few phrases on a voice recorder and then listen carefully to your voice.

There are speech therapy exercises for adults, the main of which is memorizing and studying tongue twisters. If it is better for children to offer it in a playful way, then for adults it is enough to give them a task to practice the skill.

So, everyone must follow the following rules during training:

  • read the tongue twister 3-4 times;
  • repeat it slowly, pronouncing it clearly and distinctly;
  • when you can pronounce everything correctly, you can speed up the pace;
  • it is important to pronounce all sounds efficiently, and not quickly;
  • short tongue twisters need to be spoken in one breath.

The same tasks are suitable for adults and children:

  1. clink your tongue, imitate a horse galloping;
  2. smile and try to reach the roof of your mouth with your tongue;
  3. imagine that you are licking honey from your lips without touching the corners of your lips;
  4. press your tongue between your teeth and move it up and down.

To make sure the tasks you perform are correct, use a mirror. To track your progress, read an excerpt from a story with an expression or a poem, paying attention to all punctuation marks.

Speech therapy exercises for children

All speech therapy exercises for children should be performed unnoticed by the baby, so that it is all a serene pastime in a playful way.

You can come up with funny names for each task, because the child loves associations, sometimes the most unexpected ones. So, the kids will like such as “Horse”, “Chickens”.

Having identified problematic sounds, you can select certain exercises to correct the problem.

Completing tasks contributes to the development of the baby’s articulatory apparatus, allows you to eliminate pronunciation defects and form the necessary speech skills.

  • “Gate”: you need to open your mouth wide to relax your lips, repeat 6 times.
  • “Spatula”: you should place your tongue on your lower lip.
  • “Vase”: place the tongue on the upper lip, repeat 5 times.
  • “Ball”: inflate one or the other cheek, as if a ball is rolling in the mouth.

Your child’s pronunciation will be clear if for training you take words with a large number of consonants: plate, girlfriend, foreign tourist, karateka, bunch, bed, mug, jump. They need to be spoken out daily and trained to hear every sound.

Speech therapy exercises for hissing sounds

Children often fail to pronounce sibilants correctly for a long time; sometimes they need to practice until school. It’s good if the child’s environment speaks and can correct the child’s pronunciation. Let's consider which speech therapy exercises for hissing sounds are most relevant. They are suitable for both adults and children, if such problems exist.

Speech therapy exercises for the letter w

It is important to know what to do when articulating. So, first we round the lips and round them, the teeth do not close, the edges of the tongue are pressed against the teeth, and it itself forms a scoop. We exhale air with the addition of a voice when pronouncing the hissing sound.

Here are the basic speech therapy exercises for the letter w:

  • “Accordion” to strengthen the muscles of the tongue in a vertical position: open your mouth, smile, and press your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Open and close your mouth 5 times.
  • “Pie”: open your mouth and smile, curl your tongue, lifting the edges. Count to 15 and then repeat.

Classes to correct the pronunciation defect of the sound z

They can also be used when training the pronunciation of other sibilants.

Speech therapy exercises for the sound h

There are also speech therapy exercises for the sound h:

  • “Mushroom” for stretching the hyoid frenulum: open the mouth, stretch the lips, and touch the palate with the tongue so that its edges are pressed tightly. Repeating, you need to open your mouth wider.
  • “Trick”: stick out your tongue, smiling, lift the tip, blow the cotton wool off your nose. Repeat 5-6 times.

Such exercises help strengthen the muscles of the tongue and develop its mobility, which is useful when pronouncing hissing words.

Speech therapy exercises for the letter w

There are also speech therapy exercises for the letter w:

  • “Cup”: place your tongue on your lower lip, then lift it and hold it for a few seconds. Repeat 8 times.
  • “Football”: stretch out your lips with a straw and blow on cotton wool in the shape of a ball, trying to get into an improvised goal.

Lessons to correct problems with sound

These tasks should be completed during games every day so that the child’s articulatory apparatus develops and pronunciation improves.

Speech therapy exercises for consonants

Often, both adults and children have difficulty pronouncing certain consonants, so speech therapy exercises for consonant sounds are needed to correct speech.

Speech therapy exercises for the letter L

Let us now consider speech therapy exercises for the letter l:

  • “Train whistle”: stick out your tongue and make a loud “ooh-ooh” sound.
  • “Tongue song”: you need to bite your tongue and sing “lek-lek-lek.”
  • “Painter”: you need to press your tongue with your teeth and move it up and down, as if you were painting a house.

Practicing movements for the correct pronunciation of the sound l

If the training is intended for children, then you can come up with a game in which you will need to complete these tasks.

Speech therapy exercises for the letter c

Let’s now look at speech therapy exercises starting with the letter c:

  • show how a pump inflates a tire;
  • depict how the wind blows;
  • convey how a balloon deflates;
  • show what you can hear if you blow into a bottle with a narrow neck.

In order to bring the child closer to understanding what they want from him, put a toothpick on his tongue and ask him to press it with his teeth, smile and blow out air.

Speech therapy exercises for the sound r

Let's find out speech therapy exercises for the sound r, which is the most problematic for all children:

  • “Brushing your teeth”: you need to move the tongue along the inside of your teeth in different directions.
  • “Musician”: with your mouth open, drum your tongue on the alveoli, saying “d-d-d”, reminiscent of a drum roll. You can check the correct execution by holding a piece of paper to your mouth. It should move with the air flow.
  • “Dove”: you need to move your tongue back and forth along the upper lip, copying the bird “bl-bl-bl”.

Training for the correct pronunciation of the sound p

These training tasks will help to overcome the most difficult sound for children, as the articulatory apparatus will be more mobile. After this, you can begin to select words with the letter r.

Speech therapy exercises for the sound t

Sometimes simple sounds are difficult for people to pronounce correctly when it is difficult to understand the meaning of a word or even a statement. Such problems must be dealt with. And here are the most effective speech therapy exercises for the sound t:

  • the tip of the tongue touches the upper teeth and pronounce “t-t-t”;
  • imitating a knock-knock hammer or a tick-tick clock;
  • we walk along the road with the baby, repeating “top-top-top”;
  • learning the tongue twister “Dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves.”

How to do exercises for correct pronunciation of the sound t

It will also be useful to repeat these exercises every day in order for the training to be effective. Watch what your baby listens to, as speech is formed depending on how we perceive sounds by ear. Make sure that all family members do not lisp or use words in a diminutive form in front of the baby.

Speech therapy exercises for stuttering

All speech therapy exercises for stuttering are aimed at developing fluency of speech. Try to relax your child before classes, use playful forms of work that are most appropriate for children.

Let's take a look at the most necessary tasks in such a situation:

  • Read the poem to calm music without words, small at first, and over time complicate the task.
  • Clap your hands for the vowel sounds that appear in the word.
  • “Conductor”: chant a few words, syllables, vowel sounds, focusing on waving your arms and observing the rhythm.
  • “Carousel”: you need to walk in a circle, repeating the phrase “We are a funny carousel oops-opa-opa-pa-pa.”

Remember that you must pay attention to speech breathing during classes. Start each session gradually and smoothly, and then you can speed up the pace if everything works out for you.

Problems with speech and articulation can be resolved over time and through daily training, willpower and motivation.

We wish you success!

Most domestic speech therapists agree that learning to pronounce the sound R correctly and fluently is one of the most difficult speech tasks for children. Few of them cope with it independently and on time. However, not only specialists, but also parents themselves can help them. With the help of elementary speech therapy exercises to produce the sound R.

Sound R: right-wrong

The sound R is one of the most difficult sounds in the Russian language. To reproduce it, refined movements of the speech apparatus, sufficient vibration and amplitude of the tongue and other physiological “achievements” are required. It is not surprising that most children experience certain difficulties in forming the correct pronunciation of the sound R.

As a rule, there are not so many options for involuntary distortion of the sound R among the younger generation. The most common children's “bullying” of the sound R:

  • The sound just skips and falls out. This is especially true for words where the sound R is between vowels: sa_ai(instead of a barn), ha_azh(instead of a garage), ma_oz(instead of frost);
  • Instead of the sound R, the sound L, Y or Y is obtained: Kojowa(instead of a cow), Luke(instead of hand) klaska(instead of paint), fish(instead of fish);
  • The sound R is pronounced recognizable, but not typical for the Russian language (bilingual children especially often “sin” with this). A child may pronounce the sound P not “firmly”, as is typical for our speech, but, for example, grate (as is customary in French), or vibrate excessively (which is typical in English).

How to check the pronunciation of the sound R in a child? First, ask your baby to “growl” - in other words, say the sound R several times on its own, and not as part of any words. Then have the child repeat after you words like: crow, king, grass, order, etc. If the child is unable to pronounce the single sound R, then the first thing you have to do is to practice exactly this - teach the baby to pronounce the sound R by itself. If the child “growls” “excellently”, but pronounces the sound R incorrectly in words, then correct pronunciation should be practiced primarily in the syllables: ra-ro-ru-ri-ar-or-ir, etc.

Release the R sound from the reins

Since the article we're talking about specifically about “home” exercises for producing the R sound in children, then the first step would be to remind you: even if you, full of parental love and speech therapy enthusiasm, decided to independently teach your baby to roar loudly no worse than a tiger cub and without embarrassment to declare a rhymed line at family matinees story about a bitten Greek, then you still need at least one, initial, consultation with a professional and experienced speech therapist.

The fact is that often the inability to correctly pronounce the sound P is explained not so much by a poorly developed articulatory apparatus, low mobility of the tongue and similar problems, but by the individual structure of the hyoid ligament - the so-called “frenulum”. And only a doctor can determine this nuance.

In most cases, the underdevelopment of the “frenulum” (due to which the baby’s tongue simply does not reach the upper palate, which makes it difficult to pronounce a number of sounds, including the sound R) can be leveled through daily exercises and special massage. But sometimes there are cases when this ligament needs to be trimmed in order for the tongue to acquire the proper range of motion. It is this dilemma - to cut or not - that a speech therapist can resolve. Moms and dads, don’t worry - modern doctors in most cases are inclined to the method of stretching the “frenulum” by performing special speech therapy exercises, including exercises for producing the sound R.

Other reasons for incorrect pronunciation of the sound R

Inactive articulatory apparatus. NOTE: In this case, you should focus not so much on directly producing the sound R, but on... grimacing! In a playful way, stimulate your baby to actively “move in the mouth” - let him stick out his tongue, twist it into a tube (children love this!), try to reach his nose or chin with his tongue, move his jaws, bare his teeth, stretch his lips in an “ah” smile. la Cheshire cat” and so on and so forth. All these funny pranks will quickly strengthen the facial muscles and develop the mobility of the speech organs.

Phonemic hearing impairment. NOTE: As a rule, phonemic hearing disorders (when a child hears the speech structures of adults, recognizes them and tries to reproduce them in his speech) manifests itself in the fact that a child aged four or more misses letters/sounds in words when speaking or reading. confuses voiced and voiceless consonants, as well as soft and hard consonants (for example: love- loobof, nanny- nana, door- hard, stool- diaburedka and so on.)

“Problems” in speech breathing. NOTE: Speech breathing is the basis for proper adequate sound production. The most common speech breathing disorders are usually chronic runny nose, enlarged adenoids, some immune diseases, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. To develop proper speech breathing, we use our own special gymnastics (where speech is combined with physical exercise), which is usually prescribed by a speech therapist, adjusting to individual characteristics child.

Science has proven that the ability to pronounce complex sounds - including the sound R - is determined not only by the developed articulatory apparatus and the characteristics of the speech that the child constantly hears, but partly also genetically.

If there are no serious physiological reasons for the child’s diction problems, then get recommendations on speech gymnastics from a speech therapist and start daily exercises.

Now is the time for speech therapy exercises

You should seriously think about producing the sound R if the child is five years old and has not yet learned to growl and purr “cleanly” and loudly. They still swim in his aquarium smiles, fly into the sky Shaiiki, and they give milk koevs...

The first consultation with an experienced speech therapist will enrich you with knowledge of exactly what problems your baby has with the articulation apparatus, and what specific exercises you should practice with him. But in addition to special gymnastics, there is also a more or less common set of exercises for all cases of producing the sound P, which you also have to perform daily with your baby. Get ready for the fact that you will spend an average of half an hour a day on this, and the whole epic of mastering pronunciation can last for a year and a half.

As a rule, the production of the sound P, as well as other sounds, is divided into three stages:

  • first you must teach your child to confidently pronounce this sound in isolation, on its own;
  • then you should master confident pronunciation of sounds in syllables and words;
  • and only then train the sound in continuous speech, sentences and tongue twisters.

In everyday life, you can often observe the opposite picture: parents hang over the child, jabbering tongue twisters and calling on the child to immediately repeat what was said. Alas, this tactic almost always fails - the child gets scared and refuses to train at all.

The key to success: patience and work

Be patient and go from simple to complex. Fortunately or unfortunately, the speech therapy task is fundamentally different, for example, from trying to teach someone to swim - if you can learn to float on the water and flounder your limbs overnight, then, alas, it’s definitely not possible to pronounce sounds correctly. Because what plays a role here is not so much the technique of execution, but the gradual development and strengthening of the articulatory apparatus.

Remember one simple rule: any activity, including speech therapy exercises, should bring pleasure and positive emotions to the child. How you achieve this is your problem, not the baby's. And only if your offspring is happy to perform speech gymnastics (and keep in mind that it is easy for you to move your tongue and pronounce different sounds, but for a baby this is always a huge amount of work, discomfort, and sometimes even certain painful sensations), you will achieve success.

Invent fun and entertaining activities for your child with the sound/letter P, turn daily speech exercises V funny game, and never (even as a joke!) tease the baby - and you yourself will not notice how the child becomes firmly “friends” with all the sounds of his native speech. Even with something as insidious as the sound R.

Warm-up exercises

Making the sound R is a daily exercise. Each of which begins with a warm-up and “warming up” of the articulatory apparatus. The most effective exercises for warm-up:

Exercise "Paint brush". The baby should smile and open his mouth slightly. Next, as if with a brush, he should “stroke” the upper palate with his tongue - from the upper teeth and as deep as possible towards the throat. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

Exercise "Pendulum". As in the first case, you need to smile and open your mouth. Slightly stick your tongue forward and swing it from side to side - from the right corner of your mouth to the left and so on. About 10-20 times.

Exercise "Accordion". We smile again and open our mouth. We press our tongue to the upper palate, as if we are going to pronounce a soft and long sound “n”. Without changing the position of the tongue, we open our mouth as wide as possible, then close it, open it and close it. About 15-20 times.

“Brushing our teeth.” Starting position - smile and open your mouth. Using the tip of the tongue, we move along the inner surface of the upper teeth from left to right, as if we are “sweeping” them. We do the exercise 10-15 times. Then, without changing the starting position, we alternately press the tongue against each upper tooth from the inside, as if checking whether it is in place.

Exercise "Mosquito". A very fun exercise! The baby should open his mouth and move the tip of his tongue behind his front teeth. In this position, try to pronounce the sound “z-z-z”, then move the tongue back, this time resting it on the upper palate at the base of the teeth and pronounce “z-z-z” again.

All these exercises perfectly develop the articulatory apparatus, strengthen the muscles and gradually stretch the “frenulum”. However, to practice the “R” sound, special staging exercises are needed.

Exercises for making the sound R

Among the most simple exercises, suitable for independent daily speech gymnastics, include the following:

  • 1 The child opens his mouth and presses the tip of his tongue to the base of the upper teeth, rhythmically and quickly pronouncing the sound “d-d-d.” After a couple of seconds, ask him, without stopping, to blow strongly on the tip of his tongue (that is, try to say “d-d-d” while exhaling forcefully). The sound R will not work yet, but the baby should feel a noticeable vibration of the tongue and gradually remember it.
  • 2 For the next exercise you will need a special speech therapy spatula (it can be purchased in specialized stores, pharmacies and online stores). Nowadays, they are made quite comfortable for the baby, often with the smell of caramel, chocolate or fruit. Use it very carefully, but confidently, without timidity. So: to begin with, ask the child, opening his mouth wider, to pronounce the sound “w-w-w”, gradually moving the tongue closer to the base of the upper teeth. Give him a couple of seconds to get used to it, and then carefully insert the spatula under your child’s tongue and begin to rhythmically (but not too much!) swing it left and right, creating vibration. At this time, the child should blow strongly on his sound “zh-zh-zh” - this way he will feel the vibration created by the air and the vibrations of the spatula.
  • 3 Ask your baby to open his mouth wide and at the same time pronounce the syllable “z-z-za”, moving his tongue as far back as possible. At this time, as in exercise 2, slip a spatula under his tongue and rhythmically move it left and right. If this speech therapy exercise performed correctly - you should hear a fairly distinct "R" sound.
  • 4 In the same way, ask the child to pronounce the sound “z-z-zi” with his mouth open, and do the same manipulations with the spatula as in the previous exercise. In this case, more soft sound P, which is used in words like “rhyme”, “rice”, “drawing”...

It is known that in his youth Lenin was very complex because of his burr. And at one time the future leader of the world proletariat devoted great attention exercises for producing the sound R. Since the articulation of the sound R is similar to the articulation of the sound D, he practiced on words in which D and R stand next to each other. Often from Volodya’s room one could hear the speech therapy “mantra”: fight, firewood, tease...

You are the “teacher of the year”!

Since children are great repeaters, at every opportunity, do not be lazy to demonstrate to your baby how cool and skillfully you pronounce the sound R. In fact, you are the one for your child - the most best teacher and mentor.

Lean closer to him so that he not only hears you, but also sees the position of your lips and facial expressions. Most often, this is how children learn to pronounce sounds by imitating a carbon copy. Be a patient (and at the same time funny, smiling!) example for your child - and he will definitely master the correct pronunciation. And be patient - it can take from several days to several months to practice each exercise for producing the sound P.

As soon as you hear that the child is able to more or less successfully pronounce the sound R in exercises, start practicing syllables like “ra-ri-ru-ro” or “ara-tra-ura-or-mur” - that is, all sorts of combinations the sound P and vowels (so that the sound P itself is at the beginning of the syllable, and in the middle, and at the end). Then move on to individual simple words, such as “fish-hand-murzik-arka-ball-cow” and others (again, the sound P should be in different places words). And only when the child pronounces words confidently and correctly, proceed to continuous speech.

Many parents perceive difficulties with pronouncing the sound R as serious problem. They involve a host of pediatricians and speech therapists in the “trouble,” and they begin to frighten the child with future difficulties in communication... If you are conscientious and loving parent- stop this “hysteria” in its infancy! Teach your child to deal with difficulties (including pronunciation) in a friendly, calm, and humorous manner. And if you manage to turn speech therapy into an exciting game, you and your child will win in any case - either he will master the sound R, or he will learn to “tolerate failures” while remaining a confident person.

Early childhood(2-3 years) is an important stage in the development of a child’s speech.

At this time, children are interested in everything that happens around them.

It is important for parents to support their child in every possible way in his endeavors, because the main guides to the world of new information are the adults in the immediate environment.

You need to make sure that the child is fine physically and emotionally.

There are conventional norms for the development of children (growth, skills, abilities, vocabulary of the child).

They should be taken into account, but you shouldn’t get hung up on discrepancies.

It is better to contact a specialist who will compare all the factors influencing development and give a professional assessment of your child’s development.

Features of speech therapy at 2-3 years

The main task of an adult when working with children early age– cause onomatopoeia in any form.

Taking into account the psychology of children 2-3 years old, classes should be conducted in the form of outdoor games, varied and not long in time.

It is important to establish emotional contact with the child, interest him, gain trust, encourage activity, and praise.

This will help avoid many psychological problems associated with fear of speech.

Development of general imitation

General imitation is the copying of movements, actions, and facial expressions.

The child reproduces the movements he sees and successfully remembers them when repeated many times.

The mechanism of imitation works on a subconscious level in everyday life, and educators and speech therapists use it consciously when conducting classes with children.

It is important that the child is in the correct speech environment, i.e. it is better to limit communication with people who have speech defects. Watch your behavior - words should not contradict actions.

The development of general imitation begins with the repetition of elementary movements, then perform several actions simultaneously. The next stage is the implementation of a whole chain of actions that are logically connected and, as a rule, socially significant (for example, feeding a doll and putting it to bed).

When working with children, follow some rules: your sentences should be clear, simple and not too long; the speech of an adult is emotionally bright, calm, not loud.

General imitation games can be played with one child or with several (usually 3-5 children).

But! Keep in mind that when playing in a group, children imitate not only the adult, but also each other.

Games with general imitation

  • . The point of the game is to follow the adult’s commands (hands up, arms to the sides, jumping, clapping). To maintain interest and attention, invite the children to choose a leader from among themselves.
  • Birds. Children play birds. An adult comments on every movement: “We fly like birds! Let's flap our wings up and down! Now the birds are pecking at the grains!” Gradually the pace of the game increases.
  • Palms. A series of movements with the palms is performed:

“Palms up (put your palms on the table outside down)!

Palms down (turn your palms over)!

And now put them on their sides (put our palms on their edges)!

And we clenched our fists (we clasp our palms into fists)!”

Speech imitation

A child’s reproduction of sounds, words, and phrases is called speech imitation.

It is meaningful only when speech is closely related to the child’s actions.

An adult should stimulate the child's speech with questions.

Words to be repeated must be pronounced many times; do not repeat the child’s “substitute words.” The child’s answers are accepted in any form.

The most important thing is to do everything possible so that the child does not hesitate to speak.

Speech imitation goes through several stages:

  1. Copying sounds that have a certain meaning.
  2. Repetition of amorphous words (kup-kup - swim, am-am - eat, lalya - doll).
  3. Repetition simple words(woman, grandfather, drink).
  4. Repetition short phrases: “Give me some juice! Where's the spoon?

Pay great attention to the use of verbs. If a child’s speech contains many action words, his level of development is quite high.

Games with speech imitation

An effective way to induce speech imitation is the use of poetic texts - finishing words and phrases by creating pauses when reading poetry.

For example:

They love... (monkeys) very much

Eat sweets... (bananas).

We are like monkeys... (look like)

And we love bananas... (too).

Gradually, the number of pauses (words skipped by adults) can be increased, thereby increasing the child’s vocabulary.

Fun games in the form of a conversation: an adult repeats a word several times, then asks the child a question, the answer to which is the highlighted word. If the question is answered correctly, the adult praises the child; if the question is answered incorrectly, he answers the question himself or offers several answer options.

The role of the book

The book introduces the child to the world around him; develops logical and imaginative thinking, memory, imagination; expands vocabulary; teaches you how to write sentences correctly.

Through reading, a child learns to listen and concentrate.

Family reading is a way of communication between parents and children, good method education and means of leisure.

Psychologists believe that children to whom their parents read books are more emotionally balanced and self-confident.

Book material for classes

The main features of a good book for a 2-3 year old child:

  • High quality illustrations.

High-quality images attract the child and do not move his attention beyond the boundaries of the picture. In high-quality publications, the drawings are usually bright, clear, “spacious” (on a light background, for better visual perception of the child), realistic, and the images of the characters’ bodies are proportional. High-quality illustrations develop the baby’s aesthetic taste. Communication with a book for a child is the first acquaintance with the world of art.

  • Conciseness of the text.

At 2-3 years old children still cannot listen long tales, therefore, short rhythmic works (poems, songs, ditties, rhymes,) and short stories and fairy tales are optimal choice for babies.

List of books for young children:

1. Russians folk tales(“Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”). Promotes the development of logical thinking. For example, in the fairy tale “Turnip”, the child remembers the characters in the order in which the heroes pulled the turnip - an excellent exercise for developing memory and logic.

  • A. Barto (collection “Toys”);
  • K. Chukovsky (“Fairy Tales”);
  • S. Marshak (“Poems and Fairy Tales”);
  • lively, lively and humorous collections of poems by I. Tokmakova “Where the Fish Sleeps”, “The Sun Walks in a Circle”;
  • unusual, with non-standard rhymes, poems by G. Sapgir “Wonder Forests”;
  • S. Mikhalkov (“The Most Favorite Fairy Tales and Poems for Kids”) is known for his ability to tell children about their mischief and disobedience in a light, humorous manner.

4. Fairy tales of foreign writers. Bright representative– D. Donaldson. The most famous works– the fairy tale “The Gruffalo” (about a little mouse who was able to outwit the terrible monster Gruffalo), “The Gruffalo’s Daughter” (the book clearly traces a useful idea - you shouldn’t go far without asking your parents, it can be dangerous).

5. Educational books - help children learn to draw, glue, and sculpt.

Influence of motor skills

The development of speech directly depends on the development of fine motor skills, since the areas of the brain responsible for speech and movement are interdependent and located nearby.

There are many different aids and toys on the market for developing fine motor skills, but you don’t need special expensive toys to play with your child.

In fact, every home has everything you need - beans, pasta, buttons, lids, jars, etc.

The sooner work on developing fine motor skills begins, the sooner it will begin to bear fruit.

Sensory development

Sensory development is the child’s ideas about external features objects: their color, size, shape, taste, smell, etc.

A 2-3 year old child is already able to name about 6 colors without errors, fold a pyramid, and arrange figures various shapes into the corresponding holes on the board, assemble a mosaic of 4 parts, draw lines within the sheet (long, short, round, vertical, horizontal).

Fun workout

Outdoor games strengthen the muscles of the child’s body, prevent flat feet, develop coordination of movement, and contribute to the development of motor skills and speech.

Types of outdoor games:

  • different types of walking (side step, walking on heels, toes);
  • climbing, overcoming obstacles;
  • ball games;
  • balance exercises (sliding down a hill, walking on an inclined bench).

Articulation gymnastics for stuttering

Stuttering is speech problem, which is sometimes difficult to treat. Success can only be achieved through daily training.

Articulatory gymnastics for stuttering is one of the best, because it is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.

Examples of exercises:

  • inflate your cheeks, release air, inflate each cheek in turn;
  • clap your lips together (like a fish);
  • press your tongue on one or the other cheek in turn;
  • puff out your cheeks while closing your mouth, then hit your cheeks with your fists to release the air noisily;
  • bite the upper and then the lower lip.

Age early development(2-3 years) is a short, but truly unique period of life when the child’s brain is programmed for intensive formation and learning. Parents should pay attention Special attention child, because it is at this time that the foundation is laid for the development of the baby’s speech and thinking.