Heartbeat line. Forked heart line. What does a short heart line in the palm of your hand mean?

There are lines that are called main. This list also includes the line of the Heart, which is also on the list of main ones, because it determines the fate of a person. It is used to judge the feelings of the owner of the palm, his affairs of the heart. Palmistry, by its outlines, also tells about the nobility, strength of his spirit, affections.

Finding the Heart Line is Easy

Line appearance

They read the future and learn about a person by their right hand, but two hands are important. Palmistry claims that the right hand tells about a realized personality, shows a person as he is. You can also make a prediction using the left hand, but it will be inaccurate, because the left hand shows the potential of the individual, what is in him from birth. This applies only to right-handed people; for left-handed people it’s exactly the opposite.

Finding the Heart line in the palm is simple: it starts at the edge of the palm, after which it passes under the hills of the fingers on the hand.

Thickness and length

Look carefully at how it looks on your hand, at its beginning and end. If the line is clear and deep, then this person is generous. In addition, he is characterized by constancy and loyalty. The Heart Line will tell you about sexual relationships.

If there is no this line on the hand, then the owner of the palm does not believe in anything, he is treacherous, godless, heartless. But this is not common, it is usually present. If the owner of the palm becomes an exception, inevitable troubles await him. Misfortunes can start unexpectedly. If there is a line of the Heart, but it is weak and thin, then this person is cold, he does not experience strong feelings, including in love relationships.

If it is short, then the owner of the palm seeks reciprocity from a loved one using violence. Palmistry says that the length of the Heart line depends on the amount of love that this person can accommodate in the heart.


And by the degree of its curvature they determine the amount of energy concentrated in the heart chakra. If it is strongly curved, then palmistry calls it “feminine”, since these features are inherent in girls. But it happens to men too. If it is too curved and looks up, then this person does not know how to hide his emotions, his face immediately shows what is going on in his soul. Feelings control him; he does not listen to reason.

When choosing a spouse, he will agree to marry only if they have true love. He is also close to moral principles; he believes that friendship exists. Romance comes first for him.

Perfect line

Palmistry tells us that there is such a thing as the “ideal line of the Heart.” It is smooth, with an even tone, solid. Its beginning is at the very edge of the palm, and the end is between the index and middle fingers, as in the photo.

This design ensures a balance between giving and receiving love. The owner of the palm is generous, generous to everyone, kind-hearted. He is balanced and objective. At its end you can clearly see a branch, there are two or three of them. They show that the owner of the palm is harmonious, his feelings and mind are balanced. His love is strong, stable, he is constancy, and can enjoy intimacy.

Types of this line

Palmistry distinguishes two types of the Heart line. Let's talk about them in more detail.


If the Heart line ends either on the index or middle finger, or between them, its end is slightly rounded, it is called physical (see photo).

The owner of such a palm knows how to talk beautifully about his feelings and express them correctly. He does not like to hide his emotions, that is, he is open. Everyone has unpleasant moments. But the owner of such a palm quickly recovers from troubles and can enjoy life again. He doesn't despair. He is also caring and genuinely loving.


If the line of the Heart is horizontal and not rounded, it is called spiritual (see photo).

Such a person does not talk about his emotions. He will suffer in silence instead of sorting things out. Often romantic feelings in such people take precedence over reason. They are very sensitive, but also freedom-loving. Just because they don't show emotion doesn't mean they're insensitive. Outwardly they seem calm, which easily misleads other people, but inside there are strong feelings.

You should not start frank conversations with him. But you can trust him with a secret, he won’t spill the beans. If he finds himself in an unpleasant situation, he will not express dissatisfaction. But somehow all the simmering feelings will spill out. These are owners, but their feelings are real, deep. They are monogamous, ready to do anything for another person if he agrees to be with them. If the Heart line is depressed, then he is unceremonious and cruel in love, so violence is not excluded.

End of line

Palmistry pays great attention not so much to the beginning of the Heart line, but to its end. It most often begins in one place, and ends in different places.

  • At the finger of Saturn. If the line of the Heart ends on the hill of Saturn, then he does not give in to feelings, all his actions are dictated by reason. He seems responsive and benevolent, but this is only an appearance. If there is a branch or fork on the line, its meaning is that it has recoil energy.
  • Ends at the finger of Apollo. It is very short and ends at Apollo’s (ring) finger. He completely gives himself over to bright and emotional hobbies that quickly pass. His feelings take precedence over reason. He both idealizes his partner and is jealous of him. But often men with such a hand are carried away by a beautiful body, and women are materialistic, i.e. the beginning of a relationship does not bode well. An affair with the owner of such a palm will be stormy, but a long-term relationship will not work out if he does not change.
  • Ends at the finger of Jupiter. A long, slightly curved line ending under the index finger. The owner of the hand is self-centered, he is not alien to narcissism (Jupiter symbolizes the ego). It is also a sign of a strong and bright personality, attracting people with its charisma. People are drawn to him like a magnet. Owners of such a palm like to be in charge, not only at work, but also in their personal lives. These are passionate, jealous lovers. To keep them close to you, remember - no psychological pressure, otherwise there will be a huge scandal. They fight for their freedom, but they treat their partner as their property. A distinctive feature is that they often teach others how to live and are offended if their words are not listened to. If there are weak people nearby who need support, they show their power and stroke their pride. They also inspire admiration for their exquisite wardrobe and beautiful body. They love to receive gifts and bask in the attention of others. The desires of these people come first, and they will not be modest at all.
  • It ends between the finger of Saturn and Jupiter. This is the best option - a balance between your own ego and the desires of other people. This is a man with realistic views. He cannot have unfulfilled expectations, because there are no excessive demands.
  • The Heart Line bifurcates at the end. Two lines at the end - he has a complex mental organization. I have a unique ability to look at a problem from all sides, comprehensively. According to other sources, if the fork is under the finger of Jupiter, this means that the owner of the palm has an excellent character and will be successful in romantic relationships. Sometimes there is not just one branch, there are three. The owner of the palm shows a lot of emotions in their relationships. Palmistry also calls this sign a sign of luck. But only those who were able to create a family or strong relationships are called lucky.

Interaction of the Heart and Head lines

The lines of the Heart and Head are responsible for opposite traits, but they are closely interconnected, because the mind and feelings cannot exist without each other. The location of these lines relative to each other can also tell a lot.

  • If between l. Hearts and l. The mind is a short distance away, the owner of the palm has a passive life position, he is secretive. He prefers loneliness and does not like noisy companies where he needs to express his feelings.
  • If between l. There is a significant distance between the Heart and the Mind, then this person thinks outside the box, he has a broad outlook. You won't be bored with him, but you can't predict his behavior.

To form your opinion about this person, compare l. Hearts and l. Uma. If l. The heart is larger and more noticeable compared to L. Uma, that means this person has a huge need for love. If L. The mind is more expressive, longer and deeper, then the mind controls everything. If l. Uma and L. Hearts are connected by a line; its meaning is that the mind and feelings are balanced.


Palmistry is a science that came to us from our ancestors, who could predict the path of life with 99% accuracy and, thereby, protect themselves from dangers if they were read on the hand. Hand prediction allows you to read a person’s past, present and future.

The heart line is the main line that governs a person’s emotional life.

By deciphering it, you can predict what events await a person, and whether there is any danger on his life path. By the line of the heart on the hand one can judge what kind of relationships an individual has with the people around him. What does the heart line mean in palmistry?

Revealing the secrets of the future

To get an answer to the questions of interest: “Will I be able to love and be loved, is it destined to meet true love in my life and can I expect a serious relationship?” There is no need at all to run around to fortune tellers and palmists, for whom this secret science is a source of earning money. It is possible to determine the path of life in one or another of its manifestations without outside help. The knowledge, practice, and science of deciphering the fateful lines on the hand will seem simple and quite fascinating to you.

Thanks to the secret signs that are encrypted on the palms of our hands, we can find out about the approach of marriage, about what surprises await us on the path of life.

But at the same time, it is important to know that this method of predicting fate does not show how many times you will get married, and how deep the feelings will be in a given situation. So, the heart line in the palm of your hand will help you find out how many happy relationships are destined for you. And whether to take advantage of the chances given from Above or not is up to each individual. Some people don’t pay attention to what the heart line on their hand promises them, continuing to put off building relationships in every possible way while following their career ladder, while for others the heart line is just a line on the palm that does not oblige them to anything and can't predict anything.

Heart line in palmistry

The heart line, also called the emotional line, helps to understand a person’s personal life and his love experiences. Using this line you can find out how emotional the life path of a particular individual will be.

Palmistry involves its interpretation in order to explain life circumstances that in one way or another relate to a person’s emotional state.

Heart line location

Palmistry determines the starting point of the heart line, as well as any other lines, relative to the fingers. By bending the little finger, ring finger, middle finger, it is possible to more clearly see the outlines of the marks on the palm, determine their starting point, depth and signs that are located on them.

The line of the heart begins under the Mount of Mercury, on the convex tubercle under the little finger or just below it, then continues horizontally and rises slightly upward, ending in the area of ​​the convex tubercle under the index finger. Often this line may be located near the line of the mind or goes across the mounts of Mercury, Apollo, Saturn and Jupiter. Open the palm of your working hand and look at it carefully. You see pronounced three stripes, which may resemble either the letter “M” or “F”. The one that is closest to the little finger, index finger, ring finger and middle finger is the line of the heart. If you still cannot understand where the heart line is located, look at photos with descriptions or video lessons that you can easily find on the Internet by writing the appropriate request in a search engine.

The ideal option is a pronounced, long line of the heart, passing under the hill of Mercury, Apollo, Saturn and ending in the middle of the hill of Jupiter. When the heart line is absent in the palm, this does not mean that the Universe has not given you a single chance to be happy, and you will not be able to build a good relationship. It's worth thinking about your values. As a rule, people who do not have heart lines on their hands are completely unable to love, respect and appreciate others. Such individuals are also called heartless. However, such cases are quite rare.

So, where the heart line begins, we have already found out. Now let's figure out how to read it correctly.

Interpretation of heart lines

Deciphering the marks of fate on the hand is a responsible procedure that must be approached with the utmost seriousness. After all, a missed line, an unnoticed gap on the heart line may mean something completely different from what you read on your hand.

Straight line of the heart

If the lines on the palm, characterizing the emotional state of a person, run parallel to the line of the head and do not have any forks or interruptions, then this indicates that this person knows how to value fidelity and be faithful to his soulmate, and is capable of building serious relationships. Fate predicts excellent family relationships for such a person, provided that he himself does not influence his path in life.

High position of the heart line

This feature of the fateful line on the palm emphasizes the passion, irrepressible emotionality, and passion of its owner. Such a person has high self-esteem, does not accept refusals and does not understand the word “no”. Such a person can have many serious relationships, and in each case he will achieve his goal not in order to achieve a love idyll in his soul, but in order to prove his abilities to others. They are patient, ready to wait for the favor of their soulmate for several years, but, in most cases, after the long-awaited “yes,” the enthusiasm of people who have a highly raised heart line disappears, and only pleasant memories remain from the relationship.

Low position

The close arrangement of the lines of the head and heart means that such individuals are endowed with a stubborn disposition. If this is the pattern on your palm, then pay special attention to the hill of Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter, or rather their development. If the tubercles are fully developed, then we are talking about an individual with established religious prejudices. When the hills are poorly developed, then this feature is inherent in selfish and hypocritical individuals.

Direction of the heart line to the head line

If the line of the heart at the level of the Mount of Saturn begins to fall down towards the line of the head, then such signs emphasize curiosity, high intellectual abilities, and innovation in the ideological field. Parallel, nearby fateful signs of the heart and mind indicate some limitations of the subconscious of a person who is not destined to become a good, interesting interlocutor and conqueror of hearts. Such people, in most cases, reach heights in science, become famous scientists and engage in more teaching activities.

Shortened heart sign

A short heart line ending on the Mount of Apollo or at the beginning of Saturn speaks of a stable emotional state of the soul. Such people are attached to traditional foundations and customs. This line of the heart also speaks about the monotony of life’s path. Individuals with such fateful signs can sit in a hated job for decades just to ensure that everything remains in the same place. They do not strive for something new, they do not like to change something in their lives, living day after day in the same schedule and rhythm. As for the personal relationships of such people, everything goes quietly and smoothly for them. In most cases, if such an individual sincerely loves someone, then for the rest of his life he will strive to maintain the relationship, being afraid to start something new.

Elongated heart sign

The meaning of the heart line, which runs through the entire palm, including the Mount of Jupiter, speaks of the diversified development of a personality with a variety of hobbies. The emotional state of people whose emotional trait is long is so limitless that they extend it to various areas of life. In addition, fateful signs ending on the Mount of Jupiter (under the index finger) indicate good nature, a willingness to help, sacrificing one’s own time, strength and interests. Such people will always help you solve a difficult life situation and cheer you up in difficult times. If your significant other has exactly these signs on their palm, consider yourself lucky. At night, early in the morning, far away - no matter where you are and no matter how much time you have, your beloved will always come to the rescue with practical advice and a positive mood.

Straight line

A straight line of the heart means deep feelings. It is also important to take into account the length of the line. So, if the straight line of the heart is long and ends on the Mount of Apollo or Saturn, then this indicates a severance of the individual’s spiritual connection with society, alienation and withdrawal from the social world. When the direct heart mark ends on the Mount of Jupiter, or even crosses it completely, then this symbolizes the person as a socially active person.

Not a pronounced feature

If the heart's fateful stripe on the palm is barely noticeable to the eye, then this emphasizes the character of an impatient person. A lack of tolerance towards the outside world indicates the limitations of a person’s spiritual world. Such individuals have no shortage of influence.

Such people are accustomed to getting everything for free, without giving anything in return. Often the plans made by such individuals are destroyed halfway. And all because they do not express a desire to make contact with the public and cannot fully and competently build constructive communication.

Sloping vertical line

The line, which begins on the outer mount of Mars and follows to the mount of Apollo (in the middle of the tubercle of the ring finger), emphasizes the talent of its owner. Such individuals, for the most part, are endowed with perseverance, endurance and patience. If the heart line has an arched appearance, then its owner primarily chooses a goal in life and follows it, putting maximum effort and time. And even if they have to spend the best years of their lives on this, individuals with such a sign on their palm will still persistently move towards their cherished dream. Such people often become good leaders and are able to lead their team to their intended goal.

Features of heart lines

In addition to the above characteristics of the fateful signs of the heart, there are other features that you also need to pay attention to when reading the palm:

  1. So, if the heart line is wide, this means that its owner treats everything in life with particular indifference. The emotional state of such individuals is somewhat slow. Due to this, they react to current events a little later than other people. Individuals who have such a peculiar pattern on their palm are not endowed with a good emotional reaction, but at the same time, the experience of the event that occurred continues for a long time.
  2. The deep line of the heart characterizes the emotional power of its owner. The owner of a deep sign on the palm of the right (for right-handed) and left (for left-handed) hands can be classified as an emotional type of person. A lot depends on the speed of energy flow along the heart band. Thus, a deep and narrow heart line characterizes a person as a person with an explosive temperament and predicts anger and frequent stress overexertion.
  3. A narrow heart line means a rapid emotional flow, characterized by the discovery of accelerated changes in mood and in the character of the owner of the palm. Such individuals find it difficult to endure the breakup of a relationship with a significant other, but at the same time, experiences due to the vicissitudes of fate do not last long at all, and they are replaced by new sympathies, loves and feelings.
  4. The double fate sign of the heart speaks of the pleasant and easy temperament of the individual. Such a person maintains consistency in relationships and, when he finds a soul mate, surrounds her with care and attention. It will be successful to build a family union with an intellectually savvy person. The owner of such a sign in the palm of his right/left hand is characterized as an affectionate, soft, voluptuous lover who is not afraid to experiment in bed.

Signs on the heart line

The circle on the fateful sign of the palm indicates the formation of peace and comfort in the heart of a person who is endowed with such a mark. In this situation, the place of this sign must also be taken into account. If the line goes on and breaks, and a circle is drawn between them, then this indicates that you are in for a difficult life situation from which it will be extremely difficult to get out. There are other options for the development of life. When the circle is visible at the beginning of the line, then fate has prepared a monotonous childhood for you and only in adulthood will you be able to make changes to it.

A diamond on the line of the emotional state of the soul promises problems, it is only important to consider at what exact time along the line of the heart this will happen and understand when fate is preparing a “surprise” for you, trying to protect yourself as much as possible from all sorts of dangers.

A star on the heart line predicts happiness and good luck. Again, if the asterisk is at the beginning of the strip, then we can talk about a happy childhood. The appearance of such a symbol in the middle of the line promises a successful business. The same interpretation applies to the sun, which is located on the fateful stripe of the palm. But at the same time, the sign in the form of the sun must be considered especially carefully, because its location on the palm can determine a lot in a person’s life.

The grid does not characterize a person from the best side. Such individuals are not destined to be in long-term relationships.

A mole or skin growths on the Mount of Jupiter (under the index finger), Saturn (under the middle finger) or Apollo (under the ring finger) does not bode well. Often, people with this sign are unable to build strong relationships. Moles can also indicate the presence of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. Therefore, if you are the owner of such a fateful sign, be extremely attentive to your health.

Palmistry: Heart Line. Love experiences



Palmistry line of the soul - heart (part 3)

Islands on the heart line indicate a slow emotional flow. This happens if a person has a strong attachment to someone. And how difficult it will be for a person to get rid of this attachment can be judged by how large the islands are on the heart line.

The presence of dots on the heart line is an unpleasant sign of fate. The dots promise worries, stress, emotional turmoil. Depending on the size of the point, we can also talk about the occurrence of ailments on the kidney of the senses. But if the line of the heart and the line of life intertwine and a point is formed at the place of their intersection, then this indicates that fate will not allow the negative development of this or that situation.

The square characterizes protection, in this case it helps to establish a social framework that will restrain excessive emotional behavior. A square that is located on one or another unfavorable sign smoothes out its harmful effects. And a bad omen closed in a square will not cause the expected harm.

A brush, branch or other design of this kind promises a person wealth. If the branch is small, then the income will be small. A large branch will help you achieve the desired financial well-being.

A person who has a cross above or below the heart line is interpreted differently. Crosses at the intersection of the stripes above the sign of the individual’s emotional state (especially closer to the little finger) predict both joy and anxiety. Crosses can also be located below the heart line, which is characterized by anxiety and illness.

If a trident appears in the palm of your hand in the area of ​​the Mount of Jupiter, then such triple forks on the heart line promise stability, strong family relationships and harmony with family and friends. It is especially good if this sign is present at the end of the heart line.

When the heart line bifurcates on the tubercle under the middle finger and ends with a fork, this may indicate the organizational abilities of the individual.

If you find a pattern on your palm in the form of a chain on the heart line, you know that this is a flirtatious, shy and emotionally unstable person.

Heart line connections

Branches from the main line of the heart can be interpreted in different ways. Connections, a sign relating to this fateful streak, a peculiar cut and other subtleties will help you find answers to all your questions regarding your personal life and emotional experiences.

An intermittent strip speaks of an individual’s inferior life. The same can be said about fate if the line is broken. That is, it will be extremely difficult for him to stay with one person and build strong relationships. Crossing the line promises trouble. These may be problems both in your personal life and in relationships with family. The crossing line warns a person and makes it possible to be as careful as possible during a certain period of life.

The heart line connects to the ring finger. The meaning of the ring finger is passion for social life. This means that a person with such a sign strives for social recognition.

Lines coming from the heart line indicate the presence of short-term affairs that are not based on sincere feelings. Outgoing vertical stripes indicate the number of frivolous relationships. If there are dots between them, then this union will be accompanied by frequent quarrels and disagreements.

If the signs of emotions and life are connected at the end, then this means this is the line of the heart of a person who will experience success, family well-being and joy in life. Such people will never be left with nothing.

The intersection of the heart sign with the fate line indicates that all the relationships given to you by the Universe will mean a lot to your life. The heart sign and health line predict a good emotional state.

If the lines of the heart branch at the beginning or at the end, then we can talk about a dual situation. A branched stripe at the beginning predicts a difficult choice between personal interests, and at the end - a choice between a quiet life and an active one.

A break in the heart line predicts a break in the emotional state. A breakup can have the following meaning: shock, worries, worries in life, stress. It is also important to note how large this gap is: if it is followed by a continuation, then everything will soon return to normal, but if not, you need to make every effort to change the course of events in life.

Branches from the heart line directed downward - fear, uncertainty, suppression of feelings. The large branch falling downwards is depression, melancholy and disturbance of the psycho-emotional state.

Finding out the dating of the heart line is not difficult: at the beginning, under the little finger, comes childhood. Under the Mount of Apollo are the youthful years, in the area of ​​the tubercle of the middle finger the adult years begin, and Jupiter (or between the index and middle fingers) is the mature age.

And remember, no matter what lines of the heart are on your palms, there is always the opportunity to influence your destiny. Some people get upset when they learn what their fate has destined for them, while others make every effort to change it.

Take care of yourself, and may good luck, luck and prudence accompany you throughout your life!

In this article we will look at the meaning of one of the main and most popular lines in palmistry - the heart line.

The heart line interests the fair sex most of all. And it’s not surprising, because, according to popular belief, she can talk in detail about feelings and emotions. Is it so?

The heart line in the palm of the hand in women, men, children - which hand is it on: photo

This line is considered one of the main ones, and is found in almost all women, men and children. Available as on both the right and left palms.

There is a widespread point of view that it is worth guessing by right hand. This statement is partially true, because such a hand displays current state of affairs, and also hints at future. It can be used to diagnose the emotions that prevail in a person now.

However, one cannot ignore left hand. On it you can see an innate predisposition to feelings, emotional heredity.

IMPORTANT: Of course, for left-handers the situation is different.

Anyway begins heart stripe under the little finger. By the way, it is quite symbolic that the marriage line is located not far from it. Moves in the direction to the opposite edge of the palm, crossing it. It can end at different points.

Heart line on the right and left hand in women, men, children: what does it mean?

Ideal considered a stripe continuous, smooth, running smoothly, not wavy. There should not be a pronounced fracture in this situation. It ends between the middle and index fingers. The ideal is balance between feelings that are given and those that are received.

The owner of such a symbol kind, generous, balanced and under any circumstances can give an objective assessment anything. He does not like conflicts and is not obsessive. Has always been a favorite in the family.

IMPORTANT: The heartfelt attachment of such a person will be successful only if he meets a person with similar views.

If the heart line has bend, various interpretation options are possible:

  • Strong upward bend– the so-called physical line, “feminine trait”. However, it also occurs in men, but in those who have female emotionality. Such people do not hide their emotions well - they say about them that all feelings can be read on their faces. Feelings control this person in all areas of life.

  • And here flat or, as it is also called, the spiritual line is inherent in people, keeping emotions to yourself. They are extremely sensitive, but at the same time they are ready to fight for freedom. They often mislead others with their serenity, behind the mask of which a real range of sensations is hidden.

IMPORTANT: You can safely entrust such individuals with secrets and your heart.

The spiritual line of the heart is an indicator of introverts

Wave bend- its owner is quite windy. One partner is clearly not enough for him to be completely happy. At the same time, he is quite capable of providing for his family, but the craving for diversity takes its toll.

However, if the line becomes wavy at the end probably the person gradually will begin to rethink his behavior. The tendency to cheat is especially great when the heart line is wavy on both palms.

Particular attention should be paid to line thickness:

  • Slim graceful the line reveals nature extremely sensitive, vulnerable. Unfortunately, it is quite easy to throw her out of balance and even drive her into hysterics.
  • Fat people have the same streak rude who do not hesitate to use force to convey their point of view. However, they have a significant positive quality that more than compensates for the negative - ability to keep one's word.

A thick, deep heart line is a sign of people who keep promises.

What does a broken heart line in the palm of your hand mean?

Not the most favorable sign. Points to Problems in matters of the heart. It is even possible that a person is destined to experience severe shock. Probably because of the scandal that accompanies the breakup. After such a shock, a person has every chance of withdrawing into himself, refusing connections, or having short-term relationships that give nothing.

The owner of the mark may have problems due to the fact that he too kind. They are easy to manipulate; imposing someone else’s opinion costs nothing. Unfortunately, this is a magnet for selfish individuals.

Tears may also be observed some:

  • In a man- a sign of a misogynist
  • In a woman- a sign of disappointment in members of the opposite sex

What does a short heart line on the palm of your hand mean?

This sign gives egocentric. He is not very good at establishing connections with other people. A person is completely focused on himself - his thoughts, emotions, aspirations.

In this regard, there are often detachment and even alienation. Others often complain about stubborn character owner of such a line.

However, you should not perceive such individuals as completely insensitive persons. They are capable of love, but They don’t do it in a romantic, sublime way. Practical thinking prevails.

IMPORTANT: It may well happen that the owners of such a heart line are not in love, but simply experience physical attraction.

The heart line bifurcates at the end on the right and left hands: what does this mean?

A person has such a seal extremely emotional. However, it is easy to communicate with him, as he able to control his feelings.

It’s difficult to quarrel with such a person - he has no problems makes compromises. And, contrary to the impression he has about himself, he does not like to argue.

It is easy to communicate with such a person also because he has enough interesting inner world. Her views on various things are unusual, boundaries are not welcome. The owner of such a line is able to look at the same situation from different angles. Therefore, we can safely say that in front of you is an optimist who always knows how to find a way out and something good under any circumstances.

What does the triangle mean on the line and at the end of the heart line on the right and left hand?

This person will definitely never lose his head over matters of the heart. No matter how much he fell in love, control comes first! A logical person to the core, who will definitely weigh the pros and cons before allowing himself to fall in love.

IMPORTANT: Oddly enough, a triangle on the heart line can also indicate problems associated with vision.

What does the square on the line and at the end of the heart line on the right and left hand mean?

Unfortunately, the square warns about broken heart Probably, his owner will count on a serious relationship, but his partner will not be in the mood for this.

However, you need to try to pull yourself together, since a square is most often protection. In this case, he seems to be saying that the person saved himself from something bad, that his partner is not really worthy of him.

There is another interpretation. According to it, the owner of the palm will find himself in some kind of environment in which he will be forced restrain yourself emotionally.

The heart line on the palm of the hand ends with a fork, a trident, under the middle finger: what does this mean?

By her own length to middle finger gives away the character selfish, somewhat complex and completely unconcerned about the condition of those around her. Fork at the same time it indicates obnoxious character.

Perhaps it originates from childhood, when the owner of the palm was pampered in everything. In the future whims and neglect transferred to the partner. They say about such people that living with them is like living on a volcano.

IMPORTANT: A person who is “lucky” to live under the same roof with the owner of such a combination must be constantly prepared for quarrels and scandals, suspicions and jealousy.

The line of children on the line of the heart in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

Sometimes small lines that extend upward from the main line- these are signs of children. Their number illustrates quantity offspring. Wherein long stripes- sign of boys, short– girls.

However, a 100% coincidence is not necessary at all. Often the palm tells us about potential. Especially when it comes to left palm.

The meaning of the intersection of the heart line with the line of fate, mind, life, head, Saturn in the palm of the hand

Intersection with life line It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. This combination depicts a person whose life governed by love experiences. He is completely subordinate to them. I’m not used to denying myself anything, since since childhood I’ve put my desires at the forefront.

IMPORTANT: The partner should be on guard - the owner of such a line is quite prone to cheating. Moreover, abstaining from them can lead to severe depression.

If the heart line goes down and crosses line of the head (mind), This means that the owner of the hand does not believe in the soul and God. These are often called soulless. It is believed that such individuals do not cost anything to deceive or even kill for profit.

Crossing the same with the line of fate (Saturn) predicts unsuccessful marriage.

The line of the heart in the palm of the hand connects with the line of fate, mind, life, head, Saturn: what does this mean?

It happens that the heart line connects with the line of the mind (head) so much so that it forms one continuous strip. This seal is also called the “monkey line”, predicting its owner mental disorder. However, there may not be a disorder, however constant struggle with yourself such a personality is provided.

IMPORTANT: Relationships with such a partner can be exhausting. A person will constantly torment others with jealousy and suspicion.

The connection with the line of fate (Saturn) promises love story.

Compound with life line portends a sharp turn in life because of the novel. It is possible that it will lead to wedding. Moreover, the marriage promises to be successful, since the owner of the mark will always prefer family comfort to a career. Or it will be successful to combine both. It is not surprising that such a person is classified as a monogamous person, and is ready to do anything for the sake of the chosen one.

Cross on the heart line in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

Is a harbinger of tragedy emotional shock. It is possible that he will play the role divorce. However, maybe no stress is expected, but matters of the heart will still go unimportant.

IMPORTANT: An injury that may occur to the owner of the sign can complicate his future life.

A line on the palm of the hand parallel to the line of the heart: what does it mean?

The meanings here vary. One of the versions is this: the owner of the palm will have several love affairs at the same time.

Another version promises that, if you're lucky, a person will be able to find a soul mate. In this case, bigamy or bigamy can be avoided.

However, the double line can also illustrate changes in character throughout life. So, coming parallel stripes will tell you that a person will succeed or already managed(depending on hand) cope with maximalism young years. But if the lines diverge, it means an attempt was not successful.

What does a mole on the heart line in the palm of your hand mean?

People have disappointed in matters of the heart. And seriously disappointed. Such a collapse can affect life in general.

IMPORTANT: It is worth checking with a cardiologist - a mole on the heart line may also indicate problems with this organ.

As you can see, the heart line can predict both great happiness and serious disappointment. However, you should not perceive a negative interpretation with fear. Maybe fate is sending you just a warning?

On the palm of each person there are main and secondary “roads”. The heart line is one of the main positions that reflects the situation regarding matters of the heart. The location of a spiritual trait can tell about the affections, nobility and fortitude of a person.

As a rule, you can learn more about a person by the pattern on his right hand, but it is better to use both palms to complete the information. The right hand reflects the main features of the mental and physical state of the individual, both what has already happened and what is expected; you can recognize a person as he is. Personal relationships along the heart line are best read from both palms. A person’s left hand forms information about what was given to him from birth, and the right hand will help to find out details about his future life.

Note. The path of the soul is not difficult to find; it comes from the edge of the palm (near the marriage line) and passes under all the fingers through the entire palm.

What is the length and thickness of the heart “roads”?

Be sure to pay attention to how the heart line was formed: how it begins and ends:

  1. If a person’s character is distinguished by generosity and a “wide heart,” then the heart’s “road” looks distinct, deep and clear.

Note. You can marry the owner of such a palm, as he is characterized by fidelity and relationships with extensive care. This trait can also tell you about the owner's sexuality.

  1. It is very rare, but you can find hands where there is no such road. The fortuneteller can be described as heartless and ruthless. Such individuals encounter troubles and misfortunes along the way.

  1. Those with a subtle and weak trait are distinguished by aloofness, not experiencing strong emotional feelings, including love relationships.

  1. Short and direct speaks of a person who seeks reciprocity from a loved one using harsh, violent methods.

Note. The length of the road is responsible for the love that a person can place in his heart for the entire period of his life.

Curved Heart Line

Such a “road” that goes down or up speaks of potential energy that is concentrated in the heart chakra. A pronounced curvature speaks of the feminine principle. Most often, this combination can be found on women's palms, less often on men's hands.

If you see a combination with a strong bend that goes upward, then this reveals an owner who does not know how to carefully hide his emotional state. Their face always reflects what is happening in their soul; they are more often controlled by feelings rather than by reason.

Owners of the road that goes to the index finger with a bend get married strictly for love. They are very romantic by nature and ethical and moral principles are important to them.

What does an ideal trait mean?

The ideal option is straight and smooth without branches, forks or other additional lines from the heart line. It starts from the side of the palm and ends between the middle and index fingers.

Such a palm indicates a spiritually balanced character, a good and calm person.

How to tell fortunes on different palms based on spiritual traits?

Experienced palmists begin to guess from four main lines at once in order to roughly characterize a person’s personality. It is rare to meet people with the absence of one of the main roads. But even here you can draw your own conclusions about personality.

In the table we consider the most common combinations:

This combination characterizes a person who is not constantly flighty.

The owner is very jealous and demanding of himself.

This combination speaks of activity and pickiness in choosing your environment. In addition, the person loves vanity and very carefully chooses his social circle, and does not simply let anyone near him.

He enters into legal marriage with extreme caution and not willingly. You see in front of you an idealist who sculpts for himself an ideal image of his other half. Such people are spoiled by the attention of the opposite sex and do not allow their feelings to be played on; they are extremely categorical. As a rule, such a person has not only a direct spiritual trait, but also all the others.

The combination runs through the entire palm, which speaks of a selfish and withdrawn personality. Such people have a heightened sense of self-control, and the other half suffers from inattention.

It takes a long time for a person to get used to his chosen one and most often they legitimize relationships only for their own benefit. They are not ready for passion and try to compensate for their “coldness” with money or gifts.

Here is a fortune-telling egoist who thinks only of himself. For him, the main thing is sex. Often such people suffer from a feeling of complexes.

They are not at all picky in choosing partners and have numerous connections. Unfortunately, such an individual is not suitable for living together.

What does it mean when there is a branch from the heart line? Such a person is particularly emotional, sometimes unable to control his feelings. But such a person easily compromises.

The owner is distinguished by his good nature and warmth. He is very developed spiritually, which has a great effect on his relationship with his partner; they are sincere and friendly.

A charming individual avoids conflicts and quarrels. Often, when extending a helping hand, he completely forgets about himself. If a life partner comes across with similar qualities, then the owner’s marriage will be happy and successful.

A fortuneteller is not suitable for living together; he is constantly looking for a new love impulse on the side, since he becomes bored with one partner.

But at the same time, a person constantly takes care of his other half, but regular affairs on the side ruin the marriage bond.

If the line becomes thin towards the end of life, then the individual realizes his mistakes and in the second half of his life’s journey repents, ending his love relationship.

An ascending line without a branch from the heart line, but intermittent, indicates serious heart problems. Such people were often accompanied by love turmoil, which was reflected in the subconscious.

In life you come across the wrong partners, although they themselves have every chance of being loved.

The personality is flexible, responsive, but tends to fall under the influence of others. When receiving their first bad experience, such people suffer from loneliness, as they have short-term connections.

When you see a branch upward from the heart line, one branch goes to the middle finger and the other to the index finger, then you have a fortuneteller who has a terrible character.

You shouldn’t expect warmth and love from him, and a disdainful attitude towards your other half is terribly exhausting. The partner suffers due to regular scandals and attacks of jealousy. Marriage becomes unbearable due to frequent departures, and family life is like a volcano. With such a partner you can be extremely exhausted.

This combination suggests that a calculating person is sitting in front of you and his marriage will most likely develop only from financial gain. An individual is guided in relationships only by money.

Emotional coldness suggests that a person wants to extract the usual benefit for himself from every situation, even the bitter one.

Nevertheless, the fortuneteller is constant in his relationship with his partner and, in any situation, tries to maintain his relationship with his partner. If there are relationships outside of marriage, everything is carefully hidden and will not affect the relationship with your partner. Stability is the motto of such people.

If the soul line intersects with the life path, and the head line ends with the heart line, then you have a person whose love affairs influence his life path.

Such people are controlled by emotions and feelings. The owner often becomes depressed.

If such a man pursues you with his advances, do not console yourself with the fact that your partner is madly in love, this is simply an act of hurt pride.

Such people do not believe in the soul and God, and they can only show condolences when they feel benefit. This palm is typical of cold-blooded killers.

A spliced ​​combination indicates that a person constantly has some kind of internal struggle, even to the point of psychological disorder.

The fortuneteller always has doubts about choosing a partner; he does not have a clear idea of ​​what exactly he needs. Outbursts of jealousy up to psychosis are possible. Don't expect anything good from such a marriage. In addition, the owner of the hand at an advanced age begins to become interested in religion and ends his life in a monastery, rethinking life values.

This combination suggests that one novel can radically change your whole life. When such a branch comes into contact with the life line, the romance will definitely end with a wedding. But if the heart line is crossed in life, then the couple will face a divorce with the consequences of deep depression.

Such people love family more than work and treat their partner and children with care.

If the mental road “runs over” the heart line, then you see in front of you a demon who pursues only material wealth.

What if the marriage line connects with the heart line and the road of life

This combination looks like this: from love to hate there is one step. A passionate, fiery romance that ends in marriage faces an inevitable divorce. If an island is found at the end of the heart line, then the divorce will be loud and scandalous.

There are also divorces, which are perceived as a tragedy in life. In this case, the marriage line bends towards the heart line and turns into a fork. The spouses remain enemies for life.

How to determine age based on the heart and life events

Determining age is quite simple. To do this, you will need a simple ruler, with which you can measure the entire length of the soul trait. Divide it in half and get 40 years of age.

Let's take a closer look at the periods of life:

  • 70 years of age can be seen between the index and middle fingers.
  • The average is fifty years old.
  • Events of 30 years of age will be viewed under the ring finger.
  • And under the little finger is the beginning of life's journey.

The video review will tell you more about determining age:

Signs and lines of influence to the heart line

By the presence of marks and various signs, one can judge various fateful events in a person’s life. The location on the heart line indicates the period of time when this or that event will occur.

Important. It is worth paying attention to the different dashes or auxiliary forks that are located on the spiritual road or cross it.

If you see a hand with many auxiliary lines and dashes, then this means a very energetic person. Each branch that is directed upward speaks of a romantic contact in which the person will be happy. If the branch goes down, then there will only be trouble in the union.

Let's look at the signs that appear on the hand:

It means interference in a person’s personal life by strangers.

Such a sign indicates that in life you will be deceived or greatly offended and this will remain in your memory.

If a couple of lines intersect at the break, then reconciliation follows the quarrel.

Talks about frivolous relationships or marriages. In general, such unions will be unsuccessful.

Indicates divorce, severe emotional breakup leading to psycho-trauma.

What does the hash mark mean?

The heart line on the hand is very important; it is responsible for the emotional component of a person’s life and interaction with other people. The line is located in the upper third of the palm. It starts at the edge, below the tubercle of Mercury, and extends to the index and ring fingers. The length, thickness and shape of the branch vary. The point at which it ends and its interaction with other signs is of great importance. Without analyzing this important branch on the hand, not a single fortune-telling in palmistry is possible.

Two types of heart line

The study of the heart line on the hand begins by determining its type. Based on this feature, you can say a lot about the character and mental make-up of a person. Palmistry distinguishes 2 types of cardiac branches:

  • physical;
  • spiritual.

When determining the type, attention is paid to the shape and flow of the trait, its end points. It also happens that there is no heart line on the hand at all. Or rather, it completely merges with the branch of the mind. Such a hand is called a monkey's hand. A person with such a pattern either completely subordinates emotions to reason, or, conversely, is guided exclusively by feelings.

Physical line of the heart

Such a branch bends or rounds, ending between the index and ring fingers or at their base. What does the physical heart line mean? A person with this pattern on his palm is open, he knows how to express his feelings and emotions. He survives shocks easily and quickly gets into shape. He knows how to show sympathy and empathy.

Spiritual line of the heart

The spiritual line of the heart is horizontal and completely straight. It stretches from one edge of the palm to the other with virtually no curves. The owner of such a hand is a secretive person who does not know how and does not want to show his emotions. Often such people are very romantic natures, their feelings prevail over reason. But it also happens that they are cold, calculating and selfish.

Among the owners of the spiritual line of the heart there are monogamous people and owners. They deeply experience failures and successes, but do not show it, which is why they often suffer from heart disease and nervous breakdowns.

Main characteristics of the heart line

As already mentioned, the heart line begins at the edge of the palm and ends between the ring and middle fingers with different variations. Like other branches on the hand, it is characterized by the following basic parameters:

  • length;
  • thickness;
  • depth;
  • Form.

A long heart line says that a person is emotional and comprehensively developed. He has many hobbies and does any work with deep feeling. Such people know how to empathize and come to the aid of others. A short heart line, interrupted in the middle of the palm, belongs to a conservative and reserved person. Its owner is guided in life by logic, not by feelings. It happens that he becomes dependent on other people's opinions.

A wide line is a sign of indifference, a slow emotional reaction to certain events. Such people are slow to get excited, but can experience stress for a long time. A narrow line indicates frequent mood swings, energy and nervous instability.

The deep line of the heart in the palm has a special meaning. People with this pattern are truly sensual and emotional.

If the line is narrow, its owner has an explosive character. When the band is wide, a person is prone to very deep and lasting experiences. An inconspicuous, superficial line is a sign of a meager spiritual world and intolerance. The owner of such a heart line does not know how to sympathize, listen to other people, or seek compromises. A double line is a good sign: a faithful and loving spouse will appear in life.

Options for ending the heart line

Palmistry on the heart line especially carefully reads the meaning of the endings. By this sign you can learn about a person’s character, his attitude towards life, and other people. There are several ending options:

  • The heart line on the palm ends under the index finger. The owner of this branch is energetic, a little fussy, and ambitious. He carefully chooses his friends and life partners, and often places excessive demands on them. He rarely gets attached to people and doesn’t let him get close to him. Such a person’s feelings are superficial.
  • The branch ends under the ring or middle finger. This pattern is typical of egoists who think only about themselves and pay little attention to the feelings of others. They are promiscuous and make casual acquaintances that do not last long. Owners of this type of heart line are sexual, but they prefer a short-term physical connection rather than an emotional union.
  • The heart line is clear and ends between the index and middle fingers. Here is a sincere and honest person you can trust. He values ​​real feelings and strong connections, is true to his principles, and knows how to help others. Such people have happy marriages, they have excellent relationships with parents and children.
  • A fork at the end is typical for people with a complex mental organization, capable of comprehensive analysis and complex assessments of any events. If one branch ends under the index finger, it means that this is a very kind and slightly romantic person.
  • The fork is located on the line of the heart, and its tips reach the base of the index and ring fingers. The owner is a leader by nature; he does not accept a subordinate position. When the fork has a more pronounced intersection with the middle finger, its owner is fixated on himself. If it is in more contact with the index finger, it means that the owner is ready to cooperate, but only in a leadership position.
  • A branched heart line with several endings in the palm is characteristic of positive and emotional people. Sometimes such a sign at the end is called the “lucky mark”. Its owner enjoys the love of all loved ones, he has excellent relationships with the opposite sex.
  • The line of the heart goes down and ends on the branch of the mind. This means that its owner is energetic, proactive and lucky. But he measures success only by material profit, and does not trust people, even those closest to him.

If the flow of the heart stripe is smooth, without twists or turns, it means that its owner is constancy, faithful to his family, loved ones, and loved ones. If the line is winding, there is a potential traitor in front of you. Even family people with such a heart line on their hand are looking for love affairs on the side.

Interaction of the line of the heart, head and life

To read fate by hand, it is very important to know how the two nearby stripes of the head and heart interact. One of them is responsible for the intellectual component of life, the other for the emotional. Depending on how two energies influence each other, character and destiny depend. The options are as follows:

  • An elongated heart line with a short head line. This option is typical for emotional and spiritual people, for whom the emotional side is more important than the rational. Often the owners of such a hand are short-sighted and live for today.
  • Shortened heart branch with a long head line. The picture is typical for pragmatists, accustomed to looking at life rationally, with stingy feelings. They are always guided by logic, not feelings, and are sometimes too selfish. Their spiritual energy is weak, but it is fully compensated by mental abilities.
  • When the heart line connects with the head branch, the emotional and mental spheres are very dependent on each other. It is human nature to act recklessly. At the same time, he cannot completely let go of his emotions. If there is only one branch, an impulsive decision will be made that will significantly affect fate.
  • A straight and clear line connecting two branches. For men, this is a sign of falling in love. For women, such a sign often means affection for people of the opposite sex. They remain faithful to their chosen one even when he pushes them away or cheats on them.
  • If the lines of the heart on the palms partially converge with the branches of the head, it means that their owner is always guided by emotions when making decisions. This does not allow him to achieve success in life, since feelings often prevail over reason and force him to perform spontaneous actions. The situation is aggravated by the lines crossing the branches.
  • The space between the branch of the head and the heart is shaded, there are lines crossing both stripes. The owner of such a drawing is a very vulnerable person who often suffers from loneliness. If the gap is clear, the owner of the palm is prone to individualism and does not know how to interact with the team.
  • The gap is shaped like a lyre. This pattern means that its owner is very conscientious and responsible. He knows how to compromise in small things, but in matters of principle he shows unusual firmness.
  • The space between the branches resembles a square. Excessive compliance forces a person to betray his principles and suffer after that. He is easily influenced by others.
  • A small space between two branches, they run almost like a double line. The owner of the hand is shy, indecisive, and has difficulty overcoming problems.

Sometimes the heart line and life line can interact with each other. They are connected by strokes or long processes. This pattern means that its owner is very attached to his parents. This often prevents him from building his personal life and his own family. When these two branches are connected by multiple strokes, you see a very secretive person hiding his true nature from everyone.

Palmistry: Heart Line. Love experiences



Palmistry line of the soul - heart (part 3)

Interaction with other lines and hills on the hand

The meaning of the heart line in the palm largely depends on how it fits into the overall pattern. If the line is located high, under the fingers themselves, it means that the owner is a passionate nature. He strives to live up to the ideal, looking for partners to match himself. The low position of the branch is characteristic of stubborn, emotionally cold people. If the hills in the palm are well developed, this means a very religious person.

What palmistry says about the heart line and its interaction with other branches. Let's look at some examples:

  • The line connects the Mount of Jupiter under the index finger and the Mount of Mercury under the little finger. Before you is a hunter of the opposite sex. He has numerous love affairs, but very short-lived ones. If such a line also branches, the person is very amorous, deeply feels every relationship, but does not know how to love for a long time.
  • Branches to the mound of Mercury. This means that the owner has a real goal, he is ambitious, achieves success and wealth through talent and hard work.
  • A process going to the tubercle of the Sun. The trait of lucky people is that such people are lucky in everything. If the line then branches out, this is a talented and multifaceted personality.
  • The straight line of the heart reaches the Mount of Jupiter and there branches into many branches. The owner of the palm is very talented, courageous, and knows how to deal with life’s difficulties. Even other people are charged with his energy.
  • Bifurcation on the Mount of Saturn. Good ability to deal with difficulties and overcome unexpected obstacles along the way.
  • Branches from the heart line go to the fingers. A sign of an intelligent, flexible and charming person. People are drawn to him and come looking for support and advice.
  • The branch of the heart is connected to the line of Apollo (luck or the Sun), forming an angle. Such people have many friends and are very sociable, but there is always a risk that they will miss a true faithful life partner.
  • Combination with Venus belt. It is typical for people who are quick-tempered and irritable and do not accept other people’s opinions.
  • The intersection of the lines of fate and the branch of the heart speaks of a person’s suspiciousness and excessive sentimentality. He is ready to defend his ideas, even if they are initially untenable. If the branch of fate descends from above, rests on the heart and does not go further down, it means that its owner will have a good personal life and the marriage will be happy.
  • Multiple streaks and branches extending down or across a branch. It means a frivolous character, inconstancy, a tendency to deceive and fail to fulfill promises. The picture is enhanced if the intersection is connected to the gap.

Any branches and interactions with other branches on the hand should be read very carefully, because such lines can be barely noticeable. It is best to look at various examples of the heart line in photos and videos or seek clarification from an experienced palmist.

Signs on the heart line

The signs on the heart line are very important. They warn of difficult turns of fate, mental and emotional turmoil, and serious dangers. Some signs can play a protective role. It also matters where the signs are located. Let's look at this issue in more detail.


Any break in the heart line indicates uncertainty and mental tossing. If it is in the middle, doubts and suspicions have no basis. The life of the owner of such a palm is quite successful, but internal discomfort does not leave him. Multiple breaks crossing the entire strip are a sign of a good, calm, but slightly boring person.

A branch torn under the tubercle of Apollo is characteristic of impulsive people who find themselves in various unpleasant situations. At the same time, they are quite capable of dealing with them successfully. If the gap is under the mound of Mercury, the owner of the line is a good leader, assertive, but often too kind with his subordinates. Tears on a man's hand characterize a womanizer, on a woman's hand they speak of disappointment in love.


A lonely island on the heart line means separation in love. If after the mark the line continues and remains clear, the mental trauma will be overcome. If it breaks, the heart attack will be fatal, the owner of such a palm will be lonely all his life. If there are multiple islands on the heart line, it means that failures in your personal life will haunt you throughout your life.

A continuous chain of islands on the heart line, reminiscent of rice, speaks of a silent and withdrawn personality. Such a person is a good performer, but a lack of initiative and leadership qualities complicates his career and complicates the path to success.


Strokes crossing or passing through a branch can tell about a person who seeks harmony in everything. He is interested in art, music, and has a fine spiritual organization. But such people have absolutely no will to win, no desire to change their destiny, they prefer to go with the flow.


A trident or triangle warns of vision problems. Sometimes the owners of such a sign are too unscrupulous in people, they are often deceived or used for their own selfish interests.


Multiple crosses above our heart line indicate repressed feelings and emotions. This often happens due to outside influence. When there is only one cross, located on the line itself, its owner can achieve a lot in the scientific field, but for this he may have to sacrifice his personal life and put an end to his family.


Palmistry interprets the meaning of a star in different ways. In some cases, she says that the mark portends serious heart disease. In others - a happy marriage and family life. If a trait begins with a star, its owner strives for perfection, reaching the top. He has the strength, ability, and self-control to do this, and he copes well with any difficulties.


A small dot on the heart line indicates disappointment in your personal life. If there are multiple points on the heart line, it means that you will not be lucky in love for long. This will lead to mental suffering. Sometimes people, after such suffering, become callous and withdraw into themselves. A mole has similar properties. She also warns about heart problems.


A diamond or square on the heart line may indicate disappointment in love. Fortunately, the mental wound will heal very quickly and does not affect future life. Sometimes a square protects against the adverse influence of other signs. It all depends on where it is located. If you're just on a branch, the protection is very weak. If he takes a bad branch into a kind of circle, its influence is reduced to zero. Sometimes the diamond on the hand resembles a heart. This means that true love awaits you. True, to build a relationship you will have to go a long way and overcome many difficulties.

Decoding fate along the heart line

The heart line and deciphering fate along it require more analysis than just examining the branch and the signs on it. You need to know which hand to read the prediction on. The pattern on the left palm speaks of the karma that is given to a person from birth. It can only be changed by a serious effort of will. The picture on the right hand is more under our control. The lines and signs on it talk about how we influence our own lives.

Time on the heart line can leave its marks. Signs appear here that speak of disappointment in love, emotional stress, and mental tossing. The marks may disappear if we manage to solve the problem. In order to be prepared for any twists of fate, it is important to calculate the time of this or that event, your approximate age at that moment.

Dating on the heart line is simple. The line corresponds to 75 years. It is conditionally divided first into 3 segments, 25 years each. Then each of them is divided into 5 more sections. It is hardly possible to guess an event more accurately, because palmistry is not such an exact science.

The heart line is associated with relationships with people, but nothing in the world is absolute. You can always influence yourself, fate and the world around you. You need to be above your own weaknesses and negative predictions. In the end, you can find a way out of any situation. If you strive upward, towards light and perfection, and believe that failures will not break you, even the most unfavorable karma will change.