Lilies sprouted in March, what to do. Planting lilies in March: saving sprouted bulbs. The feasibility of pre-germinating lily bulbs

In autumn, lilies are usually planted from the end of August to the first week of October. Bulbs planted during this period take root well before frost and begin active growth with the arrival of spring.

However, due to inexperience or carelessness, sometimes summer residents are left with onions with sprouts, that is, already sprouted. What to do with them?

If the sprouts are not very good large sizes, then they should be removed, preferably as much as possible. After this procedure, the bulb will weaken a little, and in order for it to survive the winter, it needs to be better covered for the winter.

Algorithm for planting sprouted lily bulbs

Our neighbors in the townhouse who grow lilies advise doing this:

  1. Allow the lily bulbs to grow shoots about 20cm long.
  2. Then, using rotational movements in different directions, carefully pull them out of the bulbs. It is desirable that the sprout comes out completely.
  3. Plant the lily bulb as usual, just provide it with better shelter.

The timing is generally the same as described above, but it is advisable not to wait until the beginning of October, but to plant lilies 2-3 weeks earlier, in mid-September.

How to plant lily bulbs with very large shoots

If the sprouts of your lilies are already very large, there is no point in twisting them out of the bulb. It is better to plant them as is, in a tall pot and grow them at home on the windowsill. At good care, fertilizing with liquid fertilizers you can even achieve flowering of lilies.

After flowering, lilies are removed to a cool place so that they go into a dormant state.

On the 20th of May, carefully remove the lily from the pot along with the earthen ball and plant it in a deep hole in the area.

Planting sprouted lilies in spring

If by May the bulb only has a short sprout rolled into a tube, plant it like a regular unsprouted bulb (to a depth of 3 times the size of the planting bulb). If the bulb sprouts strongly, plant it shallowly so that the neck of the sprout is at ground level. In the fall, such lilies should be transplanted to the required depth so that they do not freeze in the following winter.

Correct planting material

For autumn planting, it is worth choosing unsprouted bulbs of this season. It is advisable that you grow them yourself or buy them from local gardeners. They must be clean and dense, with living roots, free of rot, and have a length of 5 cm or more.

Those lily bulbs that can be found in stores are usually imported from Holland. They can be planted in Russia, but only in spring.

How to save bulbs bought early

If you purchased planting material ahead of schedule, you can try to save it until planting. To do this, lily bulbs are placed in a regular bag with sawdust and moistened peat with ventilation holes throughout the entire area. Such planting material should be stored in the refrigerator or basement at constant temperature from -2 to +3 C.

The best time to plant lilies is in the fall - from the last days of August to the beginning of October. The bulbs planted at this time have time to take root well and become completely strong, and the lilies that begin to grow in the spring will calmly withstand the spring cold snap.

If the sprouts are small, there is a way out to get rid of them and plant the bulb without greens in the fall. This process requires skill, since the sprout must come out as much as possible. But you need to take into account the fact that the bulb will weaken, so it needs to be well covered for the winter.

NEED TO: wait until the sprouts grow 20 cm in height, andCarefully remove them from the onion, rotating them in different directions. The sprout should come out as completely as possible.

After this, you can safely plant the lily, not forgetting to provide it with shelter.

Lily bulbs with large sprouts, what to do in this case?

Lilies with large shoots are best planted in a tall pot. Before spring planting it will not be possible to save the bulb, since the sprouts will only stretch out greatly over the winter, and those planted in open ground will continue to grow in the ground and die.

On a bright windowsill proper care your lilies may even bloom. They should be watered and fed with liquid flower fertilizer. At the end of May - beginning of June, the plant is carefully removed from the pot and transplanted into the garden, trying not to damage the roots; for this, the hole is made deep.

They also brought me bulbs with very overgrown sprouts. In this case, you shouldn't take risks, so I planted them in a deep pot. All sprouted instantly and have already gained color. As soon as they finish blooming, I’ll put them in a cool place, and then I’ll put them away in the cold. And in the spring I will plant them in the ground as expected.

Bulbs with lily sprouts are best planted in spring

If the conditions for planting lilies with shoots are observed, you can get bright flowering plant this summer. Sprouted bulbs are planted in the ground at the end of May, when severe frosts are already behind. Otherwise, the tender sprouts may freeze.

The depth of the bulb depends on the degree of development of the sprout. If the sprout is still short, curled into a “tube” and the leaves on it have not yet opened, then you can plant it at the usual depth. For bulbous crops, it is three times the height of the bulb, counting from the bottom. For different types lilies - 12-20 cm.

But if the sprout on the bulb has already unfurled its leaves, then such a bulb cannot be planted deeply - only up to the neck of the sprout, without deepening it. The sprout will not be able to rise from the thickness of the earth and will rot. With such a shallow planting, there is a danger that the bulb will freeze in winter. Therefore, it is safer to transplant the lily bulb to the required depth in the fall.

How to determine the right time to plant bulbs?

For planting in open ground in the fall, it is advisable to take only those bulbs that were grown this season independently or purchased from local gardeners. Lily bulbs must be clean, plump and not sprouted, and the roots must be alive, without rot, at least 5 cm long...

Planting material purchased in the store is imported mainly from Holland. Since the climate there is somewhat different, bulbs for sale are dug up in October-November, then dried, cooled and sent to Russia. They reach our shelves in the spring, so it is better to plant them in the spring.

Sometimes it is quite possible to save bulbs purchased too early. To do this, put them in a storage bag filled with moistened peat or sawdust, make holes for ventilation and store them in a suitable place at a temperature of -2 to +3ºС - possibly in the refrigerator.

Planting and caring for lilies in autumn

Many summer residents plant lilies in the fall. The advantage of such planting is that its timing can vary, since the bulbs are at rest and will not begin to grow. Optimal timing plantings are at the end of August, September and even October.

In the fall, you need to replant dormant plants after flowering that were dug up this year. You need to buy such bulbs in markets and from local gardeners. It is these bulbs that will be adapted to our climate and will survive the winter favorably.

Which bulbs are not suitable for autumn planting?

It is important to understand that not every variety of lilies is suitable for autumn planting. If you want to enjoy some exotic variety of this flower, and purchase bulbs in a store with the intention of planting them in the fall, then you are unlikely to be able to enjoy the color of this plant.

The thing is that the bulbs that are sold in supermarkets or specialty stores are brought from Holland. Climatic conditions This country allows you to plant flowers in October, since it is quite warm there. But here they need to be planted exclusively in the spring, otherwise the flowers will not survive winter frosts.

When you have decided on the bulbs, you can begin preparations for autumn planting - soil and planting site.

The plant loves sunny places, but in the midday heat it needs shade. The only wish for the soil is that it should be well-drained and deeply cultivated. It can be slightly acidic, neutral or slightly alkaline earth. The substrate must be cleared of root weeds.

It is impossible to say for sure when you can plant lilies. This is due to the fact that autumn has been quite warm lately, so if you plant the bulbs earlier, then due to favorable weather they may begin to grow, and this is extremely undesirable. You can determine the ideal time for planting yourself, depending on your region of residence. So, if the average daily temperature does not rise above 10-12 degrees, then you can safely plant flowers.

If the soil type does not meet the requirements, then the planting site must be prepared a month in advance. You need to add a little peat to light soil, and sand to heavy soil. If the substrate meets all the requirements, then you can dig a hole in it about 15 cm deep (or 3 times the height of the bulb). The distance of the bulbs from each other should be approximately 15 cm.

The secret to successful rooting of the bulb is that you need to add coarse sand to the hole to retain moisture, because the bulbs should not dry out for several weeks after planting. After you have put the sand, you need to place the onion in the hole, sprinkle it with sand again and press it well. There is no need to sprinkle soil on top.

Winter shelter garden lilies

It is best to cover lilies with dry oak leaves, straw, spruce branches or peat (10-15 cm layer), any non-woven covering materials (Spunbond, Agrospan), and on top with film. Oak leaves are an excellent winter shelter for those flowers that do not tolerate dampness. Despite the fact that on initial stages The life of a lily requires moisture, then excessive dampness will only be harmful.

The time for shelter is not before heavy autumn rains, after the first frost, when the soil freezes slightly. In lily plantings covered for the winter, the soil does not freeze for a long time. The roots of lilies are able to grow almost all winter at very low positive temperatures. Remove the cover in the spring, before the lily sprouts appear above the ground.

Video about correct landing lilies with sprouts. How to plant lily bulbs that have already sprouted if it is still cold outside or there is a risk of frost. Planting process, planting depth. Preparing the bulb for planting sprouted lilies. Trimming roots before planting lilies.

Planting lilies with sprouts - video

Hello, dear amateur gardeners.

We are often asked how to properly plant the lilies that you just bought in garden centers. Here I have two lilies - this is quite good planting material. Look at the color of the bulb itself - it is quite light, there are not many dark spots on it. Generally speaking, it is difficult to find a perfectly healthy onion in our stores now, because some industrial methods are used when digging, i.e. some kind of equipment and some kind of mechanical damage is sure to occur. This is exactly what they are. But practice shows that such damage does not have any negative effect on the further development of this bulb.

Next, what else is good here. The bottom is also quite dense, i.e. not wet. It happens that this bottom deepens, soft, black. The roots are not completely over-salted, quite normal, not rotten. But the most important thing is the sprout. It is still closed and its leaves have not fluffed up. Bulbs that lie in the store for a long time and wait for their customers for a long time, the sprout begins to grow long, sometimes bends, and these leaves become green and begin to open, as we are used to seeing them in the summer, as they grow in the summer. This is the kind of bulb that flower growers don’t know how to plant.

I bought these bulbs in February, i.e. I had them in the store for a month and a half. There was no sprout at all, i.e. he grew up in a refrigerator in the cold of -4 degrees. Those. this means that you can’t stop any bulb, now gladioli, dahlias, lilies, and peonies rhizomes. It’s already spring for them, they should already be growing, and these growth processes cannot be stopped in any way. But now it’s still cold outside, and we can’t plant such bulbs in the garden.

What should be done correctly with such plants?

You can’t keep such an onion in the refrigerator any longer. This sprout will grow even more, it will definitely bend somewhere, and the leaves will begin to open... Look, this sprout is so pale, but it is clear that if this process continues to happen, then such a long pale sprout will do no good will not lead.

Let's see what you can do with this onion.

By the way, last year I grew a beautiful lily from the same bulbs, planted it in a pot at home (it was too early to plant it in the garden, it was still cold outside), and it began to grow very actively and even bloomed in May . It was still cold, but it was already in full bloom, there was a yellow bell - even two. Those. Such bulbs can be planted. In this case, I have an Asiatic lily now. I love you very much yellow, he is cheerful, and we will plant it now - this onion.

So, they ask, how to plant correctly? Should I bury this sprout or not? At what depth should I plant? Etc.

Everyone knows that for bulbous crops there is a rule: plant bulbs at three heights. That is, here we have the height of the bulb, the second and third are about 10 centimeters or even a little more. This is what will happen if I bury this onion 10 centimeters. Let's say I plant in plastic bottle. How then will the roots develop if you plant it to a depth of 10 centimeters in a plastic bottle, where will they go? They grow down almost vertically on the lily bulb, and do not spread to the sides. And they will have nowhere to go - they will first begin to twist, and then they will begin to rise upward - this is already a proven thing. Therefore, we do not plant deeply, and then, when we replant it in the garden, we bury this bulb, planted from such a pot, to the required depth.

Moreover, if you have this sprout, as I already said, with loose leaves, i.e. you have a palm tree on top of this bulb, naturally, you can’t bury it at all, because the thickness of the earth that will fall on these leaves will not allow this sprout to grow, it will simply rot there. This kind of bulb with loose leaves should be planted straight up to the “shoulders”, i.e. the entire sprout should be outside, such a bulb should grow in height, and only go deeper when planting.

What you can do with this bulb now is to remove the outer scales. We just break them off carefully, you don’t need to cut them off with scissors, you just need to break them off. We have already told you how to propagate lilies from scales. Even such thin, semi-dry scales can produce small onions. They are formed on the basis of this scale, which was closer to the bottom. If you put them in peat or moss and sprinkle them a little, then young onions will form here.

Now... We cut off all the dry ends of the roots, you can even cut them off entirely, because lily bulbs always grow new roots. Now I’ll show you that they have already begun to grow on the other bulb. All dark roots need to be cut off; we have absolutely no use for them. I am still a supporter of leaving a little of these roots, it seems to me that somehow it will be better for the onion. There is air underneath when the bulb sits on the ground, and the bulb is less likely to rot.

But the second onion has already got new roots, i.e. The bulb is healthy and ready to start growing and getting ready to bloom. They ask: will such bulbs bloom? It seems that they were weakened in the store when they began to grow their sprouts without soil. These bulbs will bloom. Maybe only they will have fewer flowers(many lilies, you know, bloom in large inflorescences, in the first year do not expect such splendor from them), but then these plants will behave quite normally, as stated in the description according to the variety. In general, I really love lilies, because this is probably the most problem-free plant, if you plant it correctly, care for it, protect it a little from diseases, and you get just a wonderful result.

Well, here I’ve already poured some soil into a bottle so that there’s room for our roots to grow, and I’m planting this onion. Why am I planting in a plastic bottle? It is very convenient because it is easy to control the humidity of this substrate. Those. we may not even make drainage holes in it, but simply make sure that we do not have excess water there and that moisture does not stagnate. Where can I find trays for all the containers that we have on the windowsills - for example, I have nowhere to put them at all. Well, watering. I prefer not to water plain water, and with phytosporin. This is a biological drug that suppresses pathogens. Now our water will be absorbed, the soil is dry, it doesn’t really want to get wet. Then you can water it a little more so that the land there is well moistened.

Here is your bulb standing on the windowsill, very soon its sprout will appear above the surface, and when you bring such a plant into the garden, you will already bury it to the required depth, since this bulb should sit. Remember what level your bulb is at approximately, and you will lower it approximately twice as deep. This way it will be planted correctly for you. Then I will plant the second bulb.

When to plant in the garden? Such plants that stood on the windowsill at home, when warm temperature, have not experienced night and day temperature fluctuations, of course they need to be planted after frost. Otherwise, your wonderful sprouts, which can even form a bud, may die from frosts, which (you yourself know) we have until the end of May. So be patient, keep your beauties on the windowsill, maybe they will even bloom on your windowsill, and in next year Everything will be done in due time. They will come out of the ground on their own and bloom in the middle of summer, as lilies should.

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After this article they usually read

Spring is a troublesome time for a gardener, because there is so much to plant, trim shrubs and trees, tidy up the area, and so on. That's why experienced gardeners They try to make the most of the spring time by completing some types of garden work before the start of winter. So, planting lilies in the fall is a very common occurrence. The bulbs of most varieties of garden lilies tolerate frost well, in April they actively begin to grow and feel better than their counterparts planted in the spring.

Optimal timing for planting lilies in the fall for different regions

However, it should be noted that for autumn planting you should take only those bulbs that were grown independently or purchased from local gardeners. Is it possible to plant store-bought lilies in the fall? It’s better not to, because the planting material is in our flower shops imported mainly from Holland. And since the climate there is somewhat different, bulbs for sale are dug up in October-November, then dried, cooled and sent to Russia. They reach our shelves by spring, so it’s better to plant them right away. Planting lilies in the fall should be done from fresh planting material, dug in the same year.

If you are in doubt whether you can plant lilies in the fall, read about it, this will make it easier for you to decide what time of year is best to plant the bulbs in the ground.

Video about autumn planting lilies

Flower growers sometimes have difficulty choosing the right time to plant lilies in the fall, because it is impossible to predict in advance how long the warmth will last and whether frosts will begin. If you plant the bulbs too early, there is a chance that the lilies will start to grow, which is completely undesirable. But you shouldn’t plant plants in frozen soil either. Focus on the average daily temperature - as soon as it settles at about +10 degrees and no longer rises higher, then you can plant lilies.

Planting lily bulbs in the fall in the Urals and Siberia is usually carried out from the very beginning of September to the first days of October, in middle lane In Russia, planting dates may extend until early November, depending on the weather. If frosts begin immediately after planting and the temperature becomes sharply cold, you should cover the planted bulbs for the winter.

Plants should not be planted in frozen soil.

Also consider which types of lilies are best to plant at what time:

  • Plant white lilies first, as they have the shortest dormant period and should have time to take root well before winter;
  • then Caucasian and North American species of lilies are planted;
  • lastly produced autumn planting Oriental, Asian, Tubular hybrids, as well as Tibetan and tiger lilies.

Instructions on how to properly plant lilies in the fall

There is no big difference in how to plant lilies in autumn or spring; the planting rules are the same. In any case, you first have to choose appropriate place for growing lilies, preferably sunny conditions, since although lilies can bloom in the shade, under the sun beautiful tints appear on their petals and a pearlescent tint is added. In a shaded flowerbed, lilies will not look so luxurious.

The only peculiarity of autumn planting is that there is no need to add fertilizers to the soil and regular watering not required

Before planting lilies in the fall, dig up the soil, fertilize it with compost and remove all weeds. Then dig holes of the required depth, depending on the type of lilies and the characteristics of the soil: in heavy soil you should not deepen the bulbs, but in light soil you can make deeper holes. Plant the bulbs in the holes, sprinkle them with soil and water them.

In the corresponding article on our website you can read (in autumn or spring - it doesn’t matter) what depth of holes to make for different bulbs, and according to what scheme to plant them. The only peculiarity of autumn planting is that there is no need to add fertilizers to the soil and regular watering is not required - autumn rains will provide optimal humidity plants for you.

If you bought onions with sprouts

Sometimes it happens that by accident or, succumbing to the persuasion of the seller, flower growers buy bulbs on which small sprouts have already appeared. A natural question arises: “How do sprouted lilies plant in the fall?”

Video about planting and replanting lilies

It is, of course, better to plant dormant bulbs in the ground, but planting lilies with sprouts in the fall is also possible. If you purchase sprouted bulbs, there are two options:

  • wait until the sprouts stretch up to 20 cm, then carefully pull them out of the bulb, rotating them in different directions, and plant the bulbs in the ground in September;
  • plant the lilies in a pot and leave them at home for the winter, and transplant them into a flower bed in the spring.

Autumn planting of sprouted lilies is not the best The best decision, so try to purchase bulbs that do not have sprouts

In the first case, after pulling out the sprout, the bulb will weaken and will need careful shelter for the winter. The second option will cause you a lot of trouble, since lilies are more difficult to care for at home, and they take up a lot of space. As you can see, planting sprouted lilies in the fall is not the best solution, so try to purchase bulbs that do not have sprouts.

Why do we plant lilies in March?

The situation when snow lies outside the window, and your lily bulbs have already begun to grow, occurs often. You bought something in the fall and put it, on the advice of the sellers, in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator, but planting lilies postponed (forgotten or didn’t have time before frost). Something in OBI and Auchan, because at this time you really want to bring spring closer, and sales of planting material there begin according to Dutch standards.

Lily bulbs whose sprout has stretched 2-3 centimeters must be planted in the ground. But if the sprout is already 5-7 cm, then this must be done immediately.

For this, I take an ordinary 0.5 liter plastic beer glass, make a hole in the bottom with a diameter of at least 0.5 cm. You can use any purchased soil. Since store soils consist mainly of peat, then planting lilies will be optimal in them.

You need to add about 1-2 cm of soil to the bottom of the glass and place the onion strictly vertically. But if the sprout is strongly curved, then it is possible to place the onion on its side, as long as the sprout looks up or at least to the side. But not down!

The layer of soil above the top of the bulb should be 8-10 cm. There is no need to pull a 2-3 cm sprout into the light, it will remain underground and will come to the surface on its own.

Feeding roots will form in the soil layer on it. Water planting lilies and place in a cool place, it is in the cool that the bulbs take root better.

Green shoots need light

When will it appear green shoot, then the lilies need to be illuminated. If this is not done, the stems will stretch, bend, and turn pale. Hybrids especially need a lot of light. I place glasses with shoots directly under fluorescent lamps.