The personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Central Autonomous District met with the new leader. The metropolitan police are being cleared of General Yakunin’s team

On Friday, the court arrested the former head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Western District of Moscow Vladimir Rozhkov. The failed general (he was only a couple of months short of being awarded the rank) is suspected of bribery and raiding.

Rozhkov is already the sixth high-ranking police leader who has recently become a defendant in corruption criminal cases. And it looks like this is not the end...

In December last year, the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Western District, Vladimir Rozhkov, hastily submitted his resignation letter, without waiting two months before receiving the general's stripes. The 55-year-old Rozhkov himself publicly explained his departure due to health problems - but what else could he say?

Many media outlets report that Rozhkov was allegedly caught red-handed while accepting a bribe from one of the businessmen. In reality this is not the case. There was no arrest: the head of the district police department incriminated himself in bribes and corruption...

Last summer, FSB officers arrested a well-known “fixer” in metropolitan circles, the director of the Zashchita law office, for intermediary in bribes and fraud. Dionisy Zolotov(aka Denis Tumarkin). In his office, operatives seized a large archive of video and audio incriminating evidence: Zolotov-Tumarkin recorded all his meetings and negotiations with “partners.”

Among the confiscated items were numerous recordings of the meetings of the “fixer” (by the way, previously convicted) with the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the closed joint-stock company Vladimir Rozhkov, of the most frank nature: up to the discussion of the amount of bribes for organizing contract cases.

These are not empty words: they are supported by direct evidence. Among the main evidence against Rozhkov in the case today are 2 contracts for the purchase of foreign cars for his wife and daughter: Zolotov-Tumarkin paid for them from his own account, which is recorded on paper. The same contract was concluded for repairs new apartment Rozhkov: for services construction company The director of “Zashchita” paid again. The investigation suspects that Zolotov-Tumarkin also handed over the apartment itself to the policeman.

Bribes were payment for “resolving issues.” With the help of Rozhkov, for example, the arrest of an entrepreneur was inspired Joseph Badalov. During the time he was in the pre-trial detention center, his entire business was transferred to Zolotov’s structures. Badalov’s case has now been dropped, and he himself has been recognized as a victim. This fact is not the only one: Zolotov was actively involved in raiding and “excusing” people who came under investigation. He needed the services of a leader of such a level as Rozhkov like air...

As it now turns out, their “cooperation” began shortly after Rozhkov’s transfer to Moscow in 2013. 30 years before that he served in his native Lipetsk region(I only managed to work as the head of the Tuapse Department of Internal Affairs for the last few months), I was not accustomed to metropolitan life. Apparently, this explains the boundless frankness with which the colonel made friends with the raiders. One must completely lose the instinct of self-preservation in order to conclude such agreements, especially with yesterday’s criminals.

“He knows how to find new methods of work,” he said, introducing Rozhkov to the ATC team, Head of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate Anatoly Yakunin. And, I must admit, in a sense this was confirmed...

[Kommersant, 02/13/2015, “The head of the district police department took cars as bribes”: Colonel Rozhkov, dismissed from his post by presidential decree on December 31 last year, was detained at Vnukovo airport. However, during interrogation at the ICR, the colonel became ill, and he was taken by ambulance to the 36th city hospital. However, after examining the suspect, the doctors agreed to carry out investigative actions with him. – Insert]

The investigation against the ex-chief of the main investigation department of Petrovka has also been resumed General Morozov: He is also an appointee of a new era.

Under scandalous circumstances, the deputy was dismissed. Minister of Investigation Yuri Alekseev: It is symptomatic that he has been unemployed for a year now.

(I am deliberately not writing anything about the late Minister of Internal Affairs of Mari-El Vyacheslav Buchnev: the general chose to die as an officer, and death washed away all his sins.)

It is with regret that we have to admit that the second stage of police reform is failing. Against the background of the approaching mass layoff, this is especially alarming.

If the next selection is carried out by the same people as Rozhkov and his arrested colleagues - the head of the Ivanovo Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Nikitin, the head of the Sakhalin Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Belotserkovsky - it becomes scary for the future of the police.

Alexander Khinshtein

The new chief police officer of Moscow, General Oleg Baranov, has started a personnel revolution: those close to the former head of the capital's Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Anatoly Yakunin, are leaving the headquarters

For the last three weeks, since Oleg Baranov headed the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, there have been resignations and appointments at the police headquarters. By all indications, the new head of the Main Directorate is getting rid of the team of his former boss Anatoly Yakunin, who moved to the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Last Friday, the head of the New Moscow Internal Affairs Directorate, Colonel Sergei Ternovykh, was dismissed. He was also considered Yakunin's man. Life figured out where else in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow the people assigned to Yakunin’s team work, and who else might be affected by the resignation.

Even before the Day of Internal Affairs Worker, which is celebrated on November 10, a number of key appointments and resignations will occur in the leadership of the Moscow headquarters. Major General Oleg Baranov received from the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or rather from Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, carte blanche for personnel reform, a source in the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs tells Life.

According to him, Baranov intends to get rid of the “legacy of the Varangians” who filled the capital’s police headquarters back in 2012, after the appointment of Anatoly Yakunin as its chief.

Then Petrovka 38, many professionals from the MUR, UBEiPK and heads of district departments left, the officer says. - The turnover in the State Administration actually continued until the latest events, when President Vladimir Putin dismissed Anatoly Yakunin on September 23, and appointed Oleg Baranov in his place.

The metropolitan police are now undergoing personnel purges. On October 14, the head of the TiNAO Internal Affairs Directorate, Colonel Sergei Ternovykh, was dismissed.

– The formal reason for the resignation was the results of an internal audit of the activities of the Internal Affairs Directorate after the incident at the Khovanskoye cemetery. At the end of the summer of 2016 there was mass brawl, in which two people were killed and dozens were injured, says Life’s source at the capital’s headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. – After all, it was after the fight on Khovanskoye that Anatoly Yakunin sent the entire leadership of the Internal Affairs Directorate to retire, except for his protégé Sergei Ternovykh. Then the colonel got away with only disciplinary action. Yakunin worked with the Ternovs in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Voronezh and Novgorod regions and was always more lenient towards the colonel than towards other subordinates.

When Colonel Ternov’s subordinates found out about the resignation, they hung a sign with the name of the now former leader on the wall near the men’s toilet at the Internal Affairs Directorate.

“An order has already been signed to appoint Colonel Boris Sheinkin, who worked as the chief of police of the South-Eastern Administrative District and is considered Baranov’s man, to the position of acting head of the TiNAO Internal Affairs Directorate,” a source in the capital’s police told Life.

In addition to Sergei Ternovykh, another protege of Anatoly Yakunin, deputy head of the MUR, Colonel Mikhail Gusakov, will lose his position in the coming weeks. The colonel is married to the niece of Anatoly Yakunin, who heads the administrative department of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department.

According to Life, Gusakov went on vacation, after which he will most likely be transferred to the Operations Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is now headed by the former chief police officer of Moscow, Anatoly Yakunin. New personnel additions to the unit are expected soon.

“Another of his proteges is joining Yakunin from the capital police - the head of the press service of the main headquarters, Major Sofya Khotina, who worked in this position for about six months,” claims a Life source. - It was like this: Yakunin brought his friend’s widow to Moscow, former head police Voronezh region Oleg Khotin. And in 2016, after the resignation of Colonel Andrei Galiakberov as head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, he appointed Khotina to the vacant position. After his resignation, General Yakunin decided to transfer Sofya Khotina to work in the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Perhaps, following Sofia Khotina, Colonel Gennady Golikov, deputy chief of the Moscow police, will soon transfer to Anatoly Yakunin.

– Golikov was once the deputy chief of police of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Novgorod region, when it was led by Yakunin. During their joint service, he began to trust Golikov as himself. Most likely, the colonel may take the post of deputy chief Operational management The Ministry of Internal Affairs, which supervises the activities of the duty units of the regional police departments - he was already involved in this as deputy chief of the Moscow police, claims Life’s interlocutor from the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the middle of last week, Oleg Baranov made personnel changes in the headquarters itself, on Petrovka, 38. Thus, the head of the UEBiPK, Major General Sergei Solopov, was appointed to the post of chief of the Moscow police, deputy head of the headquarters.

“Oleg Baranov was the chief of police, so in his place he appointed a person whom he trusted and with whom he worked in the Department for Combating Organized Crime,” says Life’s interlocutor from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow.

And on October 6, 2016, the head of the MUR, Major General Igor Zinoviev, was appointed head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. His predecessor, Major General Sergei Plakhikh, went for a promotion to Kaluga, where he headed the regional Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Perhaps, in the coming days, the MUR may be headed by Colonel Maxim Vanichkin, the son of Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Mikhail Vanichkin. The current minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev and the head of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation (GUUR) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Viktor Golovanov worked with the latter back in the 80s at the MUR.

For the last three years, Vanichkin Jr. has been working for Golovanov at the GUUR, so he asked Kolokoltsev to take a closer look at the young officer.

According to Life, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, Major General Baranov, plans to conduct a secret check of all 125 district departments and 10 district police departments of the city by the end of 2016 and clear them of people in whom he is not sure.

“Oleg Anatolyevich is a tactful, competent operative who will conduct an audit of his new “economy,” but will not do it publicly,” says an officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. “At the same time, he is a tough person, so if the auditors find serious violations in the work of the departments, then the bosses will face resignation.

According to the head of the independent trade union of the capital's police officers, Mikhail Pashkin, General Baranov knows the situation in the territorial departments well.

“Oleg Anatolyevich has been Yakunin’s deputy since 2012, therefore, it seems to me, he is well aware of the real state of affairs on earth,” Mikhail Pashkin told Life.

Receive prompt official comments on changes in management capital headquarters The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation failed.

Nikolay Dobrolyubov

He has already resigned.

The chief of police of the Western District of Moscow, Vladimir Rozhkov, was detained by employees of the Main Directorate own safety The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the FSB of the Russian Federation while receiving part of the bribe. However, after giving his first testimony, the man was released and is now recovering his health in one of the capital’s clinics.

At the moment, operatives are also conducting an investigation into several other employees from the management of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the CJSC. The leadership of the district's law enforcement agencies is suspected of extortion and attempted raiding. FSB officers are involved in supporting the case.

According to investigators, Vladimir Rozhkov and law enforcement officers close to him extorted several tens of millions of rubles from the management of one of the large stores in the Western Administrative District. During the transfer of the first tranche, the special services detained the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the CJSC and one of his deputies, a source in law enforcement agencies said.

The head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the CJSC, Vladimir Rozhkov, is suspected of having connections with the “fixer” Dionisy Zolotov. It was possible to uncover corruption fraud in the district police after Zolotov was detained.

Let us recall that Dionisy Zolotov, also a citizen of Russia and Israel Denis Tumarkin, positioned himself as a “fixer” in civil and criminal cases, having connections with leaders in various law enforcement agencies. To do this, he even changed his last name to Zolotov in order to attribute to himself a non-existent relationship with the first deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Viktor Zolotov.

During searches of the “fixer”, they found audio and video evidence of the participation of Rozhkov and his charges in the raider takeover of the Royal Water JSC. According to intelligence services, Dionisy Zolotov ingratiated himself with the founder of the enterprise, Joseph Badalov. Then a case was opened against Royal Voda CJSC for non-payment of taxes of 330 million rubles, and Zolotov promised, with the help of his acquaintances, to close this case, but never fulfilled his promise.

Badalov was nevertheless arrested for 4 months, and while he was in pre-trial detention, Dionisy Zolotov, in collusion with Vladimir Rozhkov and other heads of the Western District police, carried out a raider takeover of the enterprise, taking 100% of the company’s shares from the founder, a law enforcement source said.

Zolotov himself for fraud with “ Royal water“Detained by FSB officers in August of this year. The Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested a “lawyer” on suspicion of fraud and mediation in bribery.

In the office and home of the “fixer” they found a lot of video materials from meetings at which the head of the internal affairs department for the Western District of the capital, Vladimir Rozhkov, and one of his deputies appeared. The chief police officer of the district was not only aware of the ongoing raids, but also took part in them, the source added.

According to the investigation, several of his colleagues from the police management of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Closed Joint-Stock Company helped Rozhkov in his fraud. According to intelligence services, the police leadership extorted large bribes from enterprises in the district, and if they refused, businessmen were threatened with criminal charges.

After Rozhkov was caught taking a bribe, he was interrogated and released to receive further treatment in a clinic in the capital. At the end of December, both the head of the district’s investigative unit, Nikolai Belonozhko, and Rozhkov’s first deputy, Alexander Kuzin, went on sick leave. The police leadership has already given the first statements to investigators; the investigation into the criminal case continues.


Vladimir Rozhkov began his career as an ordinary employee. In 1981, he began working at the Department of Internal Affairs of the Volovsky District Executive Committee of the Lipetsk Region. From 1981 to 2008, he worked his way up from a local juvenile inspector to the head of the criminal police.

From 2008 to 2011, he was the head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Dolgorukovsky district of the Lipetsk region, since February 2011, Rozhkov was the head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the city of Yelets, and since July 2011, the head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Novorossiysk.

On February 8, 2013, by presidential decree, Vladimir Rozhkov was appointed to the position of head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the CJSC Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow.

One cannot help but recall the Head of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate Yakunin. It seems like in our Ministry of Internal Affairs, if you sign for someone, then you are responsible for him?

The head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Police Major General Anatoly Yakunin, introduced the new chief, Police Colonel Vladimir Rozhkov, to the personnel of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Western District of the capital. The chairman also took part in the ceremony Public Council at the Internal Affairs Directorate for CJSC Alkhas Mirzabekov.

Speaking about the newly appointed head of the department, the head of the main department noted: “This person is distinguished by high level professionalism, he knows how to find new methods of work and knows what needs to be done to strengthen the district level without weakening the district level,” said Anatoly Yakunin.

In his response, Vladimir Rozhkov thanked the country's leadership and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the trust shown and promised to justify it. Also new boss The Internal Affairs Directorate noted that its main task is to create conditions under which residents of the district would feel safe.

Vladimir Alekseevich Rozhkov began his police career as an ordinary officer. In 1979 he entered the Kaunas Special Police School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, after which in 1981 he began working at the Department of Internal Affairs of the Volovsky District Executive Committee of the Lipetsk Region. From 1981 to 2008, he worked his way up from a local inspector of the juvenile affairs inspectorate to the head of the criminal police. In 1987 he graduated from the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

From May 5, 2008 to January 24, 2011 – Head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Dolgorukovsky District of the Lipetsk Region. Since February 2011 – Head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the city of Yelets. Since July 2011 - Head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Novorossiysk.

February 8 By Presidential Decree Russian Federation Vladimir Alekseevich Rozhkov was appointed to the position of head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the CJSC Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city. Moscow.

Secretary of the Public Council at the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Joint-Stock Company Valentina Kruglova

Well, here’s a screenshot to prove it, otherwise you never know))))

Recently, the court arrested the former head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the ZAO Vladimir Rozhkov for accepting a bribe. The ex-police officer was taken to Moscow pre-trial detention center-4.

Rozhkov’s cellmate was his former subordinate - the ex-chief of the Dorogomilovo UGRO Department of Internal Affairs, Sergei Yurkin, who in October last year caused a brawl in a brothel. Such an incident, as it turned out, does not in any way contradict the law “On the detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes.” Former colleagues, and now the cellmates are involved in various criminal cases.

As LifeNews reported, the chief of police of the Western District of Moscow, Vladimir Rozhkov, was detained by employees of the Main Security Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the FSB of the Russian Federation while receiving part of the bribe. Moreover, immediately after giving evidence, a high-ranking police officer complained of feeling unwell.

According to investigators, Vladimir Rozhkov and law enforcement officers close to him extorted several tens of millions of rubles from the management of one of the large stores in the Western Administrative District. In addition, Vladimir Rozhkov is suspected of having connections with the “fixer” Dionisy Zolotov.

In addition to Vladimir Rozhkov, an audit is also being carried out against several other employees from the management of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the CJSC. Investigators have already summoned high-ranking law enforcement officers for questioning in connection with the case of extortion of bribes and attempted raider takeover. According to FSB officers, the colonel himself gave direct instructions to the investigative unit of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the ZAO to initiate or terminate criminal cases.

Colonel Vladimir Rozhkov was relieved of his post by presidential decree, after which he was dismissed from the internal affairs bodies. His deputy, Alexander Kuzin, was removed from his post, commented representatives of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Moscow. Let us note that Rozhkov’s post was taken by Andrei Puchkov, who was previously the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow.

On the territory of the Western district of the capital in 2014 there was whole line serious incidents involving police personnel. The latest scandal was the brawl of Dorogomilovo police officers in a brothel.