Liana dolichos or "curly lilac": features of cultivation. Growing hyacinth beans from seeds

Dolichos is a liana of extraordinary beauty. The flower is also known as climbing lilac, hyacinth bean, kokornik, lobia, lablab. At home, it grows for several years, but in a temperate climate it is grown as an annual. Despite the ongoing work, it has not been possible to achieve its long-term growth.

In total, the kokornik has about 70 species, which are common in the conditions of the tropics and subtropics, but in our strip, dolichos ordinary is bred mainly.

This flower belongs to the legume family. Grown on a personal plot, it can become a worthy decoration of a flower garden, and its fruits are suitable for eating. They are rich in trace elements, while the content of starch and protein in them is even higher than in beans.

Dolichos grows to a height of 1.5-3 meters, has a developed root system, the stems weave along the support and wrap around it counterclockwise, have a red-brown color. Along the entire length of the vine grows large foliage, heart-shaped, dark green, purple or red-violet, with a rough surface.

Hyacinth beans begin to bloom in mid-July, and the flowering period continues until the frost. The brushes are long, with a large number of large flowers, which have a shape characteristic of all legumes. They appear at the ends of the shoots and in the axils of the apical leaves, exude a pleasant and delicate aroma. Their life cycle is only 4 days. Each inflorescence blooms up to 20 days, has up to 40 buds, replacing each other during flowering. Flower petals are painted in white-yellow or pink-purple tones. The fruits are wide pods. burgundy. Their length is 5-6 cm, inside there are 2-4 oval beans with a black surface and a white spot along the spine.

Gallery: dolichos (25 photos)

Common varieties

In natural habitats, dolichos has a rather impressive number of varieties, and within our climate zone the choice of varieties is much narrower, but still it is. Let's take a look at the most common of them:

  • Dolichos ruby ​​moon is a vine about three meters high, resistant to heat. Lush long inflorescences with beautiful purple flowers suitable for cutting, very long stored in water. The plant is decorative even after the end of flowering: maroon flat pods will decorate it until late autumn.
  • Lilac cascade - great for growing in flowerpots and on the balcony, quite resistant to cold snaps and short frosts, prone to the formation of a large number of side shoots. More suitable as an element of decor than for harvesting.
  • purple garlands - tall variety, the length of its stems can reach 6 meters. This species has huge foliage and long bright purple inflorescences growing in the form of a garland. For this similarity, the liana got its name. Cut flowers can stand in water for up to several weeks.

Growing a flower

Hyacinth beans are an unpretentious plant that does not require constant attention, but in order to get a truly worthy specimen, some care will still be required.

The dolichos flower is grown in seedlings, as it is thermophilic and does not tolerate cold weather, optimum temperature for normal development plants - 20-30°C. Hyacinth beans form additional roots extremely weakly, so their propagation by cuttings is a very troublesome and thankless job.

For planting a flower in open ground seedlings need to be prepared.

seedling preparation

The optimal time for planting seeds is February or March, this can be done in cups or in specially prepared boxes. Before planting, the beans must be soaked for a day in warm water. In order to speed up the germination process, seeds are scarified. This can be done in several ways: process with a nail file or a knife, make a puncture with a needle, scratch the surface of the beans with sandpaper. With the help of this procedure, the water resistance of the shell is broken and moisture gets to the embryo faster. So that the beans do not sour, they can be temporarily placed in the refrigerator.

For normal growth A flower needs a neutral or slightly alkaline soil. It is advisable to add a little to the soil wood ash or chalk. Seeds are planted to a depth of 3 cm at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other. Watering is carried out as needed, usually to maintain the desired state of the soil, it is enough to moisten it once a week.

Store pots with seedlings in a well-lit place at a temperature above +20 degrees, for example, on a balcony or on a windowsill. Already when growing seedlings, young plants need to install small supports. Planting climbing lilacs can also be done in a seedless way, in this case, the beans are planted on a prepared site in May, when the soil warms up enough, but then the seedlings germinate for a long time and develop slowly at first.

Flowering in this case begins later, around the end of August, and the beans do not ripen completely, which is a threat to the collection of quality seeds for use next year.

flower care

The optimal time for planting seedlings in open ground is the end of May - the beginning of June, for this they choose a sunny, unshaded place. If there is not enough light, flower growth will slow down greatly and flowering may not occur at all. Dolichos is very thermophilic, cold drafts and gusty winds are also unacceptable for him.

Hyacinth beans do not tolerate strongly acidic or alkaline soil, the optimal PH for them is neutral. It would be useful to loosen it and add humus before planting in the ground. Watering is done often: 2-3 times a week with a small amount of water, with severe drought even more often, while excessive moisture should not be allowed - it makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the roots.

The soil should dry out only on the surface, and weeding and weeding should be done regularly to improve aeration.

Seedlings are planted carefully at a distance of 30-40 cm, in order to preserve the roots, it is better to do this together with a clod of earth. Dolichos loves top dressing with a high phosphorus content, for this they prepare a liquid substrate and apply it to the soil about 1-2 times a month. Then the flower responds more rapid flowering and abundant growth. Hyacinth beans are a climbing plant, and for its proper development, a support is used, the height of which should be 2 m. To form side shoots, it is necessary to pinch periodically.

Ripening and harvesting fruits

Beans become suitable for eating 1.5-2 months after planting seedlings, but for harvesting for seeds they ripen only in 10-15 weeks, as evidenced by the drying of the lashes. The pods are harvested and dried, after which seedlings are removed from them and poured into jars, where they are stored until the next season. Once harvested, the beans are suitable for cultivation for five years. To get quality seed it is better to take seeds from the first pods - the plant gives them more useful trace elements. A flower grown from these seeds will be stronger and more beautiful.

If the plans are to constantly breed this crop, then it is better to harvest beans for sowing at home than to buy in a store, since in the second case there is no guarantee that ripe seedlings are collected in the package. As a result, although dolichos will grow quite tall, its flowering will not be plentiful.

After harvesting the first harvest, it is desirable to shorten the main stems by half, this stimulates the growth of the flower and will make it possible to harvest the fruits several times.

Diseases and pests

Curly lilacs are unpretentious in their care, but, despite their rather high resistance to diseases and pests, they can still occasionally be exposed to them. Powdery mildew manifests itself in the form of white spots on the leaves, which can be eliminated in several ways:

  • using systemic fungicides;
  • apply natural remedies, such as a decoction of horsetail or garlic.

To prevent the appearance of this fungus, simple care is needed:

  • removal of fallen leaves;
  • watering to produce directly under the root of the plant.

With the appearance of yellow spots, the flower reacts to a lack of potassium, then appropriate fertilizing with potassium-containing fertilizers is carried out. Of the insects that harm the plant - aphids, caterpillars, nodular root nematodes, red spots may appear in the shade. spider mites and whiteflies. You can destroy them by treating the plant with insecticides.

The dolichos flower is very easy to care for, which, along with the exotic appearance makes it a very attractive plant for use in landscape design.

Curly lilac blooms a few weeks after planting in open ground and pleases its owner delicate flowers extraordinary beauty until the frost.

A long liana with a large number of flowering shoots can become an excellent weaving hedge, a small arch, or close the walls of buildings on a personal plot with its original foliage. A cozy flowering gazebo will be created by hyacinth beans grown around it. Pods of lilacs (dolichos) are painted in purple and in combination with just blossoming buds they will create a spectacular look, especially against the background of yellowing autumn foliage.

The garden is not the only place where you can grow kokornik, it will create a special unusual atmosphere and also decorate the terrace or balcony. The plant feels quite well in flowerpots.


In European cuisine, lobia is rarely used, but in its historical homeland, dolichos is grown not only for eating as a valuable nutritious product, but also for medical purposes: to normalize the digestive tract, treat diseases of the stomach and liver.

In their structure, the beans contain a protein similar to an animal, have a soft and delicate taste. Both completely ripe and still young fruits, as well as immature pods, are suitable for food.

In cooking, they can be both a main course and a side dish for other meals; they are a good addition as a seasoning for meat, fish and seafood, giving them a special taste and aroma.

It is important to note that mature beans require soaking with repeated changes of water before cooking, after which they need to be cooked for about an hour and a half. These precautions are due to the fact that the fruits of lobia contain hydrocyanic acid.

Thus, dolichos will not only add original colors to flower beds and home gardens, but will also be an excellent addition to dining table, will help to satisfy hunger, restore strength and improve immunity.

Hyacinth beans (dolichos, climbing lilacs) are climbing plant, it resembles . But this plant belongs to the legume family. Under natural conditions, climbing lilac grows in the mountains of Africa. From these areas, the plant spread throughout Canada and Europe.

Hyacinth beans: description and varieties

Might have leaves different colors moderate purplish red to green. They are large and heart shaped. The flowers are small, up to 40 pieces in the inflorescence. Flowers are light pink, crimson, snow-white, Persian of blue color. They can have 2 different shades. One flower lives for 3 days, after which it fades, but since there are many flowers in the inflorescence, this is hardly noticeable.

The plant blooms from July until frost. Fruits look very beautiful - pods that have a rich brown-burgundy or purple color.

Popular varieties:

  • "Pink Moon", grows up to 4 m long, the variety has bright green leaves and flowers in shades of magenta and purple. The advantage of the variety is that the beans do not fall off the branches, they hang until frost.
  • "Lilac cascade", balconies and verandas are decorated with these flowers. The grade has the increased resistance to frosts. Compared to others, these plants branch more. One plant can have up to 30 shoots, the leaves grow very densely. The branches are up to 5 m long.
  • Variety @Purple Garlands@ reaches a height of 6 m, has many leaves and bright purple flowers. Harvested flowers stand in the form of a bouquet in water longer than other varieties. The heart-shaped leaves have a red tint.

Hyacinth beans are annual plants, therefore, they are propagated only by seeds. Seeds are sown in open ground in mid-April and the plantings are covered with polyethylene film.

The second time the seeds are sown in late May and early June.

At this time, the sown dolichos is not covered. For planting on seeds planted in the house in early April. A month later, the seedlings are planted in the garden.

To speed up seed germination, you can:

  • Pour boiling water over them.
  • File with a special nail file.
  • Sand a little with fine sandpaper.
  • Pierce the beans with a needle.
  • Then the seeds are placed in warm water and soaked for a day. Water is recommended to be changed 3-4 times.

The plant loves the earth, which has neutral properties. Therefore, it is advised to pour chalk or ash into pots with earth. Seeds are planted to a depth of 4-5 cm. Indents between plants are kept at 30 cm.

The apartment should have an air temperature of +20 ° C and above. Water the beans once a week. For hardening in May, seedlings are taken out to the loggia for several hours. Plants can be tied to supports.

The landing site should be sunny, and the soil loose and fertile. The plant does not tolerate earth that has acidic or alkaline characteristics. In autumn, the soil is dug up and 2-4 kg of compost, 40 phosphorus, 30 g of potassium per 1 sq. m. In the spring, 60 g of ash per 1 sq. m. is added to the ground. m.

A distance of 20 cm is kept between the pits. You can also pour a teaspoon of ash or eggshells that are ground into flour into each hole, this will reduce the acidity of the soil.

Seedlings are planted in mid-May, by which time the earth warms up sufficiently, since the winding lilac does not tolerate frost at all.

The roots of the plant are very delicate. Therefore, plant them very carefully. They put a support near the seedling and tie dolichos with thick threads or thin ropes.

14 days after planting the seedlings, fruits begin to set. Dolichos needs plentiful and regular, it is especially necessary when planting. An adult plant calmly tolerates dry air, but the soil must be constantly moist.

Especially the plant needs moisture when and tying pods.

If there is not enough water, then the buds, flowers and pods fall off the hyacinth beans. Hyacinth beans are watered daily. If there is heat and drought, then the beans are watered 2-3 times a day.

Dolichos top dressing:

  • They are fed complex. Nodule bacteria that multiply on the root system take nitrogen from the air, because of this it should have a low nitrogen content.
  • While the plants are growing, fertilizers are applied 1 time in 2 weeks.
  • It is impossible for fertilizers to fall on dolichos leaves, as burns may appear on them.
  • Dry fertilizers should be scattered near the roots, and solutions are applied when watering with a watering can, while trying not to get on the plants, but only on the soil.

The appearance on the leaves of small yellow spots means that the vines lack potassium. Harvest when the pods dry up. Harvested beans remain viable for 5 years.

Liana can be affected by fungal leaf spot. In this case, it is necessary to reduce watering and treat the culture with a solution blue vitriol, colloidal sulfur, Bordeaux liquid.

Dolichos can also get sick with powdery mildew. The disease appears with excessive soil moisture and heat, with a large amount of nitrogen, too dense plantings, dry soil near the root system.

The disease is detected by twisted leaves and gray mealy spots.

If the damage is not very strong, you can spray the plant with an emulsion of copper and soap: in a bucket with hot water(9 l) pour 300 g of soap, at the same time, 30 g of copper sulfate are added to a jar with 1 liter of water. After mixing, cooling and use. You can spray hyacinth beans with a solution of 100 g of colloidal sulfur per bucket of water (10 l). If the infection is very strong, then 1 time in 2 weeks is sprayed with a 0.4% solution of ceneb, 0.25% benomyl.

Which attack flowers:

  • You can find aphids - small green, brown, black insects. The leaves of the affected plant curl up, and then dry up. You can try to wash the aphids off the plants with water from a hose.
  • When damaged by nematodes, outwardly hyacinth beans appear underdeveloped, the leaves have thickened petioles, and galls form on the roots. Nematodes are eliminated by spraying plants 2-4 times, observing an interval of 3-5 days with a 0.02% solution of mercaptophos. But this drug does not destroy the eggs, as they are covered with chitinous shells.

Curly lilacs decorate verandas, arbors, walls of houses, hedges, loggias. Cut flowers stand in water for a very long time, so they are used for beautiful bouquets.

Beans also contain useful material for people. They are eaten with a decrease in immunity, with liver diseases and diabetes. The fruits contain proteins, fats, vitamins, various acids, macro- and microelements.

They are used for:

  • lack of vitamins in the body
  • poor immunity
  • at elevated level cholesterol, as they lower it

Purple-hued beans are harvested from the pods both at their milky maturity and at full maturity. Soups, salads, side dishes are prepared from them. They go great with seafood.

Since the tops contain a large number of nitrogen, then climbing lilacs can be used as good for the garden.

The tops are placed in compost, where they overripe, and then used as fertilizer. Caring for the plant is quite simple, you just need to remember to water it, weed it, spud the bushes.

More information can be found in the video.

or ordinary ( Lablab purpureus) is a very beautiful annual herbaceous vine. It is also known as hyacinth beans, Egyptian beans, lablab, lobia or curly lilac. This is one of the oldest types of beans, known to mankind. It has been used as food for so long that the names of this plant are on different languages completely different, because every nation considered it their own and called it in their own way in their native language.

Today, dolichos is common in many areas of Asia and Africa, where it is a perennial in warm climates. In our country, it is grown as an annual ornamental climbing plant.

Depending on climatic conditions, it grows from 1.5 to 3 meters long and can wrap around a support well. Dolichos has large heart-shaped leaves, their trifoliate shape is similar to the leaves of beans and beans. The leaves, depending on the variety, have a different color: green, purple or red-violet. fragrant moth flowers collected in elegant, long multi-flowered inflorescences, formed in the axils of the leaves. The inflorescence can contain up to 40 flowers. Varietal dolichos flowers are white, pink, raspberry, blue or purple, different shades, as well as two-color. In our conditions, this plant blooms from early July until frost. Inflorescence - axillary multiflorous raceme. The duration of flowering of one flower is about three days, and the entire brush - 20-30 days. The flowers are very pleasant aroma. Dolichos flowers are suitable for cutting, they remain in water for a very long time. And when flowering stops, a large bunch of dark purple beans appears on the plant, similar to a grape from afar. Not only the leaves and flowers of dolichos are decorative, but also the resulting fruits. Inside the beans, the seeds are elliptical, compressed, with a helmet-shaped scar 1-2 cm long, brown, black, or orange in color with a white scar. Flat, curved, with a spout, glossy beans reach 11 cm in length, have green or color painting and long decorate this plant at the end garden season. One inflorescence sets from 5 to 15 beans.

In autumn, on this vine, you can simultaneously see a young green foliage(in the upper part of the plant), and yellowing old leaves, and colored beans, especially spectacular against their background, formed at the base of the leaves. At the same time, all new flowers open in original inflorescences, directed to the sky.

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria live on the roots of dolichos, which accumulate nitrogen in the soil (100 g / 1 sq.m), and the green mass is an excellent green manure.

Agricultural technology

Dolichos is thermophilic and grows well in fairly warm places. For planting it is necessary to choose a sunny place with loose and fairly moist soil. But it does not tolerate acidic and strongly alkaline soils.

Like all climbing plants, dolichos needs supports, to which the stems are tied and the plant is guided along them.

It is better for northerners to grow dolichos by sowing seeds in peat cubes, tablets large diameter or in pots filled with fertile soil. Sprouts appear in 8-10 days. And in order for seedlings to appear early, it is better to subject the seeds to scarification, i.e. rub between two sheets of sandpaper.

After the appearance of the fourth leaf, pinch the top of the seedlings. After that, side shoots grow on the shoots, which form a lush green carpet.

You can sow the seeds in cups, having previously kept them in water for a day, and after germination, with the onset of stable heat, plant them in open ground, or you can sow them directly into the ground to a depth of 3 cm at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. The main condition is that the soil must be absolutely warm.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in the third decade of June, when the soil warms up well, at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other, and supports are immediately stretched - strong synthetic cords.

Caring for dolichos does not cause any particular difficulties. It is very sensitive to lack of moisture in initial period growth. And after closing the rows, it is watered only in the event of a long absence of rain. In the process of growth, the plant is fed with complete mineral fertilizer. And for better development he needs bright light and warm, in the shade it grows poorly.

During flowering and fruit formation, for normal growth, the temperature should not fall below + 18 ° C. Therefore, many gardeners prefer to grow dolichos on a balcony or loggia.

Application in cooking

Dolichos - not only very beautiful plant, but also an ancient food culture, quite common in the world and especially popular in Indian cuisine. This culture boasts not only a rich herbal flavor of beans, but also a balanced protein content. Both ripe dry fruits and fresh green pods are used for food. Dry seeds are also very tasty. Dolichos beans taste a bit like green beans, but much softer, gentler and more refined.

Dolichos is versatile, it can be a side dish and a main dish, it is equally good in salads and soups, especially when combined with ginger and coconut. It goes well with any spices, rice, vegetables, seafood. Green beans and unripe seeds are used as a seasoning for meat dishes.

Dolichos is not often used in European cooking. There are several reasons for this: firstly, dolichos takes a very long time to cook, and secondly, it contains glycosides - substances that can be converted into hydrocyanic acid in the human body. That is why it is necessary to pre-soak these beans, changing the water several times, and then cook for at least 1-1.5 hours.

decorative properties

Dolichos, as a very picturesque liana, can be used for landscaping and decoration of arbors, fences, to create arches and pergolas, where its unusually colored foliage and especially bright fruits create an unusual decorative effect. It will look great in the garden next to gazania, gaillardia, dimorphoteca, coreopsis, echscholcia and others. bright flowers with contrasting coloration.

According to the materials of the newspaper "Ural gardener"

Dolichos liana is a climbing perennial of the legume family. Its other names are Egyptian beans, kokornik, curly lilac.

This plant comes from subtropical places. East Africa. In regions with warm winters, dolichos grows for several years, but in Russia it is often cultivated as an annual crop.
Dolichos begins to bloom around mid-July. Long racemes with many flowers appear from long shoots. The flower is characteristic of all leguminous plants with a pleasant delicate aroma.

Since dolichos is an ornamental climbing plant, its height reaches up to 3-4 meters, but sometimes there are instances of 10 meters in height.

Description of dolichos

Dolichos is legume and is considered one of the most cultivated. This unusual plant is able to develop in any climatic conditions. Grows equally well in wet and dry places.

In natural wild environment dolichos grows in eastern Africa, in India, the foothills of Kilimanjaro. There are up to seventy species. In cultural breeding, dolichos ordinary is most popular, another name for which is “curly lilac”.

Dolichos purple (Lablab purpureus) is an annual climbing ornamental plant. Often referred to as "hyacinth" or "Egyptian" beans. In cultural cultivation, the vine reaches up to 3-4 meters in height. Dolichos curls very unusually, its shoots braid the support in a counterclockwise direction.

The plant has large, long, heart-shaped leaves, characteristic of beans and beans. Their color is quite diverse: you can find plants with green, purple or red-violet color. The flowers of this species are white, pink, blue, purple, crimson and even bicolor. Interestingly, many Asian countries dolichos are bred as vegetable crop. He came to Russia exclusively as a decorative culture.

Another name for common dolichos is lablab (Dolichos lablab). In Russia Western Europe this perennial climbing herb is grown only as an annual ornamental deciduous plant. Dolichos needs a warm and good bright place. If these conditions are not present, then it grows slowly, fades and blooms later, or does not bloom at all. Liana lablaba grows up to 5 meters, branches well, has leaves of purple and Green colour. The inflorescence is racemose, it has up to 40 flowers. Each brush can grow up to 50 centimeters, and the flowers are shaped like wisteria flowers. Large creamy, pink, sometimes white lablaba flowers, odorless. The plant blooms in July, sometimes until the first frost. The duration of flowering of each inflorescence is approximately 3 weeks.

Dolichos fruits are beans with several seeds inside Brown color. Peas can be stored for up to 6 years, after which their germination capacity decreases. It is highly likely that after this period the seeds may not sprout.

The use of dolichos in medicine began in ancient times, and Dr. Jeans began to use the plant as a homeopathic remedy in 1851. Dolichos is used in homeopathy for itching of the body, soothes pain in children during teething.

ruby moon

The ruby ​​moon variety is the most attractive and popular of all dolichos varieties. This variety has juicy green leaves combined with bright purple inflorescences. Dolichos beans of a rich purple hue, perfectly preserved until late autumn, can look gorgeous against the backdrop of fallen snow. Among all varieties, Pink Moon is distinguished by long flowering.

The use of climbing lilac

Purpose of curly lilac - decorative ornament garden or personal plot. A rather picturesque liana can be suitable for landscaping or decorating arbors in the country, pergolas, as well as for creating green arches. Curly lilac with unusually colored foliage and flowers in bright color scheme will create an unforgettable decorative effect.

Dolichos in landscape design

Dolichos flower delights decorative look the whole season. The period of rapid growth of shoots is replaced by violent flowering. Pods of an unusual color look fantastic against the background of yellowing leaves. Not every annual liana is capable of such rapid metamorphoses.

Dolichos is ideal for vertical gardening. The flower of the plant is perfect for decorating arbors, open balconies, walls of houses and fences. Dolichos like young plant, can be planted in a few not particularly overgrown or mature vines. In this neighborhood, it is advisable to grow hyacinth beans with an unusual leaf color.

Cultivation and care

Caring for dolichos is quite simple. The plant prefers open sunny areas. The air temperature for the creeper is + 20 ... + 30 degrees. The soil must be fertile and loose. Before planting, it should be dug up and a small amount of humus should be added.

Dolichos care

Liana dolichos is a moisture-loving plant, so it needs to be abundantly moistened 2-3 times a week. In extreme heat, the plant requires additional watering. During the period of violent flowering, the liana must be fed with mineral complexes with a high percentage of phosphate fertilizers. Dolichos should be fertilized no more than twice a month. Since this is a climbing plant, you should find a support about 2 meters high. For the appearance of lateral processes, the plant should be pinched.

The culture is planted with seeds. Other types of propagation, for example, layering or cuttings, are real only when perennial cultivation however, require a lot of effort and time. You need to plant seeds on well-warmed soil at the beginning of the season, preferably in May. But still, seedlings develop slowly, as a result, dolichos blooms later and not for long, in August. Therefore, it is better to sow the seeds for seedlings. A vine grown from seedlings grows faster, blooms on time, and caring for dolichos in the future will not be difficult.

Reproduction of climbing lilac

The easiest way to grow climbing lilacs is by planting seeds. But such seedlings bloom later and do not bloom for long. In order to avoid such difficulties, it is better to pre-grow seeds for seedlings. To do this, the peas are first soaked for a day, then planted in peat pots. Seeds are placed in the soil 2-3 centimeters deep, at a distance of 4-5 centimeters from each other. The temperature where the seedlings are located should be above +20 degrees. While waiting for seedlings, the pots moisturize well.

In early-mid-May, dolichos is transplanted into beds along with clods of earth, without damaging the roots, at a distance of 20-40 centimeters. In advance, you should prepare the supports along which the vine will begin to curl.

Dolichos growing from seeds

In order to grow dolichos from seeds, everything must be done consistently.
Growing dolichos from seeds is easier than seedlings, but with this method, the vine will bloom later than usual, that is, in August, its flowering will not last long. From seedlings, dolichos will bloom in due time. planted in open ground seedlings must be together with an earthen clod, otherwise seedlings with damaged roots will not grow normally.

Dolichos seeds should be planted for seedlings in February or early March, so that in May, when the earth becomes warm enough, seedlings can already be planted in open ground.

Pests and diseases

Hyacinth beans are generally immune to diseases and pests. However, with a lack of potassium, the leaves turn yellow, so the plants need to be fed. Grown without additional mineral supplement, dolichos will not grow as expected, it will become dull.

From time to time, aphids, caterpillars or root nematodes can be seen on vines. They are destroyed in the standard way, using special means for pest control.

Growing dolichos, although it does not require special efforts, but it is still necessary to follow it, to provide assistance in growth and development in time.

Dolichos is not yet too common in our gardens. This vine is like

- it has not yet found its admirers, although its beautiful flowers lilac color strikes many when they see it in pictures or photographs. Often it is considered an ornamental bean, in which the flowers are white or red, just with a different color of the inflorescences. Dolichos and beans are indeed relatives, since they are from the same legume family. And its fruits are also eaten. But this herbaceous vine is grown, most likely, not because of its nutritional properties, but as an ornamental climbing plant.

Dolichos, called "curly lilac », Naturally, it has nothing to do with lilac. But the name dolichos “hyacinth beans” is the best suited for this creeper, because the fruits also have a lilac-purple color. Sometimes you can hear other names - Turkish beans, lab-lab, lobia and others.


dolichos ruby ​​moon

Dolichos lablab (Dolichos lablab) is a herbaceous vine whose leaves resemble bean leaves. The color of the leaves can be green, purple or red-violet. fragrant flowers lilac, yellow, white colors are collected in an inflorescence, and there can be up to 40 of them. This vine can grow up to 4 meters in height and like all vines it needs good support.

This plant comes from southern countries Asia and Africa, where it grows as a perennial. AT middle lane In our country, it is grown as an annual plant.

Flowering occurs in July and lasts 3-4 weeks. But even after flowering, dolichos does not lose its attractiveness, thanks to decorative leaves and fruits. Dolichos beans, as well as its leaves or flowers, are purple in color, which looks very interesting against the background of yellowing leaves. Inside the pods are dolichos seeds in the form of large colored or plain beans with a white stripe on the edge.


dolichos bel

To get this herbaceous vine, it is recommended to sow its seeds in March for seedlings. The soil for beans is prepared, as for any other seedlings, light, breathable. It is advisable to soak the beans for several days before planting. Seeds are sown separately in pots, as the roots of the plant are very fragile and can be damaged when transplanted into open ground, which will lead to the death of the plant.

The grown seedlings are planted on permanent place after the return frosts have passed, i.e. in June.

A place for seedlings should be chosen warm and sunny. These are the first conditions for the successful flowering of curly lilacs. Otherwise, you can not wait for flowering at all.

Seedlings are planted 50-60 cm apart.

In the south, dolichos is grown as a perennial, but even here the laid liana is covered for the winter.

The plant is not demanding on the composition of the soil, the only thing it does not like is acidic soil.

In extreme heat, hyacinth beans need watering.

dolichos seeds

The beans are harvested when the outer shell of the pod begins to turn yellow and dry. The pods are removed from the liana, dried well for 2-3 weeks, after which the beans are taken out, full-fledged ones are selected and stored until spring in tightly closed glass jars.

For seed pods, it is better to take those that are located above all. They were the first to bloom and, like all firstborns, they got a lot of food. Therefore, the seeds must be good, strong. Gardeners do the same when they harvest their seeds of tomatoes, cucumbers, and other crops. One of the first fruits, the strongest and most mature, is selected.

Dolichos can be successfully used in vertical gardening, for decorating arbors, arches, creating green screens. Good for fences and hedges. Perfectly closes all unattractive walls outbuildings. Well, you can read about its taste properties on numerous culinary sites.