Child benefits for single mothers. What payments, benefits and allowances are due to a single mother? Social guarantees for children of single mothers who

Single mothers are a weakly protected category of citizens. The state provides them with special payments and benefits. From legal practice, not all women raising children on our own, refer to single mothers.

Single mother status

A woman is recognized as a single mother under the following circumstances:

  • If the child was born in an unregistered marriage and paternity has not been established.
  • If a child is born in an official marriage or within 300 days after its annulment, but there is a ruling from the courts to challenge paternity by the former spouse.
  • If the child is adopted by an unmarried woman.
  • If the father's name is entered on the birth certificate according to the mother's words. In this case, the father's full name is entered in the column. The civil registry office issues a document in Form 25. It states that all information about the child’s father is indicated in the certificate according to the mother and the fact of paternity has not been proven.
  • In the child’s birth certificate, a dash is entered in the “Father” column, with the exception of the last option.

Until 2006, a single mother certificate was issued. Today, to confirm special status, it is enough to provide a child’s birth certificate. If the column “Father” is not empty, then Form 25 is additionally presented.

Benefits for single mothers in 2015

A woman awarded this status receives the same federal benefits as other mothers. Benefits for single mothers in 2015 are an exclusively regional prerogative. Find out what measures state support they are entitled to, you can contact the social security authorities for permanent place accommodation.

The amount of additional payments is insignificant; it rarely exceeds 2,000 rubles. Benefits vary by region. For example, in Moscow she can claim:

  • additional assistance in the amount of 4,000 rubles up to 3 years of age and 2,000 rubles until the child reaches adulthood if her household income is below the subsistence level in Moscow;
  • compensation for rising costs of living. It is 750 rubles, paid until the age of 16;
  • compensation for the increase in the cost of products in the amount of 675 rubles. The right to it remains until the child reaches 3 years of age.

Benefits for single mothers in 2015

For a child:

  • provision of linen for newborns;
  • paying for children's meals at school,
  • provision of free medications up to 3 years of age,
  • issuance of dairy products (provided only up to 2 years of age),
  • discount on training at development centers, art schools (up to 30%),
  • discount upon payment kindergarten(20% per child).

For mother:

  • additional annual leave of at least 2 weeks, which is provided at a time convenient for the mother,
  • priority employment in case of bankruptcy of an enterprise (the employer must look for a new place of work),
  • exclusion of dismissal in the event of a reduction in staff or inconsistency with the position held,
  • impossibility of being involved in work duties on weekends without the mother’s consent;
  • splitting of annual leave is carried out only with the consent of the woman;
  • provision of benefits by the employer if the child is sick and she is caring for him. For outpatient treatment, the first ten days are paid in full size, subsequent days are calculated as 50% of the woman’s average monthly earnings.
  • the right to refuse business trips (until the child turns 5 years old);
  • Establishment of part-time work until the child reaches 14 years of age.

For family:

  • Doubled tax deduction. It is provided to a woman until her child reaches adulthood. If he continues to study during the period of majority, then this benefit remains until he reaches 24 years of age. This means that an amount of 2,800 rubles per child is not subject to personal income tax.
  • Extraordinary receipt of housing. It is provided only if a woman is on a waiting list for housing. This right will have to be proven.
  • Possibility not to pay utilities for garbage removal or cleaning apartment building until the baby reaches 1.5 years of age.
  • When evicted from service housing, the family is provided with another housing of equal size and condition.

Benefits for single mothers in 2015 and benefits may be expanded by decision of regional authorities. The entire list of measures for state support for this category of persons should be provided on the websites of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. A single mother can send a written request to the social security authorities. The response must be provided within 30 days.

Attention, TODAY only!

Single mother status in modern world stopped shocking young women. In this regard, the number of women raising children on their own, without the help of men, is growing all over the world.

Many of them are in great need and here the state comes to their aid, which not only helps financially (for example, in purchasing subsidized housing), but also protects the interests of women in many social spheres.

But to benefit from this help, you should learn your rights.

In 2019, single mothers will be able to receive several forms of monetary compensation. Undoubtedly, such support from the state is very significant, since the amounts of money, in principle, are not small. Benefits for single mothers in 2019 will be indexed by 4%, like all other social payments to other categories of citizens.

Also, from January 1, 2019, pensions and wages will be indexed by the specified percentage. Below you can see how child benefits for single mothers will change in 2019.

Amount of monthly benefit for child(ren): 2018 - 2019

From 0 to 1.5 years 2,228 rub. 2317.12 rub.

From 1.5 years to 3 years 3,248 rub. RUB 3,377.92

From 3 years to 7 years 1,115 rub. 1159.6 rub.

From 7 years and older 558 rub. RUB 580.32

Amount of monthly benefit for children of single mothers:

From 0 to 1.5 years 4,456 rub. 4634.24 rub.

From 1.5 years to 3 years 5,476 rubles. 5695.04 rub.

From 3 years to 7 years 2,228 rub. 2317.12 rub.

From 7 years and older RUB 1,114. RUB 1,158.56

Amount of monthly benefit for children whose parents evade child support payments:

From 0 to 1.5 years 3,063 rub. RUB 3,185.52

From 1.5 years to 3 years 4,083 rub. RUB 4,246.32 From 3 years to 7 years 1,671 rub. RUB 1,737.84

From 7 years and older 835 rub. 868.4 rub.

40% of wages(if the single mother worked before going on maternity leave). This benefit from the employer is paid to a single mother on a monthly basis until the child turns 18 months old.

3000 rubles – allowance from the employment service. It is paid to a single mother monthly if the woman is listed as unemployed. These cash payments are assigned monthly until the child (one) turns 18 months old.

5,800 rubles – allowance from the employment service. Paid to an unemployed single mother with two or more children until they are 18 months old. Cash payment equal to the cost of living in the region. Assigned to single mothers with low-income family status for their third and subsequent children. Single mothers receive this financial support from the state until the third and subsequent child(ren) turn 36 months old.

17,000 rubles are allocated for each child born. This amount is paid once as support to families during the birth of the baby (no matter what the birth date is). This money can be spent on a stroller, clothes and other necessary things in the first stages of the baby’s life. This amount of money is paid to all women: both single mothers and married women. And it doesn’t matter whether a woman works or not. This amount is due regardless of labor activity. To apply for this benefit, you must contact social security at your place of residence. The woman must provide a certificate stating that the second parent did not receive this benefit. If this is a single mother, then such a woman must be shown certificates confirming her status. It is already clear from this that the child does not have a father.
Starting from 2019, 10,000 rubles will be paid for each first child until the child reaches 1.5 years of age. This monetary compensation is due to all women: both single mothers and those whose child’s father is legally assigned. The Russian government plans to pay this benefit until 2022. Its amount will increase compared to 2018 and is expected to be 11,000 rubles.

The Government of the Russian Federation annually considers issues of those in need of state support, which is an integral component in making decisions on the creation of new support programs different categories citizens.

6,200 rubles are allocated for the second child until he reaches 3 years of age. This money is also paid for the maintenance of the baby to all women, both single and married or who have a legally designated father of the child on the birth certificate. This state support is undoubtedly a good help for any woman, however, this social supplement is still being discussed in the Government of the Russian Federation (You need to check with social security at your place of residence). Raising a child is one of the most difficult tasks and every woman in the state needs such support. Behind last years Cash payments to women for having children were increased many times, and payment programs were expanded. This has a good effect on demographic growth, that is, the birth rate in the country, which is undeniably important for economic growth in the State. To receive this benefit, a woman can be either unemployed or employed. This does not affect the payment of benefits.

Child benefit for low-income status until the child reaches 18 years of age. A single mother, having given birth to several children, can qualify for the status of a “low-income family.” Such a family is entitled to additional benefits and benefits, provided differently in each individual region. To find out how much a single mother can get additional funds due to this status, she needs to contact the department social protection at your place of residence. There they are obliged to explain to her all the details of receiving the required payments in their city.

Help from the state in kind. A single mother can receive support for her child in her region in the form of a set of clothes and food. In each region, the amount of this assistance from the state may differ. Therefore for detailed information You need to contact the social security office at your place of residence.

Maternity capital certificate 453,026 rubles. Every single mother who gives birth to a child will be able to receive this amount in 2019. This amount is due regardless of the married status and whether the father has a child.

How is the status of “single mother” determined?

Not every woman who raises a child alone can be recognized as a single mother. To be assigned this status, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. There should be a dash in the father column. At the same time, a woman may be formally married, but her husband does not recognize the baby as his own.
  2. If a woman is not married, but takes responsibility for adopted children.
  3. When the baby is born within 300 days after the procedure official divorce and the husband, now the former, does not agree to recognize the child as his legal heir and refuses to confirm his paternity in the appropriate manner.

This status can be provided in several ways:

  • through a visit to the registry office and subsequent filling out a special certificate in form 25;
  • by visiting the State Services Center;
  • by visiting the website of the city hall, in this case the capital, leaving an application there online.

Subsidies provided exclusively to single mothers in Moscow

In general, every woman living in our country, after the birth of a baby, regardless of status and city of residence, has the right to count on whole line financial support at the federal level. But today we are discussing a topic related to additional benefits for single mothers in Moscow, which are paid by local authorities, and therefore by the capital’s mayor’s office:

  1. Compensation payments for expenses after the rise in price of some food products. This payment is intended for mothers with children under 3 years old, its amount is 675 rubles per month.
  2. Subsidy based on standard of living. This benefit will most likely remain unchanged and amount to 750 or 300 rubles (the first of these amounts is due to families considered low-income). Such payments are made up to the child’s 16th birthday, and if upon reaching this age he has not graduated high school, then until his actual adulthood.
  3. Transfers that are made monthly for each child in the family, until he reaches the age of majority:
  • up to six months of age – 2500 rubles;
  • up to three years of age – 4500 rubles;
  • up to eighteen years of age – 2500 rubles.

How to get benefits for single mothers in 2019

A single mother can receive benefits by contacting the appropriate services. These could be social security services, Pension Fund Russia or place of work. You must have the following documents with you:

  1. Application for granting benefits.
  2. Certificate of birth of all children.
  3. A certificate from your place of work or from the employment service.
  4. Divorce certificate, if available.
  5. If the child is adopted, a special document is required confirming this fact.
  6. Identification.

Within ten days after submitting all documents, financial benefits will be assigned.

Additional benefits and guarantees for single mothers

Except financial assistance, single mothers are guaranteed to receive social benefits:

  • free food distribution at the dairy kitchen;
  • the issuance of medications according to a pediatrician’s prescription is free of charge;
  • free access to a massage session at the clinic;
  • free food in the school canteen;
  • clubs provide a 30% discount on their services (music, sports, educational);
  • payment for travel to summer camps or health resorts;
  • free distribution of stationery for schoolchildren;
  • Registration for kindergarten is carried out without a queue;
  • after the maternity hospital, the mother receives an envelope and all the goods needed for the first time;
  • children under seven years old can travel freely on public transport;
  • free admission to theaters, exhibitions, museums and zoos;
  • textbooks and other necessary things for study are purchased on preferential terms;
  • opportunity to receive once a year additional leave in the amount of 14 days;
  • a single mother has the right to participate in a program aimed at improving the quality of housing or purchasing other real estate.

Women raising children without the help of their husband can get new housing under the following conditions:

  • in the birth document of at least one of the children, there must be no information about the father;
  • unacceptable living conditions, for example, the house is in disrepair, or family members suffer from a lack of square meters:
  • It is imperative that the mother has low-income status.

It is worth understanding that the process of obtaining housing will take a lot of time. Just confirmation of the need for new property can take up to 4 months. Next, enrollment in a special queue takes place.

Benefits for working single mothers

Legislation provides working mothers with special guarantees and benefits, including:

Benefits and compensation for kindergarten

There are preferential conditions for children to attend kindergarten. You need to understand that this applies only to state and municipal educational institutions. Certain conditions apply:

  1. For the first child, you must pay at least 20% of the amount established by the entity.
  2. For the second child you need to contribute no less than 50%.
  3. For subsequent children, the state compensates the costs of education in preschool institutions only 30% of the amount.

Children of single mothers are enrolled in kindergarten out of turn. You need to draw up a document stating that the mother is indeed raising a child without a husband and contact an educational institution.

Benefits when paying for utilities

Low-income families have the right to qualify for payment discounts utilities. The baby needs to be bathed and washed a large number of things without hot water can't get by here. The presence of regular heating is out of the question. Receiving a subsidy occurs individually and in accordance with the procedure established by the region. City housing centers provide all necessary information on their official websites.

A single parent may not have to pay for garbage collection until the child is one and a half years old. If 22% of a mother’s income goes to pay for utilities, then she is entitled to discounts and subsidies.

There is compensation for expenses related to rental housing. Payments are valid until the child turns three years old. A single mother can purchase or build real estate at special conditions. Compensation amounts range from 50 to 70%.

It should be assumed that the state takes care of the low-income segments of the population and helps in every possible way to maintain the well-being of single-parent families. You should not delay applying for benefits and allowances, because the procedure takes a lot of time.

More details in the video:

Women who decide to give birth or adopt a child without the participation of the father are supported by the state. But often a single mother must learn about her rights on her own. The benefits she is entitled to by law often have to be difficult to obtain. Such women should know everything about their rights.

Governmental support

At the federal level, Russia has adopted a number of legislative acts aimed at improving the living conditions of single mothers. They are necessary in order to at least slightly improve the life of a woman who has decided to give birth to a child without a father. At the same time, government assistance programs are designed not only for the first years of a child’s life; certain rights are assigned to a woman until her child reaches adulthood.

So, from budget funds they are paid various benefits and payments are assigned. In addition, they have certain rights and benefits, the implementation of which must be guaranteed by the state.

Recognition of single mother status

Before understanding what rights women who raise children without a father have and what social assistance they are entitled to, we need to define the terminology. The law clearly defines who can be called a “single mother”. Benefits for these women and their children are also determined at the federal level.

Single mothers may include women who gave birth/adopted a child:

Outside of marriage;

After divorce or death of a spouse, provided that the interval between these events is more than 300 days.

All other women are denied single mother status. So, those mothers who:

They are raising a child on their own after a divorce, while the father’s name is indicated on the birth certificate (the fact of payment/non-payment of alimony by the latter has no effect);

Raising children after the death of their father;

They take care of the child independently, but biological paternity has been established in court;

They are raising a child from a father who has been deprived of parental rights.

As you can see, not everyone can be classified into this category of citizens. If a single mother gets married, her status remains the same. It is canceled only on the condition that the man adopts her child.

Assistance provided

In order to receive the necessary benefits and be able to defend the rights guaranteed by the state, a single mother can contact the registry office to obtain a special certificate in form No. 25. It indicates that all the data entered in the birth certificate is recorded from the words of the mother, and the fact of paternity is not installed. This certificate confirms the fact that the woman is a single mother. Benefits for her and her children are provided on the basis of this document. There are labor, housing, and tax advantages. In addition, when entering a preschool educational institution, children do not stand in the general queue; they are entitled to discounts when studying at a music or art school.

If the list of benefits and rights is established at the all-Russian level, then it is necessary to understand how much single mothers are paid in each region separately. The benefit accrues until the child reaches his 14th birthday, and if he continues to study, it accrues until his 18th birthday.

Labor benefits

At the legislative level, single working mothers are especially singled out. They have certain advantages over other employees.

A working single mother can be sure that she will not be fired or laid off. The state guarantees the protection of her rights, therefore employment contract cannot be terminated at the initiative of the employer. She will not be fired if:

Reduction of employees;

Inconsistency with the position held;

Termination of access to state secrets, if the position provides for such access;

Change of company owners.

Even if an organization in which a single mother works is liquidated, the employer must provide her with another place of work. These rights remain with the woman until her child turns 14 years old.

In addition, a mother raising a child herself can take an additional 14 days of unpaid leave annually. It must be provided by the employer at the request of the employee at any time convenient for her. He can, at the request of the woman, join the paid annual leave.

Separately, it should be noted that the payment of benefits to a single mother does not depend in any way on the fact of her employment. Both working and unemployed mothers receive the required amounts.

Right to sick leave

Every single mother whose child is sick has the right to issue a certificate of incapacity for work. If the child can be cared for on an outpatient basis, then sick leave is paid depending on the length of service for 10 days, and for subsequent days - in the amount of 50% of the average monthly income. However, for children under 7 years of age, the duration of treatment is not limited. When caring for a child aged 7-14 years, sick leave is paid for 15 days.

If a child is treated in a hospital setting, the amount of hospital payments is calculated depending on the insurance period. The duration of the prescribed treatment does not affect them in any way. For mothers whose work experience does not exceed 6 months, benefits are paid in an amount not exceeding the minimum wage.

Benefits for women at work

In most cases, employers take advantage of women's legal ignorance and infringe on their rights. Many of them threaten the woman with dismissal under the article and force her to at will write a letter of resignation, despite the fact that she is a single mother. They do not take into account the benefits that such women are entitled to. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that such threats are groundless.

When hiring a single mother, the employer does not have the right to refuse her because of her status. He must give a clear, motivated answer indicating a list of reasons why she is not suitable for the open vacancy.

In addition to the labor benefits listed above, there are also certain rights for women raising a child on their own. For example, they cannot without their consent:

Involve in performing work duties outside of school hours;

Send on business trips;

Dismiss even with massive layoffs.

Also, upon application, the employer must provide them with the opportunity to work part-time. By the way, splitting up vacation without the woman’s consent is also not allowed.

Entitled payments

Even in times of crisis, the government is trying to somehow support single mothers. But taking into account the fact that the amount of benefit for a single mother is set separately in each region, it is difficult to say how much such a woman receives.

Unfortunately, the amounts of these payments are insignificant. They range on average from 500 to 1500 rubles. They are paid until the child growing up without a father turns 16 years old (in some regions - 18). When studying at a university, the payment period can be extended to 23 years.

Like all other women, single mothers can also receive the following payments:

A one-time benefit for pregnant women, which is given upon registration before the onset of 12 weeks of pregnancy (its amount is about 500 rubles);

Benefit, the accrual of which is related to pregnancy and childbirth;

Assistance paid after the birth of a baby (14.5 thousand rubles);

Payments up to 1.5 years per child (the amount depends on the mother’s income level, but it must be at least 2.7 thousand rubles for the first child, 5.4 thousand rubles for the second).

But, when finding out how much a single mother receives, we must remember that she is also entitled to other assistance:

Compensation for child care until he reaches 3 years of age;

Payment for 3 children (it is made up to 3 years);

Benefit for a child under 16 (18) years of age.

Capital payments

In Moscow, at the regional level, a number of benefits have been established that can make the life of single mothers at least a little easier. Their size depends on the family income level and the number of children. For example, a single mother with many children receives a payment for each of her children who do not have a father. Thus, in the capital of the Federation the following payment amounts are established:

For children under 1.5 years old and children from 3 to 18 years old, 2.5 thousand rubles are allocated from the budget every month;

For children aged 1.5-3 years - 4.5 thousand rubles.

Moscow also provides for compensation payments. A single mother (single father) can receive it. To compensate for the increase in the cost of living, children under 16 years of age (and if continuing education - up to 18) are paid 750 rubles per month. The increase in food costs is also offset. The amount of this additional payment is 675 rubles. It is issued to parents of children under 3 years old.

All these additional payments are due to those single parents whose income is below the established subsistence level. Everyone else is given compensation for the increased cost of living in the amount of 300 rubles, food in the amount of 675 rubles.

Other benefits

Knowing all your rights, you can not only figure out how much single mothers are paid, but also find out what exactly the state guarantees. In addition to certain benefits in employment and at work, mothers can count on:

Tax benefits;

Possibility to refuse payment for cleaning the local area related to apartment building, and for garbage removal before the child reaches the age of 1.5 years;

Extraordinary receipt of housing;

Obtaining equivalent housing in terms of condition and square footage, subject to eviction from the office premises;

Compensation for the cost of rental housing in the amount of 6.4 thousand rubles. (the norm applies in Moscow).

Also, every single mother can apply for a subsidy to pay for utility bills. If a woman does not work, then the size of the single mother’s allowance gives her the right to apply for this type of assistance. But to do this, it is necessary to confirm that over the past six months the woman has not had debts to pay utility bills, and she is the owner of the property. Eligibility for subsidies is determined based on income level.

Tax benefits

The benefits include the opportunity to receive a double tax deduction from income. This norm is valid until the child growing up without a father becomes an adult (or until the age of 24 if he continues his education at a university).

Its essence is that the amount of mother’s income in the amount of 2800 (for the 1st and 2nd child growing up without a father) and 6000 (for the 3rd and subsequent children) is not subject to income tax. Using this right will affect how much a single mother receives. But to obtain this compensation, you must contact the tax service yourself every year. To obtain a double tax deduction you will need the following documents:

Birth certificate;

Form No. 25, issued by the Civil Registry Office;

Personal income tax certificate-2, which confirms the level of income;

On the right from the university (when teaching children aged 18-24 years).

They are submitted to the tax office at the place of residence. To receive a deduction, you must independently contact the tax service every year.

Housing problem

IN legislative acts the right to priority receipt of housing is established. But separate programs for single mothers have not been created; they are in the general housing queue. If before 2015 they were classified as preferential categories of citizens, now they have the right to receive housing on a general basis. The only exceptions are those cases when the mother (or her child) is disabled or suffers from diseases that are dangerous to others. Also, preferential treatment is given to those who live in houses that are in disrepair or have suffered from natural disasters.

Only low-income citizens who do not have real estate or whose living conditions are recognized as inappropriate to the requirements can get on the waiting list for housing.

In all other cases, a single mother is not entitled to an apartment. She can become a member of a special federal program, designed to improve living conditions for young families. But in order to be able to take advantage of this government offer, you must join the general apartment queue. Only those single mothers who are under 35 years old can take part in this program.

Benefits for children

A child growing up without a father also has certain rights. At birth, he should be given several sets of underwear. In addition, up to 2 years of age, mother has the right to receive free baby food in the dairy kitchen attached to the clinic.

Also, few people know that when purchasing certain medications for children under 3 years of age, a single mother can count on a discount of up to 50%. Some services in clinics should be provided to children free of charge. A list of them should be in every medical institution. For example, they should give a free massage to a child who has a single mother.

Such women may also not pay for kindergarten in full. In most regions there is a 50% discount on payment for its services. They can get into preschool educational institutions through a special preferential queue. It contains children of large families and single mothers.

The state allocates funds for the purchase of stationery and other school supplies. It partially compensates for the cost of training in music and art schools (up to 30%) and provides discounted vacation vouchers (at least once every two years). Children are also entitled to two free meals a day at school.

Unfortunately, not everyone is able to defend their rights. Often, even those single mothers who know what they are entitled to can't get two free meals a day at school or clothes for newborns.

In Russia, there are quite frequent cases in which a woman raises children without male support. There are various reasons for this, but in any case the child is forced to grow up in an incomplete family. To raise him to be a worthy member of society, the mother spends enormous amounts of effort, working hard to provide her child with everything necessary and to keep up with the rising price level. In the article we will tell you about the benefits [benefits] for single mothers in Moscow in 2019, what the size is and the procedure for receiving them.

The government sees the complexity of the situation and, being interested in the development of the future generation of Russian workers, is trying to support single mothers in all areas of life. Benefits and allowances for single mothers are approved at the federal level, but regions have the right to supplement existing support measures with their own payments and assistance in kind. Thus, the capital of Russia has its own state benefits for children, which only Muscovites can receive.

Types of state support for single mothers

To know for sure what benefits and allowances can be provided to single mothers in a particular region, you need to get advice from the regional department of social protection of the population. The amount of payments varies depending on the place of registration of the mother and is influenced by the following points:

  • number of children
  • the fact that the parent has an official place of work,
  • average mother's earnings per family member.

Both parents from a complete family and a single mother can be assigned:

  • one-time support measures,
  • monthly payments for children,
  • reimbursement of some expenses
  • assistance in kind,
  • subsidies for purchases and payment for services,
  • various benefits. Read also the article: → "".

Who is entitled to Moscow benefits and benefits

Only women who have permanent registration in Moscow and are registered with the local Social Security Administration can apply for capital benefits, payments and other measures to support families with children intended for single mothers.

List of benefits and benefits for single mothers in Moscow in 2019

Firstly, a single mother has the right to apply for the same regional lump sum payments, as for women who are married and raising children in a two-parent family:

State capacity Amount (rub.) Conditions of receipt
A one-time payment to a woman who registered at the antenatal clinic or at the district clinic before the 20th obstetric week of pregnancy. 600 Early registration in the residential complex.
Increase to the BiR benefit. 1500

● value for 140 days. vacation according to the BiR is equal to 7 thousand rubles,

● in 156 days. – 7.8 thousand rubles,

● in 194 days. – 9.7 thousand rubles)

The woman lost her job due to the closure of the company within 12 months before contacting the Employment Center.
One-time compensation on the occasion of the birth (adoption) of a child. ● If the child is 1st: 5500,

● if 2nd, etc. – 14500,

● if there are triplets or more children – 50 thousand.

Applying to the USZN no later than 6 months after the birth of a child in the family.
One-time payment to a young single mother (up to 30 years old). ● If the 1st child is 76535 (5 times the cost of living),

● if the 2nd – 107149 (7 PM sizes),

● if the 3rd – 153070 (10 PM sizes).

Contact the USZN no later than 12 months from the date of birth of the baby.

Secondly, a single mother can apply for payments intended for low-income families if she meets the requirements for applicants. To do this, the portion of a woman’s earnings per each family member (average per capita income) must be below the Moscow subsistence level.

If the average per capita income is higher than the capital's subsistence level, a woman can apply for benefits in a different amount:

Other social guarantees for single mothers

In the capital, children from single-parent and single-parent families are also entitled to benefits in kind. A single mother can also apply for them:

  1. Free clothes for a newborn (provided at the maternity hospital).
  2. Free travel on public transport (up to age 7).
  3. Free admission to cultural events (within normal limits).
  4. Dairy products for children under 2 years of age (with current year It is planned to introduce the replacement of this benefit with money - 750 rubles).
  5. Free medicines for children under 3 years of age.
  6. Exemption from payment for cleaning the territory of an apartment building (until the child is 1.5 years old).
  7. A discount of half the cost of a child attending kindergarten.
  8. Free massage in a children's medical facility.
  9. Free breakfast and lunch for the child at school.
  10. A trip to the sanatorium once a year without charging a fee.
  11. Compensation for payment for an apartment registered under a rental agreement, subject to the payment of taxes by the lessor.
  12. 30% discount on a child’s education in a music, art school and other development institutions in Moscow (until the children reach adulthood).

Labor privileges for a single mother

Labor preferences apply to single parents throughout Russia, including Moscow:

  1. A single mother cannot be fired when her staff is reduced while her children are under 14 years old. The only exception is the constant violation of labor discipline. Read also the article: → "".
  2. When a company is liquidated or an individual entrepreneur is closed, a single mother must get another job.
  3. The employee is entitled to payments for children:
  • child care allowance for the period of stay on appropriate leave;
  • medical treatment allowance institution;
  • payments to the mother when treating the child at home (10 days of the employee’s stay at home are fully paid, the rest of the time is paid in half).
  1. It is impossible for a single mother to be denied a job because of her status.
  2. A woman is given the right to a reduced working day or a personal work schedule if her child is under 14 years old.
  3. Overtime and duties on weekends and holidays do not apply to a single mother as long as her child is under 5 years old.
  4. A single mother can go on a business trip only with her written consent.

Tax benefits for mothers

A single mother has the right to a 50% reduction in the tax base for personal income tax. In the case of the first child, 1,400 rubles will not be taxed; with the second and all subsequent children, 3,000 rubles will not be taxed. The rule applies until the child is 18 years old (or 24 years old if he is studying).

Housing benefits for women

A single mother can get on the waiting list for improved housing conditions and take part in any government program to help families buy a home. For example, she can apply for a subsidy for the purchase of an apartment for a young family if she is under 35 years old.

Part of the rent can also be reimbursed at government expense if the landlord pays tax on rental income.

When child benefits stop

When a single mother remarried but her new husband did not adopt her children, benefits and benefits remain with her. Otherwise, the right to single mother status disappears. If the child officially gets a job, payments for him also stop. Read also the article: → "".

State assistance measures for single mothers with many children

If a single woman is raising several minor children at once, she can count on additional help:

  • a one-time payment of 14 thousand rubles in the case of the birth of a third baby, 50 thousand rubles for the birth of triplets (a young mother under 35 years old will be paid 48 thousand rubles for each newborn);
  • monthly reimbursement of payment for the telephone in the amount of 230 rubles;
  • an annual allowance for the purchase of school uniforms in the amount of 5 thousand rubles.

Where to go for help

In addition to the employer, you can apply to the local branch of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation to receive tax benefits.

How can a single mother apply for benefits and benefits?

As in most similar cases, the applicants contacted the local branch of the SZN Office, but today, processing Moscow payments is possible only through the official website of the capital’s city services.

Necessary documents for registration

You will need to upload the following electronic copies of documents on the Moscow city services website:

  1. Birth certificate for all children (from the civil registry office).
  2. A certificate from the civil registry office (form No. 25) and a note stating that information about the baby’s father is included in the birth certificate according to the mother’s words.
  3. Certificate of family composition (from the housing department, settlement administration or passport office).
  4. Certificate of marriage or divorce (from the civil registry office).
  5. Certificate 2-NDFL from the previous place of employment, if the woman changed jobs less than 12 months ago.
  6. Information from educational institutions where children are educated
  7. Medical report if the child is disabled.

Legislative acts on the topic

Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 6, 2016 No. 816-PP On the amount of individual social payments in 2017
Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 8, 2015 No. 828-PP About additional state benefits for single mothers
Decree of the Moscow Government dated 04/06/2004 No. 199-PP About the one-time “Luzhkov payment”
Law of the city of Moscow dated September 30, 2009 No. 39 Questions youth policy in Moscow
Law of the city of Moscow dated November 23, 2005 No. 60 ABOUT social support families raising children
Law of Moscow dated 03.11.04 No. 67 Monthly state benefits for children

Typical design mistakes

Mistake #1. Before applying for low-income benefits, a woman calculated her average per capita income, including the earnings of her new husband, who did not adopt her children, and came to the conclusion that she was not entitled to low-income benefits.

In the case where the new spouse of a former single mother does not adopt her child, his salary should not be taken into account when calculating the average per capita income of the family.

Mistake #2. A single mother has applied for a refund of her rent while she is renting informally without a tenancy agreement.

The condition for providing compensation for rented housing is its registration under a rental agreement with the payment of tax on income by the lessor.

Answers to common questions

Question No. 1. Where is the money transferred after the application for government benefits in Moscow is approved?

The amounts of all state benefits are credited to social card Muscovite.

Question No. 2. When should documents be submitted for the assignment of Moscow social benefits for children to single mothers?

Some payments must be made before the child is 6 months old, others - up to 12 months. General recommendation is that you should not apply for benefits if your account starts crediting in recent months maternity leave, otherwise the B&R benefit will be taken into account when calculating family income, which will lead to a reduction in the amount of payments or to their refusal to assign them.

Quite often we hear the words “single mother,” but we don’t always think about what this status means in practice, and whether a woman raising a child on her own can always call herself that. In addition, it is known that the state provides special benefits for single mothers, but not everyone knows what they are and what their size is. Let's try to understand this situation in more detail.

Benefits and benefits for single mothers: who is entitled to this help?

Russian legislation provides for several types of subsidies, payments and benefits for single mothers. To receive them, a woman must have the official status of a single mother. This is possible in the case of:

  • The birth of a child out of wedlock and after 300 days from the date of dissolution of the previous marriage.
  • If paternity has not been established voluntarily or in court.
  • When a woman gives birth to a child during marriage or within 300 days from the date of its dissolution, but paternity has not been established.
  • If a woman adopted a child without getting married.
  • If the child’s father is listed on the birth certificate as a spouse or ex-spouse women, but paternity has been challenged in court (there is a court decision that the husband is not the father of the child).

Let us note that the amount of benefits and benefits for single mothers is not affected by whether the name of the child’s father is written on the certificate according to the mother’s words, or whether there is a dash there. From the point of view of bureaucratic formalities, a “dash” is more beneficial for a single woman: in any case, she will receive benefits for single mothers in full. However, she will not need to prove at customs, where they are asked to provide a notarized statement from the father for permission to travel abroad, that the registered man is not legally the father of the child. There will be no difficulties with registering the child (when registering him with his mother, the passport office employees will require from the woman an extract from the father’s house register and his statement that he does not object to the registration). In some cases, when performing complex surgical procedures, doctors may require consent from both parents. Thus, a “dash” in the “father” column saves a woman from a number of problems. The only downside is the subsequent difficulties when receiving an inheritance from the real father: it is almost impossible to prove the paternity of a deceased person, so the child will lose the right to his property.

Benefits for single mothers

Benefits for single mothers in 2014 differ from those that women received previously. In particular, taking into account rising inflation, their size has been increased. We will tell you further about which benefits for single mothers you are entitled to in 2014.

Let us note that the amount of monthly benefits received by a single mother is always higher than what women raising a child in a two-parent family can count on. Also, single mothers are entitled to the following benefits:

  • She is paid an additional amount until the child reaches 1.5 years of age.
  • A single mother cannot be fired before her child reaches 14 years of age on the initiative of management (even for inadequacy of the position held). In cases of liquidation of an enterprise or termination of an employee’s employment contract, her dismissal is assumed with mandatory subsequent employment. At the same time, during employment, but not longer than 3 months, the mother has the right to receive an average salary.
  • A single mother has the right to pay for sick leave of any duration to care for a sick child until he reaches school age or sick leave for 15 days for children from 7 to 15 years old. For outpatient treatment, the benefit can be paid in full for the first 10 calendar days, and from the 11th day it is accrued in the amount of 50% of the salary, regardless of the mother’s work experience.
  • A mother raising a child alone has the right to receive annual unpaid leave and add it to the annual main leave at any time convenient for her.
  • If a single mother whose child is under 14 years of age is refused employment, she is required to explain the reason for the refusal in writing. If the refusal is not justified, the woman has the right to go to court.
  • A minor child of a single mother may be placed in a children's school or preschool to full state provision. The child can also count on free meals at school and free textbooks (decision on this issue accepted by the director of the educational institution).
  • In territorial departments, the mother has the right to receive vouchers for her child to sanatoriums and health camps at least once every 2 years.
  • For the purchase of certain expensive medications, a list of which is available in every children's clinic, a single mother is entitled to a 50% discount.
  • Children of single mothers should be provided with free services in the massage room of the district clinic.
  • In many regions there is a 30% reduction in tuition fees for a child at an art school, sports section etc.

In addition to the listed benefits, single mothers are also entitled to special benefits in 2014; more about them below.

Benefits for single mothers in 2014

A single mother receives all the same benefits as women from two-parent families, but usually in larger amounts:

  • One-time benefit for women registered before 12 weeks of pregnancy - in 2014 - 515.33 rubles.
  • Maternity benefit. From January 1, 2013, the procedure for calculating this benefit has changed (according to Federal law dated February 25, 2011 No. 21-FZ, now certain periods will be excluded when calculating average daily earnings).
  • A one-time benefit for the birth of a child in accordance with Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children.” Its size in 2014 is 13,742 rubles.
  • The monthly benefit for the period of parental leave for up to one and a half years - from 01/01/2013 is calculated based on the earnings of the insured person for the previous 2 years. In 2014 minimum size is 2,576 rubles. at the birth of the first child and 5,153 rubles. at the birth of a second child.
  • Maternity capital in the event of the birth of a woman’s second child. Its size does not depend on whether the mother is raising the child alone or together with the father. We talked about this type of assistance in more detail in the article “How to use maternity capital in 2013? "

Other types of benefits for single mothers and their amounts depend on the federal subject in which the family lives. For example, in Moscow, a mother has the right to:

  • Monthly allowance for children under 1.5 years of age and from 3 to 18 years of age.
  • Monthly allowance for children from 1.5 to 3 years old.
  • A monthly compensation payment to cover the cost of living for children under the age of 16 (or 18 for students educational institutions, in which government programs are implemented).
  • A monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food for single mothers, as well as families in which one of the parents evades paying child support, for children under 3 years of age.
  • Providing assistance in kind (including free sets of baby linen for newborns; free baby milk food with a doctor’s prescription, issued in medical institutions for children under 2 years of age).
  • Monthly compensation payment for caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 or a disabled person from childhood under the age of 23 (disabled people of group I or II who do not work).
  • Benefits for children under 3 years old.

The amount of benefits depends on whether the income a single mother receives is above or below the subsistence level. That is why it is better to submit an application for benefits for single mothers in a period other than the last months of sick leave payments and payments in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, since the income according to the certificate will be overestimated. If a woman gets married, but her husband does not adopt her child, his income is not taken into account when calculating and assigning benefits.

To clarify the amount of payments and benefits for single mothers in 2014, you need to contact the social protection authorities at the mother’s place of residence.

Tax deduction for single mothers

An important help for a single working mother is the double personal income tax deduction provided in accordance with paragraph. 7 subp. 4 paragraphs 1 art. 218 NK Russian Federation. Thus, in 2014, for single mothers, the standard deduction for the first child is 2800 rubles, for the second – 2800 rubles, for the third and subsequent – ​​6000 rubles. For a disabled child of groups I and II under 18 years old or full-time students under 24 years old, 6,000 rubles are allocated. You can learn more about other tax deductions, and in particular about the refund of income tax when purchasing an apartment, in the article “Property tax deduction”.

In order to find out about all the benefits and allowances for single mothers in 2014, which are provided in your region, we recommend contacting the social protection authorities with the child’s birth certificate and passport. You may not know all of your rights and may receive fringe benefits or compensation.