Lev Sharan punitive battalion Nathan. Lev Sharansky: biography and photos

The “Review on public VKontakte” section, which has already become traditional for our publication, once again takes us back to our roots - to a new review of the notorious VKontakte group “Lev Natanovich Sharansky”.

This review was called “Scharakhnem” at number 3, which indicates the third analysis of the liberal creativity of the club of Solzhenitsyn lovers.

Today’s review is dedicated to the individuals and movements supported by Sharansky’s administrators. These are, for example, lovers of the “sausage” Essence of Time, Sergei Kurginyan, whose work is subject to incredible PR from the public. We have already reported in a special article about what kind of sausage Kurginyan prefers, but for now it is worth mentioning another political sect called “NOD” (National Liberation Movement), whose leader Evgeny Fedorov, who is a deputy State Duma part-time, recently demonstrated a case of active political schizophrenia.

We are talking about Fedorov’s meeting with Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Potapenko on the Den TV channel. During this meeting, Deputy Fedorov was put in an interesting position, undressed and publicly flogged, and his interlocutor did not have to do practically anything. Evgeniy Alekseevich did everything himself, commenting on what was happening in live.

Another of the public’s favorites is one of the brightest and famous figures Russian liberal intelligentsia - Liya Akhedzhakova. The album with her various photographs receives great attention. There Akhedzhakova is dressed either in a tattered scarf or in an officer's suit. Liberal propaganda is evident here - through “memes,” public administrators Lev Sharansky instills a love for the political component of Akhedzhakova’s work, which is permeated with genuflection before the West. There is a clear contradiction - external ridicule is combined with a deep feeling of love and respect.

As our old analyst Bedros says: “In psychology there is a special term for those who manage to love and hate at the same time: ambivalent feelings. These are dual experiences in relation to someone, when fear and pity, love and the VKontakte group Lev Natanovich Sharansky continues active liberal propaganda on the social network; hatred, disgust and attraction are combined into one complex “cocktail of emotions”. Some people always have ambivalence of feelings. It can manifest itself not only in a mixture of love and hatred towards a significant other, parents or child. But also in relation to inanimate objects and situations. In this case, it makes sense to be checked for neurosis.”

Thank you, Bedros!

So we found out the diagnosis of the administrators of the famous VKontakte public page.

It is worth mentioning that there has been a rotation of leadership in the public. The deputy who calls himself Orthodox Milonov, about whom we reported last time, left untimely or went into the shadows. Two old entertainers are holding on, namely Maria Katasonova, assistant to the deposed deputy Fedorov, who deserves a deuce for the defeat of her owner by Dmitry Potapenko. Also in the saddle of Sharanism, the liberal Anton Korobkov-Zemlyansky remained.

The content of the public has not changed much; they mainly concentrated on active criticism of the Government Russian Federation, to whom President Vladimir Putin has publicly expressed confidence several times and supported his policies.

Today is Thursday, and according to tradition, the evening of the creative intelligentsia begins on my blog.

A quiet and shy intellectual wakes up, and Putin falls asleep in the Kremlin. Nepolzhivets reads the latest news on RBC, transfers donations to Alexei Navalny, and sympathizes with yet another feminist writer on Facebook, who was given a separate bill by the scum in the cafe. He watches yesterday’s presentation of the new iPhone three times on YouTube, rejoicing at another breakthrough innovation - two SIM cards on the new iPhone (though for now the option only works for China). After which he goes to the cozy dissident kitchen to meet his faithful associates. Elite Polish moonshine, strawberry smoothies, wildly fashionable Crimean wines, Paukovka vodka and elite Roizman nasvay appear on the table. Nearby, as usual, is a volume of Osip Mandelstam and a guitar for singing compositions by Bulat Okudzhava. Backgammon with civil activists sat on the sofa, ready for a masquerade ball. Children of revelry can begin, for example.

I challenge you to a duel! These words have become relevant again in our difficult age. Putin's loyal guardsman, General Zolotov, threw down the gauntlet to the popular blogger, politician and anti-corruption fighter Lekhaim Navalny. By challenging him to a fight through a video on YouTube and giving him the right to choose a weapon - a sword, a musket, a pistol or a rubber dildo. Russia which we have lost. Balls, beauties, lackeys, cadets. And Schubert's waltzes, and the crunch of French bread. It is gratifying that the State Duma responded promptly to the general’s statement and introduced the dueling code into the code of laws.

I myself am a descendant of a hussar and the grandson of a person close to the emperor. As a nobleman, I dare to indicate to a nobleman the Supreme Gendarme. You can challenge a person of noble blood or an officer to a duel. It turns out that General Zolotov considers the petty swindler and provocateur Navalny his equal? Couldn't they just flog him to the stable like an ordinary serf, following the code of honor of Admiral Kuteinikiov? In general, our valiant general sat down in his galoshes. Although dueling is a good thing, it is a cure for wrinkles. I myself love to fight in a brave duel with a bottle of elite Polish moonshine or a bottle of Scottish whiskey.

Well, for his honor from the gendarme department at today's creative evening there is a track by the historian Ponosenkov, who is a fierce lover of noble gatherings and masquerade balls. Known for his own vision of history with lapta and countesses, the historian wrote an epic work about the war of 1812, where he completely refuted the myths about the victory of Russia. But Ponosenkov turned out to be not only an expert on ancient truth, but also a magnificent singer with his mouth. Which today will please any honest and decent person, gay, democratic journalist and General Zolotov. After all, one must not live by lies. For your and our freedom. So let's win!

Freedom is better than unfreedom by having freedom. Protecting human rights skyrockets the human happiness index, according to the human rights organization Freedom House. Stock experts, guided by the Invisible Hand of the market, guarantee investors permanent investment growth when investing in democratically loyal companies. The value of Snapchat chat has long exceeded the combined value of Gazprom and Rosatom. Elon Musk promises to conquer Mars as early as 2018, while Mordor is forced to recall its soviet space engines. A table-sized 3D printer can effectively replace a massive factory from the era of advanced totalitarianism. The intellectual power of coworking spaces in lofts and anti-cafes in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Kyiv has surpassed the combined power of all research institutes in Mordor. High-tech startups are sweeping the planet, displacing the last vestiges of Stalinism.

Yesterday freedom dealt another powerful blow to unfreedom. The great helmsman of Ukraine, Hetman Pan Poroshenko, by a strong-willed decision, threw off yet another shackles of Russian slavery and brought Ukraine one step closer to Europe. The totalitarian social networks Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte, the KGB Mail.ru, the terrible Yandex and 1C, long favored by the KGB, were blocked. Everyday separatists and Lubyanka Murzilkas raised a howl to the skies, accusing the leadership of Vilnius Ukraine of censorship and totalitarianism, even a number of Svidomo patriots demanded to stop blocking enemy voices. Let's figure out what happened and give it our assessment from the point of view of conscience and the most progressive teaching of Sharanism in the world.

Many will ask, what about freedom of speech? But what about the pathetic slogan of the liberal “I am ready to die for the freedom to speak out to you, even if I do not support your ideas”? But what about restricting access to information? After all, this is not even the blocked racist TV channel “Carousel”, where, under the guise of children’s cartoons, the KGB washed the consciousness of the Ukrainian, filling it with imperial identity and the invisible shackles of the Horde. It would seem that here the user himself has the right to choose what to watch and what not. Why block something that 22 million Ukrainians use? After all, this brings enormous losses, first of all, to the citizens of Ukraine themselves?

In fact, not everything is so simple. Just believe it. Blocking VKontakte will force Ukrainians to switch to Facebook. Where all this Kremlin propaganda is absent and freedom of speech is strictly observed - for example, the word “Khokhol” is followed by an instant ban from the administration. And even the most popular blogger can be instantly banned for suspicion of racism. Is it possible to imagine this on the totalitarian Vkontakte, full of funny pictures and memes about crests and Raguli? And the entire personal information is read by KGB warrant officers. What is impossible to imagine on Facebook, where is the immunity personal life strictly guarded by the NSA. Freedom House has already announced that blocking Russian social networks is not censorship, but merely protection from Kremlin propaganda. In the press freedom rating of this human rights foundation, Ukraine immediately jumped by 29 points. Also, the ban on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki was approved by NATO as one of Mr. Poroshenko’s successes in repelling the hybrid aggression of the Evil Empire.

In this regard, Human Rights Watch was very disgusted, which suddenly declared the actions of the Ukrainian government to be censorship and a fight against freedom of speech. Apparently the terran Vlad Putin spent his last oil money on bribing respected human rights activists. But he could have distributed them to women, children and Navalny for new investigations. It was like the shower was pouring out. I suddenly felt conscientious and disgusted in my soul. Damn Stalin reached out.

The ban on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki made it possible to cut the ground from under the feet of hidden separatists, whose public pages are blooming and breathing full breasts in these Horde social networks. And soon the Peacemaker’s base will be rapidly replenished, and anonymous denunciations against unreliable citizens will begin to pour into the anonymous SBU line:

— Hello, my neighbor uses Vkontak!
- How did you understand this?
— He liked the photo on my page...

The use of VKontakte, Mail.ru or Yandex by a citizen of Ukraine will become the clearest marker of his hidden hostility towards an independent power, and will allow him to be promptly subjected to lustration and placed in a ghetto for Russian speakers or a freedom concentration camp. Well, in addition, all this will allow the Ukrainian budget to be filled with tranches from Facebook and Google, which will happily accept the ban of competitors from Mordor, whose products are heavily used by the overwhelming majority of Ukrainian users.

Also, the ban on Russian products gives life to various Ukrainian Internet startups. The Shukach search engine will successfully replace Yandex, and its engine is designed taking into account the requirements of the Gidnost revolution. For example, news from Russia will be published only from the pages of Stalingulag, Rustem Adagamov, Arkady Babchenko and “Our Canada” by Moisei Zhidoplyasov. Inconvenient requests and questions in the search engine will be automatically transmitted to the SBU line and the Peacemaker base. Ukrainian social network“Vkotle” will unite patriots, ATO veterans and cyborgs, and the social network Odnozradniki will help in searching for enemies of Independence. 1C Accounting in general is, in principle, irrelevant for the Ukrainian consumer, because it can be successfully replaced with wooden bills from the new factory of President Poroshenko. Instead of Mail.ru, you can, for example, use pigeon mail, which prevents it from being intercepted by KGB agents and Russian hackers. Environmental activist and political refugee Pasha Shekhtman and his cyborg friends have already successfully taken advantage of the blocking and launched a startup selling videotapes with fresh video jokes and memes from Vkontakte. And also for a small price it carries out operations on printing letters from Mail.ru and transferring money from Yandex wallets.

True, one cannot exclude the Russian dictator’s cunning multi-decade strategy, especially keeping in mind the first law of Ukraine: “Peremoga always turns into zrada.” And it is likely that Poroshenko banned VKontakte and Odnoklassniki on the personal orders of Vlad Putin. Firstly, numerous communities of Ukrainian patriots flourished on VKontakte, who very successfully poisoned cotton wool and Colorados. All the KGB and moderators of this social network could not cope with the Ukrainian armchair rage, and here was a stab in the back - Pan Poroshenko himself acted as the main moderator. Secondly, there were millions of Ukrainian women in Odnoklassniki in various games like “Farm Frenzy”. What does a person do who is forced by the government to watch the rural news of Kryzhopol instead of his favorite regatta? Thirdly, the owners of Yandex wallets and 1C suffered. All this threatens a new Maidan under the banners “Let me collect the zucchini on Happy Farm! Apparently, the blocking date of May 16 was not chosen by chance. It was on May 16, 1985 that Gorbachev’s anti-alcohol campaign began, which ultimately led to the collapse of the USSR. As if this gloomy symbolism would not be applied to real Ukraine. If it has come to the point where the Right Sector ( structure is prohibited in the Russian Federation - ed.) opposed the new decrees of the helmsman of Ukraine. However, we believe in the best, drink delicious kava and support cyborgs according to the behests of analyst Oleg Ponomar. Together we are rich. Everything will be Ukraine! So we can overcome it!

acquired by a certain Lev Natanovich Sharansky. As he wrote about himself: During the Soviet era, he was actively involved in dissident activities, fought for Freedom and Human Rights, as a result of which he had to suffer from Soviet power- there were KGB concentration camps, and institutions of punitive psychiatry, where all honest people were placed. Recipient of the Medal "Defender of Free Russia". In the 90s I moved to the United States of America, to New York, Brighton Beach, where I still live. Republican, I have a small business. I personally shook hands with Vladimir Bukovsky, Bulat Okudzhava, Garry Kasparov, Valeria Novodvorskaya, Anatoly Sobchak. Namesake, not relative, of Natan Sharansky.
From the first days, the comrade began to actively promote his blog as another refuge of liberal nonsense, noting his posts on the blogs of such recognized libertarians and general people as a member of the bureau of the federal political council of the United Democratic Movement "Solidarity" Ilya Yashin aka yashin , former adviser to Putin, and now oppositionist Andrei Illarionov aka aillarionov , owner construction business in Adjara, personally acquainted with Saakashvili, Gela Vasadze aka gelavasadze and others. “Sharansky’s” style of behavior in his blog and “liberal” blogs can be described as elfing, in others - as trolling. And it should be noted that for the time being the elf was so subtle that the same Gela Vasadze fell for him. Such mastadons of the liberal segment of LiveJournal as ment52 And oranta :
However, Sharansky’s creativity reached its apogee in the theme “Imedi”. Debriefing", where he talks about the "joke" of the Georgian TV channel, which informed the population about the introduction Russian troops to the territory of Georgia, wrote an enchanting : In any case, the main blame should fall on Russia, because all this panic and accidents would not have happened if this Mordor, with its tank and air armies, had not stood at the borders of Georgia, threatening the peace and quiet of a democratic country. I think the victims have full grounds demand compensation in Strasbourg from Russia.
Since this enchanting record, oddly enough, correlates well with what the general human press writes, the thread of discussion of throwing shit onto the fan of this topic has grown to the standards of noble millennials like Tyoma Lebedev, finding a response mainly among the politically concerned segment Georgian-speaking LiveJournal users. Alas, such a talented supplier of lulz “Lev Sharansky” quickly exposed himself: Looking at the rapidly growing popularity of my blog, serious people approached me to, as they say in Brighton, offer me a small gamble so that I could unobtrusively hint where they can eat quality food. Since I am not only a human rights activist and a dissident, but also a bit of a businessman, it would be inconvenient to refuse. Therefore, I recommend this place to all thinking, civilized and honest people - the Macdonalds restaurant chain.
But imagine my surprise when exactly the same “gesheft” was committed by “Sharansky” - on the contrary, the famous statesman and Slavophile Anatoly Wasserman aka

Lightning! An unprecedented event occurred. During a pre-launch check, the Falcon 9 rocket of high-tech startup genius Elon Musk, which was supposed to launch an Israeli satellite into orbit on September 3, exploded. All progressive humanity, Sting and Bjork, were completely overwhelmed. I suddenly felt conscientious and disgusted in my soul. September is burning, Sharansky is crying. We didn’t have time to flip through the calendar again. Damn Putin reached out.

And the first question that every honest and decent person, gay, democratic journalist and European Ukrainian asked himself - who is to blame? The first thing that came to mind was, of course, Putin. After all, the envy of the rusty Soviet cosmonautics towards the latest achievements commercial astronautics named after Elon Musk, which has already been supported by Bruce Willis and Matt Dimon. But is this really so? Did the GRU saboteurs work, or was a random crow to blame? Putin or is it Putin?

Of course, the first impulse of a conscientious intellectual was to remain quietly and shyly silent, pretending that nothing had happened. This is exactly what the undead Lekhaim Navalny and Rustem Adagamov did, having previously burned falling Russian missiles. But the main thing is not to reflect, but to disseminate. Therefore, the liberal and Ukrainian Twitter feeds unanimously replied, “It’s a pity. It happens like that,” trying to hush up the topic as much as possible. After all, Elon Musk is an idol creative class, which means a priori cannot make mistakes and do something wrong.

And the king of startups was not mistaken, and did everything right. The rocket and cargo were insured for a billion dollars. Why launch wildly fashionable reusable (actually not) rockets into space with an unclear prospect of flight success, if you can blow them up before launch and get three hundred percent of the profit? “Was it really possible?” the backward Russians, somewhere out there poking around in orbit, will be surprised. And Pokemon catchers and aspiring startups in vintage lofts will applaud the high-tech genius. After all, the obvious goal of any startup is to make a profit, and not some kind of research in this murky space. Which may not exist at all, but there is a glass edge on which all rockets break. A invisible hand market, resting on a whale and three elephants, itself rewards its faithful adherents with crazy capitalization and high level investments. After all, one must not live by lies. So let's win!

Sincerely, Lev Sharansky

Note IN:
Lev Natanovich Sharansky(born April 22, 1953) - author of the blog on LiveJournal Userinfo.png lev_sharansky2
In his posts, he presents a collective image of a Soviet intellectual and human rights activist, parodying modern “liberals”, using all known liberal clichés. In his notes, we see a conscientious and handshake human rights activist, a dissident, a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy, a tireless fighter against the bloody regime for freedom and grants.
The real person who blogs on behalf of Sharansky is not reliably known. Observers named several names of the alleged authors, but they all denied their involvement in the creation of Sharansky...