Summer street business ideas. Earning money from landscaping. Outdoor gym on the beach

Seasonality affects almost all areas of business - this also applies to trade, both wholesale and retail, and the service sector. In this article we will discuss summer business ideas seasonal earnings, which are most in demand during the hot season and when the right approach allow you to receive in a short period of time good profit. At the same time, let's look at how business ideas for the summer with minimal investment, as well as larger-scale options that require serious financial resources, but, accordingly, bring more significant profits.

Summer trading business ideas

Ice cream trade

When talking about what kind of business you can start in the summer, you can start with selling ice cream.

The ice cream business has always remained and will remain relevant in the summer season. The success of such activities is largely determined by how correctly the place of trade is chosen. In order to successfully place an ice cream stall, you need to choose a place for it in advance, since by mid-May most of the good places for such a business are occupied. You also need to purchase refrigerators for storing ice cream in advance. Freezers and it is better to rent cabinets, especially if you are not going to sell ice cream in winter period. It is not difficult to agree on the supply of ice cream, especially since suppliers are also interested in customers and, as a rule, themselves deliver the goods to the point of sale.

Beverage trade

IN summer time people are very actively buying soft drinks: juices, mineral water, lemonade, kvass, beer, etc. As for the latter, here you need to take into account that next to government agencies in places where there are many children, trade alcoholic drinks may be prohibited.

Sale of beach accessories

In order to make your holiday on the beach more comfortable and interesting people ready to buy various accessories. Therefore, trading in various goods that are often used on beach holidays can be quite profitable. This may include the sale of various items for games on the beach, for example, balls, badminton sets, cards, toys for children, etc. They are also actively buying swimsuits, towels, picnic mats, etc. If you have enough initial funds, you can purchase all such items, otherwise you can start trading from several positions.

Trade in souvenirs

During the summer season, you can also earn money by selling souvenirs. People, while on vacation, very often purchase various souvenirs that will remind them of how they spent their vacation. The wholesale cost of such souvenirs is quite small, and the retail markup on them can reach 200-300%. Various magnets, postcards, various figurines, etc. can be used as souvenirs. In this case, it is especially good if the souvenirs that you will sell are similar in theme to the vacation spot where you will sell them.

Services sector

Regarding the provision of services in the summer, most profitable business ideas relate to the field of recreation and entertainment.

A separate line of business in this area are various cafes and outlets Catering. But such activities require certain organizational skills, as well as special equipment, communications and compliance with strict sanitary standards. So let's talk about more simple varieties entertainment on which you can make good money in the summer.

Inflatable play complexes

An interesting idea for a seasonal business in the summer of 2017 could be organizing an inflatable children's attraction, which are now offered in a wide range and include various inflatable slides and slides. Children really like such attractions and give them the opportunity to have fun and actively spend their time. And parents, while their child is relaxing on such inflatable complexes, can devote time to themselves. You can place an inflatable attraction both in the city and near the beach on the sea or other body of water.

Equipment for creating such an attraction can be rented, and if finances allow, and you plan to engage in this business for more than one summer, but for several years, then it is wiser to buy an inflatable complex, which will cover these costs within the first season. But in this case, you need to think about the place where you will store the large attraction during the winter.

Bicycle and car rental

In those recreation areas where there is more or less acceptable road surface, you can organize the rental of bicycles or children's cars. Of course, for such a business you will first need considerable financial investments to purchase cars and bicycles.

One of the advantages of such a business is that you can start it as soon as the earth dries up, sunny days, and people will spend a lot of time outside.

Providing beach equipment for rent

To make your holiday on the beach the most comfortable and nice people Various beach accessories are required, such as a sun umbrella, chaise lounge or deck chair. You can offer such items for rent and receive hourly pay. Here it is very important to choose the right prices so that they are affordable enough for vacationers with different financial situations. Also, the profitability of such a business depends on the place where you will offer accessories for rent - the closer to the beach you locate your point, the more profitable your business will be.

The main investments for this business are financial resources to purchase goods that you will rent out. But with proper storage and operation, they will not need replacement soon.

Unusual photo

Nowadays, almost everyone has a camera or cellular telephone with a camera that allows you to capture any interesting life moments, so ordinary photographs will not surprise anyone now. But you can impress vacationers with its unusual surroundings. You can photograph people dressed as various famous characters, or take photos in an unusual setting: on a throne, in a carriage, etc. Or you can invite people to take pictures with exotic animals, if, of course, you yourself are ready to keep such an animal. The amount spent on creating the surroundings for photographs is the main financial investment and can be very different, depending on the specific objects with which you are going to photograph your clients. This is enough profitable business and its profitability can be more than 100%.

Tour guide

It is unlikely that you will be able to organize a large business for the summer without investments, but providing tourist guide services can be cited as an example of earning money from scratch without any financial costs. This can be done completely without hired employees, it is only important that there are enough tourists in your city and that you know the places you are talking about well. To do this, you will have to carefully familiarize yourself with the history of the area that you will show to tourists and create an interesting program for them. It also requires a certain ability to conduct such events and present information in such a way that it is interesting to your listeners.

Creating a shooting gallery

Since Soviet times, the shooting gallery has been one of the most traditional entertainments at resorts. And now, after a long time, there are also many people who want to shoot at targets with pneumatic weapons. And in order to attract even more customers, you can make the shooting gallery a prize one. Of course, you need to be smart in choosing prizes so that they are not very expensive in value, but at the same time, the prizes should be liked by those who will shoot at your shooting range. In terms of investment, you will need to spend money on an iron container in which your shooting range will be located, as well as on air guns and a bullet for them.

Almost every line of business depends on seasonal factors, be it the service sector or trade. The chances of success increase several times if you take into account seasonal characteristics when planning your activities.

Summer– the most fruitful time of year for entrepreneurial activity. This applies not only to business sharks, but also to newcomers. In the summer season, the business will not only cover the investment, but also bring good profit.

Summer business- This is an idea that is worth thinking about in advance and drawing up an action plan. Let's look at 10 summer business ideas.

First place: selling ice cream

Ice cream trade- a very common summer business. Its popularity is explained by the relatively low rent for the place and the large markup on goods (30-40%). There are a lot of people willing. Already in May, all refrigerators in wholesale warehouses are emptied and dismantled best places. But despite the competition, this seasonal business brings good profits.

Business advantages:

idea with minimal investment;
does not require special knowledge;
There is great demand for the product in the summer.

Disadvantages of business:

Link to weather conditions;
a huge number of competing organizations.

How to organize an ice cream trade? Initially, you need to find a wholesale company from which the goods will be purchased. In addition, you need to rent or buy a refrigerator. You should find a retail space in advance and take care of its equipment: install electricity, install an umbrella and a chair. After or during the decision technical points register an individual entrepreneur. For such a business, the most optimal taxation system is UTII. If you have no desire or opportunity to sell yourself, then you need to hire a seller. Wage Ice cream sellers usually depend on the quantity of goods sold.

In second place is the business selling kvass and draft beer.

The idea of ​​a summer sales business has its advantages:

Profitability of the business;
a large number of buyers.

Disadvantages of business:

This business requires many special title documents;
is subject to serious control by government agencies;
a huge number of entrepreneurs in this industry;
the likelihood of expenses in addition to business promotion, for example, to resolve difficulties with the administration.

How to create a summer business selling bottled drinks? We rent a place or premises. This should be done first, as difficulties may arise in obtaining permission from the authorities. When the issue with the place of activity is settled, we find a product supplier. It is advisable to contact a direct distributor. Working with wholesale companies is risky; due to high demand, they may not deliver the goods. Next you need to deal with the equipment. If you work with a distributor company, then it will provide its rental, otherwise you will have to buy the equipment. After setting up a retail outlet, it’s time to hire employees and register individual entrepreneurs with the most optimal system taxation – . You need to take care of all the nuances of selling bottled drinks. If you install tables, you will need to organize a dry closet.

Third place: zorbing, water balloons

You can make money in the summer of 2016 by organizing a summer attraction in the form of water balloons. Zorbing came to us from America and Europe several years ago and until now it was very popular and brought owners good income. But a lot has changed and interest in this entertainment has faded.

Advantages of Zorbs:

ease of design and creation.


The legal status of these attractions is not obvious, hence the wary attitude towards them on the part of the authorities;
a large number of competitors;
restrictions to the area where the attraction is installed.

This summer business does not require a special approach to organization. You need to buy water balloons or zorbs themselves, a swimming pool and a special slide. After which it is necessary to notify the authorities about the placement of the attraction. An agreement should be made with the district police officer of the district in which the activity will be carried out.

In fourth place is the seasonal business of selling cotton candy and popcorn.

Selling popcorn or – great idea for a summer business, since its organization does not require large start-up capital.

This summer business provides the following advantages:

It does not have to be regarded as a seasonal business;
minimum starting capital;
weather conditions do not significantly affect the number of buyers.


The Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and other control bodies are wary of such business;
high degree competition.

To bring to life a summer business selling popcorn or cotton candy, you first need to purchase equipment for making these products. After which you need to rent a place by agreeing with the authorities. The next and final stage will be the registration of individual entrepreneurs, and the choice of a favorable taxation system for the entrepreneur - UTII.

Fifth place: organization of a sports facility for shooting - a shooting range

You can earn money in the summer of 2016. Exist different variants arrangement of shooting ranges: crossbow and archery shooting ranges, interactive laser shooting ranges, etc. This seasonal business became one of the most widespread and successful in 2012 - 2013. But this type of activity also has its advantages and disadvantages.


Minimum starting capital;
high business profitability;
the simplest way organizations.

Disadvantages of opening a shooting range:

Specific demand, only for narrow circle of people;
strict safety regulations that must be followed;
The business operates exclusively during the season.

How to organize? We find a room. It should be spacious so that clients can move freely. We will coordinate future activities with the local district police officer. We purchase or rent equipment for the shooting range. We recruit employees and register individual entrepreneurs. Please note that the contract should be concluded for several years, since operating a shooting range for one season may not pay off.

Option six: trampoline

operates only during the season, but manages to bring good income to its owner. It is difficult to talk about high profits due to huge amount competitors, but this activity is undoubtedly profitable. Much depends on the passability of the point. A trampoline located in a crowded place can be a good source of income.


Among summer business ideas, it stands out for its ease of creation;
does not require large investments and maintenance costs are minimal;
there are always clients.


High competition;
the costs will be covered only after a couple of years, but the trampoline will last much longer and make a profit in subsequent years;
responsibility for the health of small clients; there is always a chance of injury on a trampoline.

The steps to organize this business are the same as for the above options, but there are nuances that are important to mention:

1. If you hire a ticket seller, then you need to think over a system for monitoring the number of tickets sold, since it is very easy to deceive the owner in this matter;

2. Take seriously the choice of an employee who will monitor order and safety. Jumping on a trampoline is a very dangerous activity.

Option seven: souvenir shop

This summer business idea is proven and traditional way earnings per season. People tend to buy souvenirs or magnets “as a keepsake” of the city they visited. And if they bought a magnet this summer, they will definitely buy it next. The markup on souvenirs is 200-300% of the cost, which, of course, is a huge plus for an entrepreneur. Have a hard time believing in numbers? This is easy to check. Pay attention to the cost of souvenirs sold at resorts in your city; the price will be several times lower.

So, the summer business of selling souvenirs and its advantages:



Resorts tend to have a lot of competition;
due to high competition, there is a lack of places for trade;
linking business to weather conditions and the number of tourists.

What do you need to do to organize a business? First you need to think through the details: the range of goods, the design of the souvenir shop, etc. The eye of someone passing by should be caught by an interesting detail, so you should be creative in the design of the outlet. When everything is thought out, we rent a place for a souvenir shop. We register an individual entrepreneur by choosing UTII.

In eighth place are sellers of coffee and fast food.

Today, coffee and fast food outlets are no longer so popular. This summer business is losing momentum and this is due to increasing consumer demands and tightening control by government agencies. It should be borne in mind that starting a business is not easy, since you need to invest money in civilized equipment of the point. Competition is high, and besides, the owners of the “booths” are expanding their business, leaving no chance for the “bushes”. Real profits come from entrepreneurs who have been doing this for a long time. The pros and cons of the “handicraft” trade are the same as for selling souvenirs.

Ninth place: vegetables and fruits

Summer is the season for fresh fruits and vegetables, why not make money on it? But the situation in this area began to resemble the situation with the sale of fast food. If a couple of years ago a fruit stall brought good profits, today this industry is oversaturated. Demand does not keep up with supply, and many traders settle in cities and establish permanent businesses. For example, in 2000, it was possible to purchase goods from wholesalers, come to the metropolis and successfully sell everything. But after five years there was practically no place left on the market. Of course, this summer business idea will bring profit, but to find a good place, you need to try. But everything is in your hands and success depends on the effort and desire to earn money.

Option ten: providing minor services to vacationers

This summer business idea involves providing a variety of small services, such as African American hair braiding, tattooing, massage, and more. The advantages of this activity include: minimal costs, profitability and ease of creating a business. But it cannot be done without difficulties. You will also have to negotiate with the administration, look for a good location and enter into a lease agreement. In addition, providing such services requires skills, knowledge and craftsmanship. Therefore, develop your skills, improve your skills, and your summer service business will bring you income!

So, the list of summer business ideas has come to an end, I can confidently conclude that each of them can bring you income! The success of the enterprise depends entirely on your desire to earn money. And in conclusion, I would like to remind you: find a good place for trade and business profitability is ensured.

Bringing high income only at a specific time of the year. Many entrepreneurs, trying to somehow survive, especially during a protracted economic crisis, rely on just such a business, as it allows them to get a high income for a short time, and, therefore, less exposed to risks. We will talk about some seasonal types of business from scratch.

At the same time, a seasonal business, in contrast to a year-round business, which is more measured and planned, requires its owner to work as hard as possible for a limited period of time, and sometimes complete dedication - work without weekends and days off, working to the limit.

But, despite these inconveniences, some seasonal businessmen work so selflessly that during the off-season they do practically nothing - they have enough money earned during the peak season. An example is the business of resort cities.

Other entrepreneurs prefer not to rest on their laurels, but to continue working. Therefore, they switch from one seasonal business to another, no less successful, but implemented at a different time of the year. And so all year - from season to season, non-stop.

Let's turn the pages of the calendar and see which holidays you can do a seasonal business and which one. At the same time, we are only interested in low-budget projects or seasonal businesses from scratch, accessible to the vast majority of those who want to earn money.

So, we open the calendar - January 1 is before us, but we will turn the pages back a little and return to December.

Of course, all types of seasonal business in winter are in one way or another connected with the New Year and Christmas holidays. It's a busy time for presenters holiday programs and evenings for Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens.

Agencies and individual entrepreneurs providing such services are at the peak of popularity. They are joined by companies that rent out theatrical costumes, as well as organizations involved in festive decoration of premises (for example, garlands of balloons), and, of course, single musicians and entire musical groups.

In great demand among buyers during the period New Year's holidays Christmas tree decorations and garlands are used. However, these days it is already too late to produce them or import them from somewhere. The most enterprising people have already taken care of this in advance, and are now successfully selling all this brilliant “public”. They are in a hurry, because already on the morning of January 1, the demand for these goods will drop sharply until the next New Year.

A new Year gifts? After all, you must definitely give something inexpensive and touching to your friends and acquaintances, not to mention your loved ones. Dear New Year's trinkets: candles, dragons, monkeys, rats and other characters of the Chinese calendar, original Greeting Cards etc. Who will produce all this for consumers? Well, of course, seasonal entrepreneurs. This is another way to make money during the winter season.

Those who do not have the talent to speak in front of an audience or do not know how to make souvenirs can find another, no less interesting and profitable activity for themselves - making money using the Internet. It can also be seasonal. For example, an Internet service - a letter from Santa Claus to children.

Everything is very simple: you need to create good text, format it accordingly and send it by e-mail everyone for a reasonable fee. A sort of seasonal business sitting on the couch.

As we see, there is only one New Year gives rise to a lot of seasonal business options. And if we add to this other ways of earning money related to winter entertainment and amusements that have become popular among the people, the list will increase significantly: rental of skates, skis, sleds, winter attractions such as skating ice slides on air mattresses, riding in a sleigh pulled by sled dogs, pancakes and hot tea for Maslenitsa...

And according to the calendar it’s already spring. And the first spring holiday is International Women's Day on March 8. During this period, flower trade is beyond any competition. Within a few days, “flower growers” ​​receive a profit, which gives them the opportunity to live comfortably until the next peak in demand for flowers - before final exams in schools and until September 1.

But let's move straight to the summer months. Summer is a time for vacations, a time for relaxation and entertainment. Everyone is looking forward to it - both vacationers and those who work for the benefit of vacationers during the summer.

Parks and squares are very popular among people in the summer months. Attendance at these places these days increases tenfold, and businesses simply cannot ignore this fact.

Vacationers with great pleasure visit various attractions, and not only those stationary ones offered by the park administration. Their attention is also attracted by simple entertainment offered right on the alleys by private owners. For example, a test of accuracy - throwing a ring on a beer bottle (the winner takes the bottle with him), karaoke, Photoshop - a souvenir photo with the President of the United States or in the arms of a seductive beauty...

What else do vacationers need? Well, of course, eat deliciously and quench your thirst. Therefore, in the summer, like mushrooms after the rain, numerous “cafes”, kebab shops and just small ones appear outlets selling water, juices, beer, chips, ice cream, cotton candy, popcorn, etc. And although the health station loves to visit these objects, their number does not decrease, but rather, on the contrary, increases.

Folk craftsmen also love the summer period and display their creations for sale in the alleys of the parks. And pay attention: there are always people around their tables, and trade is ongoing. People strive to decorate their apartments with handicrafts - be it things woven from straw or wicker, ceramics or homemade napkins.

Summer business is an opportunity that it would be a shame not to take advantage of, especially if you live in a resort town or village. Even in the vastness of an ordinary northern city, you can make good money during the season if you approach the matter wisely.

Features of seasonal business

Unlike a seasonal business, a year-round business has reporting periods: month, quarter, half year, year. Seasonal business is completely limited to the beginning of the season and its end. All the features of a seasonal business are determined precisely by this time limitation. Therefore, it is important to approach each new season as a full-fledged project, the preparation of which must begin about six months in advance. If the preparatory phase is not completed well, then at the end it will be difficult to count on the desired results.

During a year-round business, systematic and rhythmic delivery is very important. A seasonal business will only require the availability of goods in sufficient quantities and their arrival at the right time. Seasonal business requires uninterrupted delivery, in which the likelihood of shortages is minimized. Information logistics here must also be up to par, because the seasonal framework does not provide opportunities for re-planning.

It is better if advertising for a seasonal business is based on images already recognizable to the consumer. If a new product has some kind of zest, then it should be really bright and recognizable. Recognition is necessary so that customers can quickly navigate their choice.

Experienced seasonal market players know how to create the right mood by creating appropriate images. For example, it could be a happy family riding the new model bicycles you are selling.

Advantages of summer seasonal business

Seasonal business is not for everyone. Mainly, it will be good for those who know how to think flexibly and quickly change strategy. Seasonal workers do not set global goals, but think in terms of “here” and “now”.

Summer businesses are good because they can bring profit in the shortest possible time. Any investment here will quickly pay off, because the demand for some goods and services is very high during the season.

If you choose seasonal trading, for example, fruits or flowers, then you can purchase batches of goods from farmers at minimal prices. If you are going to sell ice cream or draft kvass, then the equipment can be rented, and good choice point will help you quickly make a significant profit, because the markup of retail sellers is usually 30-40%.

The key to the success of any shooting range is right choice places. If the shooting gallery is mobile, then you don’t have to wait for clients, but look for them yourself. The easiest way would be to go to Kid `s camp on parent's day. After all, no one can deny a child the pleasure of shooting. But it’s even better to locate your business in a favorite vacation spot for city residents, having previously received permission from local authorities and entered into a lease agreement for the land. This way you can secure 50-100 clients per day.

When organizing a shooting range, it is important to pay attention to the targets. People don't care what they shoot at, and if you line up empty beer cans, you risk losing customers. Today the choice of targets is quite large. There are, for example, complex mechanical toys that “die” every time they are hit.

Sale and installation of air conditioners - a cool business

You can make good money in the summer heat. The starting capital to start selling air conditioners is approximately 10 thousand dollars.

There is very serious competition in the air conditioner sales market, so it is better to attract customers with various innovations and bonuses, for example, offering installation in installments or additional cleaning systems.

A simpler option is to sell fans. The initial investment here will be about 5 thousand dollars, and the profitability of such a business will be at least 40-50%.

Business on active recreation (jet skiing, water skiing, etc.)

Equipment rental for active rest can be organized near a holiday home, hotel, located next to a river, lake, or sea.

The risks of such a business are very high. The profitability of rentals will always depend on the weather and equipment damage. Equipment rental for active summer holiday there will also not be the highest profitability and payback.

However, you don’t need a lot of capital to start. It will be enough to start with 10 thousand dollars and move with your equipment along the beach. In the future, it will be possible to open a full-fledged water sports club with changing rooms, staff, and a wide range of services.

For one point, two bananas, two jet skis and two instructors will be enough.

Water vehicles for transportation (jet bikes, jet skis) must be registered in the relevant government agencies. Instructors must have a license to drive them.

A set of two jet skis will cost about 14 thousand dollars. During the season, a jetski will bring a profit of at least 8-10 thousand dollars. Moreover, given the intensity of use, it will have to be repaired at least once a season. A rubber banana will cost $300-$1200 and will easily pay for itself over the summer.

Possible business risks for the summer season

The main risks of summer business are associated, as a rule, with the fact that it is impossible to calculate demand in advance. For example, if the summer is rainy and cloudy, then sellers of air conditioners and ice cream may be left without buyers.

It is also necessary to accurately calculate the required number of workers. If, for example, air conditioners are in a warehouse and there is no one to install them, then buyers will simply go to another seller.

Seasonal business is divided into 2 types. This is the resale of some goods and a business that requires some specific skills. And in the second case, in order not to waste time during the season, it is important to search good specialists in advance.

As you can see, there are many summer business options, each of which can bring huge profits in a limited time. Contrary to popular stereotypes, summer business is not only selling ice cream, but also many other services and goods.

To organize a profitable business in the summer, you need to decide on the needs of the target audience: entertainment, relaxation, escape from the heat, sports competitions - the most popular niches in the summer, ideas for business in the summer should correspond to them.


For any business it is important to understand what it wants the target audience. And understanding the needs of people in the summer will help you decide which summer business will generate income. What do they want? In the summer, you want to: cool down, cheer up, have fun, relax.

We will start from these four summer needs. For each of them, we will consider two ideas that are not similar to each other and the possibilities of their unusual implementation. So, our review of 8-year business ideas.

Hot? Then we go to you

Trade in ice cream and soft drinks

This good idea as old as time, which is why it is often forgotten. But in some cases this type summer earnings even a schoolboy can handle it. Alternatively, buy a cooler bag and fill it with goods: ice cream, bottles and jars of juice and lemonade. Sell ​​in crowded places: beaches, train stations, large playgrounds.

If you approach this matter more thoroughly - rent or buy one or more mobile refrigerators, rent a place, hire salespeople, then the profit will be higher. Purchase goods at wholesale prices from specialized bases or directly from an ice cream production plant.

The disadvantage of such a business is a lot of competition, but here you can find a way out, or rather a way out, for example, organize the sale of ice cream from mobile bicycle refrigerators. If the influx of buyers has decreased, you can always move to another location.

You can organize such a business in a park, on the beach, on busy streets near public transport stops, post offices and other crowded places.

Sale of fans

Another business idea to help people cool down is selling fans. You can order goods on Chinese websites; they have very interesting and unusual models that are not widely available in regular stores.

Paid ones: advertising on local television, radio, creating a mini online store or selling website. But in this case, you need to start preparing the ground for this business in advance in order to have time to order goods, a website, and place advertising.

Cheer up? Take a ride with the breeze

Rental business

The first business idea for quick seasonal income in the summer from this subgroup is organizing a rental point. Depending on the starting capital, this can be the rental of bicycles, children's cars, gyro-scooters, scooters, trampolines.

If there is a beach in the city, then the rental item will be beach equipment (umbrellas, sun loungers, lifebuoys, vests, masks, fins), boats, catamarans, water skis, bicycles, etc.

If there are summer cafes near the beach, then, as an option, you can agree with its owner to place a vending machine selling cosmetic, medical and hygiene supplies, which are often necessary on the beach. These include: before/for/after tanning products, bandages, plasters, sanitary pads and other necessary items. The vending business is also convenient because the product can be repurposed for any season.

Zorbing as a business

You can have a great ride not only while sitting on a bicycle or catamaran, but also inside an inflatable ball - a zorb. The essence of the idea is to organize an extreme attraction - zorbing. A person pays for the opportunity to ride in a huge inflatable ball.

Zorbing can be mountain (a person in a ball rolls down a mountain), water (swims in a ball on water in a pool or other body of water). More information about it sports entertainment can be found on the website dedicated to zorbing

Entertainment business in summer

Mobile shooting range

The essence of the idea is the organization of an open-air shooting range. Visitors are invited to shoot weapons at targets with special plastic bullets. For one attempt, a certain number of shots are given, after which a prize is awarded, depending on the number of hits. This is the simplest option.

There are more unusual options, such as a crossbow and bow shooting range. This and other types of turnkey shooting ranges are offered by the Robinhood company, which produces them. The type of shooting range can be selected depending on initial capital who are ready to invest in business. There are gradations: up to 100 thousand rubles, from 100 thousand to 400 thousand rubles and over 400 thousand rubles.

Next to the shooting range for adults, you can organize a children's mini shooting range with throwing darts at balloons. Inflated balloons are placed on a wooden screen with recesses. Such boards with balls can be found in parks and squares and they may well exist as an independent business in the warm season. This type of business does not require large investments. And it will help you differentiate yourself from competitors unusual design and a variety of prizes.

Rope park

The essence of the idea is the organization of entertainment coupled with sports passion. This could be an open-air rope park. If experience similar business no, it’s better to turn to specialists or open it as a franchise.

Where can I get the equipment? One of the options is the Kings of Sparta company, which designs and builds sports and entertainment complexes, including rope parks on trees and artificial supports.

When ordering the design and construction of a park, the company additionally provides employee training, installation, marketing, 15 free sets of insurance, 1 free maintenance. You can also find a lot on the company's website useful materials about the technical aspects of opening a rope park.


Open air cinema

The essence of the idea is to organize a movie viewing in an open-air cinema. In Moscow, such cinemas will not be difficult to find in the summer, which cannot be said about provincial cities, so the niche is practically free, there is either little competition or none at all.

For example, in the West and in Europe such a concept as drive-in cinemas is very popular. Car enthusiasts who want to plunge into nighttime romance and watch a movie from the comfort of their own car or sitting on its roof are the target audience that should be targeted when implementing this summer business idea.

Watch a video about how to open a summer cinema

Summer cafe

The opportunity to relax, cool down and have fun can be combined with a summer cafe. There are a great many concepts for organizing a business. Starting from stylized oriental or European style verandas, to an open-air kebab shop with plastic tables and chairs for visitors.

To attract visitors and set yourself apart from competitors, it would not be a bad idea to equip an outdoor cafe additional features. Depending on the format, these could be:

  • children's Corner;
  • as a gift to all children balloon or ice cream;
  • unusual interior, places to sit, a cafe on the water, a signature dish or drink that is not available in other cafes in the city;
  • live music in evening time;
  • promotions (bring a friend, third serving of ice cream as a gift) and others;
  • organization of themed evenings (humorous, literary, entertainment, watching films or sports matches).

As a bonus, a few more ideas: picking and selling mushrooms and berries; organization of corporate events, outdoor photo sessions; decoration balloons; organizing transfers to airports and train stations in Moscow from other cities; sale of fruits and berries (melons, watermelons, cherries, strawberries).

These are far from the only ideas for business in the warm season. If it seems that all the niches in one direction or another are already occupied, you need to get creative. First, find out the demand and needs of people, and based on this, make a decision on organizing a business, especially since some of the ideas require minimal or no investment.