Mosquito life hack. Life hack - life is simpler! What to put on so you don't get bitten

The omnipresent mosquitoes are to blame for everything, trying to plant their proboscis deeper inside you and take a sip of your honestly produced blood. Here are a few simple tips that will help you cope with itching from mosquito bites and get what you've been waiting for...

The omnipresent mosquitoes are to blame for everything, trying to plant their proboscis deeper inside you and take a sip of your honestly produced blood. Here are some simple tips that will help you cope with the itching of mosquito bites and get the long-awaited relief.

1. Creating an "X" with your fingernail

We all have been doing this since childhood, but none of us has any idea why. It is believed that pressing a fingernail on the bite site produces some pain, which distracts us from the itch. The main thing is not to press too hard, otherwise you can damage the skin, through which an infection can easily enter our body

2. Hand sanitizer

Alcohol and hand sanitizers (again, made from 99% alcohol) have antiseptic properties, not only disinfect the bite site, but the resulting burning sensation from using them helps relieve the itching

3. Scotch tape

It is believed that a piece of tape placed on the bite site for several hours not only significantly reduces the itching, but can also extract from the skin what the mosquito has left in it. There isn't a ton of scientific explanation for this method, but in any case, even if it doesn't work, the tape will protect the bite area from scratching

4. Aspirin

Aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid, which is an anti-inflammatory agent. Crush a few tablets and mix with water to make a paste that you apply directly to the bite area.

5. Vinegar

Because of low level acids, vinegar is an excellent remedy for getting rid of mosquito bites. You can apply it directly to the bite sites, and if mosquitoes have created a smorgasbord from your body, you can add 2-3 cups of vinegar to the bath and then take it

6. Remedy for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid cream is specifically designed to reduce inflammation and relieve itching. Even on skin that is far from your butt...

7. Toothpaste

The vast majority of toothpastes have a mint flavor, because they usually contain ingredients containing menthol. Menthol significantly cools the skin, and our brain feels the feeling of freshness stronger and faster than the feeling of itching. In addition, some toothpastes contain anti-inflammatory ingredients that can help reduce swelling.

8. Banana peel

This is a remedy used all over the world, but which has no scientific basis. However, some experts suggest that the sugar in banana skins may have a soothing effect and draw fluid out of the bite.

9. Hairdryer

Itching from mosquito bites occurs because the insects leave protein compounds in the skin during the bite. Itching is your body's reaction to the protein they leave behind. Heat can break down these connections and stop the itching. Point the hair dryer directly at the bite area until the skin is warm, but don't overdo it to avoid getting burned.

10. Oatmeal

Oatmeal can relieve itching and reduce swelling due to the presence of special anti-irritants. Make a paste of oatmeal (oat flour) and water in a bowl, then apply some paste to irritated skin, leave for about 10 minutes, then rinse

11. Dirt

The mud not only cleanses the skin, but also has a soothing effect and can reduce swelling. Mud really works!

12. Lemon juice and lime juice

Lemon and lime juice can help relieve itching while also providing antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. Just drop some freshly squeezed juice on the affected area of ​​the skin and it can reduce itching and prevent infection. Use this product indoors as direct exposure sun rays may cause a blister to form on the skin

13. Ice

The principle of action is the same as for a burn. Ice can reduce swelling and act as a local anesthetic, providing temporary relief from itching.

14. Baking soda

Being an alkaline, baking soda regulates the pH of the skin, providing relief from itching. Dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Dip a clean cloth into the mixture and apply the cloth to the affected area of ​​skin for 10-20 minutes

15. Basil

Basil contains camphor and thymol, two compounds that can relieve itching. To do this, simply chop a fresh basil leaf and apply it to the affected area.

16. Salt bath

Salt has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe the skin after a bite. You can make a solution by adding a few drops of water to a small amount of sea or table salt and apply to the bite area, or take hot bath after adding salt to it

17. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help relieve itching. For even greater effect, it is worth storing the aloe vera product in the refrigerator, as the cold significantly helps in the fight against itching and reduces swelling.

The omnipresent mosquitoes are to blame for everything, trying to plant their proboscis deeper inside you and take a sip of your honestly produced blood. Here are some simple tips that will help you cope with the itching of mosquito bites and get the long-awaited relief.

Creating an "X" with your fingernail
We all have been doing this since childhood, but none of us has any idea why. It is believed that pressing a fingernail on the bite site produces some pain, which distracts us from the itch. The main thing is not to press too hard, otherwise you can damage the skin, through which an infection can easily enter our body

Hand sanitizer
Alcohol and hand sanitizers (again, made from 99% alcohol) have antiseptic properties, not only disinfect the bite site, but the resulting burning sensation from using them helps relieve the itching

It is believed that a piece of tape placed on the bite site for several hours not only significantly reduces the itching, but can also extract from the skin what the mosquito has left in it. There isn't a ton of scientific explanation for this method, but in any case, even if it doesn't work, the tape will protect the bite area from scratching

Aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid, which is an anti-inflammatory agent. Crush a few tablets and mix with water to make a paste that you apply directly to the bite area.

Due to its low acid level, vinegar is an excellent remedy for getting rid of mosquito bites. You can apply it directly to the bite areas, and if mosquitoes have created a smorgasbord of your body, you can add 2-3 cups of vinegar to the bath and then take it

Remedy for hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoid cream is specifically designed to reduce inflammation and relieve itching. Even on skin that is far from your butt...

The vast majority of toothpastes have a mint flavor, because they usually contain ingredients containing menthol. Menthol significantly cools the skin, and our brain feels the feeling of freshness stronger and faster than the feeling of itching. In addition, some toothpastes contain anti-inflammatory ingredients that can help reduce swelling.

Banana peel
This is a remedy used all over the world, but which has no scientific basis. However, some experts suggest that the sugar in banana skins may have a soothing effect and draw fluid out of the bite.

Itching from mosquito bites occurs because the insects leave protein compounds in the skin during the bite. Itching is your body's reaction to the protein they leave behind. Heat can break down these connections and stop the itching. Point the hair dryer directly at the bite area until the skin is warm, but don't overdo it to avoid getting burned.

Oatmeal can relieve itching and reduce swelling due to the presence of special anti-irritants. Make a paste of oatmeal (oat flour) and water in a bowl, then apply some paste to irritated skin, leave for about 10 minutes, then rinse

The mud not only cleanses the skin, but also has a soothing effect and can reduce swelling. Mud really works!

Lemon juice and lime juice
Lemon and lime juice can help relieve itching while also providing antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. Just drop some freshly squeezed juice on the affected area of ​​the skin and it can reduce itching and prevent infection. Use this product indoors as direct exposure to sunlight may cause skin to blister.

The principle of action is the same as for a burn. Ice can reduce swelling and act as a local anesthetic, providing temporary relief from itching.

Baking soda
Being an alkaline, baking soda regulates the pH of the skin, providing relief from itching. Dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Dip a clean cloth into the mixture and apply the cloth to the affected area of ​​skin for 10-20 minutes

Basil contains camphor and thymol, two compounds that can relieve itching. To do this, simply chop a fresh basil leaf and apply it to the affected area.

Salt bath
Salt has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe the skin after a bite. You can make a solution by adding a few drops of water to a small amount of sea or table salt and apply it to the bite, or take a hot bath after adding salt to it.

Aloe vera
Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help relieve itching. For even greater effect, it is worth storing the aloe vera product in the refrigerator, as the cold significantly helps in the fight against itching and reduces swelling.

July 16, 2013, 11:53

Slim jeans can be easily tucked into boots.

To prevent wine or champagne from leaving marks on the table during the celebration, use an old, unnecessary shirt. More precisely, shirt sleeves. This method will help avoid stains on the table and add a touch of elegance to your party.

Microwave 2 plates? easily...)

Bananas will add shine to your silverware. Wipe cutlery inside banana peel and see how it sparkles.

Crush an aspirin tablet, add a little water and apply the mixture to the mosquito bite.

White wine can be cooled with frozen grapes. This will prevent the wine from becoming watery.

Rice in a sock is an excellent thermal pain reliever.

Put it in your shoes baking soda to get rid of unpleasant odor.

Anyone who wears sports shoes sooner or later faces the problem of bad odor. To get rid of this problem, pour cat litter into 2 old socks, put it in your sneakers and leave it overnight.

Hard-to-reach seams can be smoothed using a hair straightener.

Run warm water over the mascara wand for easier application. Another tip: NEVER poke the wand in and out of the tube - it's best to rotate the wand inside the tube before applying another coat of mascara.

Hemorrhoid ointment is excellent for removing bags under the eyes. It contains strong anti-inflammatory substances that cause blood vessels to constrict, thereby reducing blood flow to the area. Just be careful not to get the ointment in your eyes.

Nowhere without soda

Baking soda can dry out irritated skin, replace a scrub and whiten teeth.

If the fabric has musty smell, then keep it in a soda solution and the smell will disappear.

You can remove the smell from the cat litter by simply pouring baking soda into it.

If you pour soda into a glass; and put it in the refrigerator, then on; the next day the smell will disappear.

After working day Foot baths with soda, 2-3 tbsp., will help relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs. Fill spoons with 5 liters of warm water, hold for 15-20 minutes, and you can dance.

If you have been bitten by midges or mosquitoes, a paste of baking soda and water, which should be applied to the bite, will help.

Are your nails yellow? Rub them with whitening toothpaste to remove stains and restore shine. You can also use regular toothpaste, adding a drop of lemon juice – a natural whitener – to make it more effective.

There is another unexpected use of toothpaste - it perfectly dries out pimples and inflammations, since it contains many antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substances. Some people even use it to treat minor burns. So, if you suddenly have a pimple, smear it with toothpaste periodically throughout the day, and the next day there will be no trace left of it. For these purposes, you can also use mouthwash, which is also a strong antiseptic. A rinse aid half diluted with water can successfully replace an antiseptic facial toner.

To prevent your bathroom mirror from fogging up, wipe it with shaving cream, then remove the cream with a soft cloth.

Water marks on wooden surfaces can be removed with mayonnaise.

Old stickers on a mirror, refrigerator, glass can be removed by spreading mayonnaise on them, leaving them for a while, and then removing them with a wooden ruler.

Using mustard you can get rid of the pain from a regular burn.

To quickly cool a drink, wrap the bottle in wet paper towel and put it in the freezer

If you anoint the bruised area laundry soap- there will be no bruise.

Dry chips are extremely flammable, so they can be used to start a fire.

I personally am periodically infuriated by the gray gaps between ceramic tiles. You can whiten it in 10 minutes...

You need to mix the following ingredients: water (7 cups), soda (1/2 cup), lemon juice(1/3 cup) and vinegar (1/4 cup). Stir and wash the tile joints. Don't forget to wear gloves! We want to keep our hands).

If you are planning to wash your sneakers in the machine, then close the laces with the door, they will not make so much noise..

Ways to get rid of mosquitoes

1. One hundred grams of camphor or valerian, evaporated over a burner, will get rid of flies and mosquitoes even in very large rooms.

2. Finely chop fresh leaves bird cherry or rowan and grate open areas skin.

3. Essential oils of clove, basil, anise, eucalyptus:

Apply to exposed skin (5-10 drops per glass of water), or on a fire source - in a fireplace, bonfire, on a candle or a heated frying pan. Moisten a cotton pad with the oil of these plants and place it on the windowsill.

4. Place fresh elderberry branches in the room; they repel mosquitoes in the same way as the smell of tomato leaves.

5. If you decide to sit in nature, throw juniper branches into the fire.

6. The smell of cedar oil repels not only mosquitoes, but also flies and cockroaches.

7. Not a single insect will touch your face if you wash your face with a decoction of wormwood roots (pour a handful of chopped roots with 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, leave for 20-30 minutes).

8. When you run out of liquid for your electric fumigator, don’t rush to the store for a replacement unit. Pour 100% eucalyptus extract (!) into an empty bottle. Mosquitoes will forget the way to your house.

fork-knife etiquette)

How to properly set the table.

Do you want a successful group photo with friends? ...Try it)

For cheese lovers

here's a bigger one

It will definitely be useful in our life...

and in another context...

Laugh correctly so that you can be understood...


Need to fasten your favorite bracelet? No one at home! Scotch tape will help you!)

To prevent the nettle from stinging, rub the areas of intended contact with the nettle with dry soap.

Foil is not only useful...

Need to clean your grill and scrape off any burnt-on residue? If you don't have a brush on hand, simply scrunch up a piece of foil into a ball for a great clean on your grill grate.

Want to save a little time when ironing? Then tear off a long strip of foil and place it on top part ironing board, then cover it with a cloth, put necessary thing and iron. Due to the fact that the foil will reflect the temperature, your item (for example, trousers) will be immediately ironed on both sides.

You urgently need to replace the battery in your device, but as luck would have it, you don’t have the right size battery? No problem, take any that comes to hand, even smaller in size, and place a piece of foil. Everything will work as it should.

You are unable to move the sofa across carpeting? Then lift the leg and place a piece of foil under it, folded several times. The foil slides and will allow you to move the sofa without any problems.

When moving or making repairs, we often use tape... And sometimes its traces remain on furniture and equipment and spoil the mood. Meanwhile, this mess can be easily removed with vegetable oil.

Sometimes when working with glue such as “Moment”, “Second”, due to negligence, universal glue gets on your hands and instantly hardens, so to speak “to death”. Margarine will help get rid of this: rub the stained areas, hold for a few minutes for the product to take effect, and remove the glue.

Lifehacks – folk remedies against mosquitoes (7 ways)

With the arrival of warmer weather, many are faced with nightmares in the form of not only buzzing, but also biting mosquitoes. Many people have more than once encountered the problem of mosquitoes keeping them awake late at night. Although there are many ways to solve this problem. In this article you will find information on how to get rid of mosquitoes in your apartment.

1. Install on windows Mosquito nets.

If your house is old wooden frames, then you can put gauze on the windows to keep insects out.

2. By growing tomatoes on the windowsill, you will forget about mosquitoes, and besides, you will also grow natural homemade tomatoes.

Mosquitoes do not tolerate stock of tomato leaves.

Therefore, if there is a tomato on the windowsill, mosquitoes will fly around your window.

3. Buy a special one in the store ultrasonic device, which will repel mosquitoes from your apartment.

The old method helps average.

Sold at any hardware store.

There is actually another way, but I won’t mark it separately)

To get mosquitoes out of the room, you can simply turn on the light in the next room!)


Mosquitoes rely on more than just light.

That is, in search of “food” they fly towards heat (infrared (thermal) radiation)
4. Can also be purchased fumigator.

Exist different types fumigators. Mosquitoes are mainly repelled using plates, spirals or liquids.

The fumigator begins to act in about an hour.

It usually works all night, so you can sleep peacefully all night if you turn on the fumigator in the evening.

5. Exist repellents, which do not kill, but repel mosquitoes.

Repellents for sale in the form of creams, ointments and sprays. Apply the repellent to exposed skin according to the product instructions.

6. Mosquitoes cannot tolerate many odors. Use essential oils to repel mosquitoes. Apply them in the bedroom and other rooms. A couple of drops will be enough.

In addition, mosquitoes do not like smell of cloves, mint, onion and basil. Place these plants on windowsills or just in the room.

7. Heat a frying pan and pour some camphor. Mosquitoes will immediately leave your apartment when they smell camphor smoke, but this smoke will not cause any harm to humans.

How to get insects out of your home and yard? How to lubricate your skin so you can take a walk in peace? How to get rid of itching after bites? About this in our useful material.

“Oh, summer is red! I would love you

If only it weren’t for the heat, the dust, the mosquitoes, and the flies.”

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote these lines in the fall of 1833, apparently remembering how, in the hot months, he fought off hordes of midges and scratched his itchy body. Nothing has changed since then. Mosquitoes do not allow Kirov residents to enjoy the rare summer days. Today we will tell you about folk ways fight against midges so that you do not spend extra money on expensive repellents and insecticides.

We expel mosquitoes from the house

Summer residents and residents country houses often suffer from mosquitoes flying into the room. Especially in the evening, especially if mosquito nets no on the windows. Of course, in the fight against uninvited guests A fumigator or smoldering coils will help. But you can use much cheaper and more pleasant ways.

1. Do you have camphor oil at home? If you have it, that’s great, because its aroma completely expels vile creatures from the room. It is enough just to evaporate a few drops mixed with water over the burner. You can use an aroma lamp. As a substitute for camphor, it will also work essential oil cedar, cloves, anise, spruce, tea tree, juniper.

2. It’s rare that a housewife doesn’t have cinnamon or vanillin in her cupboard. These spices drive mosquitoes out of the room once or twice. It is enough to dilute the powder in warm water and spray it around the room from a spray bottle.

3. Mosquitoes also cannot stand the smell of citrus fruits. You can use both essential oil and lemon peel, for example. They need to be sorted into different angles rooms.

4. A paste of garlic left by your bed will keep mosquitoes away throughout the night. So if you are not a vampire and can tolerate a specific smell well, this option will suit you.

Important! Essential oils do not kill mosquitoes, they just keep them away from you or force them to fly out of the room.

Avoiding mosquitoes in nature

In summer, nature is so beautiful that it takes your breath away. However, the pleasure is spoiled by mosquitoes. They fly in whole clouds, sticking to everyone square millimeter skin, fly into the nose and mouth, in a word - horror. But it turns out that finding a counter to this scourge is not difficult.

1. If you like to drink tea from a samovar, boil it on pine or fir cones. You can also light a fire and throw a few spruce branches into it. The acrid smoke from the conifers will disperse the midges over the clearing.

2. When dining in the gazebo, you can simply place a plate with soapy foamy water in the corner. Surprisingly, it works. Mosquitoes are attracted humid environment, and the foam leaves no chance to get out.

3. To reduce the number of mosquitoes in the yard, avoid the formation of puddles and remove old tires from open areas, in which mosquitoes love to lay eggs. Pool and decorative pond, if you have any, also keep them clean, adding if necessary special remedy"Biolarvicide". It kills mosquitoes at the larval stage.

What to put on so you don't get bitten?

1. Any essential oil can protect you from mosquito bites coniferous trees. Simply mix it with water, wet a cotton pad and apply to exposed areas of your body. A hypoallergenic solution of water and vanillin is perfect for small children.

2. As a rule, in nature we try to ward off mosquitoes with branches of maple or other wood that breaks easily. We advise you to take a closer look at bird cherry. Insects really don't like its smell.

3. Mosquitoes, like children, hate fish oil. You can apply this product to your skin. True, there is a possibility that after this, not only mosquitoes will begin to avoid you.

How to lubricate the bites?

If you do get bitten, do not scratch the wounds under any circumstances. Apply a product that will soothe the skin.

1. Panthenol cream or any sunburn ointment is perfect for these purposes.

2. If there is no cream, apply toothpaste to the bites. It will definitely relieve the itching, and even scratching toothpaste you probably won't want to.

3. Aloe juice will relieve inflammation once or twice.

4. Apple cider vinegar or a solution of water and aspirin will also do the job perfectly.

We wish you have a nice rest without a single bite!