Apartments in houses of the cube 2.5 series. The frame is unified without crossbars. Description of the system according to information from NPO "Kub"

Over the past month, I’ve heard “fi” a couple of times in the direction of monolithic house construction. Like, low rates, low quality and the inability to fully control the same quality on site. Of course, this was announced during the construction of houses made of prefabricated reinforced concrete. Of course, everyone will praise their technology, but nevertheless... Precast concrete is widely used in house construction and has a huge number of advantages. As I recently found out, it can even be used to make houses with an open plan, which previously was always presented as an advantage of only monolithic construction.

In 2014, the Moscow Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning Council of the Moscow Region formulated new requirements for industrial residential development.
- Varying the number of storeys of the building.
- Flexible planning solutions.
- Variety of façade solutions.
- A variety of space-planning solutions for corner sections and the possibility of placing sections offset relative to each other.
- Organization of public space on the 1st floor and special façade solutions for the 1st floor level.

All this is implemented in this project. Let's see how the modern business-class residential complex "Yauza-Park" is being built on Krasnobogatyrskaya Street.

The house is being built using KUB-2.5 technology - a universal structural system of a prefabricated monolithic frame without crossbars, consisting of vertical columns and flat floor panels. 2.5 - project version.

1. First, about the project as a whole. This is a building of variable number of floors of 18-20-18 floors, designed for 352 apartments. The house presents nine options for apartment solutions ranging from 40.45 to 98.8 square meters. m. with kitchens of at least 10 sq.m.

2. A spacious two-level underground parking, which is designed for 376 parking spaces, is equipped with an elevator that goes down from the residential part of the building directly to the parking lot. Guest surface parking for 75 parking spaces, surface parking for residents of the complex for 40 parking spaces and 9 parking spaces for people with limited mobility. As a result, they promise to get the concept of a yard without cars. Naturally, children's playgrounds, recreation areas, a dog walking area and other infrastructure. Please note that the number of parking spaces is even greater than the number of apartments. I think this is a good entry for victory in the “comfortable yard without carts” category.

3. The price of apartments ranges from 8 (one-room apartment) to 18 (three rubles) million rubles. The price of a parking space will be about a million rubles. At the moment, more than half of the apartments have already been sold. The apartment is offered unfinished with a single brick layout on the floor. Then residents can do as they please. Look at the layout - there are no load-bearing walls inside the apartment. Only two or three columns.

4. Two-level underground parking. For construction, a pit more than 20 meters deep was dug to remove the cultural layer of the garbage dump. The pit fencing is sheet piling with anchor fastening.

5. According to the given concept, the first floor is not residential - there is a public area there. The walls, as you can see, are made of brick.

6. On residential floors, walls made of aerated concrete blocks are used.

7. The facade is hinged, with insulation. In general, everything is standard here. Each apartment will have a designated place for installing an outdoor air conditioner unit.

8. Another requirement of the concept was the absence of straight facades and right angles between sections. All this required a small amount of monolithic work, of course.

9. Now about KUB-2.5. The system is intended for the construction of residential and public buildings up to 25 floors, ground multi-level parking lots. The frame consists of vertical multi-tiered columns without protruding parts and floor slabs that act as crossbars. The set consists of four main forms - column and slabs: above-column, inter-column and middle.

10. Possibility of designing buildings: with spans of 3, 6, 12 and 18 meters; with column spacing from 3 to 7.5 m; floor height 2.8; 3.0; 3.3; 4.2; 4.5 m. Rigidity diaphragms are installed between the columns. All diaphragms are located between the apartments, and thus inside the apartments an open space with a pair of columns is obtained.

11. Installed column with two stiffening diaphragms. The recess in it is a place for mortgages and monolithic joints with the ceiling.

12. Columns are inserted into each other. In fact, it's a huge LEGO.

13. Expansion joint between sections. This passage will not exist in the future and the residential sections will be completely isolated from each other.

14. Installation of a cantilever floor slab - the so-called above-column one. It is put on the column and fixed on the racks while work is going on at the junction.

16. Of these, for example. Please note that the floor slabs have no internal holes. This allows them to be made significantly thinner than traditional slabs.

17. All communications are made in a single riser, from where all wiring is carried out to all apartments on the floor.

18. Hood. On the left are holes for the sewer riser. Please note that the ventilation consists of two channels. The big one is the main channel that goes through all floors. And the small one is the exit from the apartment. At the bottom there is a garbage receptacle (for each floor), if something falls into the ventilation from your apartment (I wonder how?) it will remain there.

19. Common corridor between diaphragms.

20. Views from the upper floors. Up to six floors are being built per month. As the developer will assure you, this is faster than a monolith. And overall 10% cheaper.

21. There is a large program for the reconstruction of the Yauza embankments. All that remains is to wait for its implementation.

22. The territory of the former Krasny Bogatyr plant.

23. Neighboring buildings. Many who buy apartments in a new building are residents from the area.

24. Mainly buys for old parents or young families. There are a lot of employees from the IT sector - during the crisis it turned out to be the most stable.

25. The house is scheduled for delivery in the last quarter of this year.

Historical information about beamless floors.
Beamless floors were used in the construction of multi-story buildings at the beginning of the last century. In 1906, in the USA, at the suggestion of engineer Thorner, and in 1908 in Moscow, under the leadership of A.F. Loleit, a four-story building for a dairy products warehouse was designed and built, then in 1910, a building with beamless floors was erected in Switzerland.

Over the course of its century-long history, beamless floors have undergone significant changes in designs, calculation methods and areas of application. The first modification of beamless floors was floors with capitalless columns.

Beamless floors with capitalless columns are extremely simple structures consisting of reinforced concrete slabs of the same thickness and columns of constant cross-section. This simplifies formwork work, as well as reinforcement work and concreting. Due to the fact that in capitalless structures the columns have a constant cross-section, they are easy to mate with walls and partitions between the columns. Therefore, they are convenient for administrative buildings and residential buildings.

In the 60s, TsNIIEP houses under the leadership of A.E. Dorfman and JI. N. Levontina developed designs for a beamless capital-less ceiling for a high-rise hotel in Vladivostok. This reinforced concrete frame was called a “unified frame without crossbars” (KUB-1). Subsequently, modified versions of the KUB series systems were developed for various loads and manufacturing conditions. One of them was the unified prefabricated monolithic frame USMBK, developed for the USSR Ministry of Defense. Based on the experience gained as a result of using all modifications of systems created on the basis of KUB-1, the KUB-2.5 building structure system was developed.

Since 2008, Glavstroy Development has been the patent holder of the KUB-2.5 System. This system is used throughout Russia. In Moscow, buildings on Preobrazhenskaya Square, Klyazminskaya Street, Cosmonaut Volkov Street, etc. were built using this system.

enlarge image

KUB 2.5 series

The design institute TsNIIPI MONOLITH was developedKUB 2.5 series , put into effect in 1990. The regulations reflect various reinforced concrete structures, which have proven themselves to be important components in the construction of prefabricated monolithic transomless frame structures for interspecific purposes. The maximum height of floors in constructed facilities should not exceed fifteen. The nomenclature list includes such elements as columns, stiffening diaphragms, flights of stairs and landings, wall panels, connections and other elements. A wide variety of load-bearing capacities and standard sizes makes it possible to increase the number of standard projects using structures.

Each brand of building products has its own formwork and reinforcement drawings, the exact geometric proportions of which can be transferred to finished products through the use of steel forms. The standard reflects technical conditions, materials for design and a lot of recommendations on the most effective way to operate structures. The safety and reliability of erected structures is achieved by following not only the production process, but also by following the instructions from the installation diagrams when installing structures.

Last year, when visiting one of the significant objects of complex residential development S.S. Sobyanin set a task for the urban planning complex: to create a new standard of requirements for prefabricated industrial housing construction. In this regard, the divisions of the urban planning complex Moskomarchitektura, Moskomekspertiza, together with the Department of Urban Development Policy of the City of Moscow, developed a roadmap “Schedule for the modernization of residential buildings of repeated use in Moscow as part of the development of the production of house-building factories”, one of the stages of which was the preparation and approval of the resolution Government of Moscow dated May 21, 2015 No. 305-PP “On approval of requirements for architectural and urban planning solutions for multi-apartment residential buildings, the design and construction of which is carried out at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow”, understanding that in the future this will become a locomotive for implementation on off-budget construction projects, as it turned out.

The requirements are formulated in this Resolution and were reported to the Architectural Council at the ICA. The main provisions of the Resolution are aimed at stimulating the completion of work on the modernization of house-building plants in order to transition to the production of new series of residential buildings.

Having implemented the modernization of house-building plants, the city was able to build residential buildings with fundamentally new planning solutions and options:

  • by sets of apartments within a floor;
  • by number of floors of block sections;
  • by type of block sections (ordinary, corner, rotary, sliding);
  • apartment layouts (including the arrangement of openings in interior walls);
  • by location of balconies/loggias, window openings
  • on organizing perimeter development with its own courtyards, with autonomous entrances to the residential and public parts of the building;
  • on planning solutions for the first floors for the placement of social and cultural facilities;
  • accessibility of buildings for people with limited mobility.

Introduction of requirements: from January 1, 2016. Products are sold in Moscow 10 large manufacturing enterprises. Of these, 9 production facilities have already been modernized:

  • LLC “LSR. Construction-M ”- LSR series ;
  • GC MORTON “DSK Grad” ” - series “DSK Grad”, “SUPRIM”;
  • JSC "DSK-1" - series "DOMRIK", DOMNAD", "D8-1/17N1";
  • Glavmosstroy company »- KUB 2.5 series;
  • JSC "SU-155" » - based on I-155M, new series;
  • JSC HC GVSU "Center" - series "DOMMOS";
  • "PIK-Industry" - series "PIK-1";
  • "Krost" - series “Frame-panel house” ;
  • "Narostroy" - series “Narostroy-2015”.

By the end of 2016, it plans to complete a comprehensive reconstruction of the production facilities of DSK No. 7 of Patriot-Engineering CJSC. .

The Department of Urban Development Policy of the City of Moscow carries out quarterly monitoring of the implementation of new series of residential buildings that comply with Requirements No. 305-PP dated May 21, 2015.

According to monitoring data, in 2015, 6 houses were built, including:

At the expense of the city budget, 2 houses (series “KUB-2.5”);

At the expense of investors, 4 houses (series “DOMNAD”, “DOMRIK”).

As of March 2016, 80 houses are under construction, of which:

At the expense of the city budget - 12 houses (series: “LSR”, “KUB-2.5”, “DOMMOS”, SU-155 new);

At the expense of investors - 68 houses (series “DOMNAD”, “DOMRIK”, “D-8-1/17N1”, “DSK Grad”, “DOMMOS”, “PIK-1”).

Addresses where new industrial series are currently being built in Moscow:

JSC "DSK-1" developed in 2015 - the series "DOMNAD", "DOMRIK". In 2015, in the Nekrasovka district, 3 houses of the “DOMRIK” series and 1 house of the “DOMNAD” series were built at the expense of investors, and the construction of 6 houses of these series is planned for 2016.

In addition, another new series “D-8-1/17N1” is currently being prepared for presentation to the Architectural Council of the Moscow Committee for Architecture, the development of which is planned by JSC DSK-1 in 2016.

LLC “LSR. Construction-M” has developed a new series “LSR”, according to which in 2016 it is planned to build 7 houses at the expense of the city budget in the Beskudnikovo district (5 microdistrict) and the Severny district (Dmitrovskoe highway).

"DSK-Grad" GC "MORTON" has developed the "DSK Grad" and "SUPRIM" series. Currently, in the Kryukovo area (Andreevka village, ZelAO) and in the Filimonkovskoye settlement (Novomoskovsky Autonomous Okrug), also at the expense of investors, 14 houses of the “DSK Grad” series are being built.

The façade solutions and techniques used in these objects are based on the “Block Supreme” project approved by the Architectural Council of the Moskomarkhitektura.

JSC HC GVSU "Center" has developed the "DOMMOS" series. The construction of 27 residential buildings of this series is planned in Mitino, as well as the Novomoskovsk administrative district (Filimonkovskoye settlement, near the village of Rozhdestveno, etc.). Among the houses being sold: 26 houses at the expense of investors, 1 house at the expense of the city budget.

The experience of designing and constructing the first prefabricated industrial residential buildings that meet new requirements also revealed the tasks that may be posed in the future to enterprises in the house-building industry and the problems that exist in this industry.

It is proposed to discuss them at today's meeting of the ONTS in order to identify how correctly the requirements included in the Resolution are formulated, to what extent it is in demand by real buyers, to what extent it meets urban objectives, what are the possibilities or what are the difficulties in linking these series in urban planning conditions, how much of a real impact do they have? on the introduction of the principles of block development, whether they provide an opportunity to develop the city in the urban planning sphere. Taking into account the speeches of representatives of house-building factories and the chief architect of the city, it is possible to understand and set tasks for the new period - what to do in the field of standards for housing construction or in other areas - economics, urban planning.

Kuznetsov S.O.:"ABOUT the status of modernization of house-building enterprises implementing construction in the city of Moscow.”

The speaker focused on the following questions:

  1. On the implemented housing design standards (based on Moscow Government Decree No. 305-PP dated May 21, 2015);
  2. About the readiness of production;
  3. On the list of new series of residential buildings;
  4. About construction sites implementing projects taking into account the implemented standards, and about promising objects;
  5. About problematic issues.

1. When carrying out work to modernize house-building

The main focus of the plants was: diversity and comfort of the environment, incl. economy, efficiency.

Since June 2015, technical specifications for the design of residential buildings according to city orders contain new standards for the design of residential buildings. Since September 2015, monitoring of compliance with these requirements has been carried out at the stage of approval of architectural and urban planning solutions in the Moskomarkhitektura.

These standards include a number of city-forming principles for creating a comfortable living environment:

Comfortable space-planning solutions for the first floor level;

Varying the number of storeys of a building;

Flexible planning solutions for apartments and block sections;

Variety of façade solutions;

Urban planning flexibility of development planning.

A lot of work has been done on the first significant floors to comply with all the necessary requirements (entrance from the zero level, a larger glazing surface than before, transparent entrance groups, creation of workplaces, etc.).

One of the key principles of creating a comfortable environment is to achieve targeting, people’s attitude towards the development, because For people to feel comfortable, it is important not only the availability of square meters, but the very format of the house, its identification, which directly affects the housing market and its consumer qualities.

In just 5 months, from September 2015 to March 2016 inclusive, 31 objects with a total area of ​​more than 1,050,000 sq.m (including re-registration of previously approved AGR) received Certificates of Approval of Architectural and Urban Planning Solutions (CAGR), of which 478,000 sq. .m comply with approved standards. These objects are residential objects and are financed from the budget of the city of Moscow.

Also, in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government No. 367-PP dated June 17, 2015, 2 objects received a SAGR with a mark of compliance with the new standards, which will subsequently receive a discount on the rental of a land plot. It is worth noting that the interest of private investors in new series of residential buildings has increased, among which are companies such as PIK Group and Morton Group (PIK-1 and Supreme series, respectively).

2. 10 plants that supply products to the Moscow market have either been modernized or are in the process of modernization.


OJSC "House-Building Plant No. 1" (partial modernization of production, new series "DOMRIK", "DOMNAD");

DSK Grad LLC Morton Group of Companies (new production, Supreme series)

HC "GVSU-Center" (modernized "DOMMOS" series)

OJSC "PIK-Industry" (PIK-1 series)

LLC "LSR. Construction-M (new production, modernized LSR series)

Krost LLC (new production, all existing series)

ZAO SU-155 (partial modernization of production, series not agreed upon)

OJSC "Company "Glavmosstroy" (Cube - 2.5)

JSC "Narostroy" (series "Narostroy")

CJSC "Patriot Engineering" GC INTECO (new production since 2017, any series from the "Industrial Housing Construction System").

3. The following series of residential buildings received the principal approval of the Architectural Council of the City of Moscow:

1.2. OJSC "House-Building Plant No. 1" (series "DOMRIK", "DOMNAD");

3. LLC "DSK Grad" GC "Morton" (series "Supreme");

4. HC “GVSU-Center” (modernized “DOMMOS” series);

5. OJSC "PIK-Industry" (series "PIK-1");

6. LSR LLC. Construction-M" (modernized "LSR" series);

7. Krost LLC (all existing series);

8. OJSC “Company “Glavmosstroy” (series “TA-714-001”, Cube - 2.5);

9. JSC "Narostroy" (series "Narostroy");

10. CJSC "Patriot Engineering" GC INTECO (any series from the "Industrial Housing Construction System").

4.Built to new standards:

Series "DOMNAD" (JSC "House-Building Plant No. 1") at the address: Nekrasovka, Lyubertsy aeration fields, block 11, building 21;

Series "DOMRIK" (JSC "House-Building Plant No. 1") at the address: Nekrasovka, Lyubertsy aeration fields, block 11, building 3a, 13, 14;

System "Cube-2.5" (JSC "Company Glavmosstroy") at the address: st. Khlobystova, vl. 18, bldg. 1.

Under construction:

Series "PIK-1" (JSC "PIK-Industry") at the address: Varshavskoye sh., 141;

Series "PIK-1" (JSC "PIK-Industry") at the address: village. Sosenskoye, village Stolbovo school 27;

Series "PIK-1" (JSC "PIK-Industry") at the address: Borovskoye sh., vl. 2;

Series "PIK-1" (JSC "PIK-Industry") at the address: apt. 18, bldg. 1 Yartsevskaya st., vl. 26); sq. 18, bldg. 2B (Yartsevskaya St., building 24);

Series "Supreme" (JSC "DSK grad" and GC Morton) at the address: village. Filimonkovskoe;

Series "Supreme" (JSC "DSK grad" and GC Morton) at the address: village. Serednevo;

Series "DOMMOS" (HC GVSU-center) at the address: village. Serednevo;

Kub-2.5 (JSC Glavmosstroy) at the address: Beskudnikovsky Blvd., microdistrict 7;

LSR series (LC LSR Group) at the address: Beskudnikovsky Blvd., 5.

System "Cube-2.5" (JSC "Company Glavmosstroy") at the address: st. Khlobystova, vl. 10, bldg. 1.

Total: 15 sites.

Social infrastructure facilities are of interest. This will be interesting for factories, for the economy, and from an architectural point of view it can add diversity to the urban environment.

5. On the tasks of modernizing the DSK in 2016.

At the moment, a number of factories (JSC "House-Building Plant No. 1", LLC "LSR. Construction-M", JSC Holding Company "GVSU-Center") that sell (or plan to sell) products under city orders have a number of deviations from the PPM N 305-PP, for example, in terms of the variety of plastic facade solutions (P. 2.4.). The deviations are associated, first of all, with the presence of monotonous solutions for transitional balconies and layout solutions for apartments. In this regard, house-building factories need to develop several options for solving both the façade part of the transition balconies and the layout of the section in general and staircase-elevator units in particular, in order to be able to arrange sections with different façade and plastic solutions in one building.

In order to support domestic production and expand the range of projects for new series of residential buildings, we consider it necessary to continue working with house-building factories in terms of developing new projects for residential facilities, taking into account the technical aspects of existing technologies and further plans for their modernization.

In order to optimize the costs and timing of the implementation of social infrastructure objects, it is proposed to consider the possibility of implementing these objects using the technologies of house-building enterprises.

It is proposed to organize a meeting of the Working Group on the issues of comprehensive modernization of a series of residential buildings (the composition of the group was approved by order of the Moscow Committee for Architecture), where it would be advisable to raise the issue of the further work of house-building enterprises interested in taking part in the city order on the presented topic.

To summarize, it can be noted that the picture is quite positive, a lot of work has been done by all participants in the process, both on our part and by colleagues at the plants, investors, engineers, and technologists. Today the volume of product introduction is already being monitored. It is interesting to conduct economic monitoring. At the Session within the framework of the Investment and Construction Forum organized by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation in 2016, the practice of reorganizing the DSK, which is being implemented in Moscow, was highly appreciated at the federal level, assessed positively and attracted the attention of the regions (a similar one is being developed somewhere). Moscow has become a leader in this direction. We will continue to work towards obtaining new high-quality products.

Nikolaev S.V.: “Prospects for the development of prefabricated industrial housing construction.”

Among social problems, the housing problem will remain a priority for the next 8 to 10 years. World experience shows that the problem of housing provision ceases to be a priority only when the provision reaches 28-30 square meters per person. The average security in Russia today is about 22 square meters. m., in Moscow this figure closely coincides, being inferior in this indicator to the Moscow region. As for foreign indicators of security, we are inferior to all countries of the European community, including France, Germany, Austria, not to mention Sweden, Denmark, where security is above 50 square meters. m, or Norway and the USA with a provision of over 70 sq. m.

However, the given figures are not so pessimistic against the backdrop of a significant increase in the volume of housing construction in the Russian Federation over the past 5 years. It should be noted that the growth of housing construction is exclusively due to industrial, and not just industrial, but specifically large-panel housing construction. It is characteristic that the growth in construction volumes that occurred in the period 1955-60, when the efficiency was born and when a sharp increase in the construction of factories and house-building plants for large-panel housing construction began, is now being repeated.

The recurring trend of growth in annual housing commissioning volumes is characteristic of Moscow and the Moscow region: Moscow - thanks to the preservation and modernization of the construction complex, the Moscow Region - thanks to the modernization of old enterprises and the commissioning of new ones.

An important stage in improving large-panel housing construction was the consideration in mid-2014 at the Joint Scientific and Technical Council of the issue of developing industrial construction of housing and social and cultural services based on new architectural and construction systems and flexible production technologies. One of the fundamental decisions on this issue was the development of requirements for architectural and urban planning solutions for residential buildings and the approval of these requirements by a decree of the Moscow City Government dated May 15, 2015. No. 305-PP.

The cessation of housing construction based on old standard projects and the beginning of the development of new generation projects can already be considered a turning point in urban planning policy and construction in Moscow. This became especially noticeable in the examples of facade solutions for industrial buildings in terms of the use of color, glazing, and approaches to the first non-residential floors. But we must admit that this is only the initial stage of fulfilling the requirements of the Moscow Government. Behind the outside of the buildings under construction lies the inside, the one that actually corresponds to the concepts of “comfort and convenience” of apartments. And it is precisely this part of fulfilling the Government’s requirements that I want to draw the attention of the participants in today’s meeting of the Joint Scientific and Technical Council.

The housing supply figures of 28-30 m2 per person will be achieved at least in Moscow in 8-10 years, and in the Moscow region even earlier. According to the experience of foreign countries, including France, Sweden, etc., as well as the expert assessment of domestic specialists, when the provision of 28 m2 per person is achieved, a large room will be required for group communication, meals, mobile activities, personal hygiene and physical education, and receiving guests etc. The area of ​​such rooms is from 30 to 50-80 m2 or more. The presence of a large common room in the family, where family members spend time together, where there is a commonality of life, mental, spiritual and emotional closeness of family members, conditions have been created for the normal upbringing and development of children - all this together has a positive effect on the climate in the family, on the concept of family as such.

It is clear that in the system of panel buildings being built today with a “narrow” pitch of transverse walls, it is impossible to build apartments with rooms with an area of ​​more than 24-30 m2. This means that yesterday and today we are building housing that is inferior in its consumer properties, the poor quality of which will manifest itself in the next 10-15 years.

Here it is very important to answer the objection that today (it is very important that “today”) apartments with rooms with an area of ​​more than 20-25 m2 are not required; today the population arranges rooms with a much smaller area. It’s not for nothing that apartments with such rooms are called economy-class housing. Yes, today's opportunities for the population are such that economy-class apartments are in demand and affordable according to purchasing power. But we are building for many decades to come! At the same time, world practice is not afraid to introduce panel houses into city buildings (for example, a panel house in Paris at 52 Mozart Street).

So, what is the “root of evil” of today’s panel housing construction?

With the security achieved today at approximately 22-23 m2 per person, a room area of ​​24 m2 has become (!) the extreme lower limit in satisfaction with housing. A solid reinforced concrete floor slab, supported by internal interior and inter-apartment walls, has become an insurmountable design solution, limiting the possibility of expanding the room space. Continuing to use solid reinforced concrete floors with a thickness of 140-160 mm means only one thing - the construction of inferior housing, which will lose its consumer properties in one to a maximum of two decades.

From this follows the first proposal-demand: limit the construction period of panel houses with a “narrow” pitch of transverse load-bearing walls with solid floor slabs resting on them .

Unfortunately, at the Zodchiy-15 event held last year (excellently organized!) the future of mass housing was presented exclusively! projects with a “narrow” pitch of transverse walls (although Resolution No. 305-PP has already been issued). The Institute organizes annual conferences on the development of panel housing construction. This year the VI international conference is being held in Krasnodar, we will promote the requirements developed by Moscow in order to make them nationwide. Let’s just edit paragraph 2.2.4 and remove the bad entry regarding the variation of layouts due to openings in the interior walls. Riccardo Bofill took advantage of this “false flexibility” of planning solutions and did nothing less than “pump up” this DSK-1 solution, combining the kitchen with the room through the door. Personally, this makes me smile, because I personally did this in the Lagutenkov series, working in the 60s at the same DSK-1 under the guidance of a talented person - V.N. Galitsky.

Is there an alternative to solid floor slabs? It has existed for a long time in the form of a hollow-core slab, increasing the size of the spans to 7-9 m. This does not mean that today it is necessary to design and build apartments with rooms of 40 or more sq.m. This means the main thing - the possibility of installing a non-load-bearing prefabricated partition in such an apartment, with the help of which the opportunity necessary for today's situation is achieved - the installation of economy-class apartments. Then, when the situation with the provision of housing reaches 30 m 2 or more per person, this non-load-bearing partition can be disassemble and get a full-fledged apartment of the size needed for the family.

So, the second proposal is an unconditional, mandatory transition to the use of hollow-core slabs in large-panel buildings. Structurally, these can be slabs made on special molds with sides with pre-tensioned reinforcement or made on long stands using formless molding technology - a very effective technology. Since “there are no prophets in their own country,” we patented a slab with two beams and molded it in Belgium. So now we can make balconies with one product.

It is important to note that the transition to the use of hollow-core slabs in projects has nothing to do with the modernization of enterprises. In Moscow, the Moscow region, and in nearby cities, there are dozens of industries producing hollow-core slabs, and they are not operating at full capacity. What modernization costs are they talking about when they don't switch to "wide" pitch projects using these slabs? I can assure you that the population will quickly appreciate the possibilities of flexible apartment planning and housing with “narrow” steps will lose demand. Let me emphasize that this whole concept of switching to the use of hollow core slabs fits within the framework of the construction of both schools and kindergartens.

An important element of the compositional and spatial organization of perimeter-type development (clause 2.1.2 of the Requirements) is the selection of block sections with residential and non-residential ground floors in the block-sectional design method. While studying the influence of insolation on urban planning, the institute identified the following pattern, which laid the basis for the architectural and urban planning system of panel-frame housing construction (AGSPKD) developed by the institute.

The pattern is that streets of meridian orientation are always narrower than streets of latitudinal orientation. This allows for a new approach to the design of block sections in block development, laying out public areas of the first floors in houses of latitudinal orientation (making streets for commercial purposes), and, on the contrary, in block sections of meridional orientation make it possible to arrange living quarters on the first floors. It is very reasonable to turn these streets into quiet, one-way streets.

This technique is confirmed by the specific design of the development of the block with only 3 block sections with the corresponding layout of the first floors in ordinary and corner block sections.

Briefly about the architecture and facades of panel buildings. The building designs developed within the framework of AGSPKD allow us to move away from the concept of a building being panelized from bottom to top based on the load-bearing frame of the building. Today, the possibilities of flexible technology make it possible to move away from the panel image of large-panel buildings.

The implementation of all the proposals listed above will allow us to move on to the construction of housing and social and cultural amenities in full compliance with Moscow Government Decree No. 305-PP.

Currently, the system developed by the institute is being implemented in a number of cities in Russia and abroad. Information about this system is on the TsNIIEP housing website. The Institute is ready to cooperate on the implementation of innovative developments in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Sokolov V.I.: “Experience of using innovative industrial solutions for residential buildings in the construction.”

He dwelled on the state and problems of the topic under discussion: the modernization of house-building factories for panel housing construction.

Taking into account the factors listed in previous speeches, the concept of the house-building plant built by the Morton Group of Companies includes a complete rejection of the concept of “series”, i.e. Today, the plant, producing panel housing construction structures, has the ability to flexibly respond to the requests and wishes of both customers and consumers of the house-building plant’s products, and allows complete freedom of action for architects. The structures and houses that can be built have the possibility of free planning and high flexibility in design and construction.

In the 2000s, consumer demand and the orientation of developers focused on monolithic housing construction, which, unfortunately, has a number of disadvantages. This is a seasonal factor, an aspect that in the climatic zone of central Russia cannot be ignored when assessing the quality of monolithic structures, load-bearing capacity and durability of buildings.

Taking these factors into account, developers began to improve the technology of prefabricated industrial housing construction. At the same time, obvious advantages are: the quality of factory production of reinforced concrete products, production and installation time, low cost and labor intensity, i.e. production and construction, high design flexibility, high labor productivity and high readiness of internal surfaces for finishing, a variety of facade solutions. All of the above factors are being fully implemented today at the plant, built and launched in partnership with RUSNANO. During the construction of the plant, modern technological solutions were used, some of which are unique.

Today, the house-building plant "Grad" is the largest house-building plant with a full production cycle in Russia. Located in the Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region.

The project is based on the idea of ​​creating a high-tech production facility focused on the industrial construction of houses and social and cultural facilities with increased comfort and energy efficiency, with the widest possible choice of planning and façade solutions.

In the production of DSK Grad, high-tech equipment from the world's leading manufacturers is used: “Sommer”, “Elematic”, “AWM”, “Teka”, “Weckenmann”, which ensures the highest quality of the finished product while simultaneously providing high levels of line productivity and energy efficiency.

All processes, from design to factory production of prefabricated elements, their delivery to the construction site, installation and finishing of buildings, are automated using advanced software and combined into one continuous technological flow. When designing, BIM technologies are used, which generate CAD data, which are transferred to production and supported by SAA software. A unique corporate information system for process management is created on the basis of the 1C: USO solution, includes modules for managing production, supply, transport and logistics, planning and performing equipment repairs, planning and accounting for construction and installation work, company document flow (including project documentation), modules for recording customer relationships and a subsystem for maintaining the company's accounting and financial records. The WMS address storage system for concrete products allows you to keep track of the entire logistics flow, and the use of unique reinforced concrete numbers allows you to track the status of each panel online. All IT systems are closely integrated with each other. Automation of production processes allows us to eliminate technological errors, reduce the labor intensity of production, and minimize the risks of failures and the “human factor”.

When producing products, the Grad House-Building Plant actively uses innovative technologies in construction: composite flexible connections developed jointly with Galen LLC; a project is being implemented to switch to the use of composite reinforcement; ROCKMESH® composite mesh is used to reinforce the front layer of the wall panel; RUSNANO windows made of glass-composite materials with energy-saving double-glazed windows; basalt-plastic facade dowels.

The technology of colored concrete for facade slabs is actively used.

Special solutions for installation units and modern thermal insulation technologies in relation to existing series of panel houses allow DSK "Grad" to achieve high sound insulation rates and reduce heat and energy costs for operating the house by up to 30% while maintaining the overall level of construction costs.

Nanotechnologies are being introduced with the active assistance of RUSNANO. One such example is the use of plasticizing and modifying nanoadditives for concrete.

DSK "Grad" developed With public projects of schools for 1000 students, meeting modern requirements for school institutions.

Projects have been developed for preschool institutions with an attractive appearance, spacious playrooms, cozy classrooms and recreation areas


1. DSK uses innovative materials developed jointly with institutes. The use of innovative materials in design and production is problematic due to the absence or long periods of time for issuing and approving the necessary permitting and legal documentation (for example, the issuance, development and adoption of GOST and standards for the use of flexible connections took almost two years).

Some scientific organizations do not even have the material resources to conduct the entire range of tests and go through the necessary procedure. The issue seems to be a national one, and all bodies interested in this should take part in its solution.

2. The cost of innovative materials is equal, but in most cases higher than traditional ones. If regulations are adopted to tighten energy efficiency and durability standards, this issue will, in principle, be resolved by itself, because sooner or later (and even now!) issues of energy efficiency and energy saving in the buildings that we build will come to the fore.

Kuznetsov K.V.: “Application experience of LSR LLC. Construction-M" of new series of residential buildings at city-ordered sites."

In recent years, enterprises of the Moscow construction complex have mastered additional elements to increase the architectural expressiveness of facades, implemented a set of energy saving measures, mastered new facade systems, and now all house builders are actively engaged in the transition to flexible technologies. It’s a little easier for those who have modern technologies: traditional house-building factories are bound by the technological limitations of their equipment, however, serious reforms are taking place there too.

House series « LSR » - these are modern comfortable houses, characterized by high consumer characteristics, convenient planning solutions with the possibility of implementing individual architecture, taking into account existing production capabilities.

Although this is formally called the “LSR series”, in fact, we are talking about a system that defines fundamental design solutions that make it possible to build houses according to individual projects using industrial methods. This is a cross-wall system with prefabricated internal longitudinal and transverse load-bearing walls. External walls are single-layer reinforced concrete panels 120-160 mm thick, which are insulated under construction conditions. Inter-apartment, interior load-bearing walls - reinforced concrete panels with a thickness of 160-200 mm and ceilings - large-sized reinforced concrete slabs with a thickness of 160 mm (the entire room is covered). Such constructive solutions were developed due to an understanding of the problems that the company had been solving for a long time in the field of building comfortable housing. Moreover, all the products that the company produces are not serial (with the exception of the staircase-elevator assembly).

The enterprise is equipped with modern equipment from well-known manufacturers such as Vollert, Weckenmann (Germany), EVG (Austria). Thanks to effective interaction within the framework of ensuring the full cycle of work on the construction of facilities (design - production - construction), production is carried out in strict accordance with the production schedule. The design of reinforced concrete products is carried out in the Allplan Precast software package, which has increased the speed of production and the quality of design documentation.

In 2015, LLC LSR. Construction-M began construction of residential buildings of the LSR series in accordance with the requirements of Moscow Government Decree No. 305-PP dated May 21, 2015.

Two pilot addresses that can be viewed today:

Moscow, Severny district, Dmitrovskoe highway, vl. 167, bldg. No. 7 and No. 8;

Moscow, Beskudnikovsky district, microdistrict. 5, buildings No. 4, 5, 6 (3rd stage of construction).

The projects have passed all approvals.

15 types of block sections have been developed. The planning solutions of the developed sections with latitudinal and meridional orientation with a number of storeys from 10 to 25 allow for construction of both horizontal and perimeter types with a shift relative to each other or along a “straight line”, as well as variable or single storeys depending on the urban planning situation.

The planning solutions for block sections of the LSR series are made in compliance with all requirements of regulatory documentation, including fire safety, energy efficiency and accessibility of residential buildings with built-in public spaces for people with limited mobility.

The internal planning organization of block sections is made according to the principle of variability.

The height of the living spaces is 2.80 m from floor to ceiling.

To accommodate the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, external metal baskets with screens made of various materials are provided.

On the first floors of residential block sections it is possible to accommodate both residential premises (including apartments for the disabled) and public premises with the maximum possibility of free planning, depending on the design of the load-bearing walls (prefabricated reinforced concrete panels or monolithic reinforced concrete ).

Planning solutions are provided to ensure access to the building for people with limited mobility and create a barrier-free environment.

When forming facade solutions for residential buildings, the following are used: a variety of plastics, the color scheme provides for at least three colors of finishing materials (the architects included up to 26 colors and shades!), translucent structures of the first floors with a larger glazing area compared to standard floors (warm stained glass); various types of external facade finishing ( nhanging systems for ventilated facades, finishing with thin-layer decorative plaster), which allows for more efficient use of industrial capacity.

LSR.Stroitelstvo-M LLC, at the request of Mosproekt-3 OJSC, prepared a preliminary design of a residential building with small apartments and studios. If there are orders, the company has the opportunity to implement them.

During the design and construction of facilities, the following questions and proposals emerged:

1. A significant factor that influences the development of the construction industry in Moscow is that most of the construction industry enterprises located within the city (especially in its established part) have a limited life cycle, which leaves an imprint on the possibility of further investment in the development of new technologies.

2. Regular changes to the regulatory framework entail an increase in the cost of construction and installation work, design costs, an increase in the amount of engineering equipment and additional production equipment.

3. The problem with the import substitution program, which does not fully provide the construction industry with domestic materials and products due to the share of imported components, which also leads to higher prices for the final product.

4. It is necessary to promote the implementation and training of new software products based on BIM technologies in industrial housing construction (BIM - Building Information Modeling— building information modeling). Building information modeling is an approach to managing the life cycle of an object, which involves the collection and integrated processing during the design process of all architectural, design, technological, economic and other information about the building with all its interrelations and dependencies, when the building and everything that relates to it relationship are considered as a single object.

It makes sense to consider this issue at the level of the Department of Urban Development Policy of the city of Moscow and include it in a target program, perhaps with MGSU, so that young people - architects and designers - are more qualified.

5. Issues related to internal engineering, this is a fairly serious area - improving modern houses. When we talk about consumer qualities, we must keep in mind that not only the façade and area of ​​the apartments are important for the consumer. In addition to the increased requirements for the saturation of houses with security systems (low-voltage systems, video surveillance, fire-fighting automation, access restrictions, etc.), the need of residents for the energy supply of apartments for modern household appliances has changed. So far this has not been fully taken into account, leaving many decisions to the buyer or recipient of housing.

6. There are issues, contradictions that arise in the regulatory framework that have to be encountered in the process of approving certain projects and decisions.

A good practice of interaction with the Moscow State Expertise has been developed, which helps and accompanies us very well. It seems advisable to consider the possibility, on the basis of the MGE, of forming either a discussion platform or a consultation center, which would make it possible to maximally harmonize the requirements for the regulatory framework and the contradictions that arise during the development process, as well as during the commissioning of already constructed facilities.

Shurer R.I.: “Development of new urban planning products by JSC DSK-1.”

OJSC DSK-1 was one of the first to begin modernization and organized the construction of pilot houses that meet all the requirements, including those formulated in Moscow Government Decree No. 305-PP of May 21, 2015.

1. All builders felt a completely different approach on the part of the Mayor of Moscow and the chief architect of Moscow to industrial housing construction, relevant both from the point of view of visual appearance and functionality. Certain criteria and requirements were developed. As part of this work, we repeatedly met with the leadership of the MCA, with members of the architectural council, tried to find solutions, as a result, completely new houses appeared at the plant. The practice of such creative work with MCA is positive: such a work process is important not only for DSK-1, but also for all participants in the Moscow house-building process. It is proposed to contact the ICA with a proposal to create an advisory group, where they could meet on an ongoing basis and develop the necessary decisions. We are not going to stop there. No matter how difficult it may be today, from a financial point of view, the enterprise is implementing new series and the first results are already clearly visible.

2. A very important issue is that in Russia there are practically no organizations left capable of designing or producing high-tech equipment for industrial housing construction (German, Austrian, Finnish!) The costs of any imported equipment, no matter how good it is, are large part of the costs for the development of any construction plant.

3. There is no modern domestic software in terms of information modeling technologies; all programs are imported and are expensive: purchases of equipment, programs and training. I agree with K.V. Kuznetsov that perhaps, under the leadership of the Department of Urban Development Policy of the city of Moscow, this issue should be worked out with MGSU, MARKHI, so that specialists, upon completing their university education, already have mastery of new design technologies.

4. We are faced with the fact that our design constantly lags behind the regulatory framework, especially in matters related to fire safety, ensuring the comfort of certain groups of the population, and energy efficiency. When changes are made to the standards, financial investments are again required to change the documentation, examination, as well as equipment, accessories, etc. These are deadlines and money. I propose to create a working group, under the leadership of the DPP, where, with the invitation of project developers and all interested parties, these issues will not be considered until they are approved. So that you can contact this working group and receive support and clarification.

5. A very important issue is the cost indicators of new series of residential buildings. It is clear that everything that is modern on the market, everything that is in demand, must be sold and is being sold in new construction. This leads to an increase in the estimated cost by an average of 10-20%. However, today, unfortunately, when the city order is being formed, and when materials for tenders are being prepared, changes in the estimated cost are not provided for. Pilot objects are set up for an analogue object, and the analogue is taken to be a house that already exists, which is not so filled with all the modern equipment and modern technical and constructive solutions. The price of any of our products is considered very carefully and scrupulously by Moskomekspertiza (MKE). Therefore, it is proposed to make a joint decision and contact the FEM: under the leadership of V.V. Leonov to create a consulting or working group of specialists from his committee to discuss and consider technical, cost and other issues at the design stage.

It is clear that the design and construction of houses of new series is a very expensive undertaking, but we understand that this is necessary, this is the call of the time, so in response we would like to be sure that the products made by DSK-1 and other house-building factories will be in demand on the market .

Savchuk V.V.: “Universal architectural and urban planning system “DOMMOS” produced by JSC Holding Company “GVSU “Center”.

Today, we have practically completed the joint comprehensive task of constructing panel houses of the DOMMOS system. What does it mean? There are BIM technologies that make it possible to create any houses from a fairly large range (several hundreds, thousands of elements) within the framework of architectural and planning solutions that are specified by the customer, taking into account restrictions - step, etc.

At the moment, urban planning permission has been received in Moscow for 520 thousand m2, on the territory of both new Moscow and old, permission has been received for the construction of 120 thousand m2, which are now actively being built.

I would like to immediately note that we have encountered quite a lot of problems related to the design and approval of our new houses. There are no unsolvable problems; MGE ​​helped us quite seriously with this. We are also ready to support the proposal to form a center at the MHP site that would help everyone involved in the implementation of this large program in terms of coordinating and approving the technical solutions that arise when developing new houses.

The second thing I would like to note today is a certain imbalance between the requirements of the Moskomarkhitektura (MKA) and the requirements of the budget of the city of Moscow. We have repeatedly discussed this when passing architectural and urban planning decisions; we see the MCA’s understandable interest in changing the urban appearance of the city of Moscow, those requirements that are outlined in PPM No. 305-PP, and in general in terms of the policy of a new architectural appearance, but at the same time we also noted We note, including at the last meeting at the ICA, that somehow it is necessary at the level of management of the city complex, maybe in terms of some pilot projects, to outline the pricing policy for these houses, not yet based on analogues of the old series (as already previous speakers said). Because the technologies that we have, that our colleagues have, allow us to achieve interesting, beautiful facade solutions, new architectural and planning solutions. The funds invested in development cannot be within the limits of old similar prices. A proposal to the management of the construction complex to develop several pilot sites and test several types of houses and see how much they really meet the city’s requirements, including in terms of budget and cost.

I would like to draw attention to the following issue, which has already been discussed: any plant needs prospects. The organization invested about 3 billion rubles in modernization. When the prospect is not clear, we are also very careful about implementing all those innovations that the city asks us for.

As for DOMMOS products. It is gratifying that many, like us, have taken a broad step, and we have implemented this in our homes. We are waiting for the appearance of prestressed hollow core slabs. At the Batimat Russia 2016 exhibition, the plant’s products were highly praised by designers.

I note the great assistance that the city provides, there is dialogue, there is an understanding of pressing problems.

These floors were a frame system in two directions: with pillar columns clamped in the foundations and crossbars - threaded slabs. The most complex unit - the junction of the slab to the column - was solved by welding the embedded box-shaped part of the slab to the longitudinal working reinforcement of the column. This reinforced concrete frame of buildings was called “unified frame, without crossbars” (KUB-1). Subsequently, modifications of the frame of the “KUB” system were developed for various operational loads and manufacturing conditions.

The next major step in the development of KUB systems was the development of the prefabricated monolithic structural system KUB-2.5, a set of documentation for which was developed in 1990. In the new modification, the main design solutions of the system have been improved - joints of uncut multi-tiered columns, joints of floor panels, joints of floor panels with columns forming frame units, solution of connections, measures have been introduced to reduce labor costs for the manufacture and installation of elements and optimize economic characteristics. The prefabricated frame is mounted from factory-made products with subsequent embedding of nodes and joints; at the operational stage, the structure is monolithic.

The KUB-2.5 system provides for the use of enlarged floor panels with maximum dimensions of 2960x5980x160 mm, along with single-module panels with maximum dimensions of 2980x2980x160 mm. If the contractor has the lifting and transport capabilities, it is preferable to use an enlarged version of floor slabs.

The new design of the nodes for attaching ties to the columns reduces the likelihood of frame resonance during forced vibrations (seismic activity, wind loads, etc.). KUB-2.5 system can be used for the construction of residential, public and some industrial buildings, along with normal construction conditions, also in areas with seismic activity up to 9 points inclusive on the MSK-64 scale.

A frame supporting structure, consisting of 2 main load-bearing elements of the system that ensure its strength qualities - columns and floor slabs, allows the use of local non-structural materials, including monolithic walls, for the building envelope.

The installation of structures is carried out in the following order: columns are mounted and embedded in the foundation glasses, then above-column panels (NP) are installed and welded to the column reinforcement; then intercolumn panels (MP) and middle panels (SP) are installed.

The joint of the columns requires forced installation, in which the fixing rod of the lower end of the upper column must enter the nozzle of the upper end of the lower column. Welding of reinforcement is carried out under the condition of tensile forces at the joint.

The installation of above-column panels on a column is carried out using an installation jig, the special bolts of which are pre-set at the design level of the bottom of the panel; the level of the installed panel is adjusted, if necessary, with the same bolts. The above-column slab, installed at the design level, is attached to the column by welding the shell of the slab with the working reinforcement of the column , using steel intermediaries in the form of corners or plates. Installation of floor panels “dry” in the design position is carried out using concrete mounting tables provided for by the design of the panels, while the reinforcing outlets of the ends of adjacent panels are combined in such a way that a loop is formed. Reinforcement is passed into the loop and welded. Next, the joints are sealed.

The racks are removed only after the floor of the next floor (with a similar installation of racks) has been mounted, grouted and the grouted concrete has gained at least 70% of the design strength.

In 2015, the first houses of the new KUB 2.5 series were already built in Moscow on Khlobystova Street, and now they will increasingly appear in new building blocks. The series approved by the Moskomarkhitektura is presented as “the most cost-effective structural system in terms of cost, planning capabilities, construction speed, labor costs and architectural solutions. The internal and external walls on the prefabricated monolithic frame of these houses can be made of bricks and blocks, as well as panels. From the KUB 2.5 “constructor” you can build economy-, comfort-, and business-class housing.”

MOSLENTA asked the former head of the Research and Design Institute (NIiPI) of the General Plan of Moscow, Honored Architect of Russia Sergei Tkachenko, to talk about what new opportunities for changing the number of floors and layouts are included in the houses of the new series, what is influenced by the bright diversity of facades, in what form such houses are being rented these days in Germany, and why Moscow architects are focusing on them today.

House series CUBE 2.5

Image: Glavstroy Development

Sergei Tkachenko, Honored Architect of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, former head of the Research and Design Institute of the General Plan of Moscow

Sergei Tkachenko

Pavel Golovkin / Kommersant

Variety of facades

If we talk about houses of the new series, in particular, CUBE 2.5, then what is primarily important is not how brightly the facades are painted. For some reason this is usually the first thing people pay attention to. You must understand that appearance is determined by prevailing tastes. Now at architectural councils everyone understands: you need to do it “to suit Germany”, and then you will pass all the approvals. If you do it for another country, you won’t pass, because since 2012 the German model of development in Moscow architecture has been approved. This happened after the replacement of the architectural team, from the time when Sergei Choban began to determine the direction of modern Moscow architecture.

If we qualitatively follow the North German, Dutch path - along the path of Protestant architecture, then it is characterized by a certain diversity of facades, designed to distract from life's problems. In our country, this approach was developed by Andrei Chernikhov, who created the famous color school for autists. It is bright and colorful so that children can navigate and remember by colors where they study and where they live. A similar system is now used for all residents of standard building blocks. Just remember: I live in an orange house, and you live in a light green one, and so on. Even the entrances began to be painted in different colors to make it easier to navigate.


Any standard house of a modern series, like a basic car model, can be modernized in the direction of complication and improvement, and, of course, its cost increases. In general, today's series are much more interesting from a design point of view than what house-building factories produced in the 1970s and 1980s. Engineers and designers have a lot to work with; modern standard houses absorb all engineering innovations: smart home technologies, energy recovery, that is, reuse of energy. Due to this, they become expensive, but that is another question.

Back in the 1970s, when building a panel house, it was possible to greatly vary its number of storeys, configuration, and apartment layouts. But then this would have made the construction itself so much more expensive, and this approach was immediately rejected. We had regulatory limits: five-story buildings without an elevator, nine-story buildings with one elevator, and higher ones with two. The money was state money, it was not enough, it was saved, so the heights of the houses were predetermined, and the projects did not vary, except for isolated, exceptional cases.

Now, especially considering the declaimed multi-storey development of New Moscow, the time has come when different development options are needed. True, so far we only see the maximum number of floors and courtyards-wells that appear among 22-25-story buildings, and such a building density has never happened before. Let’s assume that this is the call of the times, and apartments are becoming cheaper due to this.

Variation in layout is possible in current series, and this is also a sign of the times. Who said that house building is at the level of the 1960s and 1970s? It is developing all over the world, slightly ahead of us, and there are ready-made solutions to look at - which is great!

Prefabricated monolithic frameless frame of a house of the KUB 2.5 series consists of vertical columns and flat floor panels

"Glavstroy Development"

Neighborhood layout

At the end of the 1980s, a new district, Marzahn-Helersdorf, was built in East Berlin. Bright houses with intensive use of color, new layouts, but most importantly - due to what they became innovative - social, domestic and transport infrastructure was implemented there at a new level. It's not about bright facades; what's happening around the houses is much more important.

And of course, as an architect and urban planner, I am primarily concerned with how landscaping is evolving. I don’t mean benches and lawns, but the layout inside the new neighborhoods. It will be great if they start doing it the way they did in the early 1950s. This subsequently rejected system was good: everything was carefully thought out, standardized and executed. Inside these old quarters there is everything you need. And then the quarterly system began, which was returned to in the 1990s, and now it dominates again: there is an area inside the yard - it is for the residents, and what is outside is for the city.

The “machine for habitation” with the open spaces of neighborhoods, which Corbusier spoke about in the 1930s, has acquired a unique appearance in our country. We again came to the quarterly system of the 30-50s, which is not bad at all: it protects the identity of the tenant, the city dweller. But we have insanely increased the height of the buildings themselves, as a result we have wells in the courtyards, a lack of insolation, which we have already come to terms with. Because we proceed from the fact that the main thing is square meters. And it is important that investors, even in a crisis situation, build and sell as much as possible.

The layout should at least be laid down in the project so that it cannot be distorted later. All vital infrastructure elements must be planned so that they cannot be changed: a kindergarten and a school within an accessible radius, the first floors allocated for public premises. Then these new microdistricts will, as they say, “gain strength.”

First or second home

There are immutable truths from the category of “twice two is four.” For example: the courtyard space is designed for all social and age categories of residents. Now these houses are being built for socially related categories. If in Soviet times anyone could end up there, now it is clear that these are people who cannot buy an expensive apartment, or this is their first or second home, and the owners dream of earning more money in order to move to the banks of the Moscow River or to the center. For example, in Western Europe, the average person changes housing seven times throughout his life. And each next one is more comfortable and modern. If we are approaching Western reality, it should be the same for us. That is, the housing market should provide such opportunities.

And if so, then we must have serial construction that provides the possibility of a variable habitat, both within the block, and in the neighborhood, and within the yard. It is not necessary to make a well out of 25-story buildings: on the side where the sun shines, you can make a gap, lower the number of storeys - there are all sorts of options, they are studied in the third year of an architectural institute. And apartments in which there is no sun should cost less.

Returning to the typical situation: social infrastructure must be fully provided: kindergartens, schools, convenience stores, sports complexes, clinics - this regulatory list can be continued for a long time. Among such new quarters there should be an area of ​​​​more vibrant trade with large stores, a shopping center, a public center - a concert or exhibition hall. And then, as you move away from such a center, everything should be built patriarchally in the surrounding areas: there is no need for many shops or noisy establishments, such as night clubs.

Khldobystova 10 k.1

Ground floors and cultural centers

All the same, it will not be possible to occupy all the first floors with public institutions, shops, and offices. At the same time, there should be no housing there, except for those designed for people with limited mobility, that is, those whose exit leads directly to the street. In the Soviet years, there were such “commissions for the first floors” that knew very well what the social set should be, and the entire social structure was provided already at the project stage. Now governments and prefectures issue requirements for the first floors, but not in full.

Landscaping should be included in the project so that there are “green passages” from block to block that do not intersect with the main streets. Then the courtyard spaces will not be closed, but publicly accessible.

If there is a river or pond in the area, it’s generally great; here is a ready-made territory for a public, cultural, and recreational center for a group of surrounding neighborhoods. In Europe, and especially in America, they like to make such a center from an old building that has been preserved in the area. It is being restored, not the standard, but some special landscaping is being done around it, a cultural space is being equipped inside: exhibition halls, halls for holding classes. The same can be done here: let people have a blast, give this task to young designers and architects, they will make the cultural center of a block or region so that the neighbors will be jealous.

Return to pre-revolutionary practice

In the houses of the new series, high ceiling heights in the rooms are declared, from 2.7 to 3 meters. The first five-story buildings had a ceiling height of 2.45 meters. It turns out that in 60 years we have “grown” by 25-55 centimeters, and this is good. Thus, we are returning to the pre-revolutionary practice of designing residential buildings.

Engineering equipment and support varies: if you want a smart home, go ahead, but it will cost more. If you want, you can drill wells, and the heat of the soil, converted into electricity, will provide it for the entire house, and you will also sell it. All this can be done, but then construction will cost a pretty penny. I think that in areas of mass residential development, where residents cannot afford unnecessary things, there will be no demand for such unique engineering equipment in buildings.

Layout variations - yes, will be in demand. The houses of modern series are all frame-panel: first the frame is erected, which then makes it possible to make the layout of the apartments quite free. Only communications, apartment boundaries, elevators and staircases remain in the same places. At the same time, you can combine neighboring apartments if necessary.

German examples

From construction experience in Berlin, I can say that even kitchen equipment is installed there: oven, stove, refrigerator, cabinets. Something is installed at the expense of the builder, and something, if it is improved equipment, at the expense of the buyer. There, variability reaches heights that are not entirely understandable to us, but this is their custom, they have overtaken us. And we will have this. Why do I look so calmly at the development of standard housing construction? Because we have samples, and since the economy is a market economy, we will inevitably get closer to them.

There must be a standard of living, a level of environmental comfort. My apartment is my world, I will arrange it myself. But what is outside, I cannot do myself; it all must be included in the project and implemented by, let’s say, external forces: the community of residents, builders, the prefecture at the expense of the city.

When we have a civil society, we will also come to the kind of solutions that exist today in the West: when residents form communities that win their rights in order to improve the standard of living on their territory. And the authorities will listen to this.


If we talk about the near future, then first of all we should expect that the houses built will correspond to those wonderful pictures that architects present when they defend their projects.

In the 1950s, when house-building factories were launched, the prospect of mass construction of affordable housing appeared. Out of habit, we criticize this approach, but then the volume of construction increased significantly, for example, in Moscow - 20 times! And this made it possible to solve relevant production and social problems. Now there is no need to increase construction volumes significantly; it needs to be maintained at the same level, and no one wants to collapse the market. But nevertheless, if what we see in the design pictures begins to be implemented in reality, we can say that we have reached the level of developed European countries.