Quartzing an apartment at home: pros and cons. Quartz lamps for the home: advantages of devices and selection criteria Quartz irradiation benefits and harm

Anyone who has visited a medical facility at least once knows that the disinfection of the premises is carried out with special quartz lamps. But few people thought about the principle of their operation, although such devices are gaining increasing popularity and their use in apartments is becoming more widespread. So what is a quartz lamp for the home, are there any differences between similar devices and what should you pay attention to when choosing one? Today we’ll try to sort out these issues, and at the same time consider the rules that must be followed when using such a device at home.

Read in the article:

What is quartzing and why is it carried out?

Quartzization is the disinfection of a room, objects or person by irradiating it with ultraviolet light. The very name of this process, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, is fundamentally incorrect. The fact is that quartz, from which this term comes, is a component of the glass of such a lamp - it freely transmits ultraviolet radiation and is quite durable.

Quartz treatment at home began to be used relatively recently. At the same time, household devices are somewhat different from those used in medicine. Lamps for residential use emit ultraviolet radiation less intensely. This allows them to be used even when there are people nearby, although this is not recommended. There are also devices for quartzing rooms at home, requiring the complete absence of people, animals and even plants in the room during operation.

Important information! Periodic disinfection of indoor air is necessary. This is especially true when people with colds, viral and infectious diseases are in the apartment. But everything should be in moderation. It is also necessary to follow some rules for using such devices.

There is now quite a lot of controversy surrounding such devices and their use in residential premises. Some consider such disinfection necessary, while others, on the contrary, say that ultraviolet radiation kills beneficial microorganisms along with pathogenic microorganisms, plus the harmful effects of such radiation. The result is an increase in the level of cancer. How many people - so many opinions. We won’t guess, but consider everything with scientific point vision.

Is quartzing at home useful or harmful: a review of opinions

There is no doubt that ultraviolet light kills pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. Let's try to consider several statements about the dangers of such UV lamps that we were able to find on the Internet.

StatementTrue or not
UV lamps negatively affect office equipmentA rather ridiculous statement that is completely untrue.
Quartzing a room at home contributes to the development of cancerSuch a statement is partly possible and has a right to exist. But it should be noted that in order for the risk to increase, you need to be under a working lamp ( open type), and periodically over a long period of time. The instructions prohibit this. At the same time, minor exposure does not threaten the body.
Possible burns to the cornea of ​​the eyeAnd here it is debatable. Of course, if a person deliberately looks at a quartz lamp during operation, this cannot be avoided. But there is hardly anyone who will do this of their own free will.
After irradiation, an excess of ozone appears in the room, which in large quantities is poisonous to the human bodyThis is indeed true, but only when using open types of lamps for quartzing rooms. That is why ventilation after irradiation is recommended.
Even with lamps closed type Exposure of children is prohibitedIt's a delusion. It’s not for nothing that in clinics, in physical education. offices irradiate the nasal or throat mucosa of children as prescribed by a doctor.
A broken quartz lamp is very poisonous - it contains mercuryIt's true. But there is one caveat - there is no more mercury in such a lamp than in an ordinary fluorescent lamp, which means you should think about which is more dangerous. Both lamps retain mercury vapor even after they fail. It is for this reason that they require special disposal.

Thus, we can conclude that if air disinfection by a source ultraviolet radiation It is produced in accordance with all rules and instructions; there can be no talk of any harm to the body. But there will definitely be benefits. This means you shouldn’t be afraid of such devices.

How to properly use quartz lamps when disinfecting premises

The use of an ultraviolet lamp for disinfection of premises requires strict adherence certain rules. This is especially true for open types of lamps, the radiation of which is more intense. Of course, now the manufacturer offers other types that require less attention. However, their use does not exempt a person from following the instructions.

Important! UV emitters should only bring benefits and not harm. This is only possible if you strictly follow the instructions that are necessarily included with the device. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the certification of the device when purchasing. All accompanying documents must be available to the seller.

Let's look at two types of ultraviolet germicidal lamps for the home.

Lamp for quartzing an open-type apartment and the nuances of its use

Instructions for the use of open-type bactericidal lamps necessarily contain information not only about what should not be done during operation, but also restrictions on the time of their use. The main prohibition concerns the presence of any plants and living organisms under its rays. In other words, before turning on the quartz, you should remove flowers from the room and make sure that there are no pets or people left in it. Doors to the room must be tightly closed. The irradiation itself is recommended to be carried out for a period of 15 to 30 minutes. After turning off the UV lamp to disinfect the room, mandatory ventilation is required to remove excess ozone. When living in an apartment of a sick person, such procedures are recommended to be performed 1-2 times a day.

Such emitters are quite effective. They are often used when there are small children in the house. Ultraviolet radiation disinfects all objects in the room, including toys. Still, you should consult your doctor before purchasing such a device. Contraindications include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • individual intolerance.

If there are no contraindications and the lamp is used in accordance with the instructions for use, there can be no harm from it. But the benefits of such procedures are undeniable.

And here is what those who have already purchased a similar device say:

Katixi, Russia, Moscow:...I ordered medical equipment from an online store for 1500 rubles, I think it’s cheap, it arrived in a week, the lamp was well wrapped, in a box with instructions, the longer the lamp works, the more harmful bacteria it kills. When I left, I turned it on and walked quietly, when we turned it off, there was a specific smell after quartz treatment. No one should be in the room when the lamp is on, not even animals. So, for a small price, we got an assistant for cleaning the house from flu and all kinds of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_479196.html

Quartzers for a closed-type home - what are their advantages

Similar UV lamps for home use more convenient. They are usually equipped with special safety glasses and several attachments that provide the ability to quartz the ear and nasal cavities, throat or even skin. Last option used for faster healing of shallow cuts or abrasions. However, after abdominal surgery such irradiation is not used.

As for the owners of such devices for air disinfection, we could not find any bad reviews from them, and therefore we present one of many positive ones.

nastia176sm, Russia, Moscow: We bought a recirculator in connection with visiting our older child kindergarten(my daughter was often sick). The thing is very useful. We use it only during illness (and not only for the child, but also for all family members). Currently used in the baby room. Very convenient - compact, can be mounted on a wall (we use it as a portable one - wherever you put it, it works). There is no strong smell, like from open-type irradiators; the ability to constantly be in the place where the recirculator is working is also a plus.

More details

Well, now let’s try to understand in more detail the types of such lamps, as well as their design features.

Design features of various types of bactericidal lamps

At its core, this device can be called a mercury- quartz lamp. The fact is that its structure is similar to luminescent. This means that it contains vapors of heavy metals, namely mercury. That is why ultraviolet bactericidal lamps require complex disposal and cannot be thrown into the trash like an ordinary “Ilyich light bulb.”

Of course, open devices are cheaper and more intensively destroy pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. But we should not forget that germicidal lamp closed type allows a person to be in the room while it is on.

Brands and models of quartz lamps for home use

When talking about open emitters, we usually mean models in which the quartz lamp itself is visible. They are not suitable for everyday use in the presence of people. But nowadays there are quite a lot of devices for quartzing at home, which can be operated without removing residents from the premises. However, you should not think that they can work constantly. They also have certain limitations in use. Now let's try to sort out 3 brands that are the most popular.

Quartz lamp “Sun”: its features and technical characteristics

UV sun lamps may differ depending on functionality. Let's consider several of the most popular models of this brand.

Model/ImageSome characteristics

Lamp low power, designed primarily for carrying out quartzing procedures for children under 3 years of age

The lamp disinfects the air and surfaces of residential and non-residential premises area 10-12m2 in the absence of people

Features increased radiation power, which extends the service life and makes the lamp more reliable

Used for quartzing adults only

The lamp disinfects the air and surfaces of residential and non-residential premises up to 40 m2 in the absence of people

Can be used for quartzing children from 3 years old and adults

Before quartzing children, consultation with a doctor is required!

The lamp disinfects the air and surfaces of residential and non-residential premises up to 30 m2 in the absence of people

Ultraviolet irradiator

Allowed for use by children over 3 years of age

Equipment: Ultraviolet irradiator OUF-06 "Sun", open protective glasses 037-UV Universal Titan, tube with an outlet hole of 05 mm, tube with an outlet hole of 015 mm, tube with an outlet hole at an angle of 60 0, power cable, 12 V power supply. 1000 mA, instructions, Biodosimeter, storage bag

Ultraviolet irradiator

The time to establish the operating mode should not exceed 5 minutes from the moment the mercury-quartz lamp begins to glow.

The product must ensure operation for 8 hours a day in a cyclic mode: 30 min work - 15 min break.

The time between turning off and turning on the product again must be at least 15 minutes.

For those who have Small child under the age of 3 years, the most optimal option would be to purchase a quartz lamp “Solnyshko” OUFK-01. Only this model is designed specifically for kids.

You can also buy a quartz lamp “Sun” through an online store, but experts do not advise doing this. The fact is that in this case there is no way to check the package contents, certificate of conformity and other documentation. After all, the device is supposed to be used for the treatment and prevention of children, and this is not something to joke about. In addition, there is unlikely to be any guarantee. That is why it is better to purchase the “Solnyshko” quartz lamp (as well as other brands) in specialized honey stores. equipment or large pharmacies.

There are a lot of reviews about this brand on the Internet, but we couldn’t find any sharply negative ones among them. Of course, there are some dissatisfaction, but they are all related to violation of the operating instructions. Here is part of one of the owners' opinions.

Alenushka83, Russia, Magnitogorsk: Today I would like to talk about our great assistant in terms of health, the Quartz Sun Irradiator OUFK-01. Let me start with the fact that I bought the first one during pregnancy (10 years ago) (...). Appointments with a gynecologist for quartz treatment sessions at a local clinic and long lines and tedious waiting also quickly ceased to please. And then a THOUGHT came, what if I buy quartz? (...) For five years it served us faithfully, finally, the lamp burned out and was sent to scrap, but the memories are of good healthy life remained! And it was decided to buy a new one!…

More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_883673.html

Reviews and characteristics of quartz lamps "Crystal"

There are, one might say, only two main models of such UV irradiators - we will consider them.

Model/ImageSome characteristics

disinfection of surfaces, disinfection of indoor air, destruction of viruses and bacteria indoors, wall-mounted closed-type recirculator irradiator


BNB 01-11-001
works in the absence of people (open type), compact dimensions and is designed for installation on flat surfaces in rooms at the rate of 1 lamp per 20 m2, a powerful ultraviolet lamp has an extended service life and provides high efficiency of air disinfection (up to 90%), replacing UV lamps for fluorescent lamps (KL-7, KL-9, KL-11 and their foreign analogues) allows the product to be used as a lamp

BNB 01-11-001

As you can understand, you can buy an open-type “Crystal” quartz lamp for almost 3 times cheaper than a closed one. According to the opinions of buyers, it is high price is the only drawback.

nastia176sm, Russia, Moscow: We bought a recirculator in connection with the visit of our eldest child to kindergarten (my daughter was often sick). The thing is very useful. We use it only during illness (and not only for the child, but also for all family members). Currently used in the baby room. Very convenient - compact, can be mounted on a wall (we use it as a portable one - wherever you put it, it works). There is no strong smell, like from open-type irradiators; the ability to constantly be in the place where the recirculator is working is also a plus. Almost silent. We bought this miracle in 2012 - the lamps have not yet been changed. Works for 15-40 minutes 3-5 times a day. There were no problems with the device. I recommend for purchase.

More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_1532500.html

Quartz lamp "Dezar": model range and properties

The range of quartz lamps for the home "Dezar" is quite large. Today we will not consider all the models on the market, but some of them simply cannot be ignored. To begin with, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with photo examples of Dezar quartz lamp models, and then with their characteristics and prices.

Model/ImageSome characteristics

Dezar-2 "Kront" ORUBn2-01
Designed for disinfection of indoor air

Designed specifically for use in residential buildings and offices

The design and small size make it easy to place this device in any interior.

High degree of disinfection

Optimal ratio of the power of the bactericidal flow of lamps and the speed of air flow

Eliminates the harmful effects of radiation on humans

Can be used as the final link in a complex of sanitary and hygienic measures when preparing a room for work

Dezar-2 "Kront" ORUBn2-01

Dezar-3 "Kront" ORUBn3-3
Wall Mounts

Availability of a time counter

Used to combat SARS

Bactericidal efficiency is 99.0%

Dezar-3 "Kront" ORUBn3-3

Dezar-6 "Kront" ORUB-01
Disinfection rate 99.9%

Original design and small sizes

Low noise level due to special fans

The body is made of impact-resistant, chemically resistant polystyrene, which allows disinfection of the device itself with any disinfectants approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Indicator of operating time of bactericidal lamps

Destroys microorganisms, spores, fungi and various viruses

Dezar-6 "Kront" ORUB-01

Dezar-5 "Kront" ORUBn3-5
Provide the highest degree of disinfection of 99.9%

Designed for use in areas with an increased risk of spreading airborne diseases

The body is made of impact-resistant, chemical-resistant plastic

Resistant to any disinfectants

Dezar-5 "Kront" ORUBn3-5

And here is what professional health workers answer when asked whether it is worth installing a Dezar UV emitter in a kindergarten.

Natalia: It’s NOT just worth it, but it’s a necessity. Nowadays, ordinary quartz lamps are almost out of use - they could cause burns to both eyes and skin if you were in a room with working quartz. Desars are safe; you can be near a working Dezar, since it does not irradiate the air around it, but disinfects it through recirculation.

More details to Answers.Mail.Ru: https://otvet.mail.ru/question/164785466

Quartz lamps for the home: prices for devices and what they depend on

Nowadays, buying a bactericidal lamp for your home is quite simple. The main thing is to choose it correctly and operate it in accordance with the instructions. But when choosing, you should pay attention to one more detail. Typically, such products always come with a spare UV lamp. And if it is not there, this is already a reason to doubt whether they are trying to sell you an original device. It should also be understood that the price of a quartz lamp should not be too low. But prohibitively expensive products should also be avoided. The optimal choice would be the average cost of the device. Basically, the cost of ultraviolet lamps and emitters depends on the functionality and type of device - open ones are always cheaper.


In conclusion, we can say that no matter how much controversy there is around germicidal UV emitters, they are undoubtedly beneficial to health. Of course, subject to compliance with the operating rules. This means that purchasing such a device will not be superfluous.

We really hope that the information presented in today’s article was useful to our dear readers. If you have any questions while reading, ask them in the discussions - we will try to answer them as fully as possible. You can also talk about your experience of purchasing such a device. Perhaps this information will be useful to someone. Be healthy!

And finally, we suggest you watch the video:

Video about home quartz “Crystal”:

Be especially careful to protect your eyes from the light of a quartz lamp. Wear special safety glasses.

Also, do not touch the glass quartz tube of the lamp. If you do touch it, the lamp must be wiped with an alcohol solution using a soft, lint-free cloth.

Quartzization of air and room surfaces

Quartzization of a living space is justified if the house has a large number of people or you often get colds. In such cases, a quartz lamp will protect the space for you and your loved ones.

The procedure for quartzing a room

  1. Clear the room of all living things, including flowers.
  2. When turning the lamp on and off, wear safety glasses and try to stay in the room as little as possible. You can use a timer to turn the lamp on and off on a schedule when there are no people in the room.
  3. Turn on the lamp and leave for 30 minutes
  4. After every 30 minutes of continuous operation, the irradiator must be turned off until the lamp cools completely.

Treat the premises at the rate of 30 minutes of work:

  • For bactericidal lamps “OBB-15PM” and “OBB-15PP” for 20 m 2 (ceiling height 2.5 m)
  • For bactericidal lamp "OBB-30P" for 35 m 2 (ceiling height 2.5 m)
  • For lamps “Sun OUFK-01” and “Quartz-125” for 30 m 3 (10-15 m 2)
  • For the Quartz-240 lamp 60 m 3 (20 m 2)

For quartzing premises it is better to use ultraviolet bactericidal lamps. These irradiators are more powerful than conventional quartz lamps and are intended exclusively for disinfecting indoor surfaces. By appearance The irradiators are similar to standard T8 fluorescent lamps, only they emit ultraviolet light at a wavelength of 253.7 nm. There are bactericidal emitters: portable (on a stand, allowing you to quartz all rooms in turn) and stationary (with wall/ceiling mounting).

To disinfect a room, you can also use ordinary quartz lamps. As shown above, the Quartz-240 quartz lamp is more powerful, so we recommend disinfecting rooms with its help. Using the Solnyshko OUFK-01 and Quartz-125 lamps, you will have to move the irradiator to different places in the room every 30 minutes (plus a 40-minute break) to ensure better disinfection. And in the case of Quartz-240, a medium-sized room can be disinfected in one go. Since such lamp power is not needed when irradiating a person, we recommend the Solnyshko OUFK-01 and Quartz-125 lamps for general and intracavitary irradiation of the skin.

At long work The irradiator may smell a characteristic ozone odor. Ozone, like ultraviolet rays, destroys bacteria. In this case, it is recommended to ventilate the room before returning.

Ozone has a bactericidal, fungicidal (anti-fungal) effect. It acts on all types of pathogenic microflora: viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae, their spores, protozoan cysts, etc. Residual ozone sterilizes the surface. After interacting with chemical and microbiological pollutants, ozone turns into ordinary oxygen.

Human quartzing

Before using the lamp, consult your doctor about contraindications and the appropriate dosage for you.

Good results can only be achieved if you strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. Each person responds to treatment individually, so there are no general rules.

Leather different people unequally sensitive to ultraviolet rays. This depends on age, general condition of the body, thickness of the epidermis, skin type, as well as the time of year (susceptibility increases in spring and decreases in autumn after exposure to the sun in summer). More pronounced erythema (redness) after irradiation is observed in blondes.

If you have very sensitive and dry skin that easily becomes cracked, if there are dilated blood vessels, you should completely abandon the quartz lamp; in this case, it is recommended to use the device darsonval.

Ultraviolet rays are biologically active and can cause serious harm if used improperly. Therefore, irradiation of an adult or child should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor and with a precise dosage indication.

Terms of use

  1. Wear safety glasses (included). Carefully cover all areas not to be irradiated with a towel.
  2. Irradiation of a person must be performed 5 minutes after the quartz lamp lights up, because During this time, its stable operating mode is established.
  3. The ultraviolet lamp should be located at a distance of 50 cm from the irradiated skin area.
  4. Before irradiation, lubricate your skin with oil or cream (preferably sunscreen), but not very generously. The butter or cream must be rubbed evenly.
  5. The duration of irradiation should be increased gradually, starting from 0.5 minutes and increasing to 3 minutes. Each subsequent exposure increases by 0.5-1 minutes. The number of irradiations of one skin area should not exceed 5 sessions (1 session per day).
  6. It is very important to follow the recommended irradiation time, since increasing the procedure time can lead to dry skin and also cause pigmentation.
  7. At the end of the session, turn off the quartz lamp; you can turn it on again after complete cooling for 20 minutes.
  • It is not recommended to carry out irradiation in cases of elevated body temperature, and after suffering a serious illness
  • Before quartzing, patients with a weakened body and (or) dry skin should consult a doctor
  • Quartz lamps are not intended for tanning procedures
  • There should not be any people in the irradiation zone houseplants and animals
  • Follow the rules when operating the illuminator fire safety

There are people whose bodies cannot tolerate ultraviolet radiation, neither artificial nor real (sun). If some time after the end of the session you begin to have a severe headache, nervous irritation, or dizziness, it is better to stop the procedures.

Contraindications for the use of UV rays:

If you plan to use a quartz lamp for quartzing (disinfecting) premises in order to disinfect them, then contraindications do not matter since human exposure can be avoided by using the lamp correctly.

  • renal failure
  • cardiovascular failure
  • violations endocrine system
  • neoplasms (tumors)
  • hypertrichosis
  • dilated superficial blood vessels
  • active form of tuberculosis
  • tendency to bleed
  • acute inflammatory processes and chronic inflammatory processes in the acute stage
  • hypertension stage II-III
  • circulatory failure stage II-III
  • Thyrotoxicosis
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage
  • systemic blood diseases
  • advanced atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries and coronary vessels
  • increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation

Indications for the use of UV rays:

  • acute and chronic joint diseases
  • bronchitis
  • adenoids
  • allergic runny nose
  • bronchial asthma
  • acute respiratory diseases of the palatine tonsils
  • respiratory diseases
  • inflammation of the ENT organs (ear, throat, nose): sore throat, rhinitis, etc.
  • diseases of the female genital organs
  • skin diseases
  • peripheral nervous system diseases
  • wounds (local irradiation)
  • compensation of ultraviolet deficiency in order to increase the body's resistance to various infections
  • vitamin D deficiency
  • prevention of rickets
  • with tuberculous bone lesions
  • diseases of the intrastriatal and mucous membranes of the human body
  • myositis
  • neuritis
  • trophic ulcers and bedsores

Quartzization is the process of treating (disinfecting) premises, objects, and the human body with ultraviolet radiation from a quartz or bactericidal lamp. The use of the term “quartzization” is incorrect (paradox), because the lamp bulb consists of quartz glass, and during operation, quartz crystals are not sprayed throughout the room. Quartz glass only transmits ultraviolet radiation, which is impossible with ordinary silicate glass. It also means inactivation in the air and on surfaces of all infectious microorganisms - such as viruses, bacteria, mold, fungi, yeast, spores, etc. This is achieved by absorbing a dose of ultraviolet radiation by microbial DNA molecules and leads to their immediate death.

Quartzization can be divided into groups:

  • Quartzization of air and surfaces in the room.
  • Quartzization of objects, sterilization of medical instruments.
  • General quartzing – the entire human body.
  • Local (local) quartzization - individual areas of the body (ear, nose, throat, skin).


As a result of quartzization, the air is enriched with ozone, which, in turn, also disinfects the air. Ozone is poisonous, so after quartz treatment the room should be ventilated. Quartz treatment is widely used in medical institutions, and has now become popular for use at home.

The quartzing method is based on the disinfecting effect of ultraviolet radiation. For residential premises, powerful quartz lamps are used, the whole procedure takes about 30-40 minutes. Under the influence of the emitted ultraviolet rays, harmful microorganisms present in the room are effectively killed. If quartzing is used at home, then such a procedure helps to completely disinfect a living space and make all things and objects in it practically sterile. That is, everything that comes under the influence of ultraviolet rays emanating from a quartz lamp is completely disinfected and destroyed from the presence of harmful factors and pathogens.

The benefits of quartzing

The main purpose of a quartz lamp is to disinfect a room from harmful factors and painful microorganisms. The lamps have a positive antibacterial effect.

  • A quartz lamp is an excellent preventive method against the attack of influenza and cold viruses. If there is a person infected with a respiratory disease in a living room, then regular quartzing will help prevent illness in other household members.
  • Quartz treatment at home is actively used for such human diseases as prolonged runny nose, adenoids, and chronic bronchitis. The positive effect of the method is determined by the fact that with regular quartz treatment procedures, the complete destruction of pathogenic microorganisms and harmful bacteria, which are the causative agents and activators of these diseases, occurs. The main assistant in the treatment of otitis and inflammation of the ears is a quartz lamp. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, harmful microorganisms that activate the inflammatory process are destroyed.
  • It has been noticed that the rays from a quartz lamp have a beneficial effect in the treatment of many skin diseases. It is useful to carry out regular quartz treatment of a living space for skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, skin rashes, and acne.
  • Many dentists advise the use of quartz treatment for all those who suffer from toothache. The procedure has maximum effect if the toothache is caused by the activity of stomatitis. It is good to use apartment quartz for people suffering from inflammatory processes as a result of the development of osteochondrosis and other joint diseases.
  • It is recommended to carry out regular quartz treatment in a living room occupied by a person who has recently undergone a complex operation or injury. It has been proven that ultraviolet rays emitted from the quartz llama have restorative functions and have a beneficial effect on the condition of damaged joints, cartilage and ligaments.
  • Pediatricians advise carrying out constant quartzing of the house in which children live. It has been proven that this method disinfecting the premises is a reliable prevention of the development of rickets.
  • For all those patients in whose body an inflammatory process occurs, quartz treatment will help more effectively and quickly get rid of the underlying disease.

Harm and contraindications

All of the above facts prove that quartz treatment can not only be carried out in apartments and residential buildings, but is also necessary. But even this useful procedure has its contraindications.

The main harm to the human body in the process of quartzing can be caused when the lamps are used for other purposes or the quartzing method is carried out inappropriately. Most modern quartz lamps assume the possibility of people being in a room that is being disinfected. But, in order to avoid negative consequences, it is still recommended to leave the room at the time of quartzing.

Quartz treatment also has some contraindications for humans:

  • Individual intolerance. The emitted ultraviolet rays have a certain effect on sensitive people, so in some cases a person may experience an allergic reaction to the quartzization process. To protect yourself from the negative effects of quartz treatment, the procedure must be started with the most minimal doses and with extreme caution. If there are physical changes in general health (the appearance of a rash, runny nose, headache), the quartz treatment procedure at home is prohibited.
  • There is an unproven opinion that the quartzing procedure can become an activator for the development of cancerous tumors, so people who have a predisposition to tumors should not undergo quartzing.
  • For a certain category of people, quartzing at home leads to an increase in blood pressure. It is recommended that all those people who have certain problems with blood vessels refrain from carrying out such a procedure. In any case, before you start quartzing at home, you should consult a doctor. Only after an approving decision received from a specialist can you begin to carry out a useful procedure.

Quartz lamps

These devices are regularly used to purify the air and surfaces. A quartz lamp for home use is significantly different from products used in hospitals. Home appliances are usually medium in size. The device can be used not only to disinfect rooms in the house, but also to irradiate the human body. The operating principle of a quartz device lies in the ultraviolet light that it emits. Waves of UV rays negatively affect germs and bacteria. It must be remembered that during the processing process, a quartz lamp emits a large amount of ozone, which is very dangerous for humans. Therefore, it is recommended to handle the lamp very carefully.

How to choose the right lamp?

Quartz lamps are divided into several types:

  • Standard quartz lamp. This is a classic option. Since a quartz lamp produces ozone into the air during operation, it is necessary to ventilate the room after using it, and during the process of quartzing the room there should be no people in it. Without special glasses, it is strictly forbidden to look at a quartz lamp during operation, because its radiation is very dangerous for the eyes. When purchasing a device, special glasses must be included.
  • Germicidal lamp. It is also called a quartz bactericidal lamp; its bulb is made not of quartz glass, but of uviol glass. It does not emit such a huge amount of ozone as a regular quartz device. But, even despite the absence of quartz, this lamp acts in the same way as a quartz lamp, destroying all bacteria.
  • Ozone-free quartz lamp. The bulb of this lamp is made of quartz glass, coated with titanium dioxide; titanium does not allow ozone to huge quantities seep into the air. These quartz devices have general rules use and operating principles.

How to use a quartz lamp correctly?

Quartzization of a living space is justified if there are a large number of people in the house or you often suffer from colds. In such cases, a quartz lamp will protect the space for you and your loved ones. Before quartzing, you need to leave the room, close the door behind you, and turn on the irradiators. During an irradiation session, a light sign reading “Do not enter, ultraviolet irradiation in progress!” should be turned on at the entrance to this room! (need to be enabled manually or merged electrical circuit turning on the light display and irradiator). If there is no information board, a sign with a similar warning should be posted on the front door. At the end of irradiation, turn off the irradiator and the light display.

The procedure for quartzing a room

  1. Clear the room of all living things, including flowers.
  2. When turning the lamp on and off, wear safety glasses and try to stay in the room as little as possible. You can use a timer to turn the lamp on and off on a schedule when there are no people in the room.
  3. Turn on the lamp and leave for 30 minutes
  4. After every 30 minutes of continuous operation, the irradiator must be turned off until the lamp cools completely.

The most important thing to consider when working with a quartz lamp is that being in a room that is quartzing requires only safety glasses. It is prohibited to touch the surface of the lamp; if there is an accidental touch to the surface of the lamp, the area of ​​contact must be treated with an alcohol solution. The instructions for each quartz lamp describe the recommended room treatment time. But it is necessary to start quartzing with minimal parameters in order to check a person’s individual tolerance to quartzing.

When carrying out quartz treatment at home, the following important points must be taken into account:

  • It is prohibited to disinfect living quarters when the patient’s body temperature is elevated;
  • if a person’s skin is dry, then before the quartz treatment procedure it is necessary to consult a dermatologist;
  • You should absolutely not use a quartz lamp to tan your body;
  • It is not recommended to leave animals and plants in the room where quartzing is carried out;
  • comply with fire safety requirements in the premises.

Features of quartzing premises in the presence of people

To disinfect air in the presence of people, ultraviolet bactericidal irradiators are used - recirculators, in which the sources of UV radiation are completely closed, and air is pumped through the space irradiated by the lamps using fans. The operating principle of such irradiators is similar to the quartz devices described above, and the performance depends not only on the power of the radiation sources, but also on the performance of the fan.

Using quartz lamps for household use, premises are disinfected; individual devices are designed for local irradiation of the skin and mucous membranes. The devices are intended for therapeutic and preventive purposes. They must be used strictly according to the instructions.

What is quartzization?

Quartzization is called disinfection with ultraviolet light. Its source can be a quartz or bactericidal lamp. Quartz crystals do not enter the air, but only provide the transmission of ultraviolet radiation.

Quartz devices are used quite widely: the object of quartzization can be a room, a human body, or various objects. Thanks to ultraviolet radiation, the DNA molecules of infectious organisms are absorbed and their death occurs. This applies to viruses, bacteria, mold fungi and other microorganisms.

When a quartz irradiator operates, ozone is produced. It also has disinfectant properties.

Indications and contraindications for quartz treatment

Quartz irradiators are necessary for disinfection and antibacterial treatment. Quartzization brings significant benefits:

  • Prevention during an epidemic. This treatment is necessary during seasonal outbreaks. viral diseases, various infections.
  • Prevention of infection through contact with sick people. This is important when there are several people in one room (apartment, office).
  • Acceleration of recovery from certain diseases of the upper respiratory tract. If you disinfect the air, then during breathing there will be no new portion of bacteria, which prolongs the course of the disease.
  • Preventing re-infection. This property of quartzization is especially important for diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Treatment of dermatological diseases and other skin lesions. Disinfected air is a kind of antiseptic.
  • Treatment of joint diseases.
  • Reducing the rehabilitation period after surgery. Quartz treatment activates tissue regeneration, reducing the load on the immune system.
  • Prevention of the development of rickets in children.

Using a quartz irradiator eliminates the need for disinfection chemicals. It is enough just to carry out regularly wet cleaning.

Quartzization is a useful procedure, but it can also cause side reactions:

  • Individual intolerance. Some people experience an allergic reaction to UV radiation. In this case, after quartzing the room, it must be ventilated.
  • Increase in blood pressure. This side effect can be observed in hypertension, when a person’s blood pressure is already obviously elevated.
  • Risk of accelerated tumor growth and metastasis.
  • Risk of complications of vascular diseases.
  • Possibility of ozone poisoning. This risk is prevented by ventilating the room after quartzing it. Ozone-free lamps do not have such disadvantages.
  • People with dry skin should use a quartz lamp for local irradiation with caution. Quartz treatment may cause overdrying and pigmentation of the skin.

Quartz treatment of the skin (mucous membranes) has many indications, but is not suitable for all people. The procedure is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • renal or heart failure;
  • hypertension II or III degree;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers;
  • bleeding tendency;
  • active tuberculosis.

The presence of such pathologies means that local irradiation should be abandoned, but the premises can be treated.

Operating principle of a home quartz lamp

A quartz lamp is a sealed flask made of quartz glass (usually with impurities), inside which there are mercury vapors, when interacting with electric charge producing ultraviolet radiation.

Such lamps are gas-discharge lamps, and the operating principle is reminiscent of classic fluorescent lamps. Quartz glass in these devices plays the role of a kind of filter, since it transmits ultraviolet rays only of a certain spectrum.

Types of home quartz lamps

There are several types of quartz lamps for home use. There is a classification based on several criteria.

One of them is the design of the device. Based on this feature, there are several types of quartz lamps:

  • Closed. In this case, the ultraviolet emitter is insulated, which eliminates aggressive effects on the body. Such devices are used for treating premises, provided that there are no people or animals in them.
  • Portable. These lamps are portable and can be installed anywhere.
  • There are also open type lamps. They are most effective, but are not suitable for use at the household level.

Based on the features of flask manufacturing, the following devices are distinguished:

  • Classical. To make the bulbs of such lamps, pure quartz glass is used. When quartzing with this device, ozone is produced in large quantities, therefore it is not suitable for domestic conditions.
  • Bactericidal. For the manufacture of flasks, uviol glass is used, which reduces the amount of ozone produced into the air.
  • Ozone-free. The emitting bulb of the lamp has a special coating that prevents the release of ozone. The antiseptic and antibacterial functions of the device are not affected.

Quartz lamps can be intended for wall-mounted, floor- or table-top installation:

  • Attachments are stationary and can therefore only be used in one room. The device can be mounted to the ceiling or wall. This option is the least popular.
  • Floor-standing models are quite powerful, so they are used in spacious rooms. Such devices are portable as they have medium dimensions.
  • At home, table quartz lamps are more often used. They are attractive due to their compactness and the ability to be installed on various surfaces. Important advantage Small dimensions of the device - easy storage. It is tabletop models that are used for local irradiation. For these purposes, various nozzles are used.

General rules for using a quartz lamp

Before using a quartz lamp at home, you must carefully study the instructions for it. There are several general rules:

  • Quartzing of a room is prohibited if there is a person with a high temperature in it. You should refrain from contact with a quartz lamp if you have just suffered a serious illness.
  • Do not quartz a room if there are indoor plants in it. People and animals must leave the room during treatment.
  • Compliance with fire safety.
  • When treating individual areas of the skin, the rest of the body should be covered with thick fabric or clothing.
  • If quartzing is necessary for a person, then it should be started 5-15 minutes after turning on the device (the time depends on the device model). This time is necessary to stabilize the operating mode of the device.
  • The first time a person is quartzed is carried out for 30 seconds. In subsequent sessions, add 30 seconds until the recommended time for treating a particular area is reached. It should not exceed 3 minutes.
  • One area of ​​skin (mucous membrane) can be quartzed only once a day. More than 5 sessions cannot be performed.
  • It is prohibited to touch or look at the quartz irradiator while it is operating.
  • After continuous operation of the quartz lamp for half an hour, it must be turned off. The next session can be carried out only after the lamps have completely cooled down. This takes approximately 30-40 minutes.
  • There is mercury inside the lamp. If the flask is damaged or broken, then the mercury is collected with a rubber bulb in protective gloves and then disposed of.

The duration of local quartz treatment is determined according to the instructions. The treatment time should not be exceeded, as this can lead to burns or the appearance of age spots.

The quartz lamp is intended exclusively for therapeutic and preventive purposes. This device is not intended for tanning, although it can give such an effect to a small extent.

Step-by-step operating instructions

The safety and efficiency of quartz treatment is ensured by compliance with the operating rules of the device. When using the device, a certain algorithm is followed:

  • Preparing the device. If necessary, you can use a carrier. The electrical network must correspond to the parameters of the device.
  • Electrical connection. Using a carrying device allows you to turn the lamp on and off without being in the same room as it. If it is permissible to be in the same room with it when turning on the device, then you should use safety glasses.
  • If you have a timer to automatically turn off, you should use it for safety reasons.
  • After quartz treatment, you should not stay in the treated room for 30-60 minutes.
  • After irradiation, ventilation is organized (half an hour).

Before local quartz treatment, you should consult your doctor. He will determine the need for such treatment and take into account possible contraindications to it.

The best home quartz lamps

Quartz lamps for household use quite popular and presented on the market in a decent assortment. There are several best models.

This ultraviolet lamp is intended for topical use and disinfection small rooms(up to 30 sq. m). Maximum power– 100 W.

The irradiator is designed for 8 hours of continuous operation per day. This involves cycling - 30-minute cycles with 15-minute breaks. The operating mode is established within 5 minutes after turning on the device.

The device has 2 ultraviolet lamps at once. They provide long-wave (2/3) and mid-wave (1/3) ultraviolet spectrum.

Irradiance at a distance of 70 cm is 4 W/sq. m, 10 cm – 25 W/sq. m. The irradiation range is 250-400 nm.

Initially, the device included a grating. IN updated version this detail is missing, but specifications remained unchanged. The UV lamp kit includes safety glasses and a biodosimeter.

The average cost of the device is 7-8 thousand rubles.

This ultraviolet lamp is a whole medical complex. This device is classified as professional medical equipment, although its use in living conditions.

The power consumption of the device is up to 20 W. The emission range is 205-315 nm. Productivity in recirculation mode is 0.7 cubic meters. m/min.

The device is capable of operating in two modes - open and recirculator. In the second case, there may be people or animals in the room during quartzing. Modes are switched with a button. There is a built-in timer.

The irradiator includes 3 tubes different sizes(sinuses, ear canals, oral cavity), ear pad.

The average cost of the device is 8,500 rubles.

The purpose of this quartz generator is therapeutic and preventive irradiation of residential premises, physical therapy and cosmetology rooms, kindergartens, sanatoriums, and people. In addition to the quartz lamp, the device has built-in heating elements for infrared radiation.

The device is designed to irradiate rooms up to 20 square meters. m. During quartzing, the presence of people and animals is not allowed.

The maximum power of the device is 450 W. The operating mode stabilizes 3 minutes after switching on. The device implies an intermittent operating mode - after 15 minutes of switching on, the lamp must cool completely.

The device can be used at a temperature of 10-35 degrees and a relative humidity of 60%.

Safety glasses included.

The average cost of the device is 3,000 rubles.

This irradiator is intended for wall mount. The lamp can be used in residential premises, children's and medical institutions, and beauty salons.

The device is designed for a room area of ​​up to 20-25 square meters. m (60 cubic meters). Irradiation can be carried out in the presence of people.

The lamp capacity ranges from 60 cubic meters. m/h. Power consumption up to 36 W. The device is designed for 8 hours of continuous operation. Lamp life is 6000 hours.

The average cost of an irradiator is 6,000 rubles.

Quartz treatment can also be carried out at home. After such processing living rooms will be practically sterile, bacteria, viruses and pathogenic microorganisms flying in the air and “living” on objects will die.

Quartz treatment procedures can be carried out at home

The principle of operation of the lamp is simple: inside there is a special quartz flask that emits ultraviolet light. It kills all microbes. However, during the disinfection process, the lamp emits a significant amount of ozone, which is dangerous to the health of living beings.

To disinfect an apartment, you need to choose the “right” lamp. Depending on the impact, quartz lamps come in several types:

Germicidal - the lamp bulb is made of special glass that reduces ozone production.

Regular quartz does not contain impurities that affect ozone emissions. Requires special care in use.

Ozone-free - the lamp is under a protective coating that does not allow harmful ozone to pass through.

By type and methods of use, the following devices can be distinguished:

  1. Open. Device with open UV rays. It is dangerous to be in the action zone; after the procedures, the room is ventilated. Used in medical institutions to treat wounds, rashes, and damage to the epidermis.
  2. Closed. They do not cause harm to the body and repel small insects. Quartzization can be carried out for 2-3 hours a day.
  3. Portable. The harm of quartzing a house with such a device is practically excluded. Suitable for local treatment and disinfection of premises, covering large areas.

Quartzization at home: harm

Despite the simplicity of the devices and the procedure, there are harms to quartzing at home. It is dangerous to use devices for other purposes or to ignore the instructions. Do not also forget that at the time of quartzing the premises, people, pets, and indoor plants must be in the safe distance from the device, in another room.

Quartz treatment is contraindicated for allergies, oncology, hypertension, tuberculosis

Harm from quartzing at home can occur if a person is diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • Allergic manifestations.
  • Ultraviolet ray intolerance
  • Oncological diseases
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Hypertension
  • Tuberculosis

Attention! Quartz lamps are not tanning devices!

It is not recommended to disinfect living quarters using this method if a person has heat. Quartz procedures are not performed if the skin is extremely dry, and before conducting a session at home, consultation with a specialist is required.

What are the benefits of quartzing at home?

Ultraviolet lamps are used for local irradiation (general treatment) and disinfection of premises. The device can be used if one of the household members has had the flu or any infectious disease. After treating the premises, the risk of family members getting sick will be virtually eliminated.

Quartz treatment leads to the destruction of all pathogenic microbes living in the apartment Interesting fact!

What are the benefits of quartzing at home? Some diseases do not necessarily require the patient to be in the hospital, and the doctor can prescribe quartz procedures at home. Local irradiation can also be carried out at home. So that the body receives only benefit and not harm from quartzing at home, prerequisites– purchasing a high-quality device and strictly following the instructions.

Benefits of quartzing:

  • Prevention of seasonal diseases
  • Complete sterility of the room after the procedure
  • Help with asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis
  • Elimination of toothache
  • Local treatment of ENT diseases
  • Relieving symptoms of arthrosis, gout, arthritis
  • Treatment of skin lesions, allergic lesions of the epidermis (dermatitis, rash, bedsores)
  • Elimination of acne, freckles, warts
  • Strengthening hair follicles during hair loss, baldness

It should be remembered that lamps for disinfecting premises differ from medical devices. Healing quartz lamps have lower power and are equipped with special nozzles and tubes designed to treat specific diseases. Whereas disinfecting lamps generally have high power and are intended exclusively for quartzing rooms without the presence of people during the procedure.

How to carry out quartzing

To avoid harm from quartzing at home, the procedure is carried out with special care. Houseplants, food, and pets are removed from the room where disinfection will be carried out. The device is installed on a horizontal plane in a place from which it will cover all surfaces as much as possible.

The procedure for quartzing a room is carried out without human presence

The person carrying out the procedure must know about the benefits and potential harms of quartzing at home - immediately after turning on the device, he needs to leave the room. Following the instructions, the procedure is carried out within 30 minutes to 2 hours. After quartzing is completed, do not enter the treated room for an hour - as the ozone must settle.

What are the benefits of quartzing at home? After the procedure, all surfaces of the room will be absolutely sterile, free of pathogenic bacteria and dangerous viruses.

When carrying out therapeutic quartz treatment, it is necessary to use special protective glasses. Open areas bodies that may be hit by the rays are covered with a towel. Be sure to use the nozzles and tubes supplied with the device.

For local treatment at home, a 30-second procedure is enough. Detailed time quartz treatment and the course of treatment is prescribed individually.

Quartzing at home for pregnant women and children

Quartzization – effective procedure to fight germs and viruses, especially if there are children in the house. A quartz treatment session is carried out with the aim of disinfecting toys, children's dishes and eliminating the likelihood of contracting the flu or colds during dangerous periods of seasonal epidemics.

Quartz treatment is prescribed for children and pregnant women

Quartz treatment for children is carried out for sinusitis, sore throat, adenoids, and other ENT diseases. The procedure is carried out in compliance with safety measures and under medical supervision.

There are no contraindications to the procedure for pregnant women. Using quartz lamps, rhinitis, sore throat, and epidermal lesions are treated. Quartzization of the house for expectant mother recommended only after consultation with a specialist.

The quartzing technique is actively used to disinfect premises in medical institutions. Just a few years ago special devices They were also used in kindergartens to prevent rickets in the younger generation. Today, anyone can purchase a quartz lamp for their home if they wish and use it at their discretion. Before doing this, it is necessary to evaluate all the pros and cons of the approach, consider the benefits and possible harm of the technique. Finally, you need to understand the criteria for choosing a device and the rules for its operation.

Principles and purposes of home quartzing

The quartz lamp is a source of ultraviolet radiation, under the influence of which all harmful organisms that are in the room at the time of treatment die. The same effect is achieved when using the device at home. Things, objects, surfaces and everything that has been processed becomes almost sterile.

Modern manufacturers similar equipment offer the most various devices for carrying out disinfection sessions. If desired, you can find compact products that, due to their size, can be used even in small spaces. It is worth noting that the devices sold differ high efficiency and at the same time extremely easy to use.

Despite the presence of seemingly obvious advantages, people do not actively seek to buy useful inventions. This is primarily due to the myths that initially accompanied quartzing. Even today there is an opinion that such devices have a negative impact on the microclimate in the house and can cause serious harm to the human body.

The benefits of quartzing performed at home

When deciding whether a quartz lamp is needed for a particular room, you must first consider its advantages. Taking into account the fact that the device is capable of not only disinfecting the atmosphere, but also providing several other types of positive effects, quartz treatment is justified in the following cases:

  • Period increased activity viruses that cause colds and flu. Regularly disinfecting the premises in which a sick person lives minimizes the likelihood that he or she will infect someone else.

Advice: Experts do not recommend purchasing quartz lamps that have many functions. A real profile device should only emit ultraviolet light, which is the basis for the effectiveness of the approach. Multifunctional products ultimately fail to cope with any of the stated options.

  • Regular disinfection of the atmosphere is indicated when people living in it suffer from chronic forms of bronchitis and rhinitis, adenoids. Thanks to a simple procedure, pathogenic microflora will be actively destroyed, which will reduce the duration of acute periods to a minimum and reduce the frequency of their occurrence.
  • Quartz treatment is an effective aid in the treatment of otitis and other inflammatory processes of the ears. Elimination of pathogens will quickly eliminate traces and consequences of inflammation.
  • Quartz treatment exhibits its therapeutic effect against the background of a number of skin diseases. Regular use of the lamp is indicated when treating a house in which a person with psoriasis, eczema, acne and various rashes, including allergic ones, lives.
  • Few people know that the use of ultraviolet light has a beneficial effect on the condition of people who suffer from toothache. Maximum efficiency manifests itself against the background of unpleasant sensations caused by stomatitis.
  • For people with osteochondrosis and other joint diseases that are accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process, quartz treatment can also bring significant relief.
  • Doctors advise using devices for quartzing a room if there is a person in it who has suffered surgery. Ultraviolet light is known for its restorative properties; it stimulates regeneration processes.
  • Regular quartz treatment of children's rooms reduces the risk of developing rickets in young children.
  • Sometimes disinfecting the atmosphere is a necessity. For example, such treatment is required for rooms where people suffering from immune deficiency and certain types of oncology live.

In general, quartzization of rooms has a beneficial effect on any organism in which an inflammatory process occurs. Of course, in each specific case it is better to coordinate this point with the attending physician or specialized specialist.

Harm of quartz treatment and contraindications to its implementation

On the one hand, it seems that the use of a quartz lamp is a necessity. But we should not forget that the positive effects of the device are possible only if it is correct use. Violation of the operating technique of the device, non-compliance with dosages or the purchase of a low-quality lamp can lead to problems. There are also several contraindications to turning on an ultraviolet lamp indoors:

  1. Allergy to ultraviolet radiation or increased sensitivity of the body. Contrary to popular belief, it can occur not only in people whose body reacts violently to Sun rays. The first sessions should be carried out carefully, starting with minimal doses. Over time, increasing the duration of exposure, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the body. The appearance of a rash, runny nose, headache or other signs of deterioration in health require cancellation of sessions.
  2. According to some experts, the use of ultraviolet light can activate the growth of malignant tumors. This information has not been confirmed scientific research, but if there is a family history of cancer, doctors often advise patients to refuse quartz treatment.
  3. It is noted that quartz treatment sometimes causes an increase in blood pressure. If there are problems with the blood vessels, the risk of developing such side effect especially high.

It turns out that the manipulation is not as safe as it seems at first glance. Even imperceptible rays can have a negative impact on the body. Fortunately, such manifestations are extremely rare, so many people can successfully use a functional device.

Rules for using a quartz lamp at home

Before using the device, you must read the instructions that should come with it. In addition, you should always remember the following rules for quartzing:

  • You are only allowed to wear special glasses in the room being processed.
  • It is strictly forbidden to touch a working device. If contact does occur, the area of ​​skin should be wiped with an alcohol solution.
  • The room treatment time must be indicated in the instructions for the device. If information is missing, you should consult your doctor.
  • Quartz treatment in a room is not carried out if someone living in it has an elevated body temperature.
  • If the skin of one of the inhabitants of the room is dry, then the advisability of quartz treatment should be discussed with a dermatologist.
  • Tan lovers should take into account that a quartz device is absolutely not suitable for obtaining brown tint skin.
  • Pets (including in aquariums) and plants should not be left in the room that is being disinfected.

When choosing a quartz lamp, preference should be given to options designed specifically for residential premises. Products originally designed for treatment rooms or operating theatres, large halls(such as in kindergartens) may not be suitable for small rooms.

In hospital premises, a method of room disinfection such as quartz treatment is often used. In modern times, anyone can purchase a quartz lamp and use a similar disinfection method in apartments and residential buildings. Is this procedure safe? When quartzing occurs at home, what benefits and harm can be brought to a person? And what qualities - positive or negative for the body - are most present from this procedure?

Quartz principle

In hospital and sanatorium conditions, the use of a quartz lamp is necessary. Under the influence of the emitted ultraviolet rays, harmful microorganisms present in the room are effectively killed. If quartzing is used at home, then such a procedure helps to completely disinfect a living space and make all things and objects in it practically sterile. That is, everything that comes under the influence of ultraviolet rays emanating from a quartz lamp is completely disinfected and destroyed from the presence of harmful factors and pathogens.

In order to carry out quartz treatment at home, you can use one of several types of quartz lamps. Currently, a sufficient number of quartz lamps for the home are produced, which are characterized by their small and compact size, as well as high efficiency. One example of quartz home lamps is the universal lamp. It is very simple to use, but has maximum efficiency.

But, as statistics note, people are in no hurry to actively use quartz lamps in their homes. The thing is that there is an opinion that quartzing a house can cause colossal harm to the human body and negatively affect the microclimate in a living space. Whether this opinion is justified or whether it is absolutely meaningless will only be known after the benefits and harms of a quartz lamp at home have been fully studied.

The benefits of quartzing

The main purpose of a quartz lamp is to disinfect a room from harmful factors and painful microorganisms. The lamps have a positive antibacterial effect. When quartzing occurs at home, what benefits can be brought?

  • A quartz lamp is an excellent preventive method against the attack of influenza and cold viruses. If there is a person infected with a respiratory disease in a living room, then regular quartzing will help prevent illness in other household members.
  • Quartz treatment at home is actively used for such human diseases as prolonged runny nose, adenoids, and chronic bronchitis. The positive effect of the method is determined by the fact that with regular quartz treatment procedures, the complete destruction of pathogenic microorganisms and harmful bacteria, which are the causative agents and activators of these diseases, occurs.
  • The main assistant in the treatment of otitis and inflammation of the ears is a quartz lamp. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, harmful microorganisms that activate the inflammatory process are destroyed.
  • It has been noticed that the rays from a quartz lamp have a beneficial effect in the treatment of many skin diseases. It is useful to carry out regular quartz treatment of a living space for skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, skin rashes, and acne.
  • Many dentists advise the use of quartz treatment for all those who suffer from toothache. The procedure has maximum effect if the toothache is caused by the activity of stomatitis.
  • It is good to use apartment quartz for people suffering from inflammatory processes as a result of the development of osteochondrosis and other joint diseases.
  • It is recommended to carry out regular quartz treatment in a living room occupied by a person who has recently undergone a complex operation or injury. It has been proven that ultraviolet rays emitted from the quartz llama have restorative functions and have a beneficial effect on the condition of damaged joints, cartilage and ligaments.
  • Pediatricians advise carrying out constant quartzing of houses in which young children live. It has been proven that this method of disinfecting a room is a reliable prevention of the development of rickets.
  • For all those patients in whose body an inflammatory process occurs, quartz treatment will help more effectively and quickly get rid of the underlying disease.

Harm and contraindications

All of the above facts prove that quartz treatment can not only be carried out in apartments and residential buildings, but is also necessary. But even such a useful procedure has its contraindications. If you carry out quartz treatment at home, what kind of harm can be caused to the human body?

The main harm to the human body in the process of quartzing can be caused when the lamps are used for other purposes or the quartzing method is carried out inappropriately. Most modern quartz lamps assume the possibility of people being in a room that is being disinfected. But, in order to avoid negative consequences, it is still recommended to leave the room at the time of quartzing.

Quartz treatment also has some contraindications for humans:

  • Individual intolerance. The emitted ultraviolet rays have a certain effect on sensitive people, so in some cases a person may experience an allergic reaction to the quartzization process. To protect yourself from the negative effects of quartz treatment, the procedure must be started with the most minimal doses and with extreme caution. If there are physical changes in general health (the appearance of a rash, runny nose, headache), the quartz treatment procedure at home is prohibited.
  • There is an unproven opinion that the quartzing procedure can become an activator for the development of cancerous tumors, so people who have a predisposition to tumors should not undergo quartzing.
  • For some people, quartzing at home leads to an increase in blood pressure. It is recommended that all those people who have certain problems with blood vessels refrain from carrying out such a procedure.

In any case, before you start quartzing at home, you should consult a doctor. Only after an approving decision received from a specialist can you begin to carry out a useful procedure.

How to choose a quartz lamp for your home?

Modernity offers a wide variety of quartz lamps that can be used in residential areas. Some designs involve carrying out the procedure only in the complete absence of people in the room. Other quartz lamps are acceptable for use when there are people present in the apartment.

It is important to note that quartz lamps, which are not allowed to operate in the presence of living organisms, are designed to process large rooms and have a fairly high operating power, so they are more suitable for offices, hospital premises, sanatorium rooms, but not for apartments.

For apartments, universal quartz lamps are most preferable. They are compact in size and can be used both for room treatment and for disinfection of intracavity or local areas. A universal lamp is a structure assembled from several tubes, so when purchasing a quartz lamp you should pay attention to the integrity and presence of each tube. It is extremely important to clarify what materials the tubes are made of in order to prevent negative consequences for humans.

Before using a quartz lamp, you must carefully study the instructions for use and check the presence of all parts and components in the quartz lamp.

How to properly use a quartz lamp at home?

The most important thing to consider when working with a quartz lamp is that being in a room that is quartzing requires only safety glasses. It is prohibited to touch the surface of the lamp; if there is an accidental touch to the surface of the lamp, the area of ​​contact must be treated with an alcohol solution.

The instructions for each quartz lamp describe the recommended room treatment time. But it is necessary to start quartzing with minimal parameters in order to check a person’s individual tolerance to quartzing.

When carrying out quartz treatment at home, the following important points must be taken into account:

  • It is prohibited to disinfect living quarters when the patient’s body temperature is elevated;
  • if a person’s skin is dry, then before the quartz treatment procedure it is necessary to consult a dermatologist;
  • You should absolutely not use a quartz lamp to tan your body;
  • It is not recommended to leave animals and plants in the room where quartzing is carried out.

And one more main requirement that must be adhered to when operating a quartz lamp is to comply with fire safety requirements in the room.

Quartzization of premises is a special treatment of them using a quartz lamp.

This device produces certain radiation that has a special antiseptic effect on the air and enriches it with ozone.

After quartzing a room at home, a rather pleasant, pine-like smell appears in the room.

Despite the many benefits, too high a concentration of ozone is considered toxic to humans. For this reason, after treatment, the room is ventilated, and during quartzing, people and animals must be removed from the room.

Popular types of quartz lamps

If previously quartzing was used exclusively in clinics and other medical institutions, today the devices used for quartzing are available to every person.

The main purpose of home quartz treatment is to disinfect the air during exacerbation of infections.

The process of treating premises is quite simple, but you need to familiarize yourself with some features, advantages and disadvantages before carrying out the treatment yourself.

This will help to carry out quartzing without any errors and get all the inherent advantages of the process.

Currently, there are a large number of different lamps designed for quartzing. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages. You need to familiarize yourself with them in order to make the right choice.

Here are the most popular types quartz lamps:

  1. Ozone-free quartz lamps- this is a device low pressure characterized by a special coating inherent in the emitting bulb, which prevents the release of ozone into the room. The main function of the lamp is antibacterial and antiseptic treatment of the room. The lamps are easy to use, as they are completely safe and do not require mandatory ventilation of the room.
  2. Germicidal quartz lamps. The flask of the device is not made of quartz glass, but of a special admixture that reduces the emission of ozone into the room. This perfect option for use at home, as they reduce the likelihood of ozone poisoning.
  3. Classic quartz lamp– a device made of pure quartz glass without any additives or coatings, which reduces ozone emissions. IN ordinary apartments It is advisable not to use such a device, since if the room is insufficiently ventilated, there is a risk of poisoning.
  4. Open and closed lamps. In the first option, there is no coating that would reduce the aggressive effect of the lamp on the body. Devices of this type are used only in medical institutions. As for closed lamps, there is a device that is exactly the opposite in effect, which does not have a negative effect on humans. Another advantage of such a lamp is the ability to treat the entire room in 2-3 hours.
  5. Portable quartz lamp. This is a compact device that can be easily moved from one room to another. The lamp can operate in the most different positions and in different places. With the help of such a lamp you can quartz various hard-to-reach places.

For home use, it is worth purchasing portable quartz lamps, which are characterized by average power and minimal ozone release into the air.

Rules for choosing a quartz lamp

Modern manufacturers offer a wide variety of quartz lamps that can be used in ordinary residential areas without any problems.

There are devices that can only be started when there are no people present, and there are devices that can be turned on without the need to remove people from the room.

When purchasing a quartz lamp, you need to take into account that the higher the power of the device, the faster the room will be processed.

At the same time, more powerful lamps must be handled with the utmost care, since being near such lamps is quite dangerous.

Powerful devices can be purchased for processing large premises - offices, clinics and rooms in sanatoriums.

Suitable for ordinary apartments universal devices, which are characterized small in size . They are used for treating standard rooms, as well as local and intracavity spaces.

An ordinary quartz lamp is a device assembled from a certain number of tubes. When purchasing a device, it is important to pay attention to the quality and integrity of each tube.

It is very important to clarify what materials the tubes are made from, which will effectively prevent various negative consequences for humans.

Before using the purchased lamp, you need to read the instructions and also check the presence of all the parts present in the quartz device.

The benefits of quartzing a room

In addition to familiarizing yourself with the main types of lamps, it is worth studying the question of what is quartzing at home - benefits and harms.

The main purpose of quartz treatment is thorough and high-quality disinfection of the room, as well as obtaining a serious antibacterial effect.

If you constantly quartz the room in which the patient is forced to stay, you can significantly speed up the healing process.

Answering the question of what quartz treatment provides and what positive factors it provides, the following points can be noted:

  1. Thorough cleaning of the premises from viruses. During seasonal outbreaks of colds and flu, the air in your home needs to be constantly purified. Quartz treatment is especially useful if there are small children, elderly people or cancer patients in the house. This best option for people who have severely weakened immunity and who very quickly become infected with various infections.
  2. High-quality antibacterial air treatment. Chronic rhinitis and bronchitis are cured much faster if quartz treatment is carried out regularly. Thanks to this treatment, the body is not subject to constant attacks from pathogens, since it constantly inhales clean air.
  3. Positive impact on a person with skin diseases – acne, psoriasis, eczema and rashes. After treating the air with quartz treatment, it is endowed with strong antiseptic properties. As a result, when it comes into contact with the affected areas, the healing process is observed much faster.
  4. Preventing Oral Infections. It is for this reason that dental offices are treated in this manner all the time. This is an ideal opportunity to prevent constant self-infection by bacteria and therefore gum healing occurs much faster.
  5. Reducing the postoperative time period. Regular quartzization of air makes it possible to activate general tissue regeneration, as well as accelerate the process of general restoration of the body.
  6. Quartzization of the room is a preventative measure, aimed against childhood rickets, as Komarovsky notes. To obtain a similar result, it is worth obtaining a preliminary consultation with a pediatrician.
  7. This is an ideal protection against mold..

All of the above factors prove that the process of quartzing a room is not just recommended to be carried out in modern premises, but necessary.

This is an ideal opportunity not only to speed up recovery, but also to prevent a variety of diseases and pathologies.

Based on the information presented, it becomes clear whether quartz treatment helps against viruses. The answer here can be given exclusively positive.

Dr. Komarovsky about the quartz lamp

Harm and possible contraindications

Before you carry out the procedure yourself, it is worth studying the question of why quartzing is dangerous for humans, what are the pros and cons of quartzing an apartment.

Despite the large number of indications and positive factors, this procedure is characterized by certain contraindications.

So, what harm can be caused by improper quartzing, here are a few main factors:

  • individual intolerance;
  • presence of headache, rash or runny nose;
  • predisposition to the appearance of neoplasms;
  • high blood pressure;
  • problems with blood vessels.

Particular danger can be caused to the body when the lamps are used incorrectly or for other purposes, and also if for some reason the instructions are not followed.

It is also imperative to leave the room during quartzing in order to avoid certain negative effects.

At the initial stage, it is worth carrying out quartzing with a minimum amount of time and observing all established rules on the use of a particular lamp.

Regardless of what diseases a person has or what his state of health is, you should first consult with your doctor. The quartz treatment procedure can be carried out only after receiving an approval from an experienced doctor.

Quartz rules

Before quartzing premises, the instructions for use should be carefully studied. The most important thing you need to pay attention to when using a lamp is safety.

Even if you are allowed to be indoors, it is advisable to wear special protective glasses over your eyes.

Each quartz lamp comes with well-written instructions regarding the recommended processing time.

It must be taken into account, but one thing must be observed: important rule– the first sessions should be carried out with minimal parameters. This is necessary to check the tolerance of quartz by all household members.

There are a few more important points The following points must be taken into account when using the lamp and treating the room:

  1. Treatment is not carried out if one of the family members has a fever.
  2. If your skin is excessively dry, you should consult a dermatologist before the procedure.
  3. A quartz lamp is not used to tan the body.
  4. Animals should not be left in the room where the procedure is being carried out, and it is also advisable to remove plants.

One of the important requirements for quartz coating is careful compliance with fire safety rules.

The procedure for quartzing a room

Quartzization of premises can be justified only if a large number of people constantly stay in them, if many of them suffer from various infectious and colds. In such cases, the lamp effectively disinfects the space near the person.

The procedure for quartzing a room and a person is slightly different, so each of them is worth describing in more detail. So, how is quartzing a room carried out:

  1. The room is completely vacated; it is worth taking away the animals and flowers.
  2. When turning the lamp on and off, you need to wear glasses and leave the room as quickly as possible.
  3. The device turns on for approximately 30 minutes.
  4. After this time, the lamp turns off for 15 minutes to cool completely.
  5. After quartzing, it is better to ventilate the room thoroughly.

Ozone, which is produced from the lamp, is characterized by a unique bactericidal effect and has a detrimental effect on numerous viruses, spores and bacteria. The residual substance ideally sterilizes all surfaces.

After the procedure, ozone, which has been in contact with various polluting chemical and microbiological substances, immediately turns into oxygen.

Rules for human quartzing

If you plan to quartz the body, you should first consult with your doctor. This is important in order to identify possible contraindications and, accordingly, avoid various complications dangerous to human health.

You can get a positive result only if you fully comply with the doctor’s instructions and advice.

The final result directly depends on parameters such as general state body, skin type, person’s age, thickness of the epidermis, and time of year. In spring, skin sensitivity increases slightly, and in autumn it decreases.

If the surface of the skin is dry and sensitive, if it easily becomes covered with cracks and wounds, if there is such a phenomenon as dilated blood vessels, you should completely abandon the use of a quartz lamp.

The rays emanating from the lamp are active, and therefore, if used incorrectly, can cause great harm to a person and his health.

Here are the basic rules for using a lamp when quartzing the body:

  • wear special eye protection glasses;
  • all areas of the body that should not be exposed to radiation should be covered with towels;
  • the irradiation process should begin approximately 5 minutes after the lamp lights up. It is during this time that the desired operating mode is established;
  • Before the procedure, the skin must be covered with special sunscreen oil or cream;
  • The duration of the session should be gradually increased. The first procedure should be 30 seconds, then gradually increase until the time reaches three minutes. Each session should be increased by 30 seconds.

The total amount of irradiation of the same area should not exceed five times per day.

At the end of the session, the lamp is completely turned off and left to cool for at least 40 minutes.


If you correctly follow all the rules for using the lamp, the quartz process itself, as well as the doctor’s recommendations, you can fully experience the beneficial effect of the quartz lamp on the air in the room and on the overall improvement of well-being.