Kuznetsk coal basin mining depth. Test: Comparative analysis of the Kuznetsk and Pechora coal basins





DISCIPLINE: “Economic Geography”

ON THE TOPIC: “Comparative analysis of the Pechora and Kuznetsk coal basins”

Completed by a student

Personal file number 07UBB00576

Faculty: Accounting and Statistics

group: periphery

Varekhina Alena Mikhailovna

Checked by: Izobilina V.N.



1. General characteristics of the industry

2. Characteristics of the Kuznetsk coal basin

3. Characteristics of the Pechora coal basin

4. Development and location of the coal industry in conditions of transition to a market economy.


References 3


The fuel and energy complex is the most important structural component of the Russian economy, one of the key factors in ensuring the life of the country. Fully providing itself with fuel and energy resources, Russia is also a major exporter of fuel and energy; they make up more than half of its export potential.

The fuel and energy complex includes oil, gas, coal, shale, peat and electric power industries.

The coal industry is one of the most important industries fuel industry. Both hard and brown coal are mined. Coal bases are of great regional importance. They attract the following industries: thermal power engineering, chemical industry and other energy-intensive industries. The coal industry and related industries are characterized by massive cargo flows, which causes significant transport construction, creation of infrastructure elements.

This paper provides a comparative description of the two most important coal basins in Russia: Pechora and Kuznetsk, their similarities and differences, as well as general characteristics of the coal industry.

1. General characteristics of the industry

The coal industry is an important part of the fuel and energy complex.

Coal is the most common type of fuel, providing energy development over time.

Russia ranks third in the world in coal production after China and the United States and first in proven coal reserves. The total geological reserves of coal in Russia are 6421 billion tons, standard reserves are 5334 billion tons. In the fuel and energy balance of Russia, the share of coal in the 50s reached 65%, in the 60s - 40-50%. In the 70-80s, coal fuel was replaced by oil and gas fuel, and currently the share of coal in the fuel and energy balance of Russia is only 12-13%, and in the fuel balance of thermal power plants - approximately 25%. There are coals various types: anthracite, brown, coking. The total reserves are dominated by hard coals – 2/3 of the total reserves. Hard and brown coals are distinguished by their high calorific value, quality characteristics, conditions of occurrence, production and use. Hard and coking coals are of high quality and are used as process fuel in the ferrous metallurgy. Brown coals are low-quality energy fuel and are used as raw materials for the chemical industry.

Coal is mined by open-pit mining and in quarries (40% of total production). Coal reserves that can be mined open method, exceed 200 billion tons, they are mainly concentrated in the east of the country.

The most important coal basins are the Kuznetsk and Pechora coal basins.

2. Characteristics of the Kuznetsk coal basin

The coalfield was discovered in 1721 and has been widely mined since the 1920s. In terms of coal reserves and quality, Kuzbass is one of the largest exploited coal basins in the world, where powerful coal deposits with a wide range of coals suitable for coking, producing liquid fuel and raw materials for the chemical industry are concentrated in a relatively small area.

It is located on the territory Kemerovo region Western Siberia. The basin stretches along the Trans-Siberian Railway for 800 km. In terms of reserves, quality of coal and thickness of seams, Kuzbass is one of the first places in the world; on a Russian scale, the share of Kuznetsk coal is almost 60%. The basin has large reserves of coal of various grades - from brown to anthracite. The majority of all reserves are valuable coking coals. It accounts for 40% of all production. The basin area is about 26 thousand km^2. Its balance reserves amount to 600 billion tons; the thickness of the layers is from 6-14 m, and in some places reaches 20-25 m; the average depth of development of coal seams using the mine method reaches 315 m. The basin has favorable mining and geological conditions for development, which ensures their low cost. Kuzbass coals have low ash content - 4-6%; low sulfur content (from 0.3 to 0.65%), phosphorus; high calorie content - 8.6 kcal; specific heat of combustion - 6000-8500 kcal/kg; Coking coal resources are significant, their reserves amount to 643 billion tons. At the same time, there is a large proportion of reserves that do not meet world standards in terms of mining and geological conditions and quality (about 50%).

Coal is mined using both open-pit and underground mining methods. The main centers of coal mining include Prokopyevsk, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Leninsk-Kuznetsky; The most promising is the Yerunakovsky coal-bearing region, where huge reserves of coking and thermal coals are concentrated with favorable mining and geological conditions, suitable for processing both underground and open-pit methods with high technical and economic indicators.

Total coal production in 2007 amounted to 181.76 million tons (58% of all-Russian production, in total 313.4 million tons of coal were produced in the Russian Federation last year), plus 245.2 thousand tons to the annual plan. About 40% of the mined coal is consumed in the Kemerovo region itself and 60% is exported to the regions of Western Siberia, the Urals, the center of the European part of the country and for export (countries near and far abroad). Kuzbass is the main supplier of coking coal to the West Siberian, Novokuznetsk, and Cherepovets metallurgical plants.

The Kuzbass energy system has a total capacity of 4718 MW, it includes 8 power plants: Tom-Usinskaya GRES, Belovskaya GRES, Yuzhno-Kuzbasskaya GRES, Kemerovo GRES, Novokemerovskaya CHPP, West Siberian CHPP, Kuznetskaya CHPP.

Two block stations operate in parallel with the energy system: KMK CHPP and Yurginskaya CHPP. The network infrastructure of the energy system has a length of power lines of all voltages of 32 thousand km and 255 substations with a voltage of 35 kV and higher, which are united into 4 electrical network enterprises: Eastern, Northern, Southern and Central.

The north of the region is crossed by the Trans-Siberian Railway, the south by the South Siberian Railway. Kuzbass has direct railway connections with all regions of the country.

The coal industry of Kuzbass is a complex production and technological complex, which includes more than 20 different joint-stock companies (companies) and individual independent mines and open pits. The current stock of coal mining enterprises in Kuzbass is represented by 60 mines and 36 open pits. Since 1989, the retirement capacity of coal mining enterprises began to exceed the capacity before commissioning, however, if, starting from that time, coal production has been steadily declining, then since 1999 a significant increase in production has been noted. The largest coal mining enterprises include OJSC HC Kuzbassrazrezugol, OJSC Management Company Kuzbassugol, CJSC Yuzhkuzbassugol, OJSC Southern Kuzbass, CJSC Shakhta Raspadskaya, LLC NPO Prokopyevskugol.

Kuzbass is also a metallurgical base. The main center of ferrous metallurgy is Novokuznetsk (ferroalloy plant and two full metallurgical cycle plants). The Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant (the oldest of the full-cycle plants, commissioned back in 1932) uses local ores from Gornaya Shoria, the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant (founded in 1964) receives raw materials from Eastern Siberia. Metallurgical plants have their own coke production facilities. But there is also a coke plant in Kemerovo - the oldest production of its kind in Kuzbass. There is also a metallurgical plant in Novosibirsk.

Non-ferrous metallurgy is represented by a zinc plant (Belovo), an aluminum plant (Novokuznetsk) and a plant in Novosibirsk, where tin and alloys are produced from Far Eastern concentrates.

The region's mechanical engineering industry serves the needs of all of Siberia. Metal-intensive mining and metallurgical equipment and machine tools are made in Kuzbass. On the basis of coal coking, a chemical industry is developing in Kuzbass, which produces nitrogen fertilizers, synthetic dyes, medicines, plastics, tires (Novosibirsk, Novokuznetsk, Tomsk and other cities).

The most important industrial centers of Kuzbass are Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

A large concentration of coal mining and coal processing enterprises, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemistry and coal chemistry, construction industry and mechanical engineering, thermal power facilities, railway and road transport has led to extremely high technogenic loads in the region, which has led to pollution of the atmosphere, soil, surface and groundwater, disruption landscape, the accumulation of large amounts of industrial waste, including toxic waste, the destruction of large areas of forests, the degradation of fauna and flora, high levels morbidity and mortality of the population.

The transformation of nature in the region has reached such limits that the question of recognizing Kuzbass as an environmental disaster zone has been raised. Ecological problems became a serious obstacle to the further development of the regional economy.

To improve the environmental situation, it is necessary to carry out the following measures:

The use of water-coal fuel, which is a liquid, environmentally friendly, organic, fire- and explosion-proof energy source; by May 15, 2008, the summer boiler house of CJSC Chernigovets will be completely converted to the use of water-coal fuel (before this, a trial run was made);

Use of coal mine methane; there is a “Kuzbass Methane” program, according to which it is planned to organize commercial production of methane from coal seams as an independent mineral resource;

Use of mined-out underground space; There are numerous examples of effective and safe disposal of man-made underground spaces (workings) - the creation of mining museums, offices, commodity depots, long-term reserve storage facilities (for growing mushrooms, medicinal plants, burial industrial waste), research laboratories and experimental facilities;

Application of technologies for underground gasification of coal (technology for simultaneous mining and processing of coal at its location).

In addition, the State Environmental Expertise operates in the region - a tool for preventing the non-standard impact of environmentally hazardous objects on the environment, and is being implemented federal program“Waste”, target program “Improving the environment and population of Kuzbass”, regional environmental program.

In the field of natural resource management and environmental protection, many tasks have been outlined, among them:

Continued development and implementation economic mechanism environmental protection, including systems of payments for the impact on the environment as a result of economic and other activities;

Development of state environmental control on the basis of interdepartmental coordination, improvement of its methods and improvement of the quality of environmental impact assessment in programs and projects of economic and other activities;

Development of environmental education and training, more broad involvement public organizations in practical environmental activities.

3. Characteristics of the Pechora coal basin

This is the second most important coal basin, containing the entire range of coals that provide the possibility of the existence and development of the raw material base for coke chemistry and energy. Industrial development of the pool began in 1934. The pool is located in the Northern economic region on the territory of the Komi Republic and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Arkhangelsk region. A significant part of the basin is located north of the Arctic Circle.

Most of the coal reserves are concentrated in the Intinskoye, Vorgashorskoye, Usinskoye and Vorkutinskoye deposits. The area of ​​the basin is 90 thousand km^2. Balance reserves amount to 210 billion tons. Its coals are of high quality and have calorific value 4-7.8 thousand kcal, have a low ash content - 4-6%, the depth of occurrence is about 470 m, the thickness of the layers is from 0.7 to 1 m, a significant part of Pechora coal is coked. The moisture content of coal in the Pechora basin ranges from 6% to 11%; phosphorus content - 0.1-0.2%; heat of combustion of combustible mass is 7200-8600 kcal/kg, working fuel is 4300-6340 kcal/kg. Humic coals, from shiny to dull, are represented by a full genetic range: anthracite, semi-anthracite and lean coal, brown coal is also developed.

Coal mining is carried out mainly by underground mining; a small amount of open-pit mining is carried out at the Yunyaginskoye deposit. The bulk of production comes from the Intinskoye (steam coals), Vorkutinskoye (coking and thermal coals), Vargashorskoye (coking coals) and Yunyaginskoye (coking coals) deposits. Almost all coal mined in the basin is processed (enriched) in processing plants and installations.

At the end of 2007, coal production decreased by 8.8% compared to the level of 2006 and amounted to 12.8 million tons, including coal production for coking decreased by 5.5%, amounting to 10 million tons, thermal coal production decreased by 17.5% (2.8 million tons).

Cost-increasing factors associated with the location of the basin beyond the Arctic Circle (considerable water content of the coal-bearing strata, permafrost, distance from the most important industrial centers) determine unfavorable technical and economic indicators of large-scale coal mining and hinder its development. However, the resource potential of the basin makes it possible to reliably and with high efficiency ensure an increase in coal production.

Regional sales markets for coking coals from the Pechora basin are located mainly in the Northern (Cherepovets metallurgical plant of Severstal JSC), Northwestern (Leningrad industrial hub), Central, Central Black Earth and Ural economic regions. The basin's thermal coal fully supplies the Northern economic region, 45% - North-Western region and Kaliningrad region, 20% - Volga-Vyatka and Central Chernozem regions.

In Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions and the Komi Republic, all power plants (with the exception of the Sheksinskaya HPP) operate primarily on coal from the Pechora basin. The largest is the Pechora State District Power Plant.

Coal transportation is carried out along the Northern railway, which serves a significant part of the North-Western region and connects it with the Central region, providing connections with the European North.

There are no metallurgical complexes in the Pechora coal basin. There are machine-building and metalworking factories in Vorkuta and Inta; the main types of industry products include: machinery and equipment for the forestry and mining-metallurgical complexes, various watercraft, bearings, measuring instruments, radio electronics and machine tool products, construction and road equipment. There are also wood processing enterprises in Vorkuta.

The ecological situation in the Pechora coal basin is quite acute. There is a complex disturbance of land, degradation of natural lump lands, depletion of water resources and disruption of the hydrological regime of ground and surface waters, pollution of the air basin with solid and gaseous harmful substances when using existing technological processes for the extraction, processing and combustion of solid fuels. Atmospheric air also undergoes changes in the process of ventilation of mines. Changes in air composition come down to a decrease in oxygen content and an increase in the content of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, as well as the appearance of harmful gases and dust.

With the cessation of coal mining, the closure and flooding of mines, environmental dangers also remain. The damage previously caused to the natural environment does not disappear; new sources of danger to the natural environment and the population in the zone of their active influence appear and may arise in the future.

To improve the environmental situation, it is necessary to carry out the following measures:

Treatment of mine wastewater through the use of hydromechanical sedimentation and filtration processes;

Improving the water consumption of mining enterprises - reducing the consumption of drinking water from rivers, lakes and city water supplies, as well as expanding the use of mine and quarry waters for domestic and technical needs;

Use of coal mine methane as fuel and chemical raw materials, as well as for generating electricity using Caterpillar units (Severnaya mine (Vorkuta))

In addition, in accordance with the Agreement between the Ministry of Environmental Protection and natural resources The Russian Federation and the Government of the Komi Republic on joint activities to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On measures to improve environmental education of the population” identified tasks for creating a system of universal continuous environmental education, including: creating a system for monitoring public environmental consciousness; formation and improvement of the regulatory framework in the field of environmental education; raising the level of public environmental awareness.

From the above characteristics of the Kuznetsk and Pechora coal basins, the following conclusions can be drawn. Both basins have reserves of high-quality coal (low sulfur and phosphorus content, low ash content, high-calorie), a significant part of the mined coal is coked. Coal basins have basically the same consumers: the Urals, North-West, Central region, but Kuzbass coals are also consumed in Siberia. The basins vary significantly in area and in the volume of coal production. In the larger Pechora coal basin Much less coal is mined than in Kuzbass.

Due to the difficult mining and geological conditions of mining in the Pechora coal basin, the cost of coal mined in it is significantly higher than the cost of coal mined in the Kuznetsk coal basin. In addition, preferential tariffs have been established for the transportation of Kuzbass coal, but Severstal OJSC intends to seek a government decision to establish preferential tariffs for the transportation of Pechora coal.

On the territory of the Pechora coal basin there are no such industrial centers as in Kuzbass, which also makes it less competitive.

The absence of metallurgical centers also gives some advantage: the environmental situation in the Pechora coal basin is not as difficult as in Kuzbass.

4. Development and location of the coal industry in conditions of transition to a market economy.

Currently, the Russian coal industry faces the need for deep reform. Over the past few years, the level of coal production has been declining, labor productivity in the industry is falling, and production costs are rising. Sharp reduction industrial production in recent years, it has exacerbated the problem of effective demand for the products of the coal industry, putting the vast majority of coal mining enterprises in an extremely difficult situation. The collapse of the USSR led to the fact that a significant part of the previously created coal base ended up in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The powerful base of high-quality coals from Donbass and Karaganda was almost completely lost, and the Ekibastuz coal basin, unique by world standards, was transferred to Kazakhstan. Russia lost many mining engineering factories.

Over a long period of time, the coal industry created its own construction potential. Now it is generally able to ensure the implementation of the main tasks of restructuring the industry. The denationalization of most coal enterprises and the transition to a joint-stock form of management will continue with the elimination of the formalism existing here. When necessary, the industry receives diverse, strictly selective government support for measures to close unpromising capacities and rehabilitate unprofitable coal enterprises. A pricing mechanism is created that is adequate to the market system, but provides for it government regulation. Work is underway to improve the quality and reliability of mining equipment through the use of new materials, components and advanced technologies defense complex RF.

Stabilization of demand for coal with a weak growth trend does not ensure the restoration of coal consumption (including coking coal) by the Russian national economy at the level of the late eighties. This inevitably leads to the closure of a number of unprofitable and unpromising coal enterprises. At the same time, it is obvious that in the new economic conditions(cutting off economically ineffective enterprises) coal production will be increased in mines and open-pit mines with good mining and geological conditions, high technical and economic indicators, as well as those with high quality characteristics products that ensure the production of a high-quality product and meet environmental requirements.


Prospective levels of coal production in Russia are, first of all, determined by the demand for it in the country’s domestic market, determined by the level of technological and price competitiveness of coal with alternative energy resources in conditions of market saturation with fuel. Coal reserves in Russia are huge and some experts believe that the development of the fuel and energy complex should be based on the use of coal.

It should be noted that Russian production costs are higher than foreign ones. On Russian enterprises they average 15.6 US dollars per ton of products; for foreign ones they do not exceed 14.5. At the same time, foreign enterprises have significantly higher wage costs, social needs and depreciation of equipment, in Russia - for materials, fuel, energy.

Russian coal, despite being able to be of decisive importance for the energy sector and other basic sectors of the country’s economy (coke chemistry, metallurgy, etc.) with the development of the production potential of the coal industry to a level of about 500 million tons. in year.

Those measures that are being taken as part of the industry restructuring program require constant monitoring (especially state support) and adjustments depending on the changing situation in the industry.

The volume and cost of production in the Kuznetsk coal basin are of decisive importance for this sector of the Russian economy. The region has gone through difficult periods in the past, but has managed to regain its role in ensuring the country's energy security.

General information

Kuznetsk coal This basin, located in the Kemerovo region, is one of the largest deposits of this mineral in the world. Unofficially, this region is called Kuzbass. It provides about 70% of Russian coal exports. The Kuznetsk basin plays a significant role in the country's economy. In the second half of the last century, the Soviet Union occupied the position of the leading supplier of coal on the world market, mainly thanks to the resources of Kuzbass and Donbass. IN modern Russia The Kuznetsk basin continues to maintain its strategic importance in the energy sector. It is not only the largest, but also the most competitive deposit of the world's most sought-after fossil fuel. The cost of production in the Kuznetsk coal basin creates tangible economic benefits and contributes to the achievement of high profitability in this industry.

Nowadays, the importance of the coal industry has decreased somewhat. On the world stage, Russia is noticeably inferior in this area to the new leaders: China and the United States. Nevertheless, the level of coal production and reserves in the Kuznetsk coal basin makes it one of the most economically important regions of the country. The contribution of the Kemerovo region is about 12% of the total revenues of the Russian Federation.

Geological history

According to scientists, the process of formation of mineral deposits in Kuzbass began earlier than in any other place on the planet. The appearance of the first coal deposits occurred approximately 350 million years ago. According to researchers, the geological history of the basin includes three eras of intensive accumulation of fossil fuels. They formed a total of more than 130 layers of coal of various types. Under the weight of the rocks, the layer containing the mineral was deformed and formed folds.

History of development

During the reign of Peter the Great, a research expedition was sent to Siberia under the leadership of the German botanist and cartographer Daniel Messerschmidt. In 1721, in the process of studying the animal and mineral worlds, the scientist discovered the presence in samples found near the Tom River. Daniel Messerschmidt became the first researcher to document the existence of fossil fuel deposits in the Kuznetsk basin. The enormous scale of the reserves was discovered only in the mid-19th century. In those days, the annual production volume in the Kuznetsk coal basin did not exceed several thousand tons. The industry developed slowly. In the last years of existence Russian Empire this figure was more than a million tons. In the period between the revolution and World War II, the coal industry experienced rapid growth, becoming one of the strategically important areas of the economy. Annual production increased to 20 million tons.


In Kuzbass there are coals of all types. They have various technological characteristics. Coals lying close to the surface contain relatively little sulfur. This type of fossil fuel is called energy and is used in the chemical industry. It is of particular value. It is a high-quality fuel and is widely used in metallurgy for smelting cast iron.


The explored reserves of the coal deposit located in the Kemerovo region are estimated at 700 billion tons. The average depth of the mines is about 200 meters, which by world standards is considered close to the surface. in the Kuznetsk coal basin is carried out in several ways. Approximately two thirds of the energy source is extracted using the traditional underground method. In the Kuznetsk coal basin, the cost of open-pit mining is the lowest. This method is distinguished not only by low costs, but also by relatively safer working conditions.

The main disadvantage of the open method is the disruption of the natural system that inevitably occurs as a result of its prolonged use. The environmental situation in some parts of the Kemerovo region is officially recognized as catastrophic. The cost of underground mining in the Kuznetsk coal basin is significantly higher compared to the open-pit mining method. Extracting fossil fuels from quarries is much cheaper. in mines causes less harm environment, but poses a serious risk to workers.

The hydraulic method is considered the most progressive. It is based on the use of powerful liquid jets to transport minerals to the surface. This method It is characterized by high productivity and safety, but only 5% of natural resources in Kuzbass are extracted with its help.

Development prospects

The main difficulty is that the cost of coal production, combined with transport costs, reduces competitiveness. Kuzbass is located far from potential buyers, which complicates logistics. The volume of proven reserves allows for a significant increase in production in the future, but this requires serious investment.

The Kuznetsk coal basin is the undisputed leader in terms of volumes of hard coal deposits in Russia. In addition, the method of extracting solid fuel in Kuzbass is economically profitable due to its low cost and relatively low capital costs.

Geography of the Kuznetsk coal basin

Siberia is rich in minerals and, above all, coal. The largest deposit, Kuznetskoye, is located in its southern part. Thanks to him, the entire Kemerovo region is called Kuzbass - this is its second official name. The deposit is located in a small basin, between the Altai Range, the Kuznetsk Alatau Highlands and the mountain-taiga region of Gornaya Shoria.

The coal basin is located in an area with sharp continental climate, which is characterized by frequent temperature fluctuations, which complicates the extraction of natural resources. The region has been developed for decades, as a result of which the landscape has been greatly changed.

Main characteristics:

  • opening date - 1721;
  • length – 800 km along the Trans-Siberian Railway;
  • basin area – 26 thousand km 2;
  • number of mines – 50 and 33 open-pit mines;
  • balance reserves – 600 billion tons;
  • volumes of coking coal deposits – 643 billion tons;
  • the share of low-quality coals (not meeting international criteria) is about 50%;
  • average thickness of layers – 14 m;
  • the average depth of the mines is 315 m;
  • share of production volume – 40%;

Characteristics of coals:

  • zoning – low – 4–6%;
  • sulfur content – ​​up to 0.65% (low);
  • calorie content – ​​8.6 kcal (high);
  • specific heat of combustion – up to 8500 kcal/kg.

How does a coal mine work?

How coal is mined in Kuzbass

At the Kuznetsk deposit, the development of coal seams is carried out in two main ways:

  • underground;
  • open.

The underground method involves the construction of mines, some reaching a depth of 400 meters. This is the most expensive option, but with deep burial there is no alternative. About 70% of all coal is mined in mines. The rest - in an open, career way. In the area of ​​the basin where the coal seams lie shallow, open cuts open up.

The top layers of soil are removed, and coal rock is removed using machinery. If the layer is loose and its thickness is small, then only bulldozers are used for stripping operations. If the rock lies in a thick layer and has a high density, then excavators and draglines are used, and blasting operations can be carried out beforehand. Trucks, wagons and other vehicles are used to transport extracted solid fuel.

Today, the following people are involved in the maintenance of incisions:

  • 450 excavators;
  • 80 electric locomotives;
  • 300 bulldozers;
  • 900 dump cars;
  • 120 cranes;
  • more than a hundred drilling rigs and heavy trucks.

The open method is quite economical, and the extracted raw materials have a low cost. But quarrying causes significant damage to the environment, changes the landscape and pollutes the air - dust is carried for several kilometers. The largest coal mines in the Kuzbass basin:

  • Sibirginsky;
  • Krasnogorsky;
  • Chernigovets;
  • Kedrovsky.

Hydraulic underground coal mining A more progressive mining method is hydraulic. But it can only be used if there is a significant amount of groundwater. The rock is destroyed and rises to the surface under the influence of jets of water. Technologies for such mine development are constantly being improved and today the following types of water supply are used:
  • impulsive;
  • throbbing;
  • continuous.

In the Kuzbass basin, three mines are currently being actively developed in this way:
1) Jubilee;
2) Tyrganskaya;
3) Esaulskaya.

The most common method of extracting solid fuel is underground. Mines producing millions of tons of coal:

  • them. Kirov;
  • Raspadskaya;
  • Capital.

The following types of equipment are used for mining:

  • combines for cleaning work - 365 units of equipment;
  • scraper and belt conveyors - more than 12,000 units;
  • roadheaders – 200 units;
  • electric locomotives – 1740 units;
  • mechanized complexes – 180 pieces;
  • 450 loading machines.

Most processes are fully automated. But, nevertheless, the share manual labor remains high. The mines have high rates of injury, and collapses are common. Therefore, the underground method is considered the most unsafe.

Main economic indicators of coal mining in Kuzbass

The coal industry of Kuzbass provides Russia with 12% of the national product. It has a positive impact both on the economy of the region and on the country as a whole.

Main economic indicators of the Kuznetsk coal basin:

  • the share of deposits in the country’s total volumes is 60%;
  • share of production volume – 40%;
  • amount of coal mined – 215.2 million tons in 2015;
  • growth dynamics – since 1998 there has been a stable growth: an average of 5–8 million tons per year;
  • exports – increased by 41% in 2015;
  • own consumption (Kemerovo region and Western Siberia) – 86 million tons.

The quality of coals in the Kuzbass basin varies - more than 50% have a heterogeneous composition and in this form are unsuitable for further consumption. To process such raw materials, high-tech plants were created, which made it possible to increase the volume of enriched raw materials from 40% (in 2000) to 73% (in 2015). The most advanced processing plant, Kuzbassrazrezugol, produces 90% of enriched coal. The use of modern technologies and mechanization of processes affects the cost of the final product - it reduces it.

Export of Kuzbass solid fuel and other minerals of Western Siberia is carried out to 85 countries of the world. At the same time, a significant part (90%) of all transportation is carried out by rail. This gives ample opportunities development for another sector of the economy – transport. Investments made today to modernize fixed assets will reduce costs and increase resource efficiency in the long term.

What determines the low costs of mining Kuzbass coal?

The cost of mining products consists of many indicators. Not only current costs are taken into account, but also past ones. The past includes:

  • costs for geological exploration activities;
  • pilot tests;
  • construction of mines and processing plants;
  • organization of infrastructure - construction of roads, creation of living conditions for workers.

Current costs include the following groups:

  • maintenance and operation of fixed assets - buildings, structures, machines and mechanisms;
  • modernization of the machine park;
  • wages to employees;
  • social contributions for insurance;
  • organization of product sales;
  • bringing the lands on which mining was carried out into a suitable condition for economic use;
  • investments in geological exploration activities, as well as preparatory work for the development of new deposits;
  • occupational safety measures and creating safe working conditions for employees.

Kuzbass coal has a low cost due to the open pit development of the basin. It does not provide for the construction and maintenance of mines. The initial cost of open-pit coal is 35% lower than that of underground coal.

The open method involves the use of labor from a smaller number of workers. 33 open-pit mines employ 50% fewer people than 50 mines. This automatically reduces social security contributions.

For the open method, fewer machines and mechanisms are used - this also reduces costs by about half. Fuel and electricity consumption and depreciation costs are reduced.

The cost of one ton of coal is also affected by the total production volume. The larger it is, the lower the costs will be. Because the total capital investment is distributed over a larger quantity of the final product.

Modernization of the enrichment process, which significantly reduces waste, also reduces the cost of coal. Capital costs invested in the development of innovative technologies pay off after just a few years of operation.

Video: Coal industry

The Kemerovo region is located in the southeast of the West Siberian Lowland and the northern spurs of the mountains of Southern Siberia, within the Tomi River basin. The region is located almost equidistant from the western and eastern borders of Russia and is significantly removed from the seas and oceans. The region stretches for 500 kilometers from south to north and 300 kilometers from west to east.

The territory borders in the north with the Tomsk region, in the west with the Novosibirsk region, in the southwest with the Altai Territory, in the south with the Altai Republic, in the southeast and east with the Republic of Khakassia, in the northeast with the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In terms of area, the Kemerovo region is the smallest (after the Altai Republic).

The borders of the region are by land: in the north, northwest and northeast - along the plain, and all other borders are in the mountains.

The regional center is the city of Kemerovo.

The climate is continental. Winter is long, the average temperature in January is from -17C to -20C. Summer is short and warm. The average July temperature is +17C +20°C. Precipitation is 300-500 mm per year, in mountainous areas up to 900 mm per year.

The Kemerovo region is located in the subtaiga and forest-steppe zones. The soils are predominantly chernozem and gray forest. Chernozems occupy large areas in the western part of the Kuznetsk Basin. On the floodplain terraces there are peaty soils. In the north and central part of the Kuznetsk basin there is a birch forest-steppe. Forests occupy about 40% of the region's territory. In the foothill areas, birch forests predominate, with areas of coniferous trees (larch, pine). On the slopes there are mountain fir and aspen forests, forming an array of black taiga in the Gornaya Shoria region. In the extreme northeast - fir, pine, cedar, spruce. There are Brown bear, lynx, badger, weasel weasel, ferret, squirrel, fox, mountain hare, elk, wolf. On the territory of the Kemerovo region there is the Shorsky National Park and the Kuznetsky Alatau Nature Reserve.

Geology of Kuzbass

From a geological point of view, the territory of the Kemerovo region is located in the western part of the Altai-Sayan folded region. From the east, south, west and north-west, the territory of the region is framed by the folded mountain structures of the Kuznetsk Alatau, Mountain Shoria, Salair Ridge and Tom-Kolyvan. In the northeast, the structures of the Kuznetsk Alatau ridge gently plunge under the Meso-Cenozoic deposits of the Chulym-Yenisei depression.

The mineral resource base (MRB) of the Kemerovo region consists of reserves and predicted resources of many types of minerals, among which coal dominates (the Kuznetsk coal basin located in the region is one of the richest coal basins in the world).

Coal deposits are the basis for the development of the region’s mineral resources complex

Within the Kemerovo region, coal deposits related to the Kuznetsk and Kansk-Achinsk coal basins have been identified.

The basis of the region's raw materials complex is the coal industry, mainly mining the deposits of the Kuznetsk coal basin. Today, almost 57% of all Russian coal and 80% of coking coals are mined in Kuzbass. Kuznetsk coal occupies over 30% of the European and 12% of the world markets. There are 107 highly mechanized mines and open-pit coal mines in the region with a total capacity of over 180 million tons per year, employing more than 125 thousand people. Over the past 10 years, 180 billion rubles have been invested in the development of the coal industry of Kuzbass.

According to the currently valid official data in the region, there are 51207.7 million tons of brown minerals on the state balance sheet. hard coals and anthracite.

The dynamics of changes in the volumes of proven coal reserves is very indicative (Fig. 2), indicating that since 1983 in Kuzbass the steady growth of proven reserves stopped and the process of their active reduction began (some increase in their total volume after 2005 is associated with the processes licensing and placing on the balance sheet previously unaccounted for or explored low category reserves within the allocated subsoil fund). The average rate of such reduction is about 630 million tons of coal per year. The main role in this is played not so much by the volume of coal production and losses, but by the constant rethinking of the technological significance of reserves from an operational standpoint. It follows that the orientation of coal enterprises to a fairly narrow range traditional technologies began to conflict with the requirements of rational environmental management.

In 1991, the balance sheet of operating enterprises in Kuzbass contained 14,254.7 million tons of proven coal reserves. As a result of the closure of enterprises and the write-off of low-profit mines, production decreased, falling by 2002 to 9674.9 million tons, and at a fairly steady pace (about 390 million tons per year).

It is easy to see that the rate of depletion of reserves in Kuzbass requires a transition to a new concept of geological and industrial development, which should be characterized by a transition from prospecting and exploration of reserves to the search for production technologies that ensure the effective development of already known reserves.

A significant part of the second coal basin of national importance, the Kansko-Achinsky one, is also located on the territory of the Kemerovo region. The total explored reserves of high-quality brown coal here are very significant and amount to 34,049.9 million tons, the total predicted resources of brown coal exceed 90 billion tons. The deposits and areas of the basin are characterized by low complexity, are available for open-pit mining and are involved in development on a very modest scale ( reserves of the distributed subsoil fund - only 10 million tons).

The indicated resource potential of the Kemerovo region for many years predetermines the preservation of its importance as the leading coal region of Russia. This, in turn, implies the need to continue work on the development of the region’s coal resource base.

The concept of SME reproduction is still almost unambiguously associated with the search for new deposits. At the same time, there is another way of its development - intensive. This is a way of innovative development of the resource potential of the coal industry by increasing the volume of usable reserves in the fields of existing enterprises and in new areas of deposits that can be developed. It can be realized through the development and implementation of new production technologies that make it rational to develop previously unprofitable reserves, and is very attractive specifically for Kuzbass, allowing for more efficient use of the existing industrial potential, infrastructure, labor resources. The nature-saving, ecological potential of this approach is also enormous. “New” reserves are already in the negative impact of mining operations, have been largely degassed and drained, due to which the negative impact from their exploitation is significantly lower than when exploiting new deposits.

A similar approach is reflected in the “Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Kemerovo region” approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. long term perspective(until 2025).” The strategy provides for the development of coal SMEs in a predominantly intensive way through the creation of a center for the development of innovative coal mining technologies and the introduction to the market of new innovative technologies for extracting reserves in unconventional mining and geological conditions, comprehensively provided with mining equipment and a regulatory and methodological framework. The created “Kuzbass Technopark” is designated as such a center, designed to ensure the innovative and safe development of the coal industry.

As one of the main incentives for the implementation of an innovative approach on the part of representatives of the coal business in the region, a competitive form of obtaining the right to use subsoil plots is considered, ensuring the competition of applicants in matters of innovative development of SMEs, environmental protection and industrial safety. Unfortunately, due to the excessive “passion” for auctions, the stimulating potential of competitions in recent years has not been fully used.

Metal minerals and metallurgical raw materials

The variety of large isolated geological structures with an eventful geological history, in turn, determined the presence in the region of a wide variety of minerals, some of which are unique. The existing potential of metallic minerals and metallurgical raw materials is high.

Manganese ores are an acute shortage of raw materials for Russia, and 3 deposits of manganese ores have been identified in the region. The most significant is the Usinskoye deposit, the largest in terms of reserves in Russia, whose total reserves of manganese ores exceed 98 million tons. In the north of the region there is the Kaigadatskoye deposit of ferromanganese ores with estimated reserves and resources of about 83 million tons.

On the territory of the Kemerovo region, 5 deposits of high-alumina igneous and metasomatic rocks - raw materials for the aluminum industry - have been identified.

Currently, only one is being developed - the Kiya-Shaltyrskoye deposit. urtitis. The ore is supplied to the Achinsk Alumina Refinery, where it is processed without beneficiation. The balance reserves of high-grade urtite ores of the deposit are about 110 million tons.

In addition, 6 more deposits are known bauxite ores with reserves of about 365 million tons: 4 fields of the Barzas group (production is already underway) and 2 fields in the Guryevsky region.

In the Tisulsky district there is a complex Barandatskoye deposit, where under the thick lignite seam “Itatsky” a reservoir deposit has been drilled and tested significantly kaolin ores with reserves of almost 8 billion tons. They are suitable for use in the aluminum and refractory industries, but the technological scheme for their processing and enrichment has not yet been developed.

The state balance sheet in the region includes 144 deposits gold(126 alluvial, 10 primary and 8 complex). The total proven reserves of gold are 166 tons, predicted resources are 210 tons. By type of deposit, gold reserves are distributed as follows: alluvial deposits - 42.4 tons (25%), actual gold ore deposits - 50.7 tons (31%), complex deposits - more 73 t (44%).

More than 200 deposits, ore occurrences and mineralization points are known within the Salair Ridge pyrite-polymetallic And copper pyrite ores, which are grouped into ore fields. The most famous and significant of them is the industrially developed Salair ore field. The state balance here takes into account the reserves of complex polymetallic and copper-pyrite ores in 8 deposits. The ores of the deposits contain lead, zinc, copper, barite, cadmium, selenium, tellurium, gold and silver. The total reserves of lead in ores are 126.8 thousand tons, zinc - 1.5 million tons, copper - 528 thousand tons, barite - 9.7 million tons.

In Gornaya Shoria, the Turgenevskoye deposit was discovered, containing 64 ore lenses in which reserves are localized lead-zinc And zinc ore. The total ore reserves are about 3 million tons. In addition, 3 lead-zinc and zinc ore occurrences and several points of ore mineralization are known in the area, which indicates the possibility of identifying an ore cluster with Salair type mineralization.

Manifestations native copper in the Kemerovo region they are distributed mainly within the Kondoma-Lebed zone of Mountain Shoria and are represented by native copper, cuprite, chalcocite, and malachite. The most promising copper deposit is Taymetskoye, the total resources of which are estimated by some experts at 1.6 million tons.

Place of Birth iron ores are represented by 3 exploited and 6 reserve deposits (3 of which have unclear prospects) with total reserves and resources of more than 3.3 billion tons.

In addition, the Barandatskoye field is very promising siderites with resources of 2300 million tons. The ores of the deposit are almost ideal flux raw materials for ferrous metallurgy and will be extracted as a by-product during the mining of coal from the Itatsky seam in the Kansk-Achinsk basin. Tests of siderites (iron content - 28.4%) for beneficiation showed that the highest quality concentrates (iron content - 40-49% with its extraction of 70-76%) are obtained by the magnetic roasting method.

On the territory of the region there are 2 deposits of apatite-vanadium-titanium-iron ores, including up to 6 billion tons of complex iron (with titanium, vanadium and phosphorus) ore. Average content titanium dioxide in ore is 4%. When enriching the ores, vanadium-iron (magnetite) and ilmenite concentrates with a TiO 2 content of up to 43% are obtained. The total amount of titanium dioxide in these deposits is 240 million tons. During blast furnace smelting of magnetite (titanium-magnetite) vanadium-iron concentrate, the titanium contained in it turns into slag, which is the raw material for producing titanium from it. In addition, about 20 placers of ilmenite ores of chemical weathering crusts have been identified. The most significant among them is the Nikolaev placer with predicted ilmenite resources of about 800 thousand tons.

In the Tisulsky district there is a unique rare earth metals Yuzhno-Bogatyrskoye field. Within the boundaries of the deposit, 3 ore bodies with predicted resources of rare earth metals of 5576 tons (up to a depth of 50 m) were identified. Laboratory studies have revealed that yttroortite ores do not require beneficiation and can be fully used for hydrometallurgical processing to extract rare earth metals. Studies of large-volume samples have established that the average content of the sum of rare earth metals in ores is 14.88%.

The state balance also takes into account the deposit mercury with balance reserves of ore 34 thousand tons, mercury - 90 tons.

2 deposits (with resources of 100 million tons) and 12 ore occurrences have been identified in the region brucite marbles. Marbles are effectively enriched using a flotation scheme to produce brucite (containing 62% magnesium oxide) and calcite concentrates.

One of the unique deposits not only in the region, but also in Russia is the Kopna deposit, the ores of which can be used without waste and are represented by quartzites, enriched in some areas with topaz and gold. The value of topazites lies in the fact that mullite can be easily obtained from them in industrial quantities. As is known, finely sprayed mullite increases wear resistance of rubbing parts of metal products (for example, engine crankshafts ateliers internal combustion) 100 times, and is also used in the manufacture of modern refractories nykh materials and filters.

In the northwestern part of the Kuznetsk Alatau, the Sopka-248 deposit is being developed with quartzites, suitable for the production of ferroalloys, crystalline silicon and as a flux in metallurgy. The deposit's reserves amount to about 194 million tons. A large cluster of quartzite occurrences is located in the Tashtagol region, where the Bazanchikha group of occurrences with shared resources quartzites in the amount of 1 billion tons.

The state balance sheet on the territory of the Kemerovo region takes into account 6 deposits fluxing limestones with total reserves of more than 1.2 billion tons, 2 of which are already being developed.

The needs of metallurgical enterprises for fluorite can be satisfied by the deposits of the Rastai zone with resources of 5 million tons of vein and 4 million tons of disseminated fluorite. Fluorite occurrences are also known within the Kistal area, in the Zaslonsky and Kabyrzinsky sections of Gornaya Shoria. The total predicted resources of these objects are 2.4 million tons of fluorite.

There are also known deposits and occurrences in the region boron, lithium pegmatites, which are currently being assessed by geological exploration work, vein barite, vanadium and a number of other minerals.

Deposits of non-metallic minerals in the region

The Kemerovo region has a significant and diverse resource potential of non-metallic raw materials. Currently, all metallurgical enterprises in the region use long-distance refractory products; there is an acute shortage of refractories for heating boiler houses. At the same time, there are 8 explored high-quality deposits in the region fireproof G lin with reserves of more than 40 million tons, the development of which can fully satisfy the needs for refractories. Developed Alguyskoye field powdered talc(reserves - 13 million tons) is one of the world's largest explored objects of the highest quality. Another talc deposit, Svetly Klyuch, is the largest deposit of high-quality low-iron talc in Russia (reserves - more than 5.4 million tons, predicted resources - 20 million tons). In addition, one more deposit and 6 manifestations of talc with total predicted resources of 121 million tons were also discovered.

Forecast resources chrysotile asbestos Kemerovo region is estimated at 30 million tons and is represented by 2 deposits and 3 occurrences.

6 deposits are taken into account as raw materials for the cement industry limestones with total reserves of more than 1 billion tons and clay- more than 400 million tons. There are a number of other deposits not included in the balance sheet with total limestone reserves of 663 million tons.

Raw material base sands represented by 9 explored deposits of molding sands (reserves - 214 million tons), 2 of which are being developed, 3 glass deposits (reserves - 144 million tons), suitable for the glass industry only after preliminary enrichment, and 6 construction (35 million m 3) . There is also whole line deposits not included in the balance sheet construction sand, suitable mainly for the preparation of plaster and masonry mortars after preliminary enrichment.

More than 50 deposits can be used for the production of building bricks clay with total reserves of about 150 million m3. In general, according to geological conditions, the resources of brick raw materials in the region are not limited and are estimated at 380 billion m 3.

In addition, reserves have been explored in the Salair Ridge and the north of the region. refractory clays, suitable for the manufacture of facing bricks various shades, facing tiles, ceramic sewer pipes and other ceramic products.

The existing raw material base of expanded clay raw materials is represented by 12 deposits low-melting clays, loams, shales and mudstones.

Reserves within the region are taken into account sand and gravel material a (PGS) for 30 fields (total reserves - ~189 million m 3), and there is also a significant number of explored PGS deposits that are not taken into account by the state balance. In addition, a significant number of deposits have been explored and studied to varying degrees. building stone, suitable for the production of crushed stone. The reserves of these deposits can be considered an alternative to ASG deposits.

The raw material base for lime production is represented by proven reserves of 7 deposits limestones, included in the balance sheet in a volume of more than 88 million tons, and about 20 unaccounted for with reserves of about 230 million tons. 5 deposits of mineral pigments have also been identified (reserves - about 3.5 million tons) for the production of paints.

To date, more than 80 deposits and occurrences have been explored and explored. facing stones. Their spectrum is very significant: highly decorative marble breccias and marbles, basaltic porphyrites, marbled limestones of meat-red color, white dolomite with a greenish and bluish tint, gray with a pinkish tint, cherry-red and cherry color of varying intensity, flesh-red coarse-grained porphyritic granites, decorative carbonate tuff breccias, gray plagiogranites, decorative microcline porphyritic granites, uneven-grained pinkish-gray, pink to red, black and white decorative algal dolomites, multi-colored - pink, gray , orange, dark red marbles, white marbles, various shades blue color, light cream, light gray fine- and medium-crystalline structure, green ophicalcite (various shades from light green to olive, banded, reticulated and veined patterns), dense granite porphyries, dark gray labradorite porphyrite with large (up to 10 mm) phenocrystals of greenish plagioclase, etc.

Ornamental stones represented by agates. The most promising technologically is the Tersyukskoye deposit of agates of natural color with reserves of quality agates of 5600 tons, which were highly appreciated at one time.

Deposits of agrochemical raw materials and groundwater

Within the Gorno-Shor phosphorite-bearing basin, a number of deposits and occurrences are distinguished phosphorites. The most promising of them is the Belkinskoye deposit with two types of phosphorites: karst, the explored reserves of which amount to 24.8 million tons (P 2 O 5 content - 21%), and reservoir rocks with reserves of more than 165 million tons (P 2 O content 5 - 12%). A significant complicating factor in the development of the field is its location on the territory of the Gorno-Shorsky National Park. However, the absence of other deposits of high-quality phosphorites in the regions of Siberia and the Far East makes it legitimate to consider the issue of changing the boundaries of the mentioned park. The reserve base of phosphorites within the basin is their predicted resources of more than 200 million tons.

Natural zeolites Kemerovo region (zeolite tuffs) are represented by the Pegassky deposit with explored and recorded reserves of about 6 million tons and the Abinsky manifestation, which is more accessible for development. In addition, 2 manifestations are known wollastonite and field vermiculite with reserves of about 700 thousand tons.

To date, 230 deposits and manifestations have been identified in the region peat, swamp phosphates And sapropels. Most of them are suitable for the production of organomineral fertilizers.

Mineral water regions are represented by Tersinsky (hydrocarbonate sodium waters, similar in composition to the Georgian waters "Borjomi" and Ukrainian "Polyana"; reserves - 173 m 3 / day), Borisovsky (hydrocarbonate sodium waters, close to the Transcarpathian "Luzhanska No. 1"; reserves - 65 m 3 /day) and Berezovoyarsky (chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium waters; reserves - 138 m 3 /day) deposits. There are also several known manifestations mineral waters, among which sulfate-chloride is of interest sodium water Barzas manifestation.

Since in the conditions of the Kemerovo region the volume Wastewater in various reservoirs exceeds 2 billion m3 per year, then the use of open water intakes is associated with significant costs for water treatment. At the same time, despite significant volumes of mining work, the region is reliably provided with resources fresh groundwater. More than 140 deposits with reserves of over 1,700 m 3 /day have been explored within its boundaries.

Thus, the Kemerovo region has rich resources of many types of minerals, which contributes certain features in organizing the management of geological exploration and subsoil use processes.

Kuznetsk coal basin

Kuzbass is one of the largest coal basins in the CCCP and the world, second only to the Donetsk basin. CCCP coal base. B.h. basin is located within the Kemerovo region, insignificant. part - in the Novosibirsk region. RSFSR.
General information. Pl. 26.7 thousand km 2, greatest length. 335 km, latitude. 110 km. K.y. b. occupies a vast depression (basin), limited c.-B. horn structures of the Kuznetsk Alatau, with the southern uplifts of Gornaya Shoria, with the south-west. Salair ridge. The Kuznetsk depression (basin) is erosive, watershed marks gradually decrease towards C. from 550-600 to 200-250 m. The surface of the territory. basin steppe and forest-steppe; eastern and south horn the outskirts are covered with taiga. The river network is part of the p system. Ob. Basic rivers: Tom, Inya, Chumysh and Yaya. The largest industrial And cultural centers: years Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Prokopyevsk, Leninsk-Kuznetsky. Over the years of the Sov. power K. turned into the largest center of heavy industry. In addition to the coal industry, there are numerous... enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemistry, energy and mechanical engineering.
General geol. coal reserves of the basin (1979) to depth. 1800 m are estimated at 637 billion tons, of which 548 billion tons meet the parameters for the thickness of the seams and ash content of coal, adopted by the standards for deposits involved in the industry. development. Balance reserves of coal K., calculated in the main. to depth 600 m (1985), amount to 110.8 billion tons, of which explored by the sum of categories A+B+C 1 approx. 67 billion tons, preliminary estimated (category C 2) 44.0 billion tons. In terms of coking coal reserves K. y. b. - the largest in CCCP. The share of coking coals accounts for 42.8 billion tons, of which 25.4 billion tons are scarce grades Zh, K, OC. In terms of coal reserves suitable for open-pit mining, K. ranks 2nd in the CCCP after Kansko- Achinsk Basin. according to the degree of their industrial development is the first. Proven reserves for open works 11.4 billion tons are estimated, incl. scarce coking grades KZh, K, OC 1.8 billion tons.
Geological structure. K. occupies a large intermountain region. deflection built into the end. Cambrian and filled with sedimentary formations of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The first manifestation of coal content refers to cp. Devonian (Barzasskoe deposit of liptobiolites). Above that lie the non-carboniferous (mostly marine) tops. Devonian and lower Carboniferous, on them there are thick (up to 9 km) coal-bearing Upper Paleozoic (- Upper Permian), coal-free Triassic and coal-bearing Jurassic formations. The coal-bearing formations are overlain by discontinuous and thin sediments at the top. Cretaceous and Cenozoic. Outcrops of coal-bearing formations of Permian-Carboniferous age are located almost concentrically - from the older ones (Balakhonskaya Vize - Lower Permian) along the periphery to the younger ones (Kolchugino Upper Permian) towards the center and form a large irregular (close to quadrangular) shape, elongated from the south. -B. to the N.-W. Jurassic coal-bearing deposits (Tarbagan) in modern times. denudac. in the section they were preserved only in disconnected troughs (map 1).

Max. them to the center. parts of the depressions 900-1900 m. Coal-bearing deposits of the Permian-Carboniferous within the synclinorium in decomposition. degrees deformed. Balakhonskaya sediments near the Tomsk thrust to the north-west. and the Salair Ridge in the southwest. they form a zone of intense folding with linear, narrow, sometimes overturned folds; numerous reverse faults and thrusts create imbricate structures. In the regions adjacent to the Kuznetsk Alatau and Mountain Shoria, they have a monoclinal occurrence or form gently sloping, complicated by ruptures. fault character. Deposits of the Kolchugino series filling the center. part of the synclinorium, they make up zones of ridge-like folding with elongated wide flat-bottomed synclines and narrow anticlines, along the hinge parts of which there are powerful crushing zones. B southwest parts of K.y. b. differently oriented brachyforms are developed, in the southeast. Parts of the strata are monoclinal. Jurassic coal-bearing deposits form large, gently sloping brachysynclines. B Kam.-Ug. and Permian deposits contain approx. 300 seams and layers of coal total max. with a thickness of 380-400 m, of which 126 layers are of standard thickness. In thin layers (up to 1.3 m) approx. 19% of reserves, in medium (1.3-3.5 m) - 43%, in thick (3.5-10 m) and very thick (up to 20-30 m) - 38%. In Jurassic deposits, up to 56 coal seams have been exposed, of which from 5 to 14 with a thickness of 0.8-9 m.
According to petrographic The composition of the coals of the Balakhona and Kolchuginsk series is stone (with a vitrinite content of 30-60 and 60-90%, respectively), the Tarbagan series - mainly. brown, partly stone (grades D and G). Vintage stone composition. coal in accordance with GOST 8162-79 varies from long-flame to anthracite (map 1). coals A d 7-20%, operating humidity W r 5-15%, S content 0.4-0.6%, R up to 0.12%, V daf from 4% (anthracite) to 42% (long-flame). Ud. Q daf for the bomb is 33.3-36.0 MJ/kg, the lowest Q i r is 22.8-29.8 MJ/kg. Used as technol. raw materials and high quality. energetic fuel. Jurassic coals are characterized by humidity W r 16-21%, sp. combustion heat Q daf for the bomb is 29.5 MJ/kg, Q i r 18.8 MJ/kg. Jurassic coals are not mined.
According to mining economics and structural features of the territory. K. is divided into 25 geological-economic. p-nov (map 2).

Distribution regions of the Balakhonsky series deposits: Anzhersky, Kemerovo, Bachatsky, Prokopievsko-Kiselyovsky, Aralichevsky, Tersinsky, Bunguro-Chumyshsky, Kondomsky, Mrassky and Tom-Usinsky, Krapivinsky, Titovsky, Zavyalovsky. P-us prefer. development of sediments of the Kolchuginsky series: Leninsky, Belovsky, Uskatsky, Erunakovsky, Baidaevsky, Osinnikovsky, Tom-Usinsky (sh. ""), Plotnikovsky, Saltymakovsky and Tersinsky (Makaryevskoye deposit). Distribution areas of the Tarbagan series (): Doroninsky, Central, Tutuyassky. P-n spread Devonian deposits - Barzas. total area deposits from industrial carbon content approx. 20 thousand km 2.
In K. and adjacent regions, deposits of other deposits are known. In all regions of K., quaternary and loamy soils are common, suitable for building production. bricks, agloporite, etc. expanded clay. Builds in quality. materials used are sand and gravel mixtures in Quaternary and modern. terrace deposits pp. Tom, Inya and Yaya. Deposits of refractory and refractory clays, molding, glass and building materials are associated with sediments of Mesozoic (Cretaceous) weathering crusts. sands, bauxites, kaolins, mineral paints. Lower Carboniferous and Devonian margins of K. - good construction. material, cement and, marbled varieties - decorative and. Magmatic. rocks (primarily sheet-like deposits of diabases and basalts) - non-metallic builds. material and raw materials for stone. casting Within the forge framing K. (Salair, Kuznetsk Alatau, Gornaya Shoria) railway deposits are developed and exploited. ores, primary and placer gold, zinc, nephelines, fluxing limestones, dolomites, quartzites, the Usinsk manganese deposit, the Belkinskoe phosphorite deposit, talc deposits (Alguyskoe and Svetly Klyuch), the Tersinsk deposit of carbon dioxide mineral waters have been explored. "Borjomi" with operating reserves 172 m 3 /day.
History of discovery and development. The first information about the coal content of K. is associated with the name of the serf ore miner M. Volkov, who discovered the stone deposit in 1721. coal on the shore p. Tom, in place of the modern one. Kemerovo. In 1842, geologist P. A. Chikhachev first assessed the area, identifying it as “Kuznetsky”. Coal development in the basin began in the 2nd half. 19th century In 1851, not far from the Guryevsky plant, the first coal enterprise of K. was created - “Bachatskaya Mine”. In connection with the construction of the Trans-Siberian railway. highways in the 1890s. Coal mining began in the north of the basin (Anzhero-Sudzhensk). One of the first mines is Sudzhenskaya. Systematic geol. Research of the basin began in 1914. Geologists V. I. Yavorsky, P. I. Butov, A. A. Gapeev and others under the direction. L.I. Lutugina carried out geol. survey, in 1926 the first geological survey was compiled. map of K. on a scale of 1:500000; a monograph on the geology of the basin was published in 1927.
In 1922-26, the “Autonomous Industrial Colony of Kuzbass” did not exist in the Kemerovo region with the participation of specialists foreign countries. In connection with the construction of the Ural-Kuznetsk industrial complex, intensive development of the basin (Anzhersky, Kemerovo, Prokopyevsko-Kiselevsky, Leninsky, Belovsky, Osinnikovsky, Aralichevsky districts) began. Coal production in the basin increased from 2.6 million tons in 1927/28 to 21.4 million tons in 1940. Specific gravity K. in all-Union coal production amounted to 13.8%.
B Great Patriotic War. During the war of 1941-45, coal production increased 1.3 times, incl. coking by 2 times. In 1943, in order to increase attention to K., the Kemerovo region was allocated. Comb-t "", located in Novosibirsk, was divided into "" (Kemerovo) and "Kuzbassugol". Coal production increased from 36.8 million tons in 1950 to 141.1 million tons in 1980. New Tom-Usinsky and Erunakovsky districts are being developed, large mines are being commissioned - "Polysaevskaya", "Raspadskaya", open-pit mines - " Tom-Usinsky", "Krasnogorsky", "", named after. 50th anniversary of October. Open-pit coal mining, which began in 1943 in the fields of existing mines, later became independent. meaning and received means. development. Open-pit coal mining amounted to 0.9 million tons in 1950; 15.5 million tons in 1960; 44.5 million tons in 1980.
K. - basic center of modern coal mining hydraulic way. It began in the basin in 1952 at the hydraulic section of the highway. "Tyrgan deviations." In 1953, the first post-war aircraft went into operation. "Polysaevskaya-Severnaya". B K. concentrated main. scientific base of mine hydraulic technology - VNIIgidrougol. The mechanization of labor in underground mechanical mines is undergoing a new transition. production There is a widespread introduction and use of mining machines and machines. complexes various modifications. replaced by metal and anchor. In steeply dipping layers, shields designed by H. A. Chinakala are used, which means. least to solve the fuel problem during the war years. Ha open forges. More powerful excavators are appearing in the works, and the carrying capacity of mining dump trucks is increasing.
The first will enrich. facilities with dry (in air) enrichment appeared in K. on the eve of the war. Coal enrichment has made it possible to use coal more widely, incl. coking, with increased ash content without deteriorating the quality of commercial coal.
In 1950, the Kemerovo forge was opened in K. Institute (since 1965 - Kuzbass Polytechnic Institute), then the design institute "Kuzbassgiproshakht" was created, the network of research and development was expanded. institutes and divisions. In 1982 the Institute of Coal CO AH CCCP was organized.
Special meaning has the introduction of advanced forms of labor organization. The teams of miners V. I. Drozdetsky, G. N. Smirnov, V. G. Devyatko, E. S. Musohranova, M. N. Reshetnikov, P. I. Frolov and others became widely known. Eng. V. G. Kozhevin, P. I. Kokorin, P. M. Kovalevich, V. D. Yalevsky, I. F. Litvin.
Coal industry. Current mine and quarry fund of the Ministry of Coal Industry CCCP (1985) according to K. y. b. consists of 68 mines (administrative units) with a total installed capacity of 97.6 million tons and 22 open-pit mines with a total installed capacity of 54.5 million tons. The average annual capacity of the mine is 1.41 million tons, the open-pit mine is 2, 48 million tons. Coal mines and 2 open-pit mines are part of the production association "Severokuzbassugol", "Leninskugol", "", "Kiselevsk-", "Yuzhkuzbassugol", "", which unites the VPO "Kuzbassugol"; the remaining sections are included in the Kemerovougol association. In addition, in K. there are several. mines and PA "Oblkemerovougol" of the Ministry of Fuel Industry of the RSFSR. Operating mines are hazardous due to gas and coal dust. The most gas-rich mines include the Anzhersky, Kemerovo, Prokopyevsko-Kiselevsky and Osinnikovsky districts. Mn. mines develop layers that are dangerous in mining. shocks and prone to spontaneous combustion. The development depth of 46 mines (68%) is 200-300 m, 20 mines are within 300-600 m, and only sh. "Anzherskaya" is developing reserves at depth. St. 600 m. The mine fields are opened with vertical (46 mines), inclined (15 mines), vertical and inclined (3 mines) shafts, adits (4 mines). B K. built modern. highly mechanical coal enterprises - sh. "Raspadskaya", "Pervomaiskaya", "", open-pit mines "Sibirgi certain", "Chernigovsky", coal enrichment. f-ka " ".
The level of complex mechanization in the longwall faces in 1982 was 40%, the load on the longwall complex mechanization. in 1983 - 917 t/day. The pool shafts are equipped with modern technology. highly mechanical complexes that allow mechanization of the process of coal mining and roof management in a wide range of mining and geological systems. conditions. mechanization of mining operations in 1982 amounted to 74.2%. When sinking the forge. workings are widely used various. roadheaders and . In 1982, 533 km of mining were carried out using roadheaders. workings. In underground work, electric locomotive and. Mounting the forge. workings - using concrete and metal. stronger. The length of workings secured with these types of supports is 86% of the total. B means. is being implemented on a large scale. Excavators with buckets with a capacity of 5-40 m 3, dump trucks with a lifting capacity of 40-120 tons, bulldozers with a power of 43 kW, and high productivity are used in open-pit mines. drilling rigs.
Horn. industry K. has its own. mash.-builds. base. Basic industry enterprises: Anzhersky machine-building. plant (drilling machines and drilling rigs, conveyors, spare parts for mining equipment); Kiselevsky plant named after. Hero of the Owls Union of I. S. Chernykh (mine and mining trolleys, cleaning complexes and powered supports; pneumatic filling complexes, winches and other equipment); Kiselevsky rear horn. mechanical engineering (mine and mining trolleys, cages, winches and other equipment); Prokopyevsky mine plant automation (instruments and automation equipment, as well as spare parts for mining equipment). K. has powerful energy. base: in the region there are 10 power plants with a total capacity of 4634 thousand kW. All power plants are connected into a single energy. system. The largest power plants are Tom-Usinskaya, Yuzhno-Kuzbasskaya, Belovskaya.
B 60-70s mechanization of the main horn operations. A transition is being made to the mechanization of fastening in longwalls on flat and then inclined layers cp. power. Hydrofits are being introduced. supports, which in combination with combines and conveyors are called. horn longwall complexes. With the increasing mechanization of mining operations, coal mining is moving from steep seams to inclined and, especially, gently sloping seams, which expands the possibilities for the introduction of mechanization. complexes. Modern automatizir. production management allows you to obtain complete information about the main. technol. processes both underground and on the surface. The complexes are particularly widespread in formations with dip angles of up to 30°, with a thickness of 1.5-3.0 m, where the greatest effect is achieved. However, the possibility of expanding the scope of complex mechanical engineering. slaughterings are limited. In the strata there is practically no steep and steeply inclined dip. In thin, flat and inclined formations, complex mechanization has become less widespread. B K. approx. 1/3 of the volume of coal mined underground mechanically. way, falls on layers of flat and inclined bedding cp. thickness (1.8-3.5 m). Approximately 1/2 of the reserves in these areas have layers with complex hypsometry and tectonics, which do not always allow high efficiency works of modern complexes.
K.'s share accounts for 7.7-9.1% of all-Union reserves suitable for open source development. Mining deposits available for open-pit mining are characterized by a wide variety of mining and geological properties. conditions. What they have in common is a large g.p., which requires them to be preceded. loosening before excavation. Cp. coefficient overburden along the existing open-pit mines K. 5.8 m 3 /t, maximum - 9.5 m 3 /t (Novosergievsky open-pit mine). Cp. mining depth 125 m (minimum 60 m, maximum 176 m). One of the largest sections in the basin, "Sibirginsky", is located in the south of Kazakhstan, in the Mrassky geological-industrial complex. p-not. Further development of open-pit mining is planned primarily through the construction of new large open-pit mines, as well as the reconstruction of existing ones.
The volume of underground hydraulic mining is increasing. The largest hydraulic mine is Yubileiny. Mining of coal seams is carried out by a system of long pillars along the strike with complete collapse of the roof, coal mining is carried out in long faces using mechanized equipment. complexes and in short faces - hydraulic monitors such as GMDTs-3M, GPI, 12GD2 and mechanical-hydraulic. combine type K-56MG and GKPSh. Will prepare. workings are traversed with a slope of 0.05% by combines with hydraulic transport to hydraulic lifting.
Ha Yuzhno-Abinsk station "Podzemgaz" (1955, Kiselevsk), built for experimental production. underground gasification testing coals on thin seams, cp. and powerful steep and inclined bedding, experience has been gained in mining steeply dipping seams with a thickness of 2-9 m. The produced gas is used in boiler houses. enterprises of Prokopyevsk and Kiselevsk. Gas is consumed seasonally, and therefore the demand for it with existing consumers varies from 50-60 million m 3 in winter to 20 million m 3 in summer. Produces approx. per year. 300-400 million m 3 of gas. In 1955-80 the station produced approx. 20 billion m 3 of gas, which corresponds to approx. 7.5 million tons of raw coal. Even with small production. power, the efficiency of underground gasification is approximately equal to the efficiency of underground coal mining.
Coal beneficiation. B K. act 25 enrich. factories with a total capacity of 55.85 million tons per year, incl. 19 f-k power 47.8 million tons per year for the enrichment of coking coals and 6 factories with a capacity of 7.05 million tons per year for energy. coals; In addition, 6 enrichments are operated. installations with a capacity of 9.7 million tons, 16 sorting plants with a total capacity of 1.75 million tons and 2 dewatering plants with a capacity of 1.65 million tons. In 1980, mechanical coverage. coal enrichment K. amounted to 43.4%, incl. for coking coals 77.2%, thermal coals - 18.8%. 18.7 million tons were sorted using simple sorting systems. Main. coal enrichment - classified. and unclassified coal (54.6%); in heavy environments 15.7% was processed, in washing troughs - 2.2%, by flotation - 16.6%, pneumatic. method - 10.9%.
To improve the quality of commercial coal in the basin, the construction of new and technical equipment is being carried out. rearmament existing f-k based on new equipment and technology. B K. created Kuznetsk n.-i. Institute of Coal Enrichment, which deals with issues of new equipment and enrichment technology. In 1974, one of the largest centers in the industry was built and put into operation. enriches plant (central processing plant) "Sibir" with a capacity of 6150 thousand tons per year. The raw material base of the plant is the Yuzh mines. K. Ha Central Processing Plant "Abashevskaya" operates the first installation in K. for applying a water-oil film on the surface of small-grade coal in the railway. carriages. The use of water-oil film significantly reduces the amount of coal in transit from blowing.
On the basis of K., one of the largest Kuzbass territorial production facilities in the country grew up. . K. gives 1/5 of the all-Union production to Kam. coal and 1/3 of coking coal. Kuznetsk coal is sent to all economic sectors. parts of the country. coal - railway transport. The Kuzbass-Novosibirsk coal pipeline is being built, and coal supplies to the North-Western regions of the RSFSR and Ukraine are increasing. More than 10 million tons of coking coals are sent to Europe. part of the CCCP, incl. 5.9 million tons to the Center. and North-Western regions and more than 3 million tons in the Donetsk-Dnieper economic region. rn.
More than 30% basic production funds Western Siberia is concentrated in K., which sends to all economic countries. regions of the country, as well as in 87 countries of the world, 1200 types of industrial products. products. Literature: Geology of coal and oil shale deposits CCCP, vol. 7, M., 1969; The main problems of development of the coal industry of Kuzbass, Novosibirsk, 1982. Modern encyclopedia

- (Kuzbass) mostly in the Kemerovo region. Opened in 1721, widely developed since the 1920s. Area 26.7 thousand km². Balance reserves up to a depth of 600 m 114.3 billion tons. 120 working layers; coals are mainly stone, grades from D to T. Heat of combustion ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Kuzbass), b. hours in the Kemerovo region. Opened in 1721, widely developed since the 1920s. Pl. 26.7 thousand km2. Balance reserves of St. 64 billion tons. 120 working layers; coals in the main stone, grades from D to T. Heat of combustion for working fuel 22.8 29.8 MJ/kg ... Russian history

Kuznetsk coal basin- (Kuzbass), one of the largest in the world, is located in Russia, mainly in the Kemerovo region. Opened in 1721, widely developed since the 1920s. Area 26.7 thousand km2. The coals are mainly stone. Reserves 637 billion tons to a depth of 1800 m. Open and... Illustrated encyclopedic dictionary Dictionary "Geography of Russia" Russian spelling dictionary