Kutepov Andrey Viktorovich Federation Council. The former head of the Primorsky district is considered Valentina Matvienko’s man

Graduated from the Leningrad Naval School of the Ministry navy specializing in "operation" water transport". In 2002 he received a diploma from the St. Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations, Economics and Law with a degree in manager, in 2007 - from the North-Western Academy of Public Service with a degree in lawyer. In 2015 he graduated from the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs affairs Russian Federation.

In 1990-1991 worked at the Elektrosila plant (St. Petersburg) as a site foreman. In 1991-1997 - in commercial structures (companies "Sprut", "Ksyusha", etc.).
In 1997-2001 was deputy director, director of the Mayak cinema. According to Spark-Interfax, he was a co-owner of the Neva cinema (Cinema World LLC), Cafe-01 in St. Petersburg, etc.
In 2001-2003 - Assistant Director, Deputy Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Directorate for Construction and Reconstruction of Facilities in the North-West federal district"Department of Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation. Participated in the construction State complex"Palace of Congresses" in Strelna.
Since 2003 - Advisor, since 2006 - Leading Advisor to the Group for Supporting the Activities of the Deputy Administrator of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg.
From 2009 to 2011, he served as head of the administration of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. The head of the city during this period was Valentina Matvienko (since 2011 - Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation).
Since 2012, he has worked in the structures of the apparatus of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. He was deputy chief of staff of the Federation Council - head of the affairs department.
On September 18, 2016 he was elected as a deputy Legislative Assembly St. Petersburg of the VI convocation on a non-permanent basis. He ran on the list of the St. Petersburg regional branch of the party " United Russia" (fifth number of the general part of the list of candidates).
On September 28, 2016, vested with the powers of a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, a representative of the legislative body state power St. Petersburg. From October 2016 to May 2017 - Deputy Chairman of the Senate Committee on Economic Policy. From May 24, 2017 to May 29, 2019 - Chairman of the Committee on Rules and Organization of Parliamentary Activities. On May 29, 2019, he was approved as Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, replacing Dmitry Mezentsev, who was appointed Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Belarus.

The total amount of declared income for 2016 was 6 million 631 thousand rubles, spouses - 863 thousand rubles.
The total amount of declared income for 2017 was 4 million 613 thousand rubles, spouses - 4 million 993 thousand rubles.
The total amount of declared income for 2018 was 4 million 831 thousand rubles, spouses - 13 million 300 thousand rubles.

State Councilor of the Russian Federation, III class (2007).

Awarded the Order of Honor (2019), medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2014). Received gratitude from the Government of the Russian Federation (2018).

Married, three children. The wife, Oksana Adolfovna Kutepova, an entrepreneur, according to Spark-Interfax, is a co-owner of the companies “Nord Media”, “Cinema World”, “Cafe-01”, beauty salons “Noy” and “Favora”, etc.

Andrey Kutepov enjoys playing football and hockey.

The former head of the Primorsky district is considered Valentina Matvienko’s man


One of the main personnel intrigues of this season will soon be resolved. According to Interestant, the political elite has found a consensus on the issue of who will represent the legislative branch of government in St. Petersburg in the Federation Council. Andrey Kutepov will become the new senator instead of Lyudmila Kostkina.

On June 10, Lyudmila Kostkina announced her intention to resign as a member of the Federation Council, citing personal reasons. A little later, she clarified that she would retire in September.

Kostkina will be replaced as senator from St. Petersburg by Andrei Kutepov, deputy chief of staff of the Federation Council. During Matvienko’s governorship, he headed the Primorsky district, and after her resignation he received a position in Moscow.

In order to be eligible to be elected to the Senate, you must be a municipal or city deputy. And this is probably why Kutepov is now running for the Legislative Assembly - he is number five on the party list of the party in power. Observers are convinced that this position on the list absolutely guarantees Andrei Viktorovich receiving a “Zaksov” mandate. And then it’s a matter of technique: the city parliament can vote for its new representative in the Federation Council at the very first meeting.

Andrey Kutepov was born on April 6, 1971. Graduated from the Leningrad Naval School. In adulthood I received two higher education- economic and legal. He began his career at the age of 19 as a site foreman at Elektrosila, then (from 1991 to 1997) he worked in business. In 1997-2001 he was deputy director, director of the Mayak cinema, in 2001-2003 - assistant director, deputy director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Directorate for the Construction and Reconstruction of Facilities in the North-Western Federal District". He took part in the construction of the Konstantinovsky Palace. Since 2003 - Advisor, and since 2006 - Leading Advisor to the group for supporting the activities of the Deputy Administrative Director of the President of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg. In 2009-2011, he was the head of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg.


Internet magazine "Interestant"


Born in 1971 on Vasilyevsky Island


2002 - St. Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations, Economics and Law (manager)

2015 — Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (Master)

2007 — North-West Academy of Public Service (lawyer)



The Federation Council will read the magazine “Black Holes” in Russian Legislation”

Members of the Federation Council in 2017 will subscribe to the publications “Free Thought”, “Black Holes” in Russian legislation"and several hundred more media outlets. Among them are three St. Petersburg publications, including Nevskoe Vremya, which closed in 2015. The budget will spend 2.5 million rubles on press for Valentina Matvienko’s wards. This is 2.5 times cheaper than a media subscription for the Kremlin.

The press service of Senator Tyulpanov denied information about FIFA's claims to the retractable roof of Krestovsky

The press service of Senator Vadim Tyulpanov issued a refutation of the words cited by a number of media outlets that FIFA has claims to the roof of the stadium under construction in St. Petersburg on Krestovsky Island.

Deputy Chief of Staff of the Federation Council Andrey Kutepov became a senator from St. Petersburg

The deputy chief of staff will represent the legislative power of St. Petersburg in the Federation Council upper house Russian parliament Andrey Kutepov.

The corresponding decision was made on Wednesday, September 28, by deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.