Shrub broom: planting and care in the open field, reproduction. Planting a broom and caring for it, early varieties and species with a photo Broom species

Broom (Citius, Zarnovets panicled) is a sprawling shrub or low tree. The height of the plant without pruning ranges from half a meter to three. The stems are smooth, covered with bright green bark, woody over time. On the bark there may be a short fluff or stains of a silvery hue. Young shoots of the broom are flexible, bending to the ground under the weight of leaves and flowers.

The broom genus is represented by evergreen and deciduous species. The leaves are short-petiolate, attached alternately, the color is bright green. The leaf plate consists of three oval-shaped lobes, the apical leaves can be joined together. The length of miniature leaves is 3-4 cm.

When does broom bloom?

Usually the flowering period begins in May-June, but there are earlier specimens in which flowers appear even before the leaves. Flowering lasts a month. The buds have a characteristic spongy shape, exude pleasant aroma. The calyx can be bell-shaped or tubular, together with the petals it is 2-3 cm long. A small column with an ovary and stamens is hidden under the petals. The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences, which are located in the axils of the leaves along the entire length of the shoot. The color of the buds can be cream, white, pink, sunny yellow.

Broom is a member of the legume family. At the end of flowering, pods are formed with flattened, small beans. The ripened pod opens itself and the seeds are scattered on the surface of the soil.

The homeland of the broom is considered the middle zone of Europe. Found in Western Asia northern regions Africa.

Fragrant bushes can be grown in gardens and indoors.


Be careful in care, as the plant contains harmful substances(alkaloids), which in large doses can cause breathing difficulties. Wear gloves, wash your hands thoroughly, children and animals should not have access to the plant.

Growing broom from seeds

The plant can be propagated by seed and vegetative (cuttings, rooting layering) methods.

Coronal broom Cytisus scoparius

Shrub with thin, flexible shoots, height is 3 m. The bark on the shoots is reddish with slight pubescence. The color of the flowers is light yellow. The species is deciduous, frost-resistant (withstands frosts down to -20 ° C).

Type varieties:

  • Burkwood broom - scarlet-colored flowers have a border in the form of a narrow yellow flat.
  • Broom Andreanus Splendens - yellow-red stains on the petals.
  • broom Lena - scarlet petals are decorated with longitudinal stripes of a dark golden hue.

Creeping broom Cytisus decumbens

Shoots about 20 cm long spread along the surface of the earth. The stems are ribbed, green, pubescent. The leaves are oval or lanceolate, dark green in color, Bottom part leaf plate is covered with dense villi. In the axils of the leaves are paniculate inflorescences, consisting of small yellow flowers.

Early broom Cytisus praecox

The sprawling bush reaches a height of 1-1.5 m. The shoots are arched, densely covered with leaves and bright yellow flowers.

Boscope Ruby - differs in the color of the petals: the inner part is painted in a pink-lilac hue, the outer one is ruby.

Allgold - bright yellow flowers appear before the leaves.

Cytisus kewensis broom

Compact bush about 30 cm high. Creeping shoots, trifoliate leaves. The flowers are large, have a milky white color with a yellowish tinge.

Prominently flowered broom Cytisus emeriflorus

Shrub about 60 cm high. The leaves are small, trifoliate. Large flowers of bright yellow color hanging on long stalks.

Crowded broom Cytisus aggregatus

The height of the bush is 30-50 cm, the diameter of the bush reaches 80 cm. The color of the flowers is yellow.

Cytisus elongatus oblong broom

The bush reaches a height of 1.5 m. The leaves are trifoliate, pubescent. The flowers are painted in a yellow-golden hue.

Sedentary broom Cytisus sessilifolius

The height of the bush is 1.3-1.5 meters. The leaves are trifoliate with pointed tips. Flowers of bright yellow color are collected in loose racemose inflorescences.

Black broom Cytisus nigricans

When dried, the leaves turn black. AT natural environment lives in forest-steppes, loves soil moisture above the average level. The bush grows up to 1 m. The shoots are covered with a short pile. Yellow-golden flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences of 15-30 pcs.

Zinger's broom Cytisus zingerii

Shoots about 1 m high have golden pubescence, densely leafy. Leaf plates trifoliate, light green. During the flowering period, 1-2 yellow flowers appear from the leaf axils.

The best varieties of broom with photos and names

Broom red variety Boskop Ruby Cytisus Boskoop Ruby

Up to two meters high, with a beautiful ruby ​​red bloom. Needs sanitary and formative pruning, timely watering. Frost-resistant variety, with early flowering, starting from the first decade of May.

Broom Albus Cytisus praecox Albus

A variety up to 1.2 m high. Prefers open, well-lit places and light sandy soils. Blooms in May-June. Frost-resistant variety that does not require shelter for the winter.

Broom Andreanus Cytisus Andreanus

Reaches a height of 1.5 m, blooms in May-June with dense inflorescences of yellow-scarlet flowers. excellent honey plant, grows on any soil, including stony and poor in nutrients. Prefers open, lit areas.

Decorative and useful properties of broom

Broom can be used to decorate rooms and gardens. On the site they are beautiful in solo and group plantings. Bushes planted in a row will create a hedge. Large boulders organically look near the thickets of the broom. good neighbors will coniferous trees, lilies of the valley, lavender, antenaria.

Zharnovets paniculata is an excellent honey plant, has medicinal properties. Preparation of infusion: 1 tsp. crushed broom paniculata pour 0.5 liters of cold boiled water and insist in a warm place for 1 hour. Then strain. Take 1 tsp after meals. twice a day. Indications: tuberculosis, jaundice, liver disease, heart and headache, pain in the sacral region, coughing fits. Be sure to consult your doctor before treatment. Do not take if you are hypersensitive or if you are menstruating or pregnant.

In the culture of the Celts, the plant is associated with well-being at all levels: spiritual, physical. At the end of the Celtic year, there is a month of broom, at which time it is necessary to spend general cleaning dwellings, also get rid of "moral rubbish" - bad habits, bad thoughts.

Broom (lat. Cytisus)- a genus of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs of the legume family, growing on sandy loam and sandy soils Europe, Western Asia and North America. According to various sources, there are from 30 to 70 species in the genus. The scientific name of broom comes from the toponym of the island where it was first found. AT garden culture about 15 species of the genus are cultivated. Many of them are used in landscape design, decoration, and some - to strengthen the sandy slopes.

Planting and caring for the broom (in short)

  • Bloom: during the month from April-May to May-June.
  • Landing: planting seedlings in the garden - from April to May.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: light, drained, sandy, neutral or slightly acid reaction.
  • Watering: plentiful as the topsoil dries.
  • Top dressing: from the beginning of active growth - with nitrogen fertilizers, from the middle of summer - with potassium-phosphorus.
  • Pruning: after flowering, the branches are cut to a strong lateral branch, without affecting the lignified part.
  • Reproduction: seeds, green cuttings and layering.
  • Pests: moths, moths.
  • Diseases: black spot and powdery mildew.

Read more about growing brooms below.

Broom plant - description

Brooms are shrubs or low trees from half a meter to three meters high. Trifoliate or reduced to one lobe leaves are located alternately on the branches and in some species are equipped with stipules. Sometimes both branches and leaves of brooms are covered with grayish pubescence. Butterfly flowers, most often yellow, white, and sometimes pinkish, purple or bicolor, are collected at the ends of the shoots in brushes or heads. Almost all representatives of the genus are honey plants. Broom fruits are linear multi-seeded beans that crack when ripe and contain flat, kidney-shaped, shiny seeds.

Planting broom in open ground

When to plant broom in the ground

The broom shrub is planted in open ground with seedlings with the onset of spring. The place for the plant should be sunny and protected from the wind, and the soil on the site should be slightly acidic (pH 6.5-7.5), well-drained, light and preferably sandy loam. It is impossible to plant broom near water bodies with fish, since the plant contains toxic substances. To fill the landing pit, you need to prepare a soil mixture in advance, consisting of one part of soddy soil, two parts of sand and one part of humus. A complete mineral fertilizer is added to the prepared soil, for example, Kemiru-universal, at the rate of 120 g per 1 m². Before planting nutrient earth mixture mix thoroughly.

In the photo: How the broom blooms in the garden

How to plant a broom

If you plant several bushes, then keep a distance of at least 30 cm between them. They dig a hole in volume twice as large as the root seedling. If the soil on the site is heavy, put a layer of drainage material 20 cm thick on the bottom of the pit, but if you grow broom in sandy soil, then the thickness of the drainage layer can be half as much.

The seedling is placed in the center of the pit and gradually filled free space nutrient soil mixture, lightly tamping it in the process. The root neck of the seedling is left at the surface level. After planting, the near-stem circle is watered abundantly, and when the water is absorbed, it is mulched with a layer of organic material 3-5 cm thick.

Broom care in the garden

How to care for a broom

Planting a broom and caring for it in the open field is no more difficult than cultivating any other garden shrub. Growing broom requires the usual procedures and activities for any gardener: watering, loosening the soil around the bush, weeding and mulching the root circle, fertilizing, pruning and preparing for wintering. A caring gardener, in addition to completing the points described, will not forget about preventive treatments broom from diseases and pests.

Watering and fertilizing broom

Watering the broom is carried out as the upper soil layer dries up, and the near-stem circle of the plant is moistened abundantly. Hybrid brooms are more demanding on soil moisture than species, but since this crop is generally drought-resistant, it will not be possible to water the shrub in a season with normal rainfall, but in a dry summer it should be moistened regularly. With the onset of autumn, watering is gradually reduced. Broom reacts negatively to lime in water, so water should be defended before watering.

After watering or rain, it is advisable to loosen the soil in trunk circle each bush to a depth of 8-12 cm, while removing weeds.

As for top dressing, in spring the broom needs nitrogen, and from the middle of summer - potassium and phosphorus. Based on this, select fertilizers for it: in the spring, apply urea under the bushes at the rate of 30 g per 10 liters of water, and before flowering for top dressing, dissolve 30 g of potassium sulfate and 60 g of superphosphate in the same amount of water. If it seems to you that the broom is not developing fast enough, carry out the third feeding, scattering 300 g of ash under each bush.

In the photo: Growing broom in the garden

Broom transplant

Transplanting a broom from one place to another is carried out in the same order as the primary planting: first you need to dig a pit with a volume of approximately twice the root system of the transplanted bush, then lay drainage on the bottom; the fertile soil prepared to fill the planting pit should be mixed with fertilizers, and only after that the bush intended for transplantation is dug up, moved to the place of the new planting, the root ball is lowered into the pit and the planting is completed as described in the corresponding section.

Reproduction of the broom

Broom propagates by seeds, layering and green cuttings. Broom seeds are harvested from ripe beans in August-September and sown to a depth of 5-6 mm in a substrate composed of sand and peat in equal parts, after which the crops are covered with a film. Germinate seeds at a temperature of 19-21 ºC in the shade, spraying and airing from time to time. At the stage of development of 1-2 true leaves, the seedlings dive into a substrate consisting of two parts of soddy soil, one part of sand and one part of humus and spread out in pots with a diameter of 7 cm. In spring, the seedlings are transplanted into large pots - with a diameter of 11 cm - and pinch to strengthen branching. In open ground, young brooms 30-55 cm high are planted in the third year.

In the photo: How the broom bush blooms

For cuttings, it is necessary to cut semi-lignified shoots with 2-3 leaves from an adult plant in the summer, shorten sheet plates half and plant the cuttings in a mixture of peat and sand under a transparent cap. Rooting takes place at a temperature of 18-20 ºC, while the cuttings are regularly aired, and the substrate is sprayed from a sprayer. After one or one and a half months, the rooted cuttings are planted in pots with a diameter of 8-9 cm and grown up to the age of two, after which they are transplanted to a permanent place.

To propagate the broom with layering in the spring, the lowest branches are selected on the bush, they are laid in the grooves made in the ground, pinned and covered with soil. During the season, the cuttings are watered and fed at the same time as the mother bush, they are well covered from frost for the winter, and in the spring they are separated and planted.

Broom in winter

After flowering, broom branches are pruned to strong lateral branches, while it is very important that the lignified part is not affected. With the onset of cold weather, young plants that have not reached the age of three need to be covered for the winter, since the winter hardiness of the broom appears only in adulthood. The bush is highly spudded with dry earth or peat, then the branches of the plant are carefully pulled together, tied, gradually bent to the ground and fixed in this position. From above, the bushes are covered with dry leaves, spruce paws or non-woven covering material, the edges of which are pressed to the ground with stones.

Mature plants endure the winter without shelter.

Pests and diseases of the broom

In general, brooms are resistant to diseases and pests, but they can be affected by moths and moths. At the first sign of occupation of the plant by moths, it should be treated with a solution of Chlorophos. From the moth, the shrub is treated with bacterial insecticides.

Of the diseases, black spotting and powdery mildew are the most dangerous for the broom, covering its leaves and stems with a whitish sloppy coating. From powdery mildew, broom is sprayed in early spring, before the start of sap flow, with a five percent solution blue vitriol, and in the summer, for preventive purposes and to destroy the infection, the bushes are alternately treated with colloidal sulfur, a solution of Fundazol and a copper-soapy liquid. The causative agents of black spot are destroyed in early spring with a solution of copper or iron sulphate, and in summer drugs such as copper oxychloride, Fundazol, Kaptan, Bordeaux liquid or any other fungicide of a similar action can help to cope with the disease. A solution for processing shrubs on leaves is prepared in accordance with the instructions.

Types and varieties of broom

In garden culture, broom is common, but some of its species are especially popular.

- a plant native to southern and central Europe. The height of the bush reaches 3 m, its thin green shoots are pubescent at a young age; leaves petiolate, alternate, trifoliate. Leaf lobes obtuse, oval or oblong-lanceolate, entire. top leaves often consist of a single leaflet. Irregular light yellow flowers, formed singly or in pairs in the axils of the leaves, are located on a pubescent pedicel. The fruit of the plant is a flattened long and narrow bean with seeds. The plant has been in cultivation for a very long time. It has many decorative forms, which, unfortunately, can only be grown in regions with warm winters:

  • Burkwoodii- broom with red-scarlet flowers with a yellow border;
  • Killine Red- a plant with bright red flowers;
  • Andreanus Splendens- a shrub with flowers painted in yellow and scarlet.

In the photo: Coronal broom (Cytisus scoparius)

in wild nature found in southern Europe: it descended from the light pine forests of the Dalmatian mountains. This is a prostrate shrub up to 20 in height and up to 80 cm in diameter. It has green pubescent five-ribbed shoots that take root very easily, and oblong-lanceolate dark green leaves up to 2 cm long, pubescent from below. Yellow flowers up to one and a half centimeters long are arranged one or several in leaf axils. Cultivated since 1775. Creeping broom is winter hardy, but in very cold weather it can freeze slightly.

In the photo: creeping broom (Cytisus decumbens)

- an unpretentious plant up to one and a half meters high with spreading arcuate thin branches that form a dense crown; leaves are narrow, lanceolate, light green, up to 2 cm long; the root system is superficial. Abundantly covering the bush, bright yellow flowers have a pungent odor. This species is frost resistant. The most famous varieties:

  • Allgold- broom with bright yellow flowers that open until the leaves appear;
  • Broom Boscope Ruby- shrub up to 2 m high with oblong-lanceolate leaves and ruby ​​​​with outer side flowers, painted from the inside in a pinkish-purple hue.

In the photo: Early broom (Cytisus praecox)

Crowded broom (Cytisus aggregatus)

- of interest dwarf species from of Eastern Europe. It reaches a height of 30 to 50 cm, while the bush is about 80 cm in diameter. The plant blooms and bears fruit from the age of three. Its flowers are bright yellow. Frost resistance is good, but sometimes the ends of the shoots can freeze.

- a plant from Western Europe up to one and a half meters high with trifoliate leaves and bright yellow flowers up to 1.5 cm long, formed on short peduncles. The winter hardiness of this species is low: above the snow cover, the shoots freeze over, therefore, with the onset of cold weather, the plant needs shelter.

In the photo: Sedentary broom (Cytisus sessilifolius)

grows in Belarus, Ukraine, the European part of Russia and in Western Europe. The plant got its name because its leaves turn black when dried. A shrub grows up to 1 m high, its shoots are covered with short pressed hairs. Golden-yellow flowers are formed by 15-30 pieces in a vertical spike-shaped inflorescence at the ends of the shoots. Black broom is very attractive during the flowering period.

In the photo: blackening broom (Cytisus nigricans = Lembotropis nigricans)

Zinger's broom (Cytisus zingerii)

lives in mixed forests in the upper reaches of the Dnieper. It reaches a height of 1 m, on young shoots - golden pubescence and light green trifoliate leaves, and during the flowering period, when yellow flowers appear from each sinus, the shoots become like golden ears. Unfortunately, this species is rarely found in culture.

Also known to gardeners are brooms oblong (or elongated), protruding-flowered (or marginal-flowered, or floating-flowered) and Kews.

Representatives of the related genus Rakitnichek (Chamaecytisus), which can often be found in gardens, are also called brooms.

- deciduous shrub up to one and a half meters high with curving branches covered with gray bark. The shoots of the plant are pubescent with a silky pile; leaves are trifoliate, consisting of lanceolate-elliptic leaflets up to 2 cm long with a spine at the top. The leaves are greyish-green above, covered with dense pubescence below. The flowers of the Russian broom are yellow, up to 3 cm long, they form in the leaf axils of 3-5 pieces and bloom for about four weeks. The species is characterized by unpretentious care and drought tolerance.

In the photo: Russian broom (Chamaecytisus ruthenicus = Cytisus ruthenicus)

descended from the mountains of Central and Southern Europe. This is a creeping plant up to 60 cm high with a spreading crown and ascending branches densely covered with trifoliate leaves with broadly elliptical lobes. different view rapid growth. In winter, it freezes heavily, but recovers well. Purple broom has a highly decorative variety:

  • Atropurpurea- Spreading shrub with purple-pink flowers. The hybrid Golden Rain broom, also called Adam's broom, is also popular.

Such varieties of purple broom are also in demand:

  • broom Albus- shrub up to 45 cm high with white flowers. The variety was bred in 1838;
  • Roseus- a plant with pink flowers;
  • Albocarneus- a variety with pale pink flowers;
  • Amzaticus- broom with purple-blue flowers;
  • eloganthus- a variety with hanging shoots and purple-red flowers;
  • captivity- broom with double flowers;
  • depressiondwarf variety up to 20 cm high with very small leaves and fruits.

In the photo: Purple broom (Chamaecytisus purpureus = Cytisus purpureus)

occurs naturally in the Dnieper basin. This is a prostrate plant up to 30 cm high with trifoliate leaves and shoots silvery from pubescence. The flowers of the Regensburg broom are bright yellow. Popular garden form type:

  • Biflorus- a plant with silvery-pubescent leaves at a young age. In general, the species is resistant to both drought and frost, therefore it is found in gardens from the middle lane up to Novosibirsk. The species was introduced into culture in 1800.

In the photo: Regensburg broom (Chamaecytisus ratisbonensis = Cytisus ratisbonensis)

In addition to the described species, such brooms of the genus Rakitnichek are popular: Roshal, Podolsky, recumbent, naked elongated and Blotsky. And the plant, familiar to readers as the golden broom, just does not belong to the broom: it is an anagir-shaped bean, or anagiro-leaved, or Golden rain - a species of the Bobovnik genus.

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After this article, they usually read

Broom - unique in its beauty and unpretentiousness perennial shrub. Most of the perennials are deciduous, evergreen representatives are rare, sometimes with thorns. Under natural conditions, it rarely exceeds 3 m. The plant belongs to the legume family. It has flexible branches, petiolate regular small leaves. Loved by gardeners landscape designers for its appearance during flowering, which lasts almost a month.

In contact with


In nature, the flowers of this perennial have all shades of yellow and do not differ in frost resistance. Breeders have bred varieties with a different shade and more resistant to weather conditions. For example, a very common variety "Albus" resembles a white ball during flowering and does not need shelter to -20 degrees.

In addition to being a great plant decorative ornament landscape, it still has medicinal properties and has excellent melliferous qualities. In this article, we will look at the most popular species and plant varieties, as well as the nuances of planting and caring for shrubs.

Types and varieties of broom

According to various sources, in nature there are from 30 to 73 species of broom. About 15 species have been cultivated. There are even more varieties. Let's describe the most popular.

Early broom "Zeeland"

This variety is extremely beautiful. flowering bush looks furry pink balloon. The flowers are purple on the outside, creamy on the inside. Branches resemble arcs. The leaves are green shiny narrow. The plant is quite whimsical. Requires warm windless sunny places. For the winter, you will need to cover the plant.

Broom "Lena"

It is a small shrub up to 1.5 m with flowers outside of a red hue, and inside bright yellow. For a year it grows 15 cm in height. It starts blooming in May. Flowering ends in mid-June. Demanding to light and heat. There should be enough of them to make the plant feel good. For the winter should be covered to protect from freezing.

This species is found in nature. The smallest of all representatives of this kind. Its height barely reaches 20-30 cm. It can be about 1 m wide. It has gained immense popularity in flower growers and occupies a leading position in landscape design among other representatives of the crayfish. He unpretentious, for the winter you do not need to cover the plant, it tolerates cold well. Flowering is abundant with a bright yellow tint, from a distance it resembles a solid terry carpet. Ideal for rockeries.

Found in the wild, grows throughout Europe, including Asia, Australia, North America. Loves sunny places, sandy soils. The shrub can reach a height of 3 m. The flowers are small, up to 2 cm in diameter, bright yellow. A photo of the coronal broom in natural conditions is below.

Broom "Olgold"

Applies to early varieties. It can reach a height of one and a half meters, a crown - up to 2 m. The oblong leaves have a pale green color. The shrub is unpretentious, withstands frost. Grows in sunny places prefers sandy soils. Flowering is abundant, begins in late spring. Depending on the climate, it occurs at the end of April or the beginning of May. It happens even before the leaves are fully bloomed.

Applies to early varieties. Flowering occurs in the first decade of May. The duration of flowering is a month. Flowers are small with outside red and bright pink inside. It grows well on sandy soils in bright places. Tolerates low temperatures. The height of the plant reaches a maximum of 2 m. For favorable growth, old shoots should be cut off annually.

Planting and caring for a broom in the Moscow region

Landing in open ground is carried out in the spring - April, May. Depending on how this shrub was propagated. The plant reproduces in three ways:

  1. cuttings;
  2. layering;
  3. Seeds.

Seeds are sown in autumn in small containers containing a soil mixture of peat, sand, humus. Moreover, sand is taken twice as much as compared to the other two components. Further, at temperatures from +18 to +22, shoots are expected to appear. Thereafter picking seedlings in separate pots. In the spring, seedlings are planted by pinching the central shoot, for good growth plants.

Nuances when planting a broom:

  1. Planting broom occurs in the ground, which consists of soil, sand and humus. In this case, one part of the soil is taken, two of the sand and one of the humus;
  2. For depleted mineral fertilizers earth should add urea or nitrogen;
  3. Bushes should be planted from each other at a distance of at least 30 cm.
  4. A layer of pebbles is placed at the bottom of the hole when planting to create good drainage

Fertilizer should be applied not only at planting, but also as the crop grows. In summer, broom should be fertilized with mineral fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. Wood ash is excellent for top dressing.

Young plants up to three years old need to be covered for the winter from frost.. This is done with the help of foliage and spruce branches. For this, the branches of the shrub are attached to the ground with special brackets.

An important step in caring for a shrub is its pruning. If the plant is older than 3 years, then after flowering it must be cut. This procedure is carried out to branches that are already lignified. Young shoots should be pinched to give the culture a decorative look.

disease and pest resistant. Sometimes the plant strikes spider mite and powdery mildew. Therefore, the shrub needs proper care and inspection. If signs of trouble appear: growth retardation, yellowing or dropping of leaves, it should be treated with a chemical that contains permethrin.

Plant does not tolerate wet and acidic soils, shade. You can not grow this crop if groundwater is close. Most species and varieties of broom are poisonous. Therefore, precautions should be taken when handling it.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that with regard to the broom, planting and leaving in the Moscow region follows the same rules as for other areas, the main thing is to create good drainage and provide access to light, and the broom will rage every year in lush color for many years.

It may seem surprising to many that the willow bush has nothing to do with the one sung in songs. These are completely different botanical families and they have different features. About it unusual plant, which has the name rakite bush, can be read in this article.

Genus broom

This genus includes a familiar to everyone since childhood, quite actively growing and densely flowering. From its tender pods, many made whistles, sounding good and loud.

About 60 species of the broom genus are known. The willow bush is quite popular among gardeners. Its distribution, except for Russia, is noted in Africa, Europe and Asia.

There are certain differences between ordinary acacia and broom. In related to other acacias only in a common family (legumes), the leaves are several pairs of small leaves. And the broom often has trifoliate leaves, located on the stem in the next order.

Flowers in the form of moths near the broom, tightly adjacent to the branches during the flowering period, almost hide its small leaves from view. Moreover, the flowers well attract the attention of insects, but the sharp thorns located on the branches do not allow enemies to approach the bushes.

In Italy, the broom is called Colliers' Gorse because it often grows near coal mines. Next, we will describe the willow bush in a little more detail.


Broom is a genus deciduous shrubs, less often small trees from the legume family. For the most part, they are deciduous, semi- or evergreens, and some with small spines.

Brooms are excellent honey plants, but many varieties are poisonous. The height of the plant varies greatly depending on the growth conditions and species: the largest ones reach 4-5 meters, the middle ones - 2 meters, the lowest grow up to 0.5 meters. There is also this species, the growth of which reaches about 20 cm.

The willow bush has small leaves on flexible thin branches. They are triple or solitary in shape. Some of them begin to bloom in the spring (early or late), while others - in the summer.

Similar in shape to the pea flowers of the broom, beautiful, collected in axillary brushes: a large upper petal like a sail, two narrow elongated side petals like wings, and two lower small petals fused into a shuttle. They decorate the broom for a month. Their color is the most diverse, depending on the species and hybrid: yellow, white, pink, purple, red. Found in nature and bicolor varieties.

And the smell is different for different types of flowers: pleasant, sharp, subtle. Flowering under the most favorable growth conditions of the broom is so plentiful that its flowers completely hide the branches of the bush.

The most common varieties

In nature, several varieties have a willow bush. Classification by type:

  1. The rod-shaped broom has green glossy branches, which are covered with numerous yellow flowers in May-June.
  2. Russian broom is a fairly popular ornamental shrub that grows up to 2 meters high with an abundance of yellow moth flowers.
  3. Spanish gorse, or Spanish broom is a lush shrub, covered all summer with racemose inflorescences of very fragrant yellow flowers.

Other species: hybrids

The willow bush happens, as noted above, with flowers of other colors that are unexpected for this plant. All of them are broom hybrids.

Below we briefly present some of them.

  1. Early broom has slightly curved, drooping branches. It blooms in the spring one of the first yellow bright fragrant flowers. There are varieties of this species with other flower colors.
  2. Oblong broom is a medium-sized shrub (1.5 m), blooming in June with golden yellow flowers.
  3. White broom - small white flowers in spring.
  4. Emer willow bush is low in size (about 70 cm), begins to bloom in May with bright yellow flowers.
  5. Purple broom is a prostrate shrub with purple flowers and growing up to 30 cm. It usually blooms in May-June.
  6. Regensburg is one of the most small species(up to 30 cm), upright. Single, collected in small inflorescences of several pieces, the flowers have 2 shades of yellow (thick yellow and pale yellow) with reddish-brown inclusions.
  7. Moroccan - the tallest (up to 5 meters), it has large leaves and dense yellow inflorescences with an aroma reminiscent of pineapple.
  8. Creeping broom - the smallest (up to 10 cm) with golden yellow flowers and pubescent leaves.

A little about the features of growing broom

The willow bush is unpretentious. It tolerates both high and low temperatures equally well, but still prefers to grow in lighter sunny places.

Brooms, depending on the species, can grow both in calcareous and in acidic soil. Even sandy, infertile soil is suitable for shrubs, but loose and with good drainage. In the case of growing bushes in flower pots, it is required regular watering. And the plant growing in the open ground is resistant to drought and practically does not require watering. Potted cultures should be fed with organic matter once every two months, and top dressing should be combined with the next watering.

In general, broom bushes look great, especially during the flowering period in any urban park areas and on household plots. They are a great bright addition to any landscape design.

The genus Broom covers more than 50 species of deciduous, sometimes evergreen shrubs, less often small trees, common in Western Siberia, Europe and Africa.

As a rule, broom is an unpretentious shrub 2.5 m in height, not very widely used in landscaping. Many of these shrubs are suitable for decorating sandy slopes; other types of broom are good, ornamental shrubs for single and group landings. Of great interest are brooms with fragrant flowers.

The broom forms a dense, interesting in shape, bright green or grayish bush from the pubescence of the stems. The broom blooms in early spring or summer with yellow-white, yellow, purple moth flowers, resembling pea flowers, which are collected at the ends of the shoots, and sometimes in the axils of the leaves. The broom is a good honey plant, it grows along ravines, rocky sandy slopes, it can also be found on the forest edge. Approximately 15 species of broom are introduced into the culture, but to this day, they are little known.

Species and varieties

All brooms that are grown in middle lane Russia, have one common feature: they wake up early in the spring, the shoots begin to grow in May and do not finish growing until the frost itself. This is their huge plus: the shrubs retain their greenery throughout the summer season, but then they have to pay off with unripe shoots, which leave with the leaves in winter, and then freeze out.

Coronal broom

The birthplace of the broom crown is Southern and Central Europe. Shrub about 3 m in height with green, thin shoots, pubescent at a young age. The foliage of the coronal broom is alternate, trifoliate, petiolate, the leaves are oblong-lanceolate or oval, obtuse, the upper leaves often have one leaflet. Flowers 2 cm, solitary, in leaf axils, yellow. The fruit of the broom is an oblong, flattened bean with 2 seeds.

The foliage of this broom falls early, this indicates the preparation of shoots for winter: indeed. The most beautiful and most cultivated in Europe.

Coronal broom is suitable for growing in large rock gardens or as a single plant in sunny clearings. It goes well with weigels, actions, mock oranges; looks great with heather. There are many decorative forms, but they are not all suitable for the middle band.

broom cues

Very popular in Europe.

Bush height 0.3 m. Branches, creeping or drooping with trifoliate leaves and very large white-yellowish flowers. good shrub for rocky gardens.

broom protruding flowering

Homeland of the Southern Alps, grows on the slopes of the mountains.

For rock gardens of the middle zone, the protruding flower broom may be of interest, because it can withstand frosts down to -20 ° C. Broom protruding flower up to 60 cm high with miniature trifoliate leaves and very large yellow flowers on long pedicels; during flowering they are visible only from the underside.

Early broom

Early broom bush 1.5 m in height with spreading, thin, arched branches forming a dense, dense crown. The leaves are light green, narrow, lanceolate, up to 2 cm long. root system superficial. Bright yellow flowers with a sharp aroma appear in May.

It grows well on sandy light soils of neutral or slightly acidic reaction. Frost-resistant. Early broom is perfectly used in landscaping. It is also an excellent shrub for single and group plantings.

broom crowded

Born broom crowded, from the countries of Central Europe (Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania).

Of great interest. Shrub only half a meter high. Bush with a diameter of 80 cm.

Its fabulous, yellow-coloured low bushes brighten up any sunny spot in the garden. The broom crowded is fast-growing - it begins to bloom and bear fruit from the 3rd age. The broom is propagated by crowded seeds, the germination of which is more than 90%, and by summer cuttings that take root after flowering. Sometimes the ends of annual, sometimes perennial shoots freeze over.

Broom oblong or elongated

The homeland of the broom oblong is the mountainous southeastern part of Europe.

It can be found more often than others in culture. Broom oblong blooms at the end of May, flowering lasts until the end of July. The flowers are yellow. Grows best on nutritious loose soils.

Creeping broom

The birthplace of the creeping broom is Southern Europe.

Bush 20 cm tall. The shoots of the creeping broom are green, pubescent, rooting. The foliage is dark green, oblong-lanceolate, covered with hairs on the underside.

The flowers of the broom creeping from bright to dark yellow tones are located 3 in axils of the leaves. Blooms luxuriantly. The creeping broom has fruits - beans, about 3 cm. It is used on rocky hills and for planting in groups. It is frost-resistant, but in cold winters it can freeze slightly. Propagated by cuttings and seeds, winters well under the snow, covered with spruce branches or leaves.

Zinger's broom

It grows in mixed forests and spreads to the upper reaches of the Volga, Dnieper, Northern Dvina.

The height of the Zinger's broom is not more than a meter. Young shoots of this shrub, decorated with golden pubescence, are beautifully leafy with light green leaves.

During flowering, which begins in May - June, the already beautiful branches flare up with yellow flowers that appear from the leaf axil 1-2 and the shoots turn into golden ears. After flowering, beans are formed, covered with white pubescence.

broom sessile

Bush 1.5 m in height with trifoliate leaves. Blooms every year in June. The sessile broom has yellow flowers 2 cm long. From the age of 5 it begins to bear fruit. The fruits are small beans ripening in September. The sessile-leaved broom is photophilous and drought-resistant, not winter-hardy. Needs sanitary pruning and shelter for the winter. Used in landscaping on an alpine hill.

broom blackening

It is named because its leaves turn black when dried. Bush 1 m in height, it grows in pine forests.

Broom blooms blackening, from June to September with yellow flowers, collected 30 pieces in spike-shaped vertical inflorescences. Unusually beautiful during long flowering. Fruiting begins at the age of two. The seeds are very viable.