Dome house external cladding with boards. Dome houses pros and cons. General information about domed houses

Many residents of big cities are seriously thinking about building their own country house. After all, this is an opportunity to leave the stuffy and polluted city, overcrowded with people and anxiety. In the countryside, everyone has their own space; here there is no need to worry about neighbors. In addition, this is an excellent opportunity to raise your children in environmentally friendly conditions. Your heirs will always be healthy and full of strength.

Modern developers offer many options for those who want to get closer to nature in the shortest possible time. After all, for example, a building made of brick, which is familiar to us, takes a long time to be erected, so you will not be able to move into such a house quickly. Today, modern technologies and building materials, which are practically no different in strength from brick, are especially popular, while being characterized by a more favorable price. One of such structures are spherical or domed houses. Reviews from owners indicate a large number of advantages of such structures.

History of the domed house

Before starting the construction of any structure, it is necessary to make a project. Its choice depends on the wishes of the owners, the external attractiveness of the future building, its aesthetics and originality. Domed houses are especially popular today, photos of which you can see in our article. These structures began to be erected on the domestic construction market in 2008, but they cannot in any way be considered architectural inventions of our time.

Round-shaped buildings were erected back in Old Byzantium. Often such buildings were built in northern countries, for whose residents the issue of heating the house was very acute every winter. This type of structure was invented and patented in 1951 by Buckminster Fuller. To date, many domestic construction companies have mastered the construction of domed houses. Therefore, everyone can choose a suitable option for themselves and be sure that their future home will meet all their wishes.


Modern domed houses intended for human habitation are characterized by an unusual design that does not allow exposure to adverse environmental factors. People living in spherical houses admit that the unusual geometry of the room evokes a feeling of lightness and tranquility.

Thanks to the aerodynamic design of the building, the house's resistance to strong gusty winds is enhanced. Such a structure will be more resistant than others in the event of seismic activity. Calculations showed that the house could withstand vibrations of the earth's crust of 10 points.

Cost calculation

It is very difficult to accurately calculate the full cost of the structure. After all, construction of extensions is often envisaged. The cost of the structure also includes the finishing method and materials that will be needed during the construction of the building. But the price of the main structure can be calculated using a special calculator. This program takes into account the method of connecting the ribs, their cross-section, and the radius of the base. Using it, you can get information about the number and types of vertices, faces, edges. As a result, you will see a structured diagram according to which you can imagine the future domed house. The price for it depends only on the above factors.

The construction time for such a structure is on average about 3 months, taking into account the development and approval of the project. The price of a dome house is approximately 1/3 the cost of a traditional home due to less use of building materials. The cost of such a structure today is about 13,000 rubles per 1 m2.

House design

When drawing up almost all projects, a standard structure is initially calculated, the diameter of which is 8.1 m. This size is the main one for the development of private and standard projects.

“8 meters in diameter? This is not enough!”, you say. But it seems so at first glance. It should be taken into account that the radius of the dome is also 8 meters. Then the base area will be 153 m3, and the ceilings in the house will reach 7 meters.

Do you want to build a domed house? Planning is the initial stage, during which special attention is paid to the foundation of the building, because this is the base of any building. The characteristics of the foundation will directly depend on the type and mechanical properties of the soil.

Spherical houses at the construction stage are characterized by economical consumption of building materials. You can save 25-40% on laying the foundation.

A dome-type house can have up to 5 extensions that will be added to the first floor. They can be located in any of the 5 openings of the dome. This will not lead to a loss of rigidity of the system as a whole. Openings are used to connect verandas, domes, greenhouses, bathhouses, etc. Thus, you can significantly expand the required area.

The final stage of construction is At this stage, no planning is required, so you can independently choose any architectural delights (attics, lofts, rooms). This will not affect the strength of the structure in any way.

Material for construction

The main material for the construction of domed houses are wooden beams filled with polystyrene foam or fiberglass panels. These materials are characterized by minimal weight and high reliability. They are used as a heat-insulating material. The thickness of 15 cm of insulation material is ideal for the climate of the middle zone. Such panels are very easy to install with normal wall thickness. Relatively recently, expanding foam mass began to be used for the same purposes.

It is a traditional roofing material. It has an attractive appearance, and its cost is not too high. This material is characterized by a large assortment, which makes it easy and simple to choose the appropriate texture and shade.

A special design distinguishes all domed houses. Photos of various configurations, color shades, and the use of various materials can be viewed in this article. In addition, the owner can choose the shape of the windows in the house. They can be rectangular, round, triangular or hexagonal. A window can be a decoration of an extraordinary facade. Thanks to the proper placement of window openings, you can save on lighting and even heating in the future. After all, even on winter days the house can receive additional solar heat.

Equipment and materials for interior finishing

The materials used for the interior decoration of a domed house are varied:

  • Drywall.
  • Lining.
  • Plastic.
  • Decorative plaster.

You can choose suitable materials to combine, which will make the overall interior spectacular and elegant. Some people try to build dome houses on their own. Reviews from owners of self-built houses allow others to correctly assess their abilities and make a choice in favor of specialists or a company of close friends.

Installing a ventilation and heating system in such a house is also simple. To fully heat the building, it is necessary to purchase and install heating devices. They should be the same as for a regular home, but with 30% less power.

A turnkey dome house will allow you not to control all stages of construction. You can immediately move into your new country home.

Advantages of domed houses

Not much time has passed since 2008, but many families have already experienced all the benefits of living in domed houses. The main positive aspects of this structure are:

  • An ideal even shape that can withstand gusts of wind and snow accumulation. Domed houses are characterized by unusual aerodynamics, which ensures ideal wind bending. This is confirmed by the unsurpassed stability of dome houses on the US coast during tornadoes and hurricanes.
  • A domed house can have any number of windows. If you wish, you can even glaze the entire dome, and this will have almost no effect on the strength of the entire structure.

  • This frame house has a solid construction. It does not have a separate roof, heavy ceilings, or rafter system. Thanks to this, the house is characterized by high earthquake resistance. In addition, the destruction of 35% of the elements of the entire structure will not lead to the complete collapse of the building.
  • Small houses do not have load-bearing walls. In large structures, walls can be installed in any order. This allows you to independently plan the interior space in the house.
  • Soundproofing. Thanks to the minimal surface area, significantly less sound penetrates. This makes life in the house more comfortable and cozy.

Spherical houses allow you to save money

  • Minimum basis. The structure of the structure is very light. Thanks to this, the load on the ground is minimized. Therefore, you can use a more economical type of foundation, which allows you to build domed houses on it. Feedback from the owners showed that more often they made a strip foundation, the depth of which does not exceed 90 cm. This eliminates the possibility of the building skewing and the formation of cracks in the foundation.
  • Construction at any time. The construction of a domed house can take place at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions. This will not affect the cost of work and the quality of the structure being built.
  • Possibility of using minimal area and obtaining maximum volume. The usable area is maximum, the external area is minimum. Thanks to this, compared to the usual rectangular rooms, heat dissipates less in winter. Therefore, heating and air conditioning costs are reduced by up to 30%.
  • Energy savings regardless of climate. For example, in a cold climate, an ordinary stone house needs to consume about 230 kWh/m2 for hot water supply and heating, and a wooden house - 100 kWh/m2. A domed polystyrene foam house (200 mm wall) often exceeds the requirements of modern standards. Even in severe frosts, if the heating is turned off, the temperature in the house drops to 2 0 C per day. If you compare the cost of maintaining a brick and domed house for 50 years, then with the difference (not in favor of a brick building), you can purchase another frame one.

  • Maximum use of solar panels. Thanks to the symmetrical shape of the house, solar modules and batteries can be more efficiently oriented in space. Using this equipment you can save a significant amount of money. After all, it is known that solar panels can generate energy even on a cloudy day.
  • Affordable prices. It has been proven that the construction of a high-quality, reliable frame house is much cheaper than the construction of an ordinary brick one.


Unfortunately, nothing in our world is perfect. Domed houses in Russia also have their disadvantages.

  1. Difficulties in calculations. A spherical house cannot be drawn and calculated using two planes. It is imperative to use modern 3D graphics programs.
  2. Since building a domed house is still exotic for our citizens, it is best to seek help from specialist builders who know how to properly build domed houses. Reviews from owners advise against conducting independent experiments, as this can lead to serious costs.
  3. Large amount of waste. Often building materials are supplied in a rectangular shape, and the main shape for constructing this type of building is a triangle. Large losses can be avoided with careful calculations at the design stage.
  4. The need to use non-standard shapes of windows, doors, furniture, stairs.


Structures in the form of domes have been known since time immemorial. They are highly durable. The peculiarity of such a house is that its load-bearing capacity increases as the size of the dome itself increases. Don’t forget that this building will allow the owners to save a tidy sum from the family budget every year.

The frame of a dome house is a very large construction set. A team of specialists will complete the construction of this house in a matter of weeks. Each owner can control the entire process. And in just a few weeks, your family will be able to relax outside the city and enjoy clean, fresh air.

Dome houses are not widespread in our country and are not used in mass construction. However, for those who are inclined to realize their wildest ideas and ideas, this project can be an excellent way to build an unusual house. Of course, such construction has its own specifics. The article will discuss what domed houses are: projects and prices, as well as a description of the designs and photos of the original buildings.

What are domed houses: projects and prices of buildings

Dome-type houses are a rarity in our area, and they can rarely be seen on city streets. For this reason, not much is known about what advantages and disadvantages such structures have and how justified their construction is in comparison with traditional buildings.

Among the positive aspects of the construction of such unusual houses are:

  • The interior space of houses that have a domed shape is used more rationally. First of all, this can be noticed if you make calculations for two houses that are the same in area, but have different shapes (dome and square). In the first case, the savings in building materials will be about 20%;
  • Compared to domed houses, rectangular houses are less resistant to mechanical loads, including winds. By itself, the hemisphere can withstand much more, of course, if all the calculations were made correctly;

Subject to compliance with all construction norms and rules, a domed house can become a reliable and durable structure

  • flat roofs are already not very popular in our climate zone, however, the dome shape of the roof will completely save you from the need to clear snow from the roof;
  • the number of windows that can be provided in a domed house without reducing the strength of the structure is significantly greater than for standard buildings;
  • Due to its shape, the domed house can be located on the site on absolutely any side, and the load will always be distributed evenly.

Among other advantages, it is worth noting that due to the lighter weight of the entire structure, it does not need such a massive foundation as for traditional buildings. A not too expensive and complex strip base will be sufficient. In addition, the structure is assembled from ready-made elements, so it takes only a few days.

Among the disadvantages of such structures, the following nuances are noted:

  • if construction is to be done on a small or narrow site, it can be difficult to conveniently place a round-shaped structure;
  • arranging furniture in a finished home can also cause some difficulties due to the shape of the house. It is unlikely that you will be able to place something against the wall;

  • the construction of such a structure implies non-standard execution of some of its parts, which may entail additional costs;
  • It’s difficult to create a domed house project on your own. You can use a ready-made drawing or order an individual design using 3D technologies.

It is also worth understanding that standard windows in domed houses are not very appropriate. Round or triangular windows are much more suitable, as they will organically fit into the overall image of the house.

Prices for dome structures:

Design name Area, m? Number of floors Peculiarities price, rub.
Dobrosfera Z6 28 1 Free layout. Possibility to install windows of any shape 68000
Dobrosfera Z10 120 2 Wooden floors between floors, open plan 188000
Dome house from "IST Sfera" 102 2 Dome diameter – 8.8 m. Open layout 418000
House kit D9 60 2 Full second floor. The kit includes everything for building a house and a foundation diagram 450000
House kit D12 165 2 All wooden elements are treated with fire protection. The kit includes detailed assembly instructions, as well as a foundation diagram. 710000
Dome house from "IST Sfera" 283 3 The construction period, taking into account the design, is 2-4 months. Dome diameter – 12.5 m 840000

Domed houses: projects, design features and its construction

In order to give the house a dome shape, a special power frame is used, on top of which a protective and decorative coating is mounted. The inside of the walls must be lined with insulation. At the same stage, they are engaged in laying network cables and other communications.

The construction of interior partitions and the installation of door and window openings is carried out using standard technologies that are also used in buildings of traditional shape.

To provide the frame elements with a reliable connection, special fasteners called connectors are used. Since they are the ones who bear the brunt of the load from using the house, their choice should be given special attention. It is necessary to choose and buy high-quality connectors for a domed house and not save on the purchase.

If you are planning to build a house yourself, the area of ​​which will be from 150 to 250 m2, then it is recommended to use a steel billet, the thickness of which is at least 3-4 mm. In most cases, this is sufficient, since such buildings rarely have more than 2 floors, and the load is distributed in such a way as not to have a destructive effect on the frame.

Spherical houses: designs and materials for construction

In the process of building spherical houses, as a rule, preference is given to lightweight, environmentally friendly and durable materials. In addition, they should be easy to install and still fully perform their role. Let's consider the components for spherical construction:

  • connectors for a domed house are elements that provide the structure with strength at the junction points. In order to protect these areas from corrosion, they are additionally exposed with primer and paint;
  • An insulating layer is required, which is most often used as mineral wool. However, there is another option - polyurethane foam. It is easier to install and, unlike mineral wool, does not allow moisture to pass through, which makes work much easier;

  • OSB board, which belongs to category 3 or 4, is used as a roofing substrate. For their production, wood chips are used, which are pressed and bonded together using synthetic resins. Such slabs are strong enough for this purpose and are extremely resistant to heavy loads;
  • to decorate the upper part of the roof, flexible tiles are used, since this is the only material that can easily take any shape and at the same time be installed simply and quickly;

  • The layout of domed houses can be anything. Using, for example, sheets of drywall, you can divide the available space in a way that is convenient;
  • A wide variety of materials can be used for interior decoration. To create the original interior of a domed house, you can use any available materials, combining and combining them at your discretion.

As you can see, all the materials that are used for the construction of domed houses are light in weight and are extremely easy to install and dismantle. Therefore, a finished house can always be disassembled, transported to another place, and reassembled without damaging the structure and fully maintaining all the characteristics of the building.

Of course, the layout of a domed house will be somewhat different from what we are used to. However, this does not mean that the unusual shape of the building imposes any restrictions or prohibitions on the owners. On the contrary, thanks to the unusual shape of the walls, you can create the most unusual and original interiors.

Here are some tips to help with arrangement and decoration:

  • Since all furniture and decorative elements are designed to be placed against a standard wall, you can think about individual customization. For example, semicircular paintings placed on the wall look great;
  • if you need to furnish your office, you can think about wooden furniture, the elements of which will exactly follow the shape of the walls, giving the room an unusual atmosphere;
  • as for the installation of various communications, only the shape of the internal walls will play a role here, as well as the features of the finishing materials used;

  • An element such as a fireplace can be placed in the center of the room, making it the main element of the composition and at the same time solving the problem of the lack of a flat wall for its installation. In addition, this will allow you to retain the maximum amount of heat that it provides without wasting it on heating the external walls;
  • Another problem that may arise is opening windows. If they are located high enough, then opening them manually will simply be inconvenient. For this purpose, there are automated systems that allow this to be done using electric drives;
  • Particular attention should be paid to the lighting of a domed house. It will be better if there are many lighting sources, because if you use one traditional chandelier under the ceiling, there may not be enough light.

Domed house: photos, projects and technical features that need to be taken into account

In addition to the features that owners have to face in the process of arranging a domed house, it is also necessary to take into account a number of requirements that apply to any residential building. Thus, the project must be drawn up taking into account all fire safety standards, as well as in accordance with construction rules.

It is necessary to take into account the terrain and type of soil on which the building will be erected. The level at which the groundwater is located plays a big role, since, despite the relatively light weight of the structure, it is still a residential building that must stand firmly and not succumb to external destructive factors over time.

Of course, during the construction process we strive to use the most natural and environmentally friendly materials. But when it comes to implementing such a non-standard project as a domed house, it is worth paying attention to modern artificial materials. In many cases, they are superior to natural analogues in a number of technical characteristics.

Finishing the facade of a domed house with natural stone

It is worthwhile to carefully consider heating and ventilation systems, since their arrangement has certain nuances, and in order to economically distribute resources, it is important to study this issue in advance.

How to build a dome house with your own hands: assembly instructions

In order to build a strong and reliable domed house, you must strictly adhere to the proposed algorithm, performing each operation step by step. Consider each stage from laying the foundation to the final finishing of the house.

As with the construction of any traditional house, it is necessary to begin with measurements and installation of an appropriate foundation, which will become a reliable basis for the structure. After this, the main frame elements are laid out, which will perform a load-bearing function and form the basis of the entire house.

Using a wooden hammer, dowels must be driven into the supporting vertical beams. The strength of such a connection is ensured by the own weight of the elements. For this reason, construction is moving extremely quickly, especially considering the fact that special grooves are provided in the lower parts of the boards.

After this, you can proceed to installing the transverse struts and fixing the OSB board. Standard self-tapping screws are perfect for this purpose, as they will ensure quick and reliable fastening.

At the top point, where all the beams meet, a special disk is used for reliable fastening. At the same time, the lower segments are sheathed, which gives the structure additional stability and strength. After this, all that remains is to install the upper struts and cover the frame with wood boards.

Acting according to this scheme, it is quite possible to carry out the assembly yourself, instead of purchasing a ready-made domed house. Reviews from the owners claim that if you strictly follow all the recommendations, then in the end you will get an equally durable structure that will serve you for many years.

Ready-made domed houses: projects, prices and photos of popular options

Not everyone wants to build a house on their own, and many prefer to have specialists implement a ready-made dome house project on their site. This option is less risky, since it eliminates the most difficult stages of preparation, and the calculation of a domed house comes down only to taking into account the existing conditions.

But before you order a turnkey domed house, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with as many offers as possible in this area. Projects and prices of spherical houses can differ significantly from each other, which, on the one hand, significantly expands the choice, and on the other, complicates the task of choosing the best option.

As for the price of a turnkey domed house, it is important to understand that in addition to purchasing the frame itself, you also need to take into account various indirect costs that, one way or another, will arise during the construction process.

Buying a domed house may not be as profitable as building it yourself, but you receive a guarantee from the manufacturer and if any problems arise, you can freely turn to him for help. As an example, we will consider several options for domed houses, their prices and main characteristics.

Cost of finished domed houses:

Design name Area, m? Number of floors Peculiarities price, rub.
ARMIT Group Project No. 7 50 open plan The kit includes an entrance door, 4 plastic windows, full insulation and house cladding 440000
Standard dome house Dome-Dom 52 3 The price includes finishing of walls, both externally and internally, flooring, installation of windows and doors, bathroom 690000
Enlarged house from Dome-Dom company from 72 4 Finished with flexible tiles, flooring - laminate, a hatch is provided in the upper part of the house 793000
ARMIT Group Project No. 8 235 open plan The height of the dome at the zenith is 7.2 m, diameter is 12 m. The construction of interior partitions is carried out on an individual order 1350000
Sky 7.7 81.7 2 Delivery costs depend on the location of the site. There is a terrace 1790000 + finishing materials
Sky 12 191.5 4 German roofing. Two bathrooms 4450000 + finishing materials

Stratodesic domed house: cost and features

A stratodesic domed house is a structure that is assembled from individual vertical posts assembled at the top point. Such buildings differ from geodesic domes, because if partial cladding is not carried out in parallel with the assembly of the frame, the house will not have the necessary stability and it may simply collapse.

When building a small house with an area of ​​about 52 m², complete assembly takes only a few hours. However, taking into account all additional finishing work, this may take up to 7 days. At the same time, purchasing and assembling the frame will cost about 500 thousand rubles, excluding internal finishing work and the purchase of necessary materials.

Dome houses using Japanese technology

Japanese technology for the construction of domed houses involves the use of not only non-standard solutions in the frame assembly process, but also the use of materials that are unconventional for this type of building. This technology makes it possible to build domed houses from polystyrene foam, which has excellent heat and sound insulation properties, while at a very low cost.

Depending on the climatic conditions, material of varying thicknesses (from 8 to 19 cm) is used to build a domed house made of polystyrene foam. The frame is assembled from separate sections, which already have door and window openings.

Installation of the entire structure can be done either on a regular strip foundation or on a wooden frame. The only difference will be in the method of attaching the house to the foundation. All communications are laid in the internal partitions of the house, and in the case of several floors, in the ceilings.

The main advantage of domed houses built using Japanese technology is high mobility and, at the same time, sufficient reliability to build such houses even in our rather harsh climate. According to reviews, domed houses, with proper finishing and insulation, are in no way inferior to traditional buildings in terms of technical characteristics.

When familiarizing yourself with the projects and prices of domed houses made of polystyrene foam, you will notice that their cost may differ significantly. This depends not only on the materials used, but also on the company itself that produces and sells the sections. The minimum cost will be 2000 rubles per 1 m2, however, this depends on how thick the walls will be and what materials will be used.

Looking through photos of domed houses, projects, as well as construction instructions, you can be convinced that such an original idea as a spherical house is worthy of attention. At an affordable cost, such a structure is very easy to erect, resistant to any external factors and in no way inferior to traditionally shaped houses. And in order to do everything yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists, just watch thematic video tutorials.

Dome house: video instructions for self-assembly of the structure

The dome house is quite complex technologically. Construction of a domed house requires skill, and you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail. And of course, we need a project. Is it possible to build a domed house with your own hands?

And what to build from? Most often they are built from wood. It is technologically possible to build dome walls from bricks and blocks, from panels and monolithic reinforced concrete. This unique house, shaped like a hemisphere or cone, does not require a lot of building materials due to its design.

This is understandable, because the sphere, or egg, with a minimum thickness of the shell can withstand the greatest loads compared to other configurations, because this “structure” by its nature distributes the applied loads in the best possible way. This is not a plane that fights with the whole world, exposing itself to wind and fire... but it’s difficult to set fire to a sphere from the outside. And there is nothing new, remember a tent, hut, yaranga or church dome. So, enough philosophy! The science of eniology is certainly interesting, and in the world dome structures are built and people live in them, this is a fact, for example, the Japanese.

A practical question - how to build a domed house for yourself? Get the maximum amount of living space on a minimum plot area, save on building materials and foundations, and get a durable, sustainable and energy-saving house?

Pros of a domed house

  1. Unconditional originality and complete freedom in the layout of the interior space. Externally, the house is modern and aesthetically pleasing, as natural as nature itself. (And the desire to live in peace with her is clearly expressed. Finally.)
  2. Good speed of construction and not the highest financial costs compared to a stone or concrete rectangular house.
  3. Due to the light weight of the house, the foundation can be minimized and taken over the ground. If the foundation soils and the behavior of underground water allow it, then a basic foundation is suitable - a non-buried strip. Technologically, the dome is a self-supporting structure, and therefore requires minimal building materials.
  4. You can build in both the south and the north, if properly equipped, the thermal efficiency will exceed all expectations. An energy-saving house in the full sense. The area of ​​the “walls” and “roof” is minimal - so is heat loss. One interesting point, which often has to be ignored, since it is difficult to deal with it, is that the powerful cold bridge of the house is at the junction of its facade and roof, which the dome simply does not have.
  5. The aerodynamics of the dome reduces wind resistance to a minimum - there will be no draft and no heat loss. There is no windage - there is resistance to wind loads. All loads are distributed evenly throughout the house - a hemisphere, and ground movements, as well as seismic events, are less dangerous. A hemisphere, even if it is pierced at one or several points, does not lose stability and does not fold up like a house of cards. For instant complete destruction of the hemisphere, at a minimum, the soil underneath it needs to open up.
  6. Plus to the design - the harmony of the form provides excellent acoustics and favorable distribution of light. It is always lighter under the dome, since the spherical shape scatters light, while the cubic shape absorbs it. Heat, light and sound are distributed evenly. As a result, passive lighting and solar heating can be actively used, which leads to savings during operation.

You can continue for a long time. So what are the specific requirements for domed house designs?

Foundation of a domed house

According to the foundations. As already said, due to the light weight of the house, the foundation is taken as simple as a shallow foundation, although any foundation is possible, pile or columnar. In the coldest areas, it is worth considering a Swedish insulated board.

Basic materials for building a domed house

Let's take a closer look at the wood - dry or laminated timber, the cross-section is calculated depending on the size of the dome, snow and wind loads in the construction area. If the house will be sheathed on both the inside and outside, then the cross-section of the timber will need to be increased further.

The main problem is the connectors. If the house has a large area, you cannot do without them. Wooden structures assembled using factory-made five- and six-beam connectors are assembled like a construction set; you only need to supply scaffolding and a sliding ladder; no mechanization or special equipment is required. A great variety of connectors have been invented, from different materials. But homemade production of metal connectors in a garage, followed by anti-corrosion treatment with primer or paint, is unlikely to create conditions for long-term operation. A reliable connector must withstand high loads with low weight and high corrosion resistance; this requires factory casting or stamping.

There is a modern assembly technology in which panels are made with precision grooves and edges, allowing them to be connected into one whole with a minimum number of joints and without gaps. And for a small domed house, we can use a connectorless installation method.

To protect against precipitation, roofing materials will be required - flexible tiles or rolled materials are possible, as well as aluminum-based sheets.

The technology for constructing a dome is complex, but if compared with an ordinary house, calculations show a reduction in costs, both financial and time. This is due to the savings in building materials and the ability to do without special equipment.

Materials and tools for installing a domed house

  1. for the frame - wooden beam, cross-section according to the design, but minimum 50*50 mm. Fasteners - screws, nails, self-tapping screws, and so on. Insulation. Cink Steel. Polyurethane foam.
  2. for finishing exterior finishing - roofing materials, preferably flexible, tiles or roofing felt, depending on the construction budget.
  3. tape measure, level or laser level, corners, rulers.
  4. electric drill, jigsaw, hacksaw, grinder. A woodworking machine will save a lot of time with good quality processing of parts.
  5. screwdrivers, hammer, brushes, metal scissors - the entire construction kit is needed. As well as consumables and protective equipment - glasses, gloves. Everything is as usual, and each builder is guided by the situation.

A project for a dome house is necessary to prepare the main elements of the building.

Calculations are carried out using triangulation methods, directly related to the height of the dome. The dimensions of the edge elements, the number of their standard sizes and the number of connectors can be varied, “increasing” the triangulation. The lengths of the elements must be chosen so that it is possible to buy dried boards or timber of a good grade for them, and then work with them safely and technologically.

The project can be ordered, but many builders, having knowledge of basic technology and design, create it themselves, using open sources of diagrams and designs and technical literature. At the design stage, the type of foundation, the dimensions of the dome, the required number of connectors, the sizes and shapes of all cells and the number of frame and fence elements are determined.

Construction of a domed house

Here is an approximate list of work on installing the dome of the connector assembly

  • Marking on the ground and preparation of the foundation are carried out using conventional technologies. The plant layer of soil is cut off, replaced with a layer of compacted crushed stone, and then with a layer of sand. If a strip foundation is chosen, reinforcement and pouring are carried out using standard technology. All communications are completed at this stage. As a foundation option, a decagonal support structure made of piles is possible. Supporting elements in the form of trapezoids and foundation piping are assembled with screws according to the drawings.

  • for the installation of “walls” they use timber elements prepared according to the drawings, joints with tongues and grooves, reinforced with screws. Door and window frames are also pre-prepared and installed on site with additional strapping and fastening.

  • the ribs forming the main frame must be treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant compound. Then the house is sheathed from the inside. You can use regular plywood. For exterior decoration, it is easiest to work with roofing felt, cutting it into triangles and fixing them to the dome with a melt of ordinary resin or glue. This layer will be waterproofing; it must be done with overlapping parts.

  • A sheathing of bars is laid over the waterproofing layer, with a gap height based on the calculation of the required thickness of the insulation, then the outer cladding, the finishing “roof”, and finishing are made. Insulating the dome from the inside is a more practical option. Sometimes they install backfill thermal insulation for the dome - from sawdust. Waterproofing of such a design must be done very carefully.

  • flooring, installation of windows and doors, connection of communications.

The conversation was about geodesic domes. The type of dome, called stratodesic, differs from geodesic in the principle of simpler installation and adjustment of windows and doors, the absence of connectors and cold bridges that they inevitably give to the house, as well as a much higher consumption of material, in particular, expensive laminated veneer lumber or rolled metal. But their strength is still lower than that of surveyors.

The question of the future of the widespread construction of domes - comfortable and cheap - is not only a question of technology. Perhaps this is a question of ideology and new construction systems?

Nowadays, few people can be surprised by a new residential building, but this rule does not apply to the popular spherical or domed houses, the designs and prices of which are so varied that they cannot leave any buyer indifferent. Spherical buildings are unique in themselves; their design looks unusual in any area. Moreover, the incredible appearance of the domed house is not its only advantage.

Due to its unique design, each house project can differ significantly from another, since it is possible to use radically different parts. Such construction projects are highly functional. Every day they become more and more popular in the Russian construction market.

What is a domed house: features and history

A domed house is usually understood as a construction project with a spherical, rounded roof. However, this is only a general description of this type of building. Many people note that the domed house looks like an Eskimo dwelling (like an igloo).

Modern spherical buildings look simply incredible, the designs are amazing. For designers, a special task is the competent combination of one main sphere with five side ones. The finished result of the project largely depends on the designer’s imagination and your personal preferences.

The first spherical buildings appeared in Byzantium, and the Eskimos began to create their homes in conditions of extremely low temperatures many years ago. From this we can draw a simple conclusion - in ancient times, round-shaped houses were no less popular than today, but then a more durable material was used for their construction - natural stone.

The northern peoples were the first to notice that spherical buildings have high wind resistance and earthquake resistance.

In 1951, American architect Richard Buckminster Fuller proposed using a spherical structure as a basis for the construction of residential buildings.

Basic technologies for constructing domed houses

Today, there are several construction technologies by which domed houses are built; designs and prices, accordingly, also “play” in one direction or another, depending on the construction method. They can be made of materials such as brick, monolith, foam concrete, polystyrene foam and even clay. Moreover, buildings made of brick, monolith and foam concrete are not much different from standard structures of residential buildings. Technologies for the construction of domed houses are classified into construction:

    based on geodetic sphere;

    based on a pneumatic frame;

    based on permanent formwork.

One of the most common technologies for constructing a spherical house is the combined use of polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene - while the construction of the building is carried out using the Japanese method. However, such houses require additional manipulations to ensure year-round living.

The most budget-friendly and closest to standard conditions is the technology for constructing domed houses, based on the frame method of construction. As experts note, for this kind of buildings you can use a frame made of almost any material (with sufficient strength and service life). To connect parts, connectors of various modifications and sizes are used.

What foundation is suitable for a domed house?

You have decided on a site for the construction of a construction project, have decided that it will be a dome house, have drawn up a layout plan with established dimensions, which means it’s time to move on to building the foundation.

Its construction requires preliminary preparation - it is necessary to mark the site, determine the zero mark and other parameters (for these purposes we recommend using a level - a geodetic device for determining the difference in heights). You should not neglect the help of professionals in the field of geodetic work.

The very essence of domed housing construction implies the absence of ceilings and load-bearing supports. This not only provides up to 30% savings on wall and ceiling materials: the structure becomes lightweight and does not require a massive foundation.

After all the preparatory work has been completed, you should proceed to digging a trench for a strip foundation (this is the best option for creating a domed house).

Also, a pile type of foundation is often used for a domed house.

A strip foundation is a reinforced concrete structure installed around the perimeter of the entire construction site. As a rule, such an installation consists of sheathing (reinforcing mesh) and hardened concrete mixture. To create the sheathing, reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm with wire binding is suitable. Next, the cement-sand mortar is poured.

When choosing the depth of the trench, keep in mind that the foundation should be located in a place where the soil freezes (this is 1500 mm below the zero level).

When constructing a pile foundation for the construction of a domed house, as a rule, screw, driven or concrete piles are used, depending on the quality of the soil.

Frame technology for a domed house

During construction, round house projects most often involve the use of frame technology - it ensures ease of construction. The frame is assembled from special metal pipes or timber, after which the resulting structure is sheathed with sheet building material (OSB board or plywood). An insulating element (mineral wool, jute, expanded polystyrene) is placed in the layers between the sheets.

Monolithic reinforced concrete can also be used to construct the frame of a domed house. However, this method is used very rarely in our country, due to the lower price of lumber. And don’t forget about the need for good thermal insulation of the dome, which wood copes with much better than concrete.

Today, there are two options for the frame scheme of domed houses: creating a stratodesic or geodesic dome. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. In the process of creating a construction project, a more suitable frame model is selected.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house design services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

The technology based on the construction of a frame in the form of a triangular hemisphere is the most popular in the construction of domed houses. The frame is constructed from wooden triangular blocks of the same size.

Video description

For an overview of the domed house, watch the video:

For exterior finishing, pressed cellulose impregnated with bitumen is used, but other materials can be used, as long as they are waterproof. The inside of the frame is covered with boards, and mineral wool is used as insulation. During construction, some triangles are left open, after which similar-shaped frames with double-glazed windows are installed in them.

Technology for constructing a domed house based on a pneumatic frame

The method of constructing a spherical house based on a pneumatic frame is distinguished by an unusual and rather complex technology, and requires the use of special machinery and equipment, due to which the time for building a house is reduced to a minimum.

The foundation for such a house is made of strip or slab. The frame is a dome made of metal rods connected to each other by welding.

This technology must involve a prefabricated pneumatic frame. It is made individually and, when inflated, completely follows the contours of the inner surface of the dome. In those places where windows and doors should be, the frame has protrusions of a given shape and size. Manufacturing a pneumatic frame is the most expensive and complex stage of construction, but since the technology cuts construction costs in half, its price is fully recouped.

The pneumatic frame is inflated from the inside of the metal sheathing, after which a cement-polymer mortar, shotcrete or polystyrene foam is sprayed on the outside using special equipment. The main material of the dome is applied in layers, with breaks for each layer to harden. I do the same on the inside of the dome, and after the walls have completely hardened, they begin finishing.

Features of the planning and interior design of a spherical residential building

The layout of a domed house has a number of differences from the rectangular structure we are used to. However, this does not at all limit home owners in choosing the design of the room. On the contrary, the unusual appearance of the room allows you to implement the most extraordinary interior solutions.

    It is better to make some decorative elements and furniture to order, since most products are designed to be placed against standard walls. An excellent solution would be semicircular paintings and upholstered frameless furniture.

    For a living room or office, wooden furniture will be suitable, which will exactly follow the curves of the walls, which will give the room an even more unusual ambiance.

    When installing communication systems, you should take into account the shape of the internal walls, as well as the technical and operational properties of the finishing materials used.

    A fireplace is an integral attribute of the living room. In spherical houses, it is best to place the fireplace in the center of the room - if you want to retain all the incoming heat and solve the problem of the lack of a flat wall for mounting this interior element.

Photo examples of interior design in domed houses

Interior of a domed house with three bedrooms, one of which is on the second floor

The semicircular shapes of the stairs and kitchen furniture fit perfectly into the interior of a domed house

Examples of domed house layouts

The photo below is an example of the layout of a small domed house. There is a fairly spacious living room where you can spend family evenings and welcome guests. The kitchen is small, combined with a dining room, and the border between the place for preparing and eating food and the living room is represented by a bar counter - a modern piece of furniture that will undoubtedly appeal to a young family.

Video description

Watch the video for the experience of people living in a domed house:

The house also has a bathroom and a large bedroom on the first floor. The staircase to the second floor is located to the right of the entrance to the house, which is also very convenient. If there are living rooms on the second floor, the owners will not have to walk through the entire house to get to the second floor.

It is noteworthy that there is a fireplace in the center of the house, where you can spend long winter evenings with your family. This house is suitable for a family of three.

In the next photo, the living room, located immediately at the entrance from the hallway, has been allocated less space, but the bedroom here is simply huge. It is located on the right side of the house, and one of its walls borders the bathroom, which is combined with a bathroom.

On the left side of the house there is a kitchen-dining room with access to a technical room or storage room. The staircase here is also located in the living room to the right of the entrance. If you arrange two more bedrooms on the second floor, then such a house will be perfect for a family of four.

The layout of the house in the next photo is perfect for a family of two or three people. The entrance to the house is equipped with a porch from which you can enter a small hallway, and then into the living room, located on the left side of the house. On the same side there is a kitchen combined with a dining room and a bathroom. A large fireplace borders the kitchen and living room.

On the right side of the house there are two bedrooms, one of which is larger and intended for a married couple. A small bedroom can be equipped for a child. The staircase to the second floor, leading to a cozy office, is located to the right of the entrance to the living room.

Advantages and disadvantages of domed houses

In addition to the unique external characteristics, the dome house has a number of undeniable advantages:

    affordable price;

    no massive concrete platform required;

    savings on assembly speed;

    minimum construction waste;

    not a lot of building materials are required for a dome house;

    The outer surface area of ​​domed buildings is smaller, and the internal volume of space is larger (corners are cut), thereby reducing heat loss in winter and heat absorption in summer;

Video description

Watch the video for the construction of a domed house:

    strength, increased seismic resistance, excellent aerodynamics;

    the dome can withstand high snow loads;

    good sound insulation and ventilation;

    originality and aesthetics at the highest level;

    excellent light characteristics.

Experts include the following disadvantages of domed houses:

    there are very few professional companies on the Russian market, the topic is quite new, enthusiastic dome builders are just trying to conquer our country;

    experience in calculations and absolute accuracy in the manufacture of parts is required;

    suppliers of high-quality raw materials are “worth their weight in gold”; good lumber is difficult to find;

    the period of useful use of the house is inferior to stone and block buildings;

    non-standard windows, made to special order, certain difficulties during installation.

But these disadvantages quickly disappear if you do not try to build a house yourself, but immediately turn to a construction company that has proven itself well in the construction market. This way you will save a lot of time and effort, and in the end you will get a high-quality domed house in which you will live cozy and comfortable. And the specialists will definitely take into account all your wishes regarding the layout.

Photo examples of spherical houses

Two-level house based on a stratodesic dome with shingle cladding

Domed house with wood elements in exterior decoration

Original solution: a domed house in the shape of a flying saucer

Complex, but beautiful and original dome design


Considering domed houses as permanent housing, the projects and prices for them can be sorted out endlessly, because, despite the fact that such buildings appeared on the construction market relatively recently, there is no limit to the variety of projects. You can choose the simplest domed house for yourself; projects of such buildings are inexpensive, or create a special one, according to your own wishes and preferences. For example, you can take Dobrosfera domed houses, projects and prices; photos of each of them can be viewed in more detail on the website. And professional architects and designers will be happy to help you with this.

There are no shortcomings, only an approach that is not quite right | Blago-Stroy ©

For an uninitiated person, understanding the essence of frame house construction is quite difficult; in this article we will collect a selection of all the main advantages of round houses, including presenting a few disadvantages that also have the right to exist.
Let's start with more important aspects from the point of view of a potential customer:

Dome price— building a wooden spherical house is more profitable, but not as much as we would like, almost the entire surface of the sphere is a soft roof, and it is extremely expensive. Many have heard that for a small amount of money it is possible to build a high-quality round cottage, do not be fooled by this offer. It is important to learn the main rule of life “You can’t do anything good quickly and for pennies”, the quality of materials and good payment to installers is the key to success, when work is rewarded accordingly, a reasonable builder will give 100%, every joint and any other little thing will be taken with full responsibility and the desire to correct, to create something ideal. The cost of 1 m2 will cost you 20,000 — 25,000 rubles, this is not the upper limit yet, but it will be quite possible to build a good-quality cottage. So, what is the so-called benefit:

A massive concrete platform is not required, there is no need to wait for months for the foundation to stand, with a pile foundation this problem is completely eliminated, the next day after installation it is possible to frame it with timber and begin construction.
Savings on assembly speed, 5-7 months is the limit for a professional team, variable and fixed costs are correspondingly reduced compared to brick houses.
There is a minimum of construction waste, there is no need to plaster or putty the walls, construction is practically free of dust and dirt, and this is a rather important point for the customer who will like to control the work process in unfavorable conditions.
A dome house will not require a lot of building materials, minus 25-30 percent, an important indicator, and besides, wood is cheaper than stone. It may not be that much of the total amount of work involved, but a penny saves a ruble.
The frames are assembled by installers, there is no need to call specialized equipment, only manual labor, installation of the constructor occurs very quickly, leaving the most labor-intensive finishing process.
The outer surface area of ​​domed buildings is smaller, and the internal volume of space is larger (corners are cut), thereby reducing heat loss in winter and heat absorption in summer. Everything is very simple:

Area 100 m2 = Typical house 10×10 m = Perimeter 40 m
Area 100 m2 = Dome diameter 11.3 m = Perimeter 35.5 m

Strength of geodetic sphere:

There are no additional supports inside the geo frame, it itself is a load-bearing element, it is a “gold mine” for any planner and designer, complete freedom of action and implementation of conceived plans, partitions and rooms anywhere.
Increased seismic resistance, the structure can withstand vibrations of up to 12 points on the Richter scale, which is perhaps why domed housing construction is beginning to actively develop in Japan.
Excellent aerodynamics, strong winds up to 250 km/h are not scary for a round house, all this is due to the absence of front walls, the air flow smoothly flows around the sphere and does not crash into the surface. Under normal operating conditions, no high or low pressure zones are created, and there are no drafts or heat loss.
The dome can withstand high snow loads of 500-600 kg/m2 or more; among other things, the accumulation of snow on a rounded surface has its limit; if the cap is too large, it will roll off or be blown away by the wind.
Strange as it may sound, but the larger the round house, the stronger it is, the load is distributed evenly, the symmetry of the shape gives the frame durability, a vivid example of the classic standard for the distribution of specific load per 1 kg of a structure; if you dismantle up to 1/3 of all triangles, then the building will not collapse.

Sound insulation and ventilation:

Good savings on ventilation due to the same geometric features, air constantly circulates naturally from top to bottom and bottom to top, no stagnant zones are created, additionally, installation of a 5-centimeter ventilation gap is provided for ventilation of the under-roof space.
Sound insulation is carried out through the installation of a special membrane, round structures are better adapted to the streamlining of not only winds, sound effects also have less impact on the internal atmosphere.

Environmental friendliness is a controversial issue!

Yes, a frame made of softwood will have a beneficial effect on the microclimate in the house, but you should know that 60 percent of dome structures consist of insulation, and here lies the main snag. If you decide to make a thermal insulation layer by spraying, polyurethane foam (PPU), then what kind of environmental friendliness can we talk about, even if this is a reliable option, the house will definitely not freeze, but here the choice is everyone’s….

Energy efficiency:

There are no corners inside the rooms; they often freeze and take away the lion's share of the heat; this is another important design feature. Remarkable energy efficiency; if you install a stove or fireplace in the center of the building, the house will warm up very quickly; heating costs for round buildings are much lower.


Originality and aesthetics at the highest level, a different philosophy of life. Excellent light characteristics, spherical houses better accumulate light rays; a smart solution would be to install solar panels or other independent energy sources.

In conclusion, we should add positive qualities - house kits are absolutely mobile, we can produce a large number of frames for installation and transport them to any region of Russia in the shortest possible time.

Disadvantages of spherical designs

The main problem is the psychological stereotype of people, many do not trust everything new, they strive to protect themselves from possible mistakes, but there are always those who share and support our endeavors.

More details about the problem side and aspects affecting the quality of construction:

  1. There are very, very few professional companies on the Russian market, the topic is quite new, enthusiastic dome builders are just trying to conquer our country.
  2. Experience in calculations and absolute accuracy in the manufacture of parts are required.
  3. Suppliers of high-quality raw materials are worth their weight in gold; good lumber is difficult to find.
  4. The useful life of a house is inferior to stone and block buildings.
  5. Non-standard windows, made to special order, have certain difficulties during installation.
  6. A large percentage of waste in production.

All the pros and cons are revealed, domed houses have a clear advantage, but remember, improper installation can easily overshadow all the advantages.

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