How to make a doll house from chipboard. DIY doll house made of plywood. Collected! Photo. Wooden house - master class

A craft - a house with your own hands - will delight any child. The work will only take a couple of days, and the material you can use is plywood, OSB, pallets or ordinary boards. Detailed step-by-step instructions and drawings will help even a person far from construction understand the process.

The educational house can be made of a wide variety of materials, and final choice It’s better to do it yourself, having studied the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

The most commonly used budget options:

  • plywood

You can also build a house from OSB, wooden planks or chipboard.

Plywood - optimal choice, because:

  • it is durable, and after treatment with special impregnations it can withstand adverse influences environment(precipitation, temperature changes, insects)
  • affordable - a do-it-yourself plywood house will cost less than one made from many other materials
  • looks aesthetically pleasing
  • has low thermal conductivity, due to which it garden house the child will be warm and comfortable

In addition, working with plywood is easy: it can be sawed, drilled, and painted without effort.

The only drawback is the toxicity of the glue used to join the veneer layers together. When purchasing, you need to study the characteristics of the product: the plywood must be marked E0 - such material contains a minimum amount of formaldehyde, and the product is considered environmentally friendly.


A house made from pallets can become a child’s favorite place to play, but you need to be careful when selecting the material.

Can not use:

  • pallets marked IPPC - hazardous materials are used for their processing chemical substances, provoking the development of various diseases;
  • pallets used in markets - after long-term use in the open air wooden structures, raw protective equipment, may become fragile, and the building will soon become unusable;
  • pallets painted in bright colors, – it is impossible to vouch for the quality and safety of the paint, and it is better not to risk the health of the child.

You need to build a children's wooden house with your own hands using quality material without visible damage: cracks, signs of rot, mold or paint residue.

Every princess dreams of her own dollhouse. Now in modern world, you can buy such a house in any children's store, but the price is too high for it. Therefore, there is a simple and budget solution - to make such beauty yourself. You don’t need to buy anything special for this, you can use all available means: remnants of old wallpaper, bamboo sticks, beads, plastic, fabric and much more.

The most important thing is to draw the sketch correctly and decide on the dimensions.

Take a sheet of fiberboard and cut everything out necessary details: walls, roof and floors of our floors. Carefully glue all parts together with PVA glue. Sometimes sawdust is added to it for strength, but if your glue is thick, this will be enough.

We cover the roof of the house with corrugated cardboard of any color.

We disassemble the kitchen bamboo napkin into pieces to exterior finishing our home.

On the ground floor, for decoration, we glue pre-cut “bricks” from cardboard.

We take a large sheet of fiberboard, for stability, and glue our entire ready house.

Now let's begin the most labor-intensive process - sculpting various accessories from plastic. These will be various flowers, dishes, products, accessories for home interior.

We cut out the window frames from cardboard and glue them on both sides (outside and inside).

We glue cardboard window sills to the ends and decorate them on top with pots of flowers.

Next, we make a balcony. We take toothpicks and stick them into the cardboard on both sides, into the floor and railings (look at the photo). And on wire hooks we hang a cardboard box containing the molded flowers from the railings.

We insert a dormer window (this can be just a thick cover for a book or notebook).

We cover the front door. You can print out a picture of the door and glue it to the desired location. The handle is made of plastic.

We glue a grass lawn from hard green kitchen sponges. We make small flower beds from cardboard boxes, and insert flowers into them, molded in advance from plastic.

Interior decoration dollhouse.

Living room

We cover the walls with colored cardboard, take a cellulose kitchen napkin of a suitable pattern for the floor, and for the ceiling you will need plain white paper.

After the ceiling has been glued, we hang the chandelier - use an awl to make a hole in the fiberboard (just not right through, so as not to accidentally crawl out onto the floor of the upper floor) and glue a wire ring for hanging the finished chandelier.

Children's room

We cover the walls with gift paper, for wrapping, with a children's theme design. If not, take any paper with a child's drawing. We glue colored cardboard on the floor, which resembles laminate.
We make cornices for curtains: we put the curtain on a bamboo skewer and insert it into fastenings on the wall made of thin strips of cardboard. We hang the chandelier on a wire ring.


We cover the walls with a napkin with the desired pattern or take the remains of real wallpaper, as in this case.
We attach the curtains in the same way as in the nursery; for beauty, you can sew on tiny homemade plastic buttons. We hang the chandelier on a wire ring. Take a ruler and draw a “tile” on the floor.


Line the floors and bottom of the walls with a gel pen, imitating tiles. For the top of the walls, use a paper table napkin with a “nautical theme.” We glue it to cardboard for strength and glue it over our walls.

The border can be found and cut from any magazine or printed on a printer.

All! Our fairytale house ready!
Now comes the fun part! Furnish our rooms.

Living room:
We sew a sofa, pillows and an armchair from fabric and stuff it with foam rubber.
We make a bookcase from plywood.
Everything else is your imagination and ability to come up with something interesting from simple unnecessary things.

All little girls know that their dolls should have “everything for real.” This means that every Barbie should have a crib, a wardrobe with fashionable clothes and, of course, a spacious home where she can receive toy guests. Despite the fact that dollhouses have been and remain any children's toys, parents are usually not very willing to buy them, believing that they take up too much precious space in the apartment. Moreover, in toy stores such designs are quite expensive. But few people know that you can make a beautiful house with your own hands; this does not require almost any purchased materials or complex skills in working with tools. The simplest option is to glue a house from cardboard boxes; this task can be completed even in the evening. If you plan to build more serious design, we suggest assembling a dollhouse quickly and easily from plywood.

We make our own stylish dollhouse from plywood

What are the advantages of using plywood for a dollhouse:

1) On the one hand, unlike wood, plywood is easy to work with and it’s easier to cut out the necessary parts. On the other hand, plywood is much stronger than cardboard, so the risk of the house breaking during active children's games is reduced.

2) Plywood is pleasant to the touch, it is smooth and warm. Moreover, it is easy to stick on it upper layer decor: “wallpaper”, “roof” and other details. But even unlaminated plywood, unlike old shoe boxes, looks very nice and does not cause rejection.

3) Sheets of plywood are easy to purchase at any hardware store, and they cost little.

To make a dollhouse from plywood you will need:
  • plywood sheets - their quantity will depend on the height and area you want to build the house
  • cutting tools - an electric jigsaw is ideal
  • paper, pencil - for drawing a sketch
  • scissors
  • corrugated cardboard - we will use it to make a roof stylized as tiles
  • glue "Moment" for assembling parts
  • mounting tape for pre-attaching parts
  • sandpaper for sanding elements
  • wooden rulers – for stairs
  • wooden skewers
How to make a dollhouse from plywood:

1) First of all, we need to draw on paper templates for the details of the house - walls, partitions and roof. We draw everything in life size and then transfer this image onto plywood.

2) Using a jigsaw, we cut out blanks for the future house from plywood. Be sure to immediately cut through windows and doors where necessary.

3) We carefully sand all the parts so that children do not get splinters while playing.

4) You can start assembling the house. We begin gluing the structure from the internal parts and partitions. For greater strength, the joints can be duplicated wooden chopsticks(skewers for roasting meat or bamboo strips from a sushi mat).

5) After several floors are ready, we glue in the stairs. They can be made in two ways: put a ruler in a “slide” and glue wooden slats onto it, or initially glue a staircase from individual steps, as shown in the photo.

6) After the internal partitions are assembled, we glue the outer walls, leaving one open so that you can freely play with the house.

7) We make roof tiles from corrugated cardboard. You can leave her Brown or paint it with spray paint.

8) A do-it-yourself doll house is ready. Now you need to leave it for the glue to dry for a couple of days, and then you can start decorating the interior.

How to decorate a plywood doll house from the inside:

1) We cover the inside walls of the house with colored printed paper or thin fabric. Ceilings must be painted with white or covered with white paper. The floor can be left unpasted, since plywood is similar to wooden floorboards and looks quite aesthetically pleasing.

2) To depict a door, you can simply cut out a picture of a suitable size from a magazine and stick it on a cardboard base. The handle for the door can be molded from plasticine.

3) Instead of carpet, we glue velvet paper, and cut out rugs from microfiber cloths.

4) Don’t forget to hang curtains made from tiny rags on the windows. Instead of cornices, it is convenient to use toothpicks or pieces of wooden meat skewers. Additionally, you can install swinging shutters made of cardboard.

5) The inside walls of the house can be decorated with paintings - print any drawings on a color printer and place them in wooden frames. You can place real mirrors in the bedroom and bath (you don't have to use a real mirror; a great toy mirror can be made from a piece of foil).

6) Furniture for the house can be cut and glued from cardboard, but this is a very painstaking process. A simpler option is to place ready-made plastic furniture in doll rooms.

Video on the topic of the article

To learn how to make a dollhouse with your own hands from plywood, we suggest watching the following videos. Experienced craftsmen will tell you about all the intricacies of making these crafts.

Making a dollhouse with your own hands is an exciting activity for the whole family, where children, by watching and helping, gain skills in working with tools, planning, decorating, and develop a sense of harmony. Adults can fully realize their creative potential and involve the whole family in teamwork.

Impressions from the process and the result will remain in the memory for a long time, even from transforming an ordinary box.

Features of material selection

The choice of materials for building a house with your own hands should coincide with financial capabilities, the amount of free time and the level of skill.

  • Paper. Scrapbooking paper is suitable for these purposes: it is thick, does not fade, and has a wide selection of textures and prints. Ready-made schemes Can be printed on regular office paper.
  • Cardboard. Ideal options will become bookbinding, beer, corrugated three-layer. The latter is more difficult to cut, but more affordable (for example, household appliances or weighted candies are usually packaged in it). The rigidity of cardboard allows you to add more floors to the project.
  • Boxes. Their characteristics do not differ from the previous material. One large or several medium-sized ones, always whole boxes, are suitable for work.
  • Plywood. It is distinguished by its availability, ease of processing, the ability to implement complex projects, and its price-quality ratio. At the same time, it requires certain skills in working with sawing tools and precise design. The recommended plywood thickness is at least 6-7 mm. You should definitely pay attention to the E0 marking - its presence confirms the low formaldehyde content.
  • Tree. The material is more expensive and difficult to work with, requiring expensive tools. Suitable for making large-sized multifunctional shelving houses.

Comparative characteristics of materials:

Material Price Durability Complexity
Paper house Very cheap Low Very easy
Cardboard house Cheap Low Easy but requires patience
House made of boxes Very cheap Low Very easy
Plywood house Moderately expensive High Medium difficulty, requires tool skills
Wooden house More expensive than average, but cheaper than store bought Very high Complex, it is advisable to cut into professional equipment

Drawings and dimensions of a paper house

The dimensions of a paper house are limited only by the size and density of the material used. Large models made from thin paper will not hold their shape. In cases where the material is dense but small in size, the house is assembled from individual parts.

The peculiarity of the paper house drawing is that it is made up of a single canvas.

At the junctions of the walls, as well as on the roof slopes, additional narrow strips are provided for applying glue or double-sided tape. In the finished printouts, the houses are drawn in detail; all that remains is to cut them out and glue them together. Creating a sketch yourself leaves room for creativity and layering when decorating.

Paper house option:

  • 4 open rooms separated by two sheets of paper.
  • The basic drawing consists of 2 rectangular parts with transverse slots in the middle. The depth of the cuts is up to half the width of the elements.
  • The dimensions of the blanks correspond to the height and double length of the future rooms.

Paper house for dolls

To work you will need a drawing, scissors and glue.

With their help you need:

  1. Carefully cut the workpiece along the contour.
  2. Fold along the dotted lines, giving the model volume.
  3. Apply glue to the special valves provided in the drawing.
  4. Glue the house together.
  5. Decorate with textured printed paper.

Such models do not imply interior decoration and act as the scenery around which the game takes place.

The disadvantage of the model is that it can be conventionally called a dollhouse, since the entire structure is very schematic. But this house provides a play space. The child has the opportunity to create an interior in each room and freely move the doll inside. At the same time, the design takes up little space and can be easily disassembled or folded for storage.

The work comes down to two steps:

  1. Cut both elements taking into account the windows, doors and central slots.
  2. Connect the parts with cuts facing each other.

Next, you should decorate each room as you wish. Based on this drawing, you can create more complex models. For example, if you lengthen one of the elements and make 2 slots instead of 1, inserting one base part into each of them, you will get a 6-room house.

Cardboard house drawings

You can outline the details right away on cardboard, but it is much more convenient to have before your eyes the entire list of necessary elements, their quantity and sizes.

A schematic representation of the component parts of the house is enough, the main thing is to take them all into account:

  • Side wall(2 pcs.): a rectangle, the height of which is equal to the uppermost interfloor ceiling, and the width is the desired depth of the rooms.
  • Back wall(1 piece): a rectangle with a width equal to the length of the house and the same height as the side walls.
  • Gable(2 pcs.): isosceles right triangle, the hypotenuse of which is equal to the width of the side wall.
  • 1st floor floor(1 pc.): a rectangle with a height equal to the width of the side walls, and a length equal to the width of the back wall.
  • Interfloor ceiling(1 pc.): floor part of the same dimensions, but with a cut-out staircase opening.
  • Interior partition(1 pc.): U-shaped figure with a width equal to the depth of the house and a height corresponding to the height of one floor.
  • Roof(1 pc.): a large rectangle, the height of which is slightly more than the amount There are 2 gable legs, and the length is slightly longer than the length of the house.

If there is a large piece of cardboard, the quantity individual elements can be shortened, combining the side walls, gables, floor of the 1st floor and the rear wall into one part in the drawing. Doorways will not be needed if the interior partitions are made one third narrower than the width of the house.

Connecting rooms

It is more convenient to connect the walls with wide masking tape. It does not damage the cardboard when removed, does not make the work sloppy and does not interfere with decoration. Adhesive Moment Crystal will help fix cardboard walls relative to each other: it sets quickly and leaves no marks.

To connect the walls to each other you should:

  1. Coat the cut of the side wall with glue and press it tightly against the edge of the rear wall, trying to maintain an angle of 90 degrees.
  2. Cover the resulting corner with masking tape from the outside and inner sides, so that the middle of the adhesive tape is at the junction of the walls.
  3. Similarly, attach the second side wall, forming a U-shaped frame for the future house.
  4. Coat the cut of the floor part with glue on three sides, press it to the edges of the walls, while simultaneously adjusting the internal corners of the house.
  5. Reinforce each joint between the floor and the wall with adhesive tape on the outside and inside.
  6. Apply glue to those sections of the inner wall that will be attached to the floor and the back of the house.
  7. Press the part strictly perpendicular to the floor and parallel to the side walls of the house (recheck the distance between the walls below and above with a ruler, adjust if necessary).
  8. Cover the resulting corners on both sides of the partition with masking tape.

Taping the corners on both sides will make the structure stronger, will fix the shape more rigidly. For a tighter fit of the tape to the surface, it is recommended to forcefully iron the gluing areas with the edge of a ruler or plastic card.

Connecting ceilings to floors

The ceiling of one floor is the floor of the next. To prevent peeling and sagging, the interfloor ceiling is secured to a support.

  1. For accuracy, it is recommended to draw a line along the perimeter of the frame at the level of the upper boundaries interior walls parallel to the floor of the floor.
  2. Cut out long strips of cardboard no more than 1 cm wide. If the material is not thick enough, the strips can be cut twice as large and glued together.
  3. Glue the resulting parts with the wide side around the perimeter of the house, aligning with the control line. There should be a uniform protrusion that encircles the outer walls from the inside.
  4. Apply glue to the sections of all the parts on which the ceiling will lie, as well as the sections of the ceiling itself.
  5. Lay the ceiling piece, making sure the internal walls are perpendicular.
  6. Apply masking tape to the joints of the walls and floor of the upper floor, making sure that the tape goes all the way to the corner without deforming it.

DIY dollhouse from a box

It is easier and faster to build a dollhouse from boxes with your own hands than from individual sheets of cardboard.

For work you will need following materials and tools:

Before starting work, you need to make sure there are no defects on the cardboard, cut off excess tape and remove the staples from the stapler.

  1. Mark the middle of the box with a marker. It is convenient to take the connection line of the folding parts of the box as a guide.
  2. Cut along the line into 2 equal parts. One half will serve as the basis for the house.
  3. One of the folding parts will become the floor of the first floor. It should be secured to the side walls of the box using tape.
  4. Cut off the corners of the opposite flap to form a roof gable
  5. At this stage, until additional volumetric parts are glued in, it is more convenient to cut through windows and doors. First you need to mark the future location with a marker interfloor ceilings. This will allow you to select correct location windows It is more convenient to cut them with a stationery knife. Cut the front door on one of the side walls of the house.
  6. Cut off both opening parts from the second half of the box. They will serve as floors for the second floor and attic. Make an opening for stairs for each part: left top part cut into a small square or rectangle shape.
  7. Using tape, attach the ceilings along the previously marked lines. Openings for stairs should be in opposite directions, internal corners house.
  8. Cut the roof slopes from the side walls of the remaining part of the box. Use tape to glue them to the pediment and walls. Cover the top corner of the roof with tape.
  9. Attach cardboard ladders to the openings in the floor.

A doll house made from boxes can be furnished with homemade furniture

The construction of the dollhouse from the box is completed. All that remains is to decorate it and arrange the furniture.

Features of working with plywood

Dollhouses made of plywood are lightweight, environmentally friendly, and relatively low in cost. But, unlike houses made of boxes, plywood ones are stronger, withstand heavy loads and last longer. When choosing this material, it is necessary to take into account the features of its processing.

  • The tool for cutting parts must be very sharp and selected in accordance with the thickness of the sheet: up to 1.5 mm - can be cut with a knife, 1.5-6 mm - with a hand jigsaw, over 6 mm - with a jigsaw.
  • It is advisable to saw the sheet along the grain. In the case of a transverse direction, it is recommended to make several cuts along the entire length of the future cut, which will reduce the likelihood of cracks and chips.
  • Finished parts should be carefully sanded.
  • It is better to connect parts using wood glue. The connection will be stronger if the fibers of the bonded surfaces are in the same direction.
  • For nails and screws, you need to pre-drill holes and place washers under the heads.

Compliance with these rules will make the work easier and protect against unnecessary consumption of material.

Required tools and materials

Making a dollhouse from plywood is possible for anyone with minimal skills in working with tools, desire and patience.

To build a house you will need the following tools and materials:

  • plywood 6-7 mm thick;
  • narrow wooden slats;
  • small nails or a construction stapler;
  • jigsaw (can be replaced with a manual one);
  • drill with thin drill;
  • sandpaper for processing the edges of parts;
  • wood glue;
  • mounting tape;
  • a simple pencil and tape measure;
  • decor for decorating a finished house.

The amount of material is calculated according to the drawing and depends on the size of the project.

For example, a small tabletop house will require 4-6 main parts, while a multi-story floor house can use 4-6 sheets of plywood. For an accurate count, finished sketch is disassembled into components, and for each element a detailed drawing.

After the parts are completely laid out on paper, a calculation is made total area required material.

Drawings for a plywood house

A dollhouse made from boxes with your own hands can serve as a model for self-creation drawing. A visual model, no matter how complex it may be, will allow you to evaluate the scale of the idea, the actual dimensions of the product, identify the features of the main parts and possible weak spots designs.

Story about creating a dollhouse from plywood:

For the most simple house with a pitched roof you will need drawings of the basic elements.

  1. Side walls with opening for front door. The difference in the height of the walls will determine the angle of the roof.
  2. Rear wall including pediment. The height differences on opposite sides must correspond to the side parts.
  3. Shed roof.
  4. The base should extend beyond the house for better stability.
  5. Interfloor ceilings with staircase openings, which are located in opposite corners so that they do not end up under the stairs leading to the floor above.
  6. Interior partitions with arched doorways.

Window openings are located on back wall, side elements and roof according to the sketch. A front opening cover can be added if desired. In this case, it is more appropriate to place windows on it. The dimensions of the parts depend on the available space where the house according to individual wishes will stand.

The height of the floors should be comfortable for playing - this is 40-50 cm.

It is recommended to install the uppermost ceiling (attic or loft) no higher than the child’s eye level. Rooms that are too deep are not convenient for playing, especially on the extreme floors. Under the folding roof you can place a hidden attic box, where doll outfits will be stored.

Step-by-step instructions for a plywood house

A do-it-yourself doll house from boxes can be assembled in a couple of hours without a preliminary drawing, unlike a plywood house, where precision and accuracy are very important, which require time. Carefully double-checking all dimensions will make it easier to fit and assemble the elements.

  1. Carefully and accurately transfer the image of the elements onto a sheet of plywood using a template and a pencil.
  2. Using an electric jigsaw you can cut parts faster and with better quality.
  3. For sawing window openings Make auxiliary holes using a narrow drill bit. Cut along the contour of the window and door.
  4. All cuts of each element must be sanded to avoid splinters and scratches.
  5. On the prepared parts, mark with a simple pencil the location of interfloor ceilings and internal partitions.
  6. It is more convenient to start the assembly by gluing the external walls, strengthening the outer corners with mounting tape.
  7. Glue the internal elements according to the markings.
  8. Connect both pieces. For more reliable fastening of the ceilings, it is recommended to attach ceiling moldings made of lath or narrow strips of plywood around the perimeter of each room.
  9. Glue the roof slope to the gable and side walls.
  10. Glue the finished house to the base.
  11. Reinforce all joints of parts with mounting tape. Leave the house for a day for the glue to dry completely.
  12. For facade decoration, as one of the options, it is used acrylic paint on wood.
  13. When decorating the interior, choose available materials that do not create large loads: paper, fabric, pieces of fur.
  14. To make the stairs you will need rectangular pieces of plywood with a width equal to the openings prepared in the floors. The steps are made from cut narrow slats with a triangular cross-section, thin wooden blocks sawn diagonally or strips of corrugated cardboard.

Stairs are installed after the internal ones finishing works so as not to create hard-to-reach areas.

Wooden house master class

A do-it-yourself dollhouse made from boxes or plywood has one significant drawback: fragility of the structure. Large models that combine the functions of a chest of drawers or a rack require reliable fastenings and are made of wood.

At the time of buying sheet material It makes sense to immediately order cutting of parts.

This will reduce labor costs and compensate for the lack of expensive tools. The cut line made with professional equipment is more accurate and even, which will significantly facilitate further processing of the wood. But, even in this case, the process of making a house remains quite difficult for inexperienced craftsmen.

You can simplify the task by using the old wooden furniture as a finished base.

To work, you need to prepare materials and tools according to the list:

  • Wooden rack.
  • Wood putty.
  • A sheet of plywood 20-25 mm thick.
  • Fiberboard sheet For interior partitions and the back wall of the house.
  • Drill-driver, set of drills and screws.
  • Wood glue, masking tape, liquid nails
  • Sandpaper.
  • Primer and white acrylic paint, universal colors of orange and brown colors, varnish
  • Decoration materials.
  • Scissors, pencil, ruler, tape measure.
  • Thick cardboard.
  • Brush and roller.
  • Construction stapler or small nails and hammer.
  • Hand jigsaw.

The list may vary slightly depending on the condition of the furniture being remodeled and the choice of finishing.

Plywood of any kind - very worthy, universal construction material. If you have a little knowledge of carpentry tools in the form of a jigsaw, hacksaw and sandpaper and decided to build a house from plywood, the result will please you. Let us also take a closer look at the information about the types and production of this material, the tools used for it, in order to better understand the entire construction process.

What does plywood production involve? Of course, this is the initial harvesting of wood, heat treatment, cutting into veneer, pressing it and cutting it to the required size.

In addition, when processing plywood, it is sanded, treated with special reagents, and packaged in special containers. There are several ways to make this material:

  • basic sawing of wood,
  • planing existing workpieces,
  • gluing veneer, which is removed in a small layer (peel-peeled plywood).

In Russia, plywood production dates back to the end of the nineteenth century. Previously, this building material was used in almost all industries, from the production of instruments for musicians to the construction of aircraft. And the range of use of this material increased every year. Our country is among the leaders in the production of high-tech plywood, including due to the wealth of wood and developed production.

Types of plywood

Now we will look at these types of plywood:

  • Laminated,
  • Moisture resistant
  • Construction,

Laminated plywood is a building material that occupies one of the leading positions in the list of building materials used in the construction of houses. This type owes its popularity to the presence of a laminate layer, which is applied to sheets of plywood. This type is made from larch, birch and other wood species. The advantages of laminated plywood are moisture resistance, impact resistance, and ease of maintenance.

You can use this plywood for furniture assembly and finishing work, and repeatedly.

Moisture-resistant plywood is made by gluing special glue made using resin. This type used for interior finishing work. Russia also produces moisture-resistant plywood with increased level moisture resistance. In fact, it differs from the first type of plywood by using an adhesive based on a different resin. Its peculiarity is that it can be used not only indoors, but also outdoors.

Construction plywood is indispensable in construction. Construction means the construction various designs using plywood, be it the ceiling, floor, wall, etc. Typically, plywood is a rough material that defines the look and shape of a structure, then it is given a cleaner finish.

This plywood is thicker than other types to give it the necessary rigidity and reliability.

This type of material is popular due to its lightness, which makes it possible to use this material in any type of residential building structure.

The abbreviation DVP means " fibreboards" This building material is obtained by hot pressing and subsequent drying of wood fibers. The woodworking industry generates enough a large number of wood waste, which is crushed and a fibrous mass is obtained, from which fiberboard is prepared. Depending on what kind of wood the waste was used from, the material gets its specific color.

Fiberboard is a very common building material; its surface is smooth and durable, at the same time it has the necessary flexibility.

Here is an example of a list of advantages of the material:

  • good for sawing,
  • due to its light weight it is not difficult to attach it to the floor and walls,
  • has good sound insulation.

Everyone understands that plywood is sold in standard sizes, and for work its elements are required in the most different forms, and not only rectangular ones. Therefore, a person using this material must know how and with what rectangular standard sheet give the desired shape.

The easiest way is to produce necessary measurements at the construction site, visit the carpentry workshop and order the necessary plywood figures. However this method, naturally, will require additional financial costs, in addition, it does not fully correspond to the task if you build a house with your own hands.

Laying plywood on the floor has several nuances. Depending on whether the floor is laid on a wooden or concrete floor, the thickness of the material is determined. When laying plywood on a wooden floor, the defects of which are hidden, it is enough to purchase plywood with a thickness of about 10-12 mm. Minor differences in the level of the boards will be perfectly hidden and will not be noticeable.

When laying plywood on concrete base The logs are pre-laid and leveled to zero. In this case, the thickness of the plywood must be at least 15 mm to ensure that the load is maintained and there is no deflection.

In construction, to give plywood the required shape, a blade with a fine tooth is placed on it. After cutting with a jigsaw, the edges of the figure can be further processed with sandpaper. At the same time, it is almost impossible to make curved shapes with a jigsaw; for this, a circular plate is used.

If you don’t have a jigsaw or a circular saw, you’ll have to work the old fashioned way with a hacksaw, but to do this you should sharpen the saw properly and be very careful not to break the cutting line.

Plywood house

Plywood house

Are you planning for yourself or your children? Each of us built a hut in childhood, and you know that your child will be delighted if he has his own small house for games. Of course, it is better to use high-quality plywood. When starting construction, you should draw up drawings of the future house.

If construction is taking place for a child, then it is better to build the house in or next to the children’s room so that the child can be under control.


You should think about what kind of plywood to use for construction and required amount sheets. If the house is supposed to be built small and light, then the thickness of the plywood should not exceed 10 mm for it to work.

When determining the thickness of the material, it is necessary to take into account the load on the plywood, avoiding its maximum possible bending. If sufficient financial resources, you can also purchase a laminated type, which has a more aesthetic appearance and does not require painting.

After preparing the material, we make markings on sheets of plywood, draw windows and a door. When planning the placement of windows, you must strive to larger size so that the house is light. Height doorway must exceed height.

If the necessary lines are marked, you can proceed to cutting out the blanks.

Once the pieces are ready, you should use sanding paper to sand the plywood and process the cut edges so that the chips do not damage your hands. It is better to connect plywood using metal corners and self-tapping screws, since using a timber frame will significantly increase the cost and weight of the object.

Once the walls of the house are assembled, you can move on to installing the roof. When installing this part, it is necessary to maintain a certain angle of inclination, eliminating the possibility of children being on it.