Kitchen appliances with a healthy diet in mind. Kitchenware for healthy eating Household appliances for healthy eating

Kitchen plays vital role V healthy way life. Equipment for healthy eating is its key attribute. Our list includes 8 must-have items for all fans. proper nutrition.

Healthy eating equipment you can't do without

1. Juicer

The juicer takes the lead in this list. One of the best ways Make sure your body receives micronutrients by starting to prepare fresh juices from fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition to the obvious health benefits, there is another bonus - the unsurpassed taste of freshly squeezed juice!

When the juicer is in a visible place, it encourages you to make juice more often. If it is hidden somewhere inconvenient, this may serve as an excuse not to make juice every day. This cannot be allowed.

2. Blender

Having a blender in the kitchen can dramatically transform your health. Whenever possible, choose a powerful model. These mix and grind almost everything! Using a blender you can cook quickly and easily healthy food, which will help you heal from the inside: smoothies, nut butters, pesto, hummus, homemade ice cream, soups, sauces, seasonings and drinks.

Other handy kitchen utensils

3. Glass storage vessels

It is better to purchase dried fruits, nuts and seeds in bulk. This helps save time and money. But the bags they come in are so big that it makes no sense to hide them in a kitchen cabinet.

It is best to store these products in large glass vessels(preferably dark glass to help protect valuable nutrients from bright sunlight). Choose jars that go well with your kitchen design so they can be kept on display or in a kitchen cabinet. Having them on hand will make it easy to prepare quick, beautiful, and healthy meals.

4. Centrifuge for drying lettuce leaves

It's a large bowl with a lid and handle that rotates clockwise and dries your greens in seconds.

With the harsh chemicals and pesticides sprayed on fresh produce today, it is important to thoroughly wash your vegetables. But who likes to eat wet greens? This is where a centrifuge for drying lettuce leaves comes in handy, impeccable in its simplicity and efficiency.

5. Vegetable spirulizer

This means a machine that can give vegetables the most bizarre shape! This is the perfect way to prepare delicious raw pasta or fun salads. Use whatever vegetables you have on hand, but carrots, zucchini and cucumbers are especially good.

There are a few various types vegetable shredders, from which you can choose one that will suit your needs and budget.

6. Water filter

Drinking plenty of water is the surest way to good health and well-being.

A water filter is the best solution to always have clean drinking water and not worry about what chemical substances it contains, or what harm they cause plastic bottles environment. The easier it is to access drinking water- all the better! There are many different types of water filters, from a simple pitcher filter to sophisticated models that connect to the main water supplies used in the home.

7. Sharp knives

The majority of time spent in the kitchen is spent slicing, chopping, and dressing food. For this job it is important to have sharp knives, because stupid ones are not only depressing and ineffective, but also extremely dangerous.

Knives good quality can serve you for a lifetime. Choose ones with a wooden, not plastic, handle, well made, and a steel blade.

8. Compost bin

After squeezing the juice, a lot of pulp remains. To avoid wasting the product, place it in the kitchen compost bin. Thanks to this, you can reuse the pulp and skin of vegetables as compost for your garden.

Compost is an organic fertilizer for plants.

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How to choose the right kitchen appliances

Vegetable and fruit dryer

Today, almost no one dries fruits and vegetables using oven, since the fruits after such treatment lose all their beneficial properties.

It is much more efficient to prepare food using an electric dryer, which will quickly and carefully dry the fruits with virtually no attention from the housewife. Reviews about this can be found in a separate article.

Turk for making coffee

Everyone loves coffee, and the most notorious coffee lovers prefer to brew this invigorating drink in a Turk, which is an ideal container for brewing the powdered substance.

Turks come in aluminum, brass, silver, copper and even clay - you can talk about how, literally every container has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Remember just one rule: Turk should be small in volume, hold exactly one cup of liquid.

Meat grinder

Today, few people twist meat in a standard way. cast iron meat grinder, devoting a lot of valuable time and effort to the process. In vogue, they can whip up excellent, juicy minced meat in just a few minutes and save the housewife from the problems associated with this painstaking work.

How to choose the perfect one electric meat grinder? The main thing in household appliances– power. The more powerful your device is, the more successfully it will handle even the toughest meat-twisting tasks.


Even one glass of fresh juice, squeezed a minute ago, gives your body necessary energy and perfectly quenches thirst. How to choose which one is perfect for your needs? First of all, consider purchasing a multipurpose juicer that can extract juice from any fruit, even potatoes.

Then pay attention to the power of the device - a high-quality juicer can process a large volume of fruits and vegetables in just a minute or two. It is also worth paying attention to the brand, since today there is a lot of equipment on the market that quickly breaks down or works very poorly.


If not available to you Cast-iron pan, choose ceramic - one of its undeniable advantages is that the surface of the dishes is not easily scratched, and the components of the dishes turn out simply magnificent and do not fall apart during frying or stewing.

Read about this, as well as reviews about this device, in a separate article.

Bread maker

Despite the fact that multicookers have almost forced bread machines out of the market, the latter still enjoy some popularity among those who prefer to cook bakery products Houses, without risking the health of your family, since store-bought bread often contains harmful additives.

The power of the device plays an important role in choosing the ideal device for your needs. Expert advice on how to help you make the right decision.

Eating healthy requires certain kitchen utensils and appliances that you need to choose wisely. Listen to the reviews and advice of professionals, lose weight quickly and with pleasure!

BORK shares a careful approach to home kitchen. Representatives of the company offered to take any of their equipment and evaluate how useful it is for a person who monitors WHAT and HOW to cook. I liked the idea and agreed. And now a real testing ground unfolded in my kitchen. The company sent a whole list of household appliances to choose from. At first I behaved modestly, but then I went wild: “Let’s do this, this and this! And this too! Is this possible? Is it possible? Really? Let’s do it!” A total of 10 different devices were delivered.

My kitchen has been transformed. All the brand's "household items" are made in a single luxurious metal design and begin to please immediately after unpacking. A superficial study of the instructions showed the presence of all sorts of fine cooking settings. You can even brew a dozen tea different ways depending on its type and desired strength. All equipment is equipped with timers and smart modes: if you choose the right one, options with “undercooking” or “overcooking” are excluded. Your products travel from the counter to the plate as carefully as possible.

Let's now put words into action and prepare a delicious healthy dinner! I decided to do fish cutlets and asparagus for my wife, beef on the bone for myself, and ice cream for dessert...

There are so many brand new boxes that it makes your eyes wide open. Where to start, everything is so delicious:


First, I decided to assemble and connect all the devices, and only then test each device sequentially:


In terms of assembly, the juice press turned out to be the most intricate. There are three containers that need to be inserted into each other correctly, and it’s not easy to figure out on the spot:



The meat grinder works the same way as a MacBook fan during photo processing. That is, it is very quiet. You can twist the meat even in the middle of the night:


Every year its adherents become more and more numerous, which is not surprising in the conditions of modern ecology and is especially important for residents big cities. And one of the main positions in the fight for health is occupied by proper nutrition.

There are many different and sometimes even contradictory recommendations for a daily diet. But everyone will agree that one and a half to two liters of water, fruits, vegetables and healthy snacks are a base of vitamins, useful substances and good health. And so that the daily pursuit of healthy food does not become a punishment, household appliances for healthy eating will help.

Types, purpose and new opportunities in the field of proper nutrition

  • juicer;
  • dehydrator;
  • automatic sprouter;
  • case and accessories for storing perishable products.

This set will provide a daily diet rich in vitamins and benefits. Let's take a closer look at the devices and purpose.

The optimal set for proper nutrition

Juicers– we can say that the basic technique for healthy eating. Everyone is familiar, knows, and has used it. For today there are big choice: from mechanical to household automated you can choose in our catalog.

Dehydrators– is far from being an innovation. This technique for proper nutrition - the best way preserve all the benefits of fruits and berries, extend their shelf life. It consists of drying - at the end you will get healthy home drying without preservatives, syrups and chemicals.

Sprouters- an innovation in the household utensils market. Taking up the idea of ​​​​the benefits of growing healthy greens right on the windowsill, manufacturers created best option for its development.

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Healthy eating is not just a popular movement, but almost a necessity in modern times. environmental conditions. To compensate for snacking on the run, you should prepare healthy meals at home.

Grow vegetables and herbs at home, keep them fresh, cook without losing nutrients and vitamins - they will help with all this special tools that are worth having in every kitchen.

Steamer Lotus Plus™, grey, Joseph Joseph

Steaming is one of the pillars on which healthy eating stands. A stylish double boiler made of high-quality polypropylene is a new reincarnation of the metal insert in pots familiar from childhood, but lighter and more modern. It also has adjustable sides, allowing it to fit different pan sizes. Can be used as a colander or a vase for fruits and sweets.

Price: 1,150 rub.

Container for storing greens Eco Salad

Keep greens and salads fresh for a long time A stylish container designed specifically for storing them will help. The greens can be washed directly in the lid of the container, then pour water into a special container with a stopper and put it in the refrigerator. In this container, greens and salads will retain their freshness and nutrients for up to three weeks.

Price: RUB 2,190

Greenhouse SOCCER

Greens can not only be stored for a long time, but also grown in own apartment. A greenhouse from IKEA will help with this, providing good conditions for seed development and plant growth. Steel frame and polystyrene panels provide optimal temperature, which can be adjusted using the roof panels.

Price: RUB 1,299

Bodum grain sprouting jar

Continuing the topic of growing food at home, it’s worth talking about the Bodum Grow Green glass jug, specially designed for sprouting grains. Sprouts contain a lot of useful substances and vitamins; they are used in many recipes and are one of the main elements of light salads. Wheat, soybeans, buckwheat, lentils and other grains will sprout within 3-5 days.

Price: RUB 2,499

Salad making kit

Another irreplaceable thing in the kitchen is a multifunctional set useful items from Hoff, which includes graters and knives for slicing food different sizes and molds, a knife holder, a container with a pusher for drying herbs and berries, a colander basket and a spacious bowl. All parts are made of high quality food grade plastic.

Price: RUB 1,790

HerbZipper Herb Knife

Those who love spices and herbs will love it useful tool HerbZipper, which is used to quickly separate leaves from stems of various herbs. It is easy and convenient to process thyme, rosemary and other herbs: just place the stem in one of the appropriately sized holes and pull the stem through it - the leaves are separated from the stem.

Price: 500 rub.

Stripper LooseLeaf Kale and Greens

Another item with similar functions, but with a wider range of actions. This handy kitchen tool easily removes tough center ribs from lettuce, cabbage, turnips, beets and more. healthy vegetables. Eight holes various diameters make it easy to clean large leaves cabbage, and thin sprigs of rosemary or oregano. Ideal for making green smoothies and serving at the table and reducing food waste.