Kitchen studio 18 sq. m. Options for arranging furniture in a one-room apartment, advice from designers. The latest "squeak" of designer fashion - studio rooms

When starting to renovate any residential premises, we first determine its purpose. What do we want to see in the end: a spacious living room or bedroom, or maybe a combined space not limited to one function?

Today we’ll talk about the design and zoning of a room of 18 square meters. m. In case of shortage square meters It is often necessary to combine several functions in one living space, for example, a living room-bedroom or a living room-dining room.

It happens that a teenage child lives in a common room, and he needs to arrange a comfortable workplace.

Let's consider several design options for a room of 18 square meters. m.

One-room apartment with living space of 18 square meters

When starting an independent life, we often purchase a one-room apartment. This is the so-called start at great life. Everyone strives to make their first home as comfortable as possible. This is important for both singles and young families. As you know, relationships are often broken due to an unsettled life, which is why it is so important to do the correct zoning.

We already wrote about how to arrange it in one of the previous articles. What other functions can be combined in one room?

For lovers of youth parties and celebrations, it is important to create a relaxed and fairly spacious atmosphere in the room. It's difficult to do this in a small space. However, if the kitchens in your home are equipped with electric stoves, then it is possible to combine the kitchen with the living room, provided that the wall between the rooms is not load-bearing. A dining area is perfectly located between two rooms with different purposes.

Visually, the two rooms can be separated by a small partition or bar counter, as well as by the texture or color of the floor and walls. And combine common color spots used in both rooms to maintain the integrity of the space.

Holders gas equipment, obviously, were upset, thinking that it was impossible for them to “pull apart” the walls between these rooms. There is a way out. They are installed in the wall between the kitchen and living room. IN open state doors, there is no division of rooms, and at the right time the kitchen can easily be isolated from the living space.

For a young couple, the room can be divided into three zones: a common one, combining a living room and sleeping area, as well as an office for young man and a small one ladies room- boudoir. If desired, these small rooms can be isolated, for example, with textiles or a screen.

Separately, I would like to say about transformable furniture, which is always useful in small rooms or rooms with various functions. Thanks to designers and constructors who work in this direction year after year and come up with various options for transforming furniture, we can significantly improve the comfort of our homes.

Setting up an office or workplace in a small apartment

Often in small apartments in the living room there is space for a mini-office or a child’s work area. It is very important that this zone does not stand out from the general space, but fits harmoniously into it.

The work area can be fenced off with a partition or a lighter structure - a shelving unit, as if isolating it from the living room space.

Another solution for a mini-office or a small workshop in the living room is to place them in a closet or in a niche, complemented by special lighting. At the end of the work, the table and chair are moved into the interior space, the doors are closed, and the interior of the room, with an area of ​​18 square meters, again has a single function - that of a living room.

Due to the impossibility of allocating a separate space for an office, it is often arranged in the bedroom. In order not to interfere with your other half's rest, it is still better to isolate the work area. Partiers made of thick fabric are ideal as partitions and light barriers.

Studio apartments

A distinctive feature of studio apartments, which have been fashionable lately, is the absence of partitions. The exception is the partitions of bathrooms and bedrooms. The option of a one-room studio apartment is suitable for people living alone, or for a family consisting of no more than two people, since a single space does not imply privacy - everything and everyone is in sight. As a rule, such housing is chosen by creative and active people, young couples or singles.

A studio apartment is usually not overloaded with furniture; the room is only visually divided into zones. And initially small living room 16-18 or even 20 sq. m. becomes more spacious due to the addition of a kitchen and hallway (in whole or in part).

Nowadays, thanks to redevelopment, small apartments in Khrushchev-era buildings are increasingly being converted into studio apartments. Agree that it is much more pleasant to live in spacious room, rather than in a small, enclosed space sandwiched between walls and ceiling.

An opening is made (after appropriate approvals) between the living room and the kitchen, and the passage from the corridor to the kitchen is closed. A refrigerator is installed in the resulting niche in the kitchen, and on the side of the corridor you can make a small pantry or closet.

Try not to overload small rooms with furniture, and also make them very dark, otherwise you will visually reduce their area even more. Give preference to light shades.

Mirrors help to visually “spread the walls”, enlarge the space and fill it with additional light - they are an excellent solution for small rooms.

Extended doorway between living room and hallway with sliding doors It will also help to increase the space during the day by combining the hallway with the living room. If necessary, the room can be easily isolated.

Often our life dictates the conditions when it is necessary to reconsider the purpose of existing premises - this is the creation of a family, the birth of a child, etc. Approach creatively and thoughtfully in redevelopment or renovation by dividing into zones, and then even in small apartment You can live quite comfortably and amicably.

A special feature of the studio apartment is the absence of partitions. This option is suitable for single people or a family of two. Limited space is not overloaded with furniture, and the room is divided into zones using visual ways.

The correct layout will add zest to any interior. Decoration of a studio apartment 18 sq. m requires ingenuity and creativity from its owner.

By using the right interior you can create a room that is attractive, functional and comfortable.

The nuances of arranging a studio apartment of 18 square meters. m

A small studio apartment should not only be functional, but also comfortable in terms of style. All the necessary items should be present, but not overwhelm the space. The interior is done in a single key. It is better if in a modern style, since it uses compact and versatile pieces of furniture.

It is important to choose the right furniture. All items should be functional and not take up much space. Instead of a massive bed, you can put a folding sofa.

Instead of partitions, you can use racks, which also have practical significance.

Before planning the room, you need to draw a plan of the room and arrange the furniture taking into account all sizes. This will help you.

Since a studio apartment involves a combined room with a kitchen, it is worth installing a powerful hood that will prevent the spread of vapors throughout the room.

In limited spaces, you can use transparent or mirror partitions, as well as sliding systems.

Zoning Features

Apartment - studio with an area of ​​18 sq. m need to be properly zoned. The following areas are worth highlighting:

The living room area can be located in the center. It includes a sofa, table, chairs and a small coffee table with shelves.

The kitchen area should be equipped with a good ventilation system.

The sleeping area can be arranged separately or in the living room. At the same time, the sofa folds out into sleeping area. You can also place a recreation area near the wall.

To design a work area Multifunctional furniture is used. For example, a computer desk can be installed in a closet. Also, part of the bar counter is suitable as a workplace.

To separate zones, small partitions are used, which can be transparent structures or shelving. To separate the kitchen area you can use.

For studio apartments with high ceilings, you can use the second tier. At the same time, you can place a sleeping area on the upper level, and arrange a study, kitchen or living room below.

How to save free space?

The use of mirrors allows you to “push the walls apart”, as well as expand the space and fill it with additional light.

An enlarged doorway between the corridor and the room will allow you to combine the rooms and increase the space.

In order to create a functional and compact design in a studio apartment, you must follow the following rules:

  1. You should not use swing doors, which take up most of the space. They should be replaced with sliding structures.
  2. Wide space and greater volume will help create glass surfaces cabinet doors, countertops or various accessories.
  3. The interior of the room should not be crowded around the entire perimeter with large pieces of furniture.
  4. In the middle of the room you can lay a small carpet, which will have a small pattern in the center or match the furniture. This technique will increase the space.

Local light sources allow you to highlight the advantages of a design and hide its shortcomings. If the premises have non-standard sizes, then local lighting sources are installed in the form of sconces, table lamps or floor lamps.

When choosing decorative elements, their light should match the tone of the overall design, but be more contrasting and richer. In this case, the use of dark tones is allowed.

If you approach the process of decorating a studio apartment creatively, you can create a comfortable and functional space.

Living rooms of 18 sq m are very common in apartment buildings"Khrushchev" construction. And if you consider that such houses make up about ten percent of the total housing stock Russian Federation, then we can make a reasonable conclusion that the topic related to the design of such rooms will not lose popularity for a long time. The interior of a living room of 18 sq. m needs to be decorated, having thought through everything to the smallest detail. Especially if it is necessary to zone the room and separate the work area, recreation area and others.

Because, as a rule, in “Khrushchev” apartments, highly specialized rooms are a luxury. In our article we will look at the design features of a living room of 18 square meters. We will give examples of design styles suitable for rooms of this size. Let's talk about choice and balance color shades in the design of the living room. And we’ll tell you about the selection and arrangement of interior items in the room for receiving guests.

What to pay attention to when decorating a living room of 18 square meters?

Before giving any advice on choosing an interior design style for a living room of 18 meters, we decided to focus on the main nuances. They matter anyway. No matter what design you choose.

  1. A living room with an area of ​​18 square meters cannot be called spacious. Therefore, planning it interior decoration, try to use all the usable space as efficiently as possible. At the same time, you should create the impression that the room is spacious enough and in no case clutter its space.
  2. When decorating the living room, use mostly light colors. Because they visually expand the space of the room. And dark colors are best used spotwise. In order to focus the attention of guests on a specific piece of furniture.
  3. Do not use lush and voluminous textiles, especially curtains. Because fabrics with lush folds and voluminous decor visually “conceal” the space. And the room seems smaller than its true size. It is better to use simpler curtains. If, of course, your chosen style allows it.
  4. If your stylistic concept allows you, you can use glossy surfaces when decorating the walls and ceiling of the living room. Reflective surfaces visually expand the space of the room and make it brighter.
  5. If you need to divide the living room into functional zones, then you can use a special color design and spot lighting.

Decorating the living room in a classic style

Of course, the classic style of living room interior design is unlikely to ever completely lose popularity, this is not in dispute. But classics prefer space - this is also a well-known fact; is it possible to fit a classic interior into a living room of 18 square meters? It turns out that it is quite possible, you just need to take into account a number of features.

  • 18 sq m is decorated only in light colors; all variations of the classic style in dark colors will reduce the already small space. You can use light shades of red, gold, bronze, beige, sand and other similar colors.
  • Choose a classic chandelier so that it matches the size of the room and the height of the ceiling, that is, it is not too large and does not hang too low from the ceiling. Firstly, it is ugly, and secondly, tall guests can hit their heads on it.
  • You will either have to completely abandon classic cabinet furniture or choose more compact and functional options. Manufacturers currently offer great options compact cabinet furniture, which is designed in accordance with classical canons, but at the same time takes up little usable space, so set a goal and search.
  • It may be difficult to place upholstered furniture. Since, for example, a sofa in a classic style is a rather large thing, and you can almost immediately refuse the option of placing it in the center of the room, since this will make it difficult to move in your living room of 18 square meters. However, no one has canceled the option of placing a sofa along the wall, in this case this will be the most correct decision.

There are quite a lot of options for decorating a living room in a classic style, and therefore when you choose one of them and try to implement it, remember our tips, they will definitely help you.

The living room of 18 sq m can be decorated wonderful interior in ethno style. Any variation that does not require scope, for example African style, is suitable. Small African-style living rooms look so elegant, and you feel so comfortable in them that you don’t want to leave this piece of paradise.

An imitation fireplace or its electric version, a fluffy rug laid in front of him, stylized as the skin of an animal, and a rattan chair. You just want to settle down in it with a newspaper and a cup of strong coffee.

A living room in ethno style will not require a large number of large interior items. She does not need cabinet furniture, a huge corner sofa and a massive oak table. It is quite possible to limit yourself to wicker furniture, a small discreet sofa and a large number of decorative elements: masks on the walls, wooden figurines on the shelves, amulets and so on.

Eco design, does not require much space. It can fit very well into a living room of 18 square meters, but it is better to leave the central part of the room free and lay out a large green carpet there that imitates a natural lawn - this variation looks simply chic and lush.

An eco-style living room should have as little as possible artificial materials, or rather, they certainly must be present in order to imitate natural ones. For example, laminate flooring should be very good quality and look like parquet, and furniture, even if made from synthetic materials, should look like wood.

As decorative elements, it is imperative to use a large number of living plants or, in extreme cases, artificial ones of very good quality.

To summarize, we note that almost anyone can create a living room design of 18 sq m. If you show patience, ingenuity, and want to understand the features of the style you like, then decorating the living room will bring only joy and certainly will not be a burden to you.


Interior design of a living room 18 sq. m.

The interior of the living room directly plays an important role in the arrangement of a one-room or two-room apartment. We can say that the design of the living room is 18 square meters. m. this business card owners, and she must comply. Because we receive guests there, relax, watch TV, in general, we spend a lot of time there.

Therefore, let's try to take this very seriously, going through all the details and little things. To begin with, the smartest thing would be to decide what tasks the interior of a living room of 18 square meters. m. will be carried out and then deal with zoning.

Selection of furniture and accessories

Living room area 18 sq. m. this is not as much as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, creating own design living room interior, we advise you to pay attention to the not deep and functional furniture. If you have low ceilings, you can purchase tall cabinets in light colors. You can also use original and beautiful shelves.

If you plan to place several zones, do not use bulky furniture that has oversized armrests and large legs; the same goes for armchairs. The living room has work zone, you can use transformable furniture.

Complement your original design of a living room of 18 sq. m. possible modular paintings, vases, figurines, flowers. The main thing is that they are in harmony with the interior and do not overload the room.

Color scheme and lighting

Having a small living room of 18 sq. It is better to use light and warm shades. They will help to visually enlarge the space and give lightness to the room. Bright and contrasting elements also have their place.

The main thing is not to get carried away, otherwise the design of the living room is 18 square meters. M. turn into bad taste. In addition, color sets the mood, then why not use shades such as: peach, beige, soft lilac, blue, sand. Thereby creating a warm and cozy atmosphere.

At correct design With light, you can achieve a visual increase in space and highlight zones. Also create a magical and cozy atmosphere.

For lighting, you can use a chandelier (taking into account its dimensions), Spotlights, floor lamp, sconce, focusing on the existing zones and the task that the room performs.

Room decoration

Liquid and photo wallpapers are perfect for decorating walls. Venetian putty, or painting. The walls should preferably be light in color and in harmony with the furniture. For flooring use laminate, parquet, linoleum or carpet.

The floor can be either dark or light shade. The ceiling can be suspended and have additional lighting, or glossy for visual expansion. Basically, the ceiling is white or a few shades lighter than the ceiling.

Eco style in the living room

Creating the interior of a living room of 18 sq. m. in eco style, it is worth using less artificial and synthetic materials, giving preference to expensive wood and natural materials. For the color scheme, choose any shade of green and light tones. Use fresh flowers for decoration. Textiles should be light and airy, creating a feeling of nature and freshness.

Living room in classic style

Classic style in the interior. will never lose its popularity. This style loves space and luxury. Convert it into a living room area of ​​18 square meters. m. this is not very simple task, but you can try. You just need to use light shades. For example, bronze, sand, gold.

It is worth choosing furniture that is functional and small in size. There are many compact models on the market today. You should choose a chandelier that is not bulky, so that the room is not overloaded. Textiles should be airy and light.

Minimalism in the living room interior

Minimalism style in the design of a living room 18 sq. m. is suitable for those who love simplicity and space. It is characterized by calm shades. For example, gray, white, beige.

This style involves a minimum use of furniture and accessories. Everything is just the essentials. The loft style, a bit similar to minimalism, is also suitable.

Chic Provence style in the interior

Provence style in the interior of a living room of 18 sq. m. which takes us to the past. This style cannot be used modern materials. He loves antique or faux antique furniture. Choose wooden furniture with straight lines. It can also be decorated with hooks or bronze handles. The textiles are decorated with patterns in the form of flowers. For decoration, use vases, rural landscapes, paintings.


Choosing a design for a room of 18 square meters: examples of a cozy living room

You need to start by choosing the material for the floor. It is best to use a uniform coating with one color. The same single color should be used to cover the walls of adjacent rooms so that the space is united by a single style, color and texture.

If you use bright shades, then sometimes you can even use dark colors, which narrow the space by definition - you will get rich depth, the room will not lose as a result, and the design of an 18 sq. m living room will only benefit from such a bold decision.

The visual and physical size of a room largely depends on the height of the ceiling, so don't expect a low room to feel spacious. In order to visually increase the height of the ceiling, you need to use a shade that will be lighter than the walls. Vertical stripes are also often used on the walls, which also increase the height of the ceiling.

The role of lighting and decor

Multi-level lighting and bamboo wallpaper give a small bedroom a warm and cozy feel. The interior of a small room will only benefit from proper lighting. If you have a desire to visually expand the room space, then spot lighting is considered the best option.

You can use a trick with a false ceiling in which lighting and lamps are installed. Even in the cold season, their bright glow creates the illusion that it is summer outside and not cold winter.

It is better not to use unnecessary decor, focusing on the functionality of the apartment. Therefore, you should not use heavy carpets, velvet draperies, candlesticks and the like. Important role devoted to accessories, or rather, the lack thereof. You shouldn't place them all over the room, hoping that it will create some kind of unique atmosphere or style. You need to leave the most valuable and necessary ones so that the vital space does not become cluttered.

When the area of ​​a room is small, minimalism is considered to be the best style for its design, and it is recommended to pay attention to Japanese or Swedish minimalism, which carry exoticism. When buying things for a small room, it is better to use the rule that one large part of the interior is better than ten small ones that eat up space and do not bring much benefit.

In the case of a good view from the window, it is advised not to use curtains, which will make the room brighter, and the street view will continue the interior. In this case, it is better to use roller blinds or Roman blinds.
We recommend that you watch an example of remodeling a small room in this video:

Zoning and redevelopment

As a rule, a small room acts as a living room in a two- or three-room apartment, therefore it is not used so often. Some resourceful designers prefer to modify the interior of a room of 18 sq. m.

For example, with the help of drywall you can allocate several square meters in order to create an office with a computer and a table. Sometimes such a room is turned into a nursery with an office. That is, you highlight certain functional areas in the room, turning it either into a place of relaxation or a workplace.

The arrangement of furniture along the walls cannot be named rational use space, since it is necessary to use not only horizontal, but also vertical space. You can create additional levels. If it leads to the room narrow corridor. then you can hang shelves there that go up to the ceiling. They are very convenient to place books and things on if you don’t use them very often.

To change the functionality and increase the usable space, you can make a redevelopment, but this will require renovating the room. For example, ordinary swing doors can be replaced with sliding ones, and built-in wardrobes can also be used. The now popular combined kitchens with living rooms allow you to increase the space due to the absence of a wall. The entrance to the kitchen is usually separated in this case by a translucent curtain or partition.

To visually enlarge the room space, mirror panels are used on the ceiling and walls. Such planes “push apart” the walls, making the room visually wider. A similar result can be achieved using a wardrobe with sliding mirrored doors covering the entire wall.

Mirror panels on the walls will increase the lighting and space of a small room


The most classic interior design option for a living room of 18 square meters. m is a large sofa and a TV or home theater located opposite. But it is not at all necessary to follow stereotypes. In these hectic times, it can be much more pleasant to relax in the living room in front of the fireplace than in front of the TV. Another good idea would be to install an aquarium. This environment will facilitate a pleasant conversation.

This interior design option is applicable if the living room is 18 square meters. m performs only its main function. But, unfortunately, in modern apartment buildings, the living room can serve as a nursery, a bedroom, an office, and also perform a lot of other functions. The solution in this case will be zoning the space, that is, dividing the interior into functional zones, 18 square meters. m are quite allowed to do this.

Most often, the living room is combined with a dining area, and one of the most popular zoning methods is to allocate functional areas different colors. For the dining area, designers advise using colors such as gold, red, yellow and others. Such tones will create a pleasant atmosphere in the dining area, conducive to conversation. For the second part, shades of green and blue are more suitable, as they calm and promote relaxation.

Professionals give a lot of light regarding the interior design of a living room of 18 square meters. m. Here are the main ones.

  • Walls The design of the walls largely determines how the person in the room will feel. Since the living room is still created for relaxation, the walls should be decorated accordingly. Calm, light colors are best suited for them. If you are going to use the space zoning technique, be sure to take into account that the colors of the walls are different zones must be combined with each other. If you want to decorate the walls with paintings or photographs, then their style should match general style registration
  • Furniture To choose furniture for a living room of 18 sq. We should also take this very seriously. It should be as functional as possible and not clutter the room. It is best if it is located along the edges of the room, leaving the middle of the room free. In addition, the furniture should be pleasing to the eye, since this is the room where the guests are. A good solution for decorating the interior of a living room of 18 square meters. m can become a bar counter if the living room serves as a dining area. If there is a dining table in the living room, then it must fit into the overall interior design. If the family is very large, and a table of a suitable size will occupy an area of ​​18 square meters. There is too much space, then you should think about buying a folding table, which will be needed when the whole family is gathered.
  • Lighting and window decoration It is best to make 2 types of lighting: a bright chandelier and dim lamps around the perimeter. The chandelier will create a solemn atmosphere, and the lamps will create an intimate atmosphere. If there are several zones in the living room, it is best to highlight each separately, for example, a reading place or a bar counter. If we talk about window decoration, then we can say that discreet, elegant design is now in fashion. You shouldn’t drape your windows with a lot of fabric; it’s best to choose modest curtains made from natural fabrics or bamboo blinds.


Living room design 18 sq. m

We start by completely clearing the room of everything unnecessary. We take it out old furniture, remove the baseboards, get rid of the linoleum and wallpaper. If the proportions of the room are not too harmonious, we correct the situation with the help of small design tricks. Partitions made of plasterboard tend to visually shorten the length of the room and create additional volume in the room. Such structures are installed in the middle longitudinal wall. One more trick good design living room 18 m2, as in the photo, &mdash, correct arrangement of furniture. One end wall a sofa is placed, and the second one has a wardrobe.


As for the walls, the best solution they will be painted pastel shades- milk, caramel, chocolate, which give the room a touch of comfort and peace. Of course, before this you should carefully prepare the surface of the walls using a universal primer and putty.

You can place fashionable accents in the design of an 18 m2 living room and visually increase the height of the room using wallpaper with a vertical pattern - for example, stripes various shades. This wallpaper should be pasted over plasterboard partitions. The effect will be complemented by a glossy stretch film of a warm chocolate shade on the ceiling, which will reflect the wallpaper pattern.

Video on the topic: Interior design of a living room 18 sq. m.


A dark coffee-colored laminate with a well-defined texture and a slight matte sheen will serve as a good backdrop for the updated interior design of a living room of 18 square meters. In addition, this coating is very practical - it does not deform, does not fade in the sun and is highly resistant to stains.


Elegant textiles for a small living room can be designed in a fairly classic style: for example, transparent chocolate-colored organza in combination with a light striped fabric looks good. Such a design solution will give the interior of the room a special charm.


An integral attribute of a renovated room are doors - a minimalist style option is ideal for such an interior. The rich color of the wood successfully sets off the light glass, and the façade is decorated with horizontal stripes.


Simplicity in furniture design can charm with its harmony and elegance. Glossy milky panels as an insert on a cabinet for video equipment go well with wooden elements, giving the interior an atmosphere home comfort. In addition, such cabinets are very functional, especially in small room: all disks, logs will always be in order.

A convenient dressing area can be provided spacious wardrobe universal purpose, so the owners will be able to place here not only their own wardrobe items, but also other bulky household items. The rest of the furniture is selected solely at the discretion of the customers - these can be either compact sofas or folding sets.


Living room of 18 sq m - punishment or chance for design ideas?

A living room or hall is a special, central room of any apartment or private house. Functional purpose The living room is a meeting place for guests, spending free time together with family and friends.

Often, it is in this room that the owners’ most precious memorabilia, interior items and, of course, a TV are located. In connection with these circumstances, careful planning of the design of the living room in the apartment. taking into account the functions assigned to it - the main task of arranging modern and comfortable housing.

Today there are almost hundreds of different design solutions and living room projects that take into account any tastes, fashion trends, stylistic preferences and materials.

Living room design options on 18 squares: styles, combinations, features

Living room interior design 18 sq. m. obliges to take into account three nuances:

  • suggested styles,
  • color solutions,
  • the order of organizing space in the room.

Over the last decade, the most popular are: options living room styles:

Video on the topic: design of a living room in an apartment of 18 sq m real design photo

  • Traditional or classical style - combining the softness of the interior lines and the convenient arrangement of the necessary furniture, the absence of “pretentious”, attention-grabbing elements that disrupt the unified composition. The main purpose of the style is to bring maximum coziness and comfort to residents,
  • Style "Hi-tech". from the English phrase “high technology”, high tech. The highlights of this style are minimalism, strict functionality and modernity. High-tech is permeated with ultra-clear lines, strict color schemes, and the absence of an abundance of furniture. The latter, in turn, has multifunctionality and practicality in room design,
  • Style modern– an experimental direction in design, welcoming outlandish, non-standard furniture, interior items, not classic options color scheme.

The above styles can be combined and intertwined in any individual design solutions, depending on tastes and preferences.

A universal tip when decorating a living room is to use neutral colors (it is well known that light tones visually enlarge the space, which is important in conditions limited to 18 sq.m.).

Light The color of the walls can be accentuated by decorating them with panels with a three-dimensional image, or with paintings combining different color palettes. Bright colors furniture and other interior items will also help to dilute the monotony of the light solution.

At small size rooms (up to 18 sq.m. inclusive) should adhere to the following rules.

  • use light paints for walls and ceilings: they will visually expand the space, add more “air”,
  • forget about large cabinets, replacing them with built-in shelves and niches on which you can place TV, musical equipment, books, etc.
  • « minimum“extra furniture - maximum free space”: sofa, armchair/ottoman, coffee table and nothing more.

The latest "squeak" of designer fashion - studio rooms

Initially, studio rooms appeared in America as a design option economical design apartments for young families and creative intelligentsia.

The studio room is characterized minimalist approaches to the design of living space, including the kitchen, living room and bathroom.

The existing space will allow the owners to show their creativity in the design and design of the room using partitions, sliding panels and other elements that can be easily transformed.

A studio room will visually enlarge the space and rationally place furniture and accessories.

There are quite a lot of options for rooms of this type:

  • studio living room - kitchen - bathroom,
  • studio living room - kitchen - corridor (hall)

Video on the topic: living room design photo 2016 modern ideas 18 sq.
The design of the studio room allows zone existing space, place furniture in a stylish and fashionable way, connect several designer styles in a single living space.

Before arranging a studio room, you should clearly define the ways of zoning the space: using color schemes for individual areas, using different textures and lines, and furniture. The latter in studio rooms will be distributed along the perimeter of the walls.

However, it should be remembered that studio room lot creative personalities, and therefore, when designing it, you should trust your taste and imagination, not forgetting about convenience, functionality and style.

Living rooms with fireplace and balcony: warmth and space

Living room with fireplace - peculiarities :

  • maximum degree of comfort and homely atmosphere,
  • high cost of arrangement,
  • the need to comply with fire safety measures.

Adviсe for arrangement:

  • install the fireplace not near the outside, but near interior walls, in order to preserve heat,
  • Before installing a fireplace, carefully plan the arrangement of furniture,
  • in living rooms up to 18 sq.m. install the smallest available fireplace,
  • give preference to corner fireplace models.

Living room with balcony - specifics and peculiarities :

  • spatial increase area after combining the room and balcony,
  • good degree of illumination of the living space,
  • spaciousness and element of “air” in the room,
  • compliance with the latest fashion trends in living room design.

Video on the topic: living room design photo in an apartment 18 sq m photo

  • use decoration window frames and balcony doors,
  • choose light colors in the design of walls and ceilings, avoid dark ones that visually “eat up” the space,
  • use classic curtains,
  • do not block the passage from the living room to the balcony door and the window

Among the variety of design options, the main thing is to find your own!


Decoration of a living room 18 sq.m.

As in most homes, the center of any living room is comfortable sofa and a TV located opposite it, or a home theater, more fashionable today. Many families, especially in winter period years, spend all evenings in front of the TV in the living room.

In addition to TV, due to the large flow of information, especially in big cities, the use of fireplaces in the living room, as well as aquariums, has recently become very popular - these are natural relaxers. They are able to calm the mind and give energy after a hectic day at work. Some families today are ditching TVs in the living room or combining them with a fireplace or aquarium, which is even more conducive to peaceful evening conversations.

But it's all in classic form This is only relevant if you have a multi-room apartment or a country house, where each member of your family has their own separate room in which they can arrange everything the way they want.

Combined living room design 18 sq.m.

Dining area and reception area - today this is the most common option for zoning a living room. In order to carry out such zoning, you can use special design techniques, very often one of these is the use different color in the design of different zones.

Therefore, in order dinner Zone in the living room it looked more self-sufficient, it is better to use shades of red, yellow and gold in its design; these are the colors that can create a cozy, relaxed atmosphere at the dining table.

It is better to include a relaxation area in a living room design of 18 sq.m. in either green or blue shades; these colors can relieve fatigue and promote relaxation after a hectic working day.

Tips for designing a living room 18 sq.m. General wall color in the living room

One of important points in the design of the living room is the choice of wall color, since the walls most contribute to creating a certain atmosphere in the room. In modern living rooms, calm shades are most often used; they help create a comfortable, homely atmosphere in the room.

Living room furniture

Furniture is also a very important attribute of living room design, of course, but it should be selected and arranged as efficiently as possible, especially in combined living rooms. In addition to functionality, furniture should be beautiful; do not forget that the living room is also a place for receiving guests. Also, in combined living rooms with a dining room, a bar counter will look very impressive. plus, it will come in handy, since long friendly conversations are much more interesting with drinks

It’s also worth paying attention Special attention on the dining table in the living area, its design and size should be such that they do not stand out from the overall design of the room. But what to do if the family often hosts celebrations, where a large number of guests gather, and big table It is not possible to install it - in this case it is better to purchase a folding table, which can be increased in size if necessary.

The minimalist style in the interior is also considered very fashionable today. its advantages are that it involves a minimum of furniture and other interior elements

Living room lighting 18 sq.m

The lighting of any living room should help create an aura of home and warmth; for the dining area, it would be very appropriate to place a large chandelier above the dining table, this will create a solemn, bright atmosphere.

Window decoration for living room 18 sq.m.

In the design of windows today, curtains made from natural fabrics, as well as bamboo blinds, are very popular. Use these materials depending on the overall decor in the living room, main principle- do not crowd the windows with large fluffy curtains; elegant restraint is in fashion today.

The correct selection of the design of a living room of 18 sq.m will create such an atmosphere in this room that all family members will always happily gather in it and spend time with pleasure.


Design of a small living room: interesting ideas and practical tips

The living room is the part of the apartment where each family member spends most of their time. After all, it is here that we celebrate all the holidays, receive guests, and spend quiet evenings watching our “favorite” TV. And therefore it is very important that this room is cozy, beautiful and comfortable.

Sometimes it is very difficult for an inexperienced person to place a soft, comfortable furniture and select a work area.

If you approach it wisely this issue, plan repairs correctly, Finishing work, choose the most necessary furniture, arrange it conveniently, and in the end you will get a magnificent living room.

With corner sofa

In every apartment, in the living room, the main or central place is given to the sofa. Today the choice of upholstered furniture is huge.

Sofas are different in shape, size, and appearance. For many, the shape of a corner sofa is still a favorite and comfortable one; it can accommodate all family members, and if necessary, the furniture can also be used for sleeping.

But before purchasing a bulky attribute, you should think about whether the dimensions of the room allow you to fit such a sofa. Of course, a corner sofa looks solid, but when choosing it, take into account the area of ​​the living room, and the fact that there will be other furniture in the room, and of course, there should be free space in the room.

If you are dealing with a room combined with a kitchen, then we recommend that you read the article - the partition between the kitchen and the living room. If you like a combined room and you just want to choose the right design, then an article about the design of a kitchen combined with a living room will help you.

Living room 18 sq.m.

So, in the living room, whose area is 18 square meters. m. The main task is the economical arrangement of furniture, things, as well as the correct color combination. For a small living room, it is appropriate to use light shades for walls and ceilings. But if you still want bright colors, you can limit yourself to one wall.

If your solution is redevelopment, then here you can “move the doorways” or combine the room with a back room. If you do not remodel, you can install mobile partitions; they will help to provide privacy if the walk-through room is not only a living room, but also a place to sleep, and you can easily remove them if you are receiving guests.

Correct zoning of the room

All family members spend time in the living room; proper zoning of the room will make the room comfortable for both a child and an adult. You can separate zones using racks on which books, CDs, decorative elements, flowers or curtains or screens are placed.

In the middle of the room you can put a soft carpet, and it can be bright, rich, or maybe to match the walls - it’s up to the taste of the owners. In Khrushchev, not only the living room can be decorated beautifully. When making renovations, do not forget about the design of a small hallway. After all, she is what guests see first.


Since the living room in Khrushchev is quite small, the walls here should be in light colors, so the finishing materials will attract light and visually make the space wider.

One of the most common materials is wallpaper; paper, liquid, and textile can be used.


How to furnish a living room of 18 square meters? Interesting solutions

You can furnish the room using simple furniture - a sofa, armchairs, a shelving unit or some kind of cabinet. But a full-fledged living room design of 18 sq m involves creativity, thoughtful room layout, stylish decor and competent zoning of the available area. An 18-meter room cannot be called very spacious, so in our article we will look at various ways visual increase space, as well as combining the living room with other rooms: kitchen, bedroom or balcony.


In Khrushchev or other small-sized apartments, the interior of a living room with an area of ​​17-18 square meters should simultaneously play the role of a hall and another, more highly specialized room. Let's talk about how to properly zone space, arrange furniture and solve the issue of limited space using examples of specific rooms.

We decorate the interior of the bedroom living room

Coming up with and implementing a living room bedroom design with your own hands, without the help of a professional, is a rather difficult task. But if you good taste, rich imagination, a lot of free time and experience in carrying out repairs, then you will definitely cope with it.

Here are a few useful tips for decorating a living room bedroom of 18 sq m:

  • Replace the bed with a quality folding sofa,
  • Get rid of unnecessary furniture
  • Whatever sleeping place you choose, do not install it in close proximity to the entrance to the room,
  • Don’t be afraid to zone the room with shelving, partitions and even glass sliding doors,
  • Transformable furniture is an excellent solution for a bedroom combined with a living room,
  • Zoning with light is another unobtrusive way to divide the territory,
  • A podium under the bed or a special niche will help create the necessary comfort and feeling of intimacy in the space.

Studio: Kitchen living room interior

On a note: The concept of “studio apartment” or “studio room” first appeared in the USA. Such a budget option the design of the living space met the requirements of young families and creative individuals. Today, the design of a combined kitchen-living room of 18 square meters or more has become widespread everywhere.

Combining two rooms allows you to significantly increase the area of ​​the space being decorated, thereby expanding the scope for realizing ideas and desires in own interior. You can zone the kitchen-living room using a bar counter, upholstered furniture, dining table, partitions and even colors.

Living room with balcony

Another great way to increase the space of the hall is to make good use of the area of ​​the adjacent loggia.

The design of a living room of 17-18 sq m does not require mandatory redevelopment, but by adhering to the same style in the design of the living room and balcony, you will achieve a visual expansion of the space and an increase in usable area.

Don't miss the opportunity to beautifully decorate your balcony window, avoid dark colors when decorating the interior of the balcony, leave the passage to the loggia door as free as possible - this way you can fill the living room with light and air.

Fashion trends: choosing a style

The future interior of a living room of 18 sq m (photo below) should be consistent with one stylistic solution. Let's take a look at the most current styles for decorating a modern living space.


This style combines comfort, soft lines, restraint, a single composition and impeccable taste. Classic interior a living room of 18 m is unlikely to ever lose its attractiveness and popularity. However, comparatively small area obliges us to take into account some important points:

Use light shades. Dark colors will visually narrow the space / A modest footage does not exclude the presence of a chandelier in a classic style, but its dimensions must correspond to the size of the room. Upholstered furniture, in particular, a sofa, it is better to place it along the wall and leave the center of the room free.

Minimalism or hi-tech

Strictly speaking, these are two different styles, but in this case we can combine them, since the rules for decorating a living room in a high-tech or minimalist style are the same:

  • Decide on a color scheme and strictly follow it. The design of the living room 18 squares does not involve the use of a large amount of dark color,
  • Stop at the necessary minimum furniture. It would be better if it were modern multifunctional modular systems.

Eco style

This modern style meets all our goals. He doesn't require large space, so it will fit perfectly into the interior design of a living room of 18 sq. m. Here are a few practical advice for decorating a room in eco style:

  • Use a minimum of artificial materials. If you cannot do without them, choose those that imitate natural,
  • Real stone, wood, linen, ceramics, green plants - these are the best decorations for the interior of a living room in eco style.

For a studio apartment of 18 sq. m was as functional as possible, you need to work hard to create the interior in this room and think through every detail to the smallest detail.

It is clear that the design of such a room requires individual approach. Here it is important to think through every little detail and arrange the housing in such a way that a person does not feel discomfort due to the small size of the apartment, and at the same time it should not be too cluttered with various furniture and other interior items.

The main task of the designer is that he must create such an interior for a studio apartment of 18 square meters. m, which could combine original approach and properly organized space. And, of course, take into account the basic needs of the client. Usually in such an apartment all partitions are removed and a open space, otherwise it is called “open space”. There is a studio kitchen and several separate areas that are used for sleeping and relaxing. The taste of the customer himself also plays an important role. Initially, you need to discuss what style of interior the client prefers, and only then begin to develop a floor plan.

If a professional designer is not involved in the process of creating a floor plan, then the owner of the property must independently study the recommendations of experienced specialists. This can be done using the Internet or various specialized sources of information.

So, as mentioned above, a studio apartment of 18 sq. m. m can be decorated in various styles. Of course, most often they choose modern version layouts. It is based on conciseness and elevated level comfort. For a small room this is the best option.

Modern style includes several features, namely:

  • laconic lines;
  • subdued colors;
  • all individual areas of the apartment are harmoniously combined with each other;
  • comfortable, compact and multifunctional furniture is selected;
  • all interior items should be compact and maximally transformable;
  • maximum comfort with everything necessary for the life of a modern person.

It is clear that the layout of the studio apartment is 18 square meters. m provides maximum use the entire space. For example, it could be a sofa that transforms into a bed. Or a closet that turns into a table. TV with retractable panel. In order to separate, for example, the sleeping area from the living room, special mobile partitions can be used, which can also replace a bookcase.

But the most important thing to pay attention to is the exclusion of bulky items. The space of the room should be as free as possible, then it will be possible to make it visually larger.

What to remember when organizing your living space

So, let’s remember the main postulate of properly organized space in small apartment.


In other words, the main task when arranging such housing is that you should properly think through every detail and arrange the furniture correctly. It is also necessary to think in advance about how to make the most of every corner of the apartment, which partitions to remove and which to move, and other nuances. Below are tips on how to arrange a bathroom, kitchen, hallway and living room in such an apartment. If you use all these tips, then even from a small apartment of 18 square meters you can make a beautiful and cozy home.

Zoning of a given housing begins with how many people will live in the premises. After this, you need to think about what function each zone of these square meters will perform.

If you look at numerous photos on the Internet, it becomes clear that ideally a studio apartment is 18 square meters. m should have the following layout:

  • hallway or small entrance area, where there is space for storing outerwear, as well as a shelf for shoes;
  • kitchen or place where food will be prepared;
  • a room that will be isolated from prying eyes; all household equipment will be stored there;
  • bathroom (by the way, it can be combined with the above room);
  • living room.

I would also like to note that such a layout is divided into two types. In the first case, the kitchen is separated from the living room by a wall, and in the second, open space is used. Most often, they choose the option that involves furnishing a studio apartment. It is the open space that allows you to make the apartment more spacious and comfortable.

Hallway - highlights

It was already mentioned above that the design of a studio apartment of 18 square meters. m requires the presence of a hallway. Of course, this area does not have too much space. But you should still make sure that it includes all the necessary furniture. This can be an open hanger for outerwear and a shelf for shoes, which is located under the hanger itself.

IN modern world There are many options that allow you to use any furniture as functionally as possible.

Advice! For example, if we are talking about a shoe rack, then you can choose one that can easily be transformed into a bench.

Usually this is a structure with a seat at the top and shelves for shoes on the sides. If the seat can be raised, there will be a drawer inside that can store any necessary items.

As for finishing this area, it should not be done in dark colors. It is better to give preference to light shades, because we must not forget that there is almost no daylight here. Usually chosen for walls light wallpaper or they are simply plastered and painted. If you want something more original, then you can choose wallpaper that imitates white brickwork. In combination with a forged hanger, this finish will look especially advantageous. As a result, the hallway will look very modern and elegant.

Modern kitchen and its features

It’s hard to imagine that this room in a small apartment has a lot of space. As already mentioned, the design of a studio apartment of 18 square meters. m assumes the absence of a partition between the kitchen and the main living space, but there may be apartments where these two zones are separated by a mobile wall made of transparent glass, photos of these two various interiors allow you to finally make your choice.

Very often, a kitchen in a small apartment is equipped by reducing the size of the hallway. But here it is important to understand that there must be a partition between these zones. It will help protect the kitchen from dust and dirt that is brought in from the street.

You should also consider that the kitchen should have all the necessary furniture and surfaces for cutting food and preparing food. Here, as in all other rooms, multifunctional furniture should be used. For example, hanging cabinets should reach the ceiling, and the furniture located below should be equipped with various drawers in which food can be stored. It is also important to clarify that such a kitchen does not have a soft corner and a large table. It's better to give preference folding table and stools on wheels, which can be moved to another location if necessary.

If we talk about the decoration of this room, here, as in the case of the hallway, it is better to choose light shades. Be sure to cover the wall with tiles in the area where the slab is placed.

By the way, it is also better to choose furniture in light shades. Then there will be no feeling of clutter, the space will seem more spacious and comfortable.

As you know, a studio apartment is 18 square meters. m assumes the presence of only one window. Therefore, in order to ensure that enough light enters the kitchen, it is imperative to install good lamps. Also for this purpose, a special opening is made in the partition between the living room and this area.

If we are talking about open space, then everything is much simpler with lighting. The kitchen is one with the living room. True, this design option presupposes the presence of a good ventilation system and a properly thought-out color scheme. Visually, these two zones can be separated by floor using various materials. Let's say the floor of the kitchen area is covered with tiles, but you can leave parquet or linoleum in the room.

It's easy to plan a room when there is enough space. There is no question about what you can save on to make the room seem larger. But even with 18 square meters available, everything can be perfectly decorated. The main thing is to have several developments and ideas in stock, which will be discussed in this article.

General ideas for arrangement

The room, which has an area of ​​18 m2, can be used for various purposes. This could be a living room or a bedroom. Depending on how it is used, the interior design is selected. Usually such a room has a rectangular shape, which means the walls are in pairs. In some buildings, such a room has an elongated layout, while in others it is more close to a square. It is easier to plan the design of the second option, because it is easiest to fill the space evenly. Narrow room it is easier to divide into several functional zones with their own purpose.

In this option, it is better to make the furniture to order. In this case, it is necessary that its width is not too large. It is better not to install it narrow walls, because then the space will become even smaller, and should be placed along large walls. You can visually expand the space of the room by using the correct method of laying laminate flooring. For example, it is laid across the room, which gives more perpendicular lines in the room for the eye to catch on. Another way to increase the volume of a room is to use mirrors. They can be placed on smaller walls. They can also be made contrasting by lightening them against the background of other surfaces in the room.

Advice! Lighting plays a special role in the layout of a room. For narrow and long rooms it cannot be placed around the perimeter. The result may be greater emphasis on elongation. The best way The main source will be installed in the middle of the room. This way the right emphasis will be placed.

If the room has a shape that is more like a square, then the design method needs to be changed. Furniture can serve as zoning elements in the room. It can be placed not only along the walls, but also in the middle, if, for example, it concerns a sofa. For such rooms you can use elements that have a large width. The distribution of zones in a room of 18 square meters can be easily done using a screen, cabinet or other object that can not only serve as a partition, but also have a practical purpose. Except general recommendations, there are specific ones depending on how the room is used. This is worth talking about in more detail.


A good renovation does not start with dismantling old equipment or finishings in the room, but with thoughtful planning. It would be a good idea to first sketch out a rough action plan on a piece of paper and display on it all the desired changes for the room.


The bedroom is one of the main ones, because it is here that you can restore strength and be alone with yourself. This should already hint at the color scheme and method of lighting in the room. It is important to understand that in a bedroom with an area of ​​18 square meters or with dimensions of 4 by 4, you can place many useful things besides the bed. If the bedroom is 18 square meters long and has an elongated shape, then one of the corners can be set aside for a large closet near the wall. It will visually make the room smaller by bringing smaller walls closer together.

For example, it can be placed indoors as shown in the photo. At the same time, there is practically no loss effective area. In this case, you can place a desk directly under the window. An enlarged window sill, which will act as a table, will help save even more space.

The bedroom should not be cluttered; it is better to choose minimalism for this room. An important attribute of a bedroom is the bed. In the photo above you can see that it has quite large dimensions, which partially compensates for the size of the room and will allow the owner to quickly restore strength while sleeping. The bed acts as the focal point of the entire room. An armchair, chest of drawers or nightstand near the bed, as well as a desk, are excellent additions. The color scheme for the bedroom can be chosen at your personal discretion, but it should not be too dark, which will create a dull mood. There's no need to choose bright colors. They can have an exciting effect on the body, interfering with proper rest.

Worth thinking about proper lighting in room. There should be several types of lamps. It is better to place two on the edges of the bed at the head of the bed. Some types are simply installed on bedside table. The presence of overhead light in the room is mandatory. At the same time, it would be nice to install pass-through switches that would allow you to turn off the overhead light directly from the bed. For side lights, separate switches are provided for each.

Note! If the bedroom has access to a loggia, then it can be made part of the room. This will not only expand the area, but also increase the intensity of natural light, which can be adjusted using blinds or Roman shades.

Living room

A living room, which has an area of ​​18 square meters or a size of 3 by 4 meters, can also be decorated without much difficulty. It is important to remember about things that it is advisable not to use for such a room. These include:

  • massive carpets;
  • dark finishing tones;
  • heavy curtains;
  • many pictures;
  • abundance of ornaments;
  • A lot of furniture.

All these elements can not only clutter up the space, but also deprive the room of lightness. Massive carpets and curtains visually make the room smaller, which can be emotionally depressing and interfere with a calm conversation. It is better to choose light colors as the main colors for wall decoration. It is better not to place a closet in the living room, as it will take up too much space. It is better to move it to the bedroom or hallway. It is advisable that the living room be as less furniture. If possible, it is better to leave the sofa and chest of drawers. The TV can be hung on the wall.

Solutions for living rooms that replicate Scandinavian or Japanese style, as well as minimalism. It is better to use wood or materials that imitate it as finishing materials. It is better to use laminate or parquet as a floor covering, but not tiles. The latter is not capable of creating a coziness where everyone would be comfortable.


The children's room, which has an area of ​​18 m2, will allow the child to feel completely free. In such a space it is easy to play outdoor games. It is important to remember that such a room must be divided into three zones:

  • for classes;
  • gaming;
  • bedroom

In the photo above you can see that the study area is the desktop. It has additional lighting in the form of a lamp, as well as shelves where you can put textbooks and notebooks. The table is located as close to the window as possible so that daylight prevailed. This is necessary for vision prevention. The rest of the space can serve as a play area; for example, in this photo you can see that there is a fluffy carpet in the room, which is comfortable to spend time on. In addition, there is an ottoman-pillow.

The photo above shows that the play area can be installed wall bars. Its location and design must be safe for the child. When planning a room, you should pay special attention to sharp corners. To be more precise, they should not exist. It is better to choose furniture and other elements with smooth shapes. It is important that finishing materials are environmentally friendly. The children's body is especially susceptible to various emission influences.

Color solutions for a children's room should be moderate. The nervous system of children is more active than that of adults. This is accompanied by impressionability and mood swings. The overall background should be discreet, so pastel colors are suitable. But some areas, for example, the play area, can be emphasized. This approach will give an additional charge for an active lifestyle.

Dorm room

In some cases, you have to make a layout for a room that is located in a dormitory. In this case, just one room should combine three rooms or zones:

  • lunch;
  • bedroom;
  • working

At the same time, the entire area of ​​the room must be turned into useful space in order to rationally use every centimeter. You can take the design of a studio room as a basis. The best option in a dorm room setting there will be minimalism. You should not place large floor-standing cabinets in such a room. They take up too much space. It is better to make a structure that will be mounted along the entire plane of the wall, but with less depth. The work area and kitchen can be combined. For example, the main elements are hidden in a closet, as shown in the photo below.

It would be nice if the bed was also foldable. It can be hidden under a pedestal or moved to a vertical position. If the ceiling height in the room is sufficient, you can interesting solution. It consists in the fact that the bed is raised above the floor level by 1.5 meters. Below it is a working area with desk and a computer. An example can be seen in the photo below.

The photo shows another interesting solution for the room that can be applied. The steps serve a dual role. They have built-in drawers, in which you can store bed linen and clothes. It is better if the finishing colors are light. The lighting in the room should be bright enough. For greater effect, you can provide space for a mirror, which will expand the room. For example, you can mirror one or more cabinet doors. Instead of a large dining table, you can use a bar counter. It will simultaneously divide the room into zones and be a fairly comfortable place for eating. Some ideas for design solutions for rooms can be gleaned from the video.