Kitchen to order or modular: why an individual approach solves all problems. Which kitchen is better to choose? Great tips for a great purchase! What you need to do from the insides of the kitchen

To sacrifice these principles in order to maintain or emphasize the merits of a room means creating problems for yourself for many years. Furniture in the kitchen rarely changes, so its choice should be approached with the utmost seriousness. Many apartment owners cannot decide which kitchen will be the best choice - ready-made option or made to order. There is no universal answer to this question; it all depends not only on the established budget and preferences in style and materials, but also on the characteristics of the room. We'll look at the pros and cons of both options to determine which one is preferable.

Ready-made kitchen or to order: pricing policy

Many people think that custom-made kitchens are a luxury that not everyone can afford. However, it all depends on the materials used, fittings, design and, of course, the manufacturer. For example, standard models that people often choose will cost much less than exclusive options. To create something unusual, you will need a special design project, visualization, development additional elements. All this will entail additional costs and, accordingly, increase the amount of expenses. But standard models can compete in price with kitchens widely available in stores. Here you should pay attention to the quality of workmanship, the materials used and, of course, the manufacturer’s warranty. Prices for making furniture from different companies can vary greatly.

For example, we live in St. Petersburg and not long ago we were looking for someone in our city that provides a custom kitchen service in St. Petersburg. We found a wide variety of offers starting from 8,000 rubles per linear meter. Our kitchen is 3 meters long, so the most budget option for a custom-made kitchen cost us 24,000 rubles. The maximum price that was offered to us was about 4 million rubles, and we think that this is far from the limit. As for ready-made kitchens, their cost for our sizes starts from 15,000 rubles, but they look much worse than the cheapest custom-made kitchens.

Ready-made kitchens also vary significantly in price. The most simple kitchens economy class can be found in most furniture stores, as well as in markets. As a rule, the quality of such models is not ideal, the cheapest materials are used, and the choice of colors is very limited. The most budget option is a standard kitchen purchased in a store. Low price is formed due to a large number of standard sets kitchen furniture, wholesale purchases and the simplest materials.

However, in many furniture centers you can find ready-made kitchens, the price of which is amazing in the number of zeros. This amount is explained by expensive materials and exclusive design, but a noticeable part of it is a tribute to the famous brand, the foreign manufacturer of this kitchen.

Ready-made kitchen or custom-made: functionality

It is worth noting that ready-made kitchens are designed according to all standards and rules and are aimed at the average person. For some they are perfect, but for others they are not suitable at all. Buying such a kitchen will save you from unnecessary planning and arranging furniture; you don’t have to be afraid of making a mistake with the position of the work surface relative to the hob or drawers with utensils. The designers who developed ready-made kitchens took everything into account important points, they provided everything from the handle to the retractable mechanism, they even thought through little things like dividers for cutlery. However, you will encounter standard width and depth cabinets and shelves, limited choice of models and colors. If we are talking about modular kitchen furniture, then you can swap certain elements and assemble your kitchen according to the principle of a designer, but the number of “parts” will be small.

Custom kitchens give full scope to your imagination. If you want to place the boxes “here”, then they will definitely end up there. But it’s worth remembering that independent kitchen design is a big responsibility, and your expectations may not coincide with what you get. However, each company engaged in the manufacture of custom kitchens has its own in-house designer who will help create the ideal project that suits you, but does not violate the basic principles and meets all fire safety requirements.

The convenience of such kitchens is that not all people are like the “average”. So, for example, you you can choose your individual kitchen height. This aspect is especially relevant for people of short or tall stature who simply do not feel comfortable preparing food in a kitchen of standard height. Also, every person has your preferences for filling the kitchen. Some people don’t see the need for an oven, others prefer it to be located directly under the hob, while others prefer it to be located at arm level in a kitchen cabinet. You can create the ideal kitchen of your dreams only by making it to order, taking into account all the little details that are important to you, as well as the features of preparing dishes.

Ready-made kitchen or to order: materials

Many stores selling ready-made kitchens provide various certificates confirming the quality of their products. Famous brands, which have gained popularity in the market, are in demand not because of certificates, but because of fashion and numerous positive reviews. However, this does not mean that custom-made kitchens will be made worse than ready-made ones. A lot depends on the materials from which the kitchen is made.

The cheapest materials will already lose their attractiveness in 2-3 years. appearance. The fact is that such a low price justifies the corresponding quality. Natural wood will last a very long time both in a ready-made kitchen and in a custom-made one.

The fittings deserve special attention, the quality of which determines how many times you can open a cabinet door or pull out a drawer.

The problem that many buyers of ready-made kitchens face is that the model they choose is made from materials that are not suitable for them. Accordingly, the problem arises - to purchase a kitchen of the chosen design or to give preference to a model made from a suitable material.

Buyers of custom-made kitchens do not have such difficulties; the chosen design can be implemented using all materials available to the manufacturer.

The question “How to choose a kitchen and decorate the kitchen space?” worries every housewife (owner) who wants to make it functional, ergonomic and stylish. This can be ensured by a correctly selected or custom-designed kitchen set in combination with a well-chosen household appliances, plumbing and professional finishing of walls, floors, ceilings.

What does a modern kitchen consist of?

The furniture frame to which the facades and tabletop are attached. Cabinets are almost always made from chipboard. This is a fairly wear-resistant and durable material at an affordable price.

Doors set. A decorative part of furniture that determines its primary color. Materials: wood, chipboard, MDF. The latter are coated with plastic, Alvic Luxe, films, enamel.


The working surface of the tables into which the sink cuts into hob. Made from plastic, artificial or natural stone. Much less often - made of wood, tiles, of stainless steel.

A decorative element of a set that covers the wall between the work surface and wall cabinets (shelves). It happens from ceramic tiles, glass, tabletop material (plastic, stone).


Handles, legs, hinges, latches, fastenings/ lifting mechanisms for furniture from different manufacturers are presented in a wide range, it is very important to right choice. The functionality and service life of the entire furniture set depends on the quality of the fittings.


It is divided into built-in and conventional, free-standing (the first option fits harmoniously into any design, the latter is more economical). The list of the most common household appliances for the kitchen includes a stove (hob), oven, microwave, refrigerator, extractor hood, and washing machine.

A must-have component in any kitchen. Can be overhead or integrated into the countertop. Made from stainless steel, plastic, artificial stone.

How to choose the right kitchen, what to look for Special attention When selecting the above elements, our experts will advise you. This article will give answers to many questions regarding the arrangement of a kitchen space and will reveal the main aspects of choosing the right furniture.

In order to choose the right kitchen, without later regretting the decision, it is important to pay attention to the following aspects: manufacturer, material used to make each element, color, style, layout, equipment, cost of the kitchen.

How to choose a kitchen color

One of the most important aspects kitchen interior design - choosing the color of kitchen furniture. It should be done based not only on personal preferences, but also on the style of the interior, lighting, size of the room, and the color scheme of its decoration. If you are at a loss as to which color to choose for your kitchen, pay attention to the most popular color shades kitchen sets:

A fairly common choice for creating many modern interiors in classical style, hi-tech style, minimalism, modern. Combines well with white and red colors, metal, glass. Requires a competent lighting device with indispensable backlighting working area.

The white color of kitchen surfaces will expand the space of a small kitchen and make it lighter. But at the same time it will look boring, even sterile, if it is not diversified with bright accessories, color accents, contrasting elements.

Brown (wood color)

The most common color when decorating this room. Kitchen facades made of wood or wood look make it feel homely and conducive to relaxed communication. A universal, almost win-win option.

A spectacular, exciting, very aggressive color, which is often chosen by people who do not bother with daily cooking and do not spend a lot of time in this room. Keep in mind that the rich red color will stimulate your appetite!

Depending on the chosen shade, a blue kitchen can be made calm and cozy or fashionable and dynamic. Too dark a blue is not recommended for use in rooms suffering from a lack of sunlight.

A calm, relaxing color of furniture after a busy day will restore your peace of mind and set you in the mood for cooking and a pleasant evening at home. Light green facades will help expand the space.

When choosing the color of the facades, keep in mind: too bright, contrasting or dark colors can negatively affect the psychological state households, quickly tire the eyes and visually reduce the area of ​​the room. Therefore, if you have a small / poorly lit kitchen, or you spend a lot of time in it, light ones will be more appropriate. pastel shades, visually expanding the space and guaranteeing psychological comfort to people - peach, beige, cream, pink, blue, pistachio. Diversify this color scheme You can use bright accessories and decorative elements.

1. Be sure to consider the level of natural light in the room. If its windows face the shady side, choose light or bright cheerful colors. Otherwise, the lack of light will be felt even when the lights are on.

2. Remember that light-colored surfaces of cabinets and facades (especially white) will not only visually expand the space, but will also require particularly thorough cleaning, carried out with high frequency. And on dark glossy surfaces fingerprints are clearly visible.

How to choose a style for the kitchen?

If ready-made headsets are presented mainly in common styles, then design solutions custom-made interior designs cover literally the entire variety of existing styles: high-tech, classic, modern, country, minimalism, Provence, loft, techno, art deco, etc. In order to choose just one of them, it is important to decide on your preferences. Let's look at a few of the most popular options:


A style that remains relevant at all times. A kitchen made of solid wood or its imitation, designed in a classic style, is ideal for people seeking stability and comfort. Due to its massiveness, it looks best in spacious rooms With large windows and high ceilings. Distinctive features are the color of the wood, carved elements, and stained glass.

The most common style in modern kitchens. Is different maximum functionality, thoughtfulness of details. It offers a wide field for design creativity and experimentation due to the huge variety of shapes, colors, and materials.

The most avant-garde style based on the use complex shapes, designs, contrasting colors, synthetic materials (glass, metals, plastic). It is imperative to have the most modern built-in equipment and the absence of small things cluttering up the space. Minimalist solutions are welcome.

This cozy and democratic design style, often called rustic, is characterized by natural colors and materials (stone, wood). Wicker, wooden, metal furniture, wooden facades with elements of artistic forging, hidden or decorated with brass Appliances, etc.

There are many styles used to decorate a kitchen interior, so first of all you should decide which one will make you most comfortable. Remember that the more avant-garde the design solutions, the more likely the created interior will quickly go out of fashion.

How to plan a kitchen?

When deciding which kitchen to choose and planning the placement of furniture, it is important to consider the following points:

Existing furniture arrangement options when planning the kitchen space: corner (L-shaped, L-shaped), linear/two-linear, U-shaped, island, peninsula. The choice between them depends on the shape, size of the room and the preferences of the owners.

When contacting a specialized company to make a custom-made kitchen, the designer will take this data into account and offer the optimal solution for furniture placement, based on your budget and existing conditions. If you decide to plan the kitchen yourself, placing the furniture at your own discretion, we recommend adhering to the following order:


working surface

working surface

(under the sink there is a trash container)

This sequence of workstations optimally corresponds to the sequence of actions of the housewife, allows for fewer unnecessary movements, and speeds up the cooking process. Ideally, the distance between food storage, preparation and washing areas should be no more than two arms' lengths. The most convenient location microwaves and ovens - at chest level. Dishwasher, washing machine are built under the tabletop.

When planning on your own: even if you have thought through everything carefully, it would not be a bad idea to consult with the designer of the company from which you order the production of the headset. Moreover, in most specialized companies, drawing up a design project is done free of charge!

Which kitchen is better to choose: materials of manufacture?

Today, quite a lot of materials are used to make kitchen furniture, the main ones being wood, chipboard, MDF, glass, aluminum, and stone (usually artificial). MDF to improve technical and decorative characteristics covered with special facing materials: plastic, laminate, PVC film, enamel, special varnish.

Familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of the main buildings / facing materials used for the manufacture of kitchen furniture, facades of sets, countertops, aprons, sinks, as well as the characteristics of fittings from various manufacturers can be found in the tables below.

cheapest option

the most expensive option

3 years 5 years 20 years 20 years
Facades Laminated MDF+PVC film MDF+Plastic MDF+Enamel Alvic Luxe Solid wood
Moisture resistance
High temperature resistance, fire safety
Stain resistance
(to fingerprints)
to fading/fading
Life time12 years from 5 to 20 years
  • low price
  • low price
  • maybe textured decor
  • durable material
  • maybe textured decor
  • no coating joints
  • the ability to make rounded doors (bends as you like)
  • maximum colors
  • it is possible to make it glossy
  • can be repainted
  • there may be textured decor, even on a glossy surface
  • environmental friendliness
  • looks cheap
  • unreliable material
  • permanent stains may remain
  • Over time the film peels off
  • fades in the sun, may even swell
  • there is a joint with the edge (difficult to clean)
  • only even colors
  • does not bend, there is no possibility to make rounded doors
  • glass cannot be inserted
  • scratches a lot
  • not restored
  • afraid of steam and temperature changes
  • more difficult to care for

When choosing between glossy and matte colors, pay attention to the fact that fingerprints are more visible on glossy facades, while water is more visible on matte ones. When choosing between dark and light colors, remember: dirt is more noticeable on dark facades.

Tabletop Plastic Fake diamond A natural stone
Moisture resistance
High temperature resistance
Resistance to stains (porosity)
Resistance to mechanical damage and scratches
Resistance to chemical damage
to fading/fading

cheapest option

the most expensive option

Life time from 5 to 7 years from 15 to 25 years more than 25 years
  • low price
  • no cracks or joints
  • damage can be easily polished
  • crumbs and dust are not visible
  • doesn't light up at all
  • the most durable (quality greatly depends on the type of stone)
  • monumental - looks expensive
  • afraid of water, temperature, knife
  • may peel off
  • porous surface absorbs grease and dirt
  • looks cheap
  • easily deteriorates and cannot be restored
  • There are always joints (hard to process)
  • high price
  • Only suitable for certain designs

Small kitchens are found in many apartments or even houses. This leads to difficulties arising in the process of their arrangement. This problem usually occurs in Khrushchev buildings. That is why furniture for a small kitchen should be selected wisely and carefully so that a multifunctional space is created with minimal cluttering of free space. You should not only think about the right choice of furniture, but also how to place it so that it is convenient to use.

Initially, you need to decide what kind of furniture you must purchase for a small kitchen. It is not allowed to litter a limited space with various unnecessary elements or decorative objects.

Be sure to purchase for a small kitchen:

  • kitchen furniture designed for storing various products or utensils. A standard set consisting of many cabinets is considered optimal. They can be floor-mounted or wall-mounted. Even for a kitchen of 5 sq. m. you can choose a corner set consisting of several cabinets and wall cabinets. It will hold many different items and also will not take up much space. Allows you to buy different storage systems separately, but they must fit well together;
  • appliances - this includes a refrigerator, Dishwasher, microwave, steamer and others Appliances used for cooking or storing food. A 6 m kitchen refrigerator is chosen to be small, and built-in appliances are also ideal. It is placed in cabinets, so it does not take up extra space in the room;
  • working area - it is intended for direct cooking indoors. Most often they act as tabletops, placed on the lower cabinets of the headset. If such a set is not available, then an ordinary bar counter for a small kitchen of 6 sq. m. is an excellent alternative. It can additionally act as storage for various utensils;
  • dining area - often a small kitchen is used not only for cooking, but also for eating. This is due to the fact that Khrushchev simply does not provide for additional room for these purposes. In this case, a dining area is set up in a certain corner of the room. A small table and a few chairs are used. You can also place a very small kitchen corner.

A transformable table for a small apartment is considered an excellent choice, since when assembled it does not take up much space and is disassembled only when necessary.

It is desirable that furniture options for a small kitchen be modular. In this case, the optimal and only the most necessary modules are selected, and they are easily replaced or supplemented.

Manufacturing materials

Furniture designed for small kitchens can be made from various materials. When choosing furniture material for small-sized kitchens, it is important to consider that it must be durable, safe and resistant to various negative influences encountered directly in this room.

Most often furniture for small kitchen created from materials:

  • MDF - this material is suitable for rooms with high humidity. It is resistant to moisture, durable and inexpensive. It is considered easy to process and can withstand exposure to hot steam. Interior items made from MDF cost less than those made from wood, but have many positive parameters;
  • wood - small kitchen furniture made of natural wood is considered the most expensive. It is attractive and environmentally friendly. It is important to make sure that all elements have been treated with special protective compounds at the factory. For production purposes, larch or spruce, pine and oak, as well as birch are used. Each material has its own characteristics;
  • multiplex - this material is produced by gluing individual layers of wood. Products made from it are suitable for small kitchens or large rooms. They are highly resistant to moisture or various deformations;
  • Chipboard - most often produced from this material modular furniture. It is inexpensive, but formaldehyde is often used in its production process, so it is not acceptable for kitchen furniture. If you choose high-quality structures, they will be durable, safe and easy to process. Very serious mechanical shocks and constant exposure to high humidity will quickly lead to their failure;
  • plastic - for a small kitchen, plastic furniture is often chosen. It is moisture resistant and comfortable, resistant to fading and other factors. Available in numerous designer colors and textures. It has a long service life and is also well located in small spaces;
  • artificial stone - furniture in a small kitchen made from this material looks luxurious and elegant. She has high cost, but is environmentally friendly, very beautiful, resistant to moisture and absorption of foreign odors. It comes in different forms, so you can place it in a room not exceeding 5 square meters.

For small kitchens, you are allowed to choose different types of furniture for a small kitchen, made from various materials, but it is important that the interior items are comfortable, small and roomy.



When choosing furniture for a Khrushchev apartment, you should pay attention to what facades it is equipped with. In the process of choosing facades, the taste of the owners of the room, their financial capabilities and the style chosen for the entire room are taken into account.

When choosing facades for a kitchen whose size does not exceed 10 square meters. meters, the designers’ recommendations are taken into account:

  • high moisture resistance;
  • resistance to both high temperatures and constant temperature changes, since the cooking process is regularly carried out in the kitchen, which leads to the creation of difficult conditions;
  • reliability;
  • high strength.

Even a small room can accommodate many different interior items. They can be large, so you can easily integrate various equipment into them. Any built-in structure will not spoil the appearance of the room, and will also be convenient for constant use. If it is not possible to choose facades that are optimal in color or texture, then finishing them is considered the best choice. by different means or films.

Arrangement methods

It is quite difficult to equip a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building. At the same time, it is important not only to decide what kind of furniture will be purchased for this room, but also to decide how to arrange all the furniture in a small kitchen. Each correctly placed piece of furniture guarantees the creation of a multifunctional, convenient and comfortable space.

Arranging furniture in the kitchen can be done in different ways:

  • linear - one wall of the room is selected, along which individual objects will be placed, forming a full-fledged set. This method Usually suitable for long kitchens, but they should not be too narrow, otherwise there will simply be no room for free movement in the room. To design this layout, it is taken into account where the sink and stove will be located, and they should not be next to the refrigerator, so floor cabinets will certainly be installed between these elements;
  • corner - this arrangement of all the furniture in a small kitchen suggests that a certain corner of the room is selected. The main part of the kitchen unit is mounted in it. On the sides of it are other elements intended for use in the kitchen. The photo design of such an arrangement can be seen below. For a small-square room, this solution is considered optimal;
  • island - not very suitable for a small room, as it involves installing a certain piece of furniture in the center of the room. Usually a hob or bar counter is installed here. On the sides of it, near the walls, other interior items are mounted. This arrangement of furniture requires quite a significant amount of space, so if the kitchen has less than 8 square meters, then such a layout is not used.

There are many other layouts, but they are considered unsuitable for small kitchens, since it is not possible to correctly place all the interior items in accordance with specific rules.



Selection rules

For a kitchen whose size does not exceed 8 square meters, it is necessary to choose all interior items wisely. They must meet certain requirements:

  • multifunctionality, since one element must perform several important functions at once, so that the space does not have to be crowded with numerous objects, therefore transformable furniture is considered optimal;
  • small sizes that allow them to fit even into the most limited space, so bulky and large cabinets or chests of drawers, as well as standard dining tables, are in no way suitable for such a room;
  • resistance to high humidity and regular temperature changes, since these are the conditions that are installed in almost any kitchen;
  • ease of cleaning, since during the cooking process various liquids or dirt can get onto different surfaces of the furniture.

We arrange all interior items in such a way that no obstacles are created for free movement around the room, otherwise it will simply be impossible to use it for its intended purpose.

The best choice for small kitchens is the purchase of folding or built-in structures, as well as transformers. When assembled, they do not take up much space, and they are folded out only when the need arises.

Nuances of a small kitchen

Small kitchens, photos of which are located below, are quite popular. This is due to the fact that many developers devote more space to the corridor or bedroom. The arrangement of such premises has certain difficulties, and it is often difficult to choose the optimal interior items for them.

The main features of the design of a small kitchen include:

  • only designs made in light shades are purchased, guaranteeing a visual expansion of the limited space;
  • It is not recommended to use any classic or sophisticated styles for interior decoration, as they require significant space to arrange all the items;
  • all kitchen furniture for a small kitchen should be multifunctional, since it will not be possible to fill the available space with numerous elements, each of which has its own purpose and functions;
  • An excellent choice for such a kitchen is the installation of a corner kitchen unit, which ensures that a fairly large free space on one side of the room;
  • It is not allowed to use interior items made in dark shades in such a room, so as not to visually make it even smaller.

Furniture designed for a small kitchen is manufactured by many companies. It is issued in different styles and colors, so there is an opportunity to choose the best option for each room. It must be multifunctional, easy to clean and attractive to make it truly optimal premises for permanent use.



A modern kitchen allows you to create a space that meets the individual requirements of the owner. Before you start searching for the right kitchen unit, consider a few important questions:

  • Does the premises need? If yes, then it must end before purchasing a kitchen set.
  • Consider in detail the configuration and dimensions of future furniture, which should not occupy more than 20% of the room area.
  • What appliances (including built-in and small household appliances) do you need and where will they be placed? Do I need to move pipes and sockets?
  • How much space do you need to store dishes, food, and household supplies? Think about how you can functionally use the available space through corner cabinets, pull-out units, additional shelves, and additional mesh baskets.
  • Consider where the dining area will be located and what furniture will be suitable for it. If space allows, you can put a large round table and stationary chairs. In the kitchen small sizes you can use a folding or extendable table, a bar counter, stylish folding chairs.
  • Are there any non-standard corners, ledges, or niches in the kitchen? How are you going to use them?

Once the budget has been calculated and general wishes for the future kitchen have been determined, you can move on to a detailed elaboration of the layout and selection of materials.

Features of the kitchen layout

L-shaped layout is convenient for functional division kitchen space, maintaining the possibility of free movement and simultaneous placement of two cooks in the working triangle (storage area, washing area, cooking area).

This is a classic option for rooms whose shape is close to a square. Optimal use hard to reach areas in corner cabinets you can use pull-out multi-level systems.

Suitable for rooms of sufficient size, square or rectangular, where it is necessary to place a large number of storage systems and kitchen appliances.

For comfortable operation, the optimal length of parallel kitchen lines should be at least one and a half and no more than two meters, and the connecting area between them should exceed 2.5 meters.

Ideal for narrow spaces less than two meters wide and with total area 6–12 square meters. To effectively use the space under the countertop of the kitchen set, you can place built-in appliances, define pull-out systems for dishes, and upper cabinets for dishes.

For dogs or cats, order a special feeder that extends from the lower base of the headset.

It is best to arrange objects in this order: refrigerator, work table, sink, second work table and stove. In small kitchens, a folding dining table is mounted on the opposite wall, thereby freeing up useful space.

This layout can be considered for rooms with an area of ​​at least 20 square meters. In traditional island kitchens, a table with a sink or stove is placed in the middle, and in peninsular kitchens there is a bar counter in the center. But, of course, each owner decides for himself what functions to give to his island or peninsula.

The optimal size of a free-standing work area is a square with a side of 120 cm. The standard length of a peninsula is 120–180 cm. Usually these are two or three kitchen modules with a width of 60 cm.

This is the only way to use an elongated room as efficiently as possible. Suitable for kitchens with an area of ​​at least 9 square meters and a width of at least 2.5 meters. After installing the kitchen unit, the width of the passage should not be less than 120 cm.

If you're tired of handles, choose the Push to open system. The doors will respond to light touches and open silently and smoothly.

A convenient option is to place the stove and sink on one side of the kitchen, and the refrigerator on the opposite side. Or, for example, you can install a refrigerator with a sink on the left wall, and a stove with a cutting table on the right wall.

The only drawback of the two-row layout is the lack of a clearly defined dining area.

How to choose material for a kitchen set

Kitchen body and facade

The most popular and budget materials For the kitchen today there are MDF (fine fraction) and chipboard (chipboard). Both options allow you to produce a high-quality product that meets environmental standards.

A special seal for the plinth will prevent moisture and dust from getting under the kitchen furniture. It can be ordered together with the headset or purchased separately.

And yet, for facades and cases it is recommended to use MDF, which can be covered with plastic, veneer, enamel, acrylic or PVC film. This material is relatively inexpensive, its structure is as similar as possible to natural wood. And due to various impregnations and components, MDF has properties that are important for aggressive kitchen environments: good resistance to fungi and moisture resistance, excellent tolerance to high temperatures.

By the way, about temperatures. Be sure to leave 2.5 cm gaps between the stove (does not apply to built-in appliances, which are equipped with a special cooling system) and adjacent kitchen modules. This will improve ventilation and protect the headset. The resulting gap can be closed with special pads.

Glossy facades look very impressive, but quickly become covered with fingerprints and require daily care. Give preference to matte surfaces.

If you have chosen a kitchen with non-standard or expensive facades, then when receiving your order, play it safe and be sure to check their quantity, size and curvature. Even if company representatives assure that everything is in perfect order. After you sign the documents confirming receipt of the kitchen, it will be difficult to prove the existence of a defect.


For work surfaces it is better to choose a tabletop 6–10 cm thick, and for dining tables 4 cm is enough.

Remember that the load on the tabletop should not exceed 23 kg.

The most practical material will be artificial stone. It is much lighter and more economical than natural analogues, but no less durable. Artificial stone allows you to imitate any type of rock and create smooth countertops of a wide variety of shapes without visible joints or seams.

Kitchen apron

The apron protects the walls of the work area from moisture, splashes of grease, burning and other types of pollution. Average height apron - 48–60 cm. Ideal material In terms of price, quality and durability, ceramics will serve you for several decades.

If your budget is limited, you can buy an inexpensive kitchen set in pastel colors, and choose the most effective premium apron as a design accent. It will add zest to the interior.

How to rationally use kitchen space

The most appropriate option for the kitchen is a spacious wall cabinet with a folding door that opens upward. In this model you can place a dryer, shelves for storing food and dishes.

If the kitchen has interior partitions made of plasterboard, they are unlikely to support the weight of the cabinets. But the roof rails with hooks, mesh shelves, holders for glasses and paper towels- quite.

Use drawers and baskets that can be equipped with a clever system of accessories for neat storage of small items.

An excellent solution is corner drawers that run diagonally to the far corner of the wall. They hold three times more items than regular boxes due to their unique design.

Your set will last much longer if the table drawers are made using metaboxes (metal sides). Chipboard boxes will quickly deteriorate due to moisture and the heaviness of the dishes.

Install in corner cabinet systems with a carousel - shelves that rotate around a rigidly fixed vertical rod. This will save usable space and make it much easier to store dishes in hard-to-reach places.

How can you save money when buying a kitchen?

  • Kitchens in the Art Nouveau style with smooth, laconic facades are much cheaper than classics with complex finishing, grilles and stained glass inserts.
  • Standard kitchen, not made according to individual order, 25–30% cheaper.
  • Carefully calculate the width of the cabinets you need. For example, a kitchen module 80 cm wide will be 5–10% cheaper than two 40 cm cabinets. Take advantage of free interactive programs to create a kitchen design and calculate the cost of furniture.
  • Modules with one hinged door are cheaper than those with two.
  • Cabinets with a standard height of 60 cm are 10–20% cheaper than modules with a height of 72 or 92 cm.
  • Give up some of the expensive wall cabinets, diluting them with shelves and comfortable and spacious tables.
  • Keep an eye on the promotions of major kitchen furniture manufacturers. Websites often feature headsets that can be purchased at a special price. Sometimes the discount can reach 60–70%. By the way, you can also buy an inexpensive kitchen from a stand at furniture exhibitions.
  • Place high-quality, reliable and convenient fittings on those cabinets that you will use most often. Expensive guides can be placed on the heaviest and deepest drawers for pots, pans and groceries. For everything else, you can choose cheaper options.
  • You don't have to buy expensive handles for kitchen furniture. The main thing is that they are galvanized.
  • You shouldn’t buy a kitchen with all the appliances at once. Devices purchased separately will cost on average 30% less. In addition, you can choose the desired package.
  • Have you thought through all the details of your future kitchen set? Don't rush to order it. To begin, ask several companies to calculate the cost and draw up detailed specifications for the kitchen. Take your time and look for reviews about kitchen set manufacturers. Carefully read the contract in a calm home environment, find out all the nuances.

What to remember when concluding a contract

  • The contract must be accompanied by a specification indicating the article numbers, sizes and costs of all kitchen elements.
  • A sketch of the kitchen set with the signature of the manager who compiled the design project is also an integral part of the contract.
  • When purchasing a kitchen, request a sales receipt and keep it for the entire warranty period (usually two years).
  • The contract must indicate the timing of furniture production and the amount of penalties in case of delay.
  • Conclude a separate legal document for the installation and installation of kitchen units in order to be able to hold the company (store) accountable. Be sure to check whether the installation price includes connecting a sink, mixer, or hood. Ask if the company has a service department to fulfill warranty and post-warranty obligations.
  • If the company (shop) hires individuals, find out who will bear warranty obligations if the assembler does not communicate or damage was caused during the installation of the kitchen (for example, neighbors were flooded due to a burst pipe).

Are you satisfied with everything? Then congratulations in advance on purchasing a new one that will serve you for many years!