Where is Siluyanov leading the Russian economy? The former Minister of Finance criticized financial policy; Anton Silanov was appointed instead. Childhood and education of Anton Siluanov

Becomes one of the most influential people in the political establishment. Step by step he is moving towards gaining sole control of the country's gold reserves.

The story began in 2011 with the antics of the Minister of Finance Alexey Kudrin at the meeting Russian government and the subsequent resignation. Alexey Leonidovich agreed to leave on good terms, that is, without much scandal, setting the condition for Dmitry Medvedev that he would transfer the said post to his protege, Anton Siluanov. In this case, the awl was replaced with soap. What can you say about Kudrin's receiver? A quiet official who went through all levels of the civil service in the Ministry of Finance, a guide and strict executor of all the undertakings of his predecessor, who received the popular nickname “executioner of pensioners” for his cruel policy in pension reform.

But after some time, having waited for the time of possible new appointments by Kudrin, Siluanov begins to form his own team to ensure his livelihood, but in essence to seize power. Because whoever has the capital calls the tune.

It included:

"Tatar" - former Minister of Economic Development Alexey Ulyukaev ;

“Strong” - former deputy of Siluanov and current Minister of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin;

"Wallet" - Director of the Administrative Department of the Ministry of Finance Alexander Akhpolov ;

“Altai” - head of the Gokhran of Russia Andrey Yurin;

"Cut" - CEO JSC "Goznak" Arkady Trachuk.

Siluanov himself is called “German”, from his patronymic Germanovich.

These honored people are called by their subordinates by these informal names. Not to offend, of course, but to speed up communication.

Alexei Kudrin always had support from above, which, however, did not save him, so “German” understood that he needed to have his own people at the horizontal level. So that those who need it understand that if you touch one link, the whole chain will fall apart, and this is nothing less than a real management crisis. In this regard, it cost him a lot of effort to lobby for the appointment of “Tatar” as Minister of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. It is no secret that this ministry was created in opposition to and to control the Ministry of Finance. Therefore, the second echelon after “Tatarin” arrives there with “Strong” Oreshkin, who until recently was the deputy of “Nemets”.

The need to raise funds for operational management The operation always rested with “Wallet,” Kudrin’s friend and former classmate. He was in charge of the Ministry of Finance even under Lesha, so the transition to a new minister was not something new for him, and the flexible national character speaks for itself.

Two months ago, during a search by the FSB related to theft in government procurement of the Ministry of Finance, 10 million rubles were found in Akhpolov’s office, which he called “money for personal expenses”!

It is worth noting that a red thread running through the activities of Kudrin and Siluanov is human weakness in the form of love for precious stones. It just so happened the mighty of the world This is why we have always gravitated towards beauty! That is why at one time Kudrin entrusted the supervision of Alrosa AK to business executive Alexander Akhpolov. The “German” did not change anything, but at the same time brought his own to power in the subordinate organization Gokhran of Russia (diamond storehouse) former colleague by the Department of Interbudgetary Relations of the Ministry of Finance Andrey Yurin, aka “Altai”.

Yurin liked the new court the most: in addition to cunning manipulations with stones, he proved himself to be a strong business executive. Although he became famous for this in the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, from where he took his feet at the right time. Only the hugs of the “German” and an appointment to Gokhran saved him!

At the new place, he began repairing everything that could be repaired or purchased, fortunately “German” did not skimp on allocating funds, foreseeing his future profits. The bill runs into billions of rubles! What kind of diamonds are there, “German” thought, but greed takes its toll and in 2017 Siluanov plans to appoint his friend from Goznak Trachuk, better known as “Rezany”, as the new leader PJSC "Alrosa" .

You don’t need to be a genius to not understand the degree of influence that can be achieved by completely controlling the chain: Alrosa - Goznak - Gokhran - Ministry of Economic Development - Ministry of Finance. Siluanov builds a work plan in such a way as to remain the only person who understands all the nuances of moving gold, precious stones and other riches within the country. It makes no sense to talk about abuse here - it’s too petty. There is a smell of much more serious and far-reaching plans here.

For example, in the administration of US President Donald Trump there are whispers about introducing a “gold standard”. All this is still at the level of rumors, but why not prepare for the “innovation” in advance, on an individual, so to speak, basis. So Siluanov is preparing to be the first and only. Well, there is a team, there is gold too.

But there is still one nuance, thanks to which the “German” will not be able to carry out his brilliant plan - these are the revelations of the “Tatar”, which he indulges in with enviable regularity.

Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation

Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation since December 2011, was acting Minister of Finance from September to December 2011. In the past, he was an employee of the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR (1985-1987, 1989-1992), the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the RSFSR (1992). Employee of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation since 1992. From 2003 to 2004 and from 2005 to 2011, he served as Deputy Minister of Finance. Candidate economic sciences.

Anton Germanovich Siluanov was born on April 12, 1963 in Moscow, ,. His father German Siluanov worked in the USSR Ministry of Finance, and later in the Russian Ministry of Finance (for example, in 1996 he served as deputy head of the department of credit and monetary circulation).

In 1985, Anton Siluanov graduated from the Moscow Financial Institute (later - the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation) with a degree in finance and credit, after which he began working as an economist and then as a senior economist at the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR. In 1987, Siluanov was called up for military service in Soviet army. In 1989, he returned to the Ministry of Finance, taking the position of leading economist, and later was an economist of the 1st category, deputy head of a department and consultant.

Siluanov worked in the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR until January 1992, when, after the collapse of the USSR, the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the RSFSR was formed by merging the department and the Ministry of Economy of the RSFSR. In the new department, in February 1992, he took the position of deputy head of the department. In the same month, the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the RSFSR was divided into two departments: the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Siluanov remained to work at the Ministry of Finance and in the period until October 1997, according to his official biography, he went from deputy head of the budget management department, deputy head of the budget department to head of the department, head of the budget department of the department.

In 1994, Siluanov defended his dissertation for the scientific degree Candidate of Economic Sciences. The topic of his dissertation was “State budget policy in the context of the transition to market relations. Using the example Russian Federation" , , .

In October 1997, Siluanov headed the department of macroeconomic policy and banking activities of the Ministry of Finance (the department was formed as a result of the merger of the department of macroeconomic policy and the department of credit and monetary circulation, which began in October 1996).

In March 2001, Siluanov joined the board of the Ministry of Finance,. In July 2003, he became Deputy Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin, and subsequently oversaw issues related to inter-budgetary relations (relations between the budgets of different subjects of the federation) and macroeconomic policy. A few months later, in October 2003, Siluanov became a member of the Russian government commission for solving the problems of closed administrative-territorial entities. The chairman of the commission, which existed until April 2004, was Deputy Prime Minister Boris Aleshin.

In May 2004, a reorganization took place in the Ministry of Finance, as a result of which Siluanov left the post of deputy minister and became director of the department of interbudgetary relations. In December 2005, the official again became Kudrin’s deputy: he was entrusted with overseeing issues of regional activities of the Ministry of Finance, , , . In the same month, Siluanov was included in the government commission on issues of the fuel and energy complex and reproduction of the mineral resource base, headed by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov. Siluanov remained a member of the commission until 2008.

During his work at the Ministry of Finance, Siluanov served on the boards of directors and supervisory boards of various banks and state corporations. So, in 1999 he became a member of the board of directors of the Rossiysky Credit bank, in 2000 - a member of the supervisory board of Rosselkhozbank, in 2002 he was included in the board of directors of the state corporation "Agency for Restructuring" credit institutions"(AKRO), and in January 2004 - the board of directors of the state corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency". In 2004 and 2008, Siluanov was a member of the supervisory board of Vneshtorgbank, (in 2009 he was not listed as a board member). In addition In addition, in November 2007, Siluanov became a member of the supervisory board of the state corporation "Fund for Assistance to Housing and Utilities Reform", and in April 2009 - the board of directors of OJSC "UralVagonZavod". Siluanov was also repeatedly mentioned in the press in connection with the program to support single-industry towns (discontinued in the fall of 2010 ) , .

It was noted that Siluanov’s specialization—interbudgetary relations—was very narrow, so he was known only to “a few specialists.” According to some reports, during Kudrin’s last vacation in August 2011, the duties of the minister were performed by his deputies Tatyana Nesterenko and Alexey Lavrov, but the press also published information that Siluanov was entrusted with replacing the head of the Ministry of Finance.

On September 26, 2011, Kudrin, who since 2000 had combined the positions of Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister, was dismissed after his statement about disagreements between him and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev regarding the financial policy of the state (for example, Kudrin insisted on reducing the military expenses) , . On September 27, 2011, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin divided Kudrin’s responsibilities between First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov (he began to oversee the economic bloc in the government) and Siluanov, who was appointed acting Minister of Finance. At the same time, Putin emphasized that the decision to appoint Siluanov was agreed upon with President Medvedev, , , . On September 29, it became known that Siluanov would also replace Kudrin in the anti-crisis council of the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) and as the governor for Russia at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. In November 2011, he replaced the ex-Minister of Finance and in other positions - government representative on the National Banking Council (NBC; in December 2011 he also became chairman of this body), the board of directors of the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) and the supervisory board of Vnesheconombank (VEB) ) , .

Commenting on Siluanov’s promotion, Kudrin noted in an interview with the Vedomosti newspaper that his former deputy is “a career financier who grew up in the Ministry of Finance.” Siluanov himself, after his appointment, emphasized that in the future the policy of the Ministry of Finance will not change and that he, like Kudrin, “sees the main task in reducing the risks of budget failure.” At the same time, he did not question the need to maintain the country's military spending. In turn, experts, making comments about the arrival of Siluanov, called him good specialist, but a “temporary figure,” meaning that he lacks political weight, , . Despite these opinions, on December 16, 2011, Medvedev appointed Siluanov as Minister of Finance on a permanent basis; on the same day he was introduced to the Security Council of the Russian Federation. On January 10, 2012, Siluanov became the manager for the Russian Federation at the IMF, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.

In the spring of 2012, Putin was elected the new president of the Russian Federation, who after his inauguration appointed Medvedev as the new prime minister. In the new cabinet, Siluanov retained the post of Minister of Finance.

According to official data, Siluanov earned more in 2009 than other deputy finance ministers - 9.3 million rubles, and his income in 2010 exceeded Kudrin's income and amounted to 8.9 million rubles.

Siluanov was awarded a certificate of honor from the Ministry of Finance (2001), he was thanked by the President and Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation (both 2002). In addition, in 2007 he was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class, and in 2011 - the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th class.

Siluanov speaks German. The official is married and has a son.

Used materials

The renewed government of Russia: composition. - RBC, 21.05.2012

Putin appointed Medvedev as Prime Minister of Russia. - RIA News, 08.05.2012

The Central Election Commission announced the final results of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation. - RIA News, 07.03.2012

Decree of the President of Russia. About the manager from the Russian Federation at the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, 01/10/2012

A. Siluanov was appointed manager from Russia at the IMF. - RBC, 10.01.2012

A. Siluanov was included in the Russian Security Council. - RBC, 17.12.2011

Medvedev appointed Anton Siluanov as Minister of Finance. - RIA News, 16.12.2011

Siluanov was elected chairman of the national banking council. - RIA News, 13.12.2011

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation replaced Kudrin on the NBS and the boards of DIA and VEB with Siluanov. - RIA News, 24.11.2011

Siluanov replaced Kudrin in the National Banking Council, VEB and DIA. - News, 24.11.2011

A. Kashevarova, A. Lednev. Siluanov did not shine at the university, but he went to grow potatoes. - Life News, 29.09.2011

Siluanov will replace Kudrin on the board of the EurAsEC Anti-Crisis Fund and the IMF. - RIA News, 29.09.2011

Siluanov will replace Kudrin on the boards of the EurAsEC, the IMF and the World Bank. - Gazeta.Ru, 29.09.2011

Maxim Tovkaylo, Evgeniya Pismennaya, Margarita Lyutova. A replacement was found for Kudrin at the Ministry of Finance. - Vedomosti.ru, 28.09.2011

Kudrin considers Anton Siluanov a “career financier.” - Evening Moscow, 28.09.2011

Sergey Smirnov. Siluanov: there are no plans to raise taxes yet. - Vedomosti.ru, 28.09.2011

Petr Netreba. Two people will work for Alexey Kudrin. - Kommersant, 28.09.2011. - №181 (4722)

Rustem Falyakhov. Between two courses. - Gazeta.Ru, 28.09.2011

Anton Siluanov, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. - Kommersant-Online, 27.09.2011

Deputy Minister Siluanov will act as Minister of Finance. - RIA News, 27.09.2011

Who is Anton Siluanov? - Gazeta.Ru, 27.09.2011

And about. Anton Siluanov was appointed Minister of Finance. - RBC, 27.09.2011

And about. Anton Siluanov was appointed Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. - IA Rosbalt, 27.09.2011

The Ministry of Finance prepared in advance to work without Kudrin, who was going on vacation. - RIA News, 27.09.2011

Deputies call Siluanov a good specialist, but a temporary figure. - RIA News, 27.09.2011

Medvedev dismissed Kudrin. - RIA News, 26.09.2011

Ivan Sinergiev, Valentina Kalitka. Cash transfer. - Kommersant-Online, 26.09.2011

Information on income, property and property-related liabilities of state civil servants of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for the period from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 - 06/01/2011

Elena Gosteva. Deputies and officials opened their wallets. - BFM.ru, 16.05.2011

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 2, 2011 N 127 “On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation.” - Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, 02.02.2011

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation does not plan to allocate budget loans to single-industry towns in 2011. - Banki.ru, 28.10.2010

Statements by A.G. Siluanov to news agencies. - Website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, 16.09.2010

Siluanov Anton, Minister of Finance

Illustration: Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Siluanov Anton Germanovich, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. Born on April 12, 1963 in Moscow. His parents worked in the Ministry of Finance of the USSR, RSFSR, and then the Russian Federation. Therefore, Anton Germanovich’s future profession was largely predetermined.

In 1985, he graduated from the Moscow Financial Institute with a degree in Finance and Credit. In 1994, he defended his dissertation on the topic “State budget policy in the context of the transition to market relations. Using the example of the Russian Federation" and received a PhD in Economics.

After graduating from university, Siluanov was assigned to work as an economist at the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR. From there, in 1987, he was called up for military service.

In 1989, after demobilization, he returned to the Ministry of Finance as a leading economist. Here, until 1992, he worked in the following positions: economist of the first category, leading economist, deputy head of a subdepartment and consultant.

In 1992, the Ministry of Finance merged with the Ministry of Economy of the RSFSR, resulting in the formation of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Russian Federation, where Siluanov served as deputy head of the department. In the same year, the department was divided into the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance. Anton Germanovich received the position of deputy head of the budget management department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. A little later, he became deputy head of the budget department, and then head of the department and head of the budget department of the ministry.

In 1997, Siluanov headed the department of macroeconomic policy and banking. In 2001, he became a member of the board of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

In 2003, Anton Germanovich was appointed Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Alexei Kudrin. In this position, he oversaw issues related to the budgets of various subjects of the federation and macroeconomic policy.

In 2004, the number of deputy ministers was reduced, and Siluanov was appointed director of the department of interbudgetary relations.

In 2005, the staff of deputies expanded again, Anton Germanovich again took the post of Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, where he oversaw issues of regional activities of the Ministry of Finance.

Since September 27, 2011, after Kudrin’s resignation, Siluanov served as acting Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

On December 16 of the same year, he was appointed Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. Alexey Kudrin, in one of his interviews, commented on this appointment: “I can only say about Anton Siluanov that he is a professional who masters all the mechanisms of work, all the levers and has a very great experience, therefore he is worthy of the post of minister.”

During different periods of his work at the Ministry of Finance, Siluanov was a member of many government working groups and commissions, as well as on the boards of directors and supervisory boards of various credit organizations and state corporations.

So, in 1999, he became a member of the board of directors of the Russian Credit bank. In 2000 – member of the supervisory board of Rosselkhozbank. In 2002, he was included in the board of directors of the Agency for Restructuring of Credit Institutions. In the same year, he became part of a group under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MEDT) to finalize proposals for reform banking system. In 2003, he became a member of the Russian Government Commission on solving the problems of closed administrative-territorial entities. In 2005, he worked in the government commission on issues of the fuel and energy complex and reproduction of the mineral resource base. In 2007, he became a member of the supervisory board of the Housing and Utilities Reform Fund. Since 2011, he headed the board of directors of the Deposit Insurance Agency and the National Banking Council, and was included in the Russian Security Council. Since 2012, he has been a manager for the Russian Federation at the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.

Siluanov was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, and received gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation and the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Married, he has a son.

TASS DOSSIER. On May 18, 2018, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev proposed to Russian President Vladimir Putin a list of members of the new government. The head of state agreed with the proposed candidates. Anton Siluanov will be appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Anton Germanovich Siluanov was born on April 12, 1963 in Moscow. Father - German Mikhailovich, worked in the ministries of finance of the USSR, RSFSR and the Russian Federation, until 1996 he served as deputy head of the department of credit and monetary circulation of the Ministry of Finance. Mother - Yanina Nikolaevna, was an employee of the publishing house "Finance and Statistics", then - the editorial and publishing department at State University Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

In 1985 he graduated from the Moscow Financial Institute (now the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation) with a degree in finance and credit.

In 1994, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences on the topic “State budget policy in the context of the transition to market relations. Using the example of the Russian Federation.”

Doctor of Economic Sciences. In 2012 at the Bashkir Academy civil service and Administration under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan defended his dissertation on the topic “Interbudgetary relations in the context of the development of federalism in Russia.”

From August 1985 to March 1987 - economist, senior economist of the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR.

In 1987-1989 served in the army of the Committee state security THE USSR.

From May 1989 to January 1992 - leading economist, 1st category economist, leading economist, deputy head of a subdepartment, consultant to the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR.

In February 1992 - Deputy Head of Department of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Russian Federation. In the same month, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation were created on the basis of the department.

From February 1992 to October 1997 - deputy head of department, deputy head - head of department, deputy head Budget Office(then - the department of the same name) of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Finance of Russia).

From October 1997 to July 2003 - Head of the Department of Macroeconomic Policy and Banking Activities of the Russian Ministry of Finance.

From July 24, 2003 to May 17, 2004, he served as Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Alexei Kudrin, overseeing issues of interbudgetary relations and macroeconomic policy.

From May 2004 to December 2005 - Director of the Department of Interbudgetary Relations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

From December 2005 to September 2011 - Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Alexei Kudrin.

From September 27 to December 16, 2011 - and. O. Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. Since December 16, 2011, he was the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. In 2011-2012 he worked in the government of Vladimir Putin. He retained his post in the government of Dmitry Medvedev, which was formed in May 2012.

Since January 2013, simultaneously with his work in the ministry, he has held the position of dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (since 2011). Also, since December 2011, he heads the National Financial Council (until September 2013 - the National Banking Council).

Manager from the Russian Federation at the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (since January 2012).

Plenipotentiary representative of the Russian Federation on the board of the Eurasian Development Bank (since September 2012).

Chairman National Council to ensure financial stability (since July 15, 2013).

Co-chairman of the tripartite commission on inter-budgetary relations (from the Government of the Russian Federation. since September 16, 2013).

Member of the party's supreme council United Russia" (from May 2012 to February 2016).

Member board of trustees Development Fund of the Center for the Development and Commercialization of New Technologies (Skolkovo Foundation).

Manager from Russia at the BRICS New Development Bank (since July 2015).

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of VTB Bank (since April 2017), PJSC Alrosa (since July 2015).

Member of the supervisory boards of the Rostec state corporation (since September 2014), Vnesheconombank (since November 2011), and the board of directors of Russian Export Center JSC (since July 2016).

The total amount of declared income for 2017 amounted to 25 million 92 thousand rubles. The spouse's income was not indicated in the declaration.

Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (2008).

Awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV and III degrees(2011, 2013), medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree (2007). He has a Certificate of Honor (2010) and three letters of commendation from the President of the Russian Federation (2002, 2012, 2016). Also awarded with a Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Russian Federation (2009).

Speaks German.

Married. Son Gleb (born 1999), student Financial Academy under the government of the Russian Federation.

Brother, Vsevolod (born 1976), works at the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Siluanov's representative declined to comment.​

What is Siluanov known for?

As Dmitry Medvedev said in 2017, the Ministry of Finance turned into a “super department”: the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Customs Service, Rosalkogolregulirovanie were transferred to its jurisdiction, and the powers of the liquidated Rosfinnadzor were transferred to the Treasury. In addition, the department administers insurance premiums to extra-budgetary funds and oversees government procurement. “These decisions made it possible to improve control over the flow of revenues to the budget and move the coordination of work in this area into one hand,” Medvedev.​

Anton Siluanov has worked in the Ministry of Finance since 1989; since 2005, he was the deputy of Alexei Kudrin, who then headed the department. In 2011, after President Dmitry Medvedev dismissed Kudrin, Siluanov headed the department. At the same time, Siluanov remained faithful to the economic policy of Alexei Kudrin: he is a supporter of a tough budget policy and has consistently defended the introduction of a new budget rule, and in a more conservative version.

During the period when Siluanov headed the Ministry of Finance, the Russian economy experienced a sharp drop in oil prices, the introduction of sanctions and the devaluation of the ruble. At the same time, the department managed to keep the budget deficit within 3.5% of GDP and maintain low level state debt, as well as save part of the funds of the National Welfare Fund and the Reserve Fund.​

Siluanov’s economic views are more likely to be weighted average than conservative, says Alexandra Suslina from Economic expert group. “During the time that he headed the Ministry of Finance, in his words and actions I did not notice a thirst for reforms for the sake of reforms, but at the same time some completely new initiatives were proposed by the Ministry of Finance under his leadership. For example, the “22/22” tax maneuver was proposed by the Ministry of Finance. This is a rather unconventional, unexpected initiative,” Suslina gives an example. Reforms are not always new expenses, she notes.

Siluanov’s promotion can be understood in such a way that the country’s leadership is satisfied with the Ministry of Finance in its current form, Suslina suggests, and Siluanov’s unconditional merit is that he “kept the small budget from big appetites" “Basically, the budget is essential element economic policy. I don’t think that in his new position he will begin to sharply increase ineffective expenses. Because he, like no one else, has an understanding that our expenses are ineffective,” says Suslina.

What will happen to the Ministry of Economic Development?

Shuvalov, with the rank of First Deputy Prime Minister, oversaw a wide range of financial and economic issues: labor productivity and employment support, public investment, competition development, monetary policy, housing market and real estate, corporate governance, taxes, trade relations with other countries, etc. d. Some of them were under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin. A representative of the Ministry of Economic Development refused to comment on whether the department will remain in its current form after Siluanov’s appointment, or whether there will be a redistribution of tasks with other departments, including the Ministry of Finance.

According to Tatyana Stanova, head of the analytical department of the Carnegie Moscow Center, there is no further way to weaken the already unstable department. “Perhaps some kind of administrative reform, we do not know whether this ministry will survive at all. But the very fact of strengthening the financial authorities and expanding their place within the government - this, of course, narrows the corridor of opportunities for the future Minister of Economy,” says the political scientist.

Previously, the media have repeatedly written that the government is discussing the idea of ​​merging the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development (MED). According to Stanova, the merger of departments is a large and ambitious project of the Ministry of Finance, but then the question arises of who will deal economic development countries. “It is also important what position Andrei Belousov (aide to the president, and former head of the Ministry of Economic Development) will take on this issue. RBC),” she added.