Where to submit a tick for analysis. Addresses of laboratories and points for the prevention of tick-borne infections. Addresses of clinics for tick analysis

When going into the forest to pick mushrooms or go on a picnic, you need to be extremely careful not to pick up a tick. These small inhabitants of the thickets sometimes pose a mortal danger to humans. Diseases such as encephalitis and borreliosis have long been known to people. It's quite difficult to fight them. In order to exclude their presence after a bite, you need to know where to take the tick for analysis. We will talk about this in the article.

Considering a tick

Before going to the forest, you must first find out what a tick looks like in order to easily distinguish it from another insect. They are small, reaching a maximum length of 3 millimeters. The body has a drop-shaped shape. A tick is characterized by 2 pairs of legs.

After the animal has attached itself and began to feed on blood, its size increases significantly. It becomes like a brown pea. The tick pierces the skin with a special sharp proboscis, and along with saliva, a substance is released that dulls pain. In some ways it can be called typical anesthesia. Therefore, many simply do not feel the moment of the bite.

The males, after they are saturated with blood, disappear on their own, and the females continue to remain on the body of the victim.

Now you know what a tick looks like, so if you find one on your clothes or body, you need to get rid of it immediately.

Their habitats

So you ask, where do ticks live? The answer is quite simple - wherever there is deciduous trees and shrubs. They do not know how to jump, but gradually climb onto low vegetation (no more than half a meter high) and wait for their prey. Ticks don't like high temperature, so meeting them during the day is very rare. But in the morning and evening is the best time for hunting.

Ticks fall on top of the victim and quickly crawl under clothing. It takes a long time to choose a place to bite. As a rule, these are the neck, armpits, groin area, and head.

Remember: if you are bitten by this arthropod, you definitely need to do a tick test. Find out what species it belonged to and whether it was encephalitic.

What does the bite site look like?

How to understand that you have been bitten by a tick? The first thing you should do after a walk is to carefully examine yourself and the clothes you were wearing. If you are unlucky enough to be bitten by a tick, you will notice a small red bump on your skin with a dark splinter-like dot in the center. Over time, the tubercle will increase, the body of the arthropod will become filled with blood and swell.

In this case, you need not to get confused and remove it correctly, so that you can then take it to the laboratory. “Where should I take a tick for analysis?” - perhaps the most common question. There are special centers that provide similar services.

What to do if you find an attached tick

Before analyzing the tick, it must be carefully removed. It is better to do this using regular tweezers or eyebrow tweezers. Try to hook the body closer to the proboscis, and then begin gentle rotational movements along the axis. 3-4 turns are enough and the tick will come out entirely.

Pulling it out with a sudden movement is strictly prohibited. This can cause the body to break into several pieces. Residues are much more difficult to remove; you will have to go to a medical facility.

Also in this case, you won’t have to ask the question: “Where should I take the tick for analysis?” It is carried out only in the presence of a live animal. Remember: if the head of the tick has not been removed, the risk of contracting encephalitis is still huge. It is in the saliva that the infection is located.

We use available materials

If you are bitten by a tick, what should you do first? Of course, it needs to be carefully pulled out. But it happens that you don’t have it at hand necessary tools to remove the tick. Then you can use thread. To do this, you need to tie a knot under the proboscis and start swinging the tick, gradually pulling it out.

There are also people's councils. True, it is not always necessary to follow them. You should know what not to do if you find a tick:

  1. Press, tear it apart.
  2. Fill with sunflower oil.
  3. Apply ointment.

If the tick cannot be completely removed, but there is no way to urgently go to the hospital, you need to remove the remains with a sharp needle. But first you need to wipe it with alcohol or heat it on fire. After this, treat the wound with an alcohol solution (ordinary vodka will do) or iodine. There is no need to apply a bandage or seal the bite site.

Are tests needed?

Having discovered an animal attached to the body, many ask: “Where can I submit a tick for analysis?” In Moscow, as well as in any other city, this can be done in a special laboratory of Rospotrebnadzor. The main condition is that he must be alive. To do this, you need to place it in a glass container and put a piece of cotton wool soaked in cold water there.

Ticks do not tolerate high temperatures, so it is better to place the container in a cool place, for example, in the refrigerator. Be sure to close the lid tightly so that he cannot escape. It is better to deliver the tick to the laboratory within the first 24 hours after you remove it.

For many, the question is relevant: “Where can I submit a tick for analysis in St. Petersburg?” After all, such well-known laboratories as Invitro and Helix do not conduct such studies. This can be done at the hospital. Botkin. The cost is small - about 500 rubles.

Encephalitis tick: should we sound the alarm?

If you are bitten by a tick, you need to take immediate action - remove it. To answer the question of where to take a tick for analysis (in Moscow or another city - it doesn’t matter), you can call an ambulance or go to the hospital. They are required to tell you the addresses of the nearest laboratories. This must be done to be sure that he was not contagious. Of the 30,000 species of ticks, about 5 thousand are encephalitic. Infection occurs after a tick bites a sick animal. However, this infection does not have any effect on the latter.

It is worth noting that encephalitis can also be contracted by drinking raw milk that contained the virus, or by accidentally rubbing a tick over the body. The virus enters the blood, spreads throughout the body and affects the spinal cord and brain. This is what causes defeat nervous system person.

If infection occurs, you must immediately take action - drink an antiviral drug. “Anaferon” is suitable for children, “Yodatipirin” is suitable for adults. If these medications are not at hand, take what is in the medicine cabinet: Arbidol, Cycloferon, Laferobion, etc. After 10-14 days, it is better to take a detailed blood test and look at its results.

Monitoring your health after a bite

If a tick bite occurs, symptoms may include the following:

  • During the first few days, the redness at the site of the bite will not go away; this is an absolutely normal phenomenon, the main thing is that the spot does not increase in size.
  • Weakness and general malaise.
  • If there have been cases of fever within 30 days, go to the hospital immediately.
  • Nausea, dizziness, migraine, hallucinations are signs of encephalitis infection.

It is important to know that if there was a tick bite, the symptoms described above may appear only after a month. During this time, carefully monitor your health and pay attention to all the changes occurring in your body.

Tick-borne borreliosis: how to recognize the disease

A disease such as tick-borne borreliosis has the following symptoms:

  1. The skin at the site of the bite changes color, becomes redder, and the spot increases in size.
  2. Signs of general malaise appear: weakness, migraine, dizziness, aching joints.
  3. Intoxication of the body manifests itself in the form of vomiting and diarrhea.
  4. The lymph nodes may become inflamed and rashes may appear on the body.
  5. Over the years, nervous system disorders may occur.

In order not to panic and not to stress yourself out, it is better to take the arthropod to a special laboratory. “Where can I take a tick for analysis (in St. Petersburg, Moscow or a small town - it doesn’t matter)?” - a question that worries almost everyone who has encountered this problem. In fact, this can be done in many hospitals. It is better to consult your doctor or infectious disease specialist at the clinic. They will not only tell you where to take the tick for analysis, but perhaps they themselves will pick up a jar with the arthropod for transfer to the laboratory. You can take the container directly to the local SES. Research is usually carried out within a few hours. If it turns out that the tick is infected, the bitten person will be prescribed preventive treatment. There they will not only show you full analysis, but will also offer a vaccine in case of infection.

Defending ourselves from the aggressor

To avoid any questions about where to submit a tick for analysis, it is better to take the necessary protective measures in advance:

  1. If you want to take a walk in a deciduous forest, choose a hot day for this purpose.
  2. Pay special attention to clothing. The body should be as closed as possible. A tracksuit is perfect for these purposes. Be sure to tuck your pants into your sneakers. Put a panama hat, scarf or cap on your head.
  3. The tick may for a long time stay on your clothes, so after you come home from a walk, first of all inspect your things. It is better to wash them immediately in hot water.
  4. After this, carefully examine the body in the neck, armpits, and groin area.
  5. Don't forget to purchase and use by special means protection: creams, lotions, sprays.
  6. Of course, you can get a vaccine against encephalitis in advance, but doctors warn that it often causes allergic reactions and other side effects.
  7. If you often go for walks in the forest, it is better to protect yourself as much as possible and purchase a tick suit with special traps on it.

By following all these rules, you can protect yourself as much as possible from this mess.

Tick ​​bites in humans are quite common. The danger is especially great from July to September, when the activity of these representatives of the animal world is quite high. To protect yourself from them, you must take precautions. When going into the forest, choose the right clothes. if you love leisure, it is better to purchase special suits against ticks, which are 99% effective. Remember: a bite from this arthropod can be deadly.

Where in Moscow can I take a tick for tick analysis for encephalitis and borriliosis? I asked myself this question in a previous article about how I was bitten by a tick. In the morning I found out that in Moscow there is a Federal Budgetary Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the City of Moscow", which carries out tick diagnostics (for a fee). Below I provide detailed instructions on how to submit a tick for analysis.

Before you go to submit a tick for examination, you need to meet several conditions, otherwise there is no point in going there and paying a lot of money (by tick standards) for their research. The tick can be either alive or dead. The main conditions are to hand over the tick in a container or test tube (plastic) and take cash with you for payment (cards are not accepted). The tick intake schedule is listed on the website.

I get on the metro and go to Alekseevskaya station, from there it’s easiest to get to Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology at Grafsky Lane, 4/9. The building is large and square, the entrance is from Grafsky Lane.

For simplicity, I provide a diagram and pictures of where you need to go on foot. If you are here for the first time, do not break into the main entrance. Pay attention to the sign where the ticks are.

We pass through the arch past the barrier.

So, we came to the right door. We put out the cigarette butt. We first go up to the third floor and are like, “Where can I get ticks?”, and they tell you:

In office 338, we first fill out your application without any documents (you need to give your full name, they will write it down from your words) and receive an invoice for payment.

With the paid invoice, we go down to the floor below and hand over the tick at the delivery window.

When submitting the tick for analysis, the employee asks a question and fills out a form. It is necessary to report when the tick was discovered, who was bitten (or who was on whom) the tick was, and where the person was geographically located.

After this, you hand over the test tube with the tick and it is assigned a number. This number will be attached to the research invoice, which is left with your receipt for payment.

Further, if the transmitted tick is not contagious, no one will call you and you need to find out the result by calling the specified phone number. If they find anything, they themselves contact you and tell you what to do. That's it, this stage is completed.

It turned out that the answer with the results did not come immediately. We supported our friend and when the answer came, everyone breathed a sigh of relief - the tick turned out to be not infected. In this article you will learn: where to take a tick for analysis, how it goes and what needs to be done.

Where to submit a tick for analysis and what you need to know

Tick ​​bites are not painful, but at the same time dangerous. This harmful insect can cause a serious infection - infection with the encephalitis virus. You can find out whether the tick that bit you was infected only after laboratory tests. That is why the question of where to submit a tick for analysis is of interest to so many. Timely assistance from qualified doctors will help prevent unwanted consequences.

First actions after a bite

To prevent the occurrence of encephalitis and the development of complications, it is necessary to first remove the tick. It is possible to do the following as carefully and effectively as possible using alcohol and oil:

Important! If you are not sure that you can cope with the extraction yourself harmful insect, no need to hesitate - contact the clinic for qualified help.

Where are tests performed?

After a tick bite, it is necessary to carry out an analysis, as a result it will become clear whether it is infected or not. There are several institutions that conduct similar studies. In such cases, you can contact the following places:

  1. City Hospital;
  2. Specialized medical centers;
  3. Sanitary and Epidemiological Station;
  4. Special laboratory of Rospotrebnadzor.

Choose the most suitable organization and send the tick for examination.

Keep in mind that in order to conduct a study, the tick must be delivered to the laboratory within the first 24 hours from the moment of the bite - in this case, you can count on correct test results.

Conducting a tick study is important because it helps prevent the occurrence and further development of dangerous diseases, which, by the way, include not only encephalitis.

In addition to encephalitis, ticks can infect victims with a dangerous disease called borreliosis, also known as Lyme disease. Its main danger lies in the damage to the heart, joints, and musculoskeletal system.

Other diseases that can develop as a result of a tick bite include:

  1. Tick-borne typhus;
  2. Ehrlichiosis;
  3. Anaplasmosis.

Timely research of the insect and a competent course of treatment will help prevent Negative consequences.

Source: "vredinfo.ru"

How and where to submit a tick

To prepare the tick, carefully place it in a tightly sealed container, such as a test tube or glass jar for tablets, solution, etc. It is important that the container closes tightly. You will need to take the tick in it for examination.

Don’t forget to put a small piece of cotton wool or gauze in this container, moistening it cold water. Ticks cannot tolerate high temperatures, so it would be best to place the test tube in a cool place. Often it is a refrigerator.

We remind you once again that the main thing is that the tick is alive at the time of storage and delivery to the laboratory, and cannot crawl out of the jar at the time of transportation.

Choose the laboratories closest to you for analysis, call the reception and find out how much it costs to test a tick, in what form it needs to be brought, the timing of the procedures, their cost and what you need to take with you.

Protecting your skin

Shoes should be comfortable, such as sneakers or sneakers, but high ones are better rubber boots. In the forest, it is better to wear a sweater or turtleneck so that the long sleeves cover your arms and the high neck covers your neck. When walking through the forest, pants should be tucked into socks and a turtleneck into pants. You need to wear a scarf or a light cap without a brim on your head.

You can treat clothes with special products that repel blood-sucking insects, including ticks. Such products include “Fumitox Antiklesch”, “MoskitolAntiklesch”, “Tornado Antiklesch”.

There are areas where cases of tick-borne encephalitis are common. People in such areas are constantly warned about this so that they do not visit the forest. And for those who wish, there is an opportunity to be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis.

In the forest

If you find a tick in the forest, you can try to remove it immediately. Just don’t do this with bare fingers; it’s better to wear gloves or wrap your fingers in a cloth. It is necessary to lightly squeeze it between the large and index fingers. Then very carefully pull it towards you, while swinging it from side to side.

After removing the tick, you need to make sure that it is intact. Very often, if it is not pulled out correctly and pulled sharply, the head may remain. In this case, you should not pick the head, but remove it at home, after appropriate treatment.

It is advisable to burn the whole tick, because it is very small and tenacious, this is the only way to kill it. But if there is glass jar, it is better to place it there and then send it for examination.

The tick bite site should be treated with iodine or an alcohol solution. If these drugs are not available, then the wound must be treated after returning from the forest. It is also advisable for the person who removed the tick to wash their hands.

At home

After visiting the forest, you must carefully examine all areas of the body for the presence of attached ticks. Well, you need to look at all the folds, inguinal, axillary and the area between the buttocks. Hard to reach places You can inspect it using a mirror. An inspection should be carried out on everyone who traveled to the forest, including animals.

If after inspection a tick is found, you can try to remove it yourself. To do this, in order not to touch the tick with your hands, it is better to use tweezers. You can drop a little on the tick vegetable oil, after this he will not unhook himself, but will relax his grip a little (wait 5-10 minutes).

Use tweezers to squeeze the tick as deeply as possible. Then slowly, either rocking or rotating movements, pull out the tick. Under no circumstances should you jerk it sharply.

When there is a possibility that the tick may be infected, after removal it is placed in a clean jar with a lockable lid. After which they are taken to the laboratory for examination. The tick bite site is treated with iodine. You can also use a thread to remove it. It is wrapped around the head of the tick and gently pulled out, rocking it. This method is much easier for many.

In the hospital

Many people are afraid of insects and are afraid to remove a tick themselves. In this case, you can contact a surgeon at the emergency room. Medical method no different from the usual way tick removal. The doctor will use a clamp and gently pull out the tick. But doctors have much more experience.

And the likelihood that the head will break is very small. In addition, in a medical institution, sterile conditions and the wound will be treated correctly. And what is very important, the doctor will tell you exactly how dangerous ticks are in the forest where you were vacationing.

Accordingly, the question of what measures need to be taken will be decided.

The tick is examined for the presence of tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis viruses. These infections are most often transmitted by ticks and are the most severe. But this analysis is carried out at the request of the patient and at his expense.

Preventative treatment

If the tick was brought from an area where there were cases of tick-borne encephalitis, then the doctor will not wait for the test result, but will immediately prescribe preventive treatment. Most often, the drug “Yodantipirin” is used for this. He is antiviral drug.

It is prescribed for 5 days. For the first 2 days you need to take 3 tablets 3 times a day, then the number of tablets is reduced to one. There is also a special immunoglobulin for the prevention of tick-borne encephalitis. It must be administered to everyone who comes in with a tick bite.

In the event that the tick was exported from an endemic area due to tick-borne encephalitis. There are no specific drugs to prevent borreliosis. In this case, you can take a course of antibiotics. But it is better to consult your doctor first.

If in the area where you rested there is no dangerous ticks, then there is no need to worry. But to prevent other, less dangerous infections, you can take a course of any antiviral drugs.

Especially if a tick has bitten a child. Adults can take a course of rimantadine, but children are better off taking anaferon. The course of such prophylaxis is 10 days. Very important. After a tick bite, you need to monitor your temperature for a month.

If you notice a rise in temperature during this period, you should immediately consult a doctor. And when examining a doctor, be sure to draw his attention to the fact that there was a case of tick suction.

Source: "xn--d1abbugjaxkh5b.xn--p1ai"

What tests should you take after a tick bite?

As soon as possible after the bite, you need to visit the hospital (clinic) and be sure to take the bitten tick (it is ideal to bring it alive, but a dead one is also suitable). The medical facility will conduct a blood test to check for infection in the body.

It is important to consider that often in cities that do not have frequent cases of borreliosis or tick-borne encephalitis, it is impossible to donate blood for these infections, since laboratories do not have the reagents and equipment necessary for research.

In such cases, the solution may be to go to the SES (sanitary-epidemiological station) or to private clinics. When contacting a medical institution there is no equipment or specialists to carry out an analysis of the insect, many people wonder where to take the tick in this case?

How quickly should you get tested?

In this case, it is most important to get the tick tested, since in the first day after the bite, a blood test can give a false negative result. But after submitting a tick for testing, you can find out with maximum accuracy whether it was infected with any infections (tick-borne encephalitis, borreliosis and a dozen other diseases dangerous to humans).

For every hundred bites from infected insects, only 10-15 pathogens are transmitted to humans. However, this is not a reason not to visit a doctor after such incidents, even if the risk of developing the disease is extremely small.

Where to submit a tick

A mandatory blood test after a tick bite and donation of the insect itself for subsequent research can be carried out in various public and private institutions. But let us remember that not all cities have specialists and equipment capable of such research.

You can take blood and tick tests at the following institutions:

  • SES (sanitary-epidemiological station).
  • State medical institutions (trauma center, clinic, hospital).
  • Private medical institutions.

The step-by-step sequence of actions after a tick bite should be as follows:

After this, you need to bring the tick for analysis within a maximum of two days, while after a longer period of time the risk of false research results increases significantly.

Timing and interpretation of results

Since when you go to the doctor early with high accuracy It is possible to determine the presence of only encephalitis in the body of the bitten person; it makes sense to talk about the interpretation of the results of blood diagnostics for this particular disease.

There can be three results of such an examination:

  • A positive result for IgM for tick-borne encephalitis means recent infection, the disease is active.
  • A positive result for IgG to tick-borne encephalitis is usually observed in people who have been vaccinated against encephalitis or in people who have been infected with it for a relatively long time ( late date illnesses).
  • The absence of antibodies to encephalitis is the absolute norm.

The diagnostic result for the majority infectious diseases, transmitted through a tick bite, can be obtained 3-5 days after blood sampling.

Source: "fragmed.ru"

What tablets can help with a tick bite

If the infectiousness of the tick is confirmed and you need urgent treatment to stop the development of encephalitis. Prescribed for treatment the following drugs:

  1. Piperacillin.
  2. A drug used in cases of hypersensitivity to other drugs and during pregnancy. It is administered intravenously several times a day. The use of the drug allows you to eliminate the consequences of an insect bite.

  3. Levomecitin.
  4. Used 3-4 times a day. Often prescribed in combination with other drugs.

    The standard course of treatment is 10 days. The individual dose and method of administration are calculated for pregnant women and children with kidney and liver problems.

  5. Azlocilin.
  6. A strong remedy that can completely destroy the virus in the body. The maximum dosage is no more than 8 grams per day. It is used in emergency cases, as it often provokes vomiting, nausea and muscle spasms.

  7. Polyuglyukin.
  8. The substance is administered intravenously under the guise of a dropper. Used to cleanse the blood and eliminate infection. The maximum allowable amount per day is prescribed individually, but the standard dosage does not exceed 2.5 liters.

  9. Tetracycline ointment.
  10. Often used as an ointment. The substance is applied to the bite site every 6 hours. For convenience, you can buy the product in tablet form.
  11. Prednisolone.
  12. Taken no more than once a day. Prescribed to prevent the consequences of a tick bite. The substance has a significant effect on the body’s immune system and can cause sleep disturbances and digestive problems.

Source: "glavvrach.com"

Where are tests performed?

As a rule, tick testing can be carried out by special laboratories located in city clinics or hospitals. There are also commercial medical laboratories that will also conduct analysis for a fee. Just not every one commercial organization is engaged in research on tick-borne diseases, so check before you decide to go to them.

We are looking for the address of the laboratory

To independently find the laboratory closest to you where to take the tick, you can contact the local clinic, for example, by calling the reception or reception desk. If necessary, they will redirect you to another phone number to obtain more accurate information.

Also, as a last resort, you can call an ambulance and ask for the addresses of the laboratories. Well, if nothing works out at all, then you can search on the Internet. Just don't delay. The tick must be delivered within 24 hours.

What to take with you and duration of the procedure

When handing over a tick, you will need, no matter how trivial it may sound, the culprit himself to be alive, as well as an identification document. And it would be good to take an insurance policy (Compulsory Medical Insurance) with you, just in case, in case you manage to conduct an analysis for free of charge on his charge.

Tick ​​checks tend to take different times. When analyzing for tick-borne encephalitis, it takes 4 days, and if for borreliosis, then only 1 day.

But you need to check with a specific clinic how long it will take them to conduct the research. After all, the sooner the result becomes known, the sooner you will begin to take appropriate measures in relation to your health.

Paid or free analysis

Before you choose a laboratory where to submit a tick, ask how much such an analysis will cost you and in what time frame. Commercial clinics will charge many times more than in municipal institutions. It is worth understanding that the compulsory medical insurance policy does not cover these expenses.

But to save money, it is best to contact your local physician so that he can issue a referral for analysis to a specific laboratory. Some others do this: they go straight to the clinic, where they remove the tick, put it in a test tube and send it for analysis.

This, in most cases, turns out to be cheaper, or even free. You can also inquire at your regional health department office.

They can suggest how to carry out the analysis, spending as much as possible less money. But the cost of analysis varies everywhere, depending on the region. Somewhere it might be 700 rubles, and somewhere it might be 1500 rubles.

Source: "nithome.ru"

Danger of bites

Blood-sucking ticks are carriers of numerous infections and belong to the class of especially dangerous ones. The most serious infections carried by ticks are encephalitis and borreliosis. Ticks most often feed on mushrooms, residues plant origin or smaller arthropods.

A tick bite does not cause pain in humans. Thus, it is not immediately possible to notice the presence of a blood-sucking insect on the skin, because the size of the pest is no larger than a match head.

A tick fed with blood can reach impressive sizes - up to 1.5 cm in diameter. Infectious agents are localized on the proboscis and paws of the tick. The arthropod easily clings to human skin thanks to microscopic claws and suction cups on its paws.

The most favorite areas of the human body for ticks are those places where the blood supply is especially intense. These include:

  • armpits;
  • groin area;
  • popliteal areas;
  • neck and areas behind the ears;
  • head, especially the scalp.
These places are convenient for arthropods due to the fact that they can hide in them for a while and drink blood without being noticed by humans.

That is why, after relaxing in nature, it is worth doing a thorough inspection of these areas yourself and examining your loved ones for ticks.


Tick ​​activity peaks between April and June, and it is during this period that you need to be most vigilant. We can immediately say that a tick bite is absolutely painless. Its saliva contains special substances that have an anesthetic effect, so the moment of the bite is almost unnoticeable.

Many may not even know that they have become a victim of an attack. Most ticks feed on a new host each time, therefore, having had enough, the tick simply falls off and goes home.

However, there may still be visible manifestations. They are most often found in allergy sufferers, as well as young children and the elderly. The severity of the symptoms depends on the state of health of the person and the number of ticks attached.

The first signs can appear 2-4 hours after the bite and include itching and rashes at the site of the bite, chills, weakness, aching joints, and headache. In the future, the body’s reaction may intensify, and the following will be added to the list of symptoms:

  1. Photophobia;
  2. Temperature increase;
  3. Tachycardia;
  4. Local enlargement of lymph nodes;
  5. Nausea and vomiting;
  6. Labored breathing.

In the case of a strong immune response to tick saliva, anaphylactic shock with all its consequences is possible. Fortunately, the tick is clearly visible on the body, especially if feeding lasts several hours. Therefore, timely examination of the person and removal of the tick can improve the situation.

Consequences of a tick bite

In our country, ticks most often carry the following diseases:

  • Tick-borne encephalitis.
  • The infection damages the gray matter of the brain and causes neurological impairment of varying severity. Their result can be either temporary paralysis of the limbs or more severe consequences up to and including death.

  • Borreliosis (Lyme disease).
  • A dangerous disease that affects the skin, joints, nervous tissue, lymphatic system and internal organs.
  • Hemorrhagic fever.
  • Causes severe intoxication, increased temperature, subcutaneous and intracerebral hemorrhages. With timely provision of professional medical care, treatment is usually successful.

  • Monocytic ehrlichiosis.
  • It is characterized by neurological disorders, general intoxication, inflammation of the respiratory tract, fever and a number of other pathological manifestations.

  • Granulocytic anaplasmosis.
  • U healthy people It proceeds quite easily and causes symptoms similar to acute respiratory infections and intestinal infections. If a person with a weakened immune system falls ill, complications from the nervous system and kidneys are possible.

However, as studies show, about 80–90% of all people who become sick from tick bites become infected with borreliosis or (less often) tick-borne encephalitis, so these are the diseases that you need to be wary of first.

If you seek qualified help in a timely manner and eliminate the progression of encephalitis, the patient can expect a complete recovery, which will not in any way affect the quality of life.

  1. Chronic weakness, lasting up to two to three months with further recovery;
  2. Chronic weakness with pain for up to six months without significant deterioration in health;
  3. Complex shape re-balancing with a rehabilitation period of up to two years, but subsequently with complete restoration of mobility and performance.
Bite encephalitis tick- a hotbed of dangerous natural infectious diseases that in 7 out of 10 cases can harm a person by damaging the nervous system.

When the condition is advanced, encephalitis significantly affects a person’s quality of life, which subsequently gives rise to the definition of disability.

  • Deterioration in quality of life, manifested in the form of dysfunction of some limbs. Symptoms do not progress, but there is no improvement;
  • Dysfunction of motor functions with constant progression of symptoms ( headache, fever, fever, chronic fatigue).

Disability in the event of an unfavorable outcome is determined after an examination by a medical commission, which, based on the diagnosis and available tests, makes a final verdict and issues a uniform document confirming the incapacity of the victim.

  1. Disability group 1 - serious impairment of motor functions, inability to move independently without the help of others, loss of self-control and self-control, a sharp decrease in mental abilities, disorientation, epileptic attacks.
  2. Disability group 2 – a sharp decrease in performance, limitation in physical capabilities, rare epileptic seizures in combination with chronic fatigue body.
  3. Disability group 3 – insignificant decrease in physical activity, in rare cases, possible insignificant seizures of epilepsy, loss of professional skills, absent-mindedness.

When receiving disability, the victim is under the supervision of specialists for the rest of his life. This allows a number of necessary measures to be taken to alleviate the patient’s condition and prevent the progression of the disease.

In the capital, submitting a tick for analysis costs from 450 to 1,900 rubles. If the fact of carriage is detected, adult victims are sent to the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after N.V. Sklifosovsky:

  • Address. Pl. B. Sukharevskaya building 3;
  • Opening compartment +7-495-680-85-47;
  • Information. +7-495-680-41-54.

Children under the age of 14-16 years after being bitten by ixodid ticks are urgently sent to a clinical hospital. Hospital No. 13 named after N. F. Filatov:

  • Address. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya street, building 15;
  • Information. +7-499-254-91-29.

Also, first aid to injured people is required to be provided in medical institutions at the place of registration.

If you do not know where to take a tick for analysis in Moscow, contact one of the following specialized centers:

  • Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitis.

The tick should be taken for analysis to the address: Vnukovo city, Moskovsky village, Moscow region (+7-498-540-90-96)

  • FBUZ.

Quick tick test for encephalitis at a price of 725 rubles. will be done at the address: Mytishchi city, Semashko street, 2 (+7-495-582-96-55 or +7-495-586-12-11)

  • Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology (hereinafter referred to as TsGiE).

Affordable hemotest analysis of ticks is carried out at the address: Moscow, Grafsky Lane 4/9 (+7-495-687-40-35 and +7-495-687-40-47) or Varshavskoe Highway, 19A (+7- 495-952-40-98)

  • Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise and Certification.

An urgent tick analysis will be performed in Moscow at Goncharnaya Street, 11 st. 2 (+7-495-698-05-38)

  • Bacteriological Laboratory of the South-Eastern District.

A complete tick check for encephalitis is carried out at the address in Moscow: 2nd Institutskaya Street, building 2/10 (+7-499-171-15-41)

  • Head Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology.

You can submit a tick for analysis in the Moscow region at the address: 1st Lane Infantry House 6 (+7-499-190-48-61)

  • TsGiE Western District.

Residents of the Western Administrative District who do not know where to take a tick for examination should contact the address: Bolshaya Filevskaya Street, building 33 (+7-499-144-00-42)

  • TsGiE SAO.

Residents of the Northern Administrative District who are interested in where to check ticks for encephalitis can contact the address: Ad Street. Makarova building 10 (+7-495-452-19-74)

  • TsGiE Central Administrative District.

Residents of the Central Administrative District who are wondering where to take a tick for analysis should take the insect to the center at the address: A. Solzhenitsyn Street, building 12, st. 5 (+7-495-912-38-08)

  • TsGiE SEAD.

If residents of the South-Eastern Administrative District need to submit a tick for analysis in Moscow, you need to come with the insect to the address: Volgogradsky Avenue, building 113 k.5 (+7-495-919-36-32)

Those residents of the capital and region who do not know where to take a tick for analysis in Moscow can contact the Center for Hygienic Education of the Population. The institution is located at 1st lane Smolensky building 9 st. 1. It is better to first contact the center representatives at +7-499-241-86-28. The specific cost of checking a tick for encephalitis cannot be specified, since each laboratory sets its own prices, depending on the diagnostic method, reagents and equipment used. Prices will vary slightly. For example, submitting a tick for analysis in Moscow VAO will cost 70-120 rubles. cheaper than at FBUZ.

How to behave if bitten by a tick?

Now you know where to take a tick for analysis in the Moscow region and the capital, so there is no need to panic. After the bite, the main thing is:

All 4 rules are extremely important to follow, especially if we're talking about about the child. It is worth remembering that a “safe” insect (not a carrier of a dangerous virus or infection) can also cause harm to the body. According to statistics, 68.6% of people receive the strongest allergic reaction when bitten. It is caused by individual intolerance to insect secretions. Therefore, they act in the following sequence - extraction, comprehensive first aid and examination of the tick, the cost of which can be found out by phone number.

How to properly remove a tick?

For extraction use:

How and where is a tick analyzed for viruses and infections?

In addition to proper extraction, the insect also needs to be correctly delivered to the laboratory. In order for a tick test for encephalitis, the cost of which will depend on the type of insect, to give undistorted results, you need:

Remember: Wherever you submit a tick for inspection, you must attach to the container information about the location of the attack, the date of the attack and the time from the moment the insect was removed.

First aid before submitting a tick for hemotest analysis

Having found out how much it costs to test a tick for encephalitis and other infections, they take the following measures:

  • Give the victim an antihistamine. These are Claritin, Suprastin, etc. Even if you are sure that a hemotest is not needed and the tick will not be submitted for analysis, a person bitten with increased sensitivity to irritants should be given an antihistamine;
  • treat the affected area on the body. It is better to entrust the removal of remains of insect body parts to a doctor. They will not examine the tick for encephalitis, the price of which will be determined in the laboratory, but the affected area will be correctly disinfected;
  • inject Prednisolol 60 mg intramuscularly.

A child or adult who has been bitten should be taken to the hospital. It is advisable to take a tick that was removed for a hemotest along the way.

Do I need to donate blood for testing?

If you cannot test a tick for encephalitis in Moscow (the price of the procedure is indicated above), then you should donate blood for testing within 4 days. Even if the victim went to the clinic, it is better to study the clinical material. Moreover, doctors recommend that even if you bring a tick for analysis, the price of which will not exceed 2,500 rubles, and receive a negative result, you undergo a blood test. A mandatory procedure is a 30-day observation of the bitten person if no infections are detected.

Laboratory testing of ticks for encephalitis in Moscow is carried out within 4-7 working days. The time depends on the method used and the number of confirmed infections. An expert from the institution where you decided to submit the tick for testing will tell you what kind of test should be ordered.

If a tick has appeared on your body, which has not yet fallen off and continues to drink blood, be sure to read the rules of conduct and find out. Do not crush him, do not try to poison him, set him on fire, or pour oil on him so that he suffocates. By doing this, you will harm yourself: the tick, having begun to choke, will secrete even more saliva under your skin with an infection (if any).

Where to take a tick for analysis in Moscow?

Below is a list of Moscow clinics that provide tick analysis services for the presence of dangerous diseases. As a rule, in the same medical institutions you can get an immunoglobulin vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis, but we do not give a guarantee, find out individually by calling each clinic. Please check the cost of the service individually. If any of the information in the list is out of date, please leave a comment with a correction at the bottom of the page, we would appreciate it!

The average cost of PCR analysis for 4 infections - EC, BL, MECH, GAC is 1700 rubles

Laboratory at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow

Krasnogvardeisky Boulevard 17, building 1

Head Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology

1st Infantry Lane, 6

Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, federal Service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being

Varshavskoe highway, 19a

Disinfection company EcoBarrier

BC West Alpha, Pryanishnikova, 19a, building 13

Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise and Certification

Goncharnaya, 11, building 2

Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Moscow, JSC

Bolshaya Filevskaya, 33

Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Moscow, Northern Administrative District

st. Admiral Makarov, 10

Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Moscow, Central Administrative District

st. Alexandra Solzhenitsyna, 12, building 5