Where else can you plant tulips besides a flower bed? How to plant tulips beautifully - expert advice. The best varieties for different types of flower beds

Spring flower bed The tulips on the site look beautiful in themselves. What if you have bulbs of different colors? In this case, you can form an amazing pattern from them. flowering plants. There are several techniques and schemes that allow you to add decorativeness to a tulip flower garden.

Principles of planting tulips. Site preparation

  • a flat, slightly elevated surface so that the bulbs in no case experience excess moisture;
  • good, uniform lighting: the more light, the stronger and brighter the tulip petals will be;
  • light fertile soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline pH;
  • good soil drainage;
  • absence of northern drafts.

Advice. If it is not possible to protect the tulips from gusts of wind (for example, too open area), then plant low-growing varieties.

Flowerbeds are usually laid out near the porch, gazebo, along garden paths, around the trunks of large trees. Often tulips are planted right in the middle of the lawn.

A couple of months before, dig up the selected area to the depth of a spade bayonet. Then remove the weeds, treat against infections and pests and fertilize with a mineral mixture.

Group and single planting schemes

There are many principles for placing tulips. Monoplants - when in stock small area and one variety - can also be very attractive. Options:

  • a classic flowerbed in a cozy corner of the garden;
  • separately growing groups of tulips of 6-10 pieces. in the middle of a flat lawn;
  • flowers to decorate the bare or unsightly lower parts of tree trunks.

Advice. If your selection of varieties is small, you can plant tulips with muscari, pansies, primroses or hyacinths. Combinations vary. Don't be confused by the different heights of the plants.

Planting tulips in full groups is the easiest option to implement. This is relevant when you have at least a dozen bulbs of each varietal sample on hand. The scheme is simple because it does not require the selection of plants that are identical in size, petal shape and other parameters. You simply take species that are similar in color and plant them together.

Place a group of the same size of a different color nearby. It is clear that varieties of the same color will still differ slightly in shade. They can be planted in a mixed order or form a cascade of colors that is pleasing to the eye. For example, make the outskirts a little lighter, and add brightness and saturation closer to the center of the composition.

Planting tulips by height and flowering time

Arrange tulips by height - too good decision. Your task in this case will be to place the buds in steps so that none of the levels is obscured. To do this, plant the tallest varieties in the center of the flowerbed or in the background. Decorate the front edge with low-growing varieties.

The flowering time of an individual tulip is short. To extend the life of colorful decorations, flower growers use the option of joint planting of crops with different flowering periods. Wild and terry varieties bloom before everyone else. Behind them are the Triumph, Foster, Greig classes, as well as the Darwin hybrid. The group of late tulips is the most extensive.

Regular care will prolong the brightness of the flower bed. Cut off the stems of wilting plants, but leave the leaves until they turn completely yellow. This will improve appearance flowers this and next season. And do not forget to dig up and sort the bulbs in time after they have completely withered. Simple techniques will allow you to shape and change the appearance of your flower garden every year.

Tulips in the country: video

DIY tulip flowerbed

Anyone who has ever seen steppes or alpine meadows when tulips are blooming will confirm that they bloom in such a way that they take your breath away. The same illusion can be created on suburban area. With the appearance of young grass, daffodils, tulips, and muscari bloom. “Islands” of these modest flowers will become a magnificent decoration for your lawn.

Majority bulbous plants is not different long flowering. Flaring up bright colors at the beginning of spring, by summer their leaves turn yellow and the plants go dormant. To create a blooming oasis in the middle of the green expanse of the lawn, plant a group of small bulbous plants here, and in early spring sow annuals. After the bulbous flowers fade, they will be replaced by colorful petunias and colorful pansies.

Try planting bulbs under the lawn cover. Tulips, hazel grouse, and daffodils are amazingly beautiful when they rise in the midst of the emerald richness of young grass. For planting, select a section of lawn with well-formed, non-waterlogged turf. Small bulbous plants are best planted in special plastic baskets, which can be purchased at any garden center. Such baskets are easy to take out of the ground, and you will never mix up different kinds and varieties.

For lovers of bulbous plants, we recommend using a special planting tool - a planter. It does not crush the soil, removing excess from the hole. With its help, you can quickly and accurately plant the bulbs in even holes and in the intended places.


Try arranging a border, edging or flower bed on your lawn. It's not difficult, the main thing is to determine color scheme plants. Usually it contrasts with the general background, otherwise the border is lost and its aesthetic function becomes meaningless. tall plants planted away from the paths, where they will be clearly visible.


1. Place the basket on the lawn in the place where you plan to plant it, and cut the turf around its circumference to a depth of 10-12 cm.

2. Remove the basket. Use a shovel to lift up the layer of cut soil without disturbing the surface of the adjacent lawn or cut turf. Deepen the hole onto the bayonet of the shovel.

3. Sprinkle fertilizer along the bottom of the hole. For a hole with a diameter of 30-40 cm, take 1/3 cup of superphosphate.

4. Place a bulb basket in the hole. Place a layer of damp soil at the bottom of the basket and compact it well. Place the bulbous bottoms on a layer of soil.

5. Carefully cut off excess soil from the layer of removed turf.

6. Cover the bulbs with soil. Cover the hole with the planted bulbs with sod. Now you can leave it untouched for several years. Don’t forget to mulch your plantings with a layer of peat before frost sets in!

There were times in the history of tulips when their plantations in Holland were guarded by armed police - these flowers, a symbol of wealth and nobility, were so dear and desirable.

Their triumphal march continues to this day, although more than 350 years have passed since then. The number of varieties continues to grow, and there seems to be no end to it. We have selected only a few of them and offer three planting options.

The right satellites, like a beautiful frame, only enhance the charm of tulips. This pansies, forget-me-nots, daisies, wallflowers. When spring flowers fade, summer flowers will come to replace them.

If the beds and flower beds have to be watered a lot in the summer, the tulip bulbs cannot ripen and quickly rot. Therefore, here it is better to plant tulips in special baskets, and after flowering, remove the baskets and place them in a dry corner, where the leaves will completely wither and the bulbs can ripen.

Or another option: plant drought-tolerant flowers between them, like alyssum or pumping paniculata. These lovers of dry conditions are even useful for tulips, since in summer they draw out excess moisture, which is destructive for the latter, from the soil.

Tulips are also good with other spring-flowering bulbs.. Some gardeners like mixed plantings of bulbous plants: hyacinths and daffodils are planted between the tulips of the Triumph and Darwin hybrids groups. To ensure that they all bloom at the same time, it is better to take late-blooming trumpet daffodils. TO early varieties For a Kaufman tulip, the smaller cyclamen daffodil (Narcissus cyclamenius), whose peak flowering occurs in early spring, is suitable.

You can plant tulips under Arguta or forsythia bushes blooming at the same time. Both simple and terry varieties feel good under them and look beautiful.

Velvety heads of monochrome pansies emphasize elegance white tulips.

"Pink Impression" tulip variety Darwin hybrids group, blooms in late April-early May.

Functions- ideal companions for tulips. Their leaves begin to grow in full force when the tulip bulbs are pulled into the soil.

Classic partners of tulips - forget-me-nots And daisies. What if you hook them up with them? carnations?

Development of tulips throughout the year

When tulip bulbs are planted in the fall, the bulb contains all the substances necessary for the plant next spring initial stage active growth. It just needs to take root, and for this it is important that the soil is loose.

When a tulip blooms, the supply of nutrients in the bulb runs out, and then the opposite happens: all the above-ground green parts of the plant help form replacement bulbs, because the mother bulb dies after flowering.

That's why Tulip leaves cannot be cut until they turn completely yellow. Only then can you be sure that the nutrients for next spring have accumulated in the newly formed bulb.

And here Fading flowers need to be cut off- so that the formation of seeds does not deplete the plant.

If tulips grew in one place for a very long time and their flowering began to decline, the reason may be large quantities formed children. They need to be separated and planted.





Cutting faded flowers

Feeding tulips

As soon as the leaves appear, feed the plants with full mineral fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. The ripening of the bulbs after flowering will be supported by potassium fertilizer.

Organic fertilizer is best applied in the fall. Before planting your tulip bulbs, add a handful of bone meal to each hole.

Planting tulips under trees

On lawns or under trees, tulips can look like they are growing wild. For this purpose, small and strong species are selected so that they are not drowned out by grass, hardy so as not to freeze in winter.

It is important not to damage the flowers when mowing the grass. Tulips are planted in unshaded areas so that they can develop to their full potential.

Schemes of flower beds with tulips

Plant tulips in small groups

Tulips look much more interesting if you plant them in a flowerbed not interspersed, but in small groups, 7-10 plants of each variety.

In the first row: pansies (Viola) "Iceqeen Violett" (3) and "Roggli Berna Violett" (5), as well as yellowberry (Erysimum) "Prince Violett" (4).

Arrange by height

In order for all the flowers to be clearly visible in the flowerbed, it is necessary know the height varieties.

In our picture, against the background of a spirea bush of the "Grefsheim" variety (1), there is a Darwin hybrid "Pink Impression" 60 cm high (2), a lower early terry variety "Goya" (3), in the foreground is a Greig tulip "Perlina" (4 ), followed by hyacinth "Gipsy Queen" (5).

Prolong flowering

If you want to prolong your joy, plant tulips different types, blooming not at the same time, but one after another. Among the wild species there are those that bloom at the end of April.

Following them, some botanical species will bloom (Foster's tulip, Greig's tulip and Kaufmann's tulip), and then varieties from the Simple Late group will bloom (mid-to-late May).

In our picture, the “Braty Queen” (2) tulips from the Simple Early group will later be replaced by the “Fantasie” (3) tulips from the Parrot group. Above them, the Lamarck serviceberry (Amelanchier lamarckii) (1) spreads its tent, and in the first row there are forget-me-nots (4).

When do the bulbs fade?

When will the tulips bloom?, daffodils and other spring bulbs, a change of scenery is coming. The resulting voids will be filled by flowering and decorative foliage plants, which in no case should displace their predecessors.

Spring bulbs form a good partnership with autumn-flowering perennials, for example sedum And autumn asters. In shady corners, the baton of flowering after daffodils will be picked up by spirea "Arguta".

Tender wild species tulips can be safely planted among curtains aubriet, ground cover sedum, thyme and other cushion-shaped plants. Firstly, they, like the inhabitants of the alpine hills, love the sun, and secondly, their narrow lanceolate leaves disappear very early.

But yellowed leaves of cultivated tulips can spoil decorative look flower beds, so it’s better to plant in the neighborhood, for example, paniculata (gypsophila).

Let's swing the paniculata - gypsophila- (Gypsophila) will cover yellowed leaves garden tulips a cloud of fragrant flowers.

(Geranium) will fill the gaps after the bulbous plants bloom: tall varieties- on ridges, short ones - on an alpine hill.

Novobelgii (Aster novibelgii) begins to grow late spring, therefore ideal for tulips.

May. On personal plots the delicate greenery of the landscape “explodes” with lush spots of flower beds. In every garden, among the lush colorful compositions, there is a lovingly created tulip bed for tulips.

But not everyone is capable of creating a spectacular flower garden with a charmingly sophisticated “oriental beauty” and once a symbol of royal power. There are some design techniques for this, which will be discussed further.

The construction of each facility begins with an analysis of available funds, and only then comes the development of the project and its implementation. This is also true for creating a flower bed. Before you plant a flower bed with tulips, critically review the material you have. Remove low-quality items from the assortment. Then sort the bulbs into groups depending on indicators such as:

  • color spectrum,
  • flowering time,
  • plant height.

After the audit, it will become clear how to plant tulips. If there is not enough material available, then you can’t dream of large, monochrome flower beds. But you can arrange a discount or introduce a group of tulips into a traditional flowerbed. It will also look impressive and touching small composition With different colors, in which “oriental beauties” will dominate.

The secrets of designing a flower bed with tulips will be discussed below, but for now let’s do reconnaissance on the ground.

What they like and don't like

So, having decided on the bulbs, you can also choose a place to plant the flower garden. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the requirements and characteristics of the flower culture.

Since these flowers are of Asian origin, they prefer the following habitats:

  • warm, well heated;
  • solar;
  • protected from the winds.

Also, the selected area for the flower bed should be protected from waterlogging. Bulbs rot quickly in wet soil.

But the soil for them should be:

  • sandy loam;
  • wet;
  • loose;
  • rich in humus;
  • slightly alkaline or neutral;
  • well drained.

All this must be taken into account when choosing a site for planting a flower bed. It is better to choose a place where potatoes, legumes or cabbage were previously grown.


Having decided on a place for a flower bed, knowing the assortment and number of tubers, you can start developing an exhibition project.

Flowers as spectacular and full of charm as tulips can be ruined not only by poor-quality soil and bad conditions cultivation, but also ill-conceived placement. From the “wrong” environment in a flowerbed, the beauty of a flower can lose its splendor.

Therefore, the development of a flower garden composition, where the main role will be given to the tulip, not an easy job. To do this, you must follow basic floral design techniques.

But every gardener must remember that in such compositions only 3 shades together look harmonious and elegant.

An excessively variegated palette reduces the impression of nobility of the flowerbed and introduces confusion into the color perception.

Memo for beginning gardeners

Those who have little experience in creating flower beds with tulips should keep in mind the following nuances:

Gypsophila is also good for this. In addition to the above advantages, it has the ability to absorb from the soil excess water and thus protect the bulbs from rotting.

  • To remove harmful moisture for the tulip good neighbor there will be alyssum. But the Dutch, for this purpose, use broken clay shards buried between the bulbs for their endless tulip fields.
  • If the symbol of royal power is intended to decorate mixed planting where there are plants that require good watering, protect it from this and do not plant it in the ground with everyone else. It is better to plant tulips in special baskets, which you will remove from the flowerbed after flowering. Thus, the leaves will fade without harming the decorative appearance of the flower garden, and the health of the bulbs will be maintained.

Responsible event - landing

The time for planting bulbs depends on the geography of your residence. Experts say that the optimal period for planting tulip bulbs is when the air and soil temperatures in the fall reach +80C.

It’s better not to rush into landing. It’s not scary if the first light frosts or snow touch the ground. You can raise the soil a little, shovel away the snow and plant the bulb. The main thing is to cover the ground well afterwards.

Lily is a beautiful noble flower that decorates almost every garden. Sophisticated, whimsical and fragrant...

Before planting, the soil must be dug up using a spade and added per 1 m2:

  • humus – 2 kg;
  • sand – 3 kg;
  • peat – 1 kg;
  • ash – 1 kg.

Then dig everything up again and leave for 2 days.

Under no circumstances should you fertilize with fresh manure. It reduces plant immunity. Very helpful organic fertilizers, for example, bone meal, which is recommended to be added under each hole.

Before planting, the material must be dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate (in a ratio of 1 g per 1 liter with water) for 5-10 minutes. The planting depth and distance between bulbs should be equal to three bulb diameters.

Flowerbed life

The bulb falls into the soil, filled with vital forces, which are enough for both vigorous flowering and the formation of new children. True, she responds with gratitude in early spring, before flowering, to feeding with ammonium nitrate in the amount of 15 g and superphosphate in the amount of 20 g per 1 m2. Potash fertilizer very useful for ripening bulbs after flowering.

As the tulips bloom, the bulbs become depleted, useful material run out and supply comes only from green mass.

To provide the bulb with maximum nutrition, it is recommended, immediately after flowering, to cut off the heads of the tulips, leaving 3-4 leaves on the stem.

Having provided the children with vital energy, the above-ground part of the flower then dies and a period of rest begins.

Creating on your own site beautiful flower garden, you have to decide which plants to give preference to. Flowerbeds from…

Why dig up bulbs?

This is done for the following reasons:

  1. Every year the bulb produces many children and if they are not dug up for years, they go deeper into the soil;
  2. An annual revision of the existing assortment allows us to preserve the best specimens, which replace the old ones;
  3. Systematic culling of weak and diseased bulbs is necessary to prevent the spread of infection in the ground;
  4. The bulb remaining in the ground will be subject to infections and excessive moisture. Insufficient soil temperature provokes the crushing of the variety and its death.

There are several varieties where it is allowed not to dig up flowers for 4-5 years. These include tulips by Kaufman, Foster, and Greig.

The storage temperature of the dug bulbs should initially be 250C for the best heating. A gradual reduction to 90C ensures optimal conditions to save material.

Tulips (from Latin Túlipa) and daffodils (from Latin Narcissus) are, perhaps, the most popular flowering plants, with the help of which millions of gardeners in our country plant flowers in their garden plots every year.

IN last years Many gardeners practice forcing bulbs of hyacinths, crocuses, daffodils, tulips, lilies, as well as flower buds of garden lilies of the valley on nutrient solutions. These plants are the most common in Middle lane Russia, and their cultivation does not create problems even for novice flower growers and inexperienced florists.

When to plant on the site

Any variety of fall bulbous flowers should be purchased and planted in the fall. The flowering period occurs next spring. The most unpretentious and beautifully flowering bulbous plants in Russia are represented by tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, imperial hazel grouse, decorative onions, crocuses, small-bulbous plants, including Scylla and Pushkinia.

However, well-known bulbous moisture-loving lilies are out-of-season, and they can be planted in flower beds and flower beds not only in spring, but also in autumn. When landing in spring period off-season species of bulbous plants begin to bloom in the same year, and when used planting material in autumn the flowering period is next year.

In the last ten days of August comes optimal time for planting small-bulbous plants, represented by Scylla, Pushkinia, Chionodoxa and crocuses, in flower beds.

Depending on what temperature indicators are typical for the region in mid-September, you should choose the time for planting tulip bulbs. Hyacinths can be planted at the end of October, when temperatures reach +8°C.

Selection and processing of planting material

When choosing and purchasing planting material for flowers such as tulips, crocuses, hyacinths and other plants, you should definitely pay attention to the size of the bulb. Only well-formed bulbs bloom beautifully and profusely.

At external inspection When planting material, pay attention to the density of the bulbs; they should not have rotten spots or mold. It is important to inspect the bottom of the bulbs of hyacinths, crocuses and other bulbous plants. It should not be loose or wet.

In hyacinths, you should pay attention to the color of the covering scales of the bulbs, which will be similar to the color of the inflorescences. Moreover, it is important to remember that low-growing varieties and species flowers have smaller planting material. Wide-conical bulbs are characteristic of pink, purple and blue varieties hyacinths, and yellow and orange varieties have narrow-conical bulbs.

Autumn planting of bulbous bulbs (video)

Flower growers need to remember the following nuances:

  • tulips, daffodils, snowdrops and hyacinths produce bulbs coated with a thin shell;
  • hazel grouse and lilies do not have bulb protection;
  • Crocuses and gladioli are characterized by the formation of corms covered with scales.

You cannot purchase planting material for lilies and crocuses immediately after forcing. Failure to comply with this rule can result in depletion of nutrients. Such plants will not produce flowers for a long time. High-quality and beautiful flowering can only be obtained from healthy and strong planting material of crocuses and other bulbous plants.

It is important to remove the packaged bulbs from the packages and reject those that are severely damaged or diseased. Purchased bulbs should be planted in a flowerbed after cleaning and treating them for infections. After removing the integumentary scales from apparently healthy planting material, fusarium can sometimes be detected. These mold-like spots require sanding and removal with powdered fungicides.

How to plant beautifully in a flowerbed: rules of landscape design

Recently, flower beds similar to alpine coaster, as well as with planting plants in a chaotic manner. Regardless of which method of planting bulbs is chosen, and what shape the flower garden is used, You should carefully observe the following planting rules:

  • Only large and healthy plant bulbs can be planted and replanted;
  • You cannot purchase, much less plant or replant, wrinkled and weak planting material, which will not produce a strong plant and beautiful flowers;
  • Plants should be planted to a depth that depends on the size and height of the bulb, as well as the type of soil in the flower garden;
  • the depth should be twice the diameter of the bulbs or triple the height of the bulb;
  • daffodils, tulips or hyacinths should be planted and replanted to a depth of 10–15 cm;
  • Smaller varieties such as snowdrops or crocuses should be planted at a depth of 3–5 cm.

It is extremely important to properly plant and replant out-of-season bulbs. The depth of their planting should be five times the height of the planting material. In addition, in the presence of heavy soils, placement is made less deep. The standard distance between planted bulbs should be twice their diameter. Volume of planting material for each square meter calculated depending on the purpose of planting. Chaotic planting of different types and varieties looks more natural and beautiful.

You might also be interested in this article where we talk about how to grow colorful bulbous flowers in your flower bed.

What flowers to plant tulips next to?

There are several rules that are actively used experienced flower growers, in order not only to qualitatively design flower beds and flower beds, but also to make the decoration more effective:

  • It is best to plant any types and varieties of tulips in special baskets. With this method, after flowering, the planting baskets are transferred to a dry place, where the leaves of the plants completely wither and the bulbs fully ripen.
  • A good compatibility option is to plant flowering plants between the tulips that are classified as drought-resistant.

  • Planting tulips together with perennials can effectively decorate any type of flower garden or flower bed, regardless of shape and size.
  • An excellent addition is the viola, which can create an ideally beautiful low background for tall tulips. The maximum decorative effect is achieved by densely planting viola in flower beds.
  • Recently, monochrome flower beds have gained the most popularity, in which tulips of the same color are planted, but different varieties and types.

How to plant tulips correctly (video)

Tulips and daffodils (20 photos)

In the absence of perennials in flower beds, it is extremely important to properly plan the space, which should not be empty throughout the entire summer period. As a rule, flower growers recommend placing ground cover flowers in flower beds after tulips. The most popular plantings are plants such as aubrieta, subulate phlox and arabis, the foliage of which is not capable of shading the tulips. This promotes full and high-quality ripening of the bulbs.