Bottom part of the distillation column. Why is a distillation column needed? Vary in size

The rectification column, which 20 years ago was only used in distilleries, is now used in everyday life to produce high-quality alcohol - rectified alcohol, which is an impossible task for a conventional moonshine still.

And in order to better understand what it is, what the structure and principle of operation of the distillation column is, as well as how to make the unit with your own hands, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the issue in more detail.

A distillation column is a complex device consisting of several units: a drawer, a selection unit and a thermometer, which are necessary for full rectification to take place. This process allows you to separate a multicomponent mixture consisting of substances with similar boiling/evaporation points.

The main difference between rectification and conventional distillation is that with it the evaporation and condensation of substances is not a single phenomenon, but a constant cyclic process. As a result - moonshine still - column type produces alcohol of the highest quality - rectified.

Design and principle of operation of a distillation column


It is located at the base of the column and is one of its main parts. Gas-liquid mass exchange takes place inside it - one of the main phenomena in the rectification process. This happens as follows:

  • The liquid, boiling in the distillation cube, evaporates and passes through the frame in gaseous form.
  • The steam, having reached the reflux condenser, cools and condenses on its walls.
  • The condensate flows first along the walls of the reflux condenser, and then along the walls of the drawer back into the cube.
  • At this moment, gas-liquid mass exchange occurs between the draining condensate and the rising steam. It involves the transfer of heat and a certain amount of evaporated substances from steam to condensate. Under this influence, part of the phlegm is its low-boiling components: alcohol and a small proportion of water evaporate again, not reaching the distillation cube, and more low-boiling ones: fusel oils and other impurities continue to flow into alembic.

Thus, mainly alcohol accumulates in the upper part of the column, and impurities mainly circulate in the lower part of the unit. As a result, the output is a rectified product with a strength of about 95%.

A distillation column can have one drawer or several. Moreover, the higher the column, the larger area, where mass exchange takes place between reflux and steam, which in turn improves the quality of the resulting product.

Inside the drawer there are nozzles, on the surface of which the main mass transfer occurs. Stainless steel products are well suited for sugar and grain, and copper - for fruit mash.

In addition to nozzles, plates can be placed inside the drawer, which further increase the area where gas-liquid mass exchange takes place, which affects the quality of the resulting rectified product.

The walls of the drawer may have additional heating, which enhances the evaporation of phlegm that does not reach the nozzles and plates. This addition also improves the quality of the final product.


The upper part of the distillation column, responsible for collecting and cooling the rising vapors to reflux. From here the condensed liquid flows down into the drawer.

The reflux condenser can be designed in several ways circuit diagrams, the simplest is the film version, and one of the most popular is the Dimroth refrigerator,

Selection unit

Responsible for collecting part of the condensed phlegm and discharging it outside into a collection container. Depending on the settings of the selection unit, the amount of condensate collected also varies. The lower its selection, the higher the quality of the rectified product.


In a distillation column, unlike a standard moonshine still, it is mandatory integral part systems. The fact is that rectification is a very delicate process, highly dependent on maintaining the correct temperature.

Distillation cube with heating elements

Although a distillation column can be used with a conventional gas, electric or gas still, it is much better to equip it with a heating element unit.

This feature, like a thermometer, is associated with the need for precise and fine regulation of the temperature inside the system, and therefore with the regulation of the power of the device that heats the mash.

Gas valves require great skill, induction cookers have a fixed step from 100 to 300 W, but heating element regulators allow you to change the power by 3-5 W.

Which is better, a classic moonshine still or a distillation column?

To understand the advantages of rectification over distillation, it is worth making a clear comparison of these technologies.




Taste and aroma qualities of the final product

The taste and smell correspond to the raw material of the mash.

Very pure alcohol, tasteless and odorless.

Drink strength

Depending on the design of the apparatus and the number of distillations, from 40 to 65%.

up to 97, on average 93-95%.

Degree of separation of substances with different boiling/evaporation temperatures

Low, even substances with a large difference in evaporation temperature remain together after condensation.

Very high, if necessary, you can not only separate the alcohol, but also separate fusel oils into components.

Degree of separation harmful substances from alcohol

Low to medium. The quality of separation can only be improved by increasing the number of distillations.

Loss of alcohol

Large, in the best case it will be possible to collect up to 80% of the product contained in the mash.

Small, losses in practice range from 1 to 3%, although ideal conditions they may not exist.

The complexity of creating and using a technology-based unit

Low to medium, primitive models do not have strict sizing criteria, equipment improvement potential is limited. Handling technology is easy and simple.

High. To create, you will need specialized equipment and a strict list of materials. For effective use theoretical knowledge is needed.

In order to obtain a product of the same quality through distillation as through rectification, it is necessary to carry out about 10 consecutive distillations. It should be taken into account that distilling an alcohol-containing product stronger than 20-30% is explosive (moonshine is explosive by default, but in this case the risk increases significantly).

How to make a distillation column with your own hands according to a detailed diagram

The unit has a simple design.

Calculation and assembly of a distillation column with your own hands is carried out as follows:

Instead of an afterword

The alcohol obtained through rectification is much higher quality than the distillate from a classic moonshine still.

But along with positive aspects come and flaws: the requirements for equipment are much higher, and its production is more expensive; in addition, operation also requires high skill.

Therefore, it is not so easy to clearly determine which is better, a good moonshine still or a distillation column, but, of course, there is an intermediate solution - mash column. It produces a distillate, but not a rectified product, of very high quality, and it is easier to use, it’s all a matter of priorities.

Rectification is a complex process of separating different multicomponent mixtures due to heat exchange between steam and liquid. A similar column, used in everyday life for a moonshine still, is precisely intended for purifying alcohol-containing liquid from fusel oils and other harmful impurities.

Users who need to know technical specifications, design, as well as the positive and negative properties of this product, you need to read our article, where they will find all the answers to their questions.

A column-type rectification product will help you obtain almost pure alcohol at home, which can be used not only for moonshine, but also in the production of elite varieties of strong drinks, which will not contain fusel oils, as well as other impurities that are very harmful to our body.

A moonshine still with a column of similar action differs from other handicraft products in more high performance. The principle of operation of such a column can be compared to a multi-storey building, where a kind of cleaning and active filtration is carried out on each floor. The device is also a very powerful capacitor that works like this:

  1. Alcohol vapors are purified from fusel oils by passing through a special filler.
  2. The vapors encounter condensation and the oils precipitate.
  3. Then they pass through the refrigerator and steamer.
  4. At the very end of the process, pasteurization occurs, and highly purified and high-strength alcohol comes out.

The distillation process occurs in several stages, but the main advantage here is in the filler; it is this that helps clean the moonshine from the presence of harmful impurities and fusel, thereby increasing the taste characteristics and final strength.


It is not so complicated, but the dimensions of the individual components must be strictly maintained, otherwise the result will not be as high as the consumer expects.


Or a container into which alcohol-containing raw materials are poured; it should be quite spacious and made of copper, stainless steel or enameled, but without disturbing the layer. For a small output, a 5-liter pressure cooker is quite suitable; for larger production, it is better to weld a container from a stainless steel sheet.

The main requirement is complete tightness, because during active boiling the lid should not allow steam to pass through, much less boiling liquid. Excess pressure should be released check valve- the finished cube just meets all these requirements. It is important that the volume of the distillation cube for moonshine matches the size of the column.

Attention! The distillation cube is filled with mash no more than 2/3 of the original volume, otherwise during active boiling the column will be overwhelmed with excess.


Or a hollow cylinder made of stainless metal, which will be the body of the distillation column. The wall thickness must be at least 1.5 mm, the diameter 30-50 mm, its height must be at least 1.0-1.5 m, because the slower the impurities are separated, the cleaner and stronger the final product. If it is short, then impurities will enter the distiller, and if it is longer, the purification process will increase, but this will not affect the efficiency.

A thread is cut from both ends so that one end is screwed to the cube and the other is attached to the dephlegmator. The bottom of the drawer should have a mesh that will hold the filler and other attachments filling the internal volume of the cylinder. Some experienced specialists wrap it with foam rubber for insulation.


Filling the insides of the drawer is the main condition for the entire rectification process: if it is hollow, then only distillation will occur, and as a result you will get simple moonshine. The purpose of all filler components is to greatly increase the surface area over which reflux flows.

Heavy impurities are deposited and cannot enter the final product, and alcohol vapors easily penetrate into the distiller. The filling can be different, the main thing is that it is made of stainless metal or other inert material:

  • ceramic or glass beads;
  • kitchen nets from stainless wire, cut into pieces - they need to be changed after a certain period;
  • Rashig rings, Panchenkov RPN - these are the best options for filling.

The latter option is the best at precipitating fractions and does not require replacement over time.

Distillate selection unit

This is a small piece of pipe made of stainless metal, its purpose is to collect the remains of phlegm: first there are harmful impurities and fractions, they are called “heads”, then the “body” appears - alcohol vapor without taste and unpleasant odor. Homemade devices Everyone does it differently, but the principle is the same:

  • a tube of smaller diameter is welded to the inside of the pipe so that a pocket is formed around the circumference, where phlegm will collect;
  • sometimes a stainless steel plate is used instead, corresponding to the internal diameter, but with a hole in the middle - part of the reflux remains on the plate, and part returns back to the drawer.

From the outside, two fittings are welded to different holes: a tap is attached to one to remove impurities, and a thermometer is inserted into the other (it is slightly smaller in size) to measure changes in the temperature of the alcohol vapor.

Outside, two holes are made in the pipe for two fittings: a tap is attached to one to remove reflux, and a thermometer is inserted into the other (smaller) to measure the temperature of the steam.


This part is installed at the very top, it is here that the alcohol vapor cools, condenses onto the walls and flows down by gravity. Some craftsmen make the following reflux condenser designs:

  1. Direct-flow or jacketed is made of two pipes different diameters. Constantly circulates between them cold water, which cools inner tube, where the steam is located.
  2. Dimroth's product is more efficient - the body is a pipe with an identical drawer diameter. Inside there is a tube twisted in a spiral, and cold water circulates in it. If the diameter of the drawer is 50 mm, then the coil is made from a 6 mm tube and about three meters long, then the length of the entire structure will be 25-35 cm.
  3. The shell-and-tube version consists of several pipes - inside the pipe large diameter smaller ones are fixed, where the alcohol vapor passes. The performance of this design is excellent and there are many advantages: water consumption is more economical and condensation occurs faster.

The third option is convenient to attach to the column at an angle, which significantly reduces the overall height.

Water refrigerator

You can make such a device yourself without special costs, a water cooler is needed to reduce the temperature of the exiting product. It is made like a jacket dephlegmator, but from pipes of a smaller diameter: water enters the lower one, and from the upper one it enters and is directed through a silicone hose to the dephlegmator for cooling. The speed of water flow is controlled by the pressure from the tap.

Pasteurization drawer

This is an essential element of a modern distillation column; you might think that it only complicates the design, but this is not so: it improves it, since the product is more completely purified from the head fractions. Its size is slightly smaller - 30 cm, it kind of complements the main drawer.

The final, purified product is collected from the lower selection of the small drawer, so it has maximum purity.


Rectification is a rather lengthy process and constantly requires monitoring, so you should install good automation, for example, a rectification control unit or simply a BUR. His task includes:

  • turn on the cooling water;
  • reduce the power of the device during filtration;
  • when the purification process is completed, it stops selection;
  • turn off the water supply and heating after removing the tail section.

Of course, you can do without automation on your own, if you have one great experience, and it will be more convenient for beginners to work with it.

Advantages and disadvantages

Modern columns have individual advantages and disadvantages, but the main advantages are as follows:

  • allow you to produce alcohol of high purity and strength at home;
  • the resulting product does not require re-distillation, there is no unpleasant odor;
  • they are equipped with everything necessary details and can work independently, without the participation of a moonshine still;
  • its use does not require special knowledge, you just need to make sure that the tubes do not become clogged during the cleaning process;
  • help produce alcohol in industrial quantities, but this depends on the power of the product.
  • quite a long process;
  • output per hour is no more than one liter;
  • finished devices have a very high cost.

Many home lovers strong drink They make moonshine stills using a homemade method, and skimp on cleaning, so the result is not quality, but a cloudy liquid with a tart, characteristic odor.

The Art of Choice

When purchasing such equipment, you must Special attention pay attention to the following points:

  1. Material. The best samples are made of an inert metal, which under no circumstances will interact with alcohol vapor. A special one is ideal for this stainless steel- food or medical.
  2. Contact elements. Products for the home use special attachments that do not have any disadvantages.
  3. Dephlegmator. It is located at the top of the column and is designed to cool alcohol-containing vapors.
  4. Thermometer - it helps determine the true temperature, which is important when separating fractions from the final product.
  5. Pressure relief valve - its presence is necessary for safe operation.
  6. Adjustable selection unit. It significantly affects the accuracy of fraction separation. It can be removable, so not all models are equipped with it.
  7. Product cost. You need to familiarize yourself with several models to choose the best option for your needs.

Judging by the reviews real users For such equipment, preference is given to products made of stainless material, and for preparing a homemade strong drink from grapes or grains, copper attachments are used.

Rating of the best models

  • Type: film type distillation column
  • Material: stainless steel
  • Capacity: up to 3 l/h
  • Distillation volume: 20 l
  • Tank wall thickness: 1 mm
  • Cube bottom: 2 mm, multi-layer
  • Type of container: tank-pan
  • Tank diameter: 280 mm
  • Installation height: 107 cm
  • metal quality
  • convenient design
  • three-pipe cooling
  • power can be increased by modification
  • not found

  • Type: mash column
  • Material: food steel
  • Capacity: up to 1.0 l/h
  • Distillation volume: 20 l
  • Tank wall thickness: 1 mm
  • Diameter: neck - 110 mm, columns - 42.5 mm
  • Installation height: 99 cm
  • Final product strength: 93%
  • high-quality assembly
  • excellent cleaning
  • high quality from the first stage
  • normal volumes
  • not found

  • Type: with steamer
  • Material: AISI 304/430
  • Capacity: up to 4 l/h
  • Distillation volume: 25 l
  • Tank wall thickness: 1.5 mm
  • Tank dimensions: 250x300 mm
  • Neck diameter: 115 mm
  • Installation height: 60 cm
  • suitable for all slabs
  • high quality materials
  • atmospheric safety valve
  • 5 year warranty
  • not found

  • Type: moonshine still
  • Material: stainless steel
  • Capacity: up to 7 l/h
  • Distillation volume: 20 l
  • Thickness: tank walls - 1.5 mm, bottom - 5 mm
  • Diameter: tank - 300 mm, neck - 90 mm
  • Installation height: 90 cm
  • Total weight: 3.1 kg
      • three-pipe refrigerator
      • availability of aroma basket
      • two bimetallic thermometers
      • 12 month warranty

Column for obtaining rectification – necessary equipment, which allows you to extract from mash not just strong moonshine, but real pure alcohol with a strength of up to 96 degrees. Moonshine still with distillation column opens ample opportunities for beginners and experienced distillers. What is the difference between a moonshine still and a distillation column? Is it required during production, and what advantages does it provide? Let's figure it out.

Distillation column

What is a distillation column?

Column is a component of the distillation circuit, consisting of a metal (stainless steel, copper) or glass flask, as well as filler and special adapter mounts (most often, a clamp connection is used, which allows you to quickly install and remove the device).

Distillation column, diagram

Various options are used as a filling that increases the usable area of ​​the internal part of the distillation column:

  • glass or ceramic balls;
  • regular wire nozzle (RPN);
  • SPN (Selivanenko spiral wire nozzle), etc.

The operating principle of the distillation column in a moonshine still is based on increasing the contact area of ​​substances evaporating from the mash - alcohol vapor, heavy and ultra-light fractions.

Unlike simple distillation, during rectification using a column, the vapors released from the mash when heated are separated into their components. The resulting product is pure alcohol, without impurities in the form of heavy fractions. Foreign substances settle back into the distillation cube, flowing down the walls of the column, and more volatile alcohol vapors pass into the condenser (tubular-type refrigerator or with a coil). Additionally, rectification equipment is equipped with special devices - a reflux condenser, a droplet eliminator, a steam steamer, etc. Each of them serves to improve the quality of the resulting product.

The best moonshine stills and distillation columns allow you to produce alcohol, moonshine and spirits of excellent quality at home.

Operating principle of a distillation column

What is better - a simple apparatus or a distillation column?

In fact, asking the question this way is not the most correct approach. serves to obtain fairly strong raw alcohol, the strength of which usually does not exceed 70 degrees. With proper distillation, cutting off the “heads” and “tails,” the output is a strong alcoholic drink with a rich flavor and aromatic composition, including notes characteristic of the original raw material. Moonshines made from honey, fruits, berries, and grains are especially popular - their characteristic tastes delight lovers.

The rectification column allows you to obtain the finished product - rectified alcohol

The product obtained from a simple moonshine still requires additional operations - cleaning, filtration, double fractional distillation.

Columns are used to produce purified alcohol with a high strength, but without the tastes and aromas of the raw materials. They do not require additional purification and, as a neutral alcohol base, are suitable for preparing vodka, tinctures, and liqueurs. A rectification column allows you to avoid distilling the mash twice, immediately obtaining a finished product - rectified alcohol, suitable for both technical needs and food purposes. When distilling through a column, steamers and gin baskets are used to improve the flavor and aromatic properties. They contain aromatic raw materials, which give off essential oils when passing through herbs, dried fruits, spices, alcohol vapors. A moonshine still with a distillation column and steamer is perfect for making gins, flavored vodkas, and tequila.

Steamer with gin basket

Pros and cons of using a distillation column in distillation equipment

It is immediately worth noting that conventional distillation equipment is more accessible - it is cheaper and easier to use. But its functionality is less wide. Among the advantages of the column:

  • the ability to obtain pure alcohol – rectified;
  • distillation mode to obtain highly purified moonshine;
  • the absence in the final product of foreign harmful impurities and substances that impair the taste of drinks.

The device also has disadvantages - the columns have lower productivity; when receiving the rectification, it is necessary to pour diluted raw alcohol into the distillation cube. This involves primary distillation in a moonshine still.

Many experienced distillers believe that a column is only needed to produce alcohol from raw materials that do not have any special valuable taste properties - sugar mash, old jam, etc. Otherwise, it is better to use a conventional apparatus.

Sieve Distillation Column

You can also use a special sieve column. It, depending on the number of installed plates (discs), allows you to get moonshine high degree cleaning and drinks while preserving the original flavor and aroma composition of the raw materials.

The device is installed on universal distillation apparatuses with provided connections for mounting various additional devices.

Nozzles for columns and their varieties

Truly passionate distillers are eager to experiment with nozzles for filling distillation columns. They use both factory models and all kinds of homemade ones. Among the first, three options can be distinguished.

  • Wire regular nozzles made of metal mesh. The material is copper or stainless steel. Due to the large area, the heavy fractions are retained, flowing back into the distillation cube, and the volatile vapors of pure alcohol rise higher - into the condensing device (tubular or spiral refrigerator) and are supplied to the outlet in the form of a liquid.

Regular wire packing for distillation or mash column
  • Bulk spiral nozzles. They consist of many tiny spirals. The material is also metal - stainless steel or copper. The latter is used to eliminate sulfur compounds, which greatly spoil the organoleptic characteristics of the final product.

Bulk spiral packings for distillation column
  • Special ceramic or glass balls. They also serve to increase the working area of ​​the column and retain heavy fractions.

Distillation column “Dobrovar Ermak”

Homemade attachments sometimes have not the worst performance qualities. Hobbyists make them from wire, twisting it into a spiral and cutting it into small pieces, use various materials, often combining them.

Some distillers with great experience They believe that a do-it-yourself distillation column for a moonshine still is the best option. But to really get it effective adaptation, Must have necessary knowledge and skills to understand the principles of operation of the device. Therefore, for beginners there is only one way out - to purchase a column in a specialized store. But, if you wish, a diagram of a distillation column for a moonshine still can be found on any forum dedicated to moonshine.

Common Questions

Beginners in the business of making alcohol and homemade drinks from it often have various questions. Here are the answers to the most common ones.

Is it possible to get a rectification certificate for one distillation from mash?

No. Direct distillation through a mash column can lead to clogging of the flask and nozzle due to the rise of foam. It is necessary to distill the mash, obtaining raw alcohol, dilute it to 15-20 degrees and distill it using a distillation column at low temperature.

Is a column needed to produce highly purified moonshine?

A distillation column for a moonshine still is not necessary to obtain such a product, although it is easier to do with it. To obtain a high-quality product, you can use fractional double distillation on a conventional apparatus.

Is it possible to obtain alcohol with a strength of 96 degrees using a regular moonshine still?

The maximum strength obtained on distillation equipment is 70-80 degrees. To obtain rectification (96 degrees), a distillation column is required.

Does a regular copper nozzle in a column replace alambiks, caps and coils made of that metal?

Yes, sulfur compounds are removed using a copper mesh or spiral filling no less effectively, and the cost of the nozzles is much less than copper distillation equipment.

The conclusions from the information presented are simple - distillation columns are designed to produce high-quality alcohol from not very valuable raw materials. Distilling mash from fruits, grains, and berries will require more subtle approach and conventional distillation equipment. On the other hand, a distillation column is more suitable for beginners. With its help, it is easier to obtain alcohol without harmful and dangerous impurities. As a compromise, you can use a professional moonshine still with a distillation column, other useful devices, as well as the possibility of modernization.

To obtain pure moonshine, home cooks usually resort to double distillation. The result is a high-quality product without harmful impurities, with pleasant taste and aroma.

An even better effect is achieved by distillation in a distillation column. It allows you to obtain the most purified strong alcohol (94–96%) or vodka without additional tastes and odors.

At the same time, the device has practically no disadvantages, with the exception of its large dimensions and the need to work hard on its manufacture. The fact is that distillation column It’s better to assemble it yourself, most experienced moonshiners agree.

Design and principle of operation of a distillation column


    Tsarga (pipe) with filler

    Alcohol selection unit


    Additional refrigerator

It works as follows

The mash in the distillation tank heats up and begins to evaporate. The vapors follow up the drawer, reach the refrigerator and the selection unit, the tap of which is on initial stage closed.

The condensed vapor (reflux) flows back down the pipe. In this case, heavy fractions accumulate at the bottom, and light fractions at the top. Thanks to the nozzles, the processes of condensation and evaporation occur repeatedly: vapors and liquids continuously interact.

This process of exchange is the process of rectification. The lightest vapors with a high alcohol content are sent to the refrigerator, where final condensation occurs. As a result, pure distillate enters the receiving tank.

Calculation of parameters and selection of materials

Before you begin assembling the column, you should decide on the dimensions and other characteristics of the apparatus.

    Tsar height

    If previously distillation columns were multi-meter structures, today home distillers use compact options - about 1.5 meters long. Main principle which should be used to guide the calculation of dimensions is as follows: the height of the pipe should be equal to approximately 50 of its diameters. Slight deviations in one direction or the other are allowed. However, the length of the drawer cannot be less than 1 meter. Otherwise, some of the fusel oils will be selected, and difficulties will arise with the separation of fractions. Increasing the height of the column over 1.5 meters does not significantly affect the quality of the product, but lengthens the hauling time. In addition, placing such a structure at home will be problematic. Optimal sizes pipes: length – 1.3-1.4 m, diameter – 3–5 cm.

    Material and wall thickness

    The ideal option for the drawer is food-grade stainless steel: it does not affect the composition of the drinks in any way. Copper will also work. Optimal thickness the walls are within 1–2 mm. More is possible, but it will make the structure heavier and increase costs without bringing much benefit. In addition, it is worth remembering that you will have to make holes in the walls.

    Type and parameters of nozzles

    As a contact element, the easiest way is to use household stainless steel sponges, which are used to clean dishes. To check the quality of the metal, you can soak the product in a salt solution and leave it in it for a day: good product will not rust. Alternative options are glass balls, stones of certain types, metal shavings. The packing density is 250–270 g of contact element per 1 liter of column volume.

    Volume of a cube

    The distillation container is filled 2/3, and the amount of alcohol-containing liquid should correspond to 10–20 volumes of the nozzle. For a column with a diameter of 5 cm, it is optimal to use a tank of 40–80 l, for a width of 4 cm – 30–50 l.

    Heating source

    It is not recommended to use gas, electric or induction cooker. The first option is dangerous, the others do not allow for uniform heat supply. The best option is electric heating using heating elements, which can be installed into the cube yourself. The power of the elements depends on the volume of the cube: for 50 liters at least 4 kW is required, for 40 liters - at least 3 kW, etc.

    View thermal insulation material

    He must withstand high temperatures, be chemically inert. Typically, foam rubber 3–5 mm thick, fluoroplastic or silicone (but not rubber!) gaskets are used.

    Docking option

    If used threaded connections, sealant may be required. It is better to give preference to putting elements on top of each other.

When creating a distillation column, every little detail matters, so all recommendations should be strictly followed. It would be a good idea to watch the assembly video.

    The selected type of nozzles is poured into one part, which will be located below, after installing a mesh and a thrust washer to prevent the material from falling out. If metal sponges are used (about 40 pieces are required), first cut them into 5 mm pieces. The springs should be distributed evenly by tapping the pipe on a hard surface. Having filled in the nozzle, cover the pipe with a mesh and secure it with a washer.

    The resulting structure is connected to the distillation cube and insulated with heat-insulating material.

    The second (upper) part of the pipe is connected to the reflux condenser using a soldering iron. The water housing must have 2 pipes: for water inlet and outlet. You can buy a reflux condenser or make it yourself from a thermos, pressure cooker, coil, copper tube(the first options are preferable). For example, like this:

    The upper end of the column is closed with a stopper/lid or sealed, leaving a hole for installing an atmospheric tube. To secure it, use a fitting, the end of the tube is lowered into water.

    Make a hole for the outlet pipe for the distillate. It should be located a couple of centimeters above the junction with bottom pipes, a plate is installed under it to collect condensate.

    By using silicone hose connect a refrigerator to the column. You can buy it or make it yourself. To regulate the process of fluid movement, a clamp from a dropper is attached to the hose.

    The cooling elements are connected to each other: top part refrigerator with the bottom of the reflux condenser, the upper part of the reflux condenser with a sewer. Thus, the water will be heated to the dephlegmator.

    Additionally, you can install a water flow regulator and a thermometer (it will require an additional hole in the sampling unit).

You can also divide the drawer into 3 parts: this design is considered more variable in application. Detailed Process Column assemblies can be viewed here:

Experienced moonshiners are familiar with many types of moonshine stills, but they place the distillation column above all of them. Yes, it’s difficult to make it yourself and also difficult to use at home, but what’s stopping you from buying a column? industrial production? Fortunately, there are a lot of different models of distillation columns on the market.

But one purchase to receive good product not enough. The moonshiner must know how the distillation column works and the principles of its operation. This article will help you find out about this.

Distillation refers to the process distilling the fermented mixture into volatile components, which then condense and turn into moonshine. This process is inherently primitive. Water boils at 100 ° C, and alcohol begins to evaporate at 78 ° C. It is enough to heat the mash, but not bring it to a boil, so that the alcohol begins to evaporate. After this, it condenses into moonshine. The resulting product can be distilled again to produce even stronger moonshine.

It is noteworthy that in primitive distillation devices the first 100 ml of moonshine have the greatest strength. However, in addition to the high alcohol content, this liquid contains a lot of harmful substances:

  • Volatile acids.
  • Ethers.
  • Aldehydes.

For this reason, experienced moonshiners use the first milliliters rectified alcohol poured out or used as a means for ignition. Drinking this solution is very dangerous for your health..

The first 100 g of distillate obtained at home is called the head.

When rectifying alcohol in a distillation cube, the concentration of alcohol vapor gradually decreases when heated. You can determine the level of alcohol vapor reduction by temperature alcohol column. Don't wait for it to get very hot. Then from the alembic The water will begin to evaporate.

At the final stage of rectification, another part of the alcohol unsuitable for consumption appears. It's about about tailings containing methanol and fusel oils. You can recognize the tail by unpleasant smell. It appears when the strength of moonshine at the exit from the distillation column drops to 40%. It is not necessary to pour out the tails at all. They can be re-distilled.

Types of distillation

This process comes in two types:

  • Simple.
  • Factional.

In simple distillation, the heads and tails are not cut off. Remaining after rectification in a distillation still, the mash is usually called stillage, or less commonly the stillage. The resulting product is a distillate. In such a product, the percentage of alcohol usually does not exceed 30%. The amount of harmful impurities in such moonshine significantly exceeds the norm. Therefore it requires re-distillation.

Fractional distillation it is called so because the product coming out of the moonshine still is divided into 3 parts:

  1. Head.
  2. Heart.
  3. Tail.

The first and third parts are cut off. The second part remains, suitable for consumption. Its strength can range from 50 to 70%. The quality of this product is relatively high.

Distillation and rectification are the same thing. But when using a full-fledged distillation column, the output is not distillate, but ethyl alcohol.

Distillation column for moonshine still allows you to separate the brewed alcohol into its component parts and obtain the output pure product without the odor inherent in fusel oils, acetone and methanol.

Thanks to the rectifier, a moonshiner can make tinctures and other alcoholic drinks at home with his own hands, the quality of which is not inferior to those sold in stores.

Naturally, a distillation column can be used as a simple distiller to produce regular moonshine.

The main difference between distillation from rectification lies in the characteristics of the final product. The rectifier allows you to obtain pure alcohol, but it requires raw alcohol. The latter can only be obtained by distilling the mash in a moonshine still. That is, the rectifier and moonshine still must be used together.

It should also be understood that the moonshine still produces a product that has the taste and smell of the original raw material, while the distillation column produces alcohol with a neutral taste and smell.

Operating principle of a distillation column

Distillation column diagram can be found on the Internet. According to it, the rectifier consists of the following parts:

  • An evaporation cube in which raw materials are stored and heated.
  • Column, inside which due to special nozzle heat and mass transfer processes occur.
  • Dephlegmator.
  • Distillate selection unit in a distillation column.

To understand the structure of a distillation column, you need to understand the operating principle of each of its elements.

This is a container for storing and heating mash or distillate. When heated, the still liquid evaporates and slowly rises up the column. In the upper part of the rectifier, the liquid is separated into separate fractions.

Often a cube is the base of a column. It can be heated on both gas and electric stove. Some cube models use a heating element- Heater.

When making alcohol, the mash is initially distilled in a still. This way you can obtain raw alcohol necessary for subsequent rectification.

A cube made in an industrial environment must have a built-in thermometer that allows you to control the temperature of the mash. As a rule, the raw material in the cube is first heated to 70 ° C and only after that coolant is supplied to the column.


This is the central part of the column, in which temperature and mass transfer processes occur.

Her work looks like this:

  • The mash in the cube begins to evaporate and rises up the column, in the upper part of which a refrigerator is installed.
  • The reflux condenser provides condensation of alcohol vapors.
  • The resulting distillate, after condensation, flows down the alcohol column.
  • During descent, the distillate collides with steam. Heat and mass transfer occurs, as a result of which the most evaporated part of the fraction rises to the upper part of the column.
  • It condenses and goes into the selection channel.

The strengthening column can consist of several frames. In addition, one must take into account the fact that as the height of the column increases, heat and mass transfer processes become more active. This allows you to get a more rectified alcohol at the output.

There is a variety of this device called "tornado". It differs from a conventional rectifier in that its walls are heated. This approach causes the phlegm to evaporate directly from the walls before contact with the refrigerator. This allows you to speed up the rectification process and obtain a purer product.

Rectifying nozzle

It consists of 2 parts:

Modern distillation columns are often equipped with automatic distillation control units. This device allows, according to a given program to separate the tail and food parts. As a result, the moonshiner may not sit near the moonshine all the time and do the selection with his own hands. The device, thanks to the BUR, will do everything itself.

Is it possible to make a full-fledged distillation column with your own hands?

You can make a moonshine still with a distillation column at home. But is it worth doing? The cost savings will be negligible. In addition, due to the fact that it is difficult to maintain all the necessary parameters at home, you may encounter choking home device during the production of rectified alcohol.

This happens due to non-compliance geometric parameters device, as a result of which the maximum speed of steam movement is exceeded. This leads to fluid accumulation in the central part of the column, as a result of which heat and mass transfer processes stop. The pressure inside the drawer increases. The moonshiner begins to hear gurgling inside the still.

To this problem, except design flaws, can lead following reasons:

  • Excessive heating of the moonshine still.
  • Overflow of the distillation cube.
  • Clogging of the lower part of the reinforcing column.
  • Distillation under low atmospheric pressure.

To avoid these problems, distillation apparatus It's better to buy than to do it yourself.